The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 20, 1869, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
" '5
no. sa
tr who T
Down at .cij, near the "Forks"
Of OM Linn's nuMot rivtr;
Where Kemocraoy "uncorka"
III aim st auy Hud f weather
Lived the slickest gal you ever
Saw in your life: v
Ankle tike a. blue LoacU lever,
As'T jT'Ber a'coilrtinY
Calm ana serene
.-"With her aprun sho was sportin".
Checkered and clean.
Mingled was onr fcasU toother :
All d.iy we sat,
A ehatrin' gam iu winter weather,
llapj.y as fat.
Lons I tuek to her like teaslcs.
Summer an;i fall, '.
But site w-nt off with tae mcaslcp
Auklc a:; J all.
Signed With my Own lilood.
In the ; Spring of 185) I en tore J the
detectivc-foree. I will not here give the
whys and
"leave the
wherefores Jor so doing, bu
re.iuer to conjecture. It
said that wh-Mi a man becomes it detect
ive a man hunter he i.s desperate
r I ' I . ..- . .
J.110 saying was applicable to my step
"" "".t jra uj ir, capiaiu : asks an
inquisitive roaier. Perhaps, my dear
iriend, I had been jilted: perhaps
. . A l , ..
j;.c.ii uun.nierciui.era.-n leit me penniless ;
or, uouotiess, l tjusid the ye ars of bach
eloihaod gathering arouud iuo. and
support. The
leaf I
with no visible means of
Just conjecture is most
you tlii itk so ?
But to - the story th
from detective life.
I was seated one morning on the steps
of W house,, waiting fr breakfast,
when little Dick, the errand boy of head
quarters, ran tip ana wnispered :
'Captain, 4he chief wants you."
"Is his business urgent, Dick ?
asked,-tor 1 did uot relish a walk
empty stomach.
j"No; you can cat your breakfast,"
ana inc boy bounded away. J
, After partaking of my morning's meal
consisting of coffee, ham and e-"s i
dish I relish I sauntered towards head
quarters. As I entered Eighth street, I
saw several groups of men talkiiv excit
euijr, x Knew mat something important
nau lately1 taken place with which my
summons to headquarters was connected.
I quickened my step, and not long after
ward stepped into the office.
"Take a chair, Howard," said Mat
sell. I seated myself, and he continued :
"A murder was committed last night.
Some person or persons assassinated Mr.
Royston, the banker, in his chamber."
"They did I" I exclaimed.
"Yes; you wi 1 have to work oat the
case, as the rest of the force are engntd.
A reward of five thousand dollars ls of
fered for the arrest of his murderer."
"I will do what I cau to bring him to
justice," I answered, "and will proeeel
at once to the scene of the midni-'ht
I went directly to the banker's man
sion, and was shown to .the room where
the body still lay as it had been found.
An examination of it and the chamber
gave me a clue by which I hoped to se
cure the villians, for I knew now that
two persons were concerned in the trag
edy. I went to work with success in the
distance, and in a month felt the rogues
within my grasp. But on the threshold
of accomplishment I was thwarted
engaged two years.
Without answering the woman's ques
tion. I asked one.
'Where is your friend ?"
"I will not teli you, sir. If you will
go, say fcs much, cr he will die with the
secret uutoid."
"What is his name, then ?"
"Ah ! yiju doubt my sincerity. I
will go."
And she stepped away.
I reflected a moment, and resolved to
accompany her, lot good or evil be the
I sprang forward, and touched her arm.
"I will accompany you."
" "ThaijksY'hc -eaid, turning.," Al
low mc tt) "bandage-your eyes."
And she-produced her 'kerchief.
I protested against such a proceeding,
but finding her inexorable, I suffered
myself to be blindfolded and led away.
On, on we went. I tried to enter in
to conversation with inv mysterious
guide, but was unsuccessful. 1 gained
no information save that the man to
... 1 T I - I i i
n iiuiu j. was uemg eouuuctea lay in a
basement. Alter waiting sonic distance,
a mile or two, I should judge, we stop
ped. My guide knocked at a door,
winch was opened. Down a flight of
steps I was led till another door was
reached, which opened. I was pushed
forward, the woman saving :
"He is here."
I heard the door shut, the lock turn,
and steps ascend the stairs. I tore the
bandage faom my eyes, and looked
around. I was in a small room, evi
dently a celler, in a poor portion of the
city, for the apartment was very small.
