The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 20, 1869, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY. 20, 1869.
, - . . PROspKurrv. ,
As an indication of the general pros
perity and healthy condition of the coun
try gtwrmlly, in spite of high taxes and
the ether drawbacks brought apon us by
the kt retollioo, during the year 18CS
ttcztlj all, tire States have succeeded in
TexToeiog their debts. New Ilamsbire
has redoecd her debt 6. U per cent. ;
Vernwnt, - Per cent. ; Ohio, 4. 5
per' cent. New York, 10 per cent, j
inScols, SO. 5 per cent. ; Indiana, 23 per
cent.; Michigan, 6. 4 per cent.; Penn
sylvania, 7.2 percent. Not a single
.Statq is reported as having increased its
debt : during the year. Thus favor
able report of finances- in the different
States, is alluded to-h the following lan-"
guiaga, by a Eastern paper :
It is really pleasing to peruse the mes
sage of the- OoTernors of loyal States
M being delivered. Prom Maine to
Minnesota, wherever ait Executive
pea, it is -mibr promises, as- well as
. realisations, that must make both' in
cumbent and constituency proud. Ev
erywhere finances are in a healthy con
dition ; State debts are being reduced,
and requests are being made to the Leg
islatures to .diminish or abolish' taxes on
solid wealth. Schools and school sys
tems are thriving, reforms are going on
and abundantly suggested, and1 hopes are
expressed of a happy future; la- all this
the evidence appears that the progressive
people of this country are ks- best rulers.
. Beriafe says Fetinoyer. attained the
highest position for which nature quali
fied ham, when he became "clerk in a
saw-mill and oracle of h lumber-yard. "
We are not disposed to- question the cor
rectness of Beriah's estimate of Pen n oy
er's nectal calibre. In fact we think he
is about correct j bat Pennoyer certainly
exhibits remarkable acuteness in his
analyzation of Brown's real worth. They
should, by all means, exchange work,
ad each write the others autobiography.
Mr. Robinson, who introduced the bill
to - increase the President's salary to
$100,000 per annum, is a Democrat,
! representing the Democratic city of
Brooklyn, New , York. Gen. Grant has
expressed himself as opposed to any in
crease of . the Presidential salary, and
ithere is very little probability that Re
publicans will pass the bill. x
:.'GblNO IT AlXNE." Thoe. C.i Bail
: announces in the last Boise City (Idaho)
( Democrat, that "having purchased the
l interest of- my - former partners in the
Democrat office I will hereafter 'go it
i alone Financially, Tom., we hope
j you'll "make it." , We're satisfied you'll
I "play your hand out" anyway !
it..- - .- '. . ' " - '
Model Obituary. An exchange has
the following magnificent obituary notice
fJim," Chief of the Washoes: lie
was a good, though yery dirty, red man.
lie possessed a well-balanced head of
hair, and stomach enough for all he could
get to eat. His regard for the truth was
notable he never meddled with it. He
. left bo will, and his estate consisted of a
I pair of boots.".
i Horrible. The crowded state of the
Baae Asymm- at JJiactwell s island
has recently obliged the placing of two
inmates in one cell. On Friday night
one of the insane women arose, siezed a
Jieavy oaken tub or bucket and dashed
in the skull of . the woman in the same
cell, and then scooped out the brains of
the murdered woman" with her hands,
throwing them around the cell,,' ; The
authorities tried to keep the horrible af-
"XWm JACKSONviLLe. From the Jack
- sxnavi Sentinel of the 13 th we learn :
-The T&veffleTuui been suspended until
xnn pox disappears. ;
c'JhtfSf 'iiCo.,f at t Pickett's camp,
Jfoaeohina conntv. were takinrr nut an
; oonccper day to the hand. Unlimited
' amount of ground and water plenty. -
s Circuit TDourt Met and adjourned until
Jane on account of small pox. -
On the 14th a valuable mare was stolen
row .the stable of Mr. Hendricks, of
Applegate,' nd ou the same night a sad-
UiU mma VMM?, iivih ug Vf&a VX vttCKBOU
mikJfiuJt -J ... ,...Ji;; j
.'Sorne parties at Pickett's camp,
, Josephine county, after building -150
rods of ditch discovered that the "fall"
eras: the rong way. They are consider-
leg the propriety of turning I the ditch
"end for endl"
l-Shst iSatimdt says - the small pox is
The fare firoxd Dalles City toSaJt lake
City by siagei has' been reduced to $110
-:iaeiri-3.'c.,,ow k de from
tiwre &CSifcgo fer less thaa 200.
