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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1869)
SATURDAY, MARCH 27,18697" Local viivixs San Francisco Legal Tender rates. 2w York Hold quotations.... 77&77i 1314 OotjRT Business.' Followina: is the disposition of the eiimiual causes before the present term of the Circuit Court for Linn county : Gordon Cooper, indictment for assault with in tent to kill continued. Leopold Lacher, indictment for larceny con tinued. John Cosgrove, commitment for assault with intent to kU. UUniissed. Geo. Lewis, indictment for perjury dismissed. Archibald Kadcr, indictment for forgery dis missed. Thos. Lilly, indictment dismissed. A, J. Hayes, indictmeut for perjury dismissed L. Brown, for sellinsj liquors without license verdict, not guilty. L. Brown same as above continued. Geo. Punsakcr same as above dismissed. Joshua Sylvester, iudictmcnt for assault bond forfeited. L. S. Rogers bond forfeited. John Gilliland dismissed. Andrew Italston dismissed. Isaac Conn dismissed. zJ Excursion for the Benefit of Albany Fire Company, oil Tuesday Next. Another. Pi qneer GoxeT Hon. Jesse Looney, an old resident of Oregon, having crossed tbe Plains in 1843, and settled in what is now Marion county, died oa Thursday morning, March 25th, jq the CDth year of his age, at Salem, where he had gone for medical treatment. He has lived the past twenty-six years on his farm, twelve miles from this city, on the stage road leading to Salem. He took a prominent part in the organiza tion of the Territory ot Oregon, serving as a member of the provisional legisla ture. He crossed the Plains in company with Hon. Jesse Applegate, Daniel Wal do and others of lesser note. He was born in one of the Southern States, prob ably Georgia, but was a true and noble patriot, and held that an American's first duty and obedience was to the "Old Flag." He was therefore a firm and consistent Union man ; a kind and affec tionate husband and father ; an accom modating and agreeable neighbor; a Christian gentleman, who has passed peacefully from earth, leaving Dumerous relatives and friends to mourn the loss of his presence among them. He leaves a wife and ten children, five boys and five girls, living"jthree children, boys, passed into the spirit land before their father. . . Narrow Escape. From Mr. John Crouch, of Jefferson, we learn that Hon. Isaac Cox, of Josephine, met with an ac cident on last Tuesday, near David Wal do's, some six miles this side of Salem, that came near ' terminating the mortal career of one of the notable "fourteen." The horse on which he was riding fell down, unseating Mr. Cox from the saddle, but leaving one foot in or through the stirrup. As soon as the horse regained his legs he (the horse) commenced run ning and kicking, dragging Mr. Cox .some two or three hundred yards, whoc a lady came running out of a house by the roadside, and in attempting to stop the animal, only succeeded in turning him back on his tracks. When the horse had made about the same distance on the "homo stretch," fortunately for Mr. Cox, the boot pulled off, or the foot made its escape from the boot and the stirrup at one and the same time, and Mr. Cox was left to us yet awhile, but badly "bruised, torn, soiled, a contused ankle, Ac. Mr. Crouch happening along with a buggy, kindly took Mr. Cox in and conveyed him to Salem, where his bruis es will receive the proper medical atten tion. By this accident Josephine came ' near losing one of its brightest lights. With the usual liberality of the P. T. Company toward all institutions of publie utility, A. A. McCully, President of the Company, has kindly placed at the dis posal of. the Pre Company of this city, free of charge, the fine passenger steam er, A limy, for the double purpose of civins: all those who desire to aid the Fire Compauy in their efforts to fully equip and provide themselves with the proper means for the successful extin guishment of fires, tc do so, and at the same time net the full value of the money contributed, in the way of an excursion up the Willamette river. Agreeable to arrangements made, the steamer Albany will leave Peach & Monteith's wharf in this city at 7 o'clock, on next Tuesday morning (23d), and proceed as far up the river as the stage of water will per mit, returning in the evening. The Albany Brass Pand have kindly volun teered their services on the