The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 06, 1869, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
NO. 22.
You Kissed Ale.
fficb os conen or rtniir am kihst-sts.,
One Year. Three Dollar
Six Months Two Dollar
Single Copies Ten Cents.
One Column, per Year. $100; Half Column.
$60 ; QuaTtor Column,
Transient advertisements per Sunru of ten
lines or lex., first insertion, S.') j each subsequent
insertion, $1.
fully inform the citizens of Alltauy ami vi
cinity that be has taken charge of this establish
ment, anil, by keeping clean rooms and pitying
strict attention to business, expects to suit all
those who may favor him with their patronage.
Having heretofore carried on nothing but
First-Class XI air Dressing- Saloons,
he expec's to give entiro satisfaction to all.
3f Childrou and Ladies' hair neatly cut and
shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER.
GEO. W. GRAY, 2. D. S.,
Tf tal College, would invite all persons desiring
artificial teeth, and first-class dental operations,
to give him a call.
Specimens of Vulcanite Base with gold-plato
liuings. and other new styles of work, may bo
aeen at his office, in ParrUh &, Co.'s brick, (up
stairs) Albany, Oregon.
Residence Comer Second and Raker sts. 2
Albany, September 19, 6S-2tf
E. P. Russell,
Solicitor in Chancer irf Jteal A"tr? 4icut
Will practice in the Court of the Second. Third,
and Fourth Judicial Districts, and in the Supreme
Court of Oregon.
Office in Parrijh's Block, second story, third
door west of Ferry, north side of First t. II
'i.Special attention given to the collection of
Claims at all points in the above named Districts.
to well. i- FLIXX.
Powell & Flinn,
and Solicitors in Chancery,
(X.. Flinn, Notary Public,)
Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances
prompt? attended to. 1
liiltabidel & Co.,
visions, Woo and'Willow Ware, Confec
tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipe?, Notions, etc.
Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany,
Oregon. 1
W. W. Parrish &. Co,
in General Merchandise, Albany. The
best Goods at tbo lowest market prices. Mer
chantable Produce taken in exchange. 1
E. A. Frecland,
School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books,
Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post
office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered
from New York and San Francisco. 1
S- Z2. Claughton,
AGENT. Office in the Post Offico building,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Will attend to making Deeds and other convey
ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en
trusted to my care. 1
J. Barrows & Co.,"
chants. Dealers in Staple, Dry and Fancy
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery,
Boots and Shoes ; Albany, Oregon.
Consignments solicited. 1
C. DSealey & Co.,
in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet
Ware, First streot, ilbany. ,,
Albany "Weekly Register
firtt ttreet, (opposite ParrUh Co.'s store,)
Albany s t Oregon.
HAVING a, very fair assortment of material
we are prepared to execute, with neatness
nd dispatch, all kinds of
saeh as
, Programmes,
I i Ball Tickets,"
, Blanks
of a,H kinds, '
at as low figures as a due regard to taste and good
work will allow. When you want anything in
the printing line, call at the Heistcr office.
You kissed me ! my head bad dropped low upo
your breast,
With a fiding of shelter and infinite rest.
i V lule the holy emotions luy tonguo dared nut
Flushed up, like a flame, from my heart to my
Your arms held mo fast O, your arms were s
Ilea: t responded to heart in that passionate hold
Your glances seemed' drawing piy soul through
mine eyes, Y
As the sun draws the mists from the seas t tin
skits ;
; And your lips clung to mine, till I prayed in my
They might never uuclasp from that rapturous
Kiss !
You kissed me '. my heart und my breast and
my, will.
In delirious Joy for Ihe moment .tood still ;
Life had for me then no temptations or charm
No vista of pleasure outside of your arms :
And were I this instant on angel possessed
Of the glory and peace that are given the Most
I would fling my white robes unrepiuingly dowu
And take from my forehead its beautiful crown
To ncstlo ouce more in that huven of rest.
With your lips upon mine, and my bead" on
your breast.
You kissed me ! my soul in a bliss so divine.
Reeled and sv7ouued like a foolUh man drunken
with wine,
Ami I thought 'twere delicious to die then, if death
Would conic while my lips were still moist with
y our breath.
'Twcre delicious to die, if my heart might grow
While your arms wrapt mc close in that pas
sionatc hold.
