The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 24, 1869, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1809.
Due. The steamship Continental, from
8a Francisco, Ss due at Portland to-day.
"Swords & Spears" is the names of the
publishers of a Vicksburg piper.
Th& Odd- Fellows' Libiary and Cabinet
ia'San If ran cIsco is valued at $-12,500.
Victor ; Emanuel is becoming famous
for subscribing large sums for charitable
f ebjeets, and not paytnjr up.
'English magistrates arc unable to de
termine whether relocipedcs are liable to
toll od turnpikes and bridges.
A man in England baa committed
1 suicide by pouring petroleum over him
elf and lighting it with a match.
m The best barbers in tho world,;ccord-
ing to European tourists, are to be found
in the United States.
A negro boy of seven years has been
commissioned preacher of Houston,
TXaV ,
Illinois Blind Asyldm Burxed.
The. State Asylum for the Blind, located
at Jacksonville, was destroyed by fire on
' the 20thl No lives lost. Loss, 550,000.
A man named Baker, eloped with his
' niece, from Thompson township, Seneca
county, Ohio, recently. It is supposed
that they went to California.
On the ISth, Bernard Levy, a mer
chant of Jacksonville, dropped dead from
heart disease. He was buried by the
Masonic fraternity.
Horrible. Near Truckee, an intox
icated man laid down to sleep on the
railroad; the freight train camo along in
the night and cut him square in two.
New Dress The Oregon City En
terprise of the 17th comes out in a new
dress, looking as neat as a pin. "We con
gratulate Bro. Ireland on this evidence
of his success.
. -' A New Jersey widow, aged forty years,
has lately brought suit against a very
festive youtig man, only eighty years old,
to recover 840,000 damages for breacb
of promise to marry her. j
Senator Ross, in a speech on the 21st
inst., said the President told him that
any man who served the last eighteen
'months under Andrew Johnson, wa3 no
Republican and could not hold office
under him.
A Hir. -The Examiner says the
Chronicle "has no religion;" whereat the
Chronicle 'counters" as follows : "True,
we have none of the 'Methodist Church
South article -no religion of which
human slavery is the corner-stone, and of
which the auction block, the whipping
post and tho branding-iron are the sacra
A private letter from Toledo, Benton
eounty, contains the following: "Times
, over this way promise considerable life
daring the coming summer. Parties
in San Francisco arc making arrange
ments to build 200 ton schooner here.
Capt. Dodge is preparing to construct a
propeller for Coquille river."
A woman reeently died in the City of
Mexico aged 113, and a widow is still
living there aged 120, and able to go out
.Seven Indian chiefs, recently brought as
prisoners to Vera Crtu, were aged re
pectively 61, 68, 80, 92, 92, 99 and
104. . ... x
General Murray McConnell, whoso re
eent murder at Jacksonville, 111., has
produced so profound a sensation in the
West, was the first man, it is said, to ap
preciate "and encourage the talents of
Stephen A. Douglas. It was in his office
that Douglas first studied law, and he
was a warm personal friend of the states
man daring his entire political career.
Excursion to Pcqet Sound. Ben.
Holladay and a large number of invited
guests sailed in the steamship Oriflamme
fur Puget Sound and Victoria, from
"Portland, on Wednesday on a pleasure!
excursion. It is reported that Holladay
will locate the northern terminus of the
O.C.Bailroad while on this trip.
.? The Indians in Montana have burned
the treaty they made with the Indian
Commissioners. . They have painted and
lanced, aad axt once more on the war
. Th? EisingStar Milling Company; at
ntt'JttrtftV Owyhee, are realSn
hW per dy. ; Six ton. cf rock
ftoa the J ohn Jacob As tor lode Yielded
t Pretty Evtx Tnisa. Parson
Brownlow and the waggish Prentic of
the Louisville Journal, have recently
been engaged 'in an interesting black
guardism match, the result of which
seems still indecisive, the combatants
being pretty evenly matched in vituper
ative ability. The parson mildly.alludes
to the editor as, "a miserable old broken
hack, stteped to the nose and chin in
personal and political profligacy, lost to
all sense of honor and shame, and blind
to all obligations of patriotism." The
editor "counters thuswise: "Brown
low never had mind enough to keep his
body from rotting, consequently he has
a'ways been a mass of putrifaction. IIe
is a loathsome fistula on the body politic.