There are at this time, in the Mult
nomah eounty jail,, eight prisoners con
victed of robbing the United States
Mail. This number includes Randall,
late Postmaster at Portland, under sen
tence for the term of twelve years, for
purloining twelve and a-half ounces of
gold dust from a registered envelope in
transit through that office in August last.
The details of his crime, arrest, trial
and conviction, are elaborately set forth
in the able opinion of .3 ixlge Deady, over
ruling the motion for arrest of judge
ment and new trial, made by council for
prisoner, oponthe rendering of the verdict
of guilty by the jury. Randall was a
maoof hitherto uniuipeached character
standing hih iu society, with many
wealthy and influential-friends. His con
viction upon the evidence adduced, is
the highest encomium that could be
pronounced upon the integrity and abili
ty of the judicial tribunal before whom
th case was tried. j
The seven remaining prisoners are all
desperate characters. They are under
seuteucc for terms ranging from five to
ten years, for robbing the stage carrying
the United States mail and Wells, Far
go & Co.'s express box,j iu the Blue
mountains, on the second day of August
last. This rubbery was perpetrated in
broad daylight, bjp-Jbur men armed
with guns and revolvers, and wearing
masks. !
The capture of these desperadoes was
one of the best executed detective trans
actions, recorded in the police annals of
this coast, requiring that cool, persistent
courage and skill, so seldom found in
those upon whom such important duties
devolve. The directionof the pursuit
and capture of these outlaws, devolved
upon Hon. Q. A. Brooks!, United States
Foetal Agent, and it is to him that the
public are indebted for the security of
life and property, consequent upon the
incarceration of such a number of law
less vagabonds. 1
The robbery, as before strted, was
committed on the second day of August.
On the 20th of the same month, two of
the desperadoes were- arrested ; on the
30th another was taken, And on the 4th
of September the remainder of the gang
were captured. The arrests were thus
made almost simultaneously, and at dif
ferent points, some hundreds of miles
distant from each other. Some were
found at Walla Walla, a part at Boise
City, and tho remainder at La Grande,
near where the robbery was committed.
Thus within thirty days from the time
of committing the crimej these enemies
of society and violators of law, were safe
in the hands of its legal j administration,
and they are, at this time, where they
will bo restrained, at least for a time,
from repeating their attempt to prey" up
on Uncle Sam's rights, or those of the
honest public. Too much credit cannot
be awarded Mr. Brooks, and those who
assisted him in securing and bringing to
justice, such a number of lawless despera
does. 1
If there be others capable of perpetrat
ing such outrages, the fate of those who
have met the legitimate reward of their
crimes, will not fail to exercise a salutary
restraining influence upon them.
. .. h ' 1
Fire at Dalles. A disastrous fire
occurred at Dalles on the evening"of the
14th, by which about 38,000 worth of
property vos destroyed! Following is
the account : !
Dalles, Feb. 15. Fire here last night
at 6:30 P. M. Flames was seen issuing
from the rear of the dry goods store of
P. Peck, Esq. The building being of
wood, the fire spread with great rapidity ;
and although the Fire Department was
promptly on hand, that- building with the
adjoining one occupied by Max Vogt's
variety store, was soon enveloped in
flames. . As the buildings on either side
were fire-proof, the fire was confined to
these two houses and no! further damage
done j Mr. Peck's loss is f about 28,000,
of which h.$15,T)00 is (insured. Max
Vogt's loss is about $10,000; 7,500 was
insured.: The fire is supposed to have
originated from the falling of a .kerosene
lamp in Mr. Peck's store, which he had
just left to go to supper. '. '
What Might Have Been. This is
the way a French paper chronicle an
accident : "; "On Saturday, an accident
which might have been attended with
sad results-took place in this city (Paris).
A bricklayer, having lost his balance,
fell from the sixth story of a house to the
street. Fortunately,", two: women, who
were chattering on the sidewalk,' received
the falling man on their heads and broke
his fall. The bricklayer was taken up
safe and sound. The bystanders shud
dered to think that but for a lucky
chance the accident would have cost him
his life. The two women were instantly
killed.'? ..j ; v r
The cattle plague continues to ravage
Western Wisconsin.' -. j ' -A
f- Telegrapblc Summary..
