The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 20, 1869, Image 2

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Grant' Cabinet.
Terrible. By special teJeram. from
Eugene City, we learn that. on Thursday
morning last the dwelling of Mr. Steven
ton of that city was destroyed Ly fire, at
thesavne time burning to death three of
his children, find so badly burniug his
wife (hat she died on Friday morning.
This is a most terrible bercavetaent.
Latest. A resolution to reorganise
the independence of Cuba h id been in
troduced in the Senate. -Also, i bi'.l es
tablishing woinau suffrage in Utah. A
tilt dividing Texas into several States.
T L tluiiifrht the present session of Con
gress vfift be prolonged until the middle
of April. Our squadron in Cuban waters
is- to be. immediately jeiuf'n eed.
' A tel-?grair. of the IG'.h, iVoai "Ya.ih-
ington, says:
The Oipjjon- delegation h3 f.grocd on
the foJlovring' nppohilments: For Postal
Aicnt, 15jnj. Underwood; Surveyor Gen
eral, E. Ii. Applegate; Indian Superin
tendent, Presidential Elector leachmi;
Intcriifal Revenue Collector. Tr. Bowlby;
for Assessor, Frazer is retained; Register
at .Roseburg, W. R. - Willis; Receiver,
Flint; ludiau Agents, James F. Gazley,
Benj. Simpson, Capt. Lafo'lett rnd John
It is reported that General Custar.
while on a scoutiDg expedition was capt
ured by the Indians.
I Earthquake shocks continue along the
South American coast. Frequent shocks
'are felt in Chili.
: 5 Yellow fever pcvails in Ptru, and is
very severu in Arnica.
On the evening of the 16th, at San
Francisco, an accident occurred on the
-steamboat ' Crjsopolis, which resulted
in the serious injury of eighteen or
twenty people, among them J. W. God
ley, badley burned on the face and hands,
'and. his brother Harry Godlcy, slightly
burned, both lormer residents of this city.
The accident was caused by the explo
sion of. a ten pour-d canister of gun
; powder."
Mrs. Dr. Moses, of San Francisco,
-committed suicide on the lfith inst., by
. taking hydrocyanic acid. No cause
The Coroner's jury in the case of Dr.
McAfee, charged with poisoning his
wife, "after several days' investigation,
- returped.a verdict that the cause of Mrs.
McAfee's death was unknown, but they
did not believe her death was caused by
poison. The grand jury of Marion coun
ty found a bill against Dr. McAfee, and
it is expected his trial will come oil at
an extra session of the Marion Co. Cir-
ait' Court. So says the Unionist.
An !. Ex-Senator Dead. James
.Guthrie, late U. S. Senator from Ken-
tricky, and, under Pierce's administra
tion, Secretary of the Treasury, died at
his residence in Louisville, at noon on
the 13th.
Sinco our last issue President Grant's
Cabinet has been changed somewhat, and
now f-tands :
Hamilton Fish. Secretary of State.
Geo. S. Buutwell, Secretary of Treas
ury. A. II. Borie, Secretary of Navy.
Jchn A. Rawlins, Secretary of War.
Jacob D. Cox, Secretary of the Inte
rior. John A. J. Cresywell, Postmaster Gen
eral. The Secretary of State hails from New
York, and was twice elected Lieutenant
Governor of his State. His reputation
is that of a rip j scholar, a profound
statesman, and a thorough and consistent
Uniuu man.
Tha Secretary of the Treasury is from
Massachusetts ; a.i a member of Congress
he displayed statesmanship of no mean
order, and while discharging the duties
of Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
proved himself an nb!e financier.
Secretarv of War. den. Rawliiiirs. is
, - C7
from the great State of Illinois. As
chief of Grant's staff, he has become fa
miliar with the duties of the War Office,
and will make an admirable officer.