He is a mangy old dog a disgrace to his
own jlcas. He is a stinking bubble float
ing on the surface of a cesspool." The
parson will have to strain his intellectual
faculties if he expects to lay much over
that. . - ;
Accidental Siioo;jyxo.: A man by
the name of Mr. Norton, died near this
city, says the Oregon City Enterprise, on
Wednesday last from injuries received by
a rifle shot which was accidentally dis
charged when he threw the carcass
of a deer into his wagon. The ball pass
ed through the end gate of tho wagon
box, and entered tho fleshy part of his
leg, carrying splinters and wadding with
The Unionist says : From a gentleman
just over from McMinnville, we learn
that the water ditch projected for that
part of the country is progressing finely.
The citizens of that county have great
expectations of what the ditch will do for
ihem. Our informant facetiously re
marked that the diteh will be so dug that
the farmers at the upper end of the
canal will load their grain into flat
boats and let it float down to the mill at
3IcMinnvilIe when the gate will be closed
and the back water will return the boat
to the point from whence it started.
An inventor has just arrived in New
York with what he claims to be a new
system of propelling vessels, by which
the enormous speed of thirty-five miles
to the hour can bo attained. He is al
ready engaged in the construction of a
craft that, as soon as completed, will be
run oa tho new principle. If, oa a
practical test, tLis system should be found
to work well, the iaveotor's fame and
fortune will be secure J.
The Dalles Mounta ineer of the 10th
says : The wind storm of last Thursday
morning was tho most terrifSo that has
ever been experienced here by the "old
est inhabitant." The force of the wind
raised sections of planking weighing over
one. hundred and fifty pounds each, over
laying , the water pipes leading to the
Steam Navigation Company's works,
throwing them over the railroad track a
distance of some twenty-five feet.
Her Head was Clear. Women
are not always the unobserving handy to
have about the house little innocents that
some of the lords of creation take them
for; they reason with more cleaver heads
in many cases than their self-conceited
friends, as witness a little dialogue which
wo overheard a day or two since b:iween
two of them: "Why don't you trade at
-store ; you always buy somewhere-
else?" asked one' lady of another; and
here was the answer: "I'll tell you why;
I never go where I am not invited ; they
might get new goods as maty times as
you like in a year, and one would never
be tho wiser of it from them through the
papers. A man that has not got energy
or liberality enough to advertise his busi
ness) has not got enough to trade with
me." We suggest if some, parties cut
this out and paste it in their xash books
the balance may prove more : satisfactory
this year than last. Sacramento Record.
The Postmaster General recently got
off a good thing. Among the pertina
cious thousands who recently swarmed
about his Department were an immense
number of postmasters who had gone up
thither to make sure of their : re-appoint
mcnts. In order to lessen the host Mr.
Cresswell issued an order that absence
from duty would be considered evidence
of incompetency, and would be followed
by dismissal and the appointment of other
men. Such a getting out of Washington
never was seen ; the P. Ms. scooted by
brigades, and the Postoffice Department
had peace " - : ' '
- In New Haven a barber brushes hair
by steam; whilst ' another, in Boston
propels his hair-brushing" machinery by
dog-power. " '" V ' : . " .' '. ' "
A married man styles himself hnsband-ia-law
ashis wife , has run off with
another man.
Washington "Territory PoLi-tc3.
Tho Washington Territory Union RepubS
Kcan Cooverition'taict at Vancouver on
Wednesday last. -'On Wednesday even
ing wo received the following telegram :
-" Vaxcouvkr, W. T.. April 21. 1889.
CoLfc. VakClevb :-M3arfiulde was nominated
unanimously on the first ballot. No other candi
date. L. C. BOND.
A bitter war has been waged for some
time past in Washington Territory be
tween. the, friends of Garfielde and his
opponents, which threatened to cause a
breach in the Union Republican party
of that Territory which could not be
easily healed. Tim reception by Gar
fielde of the unanimous vote of the Con
vention for the Dclegatcship would seem
to indicate that all differences had been
amicably settled, and that tho members
of the Convention wcr going into the
canvass with the firm determination of
forgetting all differences and working
together earnestly for the success of their
talented arid popular standard bearer.
