The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 27, 1869, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
Al13 AIV Y, UIIEGOiN , oATU JtDAYMAIiCH. 27, 1869.
1 iWJkim- mjwmUi
Trip Liutly.
Trip lightly over trouble,
Trip lightly over wroup,
Vi'e ouly inako grief douMe
By dwelling on it long.
fWhjr "clasp Woe'shaml so igutly ?
Why sigh o'er Blossom dead ?
Why clin to formsNKchtly ?
Why not seek joy iustcad?
Trip lightly over sorrow
- Though ell the day h dark :
The sun may &hine to-morrow,
And gaily sing the lark.
Fair hopes have not departed,
.-Though roses may have fled ;
Then never be down-hearted,
But look for joy instead.
Trip lightly over sadness.
Stand not to rail at doom ;
We've pearls to swing of gladness.
On this side of the tomb.
Whilst stars are nightly shining.
And the heaven is overhead,
Encourage not repining.
But look for joy instead.
History of Culleu Baker, the Terror of
Three Mates.
1 From the Memphis Avalanche, January 2i.
Many persons of North Mississippi
and. H est lennessoe are fatmliar with
"the name and deeds of William Cullen
j-uiKer, tue notorious aesperaao ana un
scrupulous murderer of Eastern Texas,
who was killed on the 10th of January
in Juatayettc county, Arkansas, by his
father-in-law and brother-in-law, as de-
- tailed a few days ago in the A valanclie
Xiaker was certainly one or the worst
characters of this age, and a brief sketch
u uisi career js wormy 01 record as a
part of the history of the great South
west. His life, taken a3 a whole, dem
onstrates with peculiar force the. weak
ness of "frail humanity," and the tenacity
with whieh events shape man's destiny.
Cullen Baker, the almost beardless lad
who, by his daring demeanor and insa
tiable thirst for human blood, has been
for months the terror of the citizens, as
well as the military authorities, was the
son of an eminent divine of Texas, and
his character from boyhood to the fatal
hour when grim visaged war stalked into
our land, had been unexceptionable.
Few young men started life with
brighter prospects, and certainly not one
ever enjoyed in a more eminent degree
the confidence and esteem of his friends
and neighbors. When the shrill trum
pet sounded to arms the braves of the
South, Cullen Baker, fired by a true,
patriotic devotion to the land of his birthv
forsook the pursuits of his civil life and
promptly shouldered his musket in the
ranks, side by side with the young men
who had grown up to manhood with him.
The volcano that had been smothered in
his breast soon sent forth its lava, and
before the roll of his company had been
called for a twelvemonth, Cullen Baker
had been marked as the "terrible rifle
man. The unmistakable attributes of
a desperado soon developed themselves
in his character, and "blue-jacket dev
ils," as he was wont to denominate the
soldiers of the Federal army, were forced
to kiss the dust before his unerring aim.
When that branch of the Confederate
army to which he was attached grounded
arms and surrendered to the Federal
Government, Cullen Baker declined to
accept the terms or abide the conditions,
and mounting his fiery .horse.; one of the
swiftest since the days of Claude Duval's
bonnie Black Bess he rode away to the
wilds of East Texas, proclaiming him
self the last survivor of the Lost Cause,
who would never surrender until : the
Confederacy was fully established its
authority recognized by all the Powers
Of the earth. ..True to ( his rash vow, he
soon achieved a considerable notoriety in
Harrison, Marion and Davis counties, in
Texas, for his intense animosity .against
everything savoring of "Yankeeism."
During the year he committed several
murders, His "victims invariably , being
either negroes, Federal soldiers or noisy
"Union men." , .
Ia the fall of 1865, a reward of $1,000
was' offered by the Federal military
authorities of Texas for his head.
Scontingparties ' were sent out in all
sections of the country to try to catch
him. He ' warned ' the citizens that if
atty of them dared to intimate to those
who sought to capture him, anything in
reference to his movements, he would
visit upon them the ' most terrible pun
ishment So well they knew the man
that no citizen could be found with suf
ficient knowledge of the stopping places
'of CaHen Baker to enable them to tell,
with any degree of accuracy, where Cul
len Baker could be found.
