STUKDAinb;Uu'AIlY 20,T8! LOCAL , AFFAIRS San Francisco Legal Tender rates. New York (jold quotations .. 134 J Estate Transactions. The following transactions in real estate had been recordtd in the Clerks office, Linu county, up to the 18th inst : Ellsha I'jidet to Isom ; 300 acres, n i see. tltsr4 w coiisiu eratiou, $2.1"J. D. V. is haver to. J. A llolinett ; 40 acres, X E X W tec. 12 t 1:J s r 4 w ssou. ; J. C. liaird to II. L. Ruud ; 1G0 aires, tees 8 and 17, t 13 s r 4 w 1,833 22. Geo. W. Klum to Beiij. Triplett ; 33 acres, V i X V 1 t-cc. 31, 1 12 s r 2 w sooo. C. ilodgeato Auti M. McCallister , 80 acres, portion of D. L. C. Xo. 2.349 $500. Joseph Wilson to Jas. II Urauiwoll ; 40 acres, N E.1.N W .i sec S9, t 13 s r 3 w 8240. John J. Vernon to Win. L. Yance; 158 acres, t 12 s r3 w 3,000. Sash, Blind anij Door. Factory. One of the completest establishments of this kind is located iu this city, at the foot of Lyou street, on the river bank, owned by Messrs. Ahhousc & Co. Be sides a splendid l'laner they have ''nu merous" machinery for "gouging," "boring," "jointing," "molding," (tech uical phrases), etc., of the latest aud best patents, which enables them to complete, in the very best and most satisfactory manner, in a brief space of time, orders tor any and all kiuds of material used in the construction of buildings. The busi 'ncss of this firm, by fair dealing and good work, has increased so rapidly of late, that they contemplate erecting an addition of sixty ieet to their large fac tory, to give them "elbow room,' and to enable them to complete more rapidly all orders for material. They are pre pared to do mill work in a satisfactory manner. The business integrity and enterprise exhibited by the proprietors of this factory, entitle them to the large patrouage and entire confidence of the community. Such men at the head of business' enterprises, give tone and char acter to a city, and their prosperity is a su'o index ot the growth and prosperity of the community in which they reside. . " m-m . . . . . - i at At accident. we noucea in our last issue the death of a little son of Mr. Elliott formerly a resident of Linn county, but at present a resident of Mendocino county, California. A correspondent of the Sacramento Union gives the following account of the sad occurrence : An incident occurred here on the 9th inst., resulting in the death of a little son, asred nine years, of a man named Elliott vho lately rented the ranch bclongirg to Col. Henley, in this valley. little George unkown to his parents procured a pistol at the house, and, in company with a little Indian boy, mounted a horse and started down to the field in quest of something to shoot at. feeeing a bird, the little fellow dismounted, and finding that he could not cock the pistol readily, he placed the muzzle against his stomach, so that he might use the fingers of both hands for the purpose. While so doing the pistol was discharged, the ball enter ing about the groin. He, however, mounted his horse and rode home. Medical assistance was promptly at hand, but the wound was mortal. Death releas ed the little fellow from his misery the day following. . Just Arrived. Raphael Cheadle, Esq., announces through oar columns this morning, that he received by last steamer a large invoice of late styles of dry goods, fresh groceries, etc., which he will sell to customers at Portland prices, O lly adding freight. He will also pay Portland prices for all kinds of produce. Mr. Cheadle's large stock of goods and tl3 prices at which he sells, commend bim to the continued patronage of his large and increasing number of customers. Men of large business capacity always ' hang out their sign," inviting the public to an examination of their wares, and thus aispiay a wiuioga u --iouvi Give Mr. C.-a call. Foneral SEfcviCEa Our fellow townsman, James Redpath, Esq., who died on the 17th inst., in this city, was buried on-the afternoon of the 18th, a large number of citiaens, together with oar Fire Company, of, which he was a member, following " the body to its last resting plaee, Bev Mr. Geary conduct ed the funeral services; , Mr. Redpath WM one of our best citizens, universally respected, a man -who bad not, probably, an enemy in the worldV Mrs. Redpath is still confined to her bed with dosease, as is also one of the children. Ochoco Valley.! From a private letter from Ochoco Valley of a late date, we learn that they are having a very pleasant winter so