''ft'-'-S..--1 f. rem SATURDAY, A Fill IV ttSHSJ i,sn Aw.vV.K !?nri?.-lfc.v'Atv-inrnoy Ge'iri! rnJor Abr.ilum Li.ieo!:, died in Sj f- u is (Mo.), on the -o:h alt. i. - Is aIkmohia.m. A firm in Hartford, Lave received a conduct to build granite and marble mausoleum iu u.eui ory of Dean Uichmottd. lh:srnuoriVK Fire. -A. five occurred in I'o-tnn on the nijiht of March 27th, which destroyed $3lK),CC0 worth of prop erty. ' , I'ANOiuots. A telegram of March "Ctli. stv'eii that Ales. U. Stephens is lyioi at fie ioiat of death st Augusta. Georgia. i . 1 i- i i i. ' i tllUt 1UV .1111 reauito rxfort t, Nh insbaot. t hp aouiW tl.ey Wont at l no snlMt!to:K fccbrctary . iaConplce as the ui.RAr.Cii.v. Ex-President Johnson, w lio was reported as dead . some days s;n;e, is now reported as suffering from ueuralirla in the faco. The Distanck. Tha distance, frcm San Francisco to Philadelphia by railroad lino is 4,000 miles. The trip will be made in seven days. , - Nrck ou Nothing. Recently a man iu Greensboro, Vermont, nearly broke his wife's neck, by. playfully shaking her. Her neck cracked, she became partially paralyzed, and was cor.fiaed to her bed seven day.-!. Some Yarn. A widow lady named 3Icad, living in Fremont, Steuben county, Sew York, and aged seventy years, has spun one hundred and sixty-eight thous and yards of yarn during the past 3" ear. Bl-lly for IIeT:. A l!orfcshiro ghh fays the Boston W, walked fourteen miles through the juiowthe other day t i j marry a young man who couldn't come j to her house for fear of a six shooter j which the stern pnieiifc car:ied. j Xice. Thirty live ycas.i ago Mrs. Erastus Corning ilcposkeu iu an Albany Savings I5::nk the sum of $22 to the J credit of Iier nephew. 1'oth forgot all about it until the" ci.hcr day,' when the jdeposit h.:d increased to $123. Bellioeuents. It is reported that Grant is determined to recognize the Cuban insurgents as belligerents. 35rom-. incut Radicals fear that this course will involve the United States in a war with Spain, and seriously complicate our rela tions with the Great Powers of Europe. - White Fixe. So little is the confi dence, in White Pine, says an exchange, that interests in the first .and second ex tensions of the Euerharut are selling lor S10 per foot. It spoken of as an ex cellent place for a "dead broke" man to get "broker." "Washington TEitniTortY. The Union Republican Convention of Wash, ington Territory meets on the 20th inst. for the purpose of nominating a candi date for Delegate to Ccngrrss. As be tween the two candidates, Garflt-Me and Flanders, tho chances of the former arc considered the best for the . nomination. New Enxekpuiss. From, the Salcin Unionist we learn that a new eiiTorpiise styled the Salem Flax Works Company filed articles of incorporation, March, 30th, with the following named pes'aons a3 incorporators : itfessrs. Jos. Holman, John C. Bell, Jos. Iloyt. John F.iMiller, Daniel Waldo, C. M. Cartwright, Wm. Cosper, Geo.