rrBLlSBED EVIRT SATUHDAT Br COLLINS VAN'CLEVE. A LB AN Y ADVERTISEMENTS of rtcs on coitasit op ferry axd nnsT-sTs., .. .OPPOflTB W. W. PARKISH CO.'s STORE. - TERMS IN ADVANCE. One Tear. .'. Three Dollnr9 Six Months Two Dollar8 Single Copies Ten Cent CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, X H. TJ G- Gr I S T (Susccssor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrish'a New Building, First Street, ALBANY. OB EG ON, ADVERTISING RATES. One Column, per Year, $100 ; Half Column, $60 ; Quarter Column, $.'J5. Transient advertisement per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $3 ; each subscqueut insertion, $1. BUSIXESSCARDS. BATH HOUSE. DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully. inform the citizeus of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish- meat, and, by ko?ping clean rooms and paying strict nutrition to business, expects to suit all those who in ay favor Liin with their patronage. ilariug heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing' Saloons, be expecs to give entire satisfaction to all. Xdf Children and Ladies' hair neatly rnt and 1 t-cttitt lvrnnrn sep!9y2 GEO. W. GRAY, D. X. S., GRADUATE OF THE CINCINNATI DEN tal College, would invite all persons desiring ar.inciai iceto, nu urst-ciass aental oreratiocs, to gire.aim a call. f. AH articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, lS6S-6tf PICTURES J. A. WINTER. TIAVTVO PTTTfOIT AR17TI uio weu-mrnistiea PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO. B. COOK. w. R. SK WALL. COSMOPOXITAIV HOTEL.. (rORSIEIlLr ABRICONl's.) SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 18G9. state: items. Front street Portland, Oregon. Work on the Dalles 3Iint is progress- THE UNDERSIGNED. ITAVING PUR ..... ,c ,asLJ own Hotel. S. pared to offer th. .is " " "IT,"': Hre now r- .nodations than can be" J i Board and lodging $2 00 per day. Tl. TT.i.l ai . .... V,Z ... V-ncn w,!.1 bc in attendance to eon iini 7 SV , 0,,eSaSe to and from the PETYALL A COOK. vinca urcon 4 California Stage Company, C. It- V ITITF.noiTfi v A.-r., A -I. ... - r-." - 2tf BUCIITEL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, THE ONLY ESTll-Itcnr.. Zl Ziv"t'".'B ,,";sniy prepared to do ! ;ro.:i,.v. : ". work ,n Photo i f - '"O nn. X'flOIO- KiIns irom earn to life T!, ,..,-,1. . ... -,. . - -w i-nuinci T-ij. . . """'s. rcioucnea in " in water-colors, by Mrs. S. J. duecd in il.5. vl" I:-r"" rcPro- - ...... iiui-ul vr rn t-r i t u v.,... l -""" copies may re hart at nnv time. , JOSEPH BUCUTEL. Portland, Oregon. , PICTITKE CJAF.I.EKY Specimens of Vulcanite Base with gold-plate , . lings, and other new styles of work, may be '""""'J oetorging to A. B. Paxton, is prepared from "Care f UtsiVc" up to life size. Also AMBROTYPES & "SUN PEARLS! linings, ana oiaer new siyies oi work, roav seen at his office, in Parrish A Co.'s brick, (an tairs) Albany, Oregon. Residence Corner Second and Baker sts. 2 . IS. RICE, M. 1$., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ALBANY, OREGON. SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN OftEC.iOJ SEED STOS5E. TRODUCE AND COxMMISSION -A. Jt-t 332310 TT fa "P! Consignments of Produce solicited. if K. E. CHATFIEL.I5, (Opposit. the Western Hotel,) PORTLAND, OREGON. in jr. i Dalles is the head of navigation on the Columbia river at present. They have had no rain in Wasco county for so long a period, that short crops arc anticipated. II. Li. Judell was arrested one day last week and taken to Dalles, accused of horse stealing. lie hailed from La Grnude. Dr, T. B. Jackson has successfully re moved a malignant tumor from the nose of Mr. Claikson, a blacksmith of Dalles. He had been carrying the tumor for twenty years. Bill IIa"d, editor of the Mounlainrer, unt'iiwis m euiarge ana otherwise im prove his paper, if patrons continue to i.icrcase their patronage in the way of advertisements, efc. We are glad to sec our friend in such a fair way of pros peri y. The citizens of French Prairie have been g-catly excited about a Fire Kin" Ghost, which makes its appearance there abouts, and travels with greater velocity than a pulsophilitc. Portland is said to contain a manufac tory for counterfeits tenders. gold and legal O FFICE ON street. Albany, September 19, 6S-2tf C. rOWEtfc. L. FUNS. Poirell & Flimi, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, (! Flinn, Notary Pnfclie,) . Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances prom ply attended to. 1 w. j. hitabidel; f. m. redfield. XXiltabidel & Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. -Main stroct, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. . i Any person who has had can! pictures made here since the Gallery burned down risen ran get pictures from the negatives at the rate of inree tinuars per dozen. Ha.-injr bad eisht Years' exnerienee ;n tnnhn. iness, I believe that I tan insure. to give satisfac- "on- J. A. WINTER. Albany, Sept. 19, lSCS-2tf WESTERN HOTEL, PORTLAND. OREGON, DORCY & HOLMES. PROPRIETORS. Lemiii The Mountaineer has news from Lemhi, Montana, that that country is in a nourishing condition. The dig gings are reported as paying well. Min er's wages 7 per day, and men scarce. Grood Pictures I MADE IN CLOUDV WEATHER I J. A. WINTER. Oct 31, lS6S-Stf Velocipedes. In an article on ve- IVew Columbian Hotel, N-s. 11S, 120 and" 122 Front street. rOKTIi&IVS, : : OREGON. ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The Largest, Best and most Convenient Hotel in Portland! Aocatea in tne center of business and near all tue etcainooat lanaings. Board ani Lodgini From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. ST Rooms newly furnished and well ventil- aieu. superior accommodations fur fair.!!;,-. npiIIS HOTEL IS LOCATED NEAR THE H eteamwhio Landim. TU Hni.i n u l.,-: i.. or - Tn attendance at all the Ldin to r" l' ' . "m 0""'JK American g.ves TtfLGKn-Ar i.i .1 U i. . . - 1 thA t, J. n viii-i.- ii7.,T . irs - lu ouu ,I0IU tno House '" "o u.-ripnon oi tno one ' "iitcicu veiocipeue an English inven tion : The one that seems to come near est to perfection now known, is a wheel AJ1EKICAIV EXCIIAIYUE. CORXER OF " ana n ashluirtnn PORTLAND, OREGON. X- P. W. Qnimfcy, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in tho State, newly furnished, and it will h i!. endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat lanuing. 233" The Concord Coach will l, v at the landing, on the arrival of steamships and fPSm V I t w . . AGENT. Office in the Pos't Office dta in ttTendan .Ti "the landing coveT"pas- TT "5" ba . I . ii , . " . . -v Pao I gare to and from the boain sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 Free ol Charge ! -6 69 Lttention! FARMERS! MIIEIfJEIV! ' AND ALL RAVING MACHINERY I gage to and from the boats free of charge. Ifotue supplied Kith Patent Fire Extinguit guithcri. X2. A. Preland, BEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery, Gold and Ste-l Pens, Ink, etc.. Post--office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. I 3 ' S. H. Clanffhton, -fWTOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE Lebanon, Orejon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, alsa to the prompt collection of debts en trnsted to my care. 1 C Mealcy & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Ware, First street, Mbany. J. B. HITCH ELI.. J. W. DOLPH. A. SMITH. OSitcbell, Bolph & Smith, ATTORNEYS aso COUNSELLORS at LAW, -Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad- Eatrairy. umce orer tne old .Post Office. Frnnt I ' n 1 11 n. aluaaI i.ARI) fiTT. rirrnnv i I Linn rnnntr. rrn m i,i jj . . , , . . . v m. uu i . " t ' "in prac- i ... . - , , xi. " uiouuus, ana is prepared to turn- i " " aw auu v.ouccuons, superior laeilitks for u iuty can i oe Uiaae last pinni.. i tn i . : i i - i -. - .