5 .-CD SATURDAY. MARCH 13. 18G9. LOCAL AFFAIKS Sao Francisco Legal Tender rate-.... New York JoM quotations Brief Mention. Neighbor l?artgc brought u a J ray loal ot' atiles the other day. Tin-y weie of tiio pipin variety, ami taste excellent. No raiu since, ana the Willamette fal ling in con.-equeuee. The bnse ball club had the firat game of the season on Weduesdav evening. The club meets for practice on Saturuny. at 5 o'clock P. M. Albany College, under the Presidency of Rev. E. H. Geary, is flourishing finely. Our enterprising and ingenious fiiona, C. F. Gay, 14., has receutly received two patents for new inventions, one of which i-i a gang plow." We shall speak cf them hereafter. Several of our citizens arc talking of going to White Pine. W. W. Parrish & Co. have moved their stock of goods to the frame west of John Conner's brick, and will commence sell ing at auction this moruing (Saturday) at ten o'clock, and continue the jSalc from (ime to time until all are sold. , The foundation for the ISngiue House of Albany Firo Company was to have "been-laid the present week. Our citi zens generally have subscribed quite lib erally. That party on Wednesday night was the- most pleasant and agreeable to all concerned. John Millard, Ksq., has some fine va rieties of potatoes, for planting purposes, for sale. Good fresh table butter has" been very scarce during the week. Who will start a dairy ? The Fire Co. talk of giving a. moon light excursion on the river, by steamer, perhaps as soon as the 24th inst. Sad Catastrophe. On last Satur day evening, the Gth inst., in this city, little daughter of Mose. Parker, E.j., Alice, aged five years, met with an acci dent which resulted in her death about one o'clock on Monday morning follow .ving... Alise. with.SQino other children, were playing around a fire near Mr. Richardson's residence, when approach ins: too near the flames, her clothins caught fire, and before relief was obtain : ed the little girl was terribly burned about the limbs and body, causing her death as above stated. In her efforts to extinguish the burning clothing, Mrs. Parker, the mother of the little girl, burn . ed her hands badly, the right hand al most to a crisp. It was thought at first that Mrs. Parker would have to suffer amputation of the right hand, but Dr. Alexander, from whom we learn the above facts, says that this suffering will " be spared her, but she will in all proba bility lose the use of the right thumb. Sunday Amusements. On last Sun day afternoon our citizens were startled -out of their usual propriety by the occur rence of a runaway on First street. Mr. Leo. Fox, accompanied by two young ladies from Corvallis, was driving a pair of greys down Front street, when from some canse they became unmanageable and started down the street at the top of their speed. On reaching Baker street, Mr. Fox succeeded in turning the team into that street, where the buggy was up set and the occupants thrown out. The pole of the vehicle breaking, the horses became , dctatched therefrom, otherwise serious injury might have befel the whole party. . The ladies, we are happy to learn, received no injury. MV: Fox was considerably 'bruised, and was com pelled to keep bis room for some days, sit was a providential escape. Fivax Seed. As will be seen by an advertisement in this issue, Mr. E. Cart wright, late owner in the oil mills at Sa lem, has obtained the sole agency for tnis otace ior xurnisning nax seea. aie furnishes the large seed, to all farmers who wish to cultivate flax, as a loan. At present there is not enough flax grown in Oregon and California to supply the mills opperating. : The mills in San Francisco will ! require the product of from eight to ten thousand acres of flax from Oregon, to fully supply their wants. Takmg one year with another, it is thought the cultivation of flax will pay equally as well as wheat, in Oregon. An opportunity is offered to all who may wish to. try the experiment, to obtain feed withomt the outlay of money: Call eo Mrv Cartwright, and get tke wed, and necessary information. : Accommodating. A few days since, as one of the P. T. Company's steamers had swung out from the wharf and was starting on heri way down the river, a lady appeared on the wharf, and waived her handkerchief in token of her desire to be takeu ou board. The gallant Cap tain of the steamer brought his vessel back to the wharf, and waited until the lad-, who had f-otue friends on board, had bid her farewells, given and received the p;:rtingkisrf, and betaken her to terra firtna again, when the whistle screeched, the wheel commenced its evolutions, aud once more the noble steamer and gallant Captain proceeded on their way. Now, after tins exhibition ol politeness 011 the part of the "soulless mouopu'y,"' the man who would .