The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 09, 1869, Image 1

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Wit SMtnniT tlenici:tn
KO. 18.
yeah t
orrosiTE w. w. rAnntsii & co.'s stork.
One Year Three Dollars
Six Months Two Dollars
Single Copies Ten Cents
One Column, per Year, $100; Half Column.
$G0 ; Quarter Column, $:S5.
Transieut advertisements per Square of ten
lines or less, fir. -it insertion, $3 ; each subsequent
insertion, $1. ,
fally inform the citixens of Albany anl vi-
cilnty that he has takcu charge of this establish
ment, and, by keeping clean, rooms ami psiyini
strict att-r.tion to business, expects to tuit al!
those who may favor hiin with their patrouao.
Having heretofore carrieil on nothing but
First-Class Hair Dressing' Saloons,
ho expee's to give entire satisfaction to all.
.par Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and
shampooed. JOSEl'H WEBBER.
sop I It"--
GEO. W. GRAY, D. E. S.,
tul College, would invite all persons desiring
artificial teeth, and first-class dental operations,
to stive him a call.
Specimens of Vu'eaaito Baso with rnld-plote
Koines, and other new styles of work, may be
'seen at his office, in Parrish & Co.'s brick, (up
stairs) Albany. Oregon.
... Residence Corner Second and Baker sts. 2
1. B. KICK, 11. B.,
Albany, September 19, CS-2tf
A Mi.ic.4iY Goon Mormkg !
TU tho Carrier's greeting!
As with heart brimful ot gladi-.eS3,
ace revealing aught but sadness.
Bowing, Miiilinc: in lus gladness.
O'er tha New lear s meeting,
Cometh he, wiih words of cheer !
Plcr.fed indeed is lie to meet you.
And with words of joy to grout you.
Friend and neighbors true :
For the new-burn year brings tidings.
Not of wars or broils or cbidiugs.
But of Peace," the glorioul tidings
Graut-ed unto you.
Hope is in our bosoms swelling;
Peace i round our hearth-stones dwelling,
Piiuty V in our store.
Grant and Coifax at the Nation's
Head ar.d front will heal vexations,
Which' for four years past our Nation's
Grieve-i and grumbled o'er.
Would that on this New Year's morning,
I, without a previous warning,
Could at the White House call ;
Then back could come and tell you truly
What I had FCcn of that unruly
"Moses," "Accident" or "Mulo"-y,
Fixing for his
'Tis wearing on his "Constitution,"
7 his constant fear of retribution -The
papers so relate ;
And my heart within mo thumping
And r.gains-t my bosom bumping,
Suts my sympathies a-jump;ng
In soraow for his fate.
But in spite of this I'm happy.
For I know that now the nappy
"Hard-head' who teovltt rule.
Has found that ho will be supplanted
By a Nation which has "Graut"-ed
Right to Rule to one undaunted
Mau of noble soul.
So Patrons, one and all, I hail you !
Never shall my friendship fail you !
Again 1 say, coon check !
The to all gives greeting ;
Friends and foes alike 'tis mooting.
Knowing well Old lime is fleeting,
Backward wiUi New Year.
May I often fee your faces
In accustomed business places '
In tho days to come.
The It kg 1ST eh invokes your blessing,
And the Carrier Boy addressing
You with Peace his heart possessing,
Ilielh to his Lome.
E. F. Rnsscll,
Solicitor in Chaurertf and lien Sttnte Afent
Will practice in the Courts of tho Second, Third,
and Fourth Judicial Districts, and in tho Supremo
Ofnrt of Oregon.
OfTii-e in ParrLsh s Block, second story, third
dnnr wost of Ferrv. north side of First st. 1 1
"E5lSpccial nttentiou given to the collection of
Claims at all pjinU in tne swore uauieu isisiricis,
IoveIS Flssan,
and Solicitors in Chancery, -
(X. P'iian, Notary Public,)
Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances
promply attended to. . t - 1
Ililtafciacl & Co.,
visions. Wood and Willow W are. Confec
tionery. Tobacco. Citrars, Pipes, motions, tic
Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany,
Oregon. - . .. ,
W. W. Parrish Cs. Co.,
in General Merehanrli-e. Albany. The
best Goods at the lowest market prices. Mer
chantable Produce taken in exchange. 1
C A. Freeland,
School. Miscellaneous and Blank Books,
Stationery. Gold and Steel Pen3, Ink, etc.. Post
office Building. Albany. Orezon. Bxks ordered
from New York and.San Francisco. 1
S., K. Claag-hton, .
