ansossssEis SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 18C9. Local affairs Saa Francisco Legal Tender rates... Xtw York UoM quotations Happy Xi:r Year ! Tin; yenr ISGS has drawn to a clcrc, and ISjD is now written on tho "guidebonrds" of time. The year 1S3S lia-7 passed into history, and although not so full of startling events as some of its predecessors, it will occupy a prominent "head line" in the history of the past. During its continuance mother earth has been convulsed by earthquakes that have laid waste fair cities aud countries, and taken the lives of thousands upon thousands of peoples. Terrific hurricanes have visited portions of our fair earth, carrying death and des olation before them. Lurid fires have swept over the land, consuming and de stroying everything possessing life or motion that wasmet in its firey path. It has witnessed the overthrow of one of the crowned heads of Europe, witli BcaVcely a drop of bloodshed and confu sion a thing unknown and uuchroni cled in the history cf the past. It has witnessed the advancement of science and the arts. On this continent it has witnessed the triumph of truth over error, of justice over wrong cluing. The tri umph of the great Union Republican party in the late Presidential election, may be considered the happiest event productive of the greatest amount of good the saving clause in the winding up of the programme for 18G8. By the success of the white man's party, peace has been announced. Already we see its revivifying influence in the appre ciation of our national currency in the feeling of security everywhere in the increased respect for the Old Flag, and for American institutions. Grant inaug urated, peace and security will soon be secured in every portion of the Union; and our country, not ouly in n&mofbutiu reality, free, we shall enjoy such a season of genuine prosperity and happiuess as was never given to any people since the deluge. In the hope that our prediction may be veriSel to the letter, we write a Happy New Year to all. TnE Festival. The Festival given by the ladies of the U. P. phurcli on Christmas Uve was a brilliant sueces-. The hall was crowded with "folks," and as it was the first occasion of the kind for a long period, every one enjoyed it. About 7.00 room was made for the en trance of the weddidg party Mr. John Foster and Miss M. O. McMeekin, groom and bride, and Mr. Samuel Young and Miss Minerva McMeekin, groomsman and bridcsHfifidT' The ceremony was per formed infpvery impressive manner, by Rev. S. G& Irvine-. Soou after this in teresting ceremony was performed, sup . per was announced. Two long tables were loaded with all kinds of pastry and the' substantial of life, to which the hungry multitude did ample justice. The ladies who got up and managed the Festival throughout, worked hard for a successful consummation, and they did achieve a full and complete success. The gross receipts were nearly double those of any Fair or Festival ever held inthe city, being $243 25. The success of this Festival shows what the ladies of Albany can do when the men fail. The time was Anliveoed and made pleasant by the pres ence of the Albany Brass Band, who ex oiutcd favorite pcices of music in their bast style. The band have the unani mous thanks of all present for their con tribution to the enjoyment on the occa sion. We hope the ladies will find it necessary to give another Festival soon no matter for what or whom, we arc unanimously in favor of another. Strange Disappearance.-A young man reporting himself from Portland, came to Harrisburg in this county on the 6th of last month, and tarried a day, or twa, and then departed. The secend ti ue he came and stopped as before at the hotel in Harrisburg until the 22d ult., when he suddenly disappeared, leav ing no clue aa to his future travels. He .gave no name, or if he did it has been forgotten. What is singular about the whole affair is, in his haste to depart he left a horse a small, dun colored animal and saddle. ' He said, previous to his d'xappearance, that ho was in search ofj work, and that he had been' employed, while in Portland, at a livery stable. It is thought by our informant, that the owner of the horse may reside In Port land, and if so, this will inform him of too whereabouts of the animal. . Christmas Tree. We had the pleas ure of witnessing the distribution of pres ents from a Christmas tree, at the residence of Rev. Dr. Hill, in this city, on last