- - - viruicjauiiug, uxnioiauig necorus, ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. . F. RUSSELL, atiorset at law. JAMES ELKINS, SOTAUT PUBLIC. RUSSELL & ELKINS, (Office in Parrish A Co.'s block, First street,) Albany, Orcg-on. k XTAVING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNER- JiX SHIP James Elkins, Esq., ex-Clerk of twelve leet in diameter, on the top of which, iinmedintely over the centre, the driver sits astride, with two .short stilts on either side, aftached to a crank, fast ened to the axle, and pifopcllcd the same as a boy would walk on stilts. A pprin" scat is nxed on which thc-rider rests the greater part of his weight, hence the labor or exertion is not so much as the simple act of walking would bc. At common speed this wheel is suppose! to make fifry revolutions a minute, at which rate a man would travel twenty-five miles an hour, equal to tho fastest steamers, or nearly railroad speed. It can bc driven up hill or down, or over any common road or track. All that is required to ride it is the art of balancing, which is a most serious difficulty with some. The best two-wheeled velocipedes in New Ions and Chicago cost S100 and S12a . , NEW ENGLAND A I'AlA JU1JT Kt - tilOUIVAilVJCi tU. 1 , " uuiureni prices. OP BOSTON. Tho No. 1 Grade is Warranted tn !, strictly Pore ! Purely 3Vr-vx-t-.ctX. ; - r -' i in . 135. INCORPORATED Cash assets. . Cash distributions of 1867. Total sutplus dividead-.... Losses paid ia 1867........... Total losses paid Income for 1S67 Orders from abroad respectfully solicited All o dors should be accompanied hT ti,. promptly executed. ..u i and attending to Probate business Deeds, Bonds. Contracts and Mnrirn.,, fully drawn. Homestead aud Pre-emption Papers mad3, and claims secured. Sales of Real Estate neirnti&teil. eucccea on collateral- securities on reasonable rates. All business entrusted to them faithfully and ...$7,000,000 00 52,5fl5 55 i 2,727,573 55 381,000 00 2,796,100 00 2,203,803 00 " No extra charge for traveling to and from the Atlantic estates, fcuropc, Oregon, or the Sandwicl Islands. RUSSELL A ELKTNS. Albany, Oct. 10, '63-5y All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by the non-forfeiting law of Massachusetts Policy holders the only persons who receive divi de ds in this Company, which are declared and paid annually ; first dividend avail t able at- the payment of the second annual premiums. All Policies remain in force as long a there is any surrender -- value. - - 2T0 FORFEITURES I ThU old and popular-Company, (the oldest Ma tual Life Insurance Company in this ; - country) Insures at the low est possible rates. Cash or Soap will be paid for Pure Lard and rancid or scorched Grease, delivered at the factory. McCORD & GEORGE. Albany, Jan. 2, 1SC9-17 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Insurance Company No. 416 and 418 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Stockholders Individually. Liable. Cash Capital, in Gold Coin, 9TSO.OOO. Deposit in Oregon, 950,000. The stability of this tb V?5- Losset prPhJ Equitably Adjusted. obligation. in the past, : are garan eei T7or the future such as far-seeing and careful men require T,nlS COMPANY having complied with the n their investments. 1 JL laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of 6fty "B generally, who thorou2hly under. 1 onars, is now prepared to effect insur- r v. Mu.gv x iic, iuu uro against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Scc'y. -i " " s " insurance, are anxious to arad themselves of it. equitable provision? aUJ?!t?T"in 8iren to thos. who Bma Office,; 39 State Street, Boston. Pacific Branch Offices. ao Montgomery street, San PraneUco. ! Room 3, -Carter' ,2MiIri; !... j aauira, Qeneral Ats. BTLTSSEXi; Si ELKms, Agts, ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19, 1863-2y LL those knowing themaelres indebUd to ti an Mspectlullv requested tt e.n ....7 modiatelr. . VjU. Old acttrjHfifmHtt be tettUd. " i 'i BEACH MOStTEriff' Albany, Oitooer 10 th, '68. " W. W. Parrish Sc Co., Acrenta for Albany. Albany, January 9, 1869-18 : N. GOTTGETREU, Importer and Dealer in the choicest brands of HAVANA & DOMESTIC CIGARS. Chewing: & Smakinff Tobacco, Pipes, Stem., Rnuff. Playmg Cards, StaUonery, Cutlery and Notions, .7t No. UT Pront Street, Cot. Morrison, opposite Western Hotal PORTINP. OREGON. Goods at WhoUsale or BetaiLrttft r.