- A. Edes, and tho Willam ette. Woolen, Manufacturing Company as incorporators. The capital stock is 830, 009, all of which has? been subscribed. The business of the new company will be tho manufacturing of, all coarse cloths, such as sack.3 . for wool . bailing, .' crash towells, etc. The-; site,, selected for, the factory buildings is the old Watt Chair Factory, in the eastern part ofVtlie city near, tho -road: leading ,oa$ to .the State Insane Asylum.! grounds. The .Willam ette Woolen Manufacturing Company put in the land and water power. ; 1 s Farmer's Club From' s a'; corres pondence to the Farmed 'w carn that the Marion County Bifnct 'farmers; Club No. 1, was organized last,.w'eck, of which Daniel "Clarkwas elected Presi dent, and J. G. Evans Secretary:. a; Among other thiugs transacted at thc.ruceting! tho following ; resolution was adopted,; Resolved, That the various members of this Club will endeavor to solve the "ques tions of 1. What is. the best ,iuixture,of grass seeds for permanent pastures;, 2w "Which is the best means of wintering and fattening amiuiala; 3. -Which is tho best means of preventing our lands from deteriorating in ; point - of fertility j 4. What syitoui of rotation of crops would best suit the present" condition of agri culture in Oregon. The Club adjourned to meet again on "the 1st of May at the Pringle school house. ' '! ,-,. ft , Telegraphic 9 mxary iTho Il&atViM Wsihin2tpa ? dispatch rescinds General Sherman's brder direct4 inj 'saff officers and heads of army bu jreii us Sec- iL-nviiniis, who saiu 110 wouiu rather re sign thau serve only as an ornamental head figure. It was found that the sys tem iu.-tltuted by Sherman did uot work harmoniously. j he accredited agents of .t,hir Cuban insurgcriis are cariicsily laboring T with Coagtoss to secure some iccognition. It is announced that an office will be opened lure mis wee xor ttie sale 01 uuoan in siirreciiunary bonds. Setior Lemans is perfecting tirrnngements to that end. ' The Odd fcllews intend - to celebrate the fit'ti : anniversary of the establish-lii-M.i the ovdec on this continent, on April 2Cth. Ilev. E. II. , Ch;ipia and others will deliver addresses at Stein way's hall. j Chicago, March 27. The Tr Hum's Washington special sajs political circles are greatly excited over aa cdito:ial vith accompanying testr-uony published in the New York Evcnunj l'ot of Saturday, pointedly charging that Senator Fen tin received' $2l),0'JU for signing the Erie railroad bill It i- thought the Senator c:umot avoid investigating the matter. The anti Fentoulsls declare that if he is found sruilty they will have him expelled. Gen. Raiinsoif, the Danish minister of War, m Iio has been here looking after the St. Thomas treaty, has left for ; Europe. It is not kuowu whether the Senate will t.'ke any action oa tho treaty this ses sion. The commission between Spain, Peru, Olnii and Bolivia will probably not meet till June, when Peru expects U have a full ministry it .Washington . The same special thinks tne chances of the total repeal of the tenure of office law better than at any previous stage in the controversy. New Yoiik, March 2f. The ' IlwaWs Havana special says the ! Spanish war steamer Jo:ic:.uvi-i arrived with Cod dingtou, U. S. consular agent at Gibara, in irons. Coddington is suspected of complicity in the insurgent movements. Richard Gibus, U. S. consular agent at Nervcvitas, leaves for New York to-day. Ex-3Iavor James Harper, who was in jured 'Thursday by being thrown irom h:s-carriage, atcu Satuiday mghtj aged seventy-tour. ' A heavy easterly ram storm prevails.' A mau named Spencer, a theater man agcr. w.:s thrown from a carriage iu Cen tral Park yesterday and had - both legs broken. A lady was thrown from the same carriage and is thought fatally in jured. The Union Pacific Railroad Company have completed 1,070 