far, scarcely any rain and but little snow j haviug fell in the valley during tho Vinter. About Christ mas occurred the heaviest fall of snow, some two and a-half inches in depth, which, however, disappeared in two day:, The winter is spoken of so mild, that there has not teen more than two days that a inau could u-it work out d:ors very comfortably. Very little plowing had been done, us there jhad not been rain cnough. Tho newj school house was about completed, and Mr. Pickett had been engaged as teacher. Stock of all kinds were looking well, were no trouble, aud required little or no attention: A crop from one acre of oats,- put iu last season, had just been thrashed out, and yielded fifty bushels.: The health in the valley was gocd. About the only com plaint was from toothache. A young lady of the valley was suffering extreme ly with the toothache, and as no surgical instruments could be procured iu the valley, a pah of nippers were called into use, and s;vcn teeth drawn, iho young lady is doing well. Gophers are spoken of as having abounded last season, and as having " goue alter " potatoes like " Sam II ill " whoever he was. Veni son is spoken of as not being difficult of obtaining. Bearing tho lack of mail fa tililies, Ochoeoans seem to enjoy life about as well as the '" outside world,'' at.d are generally happy and couteuted with their valley. i Anniversary Ball. Officers and members of ouiFire Company, during the week, have been using all tbeir spare time in decorating Parrish Hall for the ball on the 22d. The hall, when fully decorated as the Company contemplate, will be a " wilderness of beauty," rivall ing a fairy palace, and will be worth the price of 'admission for the privilege pf seeing. The supper will be "set" in the old Masonic Hall, and as a commit tee of ladies have kindly volunteered to arrange matters, and put the eatables on the table in proper shape, that feature of the ball will undoubtedly be a success. Chickens, hams, cakes, oysters, and in fact all the concomitants of a lordly banquet, will be spread out and partaken of by those who are fortunate enough to be present. Good music has been se cured, and we predict that the event will be hercalter quoted as one of unalloyed pleasure and happiness to all. Fatal Accident. The Unionist of the 17th says : j Yesterday as a raft of logs" was being brought down the river, it stuck on a snag in Independence Bend above here, and parted in the middle. One of the men on the raft whose name we could not learn, slipped through the opening. Tlie logs then came together agaic and caught the man by the waist crushing him so badly that he died in aboiit three hours. j We learu that the name of the man killed by the above accident, is Michael Last, formerly a resident of Albany, pre vious to his death ! residing it Buena Vista. I A Rare Chance. As Messrs; W. W." Parrish & Co. will commence selling their large stock of goods at auction on Monday a splendid opportunity, which none should neglect, ;will be afforded our citizen's to purchase select goods at very low figures. Persons wishing any partic ular article of dry j goods, clothing or hardware, should be on hand to "bid." Bargains will undoubtedly be be obtained by those who do attend. Remember that Monday, Feb. j 22d, the sale will commence.' j ; - K- , Guardian's Sale. Two hundred and fifty-four acres of valuable realestate will be sold at auction, by A. S. Hamil ton, Guardian, at the Court House door, on Tuesday .March! 30th, 1869. For description of land see advertisement in another column. i Selecting Land. James Elkins, Esq., Secretary of the Cascade Mountain & Dcschuttes Wagon road Co., has been spending several days east of Lebanon, selecting lands in accordance with the grant made by Congress to aid in the construction of the road. The bill passed by Congress grants three sections for each mile of road, and the Company are likely to secure some valuable tracts. We are informed that the road is in good repair for the coming season's travel. Complimentary-! Through the po liteness of the officers of Albany Fire Company No. 1, we are in receipt of a complimentary ticket to the ball, to be given by the Company on the 22d next Monday. as everyDoay s going, we don t propose to stay at home. Prom enade all ! Railroad Matters. At a meeting of the Directors of the O. -C. R. R. Co., ( East side!) at Salem, on tile 10th inst., the following rusolution was unauamous ly adopted j: Whereas, On the 14th