A lamp burned upon a lude table, up
on which lay writing materials. But
what attracted my atteniion most was
two masked men, a few feet from me, di
recting two pistols at my breast. I had
been deceived, and drawn iuto the tuur
dures net !
Quick as thought my hand went to my
revolver ; but the ominous click, click,
checked me.
'Two can play at that game, Tom
Howard." said one cf the masks.
"You know me, then
'Of course we do, and take pleasure
in informing you that your life is in our
hands." '
"And yon intend to deprive me of it ?"
I ventured to remark.
"Well do yes. If you sign a cer
tain instrument of writing, you Jive if
not, you die."
-a wouia iikc to Know in whose pres
ence I stand," said I, stepping forward
ihe murderers of John Rovston. the
banker, replied the tallest mask.
I recognized the voice instantly as be
longing to a tall dark-faced fellow who
for some months.. I had followed like i
Ha !" I cried, ;it is you, my covey
Two da-s more, and your career of crime
would have been ended.
iou must eaten a man betore vou
hang htm, my dear Howard," was the
taunting rejoin er.
"W e'll see, sir."
"A truce to this badinage, said one of
the n;en, stepping up to the table, while
I lemoved the 'kerchief, went to head
quarters, and announced my intention of
sticking to my oath. The lloyston case
was put in the hands of Dick Clay, while
I w:s detailed to work up the burglary.
Time passed, when," one morning, I
was summoned tactile city prison to hear
the confession ot a woman who had at
tempted suicide. She was dying, but a
faint smile appeared on her hectic
cheeks as I entered the cells
The Masonic Brotherhood
The following incident, illustrating "the
Masonic brotherhood, we extract from
an oration delivered by Brother T. E.
Garrett at the rcceut opening of the new
hall at St. Louis :
Much is said and surmised about the
peculiar nature of our ties of brotherhood,
which to the world, appear so invsterious,
so euduring and so srron.r. t ' mnV
"Mr. Howard," she said, "I have laid ?be'r universality and binding force
violent hands upon' my life
ing; I sent for you. Let
is the-, 't
"Eleventh of July," I answered, see
and am
iuq see,
ing her hesitate
come to-morrow night.
"Une -ear ago,
you signed a bond to desist trom pursu
ing the murderers of .John lloyston."
"I did."
"The bond is null and void to-morrow
night, and then you are at liberty to pur
sue them.
"Which I intend doing."
"Listen, then, to my confession :
Last January two men entered John
Royston's house and murdered him. I
assisted them. We escaped detection
uutil you got on our tracks. We
intended to leave the city, but you re
member how you foiled us. You were
weaving your web around us, and there
was one course left, by which we might
escape. I decoyed you into that cellar,
where you gave bond not to follow us.
"The men left the city ; but I re
mained, as I did not fear Dick Clay. It
was I who sent him to New Orleans on a
false trail, from whence he returned dis
comfited, and I was arrested, but suc
ceeded in clearing myself. The real
murderers are in Paris."
"How will I find them in that
city ! Can you give me a clue ?"
.inconceivable. They cannot hn f.illv i
plained except within the secret recesses
of the lodge; but I may be permitted, .to.
Siye a simple illustration pt he true
spirit of Masonic brotherhood which came
unaer my personal notice not louga-o.
1 wo men had been fast fnendi Tn
an evil hour they quarreled, and from vi
olent words they came to daggers
point, but used no daggers. They did
not speak, and had not spoken together
for years. Mutual friends had tried the
arts of reconciliation in vain. They were
n n I ' f. , - -
uuiTi;u vucuiies ior nie.
itc miuid umicuity was purely per-
uuu nie nonor oi either was not
impeached either by the origin of the
quarrel or subsequent c-ircuinst.inci
Probably they were equally to blame; pos
sibly uot. No matter; one of them, be
came a xuason alter the estrangement
anu u Happened the other remained
ignorant ot the fact, j One eveniri" he.
too, was admitted into the lod"e. Al
most the first voice he heard and cer
tainly the first he saw, was that of his
enemy, who presided over the ceremonies
oi initiation, and was obliged rccordiu" I
to usage to address him as "brother"
This was a most peculiar situation, and a
1 1 ' I . , '
scrciu urueai jor DOlIl.