occasion. Participants can provide their own lunch, or get dinner on the boat a basket din ner will probably be the order. As the object to which the receipts of the occa sion will be devoted is a laudable one, and as the price of tickets is so low that all will be able to procure them, it is an ticipated that "everybody and his wife" will go. Tickets 50 cents each, to be obtained of Messrs. D. M. Thompson, Jos. Nixon, G. H. Bartges, A. N. Arnold or at this office. Members of the Fire Company are requested to appear in full uniform. Don't fail to be on hand at the time, as the boat will start precisely at 7 o'clock. . - . Circuit Court Convened on 3Ion day, Judge Boise presiding. Among the legal fraternity present, we noticed 11. Williams, of Salem; Benj. Hayden, of Eola; John Burnett, A. J. Thayer, R S. Strahu, S. Simpson, F. A. Chenoweth, of Corvallis ; N. II. Cranor, J. C. Powell, E. F. Russell, J. J. Whitney, Joseph Haunon, James Elkins, L. Flinn, N. B Humphrey, S. A. Johns, Geo. R. Helm, J. Q. Thornton, of Albany. Corsox. Ans. Marshall was driving a hack to which were attached four horses, the other day, between this city and Brownsville, when the hack went into a deep hole in the road with a sudden jerk that threw him out of the hack into the mud. Ans. fell head first, but the earth was soft and he found no difficulty in penetrating it to his shoulders. The team being now free of restraint, ran half a mile in good style, but, fortunately, done no damage to themselves or hack Odd Fellows Celebration. The different lodges of Odd Fellows through out this State will assemble at Salem, on , londay, the 26th of April, to celebrate the semi-centenial anniversary of tho order in the United States. Past Grand Representative, Hon. Nathan Porter, has accepted an invitation to, and will deliver, the oration on the occasion. The Odd Fellows organ, Neva Age, of San Fran ciseo, congratulates the order here on their success in securing the services of 80 distinguished, talented and eloquent a Odd Fellow as Brother Porter. The . celebration ou the 26th will, it is promis ed, be the grandest affair of the kind ever held in the State. , A steamer will be secured for the special purpose of carry ing all those , who wish to attend from ,'this city. It is understood that the fes tivities will be wound up with a ball in the eveninar. From all accounts it will be a time of general jolarity. ; , i : "Putting on Airs." Oar friend, Jo.' Webber, Esq., we notice, has been painting, cleaning and generally . adding to the neat and tasty appearanoe of his , barber shop on First street. Jo. has an eye to beauty as well a "biz." Herman, the Wizard. Prof, ner mann gave one of his amusing perform ances in Parrish Hall on Tuesday night. The Professor is favorably known on this coast, and generally succeeds in pleasin his audiences. We aie sorry that he was not greeted by a more numerous attend ance. Personal. Mr. J. C. Fleece, of Amity, made us a brief visit the first of the week. He thinks of coming back. Mr. J. B. Sprenger starts for White Pine on the next ocean steamer. May prosperity attend him. Mr. Gillett, business manager of the Portland Orcjonian, called on us yester day. He reports everything lovely and flourishing. Lebanon Water Ditch. The Leb anon Water Ditch and Manufacturing Company this morning advertise for bids tor digging their proposed ditch. Th contract will be let in sections or as whole. Bids for the work should be di rected to W. S. Elkins, Lebanon, Oregon The editor of the Albany Register i ,i . , . ... acK.nowieo.ges tne receipt or a sate a cupboard. This, in connection with two or tnree old cookMoves, looks a "little like going to housekeeping, Coll. Cor vallis Gazette. It do I Well, about tho 1st "proximo' you can put on your duster, Billy, ano come down and see us. No cards but don't mention it. Wanted. By a card in this issue, it will be seen that Messrs. Beach & Mon teith, of the Steam Flouring Mill, want Zl)V,VVi) pounds of good wool, for which they will pay the highest market price. Notice. James Miller gives notice to Robert Constable that he has made an entry of land in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, which is in conflict with his pre-emption filing, and that he wil t -11 J il i . j r . . oe anoweu ininy aays irom tnis date in which to take an appeal. - t- I ' : ' . Doubted. It is reported that one of "Ones Fellers" is so