miles west of Omaha, leaviug a gap of only 12G miles between the ends ct the two tracks. ; Chicago. March 2(3. A 'Wsishlngton special says that yesterday 'the House Committee on Commerce, voted to re port with amendments.' the Senate bill to protect tho fur seals, after a stormy de bate. There is a small chance of the bill passing, both houses the present scs sion. .''' ; Washington, March, S. The Xa tional Executive committee' of colored men, last night, discussed a memorial to heads of dejiar; meals, setiing forth the claim of colored people to a portion of the Government patronage, on the ground of" their' services in tho war and in the subsequent -elections, and asking that po sitions be given them. No action was taken. - -' - ' It is now thought that the final ad journment will uot occur before the middle of April. ' ' Commissions for various parties, con firmed fur cSiee in the days of Johnson's administration,' arc' still'- withheld. T4ie subject is in the hands of the' Attorney General. ' ' 'V p' " ''iA . delegition of Tcxans, a portion in favor of and -a -portion against,- the divis ion of Text:, were before the reconstruc tion commitiei-y-. sterday. s : ; Chicago, March' 29. The Times' special thiuks the pub!c" debt ' statement will show a reduction of about seven millions. . "' ' ' ' " ' The ironcTadsj Seminole and f7atp)ia, have been ordered to the Wtt Indian station, as the Cuban '. question .of inde pendence is gradually developing. ' Tho .'Republican' spceiat says dispatch? es from the Consul General at 'Havana, report the situation unchanged. It. is by no means certain how. matters will termi nae. Both-partiea.profcss confidepec of bUCCOSS. ; . ;r .- ,t'.., ... " . , ... . .; .- ; - j . ; Admiral II off is ordered to niake. a thorough investigation of the capturb'of the Aiuericati English brig, Marg Powell, by the Spanish an'-horitiesj hud report the facts immediately; ; '-v-': i ? - ' -' .Banks had a long intefyiei-1 witH the President 3'Cstcrday,'in regard to Cuban affairs; the purport of which is not knowiu -! The! ironclad Jnniahi is ordered to the West Indies in' addition' to tho Semimle and' Qalend-f ' --t ;V'1' " The Hodse Cdmniittee On Foreign Af fairs mct to investigate'Paraguayan-affairs, including tlie conducf of cx-JMinis-ter Washbur'ne and Redr' Admiral Davis iti Ted to the"; inipriso'trruerit 6f -Bliss and 'Master man . ' '-Witnesses - were sum moned. ,' ." a It i.r sTd ittTteublicaB circles that the llcccmstf ticf fart- Cohimittefe -will tc-f port five for, and seven against re-assenib-Hng'the origballGoorgia ; Iiegislature, and imposing tho oath of, qualification and declaring the expulsion of the color ed members void. -.' ci : " .--. A telegram received bj: the Secretary of the InierioVjted Salt Lake. March 19th, fVoia Geds Warren and Bloeten djorfer, special fcotnrissioners, says . their report on. the Central, Pacific will require time, and that Jicy think the becrelary wno naveveccn Central l'acific as imon. , A dispatch iust received says the track of the Union Pacific is laid 25 miles from OgdtMi, and the grading between there and Monument J'oiut is .completed except; six 'mi'cs: Tho Central have laid to 75 miles west of Monumetit Point leaving a gap between the roads of Z0 An Omaha special says there is great dissatisfaction among tho Indians on the upper Missouri reservation, at the man ner in which the treaties are