A Ft aw iL. I...J i
iwuge was ciosea, the ap
prentice sought the master, and without
money takeu from Royston's safe. There
is a letter under my pillow. I received
it from them a month ago. ; Its contents
may throw some light upon their exact
wnereabouts. i heir names are bend
nearer are
w hat ?" I cried.
"Ran Ran. I'm gone !" and she
fell back on the pillow dead !
I got the letter she had spoken of, but
it helped me not at all. It was dated at
Pans, and contained two Y's in lieu of a
his companion kept a pistol at my breast.
jLvru luuai aiirii lais nancr
" "
if you value
read the fol-
uneven, but
as I was standing by a
you at last, have
...uppusi, uiy neaa oowed upon my
breast meditating!?-, a hand touched mv
arm, and looking up I confronted a rather
mevu.j ciau lemaic. iier face was cov
ered by a vail, through which I caught a
gleam of eyes fiery eyes liie the flash-
ca ut ngnining on an inky sky.
"Ila ! 1 have found vou at h
I r she exclaimed
"It seems so." I replied, "What
you wani wun me I
"Do you ever listen to death-bed con
fesMons ?"
"Not often." f
"I have a friend who is nearing the
portals of that undiscovered country.
He has a 'secret one which he has car
ried in his heart these many years
which he wishes to confido to you."
"Why to me V I asked. "There are
: ministers who will hear it, and soothe his
dying momenta -with. comforting
; "He will confess to you alone, as his
confession is about a caifr you. worked on
once. . , Will you go ?"., - ,,.- -J
I hesitated. The woman might be
' sincere, or. she might be a decoy to lead
me into a net set by thieves and mur
derers, who wished to rid the world of
me- J3ul that ease I bad worked on J
I started Perhaps he knew about the
great Martin mystery, upon-which I was
my own
your lite.
I went to the table and
" .i . .
owing oatn, written in
legible chirography :
"I, lhouias Howard, a detective, do
. - -1 -
solemnly swear that I will desist from
the pursuit of the murderers of John
Royston, banker, for the period of one
year, so help me Uod I
"bigned with my own blood, this the
12th of July, 185-."
i turned to the men after reading, and
asked :
"What does 'signed with
blood mean ?"
"Exactly what it says," was the unelu
cidating answer.
"Then I refuse to sign."
"You are rash, Tom Howard. The
bond is good for one year only. Sign it
and live."
There was something so significant in
in his last sentence, that I changed my
"I will sign," I said ; "but at the end
of the year mentioned in my bond, I will
hunt you down and bring you before
outraged justice." i
- "No boasting, sir ; make ready to have
some blood spilled ;" and one ot the as
sassins laid aside bis pistol bod produced
a lancet.
I bared my arm to the elbow j but ho
laughed, saying ;
"Not yourarm, Howard ; the blood
must come nearest the heart. Bare your
"Is this another Shylock affair?
"No, sir ; wo want no flesh merely
blood." v
I bared my breast ; he made an incis
ion directly over my heart, caught the
blood in a spoon, dipped a iaen intn it
and pkced it in my hand, f bent for
ward and signed the bond. The hanrl.
age was then replaced over my eyes, the
woman who had brought me thera an.
peared, and conducted me through mtk.
eral streets, when she suddenly left m.
"They purchased a flower store with any preliminaries the following colloquy
.1 i- . I J i .
ensueu. commenced by the newly-made
"Are you a member of this lodge ?"
The reply was "I am."
w . .
tcic you present wnen x was
elected T"
"I was."
"May I ask if you voted?"
"I did."
iXf :?i it '
uw will you ieii me now manv
votes it requires to reject, in a ballot for
admission r
The Master answered "One."
ihere was nothing more to sar. The
inmate exieoucu 1113 nand, w.iich was
warmly grasped by the other, and uttered
with thrilling accents, deep emotion
thrilling his voice :
"Friend! Brother! You have taucrht me
a lesson I shall never forget.','
This is a little ray of Masonic liht
No language is so eloquent as the silent
throbbing of a heart full of iovful tears.
While this kind of cement is used in our
moral edifice, should it not be enduring?
ho can wonder that it is so stron- ?
I went to Paris in the next vessel, and.
arriving there, searched two weeks, but
in vain. I was on the point of giving
up wnen i encountered an American a
jeweler who had resided in Paris some
years. 1 inquired of him if he knew of
any flower stores kept by Americans.
Yeslie knew of but one, in the Rue
Ueppo.- He believed it was owned by
- xxaunr. , rro. inat was the place 1
was hunting for ; the names that the dy
ing woman iriea to rronounce be
thu3 : "Ran" , the remainder was "lin."