So terrible did he become that the
military authorities raised the reward of
fered for his head from 1,000; to $10,-000.-
While tiding along" the road on
one occassion, he observed the, procla
mation ; offering $10,000 for his head
sticking to a tree, He read it, and,
dismounting from his horse, and coollv
-...? i. : i p i . - . J
scaling uiuiseii Dy tne tree upon winch
he lounu it, he issued a counterfeit
proclamation, under his own baud, and
offered 810,000 for the- head of anv of
me military, satraps who were mauilest
ing so much anxiety about his own. lie
put his proclamation on the tree below
the other and rode away.
A few days subsequent to this time,
the desire for adventure and danger iu
dueedTnni to pay a personal visit, incorj,
to the commauder of the post at Jeffer
son, Texas. Hiding up to a hitching
post near the post commandants office,
he dismounted, and, leaving his horse,
very leisurely walked in, saluted the
Major, took a seat aud "opened", a con
versation with that important personage.
"I suppose your military authorities
have offered a big' reward for the head
of this man Cullen Baker," said our
"Yes," responded the 3Iajor, "and if
he is not remarkably sharp we will soon
get him. I have beeu specially selected
by the General to work up this little job
and 1 think 1 will be apt to bring lam
m. '
"They sdy he is a bad one," said Cul
len. "Oh, well, that is more talk than any
thing elsa- I guess he is not so terrible
as you rebels make him out. He can't
scare anybody that belongs to our army.
I am sure we have not got a man who
could not take him without cocking a
guu, if he could just get up with him."
"Have you ever seen him," carelessly
asked Bakar.
"No," said the hero of the epaulets,
"but I don't care for that. I'll be apt to
make his acquaintance if I cau just get
near unough to him."
Baker, rising in his chair in the most-
complacent manner imaginable, said :
"Vell, Major, you want Baker's head,
and you say you are willing to pay 10,-
000 for it ; well, I am Cullen Baker, and
am ready to, furnish the head on your
order, when the money is paid."
The Major's face turned deadly pale,
his eyes started from their sockets, and
in half galying tones, he said :
"Really, sir, I was not aware I was
talking to Mr. Baker himself. Of course
1 had nothing personal against you, and I
don't see that it's any of my affair to be
runniug myself into danger to take you."
"No," said Baker, "one should not
always bo ready to do other people's
work ; and, turning, he left the office of
the Major with as much unconcern as he
had entered it, and mounting his horse
he rode out of town and sought his hiding
place in the "wilds of the Sulphur."
As soon as the Major could recover
from what he was pleased to denominate
his surprise, he rallied his "boys in blue''
and put off after the "daring wizard."
Reaching Boston, Bowie county, the Ma
jor and his party learned that Baker and
a companion were at a "tippling house
enjoying drink." The public square was
at once surrounded, and a demand made
upon Baker to surrender. Baker res
ponded, "all right," and casting his mild
blue eyes around him to see how many
he had to fight, made a leap for his
horse, reached him, and in attempting to
mount dropped his pistol. lie picked up
his pistol, mounted his horse, and throw
ing hi3 pistol into the air, a keen crack
was heard, which was the announcement
of Cullen Baker's determination never to
be taken alive. His shot was responded
to by the Federal soldiers, and his com
panion fell from his horse mortally
wounded. Baker looked down upon the
face of his dying friend, and a moment
after he was galloping away, shooting
back at his ; pursuers. lie reached
Dooley's Ferry, having evaded the Fede
ral party and crossed into Arkansas, tell
ing the ferryman that if he permitted
any one to cross over on that boat that
night he would kill him the next even
ing. The ferryman scuttled his boat
and sunk it, and thus Cullen Baker, the
second time beat the Major. -
Subsequent to this time he surrounded
a small town in Texas, alone, and by de
manding the unconditional surrender of
the place, the commandant started a
courier post haste for Marshal, Texas,
for reinforcements, whom Baker meeting
with, made go back and tell his com
mander the trick.
Long chaptersmight be added to this
one of his bold deeds, some of them ro
mantic and invested with an interest not
shocked by crime, but more often dark
and bloody. It has been estimated that
in hi3 lifetime he killed or caused to be
killed 50 men-. He married in Lafayette
county, Arkansas, sometime' during the
year before his terrible character was de
veloped. He rode the swiftest horses,
and knew all the intricate paths in the
swamps and dense forests, and to take
him was next .to impossible. , , , , . ,,
The people had such fear of him that
they never dared to report his movements,
and their fears was as valuable to him as
their friendship would have been. But
he fell at last by the hands of his father-in-law
and brother-in-law in their own
yrd .ne tad threatened their lives and
they killed him in self-defense, r. Many
people m Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas
will feel safer now that Baker is dead.