being car ried out. : It is said th:it even. Spotted tail is couiplaiuiug. An early outbreak is anticipated. WEST. INDIES. Havana. March 2S. Advices from Port au Prince to March 18th say that Salnavc is i" a precarious' condition, ow ing to the State of his finance. The navy has not been paid for thrtc months.' There is a murmuring feeling at the cap ital against Salnave. The blacks are jealous of the whites. Assassination is feared. Gold is at 270 premium. Two men were shot in the streets here to-day, and six arrested for uttering se ditious words. " , E. R. .Coddington, tho 'American con sular agent at Gitrara, has been brought here a prisoner. 1 A Good Peace For. Items. The following summary of a night's work in Cheyenne, when that city i was in the heighth of its glory, is furnished the Leavenworth Bulletin by a correspondent, who avers that it wasn't a favorable niht for ''items" cither : You need uot wonder why Cheyenne supports three daily newspapers, for local items ; are lively here. : Yesterday evening, r.a the gtaud coach cf Wells, Fargo oc Co. was leaving this place br Denver City, with six uoble steeds at tached, au J coach crowded witii passen gers, a dog iigit wu.i the parting salute, which ended with a . general row. three men being knocked sprawling, one with a dilapidated cowshed over 0:1a eye, and a. signal ot dauger spread over the other. Two were fearfully stabbed, one shot d;ad on the spot, and nine arrested. 1 his liitlo episode was only . a signal to piich in; for during the night there were thirteen square knock dowV.s., The reports of the poiico for this morning show thirty-one arrests during the night. During the shaking of the elements, a butcher team ran down the street at the rate cf forty : miles uu hour. A child was run over and killed, and three ladies frightened into spasms. A saloon-keeper 'whaled" his wife ; a locomotive ran off the track : the iaiire corrals of Hook & Moore were burned to ashes (loss S18, iJ'J'J, no insurance) ; a fireman fell into t lie largo cistern from which water was being used to stop the devouring flames ; two horses were burned to death; the Doc-tor say that a pair: of twins' were bum to Mr. and Mrs. Jones ; a -young man eloped with a married woman named Sarah' Taylor ; three regular balls went otf with a perfect mountain dash ; a young woman wa.s badly burned by the explosion ot ;v lamp, and tho ston? of B. Nailard v,33 robbed of S7d cash. A man advertises ' Last, u meerschaum pipe, dmiug the fire 'st night" j another, ad vertises "Stolen, during the night, a large mule, from stable of Peter Moricy. Personal. Hon. David Logan, of Portland, tarried with us a few days dur ing the present week.? Mr. I D. W. Wakefield, late druggist iq this city, has been appointed 'Deputy Postmaster at Portland. Doran will fi 1 .the bill. r Meets. The members of Albany Fire Company are notified that tha regular monthly meeting transpires on Tuesday evening cext at the. new engine house. A full attendance is requested. Welch, editor of the Oskaloosa (Iowa) Conservator, started that paper in 1850, on a capital of fifteen cents; walked 2,00d miles soliciting snbsctibers. Though a Democrat he repudiated the nomination ot Frank Blair. His until ing energy has made him successful in the business. At the residence of Mrs. Catherine Riggs, by the Ilev. W. R. Bishop, Mr. Wiliiaiu McLcod to Miss Leah Riggs,.all of Linn county', Oregon. ALBANY KEl'AIL MARKET. AlbasV, April 3, 1369. Wheat, white, 3 busliel.u. Oats, ipi UUallOl. Potsit ics. 