But the Rue Beppo was the last place on
earth that 1 would have looked for a
flower store.
nen a reacned my hotel I set to
work and removed the heavy beard and
moustache which adorned my face, and
, . . n - '
repaired to tne itue Beppo. I entered
the flower store, and a clerk awaited my
l T J r j . ... . '
pieu&ure. a uesireu 10 see tne proprie
tors. Ancy appeared, and 1 introduced
myself as George Hall, of Galveston.
Ihey did not recognize me,
1 could hardly restrain myself when
in the persons of the firm I recognized
the murderers of the banker.
"Uentlemen, said I, after talking
awhile with them, "were vou ever
'O, yes,' said one, "we lived
several years.
"Did you know one Annie Graham r.
siding there r
Their lips grew ashvr and thev
to their feet.
"WThat of her ?"
"She is dead."
"And before she died she confessed."
They stepped forward, shouting :
"Who are jou ?"
"Tom Howard, at yous service I"
And at the same time I drew a braea rf
revolvers and leveled them at thF
W hite Pine. The Stockton ImU-
pendent publishes following extract
a letter written by Gen. George S- Evans,
to his partucr, dated Treasure City, Jan
uary 18th :
Everything selis at an. exhorbitant
price. Wood is worth from thirty to
fifty dollar n cord: lumber, thrcer nun
dred end fifty dollars a thousand; water,
tan cents a gallon or twenty-five cijts a
Ducket, aud everything else in proportion.
Nevertheless, this, in my opinion, is
bound to be the town. The mines are
i ii i . . .
iocuicu au arc una it and they are un
questionably the richest ia.thc.-world.
All that has been said .docs not, come up
io me irum as to tne richness and ex-
.cut, ui me iiuues itere. in tnis ore
mountain, known as Treasure Mountain,
I have visited the Hidden Treasure, Eb-
crnardt, and other mines, and seen for
mj-self and know of what I write. This
is the richest country, and a large town
will be built here ; but the capitalists have
got in and gobbled up everything that is
good, and thre is attle show for men of"
limited means, except by staving here
and making a scratch. Lots are held at
ban Francmco prices, and are valued at
from one to five thousand dollars, accord
ing to location. Ihe snow covers the
whole country and it is d.ffi ;u!t to pros
pect at present. There is no chance to
get any goods here, without costing a
lunune ior transportation, it is very -I
coia nere now, the wind blowing furiously
and the snow falling. Thermometer
ranges at night from 10 to 15 desrrees
below zero; but, as a general thing, this
country is not as cold and disagreeable as
represented. - But this has been an open
1 1 r . . , ...
v inter, me snow not being at any time
more man six or eight inche deep.
This town is 9,000 feet above the level
C A I J 1 . .
oi me sea, ana me air being light one
can scarcely breathe at times when walk
ing. Hamilton is at the base of Treas
ure Mountain, and on the north side,
where the stages stop. Treasure City is
on tne south side, and still lower than
II Mi TV 1 1 !! m
iiaiuuiou. a ue inaaen .treasure JYlme
is on the north side of the hill, nearly at
ine top. Chloride rlat is on the south
and west sides of Treasure City, and
Eberhardt is south of the city and about
half way down the hill. The Mazcppa
is stui tower aown, a newly discovered
mine, which ranks among the richest
From White Pins. We are placed
in possession of a letter from H. C. Morse,
written to a gentleman well known in
Portland, in which ia an extract from a
letter wtitten from White Pioe by A. A.
Wightmau, and dated Feb. 10th. It
Everything is lively and all locks en
couraging; prospects are good for lircljr
times commencing in 'April.' . We have
very rough weather here it present.
Property is very high also rents. Yott :
cannot procure a rOTin of any size on thn
princ'rpal streets of tbe'town, under f 100 .
to -200; aud store rooms from f 200 tfr
S3Q0 per month. Lota ait 'eliing at
from $2,000 to $4,500 This ia a oe
country; any poor. man. if Tindustri0Uiir .
can make a stake nere. "
"I have a pfcee of the White Pine ore.
that is not half as big as your fist and.