Mr. Garfielde, as an orator, has no. peer
on the Pacific coast, and as an ablo and
eloquent advocate of the wants and neces
sities of bis constituents of Washington
Territory, and of this coast generally,
will command the respect and exert an
influence in his place in tho National
Legislature that will work immediate and
beneficial results to her citizens, nis
nomination is equivalent to an election.
Poems. Through the politeness of S.
J McCormick, of the Franklin Bookstore,
Portland, we are in receipt .of a volume
of poems by H. C. Miller. The princi
pal poem is entitled "Joaquin,'' and the
scene, of course, isTn Mexico. This
little work is entitled to more than com
mon merit, and should meet with a ready
sale. As a specimen of, book-work, it is
the neatest thing we have yet seen on
the coast. The work was executed at
the office of Carter & Ifimes, Portland.
The work is entitled "Joaquin et al.,"
and can be obtained of S. J. McCormick,
Portland, Oregon.
Severe. J. W. Johnson of the Cour
ier has written a book. Tho Unionist
gives it tho following notice : "It is a
funny book; it is a racy book; it is a
Democratic book. "It is not a catechism,
nor is it an almanac, neither can it prop
erly be called a Greek lexicon. But
Jasper ha3 written a book. Intellectu
ally, it is shallow ; grammatically it is an
outrage, and typographically, it is a
monstrosity." -
Rich gold fields have been discovered
on the northern frontiers of Norway and
Russia. It is stated that they surpass
those of California.
The Mission and Pacific Woolen Mills,
San Francisco, have consolidated; capital
Two men lately purchased ten thous
and head of cattle in Nevada county
(Cal.) at one transaction.
The Seattle paper sneers at the pre
tensions of Ol vmpia as a railroad termi
nus, and intimates that it is fifty miles
above the head of navigation !
The exodus from Owyhee to the White
Pine country, for the last three or four
months, has caused a slight stagnation
in business of every character at the
former place. '
On the 8th inst. a dispute arose about
a mining claim at Owyhee, between the
brothers named James and William
Henry, and several other persons, result
ing in a shooting affray, in which William
Henry was instantly killed and his broth
er shot through tho arm. Warrants
were issued for the arrest of eight men
who, it is supposed, were engaged in the
shooting, and they were all committed to
A printer in Crocker's office won the
velocipede race,' at Sacramento.
In Memorianu -Mrs.
Lydia Deckard, the subject of
this notice, was born in old Franklin,
Howard county, 'Missouri, being the
daughter of Herod andr Nancy Coram.
Was married in Liberty, Clay county,
Missouri,' to Anderson Deckard. the 11th
day of January 1842. Some few years
after marriage she made a profession of
religion, uniting with the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, after which stie
lived a pious, devoted Christian never
having regretted anything of all her life,
except not attaching herself to the church
upon her arrival in Oregon from Mis
souri, which was in the year 1853.
Settled in Lino countr. near Alhnv
where she resided till her . death, which
occurred April 15th, 1869, after an
illness of about three weeks, of.-typhoid
fever, aged 49 years 7 months and 7 days.
She died without leaving a known enemy,
leaving a husband and five children and
many friend to mourn her departure. r
Ma tonic Hall, North Brownsville, 1
April 15, 1869. J
Wheras, , It has pleased the great
Architect of the universe to summon our
well beloved brother, John .Leach, to
go from among , us and join the great
army of laborers in the unseen Lodge
beyond the flood ; and
Whereas, It is fit that the feelings
of bereavement that naturaly arise in our
minds in contemplating this great loss,
should find expression iu words, there
fore, .
Resolved, That in him our Lodge has
lost one of its brightest ornaments, and
the fraternity one of its most faithful
brethren ; and that while we deeply sym
pathize with his bereaved wife and child
ren in this, our and their, great loss, we
assure them if our utmost endeavor to
supply, so far as may be possible for
others to do so, the place of husband and
father there left vacant.