AGENT. Office in the Post Office building,
... . v.5 Lebanon, Oregnn.
Will attend to making Deeds and other convey
traces, also to the prompt collection of debts cn
trusted to my care.
J. Barrows & Co.,
JT chants. Dealers in Staple, Dry and Fancy
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, tTocltery
Boots and Shoes ; Albany, Oregon.
Consignments solicited. , 1
C. dcalcy & 'Co.,
in all kinds ox Furniture and Cabinet
Ware, First street, Albany.
. Albany Weekly Register
Firtt street, (opposite Parrith fc Co.'s store,)
.AJLtoaxxy, s s s Oregon.
J :
The Augcl and the Temptress.
HAVING very fair, assortment of material
ve are prepared to , execute, with neatness
and dispatch, all kinds of .... , . y;;. i
r .... . .,. . .. ... -. y .
nch as
.Programmes .'i;., i-
"l Billheads, l '-
" . Cards,
; Ball Tickets,
- . . -i f v: , JPctmvh lets.
. XUKCfS, i
. ..-. a Blanks
of all, kinds, , ,
t as low flgures as a doe regard to taste and good.
WOTK Wilt allow, vmea.700 wssi ayiuuij
Jreprtotiaf lia, eIl at tho Kaoisras offie.
Georse Jackson was a vounsr man of
1 - 1 11 11?
promise, ana was so cousiuercu uy an in
his native town, lie was a lawcr in pro
fession, aud was gradually, laying the
foundation for a strou": and steady prac
tice. ,,
r'J . . ...
c had one s;rcat drawback: to con
tend ajrainst, however, lie was a man
of a strona:. uuretuous nature, and had
inherited with it a fondness for dissipa
tion. In his younaer da-s. and until he
commenced the practice of his profession,
he had led a wild life, and had been re
garded a a hopeless case. Upon receiv
ing his certificate lie had suddenly as
tonished his friends by an abrubt discon
tinuancc of his old habits, and a steady
application to his - business.
Yet no one knew what a struggle it
cost- him to do so. No onz knew the
meutal agony he endured in trying to
cast off the temptation which constantly
haunted him, and sousrht to enst him
down from the position ho had reached
It was, with him, a continual effort ; for
in the society in which he moved, not
day paseeu that lie did not experience a
temptation to abondon his resolution, and
iudu'.ge "just once" fn tho dangerous
pleasure. His legal friends were by no
means so strict in their habits, and they
frequently urged him to join in a friendly
glass ; and he scarcely attended an en
tertainment that he was not offered wine.
All these offers were quietly and courte
ously refused; but sometimes the 3oung
man felt that the effort woukPsnap his
heart strings. lie made the struggle
bravely though. lie firmly resolved
never to taste intoxicating liquoi3,for ho
Knew liimsclt well enough to be .assured
that his first glass would only lead to
another, and the old thirst for liquor once
aroused, he could not tell where it would
end. Thus matters stood when this story
Mr. Jackson feeling - that he was on
the road to success, and that prudence
and energy Cwould certainly bring him
that - blcsiiing j- thought - it about - time
that he should take a wife. He believed
4hat he had arrived at years of discretion,
and was capable of making a judicious' se
lection, aud ho ended this matter by re
solving to settle" this question" as soon as
he hod the opportunity.
Iu the town m which he was residing
were two young women, who had long
divided the admiration of the gallants.,
One" wag aTaeautiful.brilliaat creatine,
with glorious black, eyes, - and tresses of
the same hue.-" She was,- by many, con
sidered the belie . of tho town and, 'in
deed it ditf peem -hjird ;to lied a more
beautiful woman than Sarah Carlyle.