Correspoadcnco Chicago Ilcpublifcin, Jan. 19.
About a month ago, Baker captured
his own brother-in-law, with three or four
others. Hopes were adjusted about the
necks of all but one as they sat upon their
horses and the other endmade fast to a
projecting branch over their devoted
heads, and.. the animals led from under
them. A short shrift, a few struggles in
mid air, and all is ovcrv After hanging
a while, Orr, tho brother-in-law of Baker,
was let down in order that the rope might
bej used to suspend the last victim, who,
I understand, was" Baker's father-in-law.
jit seems' that oue of Baker's gang was
a friend of Orr's, and in the hope that
life was not quite extinct, he drew the
body aside, endeavoring by rough hand
ling to restore circulation, and saw with
pleasure signs of returning respiration.
After carelessly turning the body upon
its side, its face away from Baker, he re
turned to the hanging party. Strong
appeals were made to Baker , to release
his father-in-law, which were finally ef
fectual, and he was set free.
As soon as Baker and his party had
left, old Mr. Foster discovered the con
dition of Oir; and the intend victim was
saved from death. Mr. Oir well knew
that Baker would kill him upon sight,
as soon as he should discover that he was
alive, and therefore determined to kill
Baker on the first opportunity. On the
morning of the Gth of January, Orr re
ceived information that Baker was in his
neighborhood. Four or five of his
friends were soon gathered together, and
a watch was set for Baker. About 9
o'clock in the morning, Baker and Orr
approached the house of Orr. Having
ridden all of the'previous night, Baker
and Kirby sought a quiet place, secreted
themselves and lay down to sleep, little
dreaming that their every movement was
watched by those who saw that their only
safety rested in making their sleep a
perpetual one. Silently the; avengers
crept ! upon these two desperadoes, and
with steps as cautious as a cat, they ap
proach the quarry. Not a leaf must
rustle; not a twig must be broken; the
drop must be secured, or death might be
their own portion. Their repugnance to
fire upon a sleeping enemy is overcome
by the terror of Baker when awake. I
doubt if a half dozen law abiding citizens
would have dared to attack Baker alone.
Cautiously they creep upon them; a
proper distance is reached at last, two
hours have elapsed since they have lain
there in profound sleep. Orr and his
men note with caution Baker prepares to
guard against a surprise his long
double-barrelled gun lies close to his hand,
his four Colt's army size revolvers are
convenient to his ready grasp, but all
these preparations are useless now to save
these villians. Those pistols and that
gun that chambered its 18 blue whistles,
would nevermore make corpses of loyal
men and women, white as well as black.
The avengers are upon him; two double-
barreled guns are bearing upon Baker
one is directed at his head, the other
bears directly upon the region of his' heart,
or where such an organ out to be. An
other gun in the hands of a determined
man bears directly upon the head of
Kirby. Security for themselves hardens
their hearts and steels their nerves. Si
multaneously the guns are discharged,
and the, develish career of Baker and
Kirby on earth is closed. Hell opens,
and Satan with malicious pleasure; wel
comes them to the regions of Pluto.
Carefully their bodies are concealed till
the nigh ; a wagon is procured; the bodies
placed in it, carefully covered and they
are conveyed to Jefferson and turned
over to General Buel.x
In statue Baker was about five feet
ten inches; about 35 years of age,, had a
very heavy chest,' well developed muscle,
slender and blithe about the waist; his
whole physique gave evidence of great
power of endurance; a large head, with
great breadth between the: ears ; light
hair, and a short, thinly scattered, sandy
goatee. - - ' : , . .
Newspaper. Publishing In an ar
ticle on the subject of journalism an ex
change says "that there is a wide
difference between editing a newspaper
and writing an article for one. It is an
easy matter for any one of ordinary abili
ty and education to write a leading ar
ticle, even without experience, but it re
quires long a'nd patient toil to become a
good editor. Many persons imagine
themselves capable of conducting a pa
per .because of their ability to indite a
readable Article. Many other require
ments are necessary to become a success
ful or even popular journalist. Judg
ment in the selection of articles, the time
and manner of insertion, and a. variety of
other matters, are as essential as the mere
composition of the articles. There are
many good writers but few good edi
tors. " - -' ;.Hti. , :.