And these are the questions I asked day and night
Must my life tasto but once such, extiuisite
delight ?
Would you rare if your breast were my shelter as
And if you were here iconhl you kiss Me again
A Bachelor's Defence. Bachelors
are styled by married men "who hav
"rot their foot in it, as only half-perfected
beings, cheerless vagabonds, but half a
pair of scisiors, and many other ridicu
lous titles are given to them ; while on
the other hand they extoll their state as
one of so perfect a buss that a change
irom eartn to neaven would be some
what of a doubtful good. If they arc
so happy, why don't they enjoy their
happiness and hold their tongues about
it t hat do hair the men get married
for ? Simply that they may have some
body to darn their stockings, sew but
tons on their shirts and trot babies
that they may have somebody, as a mar
ried man said once, ''to pull off their
boots when they are a little balmy."
These fellows are always talking about
the loneliness of bachelors. Loneliness
indeed ! Who is petted to death, by la
dies with marnagaeble daughters invited
to tea and evening parties, and told to
drop in just when it was convenient ?
The bachelor.
Who lives in clover all bis days, and
when he dies has flowers strewn over his
grave by the girls that could not entrap
him r he bachelor.
Who strews flowers over the married
man's grave the widow ? Not muchly;
she pulls down the tombstone that six
week's grief had set up in her heart; she
goes and gets married again, she does.
Who goes to bed early because time
hangs heavily on his shoulders ? The
married man.
Who gets a scolding for picking out
the softest part of the bed, and for wak
ing up the baby in the morning ? The
married man.
Who has wood to split, house hunting
and marketing to do, the young ones to
wash and lazy servants to look after ?
The niaried man.
Who is taken up for whipping his wife?
The married man.
Who gets divorces ? The married
Finally, who has got the scriptures on
his side? the bachelor. St. Paul
knew what he was about when he said :
"He that marries does well, but he that
marries not does better."
The chief brewer of Dubuque, Iowa,
is a woman. The latest about the Prince
of Wales is that he is a ritualist.
Chicago gets antelope meat from Omaha
for six cents a pound. Fifteen different
towns are anxious to be the Capital of
Kentucky. A Springfield - youth has
been named "U. S. Grant Dandurand."
An "American Club" has been started
by American residents at Some. A
paper has been started in Madrid to
advocate the abolition of slavery.
A Connecticut paper of a late date says:
At a wedding party, during the fore
part of the week, not one hundred miles
from Norwalk, a young lady remarked to
the bride, just after the happy couple
had been united: "Well, the worst is
over with." Tho bride
plied, "I'm afraid not."
blushingly re-
Fisk, Jr., has started 81,000,000 worth
of suits, and has sued Vanderbilt for
$4,500,000. He is considered the big
gest sucr in New York city.
Men look at the faults of others with a
telescope at their own , with the game
instrument reversed, or not at all.
"What's the use," asked a ragged fel
low, "of a man's working himself to
death to get a living V j
Late one nijrht in June two gentlemen
arrived at the Villa Hotel of tho Hat ha
of Lucca. They stopped the law biilzka.
in which they traveled, and leaving a
servant to make arrangements for their
lodging, linked arms and strolled u; the
road toward the banks of the Lima.
Tho moon was checkered at that moment
with the poised leaf of a tree-top,, aud as
it passed from her face she arose and
stood alone in thfe steel-blue of the un
clouded heavens a lutuiniou-i and trem
ulous plate of gold. And you know how
beautiful must have been the night a
J unc night in Italy, with a moon at the
A lady, with a servant following her
at a little distance, passed the travelers
ou the bridge of the Liin.-t. She dropped
her veil aftd went by iu silence. Hut
the Frcyherr felt the arm of his friend
tremble within his own.
"Do you know her, then?" asked
Von Leisten.