Resolved, That the Secretary be in
structed to spread this preamble and res
olutions at length on the records, and to
furnish the widow a copy hereof, and
also a copy to each of the papers publish
ed in this county for publication.
Resolved, That the members of this
Lodge fear a badge of mourning for
thirty days, as a token of respect to the
memory of our deceased brother.
Laws or the United States.
No. 2. An act supplementary to an act enti
tled "An act to authorize ths extension, construc
tion, ami use of a lateral branch of the Ualtimoro
and Potomac railroad into and within the District
of Columbia," approved February 5, 1SG7.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilonsc of Repre'en-
tatiret of the United Statea of America in Cun-
rjrcs9 aaxemhled,
That the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Com
pany, which, by the act of Congress entitled "An
act to authorize the extension, construction, and
uso of a lateral branch of tho Baltimore and Po
tomac railroad into aud within the District of Co
lumbia." was authorized to extend into and con
struct within the District of Columbia the lateral
branch of its road in said act of Congress men
tioned, may enter the city of Washington with
their said railroad and construct the samo within
the limits of said city on and by whichever one of
tho two routes herein designated the said company
may elect and determine upon, that is to say:
First. Beginning at the intersection of Bound
ary street and North Cirolina avenue ; thence
southwestwardly along said North Carolina ave
nue to South D street ; thence along South D
street westwardly to Virginia avouuc ; thenco
along Virginia avenue northwcftwanlly to tho in
tersection of South C street and West Ninth
street ; or.
Second. Beginning on some point on the north
ern shore of the eastern branch of tho Potomac
river between South L. and South M streets ;
thence westwardly between said streets to tho in
tersection of Virginia avenue with South L and
East Twelfth streets ; theneo alone said Virginia
avenue nor.uwcsiwaruiy to boutli Jv street; thence
along said South K street westwardly to South
Fourth street ; thonco by a line curving to tho
riht, to the north bank of the canal : and thence
along the said bank of the canal northwestwardly
to Virginia avenua ; thence along Virginia avenue
northwestwardly to tho intersection of South C
and West Ninth streets.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That in all
cases where the parties owning lnnd or othcrprop
erty required by tho sail Baltimore and Potomac
Railroad Company cannot agrca with said com
pany on the amount of damage claimed, either
for said land or materials in the construction of
its aforesaid road, and a condemnation and valu
ation shall have been made as provided in the act
approved February five, eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, and to which this act is amendatory,
either party may appeal to tho supreme court of
tho District of Columbia within thirty days from
tho rendition of tho verdict of the jury ; and in all
cases whera tho said company shall take an ap
peal they shall give bond to tho party or parties
claiming and entitled to damages in a penalty at
least double the sum found by the jury, with a
condition that tho said company shall pay or
canse to bo paid sueh amount of damages and
costs aa the party may bo entitled to receive on
the judgement of the said supreme court, without
dlay, and on which, bond amplo and sufficient
sureties shall bo j given, to be approved by tho
supreme court ; and in all cases where the party
or parties claimant shall appeal, the said compa
ny, if it shall require tho immediate use of tho
property condemned and valued as aforesaid, be
fore an appeal can be heard and decided. It shall
bo lawful for tho said company to executo and
tender a bond to tho party aforesaid in at least
double tho sum found by tho jury, which sureties
to bo approved by tho supreme court, and with a
condition to pay without delay such sum and
costs as may bo awarded by tho said court with
out farther delay ; and npon the delivery or ten
der of such bond tho said company may proceed
to the construction of their said road as if tho
parties claimant and the said ccmnany had agreed
upon tho compensation to be paidfor tho property
to be used ; and that in all cases where tho said
company shall appeal and give bond as aforesaid,
they may have the power to proceed in tho con
struction of the road and appropriation of tho
property for the uses thereof, as if no appeal had
been taken and the parties bad agreed upon com
pensation for tho property required ; in all cases
where the company and parties agree upon the
price to be paid for lands and materials, the same
shall be paid before the property shall .be taken
and used. i
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the
said Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company
and other party or parties interested,rand who
may consider themselves aggrieved by the verdict
of the jury, shall have the right to appeal to the
supreme court of the District of Colombia, which
shall have jurisdiction of all such cases, and shall
hear and determine the same, after notice to all
parties, without the intervention of a jury, and
the judgement of the said court shall be final.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That this
act shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, March 18, 1869.