Christmas evening, tuitc alargc treo was placed near the centre of the parlor, the branches bending under the weight of presents from the younger member of the family to the elder, and vice versa. It was an occasion of much enjoyment to all concerned, and to no one, probably, more than the writer of this, who unexpectedly the possessor of a fciuoking cap, taken from the tree. May all who crt- ! joyed that pleasant occasion be spared to witness the recurrence of many similar family gatherings under the old home stead roof. i Small Pox. -This loathsome disease is upon every siue,ond it now looks as though we may not escape its presence here in our city. I In case it docs visit us, have our city authorities made any preparation for its prcper reception for the reception and caro of persons who may, by any chance, be attacked by this feaiful malady?) "A stitch in time," etc., is applicable in this case. "An ouuee of preventive is worth a pound of cure," is another maxim to be heeded in this case. A pest-house, provided for the especial use of small pox patients, ready for use at a moment's notice, might save life, the spread of the disease, and would lessen the fear that has already got hold of some of our citizens with regard to it. It would also show a proper regard on the part of our City Fathers for the interests and welfare of our people. Baptist Sociable. On Monday night the members and friends ot the Baptist Church in this city held a socia ble at the residence of the pastor, Rev. Dr.. Hill. A good old fashioned social time was enjoyed .by the large number in attendance. During the evening, Dr. Hill was agreeably surprised by the pre sentation by friends of several valuable works, and a large aud splendidly framed picture entitled the '"Star of Bethlehem." The Doctor made a neat and appropriate little "speech, and at his request the lij'iun entitled Bethlehem, wasrendered in a superior manner by ladies and gentlemen present. We listened to some excellent instrumental and vocal music during the evening. The next Sociable will be at Dr. Stceley's. The Western Hotel at Portland having lately changed hands, the new proprietors, Dorcy & Holmes, determined not to be outdone in an honest endeavor to satisfy a liberal public, have made find improve ments and many changes, knowing that their numerous winter patrons appreciate warm beds, hot cakes, fre'sli eggs, and a free coach. ; We intended to give somo interesting statistics in this number of the Register, of general local interest, bat we found it impossible to get at the information sought in the short time we could SDare from other duties; and are therefore compelled j, . . . .... . The Physio-Med fail Journal for Octo ber and December, has been received. This journal is published bi-monthly, at Sa'em, Oregon, by J. C. Shelton, M. D., at the extremely low price of SJ per an num. It is very valuable to all persons who are seeking to know the.cause3, pre vention and cure of diseases of the human body. i I . . , New Columbian.- The New Colum bian is one of the largest and most con venient hotels in Portland. The tables are spread with the best of "grub," and you will receive the kindest care at the hands of the jolly landlord, VA. Carney, if you '-hang up" there." He hangs out his "sign" in tho Register, to which we eall attention. Christmas Ball. The ball at Par rish Hall Christmas night was a com plete and "unmitigated" success, in point of numbers in attendance, music, etc. The supper, gotten up by Messrs. Strong & Smear, was excellent, but a better room might have been obtained to set the table in. We should think there were forty or fifty couples in attendance, and everybody, we are informed, enjoyed themselves tip-top. We understand it was the largest dancing party ever given in this city, Christmas has come and gone, and the new year has opened one page in the great Day Book of Accounts with man kind, yet Perry Spinks & Co. have a few more of the best varieties of cooking and other stoves, tinware, etc., to which they invito the attention of this community. The ever attentive and accommodation Andy Carotbers will take pleasure in ac commodating you with goods at the low est passible rates. Call. t - f Large Shipment. The largest ship ment of flour ever made in one lot from jhis point, was made on Wednesday, on the steamer Fannie Patten, by J. H. Foster & Co.", of the Magnolia Mills. It con sisted of four thousand four hundred sacks