OtherSj-however. gave the preference
to Lucy Lane, a quiet, modest little thing,
whose exquisitely sweet face seemed to
have stepped out from one of Raphael's
pictures, r ,b;w m.; i ,?f,t:-;.v ;u'.s
Mr,, Jackson had known both Jadies
for some time, but as he had not until
recently considered himself,, a,"marrying
man, he haa regarded them simply as
ordinary acquaintances. Like others, he
had been perplexed in his efforts to de
cide whuh was the more beautiful. At
the' first glance, he invariably: awarded
the palm to Miss Carlyle : but tbesmht
of Lucy Lane's sweet face would scatter
his conclusions to the J winds, and - he
would feel irresistibly drawn by the . la
ter. ' -J ' " , .
When ho made nrr hismind Jfo hunt
med:ately to the two beauties, and he re
solved, if he found their other qualities
such as he hoped, to try and win tho one
le loved best for his wife; to tell tne
truth the young man was half iu love
with both, but with a growing preference
for Lucy. IJo wapted a wife for some
thing more than mere bcautv, and he
could not help believjug that he would
find what lie desired more surely in JMiss
Lane than in Miss Carlyle. A favora
ble opportunity soon presented itself to
decide the question.
Miss Calylc felt flattered by the atten
tion of one who bade so fair to achieve
istinction, and resolved to win him if
the powers of facination could do so. -
On her twentv-lourth birth day she
gave an entertainment, wincn surpassca
anything the town had ever witnessed.
ueorjre Jackson was there, cue. was
radiantly beautiful, and the voung mar.
had half determined to address her be
fore the evening was over.
When the guests went into the supper-
room, Mr Jackson louuu liimsclt be
tween-the two beauties. Some one pro
posed the health of the fair hostcsg, and
all but the young man drained their
lasses to the bottom. He did not drink.
Miss Cailylc noticed this, and she said to
him in surprise :
'Is it possible that you refuse to drink
my health, Mr. Jackson ?"
"Pardon me, he said calmly, "you
know that I never drink wine."
'But this once will not make any
difference," sha urged sin I ngly.
'I am sorry to refuse you," he said,
"but I must do so. I resolved five years
ago not to taste any intoxicating liquors.
1 might do myself great harm by acced
ing to your request.
'I am suro you - cannot do wrong to
drink one glass, and that to my health,"
she said as sweetly as before. "
bhe saw .Lucy .Lane watching them
calmly, and she meant to show that
young lady now greatly sue bad the
young lawyer in her power. But for
this she would have accepted his excuse,
and ceased t) urge him. Miss Lane's
face flushed as she heard the young
temptress speech, and involuntarily she
gazed at Jackson, as if awaiting his
answer. .
'Aliss Uarlyie, said tho young man
with evident embarrassment, 1 beg you
will not urge me in this matter. I have
made a solemn resolution to abstaiu from
all kinds of liquors. I consider my hon
or involved in tins resolve, and L am
suro 3 0U would not hav3 me prove false
to it." '
"Xou win not do so by obliging me
mis once, persisted tne beauty, it is
not fair for you alone, to refuse to drink
my health. I am really offended with
you. I don't sec why you should refuse
to gratify me only tor once.
"To bo emded with you," speaking
slowly, while his face flushed painfully,
"I am afraid to do so. You remember
the life I led five years ago. I am
afraid that one single departure from tho
path that I have marked out for myself
might drag me back to it."
Turning his head for a moment, he saw
Miss Lane standing by him, and he knew
from the look of sympathy which her
lace wore, that she had heard the. conver
- Interesting
The Atlanta, Georgia, Iniclliijenccr re
lates as follows : ;
In the recent trial of the parties charged
with the murder of Captain J. F. Gruber,
Mr. Tullv, one of the counsel for the
defense, narrated the following theory :
The whole case was made up of cir
cumstantial evidence of the loosest charac
ter and to illustrate how guardedly even
the best and strongest circumstantial evi
dence must be taken, he referred to a
trial that took place in this fory court
about thirty years ago.