Secretary of the Navy is put down to
Pennsylvania, and possesses all the nec
essary qualities to fill the office with
honor to himself and county. Jacob
D. Cox, from Ohio,' once elected Gover
nor of that State, has lately been em
ployed in the office he is now oppoiiyed
chief of, and is perfectly familiar with
its duties.
The Fostmastcr General is from Mary
land. The Attorney General is from
old Massachusetts, and is pronounced an
able lawyer and a staunch Republican.
The Cabinet S3 it now stands is a
strong one, and will meet the approba
tion of Uuion men throughout the land.
was referred to the Committee on Public
Lands. .
. Kellogg introduced a bill granting
right of way to a railroad from New Or
leans to the Rio Grande in the direction
of Mazatlan , also a bill to dispose of pub
Hj lands in Alabama, Mississippi, Flori
da, and Arkansas.
Cole introduced a bill granting lands
in aid of irrigation canals in California.
Trumbull, from the Judiciary Com
mittee, reported a j-jint resolution relat
ing to removals from civil office in Vir
ginia; also with amendments to the bill
to reorganize the judicial system. 'J he
amendment allow more than one Circuit
Court to be held at the Fame time ia the
same district by direction of the presidium
Judge. Also that the Circuit Courts
may le held by Supreme Justices aud
Circuit Jtt.lges sitting together. The
preseut Clerks of the Circuit Courts arc
to-continue in office until other appoiut
nieiits are made. Also amendments to
the JIoue bill to repeal the Tenure of
Office law. The amendments suspend
the act till next session of Congress.
Also a bill to enforce the 14th amend
ment. Craine introduced a coucuirent
The Tribune' special says that Gen
eral Themas will be assigned to the De
partment of the Pacific with headqua- -ters
at San Francisco. General Ilalleek
will be ordered East to a division of the
South not yet organized. Auger re
mains in command of the Department of
the Platte. Hancock goes to the De
partment of Dakota, and Pope to the De
partment of the Likes. Lucey will take
command in Georgia . and the Carolines.
Stoneman goes to Arizona.
Mr. Saunter will soon deliver a speech,
taking ground that England, is responsi
ble for much .more than the destruction
of our ships ; that her action swept our
commerce from the seas and prolonged
the war at least a year. Mr. Thornton,
British Minister, hearing this reimirk at
tributed to Mr. Sumucr, says that means
war. The Fi( nth Minister says that it
means expansion of territory. The mat
ter is makiuir much tir4 i:i diplomatic
O t a
circles. (
The Senate Republican caucus lias
nominated the following officers: .'tiLii
II. Fieneh, of North Carolina, for Ser
geant at-Arms ; M. Morri?, of Ooiiiueti
cut, :ts Executive ' Clerk, and A. 31.
resolution directing the Auditing Com-i Clapp, of Buff lo, a? Expiess to Public
nutters ot the House and .Senate to re
report a bill defining the number, daiies
and compensation of the employees of
both llou.-es. Agreed to.
Morton offered a joint resolution pro
vidiug that a majority of a:iv State Leg
islature shall be sufficient to ratify a con- Garfield. Pacific Railroad
stitutional amendment and that the res- i New York CI
Deceased. Mrs. Lydia Beecher,
mother of Henry Ward Beecher, died at
Brooklyn, (N. Y.), March 13th. She
had reached the ripe old age of eighty
Oregon Aipointmest3. The Orc-
yoniau publishes the following dispatch
from Senators Geo. II. Williams and II.
W. Corbett:
To II. W. Scott, Editor Oregoxv
an : We have recommended the fol
lowing appointments : Bowlby for Col
lector of Internal Revenue: Meacham
for Superintendent of Indian Affairs;
Jacobs for Chief-Justice of Washington
Territory; Davenport, Lafollett and Gaz
ley for Indian Agents; Underwood for
Postal Agent; Willis for Register at Rose
burg j Stevens for Receiver at La Grande;
Young for Marshal, and Lyon for , Con
sulship. Others art; unchanged. We
hope these recommendations will be
satisfactory to the State.