day of July, 18G8, at tlie regular meeting of the Di rectors of the O. C. R. R., a resolution was passed, allowing the contractors on certain conditions, to ruu the road with in four miles of the city of Albany, and Whereas. Since then said city of Albany has raised a considerable amount of money and lands, lor the cucourage men'i cf said raid, oi cmlitioi that said road should run within one mile of Albany,' arid establish their depot within one mile of the d urt House of said city, now therefore ho it Resolved, That in ease the people of Albany shall subscribe gtiJ secure in money and land, to said road, the sum of 830,000; then, and iu that case, sai l resolution shall be received aud declared void. ! Liberal. I). iVuuiau, Esq., informs us that Mr. Abe. Hacklcman, one of our town proprietors, has offered to donate to tho O. C R. It., cn condition tho Com pany build the depot on a portion of the land donated, e'even blocks of ground in his adJltiou to Alla-y in fact the offer wis made sometime ago. The land is valued at 615,000. . . . Sudden Death. An old gentleman named Morgan, living a few miles from this city, died suddenly on Monday last, 15th. On the 13th li3 was in this city enjoying life to the fullest extent. He fell ill on Mond ly, and died in a few short hour?. i . . Personal. Mr. McPherson, State Printer, lia3 been sojourning in our city during the week. He has almost entirely recovered from his late illness. NEW TO-DAY TUCKER'S CELEBRATED THE TUCKER SPltTXCS BED IS SAID BY all who have used thein to bo the CHEAPEST and BEST now in USE. M'e refer with canii lence to all who Lave tried thein. Road the following EXTRACTS FI'OM LETTERS : Ebbitt House, Washiuptan, Den. 5, 1SGC. ThoS. J. 1'lSHEK, ESQ.,'Ve. Tucker Junu- fncturing Co. Dear Sir : I hare now in con stant use j-opr "Tueki-r Patent Spring Bed" in nearly all my rooms, and am gratified to write to you that nothing could be better. Very truly your obedient servant, C. C. WILLaRD. Metropolitan fLjtel. Wvuliiitatoit, Dec. 6, 1S66. Tll-.s. J. Fishes, Pre. Tucker Manvfuctur hi'j Cm. Dear Sir : Soma two years ago tho beds of thi9 establishment were th-.r-iuKbly refit ted with your superior "Tucker Patent Spring Bud," which, since then aud now, hava given the patrons of this Hotel univcrsn.1 satisfaction. Very truly, A. 11. POTTS. These beds ura now manufactured, by penni. -glon of Patentee, at Albany, Oregon, and are for sale at all the principal furniture stores in Port land, Salem, Albany, etc. Fi'r particulars address, E. CARTER & SON., i ALBANY, OREGON. Doc. 2fl, 1868-15. J. BARROWS. L. E. BI.AI.V. S. K. YOUNG. Cattl.: Buyeus. The country is ro pr!el full of persons who are buying up all the cattle and sheep that are offered with the intention of driving them to California.! Sickness. We have heard of a few cases of sickness, generally of children, during the week in this city. ; Resolutions of Condolence. Adopted by Albany Fire Company Xo. 1, at a spesial meeting of the Com pany convened on Thursday, Feb. 18th, 18C9.; j Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in the exercise of His sovereign will and pleasure, to summon from his terrestrial labors and trials, our worthy aud esteemed companion, James Hed PATH, calling him by His omnipotent will, as wetrust, to that celestial abode beyoud the; skies, which awaits all who walk upright and worthily" in His sight; and j Whereas, The fraternal tics which have only for so brief a space of time bound us to our departed friend, have served to show us his many excellencies and virtues in tho brightest and purest liglrf, leaving us daily memories of his uprightness of character and goodness of heart; Therefore Resclccd, That bowing with humble submission to the will of Him who " docth all things well," yet we sincerely mourn this unexpected calamity, and deprecate the necessity which caused the disrup tion of thelcarthly ties, which cemented us in : fraternal friendship with our de ceased Companion, beariug in tender re membrance his devotion to those qualities and virtues which tend to make the true man. , j Resolved, That wo earnestly sympa thize and condole with the relatives and friends of our departed Companion, and ten der them tho consolation which is prom ised to those who put their trust in Him who " tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," who has promised to bo a shield "to the widow, and a protector to the or phan. ; i Resolved, That Albany Fire Com pany " No.l, will wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. Resolved That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions, be furnished by the Secretary of this Company to the family of our departed Brother, 'and that they also be published in the news journ als of this city. - StnTs roa ViotATTOji or tub Revestte Laws. The following is a list of the the parties against whom suits have recently been began in the U. S, District Court for violating the Revenue Laws in selling canned goods insufficiently stamped or not stamped at all : Lucas & Grant, Dayton, Yamhill county ...