"Jiy the thrill of my veins, we have
met before," said Clay ; "but whether
this U'lvolitutary sensation wa3 pleasurable
or paintul, 1 have not -et decided
mere are none l care to meet none
who can be here." lie added the last
few words alter a moment's pause, and
Thev walked on ia silence to the base
of the mountain, busy each with such
coloring as tho moonlight threw on their
t noughts : out nietner ot tnem were
I, lay was humane, ana a lover ot na
ture a poor, that is to say and, in a
world so beautiful, could never be a prey
to disgust : but he wa3 satisfied with the
common emotions of life. I lis heart
lorever overflowing, haa hilea many a cup
with love, but with strange tenacity ho
turned back forever to the first. lie was
weary of the beginnings of'love weary of
its probations and changes. lie had
passed the period ot life when inconstan
cy was tempting. He longed now for an
affection that would continue into another
world holy and pure enough to pass a
gate guarded by angels. And his first
love recklessly as he had thrown it awav
was now the thirst of his existence.
It was two o'clock at night. The moon
lay broad on the southern balconies of
the hotel, and every casement was open
to its luminous and fragrant stillness.
Clay and the Frcyherr, Von Leisten,
each in his apartment, were awake, un
willing to lose the luxury of the night.
And there was one other under, that
roof walking, with her eyes fixed on the
A.s Clay leaned his head on his hand
and looked outward, toward the skye, his
heart began to be troubled. There was
a point in the path of the moon's rays
where his spirit turned back. There was
an influnce abroad in the dissolving moon
light around him which resistlessly awake
ned the past the sealed but unlorgotten
past. He could not single out the emo
tion. He knew not whether it was fear
or hope, pain or pleasure. He called
through the open wiudow, to Von Leis-ton.
The Freyherr, like himself, and like
all who had outlived'the effervescence of
life, was enamored of the night. A mo
ment of unfathomable moonlight was
dearer to him than hours disenchanted
with the sun. He, too, had been look
ing outward and upward, but with no
trouble at his heart.
The night is inconceivably sweet."
he said, as he entered, "and your voice
called in my thought and sense from the
intoxication of a revel. What would
you, my mend :
"I am restless, Von Leisten ! There
is some one near us whose glances cross
mine on tho moonlight and agitate and
perplex me. Vet there wa3 but one on
earth deep enough in the life-blood of
being to move me thus, even were she
here ! And she is not here V
II is voice trembled and softened, and
the last word was scarce audible on his
closing lips, for the Frayherr had passed
his hands over him while lie spoke, and
he had fallen into the trance of the spirit-world.
Clay and Von Leisten had retired
from the active passions of life together.
and had met and ruin tried at that mn.
raent of void and thirst when each sun-
plied the want of the other. The Frey
herr was a German noble, of a charaetpr
passionately poetic, and of singular ac
quirement in the mystic fields of knowl
edge. Too wealthy to need labor, nnrl
too proud t5 submit' the thoughts of
his attainments to the criticism or iudo-p.
ment of tho world, he lavished on his
own life, and on those linked to him in
friendship, the powers ho had acauired
and the prodical overthrow of his daily
uiuugtii nu jeeiing. tjiay was Ins su
perior, perhaps, in genius, and necessity
had driven him to develope the type of
his inner soul and leave its imnresa nn i
the time ; but he was far inferior to
Von Leisten in the power of will, and be
ay iu uia cumroi use a cuiia in its moth
er s. Hour years they had passed to
gether much of it in the secluded castle
of Von Leisten, busied with the occult
studies to which the Freyherr was se
cretly devoted ; but traveling flown to
taly to meet the luxurious summer, and
dividing their lives between the enjoy
ment of nature and the ideal world they
had. unlocked. Von Leisten had lost, bv
could alone
ie hurn the incense ot love
and Clay had flung
It was with imnlacablu determination
aside, iu ,-tn hour of 1 that 3irs. Gore icfueed. to the pnfrpatip,
passion, the one Dure aneelion nf Vnn T.Ict.... -r,.,i
in which his happiness was tealed and ! quuintance with her daughter. , Kesent
botli were desolate. But in the world ment for the apparent recklessness with
pt the past on Leisten, though more ! which he had sacrificed her maiden love
irrevocably lonely, was more tranciuillv ' for $in 11 n In IV I'll 1 T- Ul. . r AnrnVnl
W V- O fc" V X m Frayherr released the entran
ced spirit of his friend, and bade
him follow back the rays of the in 0011 to
the source of his agitation.