These gentlemen are all more or less
known throughout the State. Bowlby,
Meacham and Jacobs were Grant Elect
ors, and did good service in the late Presi
dential campaign. Judge Underwood,
of Eugene, is an active, energetic busi
ness man, an able lawyer, and will no
doubt make a very efficient Postal Agent.
With Messrs. Corbett and Williams, we
express the hope that the appointment
of these gentlemen will give general
satisfaction to the Union men in Oregon.
Telegraphic Summary
Passed. The Constitutional Amend-
ent passed the Senate of the Arkansas
Legislature on the 13th inst., by 19 to 3.
Endorsed.- At a convention held at
Nashville, Tennessee, last, week, resolu
tions were adopted in support of Presi
dent Grant, and endorsing' his inaugural.
Shot. The murderer of the editor of
the Clipper, at Augusta, was taken from
the jail, on the 12th, by some disguised
men, carried out of town and shot.
Peach paop. The peach crop in
, Somerset county, New Jersey, is likely
to prove a failure, as the peach buds were
killed by the cold snap of last week.
Divided. In the case of the great
bond robber. Dan Noble, tried at Elmira,
(N. Y.), the jury were unable to agree,
being just equally divided.
Boms. It is stated that Dr. Gilman,
Chairman of the Republican State Cen
tral Committee of Virginia, bolts the
nomination of Governor Wells. "
ignation with the failure or temporary
refusal of a minority to net shall affect
the validity cf such ratification by the
Davis objected and the resolution went
The bill to reorganize -the navy was
considered until the expiration of the
mcrning hour which brought up the bill
to strengthen the public credit.
Sprague spoke iu opposition to the
bill. ' !
Davis offered an amendment declaring
that the equitable measure of the obliga
tion of the United States upon outstand
ing bonds" in the value in coin of the pa
per currency paid for such bouds, and
spoke in advocacy of this amendment
which he said was not legitimate legisla
tion but an attempt to coustrue previous
legislation. The amendment was reject
ed. A messsgc from the House announced
the passage cf the bill to strengthen the
public credit.
On rotion of Sherman the House hill
was substituted for the one before the
Senate. After further debate the bill
passed in the same shape as it had passed
the House 42 to 13. The Senate then
and aiter-
Wosderful Tenacity of Life.
ThcRustim River Flag te'atcs that P.
F. Chase fell with his head against -a cir
cular saw, which cut through his head
five inches from near the nose to the
back, and through the. brain, and yet the
man lived and got well . . Mr. Chase suf
fered no pain, and was fully conciou3
whiie the doctor was cleansing and clos
ing up the frightful wound The physic
ian acciunts for the wounderful escape
from death, cn the theory that the saw
cut a clear wound and made no concus
sion -the latter being the cause of death
in wounds in the brain, i The story
seems incredible, but is given for truth.
The rumor thatTheo. H. Field would
' be the new encumbent of the Post Office,
created some little excitement in Cincin
Passed the Legislature. The
' . Woman Suffrage bill has passed the Da
kota Legislature, by four majority, and
- will .be ' submitted to. the people at ' the
' election in October next. r ' "
Pokr"3ame. A game of "poker".
flO0 wa recently played In White
Pine,' which luted three flay- v; -;.:
Washington, March 13. The sen
tence of the naval court martial in the
case cf Eugene Sawyer, convicted of
using disreputable language to the Presi
dent, is revoked by President Grant on
the recommendation of Secretary Borie.
Noah L. Jeffries, Register of the Treas
ury, has resigned, and it is said that John
L. Wilson, Fifth Auditor intends resign
ing. The application of office seekers at
the Treasury and Postofficc Departments
are overwhelming. Not one in five hun
dred of the applicants can be satisfied.
There is a report that John D. Clifford
of Mass., will bo Collector of N. Y. Col.
W. Forbes is appointed Pension Agent
at Philadelphia. The following appoint
ments of Commissioners of the Union
Pacific 'Railroad were made to-day: Isaac
N. Norris, of Illinois, in place of Frank
Blair; Gen. G. K. Warren, vice Gen.