-.ay that there is no accommo dation in the officers of the P. T. Co., should bo instantly shot with a double- j barrelled pack-saddle. Almost any where else, however, such an accommo dating spirit U as rare ns it is coumend nbla." ' ' Internal Revenue. Assistant As sessor of Internal Revenue for l)ivisiou No. 5, District vf Oregon, comprising the counties of Linn, Lane and Beuton, F. W. Folsom, E"., gives notice that the assessment list will bo open for public examination and correction, at his office in Eugene City, fro-n the 12th to the 22d day of March. All persons claiming de ductions or abatement of taxes, in conse quence of erroneous assessmert, must do so between now and tha 22d, in writing, as after that time no deduction will be allowed, and the list will be turned over to the collector. Read his notice. Election of Officers. The stock holders in the Linn County Agricultural Association met at the Court House on Saturday, the Gth inst., and elected the following officers Jo serve during the en suing year , David Froinan, President ; J. II. Foster, Yico President ; Asa Jones, Secretary ; A. N. Arnold, Treas urer; Jo-cph Nixon, Chief Marshal. A committee of three, Messrs. Luper, Griffin and Foster, were appointed o re vise the premium lists for the next Fair, and report at the next meeting of the Board, March 20th, 18G9. Engine House. At a meeting of tho Fire Company ou last Saturday night, it was determined to build a hall, and a committee appointed to solicit subscrip tions for that purpose. The hall is to be built on Second, between Ferry arrd Broadalbin streets ; is to be 20x40 feet, two stories high, and will cost lot 200, housft aobut 300. It was suggested that the Council could use the hall for meeting purposes. This is a first rate idea, and will be a great saving to the city in the long run. Work on the hall is to be commenced immediately. Information Wanted. The rela tives of L.vwsoN M. McKern are very anxious to hear from or of him. When last heard from by them he was in Santa Cruz county, California, sick, about one year ago, since when they have not been able to get any tidings of him. Any ono knowing his whereabouts, or anything concerning him, will confer a great favor by forwarding such information to I. S. Waldrip, Albany, Oregon. California papers will confer a favor by copying this inquiry. Fine Property for Sale. Proba ably as neat, tasty and well finished a residence as there is in the city is offered for sale by J. B. Monteith, Esq. The house, fence, etc., are new, neatly painted, and in complete order for occupancy. The grounds attached comprise four lots, with fruit trees, etc., and will make a de sirable homo for some one. Tho proper ty can be obtained at a low figure. Ap ply to John B. Monteith, at Beach & Monteith's mill. Fine Present. At tho late burning of the Pacific Hotel in this city, P. H. Farrell, First Assistant Foreman of Al bany Fire Co., at risk of. life and limb, succeeded" in saving a valuable gold watch from the devouring element, and handed it, safe and sound, to its 1 owner, Mr. Lehman Blum, of Portland. ' In consideration of the act, Mr. Blum pro cured a beautiful officer's fireman belt, and forwarded it to Mr. Farrell on Wed nesday. Pat. feels proud of his present. Apolo Minstrels.- A company hailing from Oregon City, gave a per formance in Parish Hall, on last Satur day night, to a fair house. The peform ances were better than the average, and had th troupe hailed from San Fran cisco or New York, wonld have been con sidered perfectly splendid. Tho Apollo's left on the down steamer Tuesday. " Slight Rain Faia. The first rain we have -had for weeks, occurred on Sun day nigt last, and that was very slight but wm't it dark, neither ! ' Council Proceedings. Council met Thursday evening, March 11th. 1SG9. Present, Mayor Stannard, in the chair ; Councilmen, Nixon, Hacklcman, Menley and CundifT. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Councilman llackleman oiTered the following resolution, to-wit : Jir,luvd, That the fire company now organized and kuown as Albany Fire Company No. 1, shall be authorized to take charge of any public property to b'j used for the extinguishment of lire within the city of Albany, under such rules and regulations as may hereafter be adopted by the Common Couucil. Which 011 motion was parsed. Oa motion it was ordered- that the matter of recognizing, organizing and chartering the fire ooinpany in this city, be made the special business of the next meeting of the Council. Council adjourned. 1 L. W. DOOLITTE, Recorder. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BUM) AAD EOOIi FACTORY! Value ok Railroads to Farmers. The Agriculturalist puts up this mat ter as follows : "To haul forty bushels of corn fifty miles on a wagon, costs at least 12 for team, driver and expenses. A railroad would transport it for 8 at ircst. Allowing an average of forty bushels per acre, the crop would be SS more per acre, at H per cent, i n 100. As tho relative advantage is about the same for other crops, it is clear that a railroad passing through a town would add ten per cent, to the farms. A town ten miles square contains U,000 acres. An increase of 100 per acre is equal to (5,400,000, or enough to build two hun dred miles of railroad, even if it cost 12,000 per mile. But two hundred miles of road, would extend through twenty towns, ten miles square, and cost but 10 per acre if taxed upon the land These figures are given merely as an il lustration. If the farmers had taxed themselves to build all the railroads in this country, aud given them away to any companies that would stock and run them, the present increased value of their land would have well repaid tor all qut-lav. S. II. AI.THOl-SE. WltlCIlT. J. P. B.tCKESSTIT. ALTUOiG & CO., LYON STUf.ET, (S Tfln RIVER BASK), ALISAXY, : : : OREGON'. KEEP OX 1I.VXD A 1'1,'LL ASSORTMENT, and nro prepared tu Xvir-riisli to Order, Doors, end ! such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold, i of nil sixes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! iPlooriELg, . i anil all oilier kinds of I3;iillin;r I7Iatcrial ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ami - Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, MATTKASSE5, ETC,' Uu2er tlic "States Rights Dtlnocfat, office, FIIiST STREET, : : : ALB AX Y. Personal. Mr. L. W. Felton, cor respondent of the San Francisco Times, peeled an apple with us Thursday. lie left on the steamer going below. Mr Nathan Baum, of the firm of Senders, Sternberg & Co., left this city for Portland on Friday. Their new stock of spring goods will arrive on the Coiitinental. Selling Off. On Thursday, J. B. Sprenger, Esq., effected a sale of over seven hundred dollars worth of furniture to Maj. Johnson, ot the City Hotel, Cor vallis. There isqui'e a lot of furnitaro, doors, sash, etc., on hand yet, which can be obtained very low. It these articles are not disposed of soon, they will be sold at auction. Ciiaxge of Time. Tho California Stage Company will commence making "fast timo" the first of next month five and a-half days between Sacramento and Portland. They have made the trip the present winter in about nine days. Roads are reported in splendid condition for travel. Safe. We received from the estab lishment of C. Mealey & Co., the other day, a splendid article of furniture in the way of a safe cupboard which is de cidedly the neatest and cheapest thing of the kind we have seen in the country. They havo plenty more of tho same kind. No Evidence of Poison. The chemical analysis of the remains of Mrs. McAfee, says the Farmer, had not, up to Monday noon, produced any positive evidence of poison. Prof. Veatch had charge of the matter. j - Inaugural of President Grant. On the first page of to-day's Register, we give Grant's inaugural address. It is short and to the point, and