fond of his "weak. ness" that he has rubbed all the skin off of his nose-kissing her shadow on the wall. We don't nose's this is true. T- r National Lincoln Monument Association. The loyal people of the United States of all classes, feeling a love and venera tion for the great patriotism, noble char acter and unequalled services of Abra ham Lincoln, late President of tho United States, who fell, by the hand of a foul assassin, a martyr to the great cause of Human Rights, and desiring to express their appreciation of his many virtues and sublime character in a manner worthy of the American name, and commemorate in the most fitting way the great charter of emancipation and Liberty in pur land, Congress, in order to make effectual such a desire passed, a law which was approved by the President, March 30th, 1867, in corporating the "National Lincoln Mon ument Association." The intent and purpose of this Association is to collect funds and make all necessary plans and arrangements to erect a suitable monu ment to that noblest and purest of patri ots and statesmen, somewhere within the grounds in the City of Washington. This Association has agents in every city, town and hamlet in the United States, whose duty and pleasure it is to take contributions, from the smallest to the greatest, and forward the same to the Treasurer of the Association, Hon. F. E. Spinner, at Washington City. It is ex pected every true and loyal citizen of the United States will wish to contribute something towards the erection of a last ing monument to commemorate the devo tion to Country and Liberty that inspired the great soul of our martyred President, and caused him to live and act for his country and the noblest ends and high est good of humanity. Every true man and woman whose earnest co-operation at home during the great struggle for nation al life and the principles of civil liberty, gave strength to our cause; every soldier and sailor who fought, on land or on sea, to uphold and maintain the "Old Flag, will esteem it a pleasure, an honor, to be numbered among the contributors to this monument. Knowing this to be the case, this Association was formed, agencies distributed throughout the country, thus giving each a chance to contribute his or her mite to this noble and patriotic object, so that when the work shall be completed it will be eminently national, a source of pride and glory to our country and an honor to our people. Our worthy Postmaster, E. A. Free land, is agent for the Association in this cicy, and will take charge of any contri butions made by our citizens. The names of those subscribing are written in a book furnished by the Association These books are to be bound and deposit ed in the monument, when completed. Let all who can, contribute immediately, so that the work may be promptly done. Medical Card. Seo the card of Dr. C. II. Raffety iu this morning's paper The Doctor's recommendations are of the first character, and we commend him to all those needing medical attendance. BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND AND BOOB F ACT OR Y ! 8. B. ALTHOUSK. X. WRIGHT. 3. r. BACKEXSTO. AI.TIIOLSE & CO., l-VOM STREET, (ON THB RIVER BANK), ALBANY, : . ; OREGOV. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and aro prepared to Furnish to Order, Doors, Blinds, and Sash, ; such Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold, of all size?. WINDOW ; AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, Siding, and all other kinds of Building material ! Brief Mention. Cold, raw winds have prevailed the greater part of the week, with intermittent showers. Considerable sickness is reported in different portions ot the county. Hank Mendenhall is fixing up his meat market in fine style. Senders, Sternberg & Co have received their new goods. They have the "Ve locipede hat" the latest thing out. It is supposed that Circuit Court will adjourn the present week. . The sound of the hammer can be heard in various portions of the city, denoting improvements. r Fire Engine-house roofed in "out of the wet," and will soon be ready for "dedication" ceremonies. . The wet weather of tho present week swelled our paper to unusual dimensions. Business during the week an improve ment over the preceding one. Base ball game Saturday at 5 P. M., if the weather is not too stormy. Come out. ,!,;:' . . ; ; ; . . Born. On the 19th inst., to the wife of