$5,000 S.. Brown, Dayton 700 A. Lewis, Brownsville... 900 Levy & Bros.', Harrisburg. 1,800 Thomas Morris, Muddy, Yamhill county... 1,200 Sternberg, Senders fc Co., Lancaster, L. Co 1,350 J. Gradwhold, Albany 600 B. Brenner, Albany 1,000 R. Fox & Bro., Cjrv lis......... 1,300 Friendly & Co.. Eugene City 1,200 S. Marks A Co., Roseburg 1,950 Senders A Co., Brownsville 4,150 P. Oppanheimer, Salem .... 600 M. Abrams. Brownsville....... 750 E. Fox & Bro., Albany......... 1,200 Bl-om A Wise, Corvallis ,.. .... 1,800 E. A. Foot fc Co., Peoria. 700 Jacobs A Bros., Oregon City 1,350 Marks A Gollneky, Oakland....... 600 Ackerman A Stcinheiser, Eugene City 1,100 making total of $35,350 sued for as penalties. Oreganian. ', - . h.--- Maximilian's extensive library is adver tised for sale at Leipsie. . , A Detroit paper calls Black Kettle's orphan's "fatherless skillets." J. BARROWS & CO., ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING Fresh Supplies oi NEW GOODS! UIRECT FROM San Francisco, which they will sell CHEAP FOR HEADY FAT ! THEY ALSO BO A General Commission Business ! Legal Tenders BOUGHT AIMS SOLS Albany, Oct. 24, 'OS-7. Flax Seed! Flax Seed! RARE CHANCE PERSONS wishing to engage in the cultiva tion of FLAX the coming season, upon ap plication at the office of Beach A Monteith, Alj bany, Oregon, will be fnraished with the best variety of flax seed, on advantageous and easy terms. ! Messrs. Beach A Monteith will contract with parties for all the seed raised by them next season. BEACH A MONTEITH. February 6, 1869-22 For Sale. HOUSE AND FOUR LOTS ! IN this city, a godd new dwelling w.t li .. necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes walk from the steamboat lauding. For particulars inquire at the office of the P. T. Companv. of J. B. MONTEITH. Albany, January 30, 1869-21 MRS. DUNMiWAY TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of tho Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods ' IS THE BTillixxox-y Line X KEJIEBEIE, LADIES ! If you purchase TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the Demorest Magazine, for the year 1S69, as a premium on the purchase ! Dress and Cloak Ittalringr in all branches. Bleaching and Pressing' in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, A ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 1868-9 AMERICAN EXCHANGE, I CORKER OF - : '".'' Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and " Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinda of FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, BOATTRASSSS, ETC., Under the "States UitjLts Democrat', offii.-e, FIRST STREET, oct24'6S-7 A LB ANY. V. W. 8PIXK A. CAKOTHEBS. P. W. SPINK & CO., (surcr.ssoas to m. w. mack,) Scalers in Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copperware, STOVES! Virst, between Wasliiiigtou & Ferrj -sts. L. P. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the - State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. - ' The Concord Coach will always be fonn at the landing, on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying passengers and their bag gage to and from the boats free of charge. Houaa ttpplied with Patent Fire Extinguithert. ' Dissolution or Co-PartuersMp. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between J. E. Bent ley A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. E. Bentley, Sr., will continue the business, assuming all debts outstanding against the late ffrm, and collecting all accounts due the same. t J. E. BENTLEY, Sr. T. E. BENTLEY, Jr. Albany, January 9, 18S9-18ml jrp ' - - ' J HE undersigned having piirchasvd the stock ' formerly owned by M. "V. Mack, and having made large additions thereto, now ofl'er to the public the fullest and completest assortment of Crst-class goods in our line, yet offered in this market, consisting of - PARLOR, BOX, HALL, ... r.nd . COOKING STOYES, of tho following patterns : Buck, Black Knight. ( Golden Gate. . Ileury day. New Nation. Buckeye State. Scc.t &c, 5tc, from the best manufactories, which they are offer ing at lowest rates. Also, a large stock of French Saucejtans, Ladles & Skimmers, Iron, Enameled and Brass Kettles, Iron Tea-kettles and Ovens, Iron and Lead Ripe, Force tfc Lift Rumps, and a full assortment of . COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! We will continue to keep on band a large stock of NO. 1 TIN WARE ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kiuds of REPAIRING! in a neatand workmanlike manner, at short notice. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing enable us to give a liberal discount. Terms Cash, or marketable Produce. P. W. SPINK A CO. Nor. 28, '68-12 ' C. MEALEY & CO., DEALERS IN A MANUFACTURERS OF FUHNITTJRE! and CABINET WATtE i ! Bedding, Etc., rner First and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGO.Y. i PARTICl'LAll ATTENTION PAID TO S, 0 ORDERS OF ALL KINDS j in our line. . October 31, 1863-8 BLACKSMITHINC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS f r"P"lIIE undersigned gives notice to the general B public, that he is now manufacturing the Galcsburg Patent Flow ! and 'any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to i ' - t .ri f " '!. '. ' : Horse Shoeing, Wagon aud Carriage Maklllg, - ! and General Jobbing. . . All work entrusted jto me will receive prompt attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. A share of publie patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pierce' Ferry. F. ;WOOD. . Albany, November 21,1868-11 NOTI CE. All persons receiving their maU at the Post office at Lebanon, are. . hereby notified that the office will be kept open an. hour after the arrival of the mail on Sundays, after which it will be closed for the day. The office will not be open until the mail arrives. - -S. H. CLAUGHTON, P. M. January 9, 1869-18ml riTIKlVINCr. - - TURNING. a H a a w 00 Iff sat Hi a tn y " I AM PREPARED TO BO -'"v-, Jt ALL KINDS OV TURNING ! I keep An hand and make to order ' RAWT1XSE-BOTTOCXX3) CXLAJZCS, . AUD ! Spinning Wheals. JS- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." ... . ' . JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nov. 2S, 1868-12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, v SENDERS, STERNBERG & CQ . - ... , , , - -- . ' STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, iu J. li. MonUith't Brick BnUdinf ALBANY, OltTQONV ' THE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEAS URE in informing the citiiens of UM county that they have just opened well slap stock of ' .'i - ' - FANCY DRY COODC r i BOOTS AND SHOES ! Gr DEL OOE TSUZ t aad a full assortment of i General Merchandise t: ' "Which they will dispese of for ' ' . I CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCER I.. FAXR LIVING R ATS St v We respectfully ask the publie t V .'j1- CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK 'AND" PRICES 1 " , ' Before purchasing elsewhere, and -we assure all - , that we will give , .,. lsntire satistaction to Prompt customers. ALSO : . ! . .v--i ' We have a Branch House, long established, at . SOUTH BROWNSVILLE. where we keep a large and well selected stock of' GENERAL MERCHANDISE I ; . Albany, Nov. 14, 1868-10 ' THE OLD ", , , ,,..r STOVE depot! . I , ' ' 0 ; ' JOHN BRIGGS, ' DEALER I!l STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & E0X, - ;. f tho best patterns ! r s ALSO " . - Tin, Sheet Iron and - and the usual assortment of Famishing -Goods te be obtained in a Repair neatly and prompt fa executed. EfTii reasonable terms. " .'. "Short reckonings, make long friends." ' Front street Albany. t Tezt door to Mansfield A Co. " decd'68-12 POSITIVELY SELLING AT COOT I THE .UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to the publie in geaeraL r that they will sell their- . 4 WELL SELECTED STOCK ; DRY GOODS! CLOTHING! GENERAL H1ERC1LIVDISE V ' ' from and after this data t. . . v - r. ' Those desiring to make purchases will -do wU to Oall Immediately ! ' as ws deair to elose out " T rX Our Entire Stocks - on the abovs terms, FOR CAOH ! 1 OR MERCHANTABLE PKODUCX t ' All persons knowing themselves Indebted to tho undersigned, are requested to eosae forward with, oat delay, and settle their indebtedness, as wa are determined to eloss oar mnTSsntila AmHasss" and collect our dues ' . " i W. W. PARRISH A CO, Albany, Nov. 28, 188S-1J , .