will meet tho approbation of Union men every where. Nick Treat. For a splendid cake and pie, during the week, the Register office is indebted to Mrs. J. B. Sprenger. It is very seldom that prints get a taste of as nice victuals as that afforded by the kindness of Mrs. S. Thanks. ' Scio Letters. The Postmaster at Scio this week furnishes us with quite a little romance, which will be very in teresting to those concerned. Circuit Court. Linn County Cir cuit Court convenes on Monday, March 22d. The docket, we are informed, will be very light. Oregon Legislature. It is ru mored that fourteen members met at Sa lem on the 4th inst. j met and adjourned a few times, until 5 oclock P. M. on the 5th inst.; when they adjourned to meet again (the 14, we suppose), on the 20 th of September. Id tho language of an other, "thus passed away as much glory as could die. i ALSO Are prepared to An MILL Vi'OHK ; furnish Slic ker t iifl'. Zigx.ts Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, ol any kind, ot our Factory on Lyon street, (on tho river bak), nest below Markham'.i warehouse. AI.TJECirSE CO. Albany, February 20, li60-2l R. CHEADLE'S CASH 'STORE ! JUST ARZUVCS ! Direct from San Francisco, per last ocean steam J er, a new ttock of Dry Goods and Groceries, which will be ofiVrcd at PORTLAND PKICES1 wiih freight acUled. Come right along with your Cash and Produce ! nnt get bargains while they arr going so cheap. Persons requiring Iron and Steel, Wagon Scat Springs, Thimble-Skain Boxes, &c , can procuro them at mv store, cheap. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. I will pay for Eggs 13 cents per dozen; Oats 40 cents per bushel ; Bacox Sides 10 cents per pound ; Hams 11 12 cents per pound. I will pny tho above prices for ten days, to com mence with this date. It. C11EADLE. February 17, 1SC9-24 Produce Bought at Portland Prices ! Having made arrangements with parties in San Francisco. I will bo able to pay Portland prices, the coming season, for all kinds of Produce, only deducting freight from this point to Portland, which is only $5 per ton. Bring alonjryour Pro duce, and I will buy it and pay yon in cash or trade. P. CHEADLE. February 20, 1860-2-lm3 Flax Seed! Flax Seed! IVTfcE CHANCE I PEItSOXS wishing to engage in the cultiva tion of FLAX the coming season, upon ap plication at tho office of Beach fc Monteith, Al bany, Oregon, will be fnrxisbed with the best variety of flax seed, on advantageous and cay terms. Messrs. Beach A Monteith will contract with parties for all the seed raised bv them next season. BEACH '& MONTEITH. February 6, 1SB9-22 MRS. DUNNIWAY TAKES PLEASURE IX INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of tho Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods IN THE Millinery Lino ! RFJIERER, LADIES ! If yon purchase TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to tho Demorest Mag-azine, for the year 1869, as a premium on the purchase ! Dress and Cloak Waking in All branches. Bleaching and Pressing1 in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap aad Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 1868-9 , Photographers! TKIE NOTICE ! THE UNDERSIGNED LIVING IN NORTH Brownsville, have for salo or rent a Photograph Gallery! with all that pertains to a Gallery of ordinary ". . This is a good location for a gallery, there be ing no other Gallery within fifteen miles of this place. The Gallery ia in- good running order. Terms of sale or rent eatyf Apply by letter or in person to ROWLAND A LINDER. Brownsville, February 1, 1869-3m22. P For Sale. HOUSE AMD FOUR LOTS! IN this city, a good new dwelling wttd 11 tie necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes walk from the steamboat landing. For particulars inquire at the office of tho .P. T.. Company, of : J. B. MONTEITH. Albany, January 30, 1869-31 NEW ADVKRTISEMKSTk I.. SESMEBS. M. STKRSBEBC. J. F1.E1SCHHS. SENDERS, STERNBERG & CO. DKtLKRS IS STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, in J. B. Monteith's Erk-k BaRJTng, AXJ3AN7, CRrGOSC p. v. sri.vK. A. CAROTBEBS. P. W. SPINK & CO., (scrccsFons to v.. w. mcc,) Dealers in Tia, Sheet-Iron, C'opperware, THE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEA? VR& In informing the oitiiens of Lisa county tfcnt. t!.ey have just opened a w.ell seleeM ftik of FANCY DRY COODO I BOOTS AND SHOES! Z3r 3L O O ER X HI 13 1 811 STO VES r First, between Wabliinglou &. Ferrj-sts. T HE ttnders'gned having purchased the stock formerly owned by M. W. Mack, and having mado largo additions thereto, now ufler to the j.nblin the fullest and conipletest assortment of Crst-clnss poods in our line, yet oifi-red in this market, consisting of PARLOR, BOZ, HALE., ... and ... COOKING STOVES. of the following patterns : riuci.