I was offered $5 for it. You can cut tba
silver in it with vour knife but that is-
nothiog to the Eberhaidt ore." fTba
former is rich enough. Commercial-
Extraordinary Feccnditt.- A
cowbclonging to C. M. Blair. Co. Clerk of"
this county, has produced five calves ia
a little less than twenty-two months
The date of the births are as followss
April, 1867, one calf; February, 1868
twins heifers; February 3. 1869. twin
bulls. The owner has named the lat
ter "Nip" and "Tuck," tbe latter the-
senior of "Nip" by about fifteen minutes.
The cow, with the four , calves under one
year of age, can be seen at Mr. Blair's
stables, all and doing well. Can
any "cow county" beat this 7 Merced
Washing Mixtubf. The washer
women of Berlin, Prussia, uso a mixture
of two ounces turpentine and one-fourth
ounce spirits of sal amoniac, well mixed
together, a his mixture is put into a
bucket of warm water, in which half a
pound of soap has been dissolved. Tha
clothes are immersed over night in this,
mixture, and the next day washed. The;
most dirty cloth is said to be cleansed
and free from tbe smell of turpentine.
The cloth does not require so much rub
bing, and. linen fabrics are thus not so.
soon destroyed.
Toothache, according to the- London
There are plenty more good claims that Lancett can be cured by the following
will be prospected in the Spring, when preparation of carbolic acid : To one
the snow goes off and prospecting can be drachm of collodium add two draahm vf
prosecuted advantageously. Parties who Calvert's carbolic acid. A gelatiaeaa
located claims before the fall are now at mass is precipitated, small portion at
Claims here differ from quartz I which inserted in the cavity of an. aching
.1. 4 .1 1 . I A U ?.11 - . ...
claims, in that they have no croppinors.
The whole mountain is composed of lime
stone. Jt looks as though tbe lime and
spar had been melted and poured over
tooth, inv.riably gives immediate relief.
The. old system of. "shinning?, far
money seems to have been aboliohAd !.
the surface that covers the basin of silver New York, and the novel method of buy
ttuu selling n in tne opoor market, has
S j that lies underneath.
A New Hotel Experiment. A
citizen of Boston recently bought a
house in one of the aristocratic streets of
the city, and transformed it into a hotel.
The proprietor designed making J.he
building ten or fifteen stories high, but
yielding to the advice of friends, con
tented himself with eight stories. The
building has a steam elevator and two
dumb waiters, the advantages of which
are described by the proprietor :
"My own bedroom is in the eighth
story, 150 feet from the office. On
going home to-day from diuncr, I at
once rode in the elevator to my own floor,
and suggested to my wife that we should
dine in, our own parlor. Turning to the
mouth of the speaking trumpet, I blew
ringing the bell in the office, which threw
down a silver ball which indicated the
number of my room. The clerk at once
asked, 'what is wanted ?' I replied that
I would have such and such articles for
my wife and sclt in fifteen minutes
The articles were put in a little portable
cupboard with non-conducting sides,
placed in one of the dumb waiters at the
right time, and sent up to the eighth
floor, giving notice to the waiter on that
floor that my dinner was coming up.
Ihe waiter spread the table and left us
in peace and Quietness to dine at our
servant had ascended a sin
Geography. "Class in geography
. i r . . - . u
siana up. now many divisions ot the
earth are there ?"
"What are they ?"
"Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia.
America, jong Division, and the Divis
ion of the Democratic party."
"Kight. How many races are there ?
"Eleventeen hundred."
"Nonsense. Let's hear
."White race, black race, Indian race.
... - .
noss race, wheelbarrow race, human race
race after a debt, foot race, mill race-'
you name
"Hold on ! Guess you are right; but itVndJSSn
. cant stop al day. Now then, what never cease to L thankful fnat
s the principal elements?" wnu j. a. v:.? 1
heads. "Gentlemen, the bond hnvln I leisure. No
expired, I have done what I said T wonlli 1 "'c flight of stairs. If I had rang the
do that night. I have tracked you, and
now you are my prisoners. Come with
bell on the eighth story of an ordinary
hotel, I should have to wait fifteen min-
me. I utes tor the waiter to come, then l should
Weak as lambs they followed speak- nare t0 Wai naif an nour fr tne fd to
ing not a word. At the door thev were I com5 with tho waiter putting as it he
met by a squad of French police, whom I a been running a race. This would
had stationed near as reinforcement in I ve been unsatistactory to us an, and
p ; mi . . ,
a case ui uecessiiy. ado villains were
locked np till a vessel sailed for thp
United States, and I had the pleasure of
being their compagnonau voyage.