of flour eleven hundred barrels. These mills are running night and day, turning out an immense quantity of su perior flour. " Fiee Meeting. The annual meeting of Fire Company No. I, of Albany, wiU be held at the Court House, on Monday, Jan. 4th, 1869, at 6.30 p. M. Officers to serve during the ensuing year are to be elected, and other business transacted. Not a Word. Two of our esteemed friends brought to the Register office a sack of apples each, one da' last week, with a request to keep mum and we in tend to, but the apples won't. Many thanks for the gift. Quarterly Meetinc M. E. Church quarterly meeting, for Albany, commen ces on Saturday at 11 o'clock A. M., un der charge of Rev. Mr. Doane, Presiding Elder. See advertisement of McCord & George in regard to Lard Oil. City Council. Council; met; roll cahied ; present, Mayor Norcross ; Coan- enmen, Uartcr, l'arter, vinmg anu Cheadle. Miuutcs of last meeting read aud approved. D. Price. Marshal, presented a bill of 11 CO for collecting tax, which was re ceived, placed on file, and ordered that an order be drawn on the Treasurer for the amount. The Recorder presented a bill for S70. SO for services as such Recorder for the quarter ending Dec. 31, ISGS, and an other of 57 25, bill of cosis,1 which were allowed, and ordered that orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the amounts. The Treasurer's report on the finances of the city lor the quarter endiug Dec. 31, ISGS, was received and placed on file. The Marshal returned the delinquent tax list with his report thereon, stating that there is yet due the city for taxes for : the year ISGS, -83 '34, which, on motion, was received and placed on file. The Recorder presented his report on Lthe financial condition of the city for the year ending Dec. 31, IbGS, which was received and placed on file, j On motion, the following resolution of thanks was adopted : . Resolved, That the thanks of this Council be, and the same are hereby ex tended to lion. J.. Norcross, 3Iayor, for efficient and valued official services, and for the courieousucss and dignity with which he has presided over our delibera tions the past year. ! ' Council adjourned. ! L. W. DOOLITTLE, " Recorder. MARRIED. On the 24th of December 18G8, at W. W. Parrish & Co.'s Hall, Albany, by Rev. S. G. Trvine, John Foster to Miss Martha O. McMeekin. Compliments received, and duly appre ciated. .. . ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. notice: LL persons indebted to tho lute firm of Settle- J inier fc Co., Albany, will please call at the Drug Store of Ilill & Son, and settle up immedi ately. 27t lime the money must come ! All open accounts on January 1st, 13f9, will bo placed iu tho hands of the proper officer for col lection. K. C. IHT-L, G. F. SETTLEMIER. Albany, December l'J, 1808. ; 15td Positively tBae jnst Call. Alt PERSONS KNOWING THEM, selves indebted to the undersigned, are re quested to come forward and make immediate payment. All aeeounts not settled by tbe lirst ot January next, will ue put into tuo nanus oi iou proper oiheur lor collection. W. W. PARRISH A CO. Albany, December 5tb, lS63-13ml 1868. 1868. Y BOOKS ARE CLOSED FOR THE vcar ISGS. Any persons knowing them selves iudebted to mo by note or book account, are requested to come forward and settle the same at once, as I wish to go away and must have my dues, I will take produce oa all accounts due me. Como and settle. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. Albany, Dec. 5, 1SG3-I:iinl OFFER FOR SALE A GOOD TWO-horsa SPRING VAGOH & HARNESS I A SPLENDID, LARGE SIZE MELOI3EOW I A SUPERIOR LOT OF FURNITURE' LAP.CE Cooking Stove With all tbe necessary cooking utensils complete, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. Dee. 5, ISCS-lCml TUCKER'S CELEBRATED SPUING BEDS! T HE TUCKER SPRING BED IS 3AID BY all who have used them to be tho List of Letters Receipts. Total receipts of the Fes tival Christmas Eve, $248 25; expenses, 829 12i; this leaves a balance of $219 to defer their production to a future 1 12 which will be applied to refurnishing issue. and refitting the Church building REMAINING uncalled for, in tbe Post Office at Albany, Oregon, January 1st, 1SC9. Barrct. Jas V Hervy, B E Rose, J R Huso, t-'aruh Ann Butcher, Holina llauk, Vm C 2 Brow, John Mitchell, Leland Bcker, Win McFeron, Thos G Custar, Pebccca Morgan, John 11 Conroy, The Rt Rev Dr Mitchell, T B Cur?, M J May, J D Dutiknn, John Noltner, A Davidson, i B Nearcs, Win Follis, Richard Phelps, Ed C 2 Field, M A Reynolds, Alex Flynn, Josiali Simpson, Emma Land, Mrs Smith, L Lakence, Peter Willfong. Geo Hunn, Capt N Woods, Rolin R Hamphill, John E. A. FREE LAND, P. M. ALBANY RETAIL MARKET. A lb an v, Jan Wheat, white, bushel Oats, Ti bushel Potatoes, i bushel Onions. bushel Flour, jS barrel... Butter, ft Esrgs, dozen 4 Chickens, d'ien Peaches, dried, i lb Soap, tplb Salt, Los Angclos, lb Syrup, i gallon Tea, Young IJyson tjfi lb japan, " Black. V ... Sugar, erushed, tjji lb " Sea " Island. " '.".".""""" Coffee, i lb Candles, lb Rice, China, lb Saleratus, lb , Dried plums, lb Dried apples, J lb .