-, Black Knight. Oolden ;to. Henry Clay. New Nation, Muckejc State. &c, dec. dec, from the le."t manufactories, which they are offer ing at lowest rates. Also, a large stock of French Saucepans. Ladles Skimmer. Iron, Enameled and Brass Kettles, Iron Tea kettles and Ovens, Iron and Ijcad Pipe, Force tt Lift Pump, and a full assortment of COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! Vi'e will continue to keep on hand a large stock or - NO. 1 TIN WARE ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kinds of REPAIRING! in a neat and workmanlike manner.at short notice. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing) enable us to give a liberal discount. Term Cath, or marketable Produce. P. W. SPINK 4 CO. Nov. 2S. '6S-12 C. MEALEY & CO., DEALERS IN Jfc MANUFACTURERS OF and CABINET WARE! Bedding, Etc., Corner First and Broad Albin streets, ALBAXY, OREGOX. 33- rAnnccLin ATiEsno.t pais to ""fe; ORDERS OP ALL BINDS in our line. Ooiober 31, 1SGS-S BLACKSMITH. NC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS THE undersigned gives notice to the general public, that he is now manufacturing the Galesburg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, Wagon and ' Carriage Making, and General Jobbing. All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. ; A share of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposito Pierce Ferry. F. WOOD. Albany, November 21, 1868-11 and a full assortment of General Merchandise ! AVhich they will diposo of fr CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I . : . AT ,; t . PAIS X.XVINO RATBS! We re.-pectfully ask the publio to- " CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES! - lScfore pnrcbarinjr cUewbere, and we assure all that we will give Kn1 Ire Satlkfaction to Prompt easterner ALSO S IV e have a Branch House, long established, at SOUTII BROWNSVILLE, where we keep a large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! Albany, Nor. U, 1SGS-10 TBB OZ.D STOVE DEPOT ! NOTICE. All persons receiving their snaiL at the Post office at Lebanon, are hereby notified that the office will be kept open as hour after the arrival of tho mail on Sundays, after which it will be olosed for tho day.: The, office will not be open until the mail arrives. S. H. CLAUGHTON, P. 21. January 9, 1SG9-I8ml . m 1 ! OH SS a w o a w CO X All PREPARED TO BO ALL KINDS OF TURXIJfG t. I ketp on hand and make to order RAWUWS-fiOTTOBSED CSAXRS, ''- ' A9D v Spinning Wheels. .jV-Sfiorrnear tho "Magnolia Mills." 1 ... JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nor. 3, 1869-12 JOU V RRIGGS, DEALER IS STOVES, COOK, PARLOR &E0I, " of tho best patterns t ALSO Tin, Sheet iron and Copper TITare 1 and the usual assortment of Furnishing Goods Vi be obtained in a Xepairt neatly and promptly executed, IBS p3S on reatonaOte term. "3 "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street ...Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. " dec5'6S-13 POSITIVELY SELLING AT COOT I THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to -the publio in. general,- that they will sell their WEIL 8ELECTUD UTOCK - -OF " . DRY GOODS! Boots tib SJxoes! CLOTHING! ' AND., ,: - A i--. i . y. GENERAL MERCHANDISE srosa. and afles this data. Those desiring to make purchases will do welt f Call Immediately ! as wo deslro to- close "on 5 Our Entire Stock t on the above terms,, I FOR CAGH I OH MKRCIIA3JTABLE PRODUCE! All persons knowing themselves indebted to h undersigned, are requested to eome forward mitk out delay, and settle their indebtedness, w are determined to close ear mercantile burine". and collect our dues. - ' J" '! W. W.; FAHRISIT CX Albany, Kor. 2, 1888-18 j