Bufordj Hon. Jas. F. Wilson, of Iowa,
vice Cornelius Wendell.
Mr. Butler has introduced to Secretary
Boutwell a colored man from New Or
leans named Joubert, recommending him
as Assistant Assessor. He don't want the
office for the money but to test the dispo
sition of the party in power regarding the
rignts oi the colored race.
New York. March. 13. The Express
says there is much anxiety in Wall street
ivgaiuiug me poucy oi tne xreasury XJe
partmcnt in the immediate future.
There have been some heavy short sales
ui guiu anu stocks on tbe theory of early
sales of gold. Considerable pressure will
be brought to bear on the new Secretary
to induce him to sell, but revenue re
ceipts from the income tax will be soon
coining in and will supply the Treasury
with currency. . .
Washington, March 15 In the
Senate the Alabama land grant bill pas
sed. '.---.;. - . ,
The bill to facilitate (telegraphic com
munication between i the Eastern
Western side of the continent was refer
red to t&a. Unmnuttee- on Commerce.
'.The KininfTha. !ridirA. . .:ij
from Lake Superior to
Vermillion Lake
went into executive session
wards adjourned.
In the House several new members ap
peared and qualified, and a number of
bills were introduced by Julian to pre
vent further sales of the public lands, ex
cept under the pre-emption laws. Also
to discourage polygamy in Utah by
granting suffrage to women.
Poland introduced a bill allowing de
fendants iu criminal suits to testify.
Banks introduced a bill aut-horizing the
New York, New Foundland and Ameri
can Telegraph Company to land the cable
on the shores of the United States. Also
to create a chief vetcriipry surgeon for
the United States.
Ward introduced a bill to repeal the
provision requiriog all orders to be ad
dressed through the General of the
Kelly introduced a bill to establish an
assay office at Helena, Montana.
Paine introduced a bill to provide for
a provisional government iu Mississippi.
Bills were introduced to-day to the
number oi 145.
The Speaker announced the commit
tees and names of the chairmen as tele
graphed to-day.
Bingham, under a suspension of the
rules, introduced a joint resolution
which passed, 99 to 36 for the protec
tion of the interest of the U. S. on the
Union Pacific Railroad. It declares the
late meeting of stockholders at New York
toTiavebeen legally held, approves the ad
journment to Boston and authorizes the
company to remove its general offices
from New York to Philadelphia, Balti
more, Chicago, Cincinnati, Council
Bluffs, or Omaha; prohibits any court
except circuit or district courts of the
United States from enjoining the com
pany or appointing receivers; provides
that after the next annual meeting at
Boston in 1870 the company's meetings
may be held in either city above named.
'Dawes introduced the Indian appro
priation bill.
Garfield introduced a bill which pas
sed last Congress, but was not signed by
the President, placing the number of
Judge advocates in the army at ten.
The Senate bill striking the word
"white"' from the law relating to the
District of Columbia passed, and the
House adjourned. ;
: Chicago, March 15. A Republican's
special says the Senate J udiciary Com
mittee, after a lengthy session, decided
to recommena tne inuennue. bujicuiou
nf the tenure of office law. It is under
stood that this course is satisfactory to
tliA President and will cive him more
time to decide upon the merits of appli
cations for officer
It is expected that orders will issue
to-day assigning G. F Schofield to the
late command of General Sheridan, with
headquarters , at Leavenworh ; also fhe
assignment of Sheridan to . Sherman's
command. , with beadauartefs. at St.
MMttto i-Gfceral -Howard" jrill, probably
be sent to tbe couth.
The following Chairmen of the House
Committees have been' hcleetel : Ways
and Means Paine, of Wisconsin,
Schenck, Cooper au-1 Seward. Appropriations-
I 'awes, Seward, Bauks and
hecier, of
iNew lorn Claims tishourn. ot
Massachusetts. .Commerce Dixon, of
Connetieut. Public lands Julian.