When the ship reached this city, I
delivered my prisoners over to the au
thorities, who -, tried them, found them
guilty, and they expiated their crimes on
the scaffold. 4 The people were surprised
when they learned of tbe detection of
Royston's murderers after such a lapse
of time. They did not know that I was
under a bond tor one year.
Tbe j think of reducing the salaries of
Baltimore' sohooJ teachers..
an additional expense as well.
Every tenant furnishes his own rooms ;
and the hotel is so arranged that the
most absolute privacy is secured. The
prices of suites of rooms range from $300
to $2,000 ; but the situation is in Bea
con street, and although high for moder
ate incomes, these rooms are cheap for
that aristocrat io location. -
. ' A man stopping his paper, wrote fo
the editor, "I think folks ottent to spend
their munny for papurs; my dad didn't,
and evwry buddy says he was the intel
lyginte&t man. ia the bull country, and
had the smartest family of boys that ever
dugged taters."
are the princip
"Land, water, and the national debt."
"Is the national debt one of the ele
ments?" .
"Yes; one of the elements of disoord."
"What is your globe divided into?
"Land, water, and benzine.
"How much is dry land ?"
. "Saloon keepers can teli better than I
"What is a mountain ?"
"You ain't." .
"Ain't what ?' -"
"A mountain too mush.", - ,
"You rascal, you will catch it for
this." . .
"I caught it last term of Bill Jenks,
and ain't got over it yet."
Boys get an intermission to go out and
- J L 1 Z . J -r
ween auuuiu insieaa. Ajorrowem nn
simply resort to the Stock Exchange and
Aaong avooio, ana mere purchase what
money they need.
I am a believer." savs Dr. r!nvi
"in tbe moral and spiritual influence of
an open fire. To make home attractive
there roust be some where in the house a
common family rendezvous; and that
ought to present a more radiant than a
black hole in tbe floor, through whiehi
the hot air pours forth from a subterra
nean furnace Men will fisrht for
altars and their firesides, but what ora-"
tor ever invoked, a burst ot patriotism in
brought up beside the hickorv Of 9. MINI
farm house. .
Another Cross. The wife of Thorn
as Cross gave birth to a daughter, being
the seventeenth time that Mrs Cross has
made her husband a happy father. Mrs.
Cross s christened name is Amelia Jana
"this is not to be borne !" "But it is
born, my dear," said the wife, meekly;
"don't get angry, my love we all have
our little crosses to bear." Mr. Thomas
Cross groaned in bitterness of spirit.
"Amelia Jane, this thing has been penn
on long enough; if yotr have any more
little crosses to bear. I shan't heln
support them!'' '
The Chinese in San Francisco rn
great admirers of the Alia. Tha almon
eyed celestials clamor for it; they say it is
"welly good lap, np cloahaj, heap big." r
New York lawyers' eomidain' Hat1.
of dull business, - V -i"- -va iJT!
Dunne the attack on Fort DonT.Ai.
a Southern hardshell exhorter was hold
ing forth in exalted strains. do1.r.'n
repeatedly that the Lord 1 fought rtn til.
side of the South, and Jehovah was en
oamped round about the Confederate
army say iqg that , it was'' impossible for
tho invading Yankees to eohhner ifw.m
Just at the close of one of these sen ten
ce, a man dashed up to the door of tha
church on horseback, and yelled out.
"The Yankees have captured Fort
Donelson, and are coming up tha river ?
"Then, my brethren.
for the Lord has got licked I" . ..
In Sterling. III., is a. temperance so
ciety to which none are admitted except
those who have been inveterate-tipplers.
The rank of the members is ; determined
by the depth to which each, haa ; fallen.
The President who has .been chosea, has
been the most abandoned drunkard of
the society. The penalty for breakin3
the pledge is as many dips in the river aa
there are members in the club. .
"I shan't be with yon a great white
Jane," said Mr, Maker. "I shan't stay
a great while."
. "Oh, Mr. Melter, how can yo talk
so ?" said Mrs. Melter, with a lngubriona
expression of faoe. , -
"Because,- continued he "I fed aa if
I was meet gone.' and that I was passing
away like a elond before, the rising sen."
tr. J alter vt-riflod hi .prophecy the
next day br ranting away, with sjniHa-
thhing alster.' :" ' " .l . ' 1
..' llif ii i -! ' Si.
-r . ,