Public Resolutions.
No. 1. A resolution authorizing the removal
of the publio stables, .steam saw-mill, and other
buildings from the Capitol grounds.
Be it enacted by the Senate and lioutte of liepre
tentative of the United Statet of America in
Congrett anembled,
That the officer: in charge of the Capitol exten
sion be, and he is hereby, authorized to clear from
the Capitol grounds the public stables, steam saw
mill, and Buch other buildings as are of no further
use to the work on the capitol extension.
Approved, March 23, 1869.
No. 2. Joint resolution to supply an omission
in the enrolment of the "act making appropria
tions for sundry oivil expenses of the government
for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, and for other purposes," ap
proved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty
nine, t
Be it reeoloed bv the Senate and Ifouue of ' Rmr.
tentative of the United State of America in
Congrete aeeembled.
That the following item, omitted in the enrol
ment of the "act making appropriations for sun
dry civil expenses of tho-govornment for the year
nty, and for other purposes," approved Maick
third, eighteen hunursu and sisty-nine, be, aud
tho same is hereby, made to all interna aud pur
pose a part of said act, viz : ,
'For this amount to pay B. A. Shepherd the
sum due him on a lost check drawn by Hubert S.
Neighbours, United States special Indian agent,
on the second of June, eighteen hundred and
fifty-nine, on the assistant treasurer of the I'nited
States at New York city, for supplies furnished
the Indian department, twelve hundred dollars."
Approved, March 24. 1809.
(kormeklt arrigoni's.)
Front street is: Portland, Oregon.
t hascd this weil known Hotel, are now pre
pared to odor the traveling public better accom
modations than can be fouod elsewhere in the
Board aud Lodging $2 ob per day.
. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con
vey Passengers and baggage to and from tho
Hotel free of vhane.
Office Oregon & California Stage Company, B.
G. Whiteiiotse, Agent. 2tf
More than 1,000,000 Persons
Bear testimony to tho Wonderful Curative
Effects of
O j
52 to
; j a Manufactured from tho nativo H ?
S S, Herbs and Roots of California, aro "5.5
The Great Blood Purifier.
For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and
Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion,' Bilious, Re
mittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of tho
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bit
ters have been most successful. Such diseases
are causd by vitiated blood, which is gener
ally produced by derangement of the Digestive
Cleanse the Vitiated lilnod whenever you find
its impurities bursting through tho skin iu Pim
ples, Eruptions, or Sores ; chianso it when you
find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins ;
cleanse it when it is foul, and ycur feelings will
tell you when. Keep tho blood healthy, aud all
will bs well. -
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers.
11. 11. McDonald & co.,
DRUGGISTS asd acents.
Corner Pino and Sansome streets, San Francisco,
Cal. and Sacramento, Cal., end 31 Piatt
aprir-CJ street, N. Y. 32m6
(Successors to L. B. Bcnchley & Co.)
No. 3 aai 5 Front Street, near market,
American, English and German
Hai'dware Sc Cutlery
Agricultural and Mining Tools,
Rope, Steel, Powder, Fuse, Sliot,
, Lead, Etc., Etc.
Mannfactnrera and Proprietors of tho
Submerged Double-Acting
Patented by 3. A. Morroll,
October 29, 1S67.
Agents wanted for this coast. County rights
for sale.
March 6, '69-6m26
Willamette Valley and Cascade
Mountain Wagon Road v
To Deschuttes River :
Four Horso or Mule team....... .......$4 50
Two " . nn
w ......... ,.a a ......... O VU
One " " .-. 2 00
Ox teams, three yoke. 4, 60
For every additional yoke...; 60
Loose horses, per head 25
" cattle, per head. 15
" sheep or hogs 3
Teams returning empty, half price.
Paek animals, loa led.-. ........ .... 50
" unloaded - 25
Horse and rider- 1 00
To Fish Lake :
Four horse or mule team, each way-....
One '
Pack animals, loaded.
" , " unloaded...
Horse and rider...