Washington, Feb. 13. The Com
mittee on Public expenditure exonerates
the pos'office Department from all blame
in the Wells, Fargo & Co. overland mail
contract, and charge the difficultv on the
act of Congress which throws 400 per
cent, more mail matter on the route.
The President to-day nomiuated Lewis
E- Dent, brother-in-law to Gen. Grtint,
Minister to Chile, vice Kilpatrick and
John S. Noyle, Secretary of Legation.
The President vetoed the bill trans
ferring the control of the eolored school
in Washington and Georgetown from the
Secretary of tho interior to the Board of
Trustees, on the ground that the colored
people do not desire ti e change.'
The President has accepted the office
of arbitrator between Great Britain and
Portugal on the boundary question which
has arisen on the coast of Africa.
Late advices i'roii Peru show that the
Republics on the Pacific coast have ac
cepted the mediation of the United States
on their war with Spain. A 'Congress
of Plenipotentiaries for the belligerent is
expected to meet at Washington durin"
this, sprin
Cuban patriots is in Washington.' The
Government has information that the
patriots recently gained most important
success and were attempting to gain a
foothold on the other end of the island,
where a larger body of slaves is located,
and which is more accessible. Their
great need is artillery and practical men
for commanders.
Victoria, Feb. 12. The bridge across
James' Bay was completed yesterday.
A bill was introduced in the Legisla
ture yesterday to increase the duty on
horned cattle imported iu this colony to
five dollars per head, and one dollar per
head on sheep. ; -
Late milling news from ' Carriboo is
very favorable.' The weather continued
mild ar.d all the principal mines were
paying well. A movement was on foot
to organize a company t prospect the
meadows on Williams Creek.
secretary Seward has received
a telegram from Caleb Cushj-jg, an
nouncing that he brings a treaty Iu re
lation to the Isthmus Canal. r
T he Piesidejnt has pardoned Stanford
Conovcr, alias. Charles A Dunham, con
victed of forgery last December and
scnteuccd to ten years imprisonment at
Albany. .-: j
The Government has fully rec&uiied
as Uuited States territory, belonging to
citizens of the United States, the Seriona
Islands iu the j Cariibean Sea. Negotia
tions for thi3 I purchase have been con
cluded by citizens of New York.
The arrangements are being perfected
tor the inauguration procession. It
promises to be' one of the most imposing
ever witnessed in this couutry.
The Central Pacific Railroad Co. has
applied for bonds on that part of the
route between Monument Poim and Og
den. A protest has been filed with the
Secretary of the Interior by President of
the Union Pacific Co. against this ad
vance, ou the grouud that the Union
Pacific is constructing tr eir road on that
r . v 1 ib
part or ine route ana will very soon
apwiy for bonds authorized by law on ths
completed work.
A bill for the relief of Knott & Co.,
American merchants doing business iu
China, passed.
The newspapers of both parties gener
ally commend the speech of Gen. Grant
on Saturday: The World says the
speech is no ordinary exhibition of char
acter, and the man who thus quietly
holds the politicians at bay evinces a res
olute self-reliance which is one of the
most respectable qualifications that can
be possessed by a man clothed with great
responsibility. It considers the burden
of his speech as a virtual demand for the.
repeal of the tenure of office act.
TheZY i"6hh says his ideas relative to
Cabinet appointments are frank, straight
forward and business like, and commends
his resorting to economy in the payment
of tho public debt.
Mr. Boutwell will attempt to put
through the House the Senate's proposed
Constitutional amendment so as to secura
its passage iu case the President vetoes
the resolutions
Chicago, Feb. 15. The Tribune's
special says that Dent's nomination as
Minister to Chile was entirely unsolicited.
He docs not want the place, and will ask
his friends not; to confirm the nomination.
The Cushing treaty gives us the right
to construct a canal across tLo Isthmus,
and secures to the United States its use
for a term of yeais. .
New Orleans, Feb. 13. Full par
ticulars of the loss of the Jfettie Stejjien
son in the Red river, show that a large
proportion of the lost were women ad
children.: . The fire originated in govern
ment hay on board.
.Philadelphia, Feb. 13. James
Doyle, a well known lawyer, was found
in the street early this morning, badly
wounded iu the head and carried home.