'jl bushel Oatous. 'j- bushel Floor, barret ., Hutttr, tb..., , Kirs. i tl ..cn Cbit-kci:s, i- z m... Peaehps, c'.rlcJ, "jl lb Soar, -p tb '. Salt, Los Anxeios, p lb.. Syruv. l gallon Tea, Ymiri" Hyson tf? lb.. " Jitpau, ' - .. " . Blatk, Sugar, crusbeJ, "p lb...... 8ca " ....... I.-lan.l. f Coffoo, 'j, lb O.in.llos, lb Kioc, China, "jrl lb Saieratu, lt. lr:c 1 )lums, "fl lb. .... I'rietl iinjiU-s, "i? lb Drk-1 ocrrai't. "fl lb lia.-an, Lams, lb Faese PubniETS Those Democrat ic editors and politicians who have been assuring us, ever since the inauguration, that there would be a rupture between President Grant and the National Con gress, have proved themselves false and silly prophets. They have done all they could to bring about such a result, but CO far, happily, their works ond prayers have availed nothing. Grant and Con gress have worked together harmoniously, for the good of the entire, country, in spic of all obstacles. Grant's sugges tions have uniformly met with prompt and courteous attention at the, hands of the National Legislature, and all , recom mendations', emanating .'from i him, when found compatible with ! the- public good, have 'been adopted. . The prospects are that the present state of good feeling and harmony existing between the Executive arid Legislative branches of the Govern ment will continue) and that Grant's dec hratiou will bcf vjcrificd-rwc : will have peace." , .,' . " A Glue wiiicu witri Unite eten Pot.tshed Steel. A' Turkish rcpipo for a cement used to fasten diamonds and other precious stone? to metallic surfaces of polished steel, although exposed to moisture, is as follows : .' . ; Dissolve fiveor ix bits of gum mastic, each of- the Btze :of a largo . pea, ; in .as moch spirits of wine as will suffice to render it liquid. Iu another vessel, dis solve in braudy as much isinglass, pro, yLou.lysortened.in.'Mtatcr as .will make a Iwo'-onnce 'vial.01 strong glue,'-adding two small bits1 of guui' ammoniac, which must be rubbed' until dissolved. Then mix the whole .with heat. Keep in a '.vial closely -stopped., When it is to be used, set the vial ia boiling. r , trrs, 71 r.; Lard, in fans, 7 b-: .. jlviaa, 'fl lb Dcvoes' Kt rosoao oil, '(-, alluti.... Turpcr.tiric, 71 frallon Linseeil oil, VmileJ, 7 gftllon-....1..; W.hitj leail. 7 k1'- Powder, riile. . lb . Tobacco, 71 lb Nails, ont,7 lb.. :.....'.. ....... Domestic, brown. 7 'r l.. Ilutkor.v. striped, 7 jard.. IJ. d tii kin;;, per yir ! U'.u-j Irilliii'jr, 71 y.'ird Flannels, 7 yari I'riiUS. fj t cobjr-s "fi yard Fork. 71 lb Mutton, 71 tb i... ........ Itce", 011 foot, 7 lb 50 50 I 25 ..... $1 505 CO ..... ;,- 40 10 ..... $2 5C3 00 b(n ! 1 CO 1 110 751 00 Js(;20 .... ' !(.!; IS 1 4 ( 1 o 22(0)25 29(jj;t!:i 12(10 ICS 15C 20 Orb (JS 14f.I5 wfl2i .... ' (?!- (mlO 4 (Til CO Si 25gjl 50 SI 02Aflt 75 St do (l.jl 25 75r.l 00 $1 C0(g,l 50 O) 1(5 -V 25W.50 2r.(rti.ia ' - . .4i5 NEW-TOD AY. Ni:V TO-DAY. Lebanon Water .i Ditch and Manufacturing Company. Bi ds yi ia n k r r;c ei v ed at t!io ofiicc of tho. above nam id Coio'piny tip to liie lilt'u hi" Ajiril ne.-it, from pei-fms to Ii or construct n Difh or C.nia! snfiieiens to couvry v;iter to L l):ir-n for. Birinufacfnritig purposes. Xbe abo.'j dititli wilt be let tj contractors by a-c-ti in?, or i's vutlre leniih. For further particulars iaiuinj of t'aa unuM--si.irncd. By order of t-Ua Boird. ' ; ' W. K KLKIN't Sccrstary.