Samnel Fleener, a daughter. Mrs. F. is upwards of fifty years of age. ; r . . hi ' .i Over Niagara. E. R. Hatch, of Connecticut, for tbe sum of 820,000, of fers to ride over the falls of Niagara any day next summer, as he believes the descent to be possible, easy and safe. "' j ; ; TOED " Near Albany, March 18th. 1869, Ethel E., only child of C. B. and M. A. King, aged five months and fifteen days. She's not dead I oh, do not tell us That beneath the sod she lies ; Clad in robes of deathless beanty v : Walks she now in Paradise. Angels clasp the baby fingers In a taring close embrace. And a heavenly radianoe lingers On sweet Ethel's seraphio face. Oorreltis and Portland paper! please eopy.l .: -r-ALSO Are prepared to do MILL .WORK ; furnish Sha ker lana, Zigzag Shakers, auction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markbam's warehouse. ALTHOUSE it, CO. j Albany; February 20, 1869-24 i R. CHEADLE'S WHOLESALE & RETAIL CASH STORE! JUST ARRIVED! Direct from San Francisco, per last ccean steam i er, a new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, which will bo offered at PORTLAND PRICES! with freight $dded. Come right along with your Cash and Produce ! and get bargains while they arr going so cheap. Persons requiring Iron and Steel, Wag-on Seat Springs, Tnimbie-Sttain Boxes, &c, can procure them at mv store, cheap. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. Wanted I I will'pay for Eggs 18 cents per dozen; Oats iO cents per bushel ; Bacon Sides 10 cents per pound ; Hams -1112 cents per pound. I will pay the above prices for ten days, to com mence with this date. R. CHEADLE. February 17, 1369-24 Produce Bought at Portland Prices ! Ravins- made arrangements with parties in San Francisco, I will be able to pay Portland prices, the coming season, for all kinds of Preduce, only deducting freight from this point to P.ortland, which is only $5 per ton. Bring along your Pro. duce, and I will buy it and pay you in cash or trade. li. C11EADLE, February 20, 1860-24m3 Flax Seed! Flax Seed! RARE CHANCE PERSONS wishing to engage in the cultiva tion of FLAX the coming season, upon ap plication at tho office of Beach A Monteith, Al; bany, Oregon, will be furnished with tbe best variety of flax seed, on advantageous and easy terms. Messrs. Beach & Monteith will contract with parties for all the seed raised by them next season. iJlSAUU & MU2S JL'liirU, February 6, 1869-22 MRS. DUNNIWAY mAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER 1 numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of tbe Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods ; IS THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: S XEISTTVY, and Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, IWATTRASSES, ETC., Under the "States Rights Democrat', office, FIRST STREET, toct24'68-7 ALBA.NT. KEIflEBER, LADIES ! If you purchase TEN i DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the Demorest Magazine, for the year 1869, as a premium on the purchase ! m Dress and Cloak Making- in all branches. Bleaching' and Pressing I in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, I ALBANY, OREGON. November 1, 1368-9 . - ' - Photographers! T -A Kl E NOTICE ! THE UNDERSIGNED LIVING IN NORTH Brownsville, have for sale or rent a Photograph Gallery! with all that pertains to a Gallery of ordinary site. This is a good location for a gallery, there be ing no other Gallery within fifteen miles of this place. The Gallery is in good running order. Terms of salo or rent east 1 . Apply by letter or in person to , 4 - j ROWLAND LINDER. I Brownsville, February 1, 1869-3m22. For Sale. HOUSE AND FOUR LOTS! ; IN this city, a good new dwelling wna Ti the .necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes walk from the steamboat landing. . For particulars inquire at the offioe of the P T. Company, of J. B. MONTEITH. Albany, January 30, 1869-31 F. W. SPINK. A. CAROTBKRS. P. W. SPINK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO M. W. HACK,) Dealers in Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copperware, AND STOVES ! First, between Washington & Ferry-sts. : o iIIE undersigned having purchased the stock formerly owned by M. W. Mack, and having 1 1 T 1 - i 1 1 . . w . . maae iar?e aaaiuonB mereio. now oner la tne public the fullest and complctest assortment of ursi-ciass gooas in our line, yet onerea in tnis market, consisting