IJe died in a few minutes. No arrests
were made: The case is wrapped in
mystery. j
' Worcester', Mass., Feb. 14. The
most destructive fire occurred at Norwich,
Connecticut, known in tho city for mauy
years. The block called Appollo . Hall
and two adjoining buildings were entirely
destroyed with most of their contents.
The entire loss is estimated at 200,000.
Charleston, Feb. 14. Reports have
reached here of the mysterious embark
ation from various places on the Georgia L
and Florida coast ot parties composed
principally : of) Cubans. . These move,
ments are supposed to be connected with
the insurrection in Cuba.
St. Louis,! Feb. 14. Sol. "Smith,
veteran actor j and theatrical "manager,
died in this city to-day; aged sixty-eight.
New York,! Feb. 15. A letter from
Mexico City states that fears are enter
tained among the commercial community
that the Government will be compelled
to resort to forced loans. Three millions
of specie were j just about to leave the
country. It was believed that one-half
was being exported to avoid that contin
gency. ., j
Havana, Feb. 15. Letters say that
from some cypher telegrams passing be
tween the Captain General Mena, com
manding Puerta Principi, it is learned
that the Captain General is not under
much apprehensions from filibustering
expeditions ' from New York, as he was
informed that the United States Govern
ment was all right with Spain. .
Chicago, Feb. 15. Theliepublican'i
special says that a representative of the
Illinois. The following interesting
statistics are given in a late message to
the Legislature of Illinois :
Of the 30,000.000 acres of land in tho
State, 21,000.000 arc .improved, an 1 10.
000,000 are under actual cultivation.
There aro at present in the State eighty
seven wool carding mi Us, and one hun
dred and thirty-three lna'-ufai-tories of
woolens, with - a capital of 83,00,00:J in
vested in buildings ai! machinery, em
ploying three thousand four hundred and
fifty operatives, one fourth of whom arc
women, and consuming annually 4,000,
000 of the 7,000,000 pounds of wool
clipped from over 2,500,000 sheep. The
investment of capital in manufactnres is
steadily increasing. Additional coal
shafts are sinking and mines are opening,
and the present product is not loss than
2,000,000 tons ot coal annually.
The wickedest woman in Illinois.
The wickedest woman in Kankakee, 111.,
became such a nuisance that the Common
Council voted her a new dress, 600 and
her fare, if she would marry and emigrate
She agreed aud this was the ceremony as
performed by a police justice : "j
"Jim, you do agree to take Mollie, and
xlive with, and go to Cheyenne with her,
and stay with her regardless of law and
"Mollie, you do agree to take Jim,
and live with him, and go to Cheyenne
with hiui regardless of law and coasc-
"Then I give you these two milroad
tickets and order you to stay there until
the Vigilance Committee hang you both
The steamer Active is carrying passen
gers from Portland to Victoria and
Olympia for five dollars, and freight at
two dollars per ton.
At Quincy, 111., is a German with a
curious birth mark. It is a perfect,
about the" size of a silver dollar, on his
right cheek. The form and outline of
the deer are as perfect as could be drawn
by an artist,' and show a deer in the act
of leaping". It is of a bright red color.
The obstinate woman gets to sea in- a
bandbox. ,
The patient woman roasts an ox with
a burning glass.
The curious woman would like to turn
a rainbow over to see what there was cn
the other side
The vulgar woman is a spider attempt
ing to spin silk.
The cautious woman writes promises
on a slate. : j
The envious woman kills herself in en
deavoring to lace tighter than her neigh
bors. ; : !
The happy woman died in a deaf and
dumb asylum years ago. j
" Brick Pomeroy's " New York Demo
crat thinks that the Democratic party
may be' defeated in 1872. if it be not care
ful. We think so too, provided the poor
thing be alive at that time.
Some clocks recently imported into
New York contained 30,0U0 worth of
shawls concealed inside.
The "German" is now danced by day
light in New Y"ork.
The fig and banana trees in Florida
have been injured by frost.
New York play3 billiard.3 iu sixteen
hundred billiard saloons.
Fifteen thousand tourists and invalids
visited Florida last season. j
The Ontario Government has a servile
majority of twenty-four in the Legisla
ture. ;
- -A contemporary speaks of a. water-cure
establishment, in New York, as having
"dried up." j
There are now l,t56S journals in France.