- CmmtrJ nim arefaUy put up, at l.wert NO MORE HIGH PRICES FOR ALBANY Come and huy Goods at prices of 1860. J. E. BENTLEY. SEN.. TTAVING RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAN- M.M. Cisco, by latest shipments, the larcest stock of Boots and Shoes ! Consisting of the following lines of Goods : Gents' Fine Sewed Boots, Gents' Fine Pegged Boots, Boys and Children's Boots, Ladies and Misses Boots, Kid Congress. Gaiters, And Children's Gaiters, - Rubber Over-Shoes, and Shoes of all Descriptions. Gentlemen's Boots Made to Order! On short notice ; and with neatness and dispatch. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE I t Sole and Upper Leather for Sale At the lowest figures for Cash. ' Give me a call and see for yourselve 2tf Real Estate for Sale ! THOSE WnO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A good Lathed and Plastered New Franie Dwelling' Tlouse, two stories in bight, kitchen and wood-shed at tacked, with private barn, well situated in the city of Albany, will do well to call, without delay, on RUSSELL A ELKINS, Albany, Oct. 17, '63-6 Real Estate Agts. " Administrator's Notice. Estate of D. 31. Bond, deceased. NOTICE U hereby given by the undersigned administrator of tho above named estate, to the creditors of, and all persons , having, claims against, said deceased, to present the same, with necessary vouchers, within six months from this notice, to the undersigned at his residence, six miles south of Peoria, Linn county, Oregon.. JAMES SHSRRILL, Feb. 1, 186923 Adm. . Rvstra. a ExLixs, Attys. l-tvl -I .1 YX cuyjj.jr mo ueuianu. with a proper teacher of their own sex, aud with suita ble dress for the preliminary practice, ladies can 1 obtain such a command nvor the velocipede in one week's practice ol an hour daily that they can ride sidc-6addle-wise with perfect ease. What is the Use. The following paragraph taken from an Eastern paper, handed to us by a friend, fits everywhere: Don't go ; round bemoaning the woful condition of business, &c, in y ur place; for what is the use of "rumbling or la menting? ! Nobody will take "courage from what you say; none will bo moved to wake up and stir about, by such dole lui tales. ho that cares anything for his own business or interests, "wishes to nave tne worst side ot his affairs, con tinually thrust before him? No; that is ... ' nor. tne way to better times. ,Talk thus, and you will only make matters worse. Step your eroakiog, and go ahead in some useful thin that will make a stir. Don't worry the life out of others, by your jercmaids about the place where you live! Up and doing is the true principle. Say the best, and keep the flag flying ! NEWS PARAGRAPHS SpaiD asks 825,000,000 for Cuba. An official newspaper is to be publish ed in India. 1 , Ploughing clubs are reported to be pujjuiar in VanaUa. Mrs. Buffan, of Chicago, wants a woman for President in 1872. A Virginia paper calls the philosophy ui iiugt-nes "lubism." The Indians in Wisconsin are so near starvation that they are catin-r diseased meat. " . . A black walnut tree was cut in Put nam county, Ohio, which turned out SI, 000 worth of lumbtr. The Liberal Christian says that the most successful lobbyists in Washington are wonmn. A woikman at the London fWL-o rn. cently sucked brandy from a cask throu-h a pipe until he died. e The New York Sun remarks : "What. ever else may be said of Fik, no one will deny that he is good to the lawyers." A Englishman has lately confessed cutting liis wife to pieces and scattering her remains about ia different places seventeen years ago. " The pope has bestowed his paternal blessings upon a French lady who re ccntl published a book censuring the ex travagance of women in dies. Jihn C. Beckcnridg intends to practice law at Lexington, Ky., with his former partner, James G. Deck, who now repre sents the district in Congress. The State Agricultural f!ollA rf c, - - - Kansas, teaches women, and has seventy one young lady students. A military drill is part of their education. Much popular feeling ngainst tho own er of the boiler whie.( recently exploded in Elizabcthport, N. J., exists there, and he was arrested when abjut to leave town. According to the Boston Advertiser : "In several Virginia counties the tavern and storekeepers pour rat poison and whisky for their customers from the same bottles." The New York ITrrald called the pro posed Inauguration ball a grand spasm of Washington vulgarity, nd is glad that x'resM'cut Grant had it "knocked in tl head." The Boston Pout says : "Tt is suggested that a certain State constable be appoint .1 O 1 n n iu ou;ierinciiucat ot the Streets as h nas been in the gutter often enough to Know Ins duy. T1a ... ' ... i - "v.