Postofaces Farns worth. Manufactures
Morrill. Agriculture Wilson, of
Ohio. Indian Affairs Clark, of Kansas.
Military Affairs Logan, of Illinois.
M ileaga Shanks. District of Columbia
Cook, of I linois. Judiciary Bing
liam. Revolutionary Claims Boyd of
Missouri. Public Expenditures Co
burn, of Indiana Private Claims
Blair of Michigan. Naval Affairs
Schofield, of Pet10p3-lvar.i1. Fre5gn Af
fairs Banks. Territories Cullom, o!'
Ilimois. Invalid Pensions Benjamin,
of Missouri. Roads Inger.oll, of Illi
nois. Mining Ferris of New York.
Freedmen's Affairs Dockcry, of North
Carolina. Education Arneli, of Ten
nessee. Recorder Butler, of Massa
chusetts. A delegation of Cherokee, Creek,
Choctaw and Chickataw InJiins had an
interview with the Prei lent to day.
They stated that it is their desire to
co-operate with the Government to pre
serve the peace between the Govern
ment and the Indians. The interview
was of a very pleasant character.
New York, March 15. A World's
epecial says the. Spanish legation repre
sent to our Government that the insur
rection has been kept alive by expedi
tions from New Orleans, New Yor-k and
Boston. It requests our Government
not to recognize the revolutionists until
the arrival cf Mr. Roberts, the special
Spanish Envoy to Washington.
A St. Thomas letter states that nearly
all the parties claiming Alta Vela have
returned, satisfied that the place was
S. T. Clark, financial editor of the
Tribune, died to-day.
The Post says the Central Railroad
having neglected to pay the Government
tax of five percent, on it's net earning,
the question will come before the Inter-
nal Revetyue Department. The amount
involved is twelve hundred thousand
Welton, Me., March 15. The Con
gregational Church at Welton was crush
ed flat this morning by snow on the roof.
Only the library was saved.
R )Cii ester, March 15. Allan Smith
was killed yesterday while entering
church at the head of a funeral proces
sion, by a trap door which was blown
by wind from the belfrj', crushing his
New York, March 15. The Earn
ing Mail has Cuban advices via Nas?ua.
Gen. Lascas failed three times to make
his way into Puerto Principe. The in
surgents each time repulsed him with
heavy loss. A large number ot wound
ed had arrived at Nucvitas.
The Tribune's Atlanta special gives
details of the murder of Dr. Dardcn by
the Ku Klux. After shooting the editor
of a Ku Klux paper at Warrcnton
(Georgia), Darden surrendered himself
and was placed in jail. The Sheriff,
fearing an attack, asked several of tho
better class of citizens to act as a posse
to guard the jail. Ihey declined, being
overawed by the Ku Klux numbering
one hundred, who, taking possession of
the jail, broke in tho, locks. Fearing
that Darden had a pistol, the cowardly
ruffians built a fire at the door and smok
ed him out. After giving him time to
make his will, these savages barbarously
murdered him in presence of his wife
and children. Not less than 150 pistol
bullets were found in his body. The
sheriff is now here and asking protec
tion for his own life. He is the only
Republican sheriff left in the State since
the assassination ot sneritt Kicnmond.
Warren county is the headquarters of
the Ku Klux and the murders of Repub
licans have been most frequent in' that
MA1K.LTS. Albany quotations un
changed. '
Wheat in New York dull at SI C01
G5. Fluur S7(';10.
In San Francisco
Flour quoted at S7J5 50.
Wheat Common to fair milling, 61
45f 1 55; good to choice, 81 G01 65.
Barley Dull at 1 90(2 '20.
Oafs Oregon at $1 052 15; Cali
fornia at 81 75(7i)2 15 per 100 lb.,
I.. E. SLAI.
f. K. TOCKO.