Paris has 69 political journals, and 710
that are not political.
A citizen of Williamsburg, New York,
amused himself recently by burning off
his sou's toes with a red-hot poker. . .!
The classic inhabitants of New York
propose to change the name of Broad
way to "Colossus of Roads."
According to the Paris Figaro, there
are more than twenty thousand people in
Paris who never wash themselves.
A young man at Berlin : lately lost
twenty five pounds of flesh and won a
wager, by keeping awake for a whole
The Boston papers complain that at a
recent free concert given for the poor in
that !pity the poor were excluded, because
the benches were all filled by ( ladles in
elegant fur capes."-
It is stated that the almost individual
sentiment in Congress is averse to a rat-:
ification of the protocol of the Alabama
treaty in its present form. There s no
doubt this feeling will fiud legislative
expression when the time come3, aod it
will be non concurred. The Senate will
never agree to a settlement of the claims
on the basis propo.-ed. ,
Subscribe for the Register.
ALIIANY R UTA I L, BI A R KUT., Fcbruury 20, 18C9.
Wheat, white, f bushel...
Oats, iu.hul.'. ........
Potut ics, bushel
O.iions, Tg bushel
l-'lmir, barrel
liutter, lb
iis, ibi;;ca ,
C'hickci.s, 'j l z -n
PcayhpF. dr.ed, lb
Soap, .i lb ,
Salt, Lus AeccJi'.s. "j-? ib...
Syrup. i ;;a!l..n..
Tea, Young llj-sou i lb...
Japan, "
B!itk, " ..
Suar, eruahcil, 'f lb ,
h'c;i "
" Islan.l,
Ccffce. T)
Oandto, i ft
Itica, China. $i ft
SaleratiiS, lb
Dried lihiiiis, lb.
.'riej apples, l lb
Drkil currants. f lb
Bacon, bains, 5p) lb............
" sides, " .
" shoulders, lb
I.ard, in cans, ft.
lieau.s, lb
Dcvocs' Ker.'suac oil, gallon
Turpentine, jrallou
Unseed oil, boiled, gallon........
Whitj lead, kec
Powder, rifle, lb
Tobacco, lb ;
Jwuils, cut, (t) lb
Oomesti'-, brown. yard
Hickory, striped, yard
13. d ticking, n-r yrd
H'.uo driiliijtj, "ft yard
Flannels, 'A yard.
Prints, f.i t. colors, 'jrt yard
l'ork, lb
Mutton, " ft
15cc'-, on loot, "x. ft
...... G
I 25
$t 50ti;5 0(
...... - 1 3
...... $2 03 00
...... 6(3j5i
SI 1221 25
I (i0
J 00
7.l CO
" 10(f$18
- - 2033
. 12(0)15
.... " ; 3S
1 1 15
.... ." . l2i
.... - 6
. 10
1 DO
Si "25 (a; 1 5
Si 0204! T5
1 Oil 4 25
75fel 00
Si 0UM1 50
Direct from San 1'r.vncisco. per last ocean steam
er, a n'-r j totk of
Dry Goods and Groceries,
which trill be offered at "
with freight. added. Come right a!oa wi.h your
: , Cash and Produce !
and get bargains while they arr gjiug cheap.
Person requiring -, :
Ir6a and Steel, Waggon Scat Springs,
Thimblc-Skain Bcscs, &c , :
can procure them at my store, cheap. j
New York quotations on the 17th
were: Flour. Si10 50; wheat, SI 50
2; hides, 2 1(72 Me; wool, 2630c for
fall, and 3037c for spring clip.
Liverpool oxuotatioa3 : Wheat, lis a
slight decline. , " ,
San Francisco produce market:
Flour Quoted at Si 7o(a)o 25, ac
cording to brandy. Sales extra local
brands; a3 hiiib. as 05 75.
Wheat Inferior, SI 62J; fair ship
ping, SI 70; choice shippin-r, SI 75.
Barley Quotable at S2 052r20;
fair to choice brewing S2 202 30.
Oats Oregon, S2 152 25; Califor
nia, $2(v; 2U.
At tho residence of th s bride's father, on the
11 th in-1 , by S. II. Claughton, J. P., Mr. Geo.