Judge Canongo then presided in the
court, and 31 r. Muzurean was the Attor
ney General. There then lived on the
bayou road a man about 25 or SO years
old. lie was not au educated nor a
wealthy iran but he was honest and had
, "What shall I do," he asked her al
most unconsciously.
"You must decide for yourself," she
answered quietly, "but I would die
before I would abandon such a resolu
tion." ' . V
S either saw the angry flash that dart
ed trom luiss Carlyle s eyes. She con
trolled herself, however, and said care
lessly : shall urge you no more. Mr
Jackson, and I am sorry you should be
so much afraid to pay me so simple a
She bowed and passed to another por
tiou of the room, thinking that theyoung
man, in order to avoid offending herwouiu
finally yield.
He did' not and finally she saw him
leave the house. Ho went away with
the matrimonial question finally settled.
A woman who would urge him as she
had done, to violate such a resolution,
was not the person for a wife. Lucy
Lane's simple reply decided his doubts
in her favor, and cho next day that young
lady received a formal offer of. his hand
and heart, which she promptly accepted.
They were married and never afterwards
did Mr. Jackson have cause to regret
Miss Carlyle's conduct toward him, for
it gained him a wife.
it. rn4 lia 1 fr
Having had a limb broken
Sir. and Mrs. George Washington have a
Bit ot a Spat.
1.1 TT
ie was very murm in ncaun. 11c maue
ns livelihood by going to the Bayou bt.
John cTv-ry evening and catchingfisli t isell
u the market next morniug. One moon-
lighteveniug while sittiug on the bank of
the bayou, fishing as usual, he saw a lady
dressed in white in company with a gen
tleman, walking on the road beside the
bayou. They were quarreling as they
passed him, and his attention was attract
ed by hearing them quarrel.
Alter they passed he resumed his ush-and-waitcd
until he had caught his
usual supply, lie started home
with his b.isket. As he reached the place
kuown as the "Coquet" ho heard a loud
cry, and soon after a feeble , cry. Ad
vancing iu the direction of the sound, he
saw a woman in a white gown lying on
the pavement, and coming to the woman
he perceived that a dagger had been
stabbed into her bosom. Thinking to
relieve her. he took the dagger by the
handle and drew it out. As he did so,
3 watchman grasped mm. itie wouiau
was killed.
Tho poor fisherman was tried for the
murder. The case was made out clearly
against him. He had been detected in
the very act, bending over the body of
the deceased with the weapon iu his hand,
lie was convicted, and was hung at Congo
square. About six nioutiis alter, a trial
A nice little story is told of G en. Wash
ington by Parton, which will be fresh to
many of our readers, and which show
him "to wives in the light of a model
husband :
The Gcneval and his wife lived happily
together, but it is evident that, like most
heiresses, she was a little exacting and it
is highly probable that the great Wash
ington was sometimes favored with a
curtain lecture. The celebrated author
ess Miss Bremer relates thatka gentleman
once slept at Mount Vernon in the room
next occupied by the master and mistress
of the mansion, and when all the inmates
were in bed "and the house was still he
overheard, through tho thin partition,
the voice of Mrs. Washington. He could
not but listen, it was a curtain . lecture,
which she was giving her lord. Ho had
done something during the day which
ought to have been dono differcutly, and
she was giving him her opinions in some
what animated and quite decided tones.
The great man Tstened in silence till ehe
had done, and then, without a remark
upon the subject ou hand, he said : "Now,
good sleep to you, my dear." It is plain
the General believed that "it takes two
to quarrel."
How to be Happy.- This question
is answered in tho Journal of Health in
the following manner:
Reader, I have seen a great deal and
felt more ; have talked and traveled, and
enjoyed and sufferccTwith all sortsof peo
ple ; have wandered much, and stayed at
was going on in Juugc tjononge s uourt
A citizen called as a juror said he did not
wish to be on the jury, and wished to
sneak a few words to the Judge. The
J udge allowed him a private conversation.
Supposing that he might have scruples
about capital puuishment,; the Judge
asked him if that was the reason ho ob
jected to being on the jury. "No," ho
answered, "that is not the reason. 1 saw
the fisherman hung for the murder of my
wife. Ho did not do it. I killed her
mvself. from jealousy." The Judge sat
petrified. The man made for tho door,
escaped and has not been heard of since.