or , i , PARLOR, BOX, HALL, v"e and ... COOKING STOVES, of the following patterns : Buck, : i Black Knight. Golden Gate. Henry Clay, New Nation, Buckeye State, ftCt etc., (, from the best manufactories, whioh they are offer ing at lowest rates. Also, a large stock of ' Irench Saucepans. Ladles & Skimmers, Iron, Enameled and lirass Kettles, Iron Tea-Jcettles and Ovens, Iron and Lead Pipe, Force & Lift Pumps, and a full assortment of COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPSI We will continue to keep on hand a largo stock NO. 1 TIN WARE ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kinds of repairing: in a neat and workmanlike short notice, Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing enable us to give a liberal discount. Term Ccuh, or marketable Produce. P. W. SPINK A CO. Nov. 28. '63-12 C. MEALEY & CO., DEALERS IN MANUFACTURERS OP 37XTH.lVITITItE " and . CABINET WARE ! I3etlding-9 Etc., i Corner First and 'Broad Albin streets, i ALBANY, OREGON. jZST" PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO "" ORDERS OF ALL KINDS in our line. October 31, 186S-S BLACKSMITH INC ! . PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS A NEW: ADVERTI8EMENTSI 1 L. SENDERS. II. STERNEB. " . FLEISCBHSB. SENDERS, STERNBERG & CO. DEALER IB STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, W. W. Parrish A Cos Brick ALBANY, OREGON , THE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEAS URE In informing the citisens of Linn eounty that they have just opened a wall MleeUa stock of FANCY DRY COODC ! BOOTS AITO SHOES! p and a full assortment of . I ' General Merchandise: 1 Which they will dispose of f wr ' "- ' ;.-:, :t,a.:.: CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I --------- Y ,- "-.- . ' AT - r : FAIR LIVING) RATB8!' We respectfully ask, the publie to ' CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES! ' Before purchasing elsewhere, and walasrare all - " -that we will gtra . . Entire Satisfaction to Prompt Cnntfer '' ALSO - "'-.' . . . We have a Branch Honse, Ion g established, at SOUTH where we keep a large and well selected :stok f GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Albany, Nor. 14, 186S-10 . THE undersigned gives notice to the general public, that he is now manufacturing the Galesburg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular Attention paid to Horse Shoeing', Wagon and Carrlag-e j ' . Making, : and General Jobbing, - All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material.: A share of publie patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pie-ce Ferry- E. WOOD. - Albany, November 21,1868-11 , NOTICE. All persons receiving their mail at the Post office at Lebanon, are hereby notified that the office will be kept open' an hour after the arrival of the mail on Sundays, after which it will be closed for the day. . The office will not be open until the mail arrives. S. H. CLAUGHTON, P. M. i January 9, 1869-18ml f TURNING. - - TURJNINC. ta .... -p a H O ta j on I AM PREPARED TO, BO " ALL KINDS OF TURNING 1 I keep on band and make to order RAWIaIDE-BOTTOBlElv CHAIRS, Spinning- Wheel. , Shop near the "Magnolia Mills.'. JOHN M. METZLER Albany, For. 28, 188-13 v-r-THB OLD STOVE DEPOT! -o- " dealer r v-,-. , STOVES, C00K, FAHLOtt & BOX, ' ' - ' . ' of the best patterns I ; ': , - j ; . - V.-.r ' ALSO .'--::.-". Tin, Sheet Iron and T - '- - - ; " 5 y ' ; -. Y and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods to -be obtained in a 4 Repairt neatly and promptly executed, "i . 02B on rcaeenable terms. . "Short reckonings, make long friends." - - . . Front street.. .........Albany. . Next door to Mansfield 4 Co. decS'68-12 POSITIVELY SELLING AT COST I ..T THE UNBERSIGNED ' HEREBY give notice to the pnblie in general, ;. that they will sell their WEII. SELECTED DTOCK '- - , " : :. : ...,v.-.,!r. t : ; .. a DRY GOODS! Boots cA? Olxoea! CLOTHING! GENERAL MEliciIiVDISE from and after this dto ' 1 v . loi'i ot Those desiring to make,pwehasMV'4?lx' t 'Oall iixa ' Ovxr Entire Stools I n the above terms, i to FOR mc AOHT OR " MEiCSAitiABLd JsOOfcifl . ; ' " , . ..-.;.)-.-. ,'?.i.5.j:a All persons knowing themselves roebiod A tbe andersigned, are reqneeted to eosse forward Srlth ont delay, and settle their indebtedness, as we are determined to elose our mercantile easiness, end eolleot oor dues. i W PABRISH tt 00. Albany, Nor. 38, 188-12