A smile crept slowly over the speakers
In an apartment flooded with the sil
ver luster of the moon, reclined, in air
invalid's chair, propped with pillows, a
woman of singular though most fragile
beauty. Books and music lay strewn
around, and a lamp, subdued to the tone
of nxnh.'ht by an orb of alabaster,-
burned pcsiueMier. bhe lay ba(hinr her
!i!nr o. :frs in tJifk round rliitlina rl' 1.,
1 - J - - ; " . ..... w .... iv.w 1 .
moou. A profusion of brown ringlets
fell over the whits dress that enveloped
her, and her oval cheek lay supported
on the palm of her hand, and her bright
red lips were parted. The pure yet pass
ionate spell of that soft night possessed
Over her leaned tho disscmbodicd spirit
of hiiu who had once loved her, praying
to God that his soul might bo so purified
as to mingle unstartingly, unrcpulsively,
in hallowed harmony with hers. And pres
ently he felt the coming of angels toward
him, breathing into tho deepest abysses
of his existence a tearful and purifying
sadness. And with a trembling aspira
tion of-grateful humility to his Maker,
he stooped to her forehead, and with h is
impalpable lips impressed upon its snowy
tablet a kiss, j
it seemed to Jvc Gore a thought of
the past that brought the blood suddenly
to her cheek. She started from her re
clining position, and, removing the ob
scuring shade from her lamp, arose s nd
crossed her hands upon her wrists and
paced thoughtfully to and fro. Her lips
murmured inarticulately. But the
thought, painfully' -though it came.
changed unaccountably to a melaticholy
sweetness ; and, subduing her lamp
again, she resumed her steadfast gaze
upoii the moon.
, Ernest knelt beside her, and, with his
invisible brow bowed down on her baud,
poured fourth, iu the voisless language
ot the soul his memories of the pasthis
hope, his repentanee, his pure and pas
sionate adoration of the present hour.
And thinking she had been in a sweet
dream, yet wondering at its truthfullness
and power, Eve wept silently and long.
As the morning touched the east, slum
ber weighed upon her moistened eyelids,
and, kneeling by her bedside, she
murmured her gratitude to God for a
heart relieved of a burden long borne,
nnil Kfi irint nonppfullv to hpr Viorl
lief of any change of. hi character: dis
trust o'" the future ten Jeuey of the powers
of his genius all mingled together in a
hostility proof against purpuasion. She
had expressed this with all the positivc
nes? of language, when her daughter
suddenly entered the room. It was in
the morning after the ball, and she had
risen late. But though subdued and
pensive in her air, Vo:i Leisten saw at a
glance that she. was happy.
"Can you ' bring hiiu -to
Mark Twain's Visit to General CSratnf.
-to me?"
remain in
her deep .
year, and in
death, the human alter on which his heart ' you I"
It was in the followin
the month of 3Iay. The gay world of
England was concentrated iu London,
aud at the entertainments of noble houses
there were many beautiful women aud
many marked men. The Frayherr Von
Leisten, after years of absence, had ap
peared again. His mysterious and un
deniable superiority of mien and influ
ence was again yielded to, as before, and
again brought to nis leet the homage ana
doference of the crowd he moved among.
To his inscrutable power the game of
society was easy, and he walked where
he would "through its barriers of form.
He stood one night looking on at a
dance. A lady of noble air was near
him, and both were watching the move
ments of the loveliest woman present a
creature in radiant health, apparently
about twenty-three, and of a matchless
facination of person and manner. Von
Leisten turned to the lady near him to
inquire her name, but his question was
arrested by tho resemblance between her
and the object of his admiring curiosity,
and he was silent.
The lady had bowed before he with
drew his gaze, however.
"I think we have met before," she
said : but at the next instant a slight
flush of displeasure came to her check,
and she seemed regretting that she had
"Pardon me," said Von Licston, "but,
if the question be not rude, do you re
member where ?"
She hesitated a moment. ' -
"I ' have recalled it since I have
spoken," she continued; "but as the re
membrance of the person who accompan
ied you always, gives me pain, I would
willingly have unsaid it. One evening
last year, crossing the bridge of the Lima,
you were -walking ' with Mr. Clay.
Pardon me ; but, though I left Lucca,
with my daughter on the following morn
ing, and saw you no more, the association,
or your, appearance, had imprinted the
circumstance on my mind."
"And is that Eve Gore ?" said Von
Leisten, musingly gazing on the beauti
ful cretature now gliding with light step
to her mother's side. ,
But the Freyherr's heart was gone to
his friend.