- idiui.ie Miauc zor luil dress is said to be a warm tint of salmon, known as melon, or more correctly, cantelonc cuiur, wnicn ugnrs well, and suits a va ncty ol complexions. At Bristol. R. I., recently, a man aged 92 was married to a lady of 34. Both had previously been twice married and the groom has now over 350 children and grandchildren living. The inhabitants of Peeskill, N. Y are enjoying a sensation. A wild panther irom i no woous and two escaped hyenas iiigiiuy roam tne streets, and evenin parties are slimly attended. A ciMzcn of Cleveland, Ohio, is in great joy because his wife left him a few days since. She took all the monv saved during twenty-six years of joint iuuui, uut ne says u is a cheap riddance A. T. Stewart has sold twentv sli.iwli ., . - inis season worth bOVUU each, and one ... VARIOUS ITEMS. I ' ' "I am transported to see yon," as the convict said to the kangaroo. A girl that has lost her beau say as well hang up her fiddle. A good sermon is like a kiss. It re quires two heads and one application. "Mother," said a little poet of four summers, "listen, to the trees makiu music for tho leaves to dance by." A hifil.ly educated constable some whore in tho Northwest, exposes for sale a roan horse, "or so much thereof as may be ncssary" to satisfy the judg ment. , A gentleman said tolas Hibernian ser vant: "Pat, here comes a funeral ; do you know who is dead?" "Faith, I guess, sir, it must be the man in the coffin was the reply. Sau Francisco has a "meeting" every now and then about some public calamity. It had so "earthquake" meeting, and now we see a lengthy report in a San Francisco paper headed ."the small-pox meeting." Such an assembly must be interesting. Sometimes a girls says "notoan offer ) when it is as plain ns the nose on her face that she means yes.. iTuc- best way to judge whether sho is in earnest or not. is to iook siraigm iuto ner eyes and never mind her nose. A country editor perpetrates the fol lowing: "Marriftd. up town, tho other day, at Mrs. William's, Mr. William William's of Williamsport, to his cousin. Miss Lizzie Williams. For particulars see small Bills. A gentleman once asked a little cirl. an only child, how many sisters she had, and was told three or four. Her mother asked Mary, when thev were alone, what had induced her to tell such an untruth. "Why, mamma," cried Mary, "I . didn't want him to Ihiuk you were to poor that you hadn't but one child. Wouldn't he have thought we woro drefful poor" An exchange savs that Brio-ham xoungs son .jio smokes worth gIGOO. One woman lately rau up a bill for 20,000 at his store in a couple of months. Amenities It is delightful to wit ness the growth of Congressional amen ities. When Mr. Woodward yesterday in referring to the New York Election frauds, spoke ot the "disgraceful incar ceration" of a citizen by Congress, the Speaker compelled him to take back the word "disgraceful," as tho Speaker did not see how a disnraccful act could be property done by Congress, In making the point ot order, Mr. llobinson remind ed the Houe that the word disgraceful was a more severe expression than that for which he himself had been called to order the day before. Still another step was yesterday taken in behalf of the dignity of the House " when Mr. IIol- brook was brought before the bar in charge of the Sergeant-at-Arms, and severely censured by the Speaker, for using insulting language toward. Gen. Butler. Id course of time wo may actu ally see Congress behaving in such a manner as to command publio resnect. AT. Times, Feh. 5th. Old Salt. Lot's wife is the "oldfc tali of whom we have anj record. A younr lady of Kansas Citv. Mo.. lately went to Independence. Daid her lover s line, released nini irom jail, and marruu nun. There are twenty nine business houses in San Francisco that have each sold over a mill ion of dodars worth of coods durin" the past