- ' L:-b.i:io;i. Hari-b 2d, lSB8-m27n2S;2 3,GO,0 lbs. ofWooI, rOlt WHICH T!1K HiailEST MAKKET price will bo paid by UKACFl fe MOXTKITH. Albany. March 27. ISliJ-2l!m:; C. Iff. IIOTST,,M. BJ., PHYSICIAN ArD SURGEON, AlSANS', OliECOZJ. OrpiCB In, the building; formerly oecupiod by Dr. 1). it. lti-c, on t'irit eir c:. n2D - USa'ciisssaiflis ! "Vr B. JUST AUUIVKD, by the steamship Xi . Ctutinental, direct fry ia San rranciaeo, a laro lot of . , ' Irosi and Steel! " Whieh can be obtained by you on better terms than ever has bcjn oSesed liL-re boforc, for ..'Cash la 2aii4. "' CaU and see for yourselves. " ,Af KEGS of tbp Hc:vy Extra Golden Syrup; S:J a largo lot of Surar, and Dry Goods to uit tue trade all to be sold for cash or trade, at Living Rates. - ! - - R. CHEADLE. March 20, '10-28-loi; j; JEK 3 3JI. JE2 S 27-SI-aZ3 FOR'.' :S ALE,! ' ; : : .1 THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to "chango hid base," offers for sale LU line new iwo- tory 'i-'dLT - Iti . ! ' :: DwellingiHouse, 3 an flic corner of Wfishington and Secoud streets, together with tiio old hotel building adjoining, several fine lots, etc. The house is largo, new and w:ll finished throughout, "i'lie premises ara well supplied with water; outbuildings all eouiplcio j good fence.-, and a number of, tins fruit bearing trojs on thq premises. Address,1 " . . ' ' . J. E. SPREXGER. i . March 20-2Sm.5 Albany, Usn. Tr.f7ftJS,i" 550.00 ! ! Y NOT BUYING BOOTS AND SUOES KAST & CAHALIK'S 'Philadelphia Boot Store, ?jo. 11 Front Street, Opposite McCormick's Book Store, . . NOTICE I L. E. BLA!X. 8. E. TOCSO. BLA1T-J & YOUMC, ITAVIXO BOCOttT ALX, THE KERCH ASSISE OF , J,. Barrows & Co., will contijio the business, and they invito all to give them a all.. They will be constantly re ceiving g-joda from San Franciaeo, end will Leap a general assortment of ,, . , &vy Cod, , .. .. Groceries, Crockery, And oCer inducements to ready tat customers. , BLAIN b YOUXG. All persons owi:i.3 the Erm of J.: BAnnows A Co., will please all and settle. Either 'nemlier of the firm is authorized to ajUla any account ot lha Co. - - ..: -.I Alijany, March C, 1800-25 - ' r . Jan 9-69-1 a Portland, Oregon. ; IV civ -Discovery."-. (CONSUMPTION can be cured bv uiij? Dr. J 3. Y. Murray's l.un "and Uver Ilalsam, if taken in time. ' It is a Euro remedy for all ehronic diseases of this coast and Vemale coiuplaiuts so prevalent ia this climate. R-e te.-t'.monials and circulars 'accompanying each bottle.- . - j. For eradicating' Pain,.. v INTERNAIj ad exteusai, use of ' Dr. J. W. Murray's It ciires Rheumatism,. Paralysis, Neural, ia. Gout, Headjche, Toothache, Sore Throat. Dip thcria. Colic, Cronp, Cholera, Pains in the Breast, I'VUons Corns and Chilblains. Can bo obtained of Druggists generally on this coast, put up ia half dollar and dollar bottles.. NEW ENGLAND " !i j , i--- '. ' ,,-r 'j -' ' ' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. purely lVTTj.-txa.Q-l . All Ar1cr'. stressed to Dr. J. XT. SIURItAY, Portland, Oregon, r ; STSU JrF.dicAL.DrroT 105 Front street. Aledieines Pent 'every rehera by Expresi. March fi. 1S09-2(J . LINFOHTH, KELLOGG & RAIL, . (Successors to L. B. Benchlcy & Co.) IJo. 3 and 5 Front Street, near Tlarkct, , . SAN FRANCISCO, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP American, .English and German Hardware Oratlery ' Agri-ullural and Mining Tools, Eons, SUtcl, Powder, luse, Sliot, ; . Load, Etc., Etc. , ESunufact-arors and Proristor of tho Submerged DcuMe-Actiujj .frr FOIICC i-iueriieii uy j. a, Jioircll, . Octobtr 20, 1SG7. p ins CHEAPEST, r y, SIMPLEST, AXD V host DnttAlis rcyp XSI THE WORXJ3! 