As the burst of the waltz broke in up
on the closing of the quadrille, he offered
his hand to the fair girl, and, as they
moved around with the entrancing music,
lie murmured in her ear, "He who came
to you in the moon - light of Italy will
he with you again, if you are alone,
at the rising of to-night's late moon.
Believe the voice that then speaks , to
iuve, letting her hand
LeistenV and bending
eyes, inquiringly on his.
And with no arguroent but tears and
caresses, and an unexplaiued assurance
of her conviction of the repentant purity
and love of him to whom her heart was
once given, that confiding and Ktrong
hearted girl bent, at last, the stern will
that forbade her happiness. Her mother
unclasped the slight arms from her neck,
nd gave her hand in silent consent to
Von Leisten.
The Frayherr stood a moment with his
eyes fixed on the ground. The color
fled from his cheeks, and his brow moist
ened. '
"I have called him !" he said; "he will
be here !" . ;
An hour elapsed and Clay entered the.
house. He had risen from a bed of sick-1
ness, and came, pale and in terror for!
the spirit-summons was powerful. But1
Von Leisten welcomed him at the door
with a smile, and withdrew the mother
from the room ; and left Ernest alone
with his future bride the first union,
save in! spirit, after years of sepcration.
i 1
Vice Prksident Colfax. Our Vice
President elect, Schuyler Colfax, recently
made a speech at a New England dinner,
in which he referred to the growth of the
United States as the result of the grand
eur of American citizenship. !In the
course of his remarks ho said : j
"It is the shield of American citizen
ship which shall make us proud and.
potential and lift up our country to a
prouder position among the nations. It
is that which, is to teach those who are
clothed with the solemu trust of repre
senting this great realm of freemen, who
rule here not by divine right but by free
institutions, that when they stand speak
ing for us at the bar of any civilized na
tion in the world they shall not, on the
one hand, disgrace us by by boastful gas
conade, nor, on the other, dishonor us by
bowing the knee. Then, wheu with that
self-reliance, that calm, that dignified
American nationality, wc command the
A. . . 1
respect 10 wiucn our great lesources
and unequaled trials, which we have sur
vived so gloriously and auspiciously, en
title us, then wc need not go into markets
of the world to offer gold and silver to
induce those islands of the sea and adia
cent States and provinces to cast in their
mite with us, to share with our future.
I feel ashamed as an American when I
hear of proffers of soil and. sovereignty to
men women and children with gold and
silver from our national treasury, to share
with us in the magnificent future. As
you would spurn a bride that is bought
with silver as a fair woman would spurn
a husband who had been lured to her
side by her wealth instead of her heart,
so we, as Americans should devote our
nationality to win those who are near- to
us in territorial congeniality to cast in
their lot with us. When voluntarily and
in a body they ask to share with .us in
our destiny and our future, we j should
then welcome them into the fold of
American citizens."
Death from Swallowino a Pin.
A London- paper gives an instance of
death resulting from the swallowing a
pin. The deceased was a girl of eleven
years of age, and had been ill for a year
and a half, during which time she had
tecome subject to fits. After her death,
a post mortem examination of the body
was made, when, in removing tho liver
for examination, something pricked the
operator's finger, and, on further search,
he found a pin, which had penetrated
the liver, the head of it being still in the
stomach. The pin had been swallowed
at least two years before, and had taken
an inward course, producing the fits, con
comitant pains, and eventually death.
Beethoven said of Rossini, when his
sensuous, seductive strains invaded Vi
enna :, "If his master had boxed his
ears oftener, he might have made a great
composer." . . , .
During the month of December the
County Clerk of Sao Francisco issued one
hundred and ninety-six marriage licenses.
The Idaho Tidal Wave tells of seeing
a man Christmas morning sitting im
mersed in a water trough, sound asleep
Maine sent 1.171 Smiths. 777
and 385 Jones into the war.
Isabella, of Spain, is the last distin
guished "carpet-bagger."
Typhoid fever prevails in New York.