Y. ilanluy to Miss Ann M. McCalister, all of
I. inn county, Oregon. :
At the residence of the bride's father, on the 3d
inst., by Rev. W. R. Bishop Dr. Jno. 13. Rolling,
la!o of the U. S. Army, to Miss L'ouisa J. Robi-nett.
and wo prepared to
IT'vi.x-nisli to Order,
such as
Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold,
. of all sizes.
and all other kinds of - , - "
Building: Material !
Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha
ker Fans, Zigzag Shakera, Suction. Faus, Driving
Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon
street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's
Albany, February 20, 1809-24
Nones. .
Guardian's Sale.
BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER to me granted
by the County Court of polk county, Oregon,
at the February term, 1869, I will, on
Tuesday, 30tti day ot March, 1869,
at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the door of
the Court House in Albany, Linn eounty. Oregon,
offer for sale at public auetion, tho following de
scribed real estate in said Linn county, to-wit :
The undivided one-tenth part of the donation
land claim of John Ingram and Louisa Ann In
gram, deceased, claim No. (06J being part of sec
tions 1, 2, 11 and 12, township 18 south range 4
west ; also part of sections 1 and 12, township 16
south range 4 west, commencing at Henry Hays'
donation land claim south-east corner, thence east
61 rods, thence north 2044 rods, thence west 109
rods, thence south 71 rods, thence east 48 rods,
thence south 133i rods to the place of beginning,
containing 99 acres, from S. P. Hamilton.
There is of the donation 254 acres, 160 acres of
this t. subject to the life estate of John Sutton,
leaviug 193J acres clear of any incumbrance.
Terms of Sams United States gold coin. , .
A. S. HAMILTON, Guardian
of Francis M. Hahiltds,
'"'Bteob W.--Hahhtd,
Melissa J. Haxilton.
February 15, 1869-24w4
I will pay for
Eccs IS cents per d,;zen;
0ts SO ccu?s p.T bushSl ;
Ii.icox Sidks IU cet:t8 per pound ;
Hai'S 1 1 (it) 12 cents pi r pound.
I will p .y t le ab ji p- c for ton d iy, to eop .
uicnce wi;h thia date. li. CHEADLE. '
February 17, l30'J-2t .
Bonght at Portland Prices I
Having made arrangements wiih parties in
San Francisco, I will be able to pay Portland
priecs. the cominp season, for all kinds of Prcdue,
only deducting freight from this point to Portland,
which is only S3 per ton. Bring nlon your Pro
duce, and I will buy it and pav yo"it in cash or
trade. B. CHEADLE.
February 20, 18G0-24ra3 ;
Administrator's Notice.
Eotnte of D. 3f. Bard, duceaicrf.
NOTICE in hereby given by the utidersigned
administrator of the above named estate, to
the creditors of, and all persons having . claims,
against, said deceased, to present tho same, withr
necessary vouchers, within six month from this
notice, to the undersigned at his residence, six
miles south of Peoria, Linn county. Oregon.
Feb. 11, 1SC9 23 , Adm.
RrssF.LL t ElLiss. Attys.
W W. Panish & Co.,
Corner Perry and First Streets,
will sell their entire stock of ,,
II -A- It D "W It E,
commencing on
Monday, February 29, 1800.
JAMES SHIELDS, Auctioneer.
Sale will commence on Monday morning, Feb
ruary 22d, at 10 o'clock, and every day thereafter
at tho same hour until all the goods nro dispos.-d
of. W. Ar. PARRISH tt CO.
Februarv IS 69-22
(February 22d, I860.)
D. 11. Thompson,
Al. V. ISrown,
John Parker,
Chas. Mcalcy,
S. Kohn, "
J. V. Kixon,
N. B. Humphrey,
N. Baum,
A. H. Marshall,
Ira A. Miller,
A. R. Backus,
C. Van Cleve,
R. C. Clark,
W. H. Wood,
Leo. Fox,
, P. V. Harper,
. A general invitation is hereby extended.
Tickets can be procured of any member of the
Committees. .
Firemon are requested to appear in uniform.
Albany, Jan. 23d, 1809. . . , . ,
.. " - t
- Philadelphia Boot Store,
No. 112 Front Street,
i Opposite MoCormick's Book Store, , .
Jan 9-69-18 Portland, Oregon. ,
Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will
be in attendance at all the Landings to ootitj
passengera and baggage to and -from the House
FREE OF CHARttE. .j9-lft