IS IlKREr.Y GIVEX, that Hie annual s.-hool
raj! ting f IUti iot No. 5, 1Aim County, Ore-jt-jn,
will to held ut the mihool-bouso on MnJy,
(he 5tb U:iy ot Aril, JS6'., ot 1 o'clock P. M.,
tor tho l.uroose of ck-ctUii! two directors one to
! nil Inr urn v"ir nntl rria for Iho full
terra aud one clerk. Also, to levy a tat to re
pair s-hool-housj and f.-nce. Ky order of tho di
rectors. A. X. ARNOLD, Cl-rk
March 18, 12GD-23 of Diat. No. 5.
ISlacksmilhs !
Barrows Sc Co.,
will coutinue the business, and they in rite all to
give them a coll. Ihey will he constantly re
ceiving goodi from San Francisco, anil will keep
a general assortment of
Dry Good?,
See Sec,
And offer inducement to Kticr f jT euetomen.
f D. JUST ARHIVED, ly the steamship
, Continental, direct Irom fcau i rancisco,
a. lai-jjj lut of
Iron ami Steel !
Which can l o outaiwed V.y you on better terms
than ever has be-n offered here before, for '
Cash In Hand.
Ca'.l and see fur yourselves.
All persons owing the firm of J. Barrows A ,
Co., will please call and nettle. Kither member
of the firm is authorizud t sattle any account f
tho Co.
Albany, March 6, 1809-26
Tew Discovery.
C10X3UMPTIOX. can be cured by utin nr.
; J. IV. Murray's Lantr aud - Liver
Ifalsatn, if taken in time. It is a sore remedy
for all chronic diseases of this coast and Female
complaints so prevalent iu this climate.
f.-e testimonials and circulars accompanying
each bottld.
A f" KEGS of the Heavy Extra tiolilen fcyrup;
J a larfje lot of Sugar, and Dry Uoods to
suit the trade all to be sola lor casu or traae, at
Living Rates. R. CHEADLE.
March 20, 'C9-2S-lm
THE UXDERSrGXED, wisbiojj to "change
his base," offers lor sale his tiuo new tvvo-
IAvellingr House,
on tho corner of AVashington and Second streets,
together tti.h the old hotel building adjoiuin;
several fine lots, etc.
The house is laro, new and wll finished
throughout. The premises are well supplied with
water; outbuildings oil complete : good fences,
and n number of nno fruit bearing trees ou the
premises. Address,
March 20-23m3 Albany, Ogn.
For Eradicating Pain,
Dr. J. W. Blurraj's
It cures Rheumatism, Paralysis, Neural ia.
Gout, Headache, Tooih;u-he, Poro Throat. Dip
tbcria, Colic, Croup, Choh ra, Pains in the Breast,
Fcllons, Corns and Chilblain?.
Can be obtained of Druirgists generally on this
coast, put np in half dollar and dollar bottles.
Seed. Fotatc
r lIIE undcrsizned has, ot considerable expense.
1 introduced from Xew York the leading va
rieties of Potatoes raised in the Eastern States
and alter thoroughly tortmg thorn anduiscardi g
those that aro iot of pood quality, now offers to
the public those varieties that nave proved supc
rior in quality and productiveness, in full confi
dence tuut they will give perieet satisfaction, to
wit :
Eir!iost potato on the coast : trood size, white
skin, smooth eyes, white flesh, and of good qual-
ny, perieoly sound, solid and productive, t aek
ages of 41bs for SI.
Prairie Seedling'.
Large, flesh-colored, eyes rather deep, flesh
white and of the best qualit. for the table : cele
brated for baking ; will sell better in this market
than any other potato, and very productive. Per
bushel, !f4 ; per peck, 50.
Early Cykcisan.
Large, early, tolerab'y good, and sell well in
market. Per bushel, - ol) : per peck, $1.
Cnzco and Pink-Eyed Rustycoat.
Per peck, $1.
Garnet, Chili and Prince A text.
Per peck, 75e.
New Whits Peach Blow.