- Dried currants, pi lb Bacon, hams, lb ' sides, " " shoulders, lb Lard, in cans, lb Beans, tb 7. Devoes Kerosene oil, gallon... Turpentine, gallon Linseed oil, boiled, gallon...... White lead, yxi keg.... Powder, rifle, lb. .................. Tobacco, lb Nails, cut, Tb Domestic, brown. yard..... Hickory, striped, yard , Bed ticking, per yard......... Blue drilling, yard Flannels, yard Prints, fa t eolors, 33 yard- , Pork, lb Mutton, (jS lb Beef, on loot, lb , uary 2, 1869. .... 55 35 3)50 1 25 .... Si 505 0 37 .... 25 .... $3 503 00 .... ; 1520 .... :, 5(V5 2 J ...SI 12il 2j I 00 1 00 751 00 1820 lC("i)18 14W)13 2225 29 (a) 33 1216 163 1520 5 (8 14 15 121 6 I&10 4 1 00 $1 251 50 $1 C2il 75 $i 004 25 75(tf)l 00 , $1 001 50 78 16 1630 2550 2030 5075 I2J 56 10l2i 4i5 The latest New York quotations aro as follows: Flour $6 5011 75. .: Wheat $2 15(2 20. Liverpool wheat quotations are lis lOd. - : : ! 1 San Francisco produce quotations ' are as follows: ' Flour No change noted, $6 25 bbl being the highest quotation, i Wheat-rrGrOod .choice shipping at $1 70i 80; coast $1 60165. Barley Market firm at 82 202 27, for feed, and $2, 302 35 for brewing. Oats Good California at $2 102 20; Oregon at $2 15225." CHEAPEST and BEST now uTUSE. Wo refer with confidence to all who have tried them. Read the following extracts rnojr letters: Ebbxtt House, Washington, Dec. 5, 18C6. Tlios. J. FiSHEti, Esq., Pres. Tucker Manu facturing Co. Dear Sir : I have now in con stant usa your "Tucker Patent Spring Bed" in nearly all my rooms, and am gratified to write toyou that nothing could be better. Very truly your obedient servant, C. C. WILLaRD. Metropolitan Hotel, Washington, Dec. C, 1S66. Tnos. J. FisnER, Pres. Tttvhcr Manufactur ing Co. Dear Sir: Some two years ago tho beds of this establishment were thoroughly refit ted with your superior "Tucker Patent Spring Bed," which, since then and now, have given tbe patrons of this Hotel universal satisfaction. Very truly, A. R. POITS. These beds aro now manuf.ic'.ured, by permis sion ot Patentee, at Albany, Oregon, aud are for sale at all the principal furniture stores in Port land, Salem, Albany, etc. For particulars address, : E. CARTER. & SON., ALBANY, OREGON. Doc. 26, 1SGS-1C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I P. IV. SPIKK. A. CABOTBERS. P. W, SPIHK & CO., (scccessors to r. tv. hack,) Dealers is: Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copperware, AXD STOVES I First, between Wnshiugtou & Kerry-sts. HE undersigned havinjr purchased tbe stock formerly owned by M. AV. Mack, and having made largo additions thereto, now offer to the public the fullest and com pie test assortment of first-class goods in our line, yet offered in this market, consisting of FARX.OK, XSOS, IIAZ.Z,, ...and... COOKING STOYES, of tbe following patterns : Buck. ' Black Knlglit, Golden Gate. Henry Clay, New Nation, Buckeye State, &C, &C, a&C, Trom the best manufactories, which they are offer ing at lowest rates. Also, a large stock of I'rcncJi Saucepans, Ladles & Skimmers, Iron, Enameled and Brass Kettles, Iron. Tea kettles and Ovens, Iron and Lead Pipe, Force & Lift Pumps, and a full assortment of . COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! We will continue to keep on band a large stock NO. 1 TIM WARE ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kinds of REPAIRING! in a neat and workmanlike short notice. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing enable us to give a liberal discount. Terms Cash, or marketable Produce. P. W. SPLNK & CO. Kov. 28, 'CS-12 POSITIYELY SELLING AT COST ! THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! jou, mticcjs, DEALER IN STOYES, COOK, PARLOR &B0X, of tho best patterns ! ALSO Tin, 'Sheet Iron and Copper W .xo ! and the usual assortment of Furnishing Goods to be obtained in a TIN STORES 2 Itf pairs neatly and promptlg executed, on reasonable terms. Ta2. "Short reckonings, make long friends." 