I , London is growing , so rapidly that it
will soon contain a population of .4,000,
000. r , The Metropolitan police of 7,S0O
members i have to control and patrol a i
district of thirty miles in "diameter. J
Diamond cut Diamond.
lived a man who
e of the countv.
In the village of
had once been a jud
and well known all over it by the name
or juage jx. lie Kept a store and saw
mill, and was always sure to have the
best bargain on his side, by which he had
gaineu an ample tortune; and some did
not hesitate to call him the biggest rascal
in the world. He wa3 very conceited
withal, and used to brag of his business
capacity whenever anyone was near to
listen. One rainy aay, as quire a num
ber was seated round the stove, he began
as usual to tell of his great bargains
and af last wound up with the expres
"Nobody has ever cheated mc, nor
they can't neither."
"Judge,'' said an old man of the com
pany, "I have cheated you more than
you ever did me.
"How so'" said the judge
"If you'll promise you wo'nt go to law
about it, nor do anything, I'll tell you or
else I won't : you are to much of a law
character for me."
"Let's hear," cried half a dozen voices
at once.
"I'll promise," said the judge, "and
treat in the bargain if you have.
"Well do you remember the
you robbed me of?"
"Lnevcr robbed you of anv wagon: I
only got the best of the bargain," said
the judge.
"Well, I made up my mind to have it
back, and
"You never did," interrupted the cute
"Yes, I did, and interest too.
"How so?" thuudered the
judge. ,
"Well, you see, judge I sold you one
day a very nice pine log, and bargained
with you for a lot more. Well, that losr
I stole off your pile down at the mill the
night before, and the next day I sold it
to you. Ihe next night I drew it back
home and sold it to you the next day,
and so I kept on until you had bought your
own log oi me twenty-seven times.
"That's a lie 1" exclaimed the iufuri
ated judge, running to his book and ex
amining his log account; you never sold
me twenty-seven logs of the same meas
"I know it," said the vender in logs.
"by drawing it back and forth the end
wore oif , and as it wore " I kept cutting
the end off until it was ten feet long
jusi iourteen ieec snorter man it was
the first time I brought it and when it
got so short I drew it home and worked
it up into shingles, and I concluded I
had got the worth of my wagon back,
and stowed away in my pocket book. exclamation ot the judge was
drowned by the shout of the by.standcrs,
and the log vender found the door with
out the promised treat.
Tiie Fra.nk.ixg Privilege Amus
ing Letter from a Congressman.
The Washington correspondent of the
Cincinnatti Commercial says :
A lady received a letter from a Con
gressman, that puzzled her beyond ex
planation, and she handed it over to me
for clearance. I understood it at once.
My fair friend had the same name made
famous by an authoress here, and the
letter had been missent. It seems the
fair quill-driver had been using the M.
C.'s frank to forward her manuscripts
and proofs. I ought not to publish, but
can't resist. The little epistolary effort
read : 1
Dear Friend- I am sorry to refuse
the use of my -fac simile, as heretofore.
There has been such a devil of a row
kicked up in the newspapers about the
use of the thing, that I have been forced
to lock mine up. It is well I did. I
found it had been used to frajak over the
country a circular setting forth the ex
cellence of. a certain patent ointment to
cure scald heads, tetter, ringworm and
chicken-pox in children. I have the
confunded thing under double-lock and
key, and have had night sweats ever
since, for fear some infernal paper would
et hold of the thing and force me to
rise to a question of privilege, on the
subject of franking scald-heads. If you
will send me your manuscripts and sheets
I will frank them, with pleasure, provid
ed none are to go to that screechy old
heathen, Horace Greeley. I am, mad
am, yours, etc.
. Pyramid Lake. A gentleman who
has lately explored the islands of Pyra
mid Lake, tin . Utah, which are avoided
from some superstition by the Indians,
says that it is impossible, during the in
cubating season, to walk on the islands
without stepping on the eggs of gulls,
ducks, pelicans, and other aquatio fowl.
Two small rocky islands are alive with
rattlesnakes, which bask in the shade of
almost every stone; so that an intruder is
often treated to a serenade of a dozen
or more, rattles of various degrees ' , of
power and shades of tone. .. , , r , ,
The Sacramento and Vallejo Railroad
is repaired and in operation again.
Pluiipiiig In Pennsylvania.
It is an interesting peculiarity of crim
inal voting in Pennsylvania, that the
rascally Itepeaters, when brought to the
witness-stand, usually acknowledged their
multiplied misdemeanors with a cheerful
frankness which is eminently edifying.