Mark Twain went j to see Geaeraf
Giant on his return tq: Washington the
other day, and this is what Mark write
about it : , i
"I had said to Urn : 'Sir, what do you
propose to do about returning to specie
basis?' To which he made no audible
reply. Then I said r Sir, do you mean
to stop-the whisky frauds, or do you mean
to cotuiive nt them V . To which be re
plied as before. I now said : 'Do yon
intend to do straightforwardly and un
ostentatiously what eyeiy tru, high
minded Democrat has a right to expect
you to do, or will you j with accustomed
obstinacy, do otherwise, and thus, by your"
own act, compel them to resort to assas
sination?' To which he replied : 'Let us.
have peace.'. I continued; 'Sir, -aball.
you insist upon stopping blotched at the
South, in plain opposition to the Southern
will, or shall you generously1 permit a
brave but unfortunate people "to worship
God according to the dictates ot your
own consciences ? No reply. 'Sir, ( do
you comprehend that you are not the
President of a party ? that you were not
elected by your own strength, but by tho
weakness of the opposition?. That, con
sequently, the Democrats claim you, and
justly and righteously expect you to ad-,
minister the Government from a Demo
cratic point ot view?' Biotous silence.
Sir, who is to report the customary,
uecessary, coherent, and instructive inter
views with tho President, Mack of thj
Enquirer, J. B. S., of the World, or my-
self, of the Tribune ?' General Grant
said: 'Let .us have peace!' I resumed:
'Sir, do you propose to exterminate the
Indians suddenly, with soap and educa
tion, or dwm them to the eternal annoy
ance of warfare, relieved only by peri
odical pleasantries of glass beads and
perishable treaties?' No response. 'Sir,
as each section of the Pacific Railroad is
finished, are you going to make the com
panies spike down their rails before you
pay? Which is to say, are you going- to
be a deliberate tyrant?' A" silence undis
tinguisbable from the preceding was the
only response. 'Sir, have you got your
Cabinet all get? What are you' going to
do with those Blairs ?' 'Let us have
peace!' 'Sir, do yo comprehend who it is
that is conversing with you?" "Peace I"
"Sir, am I to have Nasby's postofEce, or"
"Go to the mischief! 1 have a thous
and of your kind around me every day.
Questions, questions, questions ! . If you
must ask questions, follow Fitch, and in
quire after the Erie rolling mill you'll
have steady employment. I can't stand
it, and I won't stand it I must have
peace !"
Terre Haute and Indianapolis want
public libraries. '
New Albany (Ind.) Adventists have
fixed the end of the world for the 10th
of J uly next. -
Knox county (Ind.) is to have a new
$100,000 court house.
The American 6hip Webster has been .
totally lost at Antwerp.
Dunkirk (N. Y.) has a sensation in
the shape of a haunted house, with rap
pings, pale blue lights, etc.
.The other day an Augusta (Ga.) editor
was cowhided on tho street by a rival
quill driver. ...
The principal of a public .'school in
Patersoc (N. J.) has been censured by
the Board of Education for beating tho
An anti-swearing society has been
formed among the operatives in a shoe
factory in North Adams, Mass.
In Boston, recently, a lady fell down
stairs and broke her arm, and the surgeon
who set the broken bone fell and broke a
rib while leaving the house.
First-class New York residences now
contain a billiard room, a chapel, and a
theatre or concert saloon. . . ; . . ..
Under the head oFCollege Intelligence
an exchange says the Cornell University
"consumes six head of beef weeklv "" It
takes something evidentlv to furnish
brains for this college.
A correspondent is anxious to know
when America will have a race of publie
men who will be able to -tell their thoughts
in documents of less length than seven
newspaper columns each.
Tandem teams, hitched to two-wheeled
vehicles, are the style on Central Park.
Norwich (Cenn.) used velocipedes sixty
years ago.
Most of tho Michigan lumber mills
have stopped work for the season.
A fox was killed recently in tho streets
of. Charleston, S. C.
Chicago hopes soon to have direot
trade with the West Indies..
- Montana has a capital of $1,913,000
invested in manufacturing pursuits. . ..
The Upper Mississippi navagation sea
son of this year has been tho longest for
ten years. It lasted zoo days.
St. Albans, the famous Vermont but
ter market, is to have a musical Conven
tion this month. . v : V
The ereat question now is, "Who got
the Alaska bribery fund?"
Five thousand hogs are daily packed
at-Chicago. . . i 1" 3 '
Tho "Mayor of Larimie1 is the last
person lynched. V