1 Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield & Co. j dee5'C8-12 ; rURWIIYC;. - - TUWI1G. 3 (-1 o n - ta m m i i l O G en I AM PREPARED TO 1)0 ALL KINDS OK TURNING i I ke p on hand and make to crder RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, ASD ' i Spinning- Wheels. j9"- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." 4 . JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nov. 28, 1868-12 and Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, MATTRASSES, ETC., j 1 Under tho "States Eights Democrat" office. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to the public in general, that they will sell thsir WElt SELCCTLD STOCK or DRY GOODS! cfo SIiocs! CLOTHINGL s AXD GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! from and after this data NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L. SENDERS. STrnXBERO. J. FLKMCBXK SENDERS, STERNBERQ & CO., mi DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, in J. B. Monteith's Brick Building, . 4ABANY, OnrOON. r ' THE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEAS URE in informing tbe citizens of Lis county that they have just opened a well selected stock of FANCY DRY COODO! BOOTS AND SHOES! . and a full assortment of General Merchandise I Which they will dispose ef for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I FAIR LIVING RATES! We respectfully ask the public to CALL AXD EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES! Before purchasing elsewhere, and we assure all that we will give Entire Satisfaction to Prompt Customers). We have a Branch House, long established, at i ' t SOUTH BROWIVSYILLE, where we keep a large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE I Albany, Nov. 14, 1883-10 , 1 EV1RS. DUNNIVAY TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of tbe' ' Latest and Choicest Styles ef Goods 131 THE , " - MilHiiory EE1IEBER, LADIES X If you purchase TEN DOXAARSV WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the- Hemor-est 3JCagfazine', for the year 1869, as a premium on the purchase t Dress and Cloak making- in ell branches. Bleaching' and Pressing1 in the latest and best manner- Those desiring to make purchases will do well to Call Immediately I as wo desire to close out Our Entire Stock! on the a'oovo terms, FOR CASH ! OR MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE 1 FIRST STREET, oetS4'68-r A LB ANT. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, are requested to gome forward with out delay, and settle their indebtedness, as we are determined to close our mercantile business, and collect our dues. W. W. PARRISH 4 CO. Albany, Nov. 28, 1S6S-12 C. MEALEY & CO., DEALERS IN & MANUFACTURERS OF PUBNITUREt and CABINET WARE! Bedding, OEZtc, ; . Ccrner First and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. HS- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO -fe ORDERS OF AU KINDS! in our line. October SI, 18B3-8 BLACKSMITH1NC! PLOWS ! PLOWS! PLOWS ! THE undersigned gives notice to the general public, that he is now manufacturing the Oaleshurg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, Wagon and Carriage Making', and General Jobbing. AU work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. .A share of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pierce Ferry. F. VOOT. Albany, November 21, 1868-11 Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 1868-9 . , JUST RECEIVED! PER IAST STEAMEB, A VERY LARGE STOCK of ' - - ; j FALL ANJD WI1TEIX GO OD S ! is AT THE HAQU RTrtDP ALBANY, OREGON. R. CHEADLE. Albany, October 17, 1863-6 ' WA.1VTJ52X .I r ' EGGS WANTED At R. Cheadle's Cash Store, for which 30 cents per dozen will be paid. . R. CHEADLE. Albany, Oct. 17, '68-6 BUTTER WANTED in exchans for goods, af 30 cents per pound, at R. Cheadle's Cash Store. ' R. CHEADLE. Albany, Oet..l7. '68-6 , . . . flOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST RATES lX in exchange for good butter and fresh eggs." ' Bring on your produce and take away the goods. -Albany, Oct. 17, '68-6 R. CHEADLE. ' J. BARROWS. x.. . BLAnr. . s. sv Tovxe. J. BARROWS & Cb.9 ARE CONST ANTLT RECEIVING Fresh Supplies of NEW GOODS! DIRECT FROM San Francisco, which they will sell , CHEAP FOR READY PAT ! THEY ALSO DO A General Cosuaissdon Bcsf nets I - BOUOZtT AlfO SOU Albany, Oet. , 68-7,