A contested election case (Bunn vs.
Withani) is now before a legislative Com
mittee at Harrisburg the seat in dis
pute being that for the Xlth Legislative
District. One witness, Michael Slaven
by name, swears that he voted the Demo
cratic ticket twenty times, between '.8
o'clock a. m. and 5:30m. p. ni.-jbein"-about
twice every hour a remarkably
energetic day's work, and speaking
highly for Michael's peripatetic ubiquity:
Then comes a confessor rejoicing in the
gentle name of Lamb, who acknowledged
that he voted the Democratic ticket
twenty times on election day. Then fol
lows Henry Elliott, who, on his own
statement, was also a double X voter.
The modest and moderate John Rowan
contented himself with voting the Demo
cratic ticket only ten times. According
to the testimony of Slaven, there was a
small party of ten men, the witness him
self being one of them, who went mean
dering about all day, voting the Demo
cratic ticket whenever they pleased and
as often as they pleased, being furnished
with ballots by "men with the Demo
cratic badge on." Some of his compan
ions, according to Lamb, belonged m
Baltimore and some of them in New
York. Elliott, it seems to us. was ab
surdly cautious ; for he depones that he
"changed his hat and coat sometimes
in going from poll to poll." Why he
did this we are sure we don't know ; for
it is not at all probable that any Demo
cratic challenger would have molested
him or made him afraid while he was
doing a work so noble and patriotic. For
the enthusiastic Elliott to disguise him
self, was as it were to hide his light under
a bushel, and the change of hat and coat
might have rendered it difficult for him
to establish his identity when the rovers
called at the Democratic headquarters to
receive their reward.
M. Slavan testifies to an interesting
circumstance in regard to "the man who
gave the tickets." This charitable pur
veyor of ballots presented to the little de
voted band a $5 bill, whereupon the free
voters went to the Girard-ave Market
and "got their dinners" and an uncom
monly good appetite we should think they
must have had after their long walks and
exhausting exercise of the franchise.
These were, indeed, true Democratic poli
ticians. They were after a free dinner,
and they got it; and whoever says they
didn't earn it can know nothing by per
sonal experience of the fatigue ot voting
early and voting often.
Mr. Michael -Slaven and the other
diligent perambulators exhibited a touch
ing confidence in Democratic integrity.
"Wo voted," says Michael, the Demo
cratic ticket; did not examine any of
them ; the man we took them from had
the Democratic badge on." Each enter
prising voter received from "the man
with tho badge on" a slip of paper. Up
on this were written facts with which the
recipient was supposed to be unacquaint
ed, viz., his own name, residence and
occupation. These ; memoranda were
necessary, it seems, ' to manufacture a
citizenship for the gallant balloters. It
isn't everybody who can be rechristened,
get a new house, and learn a new trade,
a dozen times over in one day.
Although the Philadelphia system ap
pears to as to be nearly perfect, yet there
is one improvement which we may ven
ture to suggest. Common humanity
would seem to require that every Repeat
er, passing "from pole to pole," should
be furnished with a velocipede. If Mr.
Michael Slaven, without this locomotive
convenience, could vote twenty . times in
one day, it is evident that by its aid he
might double or treble his usefulness.
We give Mr. Chairman Wallace the hint,
and charge him nothing for it, beyond.
the common gratitude which our past
favors have already so amply earned.
Santa Clara Incendiaries. -It will
be remembered that the telegraph gave
notice not not long since, that a band of
Ku-Kluxes, controlled by the same spirit
working in the breasts of the Oregon
City disturbers, bnrned a church in
Santa Clara, California because : it was
used as a school room for Chinese pupils.
The incendiary who applied the . torch,
now writes that he was one of a band of
68,000 in California who were with him,
in such villainy. The Marysville Ap
peal remarking upon the . declaration,
thinks the fellow means there are 68,000
Democratic voters in the State. Union
ist. . .. V !
An insane man became unmanageable
in a New York Central railroad car, and
it was ascertained that oat of thirty-two
gentlemen in the carl; twenty-nine carried
revolvers. tf.
England has coined 40,000,000 eold
sovereigns, and 13,000,000 half sover
eigns, during the past ten years about
i ' !'
Oysters are sold ten for a cent in Pen
sacola, Florida. .. .