1 Agc-nts wanted for this coast. County rights for a!o. J . .-; :.: ...:, NEW VARIETIES OF v ' ; Seed. Potatoes! THE undersigned has, at'considprablo cxpeUso, introduced from New York the 1-ading va rktics of Potatoes raised in the Eastern St U s ; and after thoroughly testing thent and discarding those th:it ara not of good quality, now dit-TS to tho public those varieties tb it. havo proved supe rior in quality and productiveness, jn full confi dence that tbey will give perfect satisfaction, to wit : t i - - j .-'.; . t '. , ..j Early Goodricb. . Earliest potato on the coast ; good size, irhito skin, smooth eyes, white fljsh, and of good qual ity; perfocily sound, solid and productive. :! I'aek ageaof 41bs for Sl.s v f ,,r - '.ij, - ; i Prairie Seedling, i .,' Larp;er flesh-colored, tyt rathor! deep, flesh white and of tho bust qua! it ! for the table ; cele brated for baking; will sell bctur iu this market than any other potato, and very productive. " Per bushel, $4 ; per p?ck, $1 50. (; j ; : t ,; - Early Dykeman. .. -I.arsc, early, tolcraWy good an J sell well in market. Per bnhcl, $J ol) ; per peck, $lj - -Cuzco and Piali-Eyod Rusty coat.. ' , . " ( l' peck, $1.( , Garnet, Chili and Prince A bert. ' . ; ' ' Per peck, tie. Hew Whits Peach Blow. , A djcidcd. improvement' upon tho common Peach Blow. Flc-h white, mealy, and of excel lent quality ; highly recommended a late -variety, requiring tho whole season to mature, fully. Per bushel, $i 50 ; p r peek, $1. Fnmple packages of four pounds sent free" by mad for SI, except the Knrly Uocwiricb, which will rcquiro 32 cents additional for postage. - A pond Rfnlr nf nil Ir Ada nP17M,ii - .0.1 M v, a .Mil, ji,vi.b. III 1 110 very best rarieties ; Plants, Currant, aoosefecrrv .... . . .v.vv.wu vi-i.-vju:a mine estate, on hand for sale. . . t, All orders promptly attended to." Address ' " ' JOHN A. MILLARD, . . March Z0,s'm29 i . ' , Ai.Ba.SY, Oregon. ' ISCOBPOUATED 1835. .. . . .: Cash assets ...$7,000,060 09 Cash distribution of 1867 -.. .. 62B,Jfl$ 55 Total u plus dividend.. Losses paid in 1S07..........U..... Total losjies pnidi... T-nnrvio rnr'lSfiT.i.. .... ... i '.. ' Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwiclj Islands.-. ... 's . f 1 . . '; it :-' IT t.n 2,7277X5 .-Sl.fioo w :t 2,796,1 00 f0flW , JOB WORK! I . f , r , --' O' F ALL DESCRIPTIONS, at : fair prices, neatly executed at the Registkb office. All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed ny to -ncn-forfoiting lwif.Massachusetts , Policy holders the only persons who receive divi de d. in this Company, which are declared and paid annually-; Crat dividend avail able at tho payment of the second ,,. annual pruunnms. All Policies remain in force as long o " ' '. . tUure ii anr surrender . . . .,.v-; vaiuo. I A'O FORFEITURES I This old and popular Company, (tho oldest Mu tual Life Insurance Company in this country) insures at the low-j '-"' .'.''