A decided improvement upon the common
Peach Clow. Flesh white, mealy, and of excel
lent quality : highly recommended as a late vari
ety, requiring the whole season to mature fully.
Per bushel, Si oO : p r peck, St.
Sample packages of four pounds sent free by
mail for $1, except the Early Goodrich, which
will require 32 eeuu additional for postage.
All orders addressed to Dr. J. W. MURRAY.
Portlnnd, Ore.ion. j
q, MedicAL Depot 108 Front street.
"?iflA Medicines sent everywhere by Express.
March 6, 1SG9-26
(Successors to L. B. Benchlcy A Co.) "
No. 3 and 5 Front Street, near Market,
American, English and GermaD -
Hardware Sc Cutlery
Agricultural and Mining Tools,
Rope, Steel, Powder, tTuae, Shot.
Lead, Etc., Etc.
Continues. The - French Canadians
still continue to pour into the United
States from the southern counties of
Canada, v In Borne instances families
have left without disposing of . their
farms. : ; . : .. , . . , .
Strawberries. The Appeal says
they are enjoying new. -strawberries
(March 6th"), in Pajaro valley,, :.r.-f
IVXanufacturcrs and Proprietors ef the
Submerged Donhle-Actlns;
Patented by J. A. Morrell,
October 29, 1867.
Agents wanted for this coast.
for sale.
March 6, '69-Gm2S
County right
A good stock of all k nds of Fruit Trees, of the
very best varieties ; Plants, Currant, Goosobcrry
and tbo lst selection of Grape-vines in the State,
on hand for sale.
All orders promptly attended to. Address,
March 20, '69-28 - Albany, Oregon.
Willamette Valley and Cascade
Mountain Wagon Road
To Deschnttes River :
Four Ilorso or Mule team.
Two " " " .
One " " "
Ox teams, three yoke. ....................
For every additional yoke...,
Loose borses, per head
" cattle, per head
sheep or hogs
Teams returning empty, half price
Pack animals, loa led...
" " unloaded
Horse and rider...-.
i U 00
3 00 I
2 00
4 60
1 00
Philadelphia Boot Store, '
So. 113 Front Street,
Opposite McCormick's Book Store,
Jan 9-69-18 Portland. Oreron.
Guardian's Sale.
To I'Ish take :
Four horse or mule team, eacn way,
Two " "
One "
Pack animals, loaded............
" " unloaded
Horse and rider.;....
Ox team, three yoke
To Upper Soda Spring :
Four horse or mule team, out and back
Two u
One " ;
Horse and rider,
Loose animals, . "
Ox teams the same as horse teams.
W. W. Parrkb, v Pre.
- , See. .
-., MAroh 20, 1888-28,- . v .....
2 00
1 50
1 00
2 00
2 50
1 00
BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER to me granted
by the County Court of Polk eonnty, Oregon,
at the February term, 1869, I will, on
Tuesday, 30lh day of March, 1869,
at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the door of
tbe Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
offer for sale at pnblie auction, tbe-following de-
serioeu real estate in soia lmn ceuniy, w-wu .
Tho undivided one-tenth part of the donation
land claim of John Ingram and Larris'a Ann In
gram, deceased, claim So. (50) being part of sec
tions I, 2, 11 and 12, townsnrp 10 soutn range
west ; also part of section 1 and 12, township 18
south range 4 west, commencing at Henry Hays'
donation land claim south-east comer, tbenee east
61 rods, thence north 2041 rods, thence west 109
rods, thence southJU rods, thence east 48 rods,
thence south 1331 rods to the place of beginning,
containing 991 acres, from S. P. Hamiltoa.
There is of the donation 254 acres, 160 acres of
this i subject to tbe life estate of John Sutton,
leaving 193J acres clear of any incumbrance.
Terms or Sale United States gold coin.
A. S. HAMILTON, ordian '
of Framcis M. Hahhto,
Btroh "W. HAintTOH,
February 15, !S69-34w4 v y f,.'-;