There is a baby in Hartford three
months old, , which weighs . only : ;. two
pounds. ' -..,-!' ,
Indiana has eight hundred aD thirty
one aboriginal log school houses still in
use. . ; ... ; ;r: -, 'vr.I
Chinamen have commenced . to work
the mines on More's creek, Idaho City.
Sacramento is to have a grand veloci
pede tournament on the 20th. ..There
will also be a match race for $200. :
The town of Elko is beautif ully located
in the center of a nice valley, and on the
banks of the Humboldt river
Georgia has something like one hun
dred and thirty counties, more than , al
most any other State in the Union,
though not the largest iu territory.
There is a proposition before the legisla
ture to create a number of pew counties.
The Buffalo Courier has been sent to
the Young Men's Christian Association,
Geneva, New York, for some timejr ai
last the postmaster returns the paper say
ing it is uncalled for, and adds, by way
of explanation : "Reason all the young
men dead defunct gone up repudi
ated disgusted sold out by the consta
ble." ; ,
Meadow Lake, a mushroom town,
which sprung up on the Central Pacific
railroad, two years ago, and at one time
boasted a city government, two theatres,
thirteen hotels, etc., has now a todu-
lation of thirty-five, and a building that
cost $6,000 was sold tho other day for
$ 1 5. i . -
Tho Los Angeles Jveies says that a
beaimg orange tree in that county would
be considered worthless that would not
produce more than than 100 oranges,
and would be dug up and thrown away.
It is not an uncommon thing there to
gather annually three or four, and even
five thousand oranges from one tree.
The Washington correspondent of -the
San Francisco Times says : "I hear it
rumored on the streets of Washington
that a movement is on foot to investigate
the particulars of the will of the late
David C. Broderick. Wilkes, of the
New York Spirit of the Timet, it will be
remembered, was the devisee and sold
the entire estate to C. K. Garrisson for
S800.000. It is now worth many mil
lions, and there are several heirs dis
covered. The whole subject has been
an enigma since the will was firBt admit
ted to probates." '
To-Day and To-Morrow. To-day
we gather bright and beautful flowers
to-morrow they are faded and dead.
To-day a wealth of leaved shades us
to-morrow, sere and fallen, they crumble
beneath our tread. .
To-day the earth is covered with a car
pet of green to-morrow it is brown with -the
withered grass.
To-day the vigorous stalk only, bends
before the gale to-morrow, leafless and
sapless, a child may break the brittle
stem. : . ;;
To-day the ripening fruit and waving
grain to-morrow "the land is taking ita
rest after the toil." " ' "
To-day we have sweet songsters of
meadows and forest, the buzx and ham
of myriad insects to-morrow breathe
softly all nature is hushed and silent.
To-day a stately edific, . complete in
finish and surrounding, attracts the passer-by
to-morrow a heap of ruins mark
the site. ' ' " . '
To-day there are cattle upon a thous
and hills to-morrow they fall in slaughter.-.
... . f , . .; ,),-J !' '-'
The fashion of the world passeth away.
But let Christ dwell .within, us, and
though we may pass away like the faded
leaf and sapless stalk, shall ''arise, to
newness of life,
"Where everlasting spring abides, ' ,
And never withering flowers." : . 0 si f
Department op f Agriculture.-
The report of the Denartment of A
culture for last month, shows thai the
number of horses has slightly increased!
in most of the' Western and Southern
States, but verv little in tTiA Tf.nafoi-n
Middle States. . In the principal States
van v we .uxioaisoipn river auVL la tnQ
Pacific States the number in tint einl
the demand, as is shown by the general
auvauce m price.'- xnere is a positive
decrease in cattle
ing to five per cent, in Illinois. AW
auction in tne number of milch cows is
reported in Texas, Ohio and Illinois, and
an increase in prices is reported. vi A
eeneral reduction in nliAon ia al.A-n -,
cept in Tennessee, Missouri, Minnesota,
FTonaoo anil flin TnASAA' Ol.i . mi -
iasiuo OUHrtSa, xnq lOSS
is not ' much leas than' fan wait ' MiiV
fw VUl,
There is a large redaction in swine, ep-
-"-& lm.vcvu jict uauv. lu- some MO
tions, and a marked advance in prices..,, ,
Armies don't like to he Karri
We can't sav how it wnnlrl Vw .;fV..
" - ' .va M.
army of -women. -; . t. ;,S:i ,n c
Nevada owes 8606.12ft ft : irtiUh AI-
annual revenue of $117,595 99.