....... 3 00
. . 1 50
1 00
Ox team, three yoke 2 00
To Upper Soda Springs
Four horso or mule team, out and back 2 50
Xwo " ':". ...... 2 00
One " 1 00
Horse and rider," " " ...... 60
Loose animals, . . i " 25
Ox teams the same as hone teams.
" W. tf . Pabbish, ' ;Pro.i;
See'.' ' . . ' ' ... r
Maroh 29, 1&G0-28
- - A - 11 1. ,J .
L. E. BLA1X.
s. c. roi-j.0.-
J. Barrows & Co.
will continue the business, and they invite all to
give them a call. They will bo constantly re
ceiving goods from Saa Francisco, and. will keep
a general assortment of . ' '
.Dry Goods,
And. offer inducements to kkadt pat customers.
All persons owing the firm of J. BAnaewa A
Co., will pleaso call and settle. Either member
of the firm is authorised to settle any account of
the Co.
AlbaDy, March 6, 1869-24
Purely 3kJ"-x-rxaa..
Cash assets..
Cash distributions of 18C7
Total surplus dividend-
Losses paid in 1S87......
Total losses paid
Income for 1S67..
.......$7,000,000 Ot
52rt,5flS 55
2,727,573 55
...... 381,000 00
...... 2,79fi,100 00
2,203,803 00
No extra charge for traveling to and from the
Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sand wick
All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by the
non-forfeiting law of Massachusetts,
roli. 7- holders the only persons who receive divi
der ds i this Company, which are declared
and paid annually ; first dividend avail
able at the payment of the second '
annual premiums. All Policies . , 1 ; ... j
remain in force as long as
there is any surrender ' '
. value.
This old and popular Company, (the oldest M
tual Life Insurance Company in this
country) insures at the low- iuL
est possiblo rate.
The stability of this Company, with iU past his
tory, increasing capital and business, aud the sat
isfactory manner in which it has discharged its
obligations in the past, are guaran ecs for tb
future such as far-seeing and careful men require
in their investments.
Persons generally, who thoroughly understand
tho workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to
avail themselves of its equitable provisions. ' '
Full information will be given to those wh
desire, at the Agency.
Home Office, 39 Stats Street, Boston.
Pacific Branch Offices, ' !
30? Montgomery Street, San FrancUe.
Room 3, Carter' ' Building, Portland, Oregon,
EVSKSON & RAINES, General Affta.
ftUSSE.1.1 & ELKWS, Affts,
Albany, September 19, lS68-2y
2,000,000 lbs. or Wool,
prico will be paid by 1 J
Albany, March 27, !S69-29m3
Slacksmitlis !
B. JUST ARRIVED, by the steamship
m isonunentai. direct rrnm km rrniiiM.
a targe 101 01 . -
Iron and Steel ! f
Which can be obtained by you on better tonne
than ever has been offered here before, for
Cash In Hand. ' ' .
Call and see for yourselves. -: '
A r KEGS of the Heavy Extra Golden Kftpt
J a large lot of Sugar, and Dry , Goods to .
suit the trade all to 'bo sold for cash or trade, at
Living Rates. ' ' . R. CHEADLE.
March 20, '69-28-lm , . ,r, , j..
March 27, 1869-n29 " ,,. , .
Wcw Discovery. ; -
CONSUMPTION can be cured. by using Dr.
j. W, Murray's Lung and . JLiTer
Balsam, if taken in time. - It is a sure remedy
for all chronic diseases of this coast and Female
complaints so prevalent in this climate. - ' '
See testimonials and circulars accompanying
each bottle. ,
Tor Eradicating Pain,,
Dr. J.s Marraj ' E
It cures Rheumatism," Paralysis, Neural da
Gout, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat,' Dip-,
theria, Colio, Croup, Cholera, Pains la theBreasV
Fellons, Corns and Chilblains. ' -
Can be obtained of Druggists generally on tate
coast, put np in half dollar and dollar bottles.
All orders addressed to Dr. J. W. M,TJRRAY
Portland, Oregon. . 7.-u- v - --
t .a MadicAt. Dxpot lit front astsat. 4.....
'Teja, Medicines sent everywhere by Express-.
March t rot-M. ' -C