A Wreck. George Alfred Townsend
writes to the Cincinnati Gazette, in a let
ter descriptive of the incidents t of a sea
voyage, the following item of interesting
personal intelligence
But the ceutral figure of the ship is an
old, paralytic man in whose lost and
struggling intelligence you sec reminis
cences o. long command, it is Coniman
der Hartstein, who was. an officer of the
United States Navy thirty-three years
When the war began, his instincts,
though a South Carolinian, Were all for
fhA Orlvernment. But his wealthy wife
influenced him first to passiveness,
to rebellion, tie nave un his commis
sion, which was his history, and, like a
lost energy, wandered to and fro in
Charleston, full of dark premonitions of
the success of tho great Government he
had betrayed. When the fire was opened
upon Sumter he strolled in the same
abstract way to Fort Moultrie, and looked
faithful old castle. There was no enthu-
liomc more ; have been on the sea and un
der it and in it; have been laughed at,
shot at, quarreled at, praised, blamed,
abused ; have been blown at, and been
blowed up; have had. much aud had
litile so much as to enjoy nothing, so
little that I would have enjoyed a crust
of bread, because - the ship went to the
bottoia with everything in it, leaving me
to float to a sand bank ; and then, again,
I have wandered over the earth, and un
der it and through it, its caves and its
dungeons, and its darkness : after stalag
mites and stalactites ; specimens of black
rocks, and white ones, blue stones and
grey : lived for months on desert islands,
just for the purpose of picking up new.
shells on tho beach, which the tide 01
night never failed to leave behind it ;
in tliosje bygone days, when I had the
three great requisits of an enjoying trav
eller, to wit: plenty of time, plenty of
patience, and plenty of money, so if the
coach turned over and smashed up
could afford to wait until another could,
be had, or if the ship went to, the bottom
mstead of its destined port, twas just the
same to me, because it 1 was not at one
place I was at another, and there was al
ways somcjstvaugc rocs to 100K at, some
queer "dip" that set me calculating how
many horse power it- required to make
that rock 'just turn up so, and all the
million inquiries which geology, astron
omy, conenoiogy, and a dozen other dry
names suggested, which not only had
the effect to keep me from fretting, but
keep mo in continual humor; well,
ir. all these different situations and as
many" more, I have found out, among
others, three things
1st. That a man out of money can t bo
2d. That a man out ot health can
be happy. . ,, , ,
3d. That a man without a wife cau t
bo hanjw. Therefore I have . come-to
tho coiclusion that the best way , to- be
happy is to take care of your health, keep
out of debt, and get a wife. ; ' .,
Ilorrlblfi Solution of a Myntery.
From the Oswego (N. Y.) Palladium. ,
In the early part of the month of Aug
ust last, a little girl named Eliza Drum
mond, about eleven years of age, whose
parents reside near the town of , West
Monroe, in this county, left her home one
morning for the purpose of picking ber
ries, and never returned, the most dilli
gent search was made for her by the par
ents and neighbors, but no traces could
bo fouud. She had not been drowned,
for all the places where there was water
were carefully exmamined, even to wells
and cisterns in the neighborhood.' After
weeks of fruitless search and inquiry the
afflicted parents gave up tbeir child as
lost. It was. reported that a band of va
grants had been seen near the locality
about the time of the disappearance, and
the opinion prevailed that the child had
been stolen by the gypsies. ,, -
The event, which created a profound
sensation at the time, had almost past
from the minds of all save the stricken,
parents, when it was painfully recalled
by a recent occurrence. -On iuesday
last, five or six lads went out hunting in
the vicinity, and during the day came
upon a spot wlicre - a large numner jji
black snake3 were discovered and killed.