year. Of these, the largest sold 3,131,216. Mr. Evans, one of the editors of the Alia, who has just returned from his second trip to White Pine says, it is the biggest thing on earth in the silver line, and the bst nlace to stay away from for the next sixty days. General- Lee when some one spoke dis paragingly of General Grant's abilities in his presence, shrugged his shoulders and said : "At all events, he seems to accomplish whatever he undertakes." Last year, S250,000 were expended in improving Waterloo, Iowa;" About one hundred and fifty new buildings were erected. For stealing a box of steel pens, Charles Fredericks, of Meridan, (Conn.) was awarded a year's instruction in the Reform School. The Lieutenant-Governor's residence, in Toronto, Canada, is expected to cost 5110,000. "His Honor's" aalary is 88,- 000 a year. - Horses are so scarce in Japan that cows take their place, and the "war horse" of an army officer is one of these ani mals shod with straw and musical with little bells. - - An Irishman on arriving in the coun try took a fancy to the Yankee girls, and wrote to his wife: "Dear Norah These melancholy lines are to inform you that 1 died yesterday and hopo you are enjoy ing the ame blessing. I recommend you to marry Jemmy O'Rourke and take care ui me eniiuer. From your affection ate husband till death. -The ore at the Kbcrhadt mill.it is said, yields $10,000 per ton, and that fifty tons are on hands to grind. The White : Pine JVews says that re gion stands sorely in want of a dentist. rrooa. ciE-am. . drinks god liquor, gets drunk, plays poker, licks his wives, aud preaches the Gospel. f Toads are sold in Taris at the rata of fifteen cents . a dozen, i This animal is used lor ths protection of vineyards and gardens from the ravages of iusects that escape the pursuit of birds. It is said that on tho map used by the Hindoos, Africa is depicted as & small inland, and America is made one of' its chief towns. No one is obliged to be lieve the story until he has seen such a map. A Berlin paper announces that a Rus sian officer of St Petersburg has invented a new firearm more murderous than any hitherto known. It can bo fired off two hundred times per minute, and will fill a space of thirty paces square with "a shower of grape and shot. It can be directed against objects near or distant, and will produce its effects at a distance, of 2,400 paces. Its management is ex tremely easy. At a school in the north pf England, during a lesson in the animal kngdom, the teacher put the following question: "Can any boy name to mean animal of the order of edentats that is a front toothless animal." A boy, whose face beamed with dIm. ure at the prospct of a ffood mark. r. plied: "I can!" "Well, what is the animal?" j "My Grandmother !""renliprl Ki i with trreat dec. - Siiahp. A man from the count accosted by a Chicago juvenile with the usual question : "Black your boots, sir?" "No." - . "Black 'eta for five cents, sir." - "No." "111 do em for nothing!" "All right." ' The young hopeful set about hi. with great relish, and soon had one bo in a bright, shining condition. Th.n mming up nis lace to blackee, he gravel announced : "Now you'll have to give me a quarter to do the other." "Old Muscins" is thn fnrW. :?! bestowed on their fathers hv th City youth. The English now receive their nan from the English fleet, on Chinese water? via San Francisco -and 'New telegraph. York by Havana, March 6 On Th..K. ast week the rebel captured, brought to Sequa, and shot. On Saturday tho i eastern department concentrated their forces at Mayan. The troops left Savergo to attack them. t A fight ocqurred be tween the colored voluntr . . of colored insurgents in the neighborhood - olhantiago. Sevontpn f t, ; ; b reported killed. vfliMuiu-ircoerai nas are rc M U ww - - . w W W S S lADU f. ii ale as Consul (mnl r nit cd States. i he arrests rnntinn and fafty additional troops have arrived. It is behoved that Du'ce will replace , cummnna oi , tne troons, nd not that he mim.. -:n ' Dulce a, Captain-GenL 1 ' T ' A rerolutionarv P.xnnAU; S. Jr?bab,tanti of Tioinitj saak the schooneer. that came to- take the, ..oups uave been tent in