-' est possibla rates. - . j -.t i . The stability of this Company, with its pastnis t:ry. increasing capital and business, aud tbe sat isfactory manner in which it . has . discharged it obligations in tho past, arc guaran c. for. the future pch aS far-scitg and earefsil men rcqnir ia xhoir investments. '''' v I -" r ' Persons generally, who thoroughly stnslerstand tho workings icf Life Insurance, tre nnxions tt avail themselves of its equitable pre.rlsiunsv Full information wUI be given to those who. desire, at the Ageacy. " '" " Home OfSce, 59 State Street, Boston. 1 Pacific Branch Offices, ' ' 303 Mowtgrjiaery Street, San irrthelsco. i '.- i ..'.:' ''!-., t i -i f Room .!. C irler't Bwltlhio, Portlnntt,, Oregon, EVEKSON &. HAINES, General Agts. . X. . '.'" . ALT AST, OREGOX, ' Albany, September 13, lS6S-2y ' '' RATES OF TOLL -. ...OVER THE .,ilKt Willamette Vailcy k and t'ascado Mountain Wagon Road : ' v. ..; ,- f ' , ' sf, To Deschuttes Blver : " ' : ,'f Fonr Hjrso or Mcle teamlil .'.1...'. .....".St 5ft" Two " 3 00V: One - " ... " "...... ...... i.,-?.Wr Ox teams, three yoke 4 1 50 f For every, additional yuke... ........;...."-' "5tf" jAtaso horses, pcf hsad ' '' 25-' " cattle, per head ......,..;... j .Ja ' sheep cr hogs , 3 Teams rcturningeinpty, half price. ' " Pack animals, loaled '60 " unloaded - ; - 25 Ilorse and rider. 1 OVv, -"'I To fish Lake:! , Four horse or mule team, each way-.;.... 2:00 Two ,-, " " :' ; .1 5, One " " ' . '. ... 'l'OOi Pack animals, loaded. .......... ............ r 50 ' unloaded. ....... v 2if llorso and rider ............................. '-7t Ox team, time yoke......,...... 2 CO - - ' ' ,,...'..(,,,-,- ii-U , To Upiier,Soda. Spriugs ,' ,1 Vff Four horsp or tnulo t-jam, out and back, 2 50 Two . " " ' ! ......'2 till One - ':.'' " ' -'-)' . 1'CO- llor.'O nn.1 rider, " : ...... , . $0. L jis-aniuials, , , ' ,, t ....... ,,(25r Ox teams tho same us horso toams. '-" "','' ''' "- A. IIACK.LKMANV I'-.W'-W- TAnaisn, , n ;l Prcs, ' Soc. ' March 20. 18623 '.,.,. (Albany Weekly Register .OPPIOB,.;; -,scut Firtt ttrect, opposite Parritk Co.'i itortA s Oregbni1 Albany, : t AVIXO a ,t-cry fair assortment' of material we aro prepared to txocute, with neatness TO' stich as ' 7 ;:; '' '-' 3 'i .u- hiti ' e jtjlcij hand bills, ; ' .f " j'f Ui& ,-MV ":' ' ProQrammeSy " "s:.'ffjx '" ' ';' Billheads, y ' j-.i"4':v. '.e "' - Card?" '- y-i,;e,l - 1 txBan Tit-kefs;' IV ' '"'; -" :'' ? ' ' Pampfikf,''- " '.-.'".' ";; ' ''.' ;.: ''' Labels :.: y---::''. " ,:lrh-v'n BianU rVr.-o.ailtliinas" ;'"n ... .. ;-. t. -i .. . .... '.ia t,xn 1 ! ' ;- ,-... r . t nt as low fisures as a due regard to taste' and good work will allow. 'When you want- anything ia the printing line, call at the RsGiSTBiUjoffic..?, ' - "".'" "'"' JiOTiCE -'-- S HEREBY GIVE&thai the ennnal 'scbaot maet.ng of District xxo. 5, Linn Cowntv. Ore. goo, wilt be held at lha school-house on Monday, '' tho;5th day of ApriI,;JSC9, at 1 o'clock ,P. M., lor the purpose of electing two directors' one to fill vacancy for one year and i;ene for - tho fftM term -and one. clerk. - Also, to levy a tax to- re pair school-house and fences By. order of the. di. rectors. A. N.-ARNOLD," Clef It ' ; March 18,:1860-23 ' of DistNo." 5." ti - .wiESTERIV' i UOTlJIi, . . I ".A PORTLAND. OREGON, - ' '. DORCY & HOLME! "-J PROPRIETOKS. - i,l , w , .". - -I' if 7 THIS HOTEL IS LOCATED NEAR -mB Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will i. ... . .it tho T.nrHnos to eenvev passengers and haggage to and Aom thei H FREE OS CHARUS. :h i ce Hilfc-'nuai