The appearance of the reptiles in such
numbers and this season of the year, was
considered remarkable, and it wai sug
gested by one of the party that a breed
ing den must be somewhere ' near. 1 ' A
search was immediately commenced,
which resulted in a manner far different
from their expectations, v . '
In the side ot the hill, near tue edgJ
n A 1
ot a swamp, was tound a sort ot opening;.
which, in the summer, was concealed by
tall grass and bushes. In this opening
was found a human skeleton, from which, ,
every particle of flesh had been taken.'
j he bones were as white as ivory, ana
all perfect. Near by was a tin pail, in
rusty condition, and a tin cup. - 1 he boys
were terribly frightened, and gave the.
alarm. The remains was taken from the
mouth ' of the den, and on examination
showed that the place had been, and
probably now, was a breeding place lor
black snakes. 1 he boldest hesitated to
cuter. Ihe entrance, , which was large-
enough for the admission of a man's body
grew smaller, and tended downward.
Lighting balls of hay, soaked in kerosene?
wero thrown, iuto tho cavity, and in less
than fifteen minutes "eighty-two, snakes,
ranging in length from one aud a half to
two feet, were killed. ' ' '
The pail and cup were recognized by
Mr. and Mrs. Drummond as those taken
by her child when she wcut away the
last time. .The physicians pronounced
the remains that of a 'female child,' "and
there can be no doubt but the poor little
girl, while picking berries in the vicinity
of the spot, became tired, seated herself
in tho shado of the opening' to thehor
rid den, Was'attacked by the reptiles in
numbers and killed.' The discovery has
shocked tho whole community, and al
most prostrated the stricken parents, whose
hearts are , made to bleed anew at the
thought of tho horrible fate which de
prived them ot their child. . ; ' u
t I II11KU u uinuo
tofor a wife, hiff
1 ,
ttot-sbtefant Jm-
Against the Current. A waggish
chap, whose vixen wife by drowning lost
hr precious life, called out his neigh
bors alt around, and told 'em that his
spouse was drowned, and, in spite of
search, could not be found. 1 He knew,
he said the very nook wheVe she ; had
tumbled in the brook, and hi Iliad dragged
along the shore, above thosplace a mile
or more.' ji-s---i& ' ! -- v:
- 'Above the place ?" tho' people4 cried t
"wny, what d yo mean t
The man replied, r "
"Of course you don't suppose I'd go
and waste the time Jto look below ? l've
known the " woman quite a spell, , and
learnt her fashions tol'ble well; alive. or
dea -SttSu f"-r-l - ?ww. ngaints the cur
anyhow ,1' ' -.-'j -S'X--'"
A Stretchy Yarn. We ' were run-
nig down from Barbadoes, and. the lady
passengers were admiring the "flying-fish,
when one turned to Jack Lacy, who had
the wheel, and inquired,
"Jack, do those beautiful fish ever
rrrrtlP fITIV llTtrtT f
1 . XT i .
Kinsni in uia iciiuiv. ......
when the fiao- of Fort Sumter fell, a I "Why, yei marm. Down there at
stroke of paralysis fell upon Commander the Cape Verds they grow as long as that
. . . . , , 1 - 1 - i - A.
llnvJctrMn. (rod snarcu nun 111c worn 01 mam must
n trftirni-. it not his detection, incv car- "lnuceu 1 Anu uo uiey uy, like
vied his wrecked body to a blockade run
ner, and ho lay stunned and remorseful
. . ., :.u !.:.
m I'ans tnrce years, uuieu whu uuier
upbraidings against his counselors. ; They
fed him with a spoon, like a baby. lie
has returned home fo find his broad acres
laid waste his wife's homestead is - un
tenable. Lonely and wearily these two
with their daughter are returning to H.u-
mno tn snend the rest of their life in
almost indigent exile. ! ' "-' " '
these ?" ; - -
Not'zactly, unarm. They flics longer
and higher. Some on 'em fly just like
eagles all day and: more5 than two miles
high.' One day Bill Iawcett was sleep-
n' up in tho foretop, with ' his dincr
port wide open, and one of em Capo
V orders flew Tight slap down his throat.
"Why. Jack, that was singular ! f A
fish as long as that mainmast flying down
i ,T U ,t6 'r-. I
; An old bachelor says the most diffi
cult part of surgery is to take the jaw out
of a woman.
. When Kleber was in H.gypt he - sus
tained during five hours, with only two
thrms.ind men. the united ; efforts of
twenty thousand. He was nearly sur-
wmnHed. was wounded, and had ; only a
narrow defile by which to escape. In
this extremity he called to him a chVf I.e
lataUion, named Chevardin, for whom lie
had a particular regard J and said to him,
"Takd a company of grenadiers, and stop"
the enemy I at the ravine. ;, You will be
killed but you will save your comrades.''
"Yes, General," replied Ohcvardiu. . He
fravc his watch and" pocket-book to his
servant, executed the order,' and ' his
death, in fact', arrested the enemy and
Bave'd the French. vUh . T:-?
a man's throat.'
"Beg pardon, marm ; can't talk-'much
at the wheel. I 'speck Bill -must ha-
stretched like blazes,-or else my" yarn
has.'"' -: ""0iVTc.';u ;.----": ' - -
An industrkas and penurious me
chanic in Cytfcago lost his, wife by death.
The huvjand only: stopped ihis .work to
attend the funeral, and immediately after
wards returned to his - labors J'How is
this? asked one of his neighbors: "can t
you stop to-mouraa.Jittlq!ll'--"No, sir,"
was the: reply; "business before pleasure.
And the-old. icllow-i.; returned , to ; his
bench. : t:. :--.i,A
The first woolen factory in Minnesota
was .established by a woman, -whose hus
band had left her.nnd seven children and
not a dollar, to go .and seek bis fortune
i California. wWben he return ed pen di-
OId Field Marshal -Wrangol, the high
flat officer of the Prussian army, is eighty.
four years old, and bids fair to become ( less. , her factory was, running .and' she
. " . - I".!... V!
a centenarian. 1 wo prupnovui v aawv vwu.
Money. Precious metals as money
arc older than history. Two. thousand
jcars before Christ, Abraham, the Chal
dean shepherd, whose children - have,
never lost their faith, nor his thrift,
though a huudrcd and fourteen" genera
tions have returned from Egypt, 'vcTy
rich in cattle, in silver ; and gold." Af
terwards, says tho biblical reccord, he
b ught the care of MachpeLh where
his'boncs were to' rest" beside , those of.
Sarah the wife1 of his youth for four
hundrcd sheckles of "silver, current mon
ey with tho lnerehaut."' The Catholio
version has it "common current money ;
The sheckel was about sixty cents' of our
gold. It was weighed, not counted, tor
there.were no mints in those days. . .,, t
Herodotus asserts that coinage origi-,
natcd with thc-Lydians..Thaworld's'
coin since, have been like , the leaves,' of
Autumn. Most , are extinct,", but . tin
British Museum preserves more than'
120.000 varieties. The Parts collection"'
is still greater, and'' increased by two or .
three thousand every year; ,,Our. couT
has no large public accumulation, but the;
cabinet ot the Philadelphia mint contains
raany worth ' -study iag ' It-p4edallion
memorials "of Washington; number 21G J
but not one representing., mnv,m battle.j
It embr-v-ei many . antique . specimens.
llpr'&ro self-same" coins which' pious"
pientf! placed between the cold lips of'
tl;cir dead to pay old Charion for ferriage
ever the styx.? ; Here isMhat very iivae
rod subscription of Caesar , which the
Judean carpenter pointed out to the fish-"
crman and. tent makers, following luui-
Hero are faces of rulers and captains
down to our own day from Alexander of
Maccdon, and tho j mightiest Julius who;
bestrode this narrow world I ike Colossus.
A recent issue of the Iowa Tiny prints '
the following mysterious, but uggestive-
paragraph. : We are1 Tavored '( thisnreek -with
several marriage "notices not credita
ble to those who solemnized theui.- jBStices
an4 psrsons ' who ' will unite boys" wUh
women old enough to be their mothers
ought to be sent ; to the' devil by tele- :
grapbi f"V;. vt
. - - -
i Washington has sixty churches. Th
"Foundfy"5 is -th name ot the largest
MethodistceLufclvapd .jta. Ps1deatfi
Johnson's family go, accompanied, oo
fitful occasions by A. J. himself.