The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 02, 1869, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, JAN U All Y 2, 1869.
An effort ii being made in Michigan
to have the Upper Peninsula detached
from the State, and erected into a sepe
rato'State'or Territorial government.
It ia said that Caleb Cushing has been
sent to Bogota fully authorized by the
U. S. Government to guarantee one
million- dollars for the building of a ship
canal across the Tsthnin3.
A call for a convention of women's
rights and colored men, has been issued
for the mlddlo of the present month, at
Washington. -
Gen. Longslreet publishes a long let
ter, -ridiculing the- idea that Grant is a
Democrat, and declaring that Grant's
antccedants clearly mark him a national
man, and as such he gives his adhesion to
the party whose basis is Union,and the in
fluence of his administration will be used
to its 'complete and perfect restoration,
lie tells the Southern people that ail
that is required fur perfect peace, is their
hearty co-operation in Congressional re
construction. -. -
The Washington street tunnel, under
the river dividing the city of Chicago, is
finished, and is to be formally opened
January 1st.
Hsnc&s has been re-elected President
of Salvador:
An attempt to overthrow the Provis
sional Government of Costa Hica has
been discovered. Its auther, Gen. Salez,
has been called on to resign the office of
Letters from Montevedio state that
President Lopez is prepared to accord
full satisfaction to the United States for
the wrongs suffered by American citizens.
The allies were surprised in an advance
on Ascension, and lest one hundred pris
oners. The Chilian Exposition. An Ex
position of South American productions
and industry will be opened at Valpa
raiso in April next. It is said that arti
cles from. Oregon and California sent
there for exhibition will gladly be re
ceived, and California papers urge that
it be done, and that competent persons
be sent from the Pacific States, to make
observations and report upon South
American industry. The Chilians pos
sess ajood degree of skill in mining, and
in the reduction of soaic descriptions of
ores are much inore successful and rea
lize much handsomer profits than do our
miners. "They have new amalgamation
processes of merit," says a California
exchange, "that we do not hear of, except
from limited personal sources. They
have ngdergone, long since, the raw
mining and metallurgical experiences in
in which North American miners and
capitalists delight to flounder, and to
which ninety-five percent, succumb, from
want of existing knowledge or experience
in that which they are undertaking to do.
They are utilizing the chemicals of their
alkili plains, and furnishing the world
with the principal ingredient to make
powder. They have commenced build
ing their railroad over the Andes."
New Editor. Since the retiracy of
the man "who received a fair education
in in his youth" from the editorship bf
the Herald, it has been "boarded round,"
as the Oregontan has it, among its
friends. It is announced now that an
editor has been secured Mr. C. B. Bel
linger, formerly editor of the A rmn
published at Salem, and now a member
of the Legislature from Benton county.
It is said he will take his scat on the
slat-bottomed chair with the commence
ment of the present year.
The outside Land Commission of Su
pervisors,. San Francisco, have been
awarded twenty-one hundred dollars
each,' by Judge McKinstry. It will be
remembered ' that ' they petitioned HL
Honon for 810,000 each for their labors
on the commission.
A Christmas Gift. At a S. S.
Festival of Grace Church, San Francisco,
a snug little box was found attached to the
Christmas tree, directed to the pastor,
Rev. James Bush. Ihe box on being
opened was found to contain fifty twenty
dollar gold pieces, fresh from the mint
a voluntary gift from the members of his
Christmas seems to have been more
generally celebrated throughout the Eas
tern cities than ever before known. In
Chicago business was entirely suspended,
and the streets presented more than a
Sabbath stillness: ' '
The Mexican Congress has been peti
tioned to abolish the death penalty; to
Vtunlr nf hvrtothecates : and for
the' construction of a railroad from the
capital of Oaxaca to the Pacific ocean.
Pub. Docs.--To Senator Corbett we
are indebted for Congressional documents.
letter Prom Dimmycrat Anu Spooks.
Canada, (which is in tho Forks')
" of tho Santiain), State of Or-
cgon, Dec. 23d, 1S6S. J
Mr. Emtor ; .
Sir : I am ant two tho illustrious
Petroleum Verdigris Nasby; butt though
-1 am his ant, I am proud too say that I
was never know never born a -Whig 1
It is absolutely sole-eheerin, two the hart
of a Dimmycrat two here tho many
touchin stork-3 I can tell of the daze of
hour ants-sisters. "When the blood of the
new-born nation which the Whigs called
a Federal Union was gushin' inn its in
fancy ; when the Whigs inflamed that
blood to fever-heat buy llevolution which
plunged tho striplin into war ; when
WasLington ut the head of tho Federal
army was IcaJIo' everything two victory,
nt! ants sisters proved to tho world that
there's was Dimniyeratie blood. The
Whigs stigmatized thcui as Tories then,
even as there descendants, the Black
Republicans, would now brand hour suns
as Copperheads. . ,
My brother, tho lamented father of
the illustrious Petroleum "Verdigris, was
never born a Whig. True, he was unfor
tunate in his marriage relation; havin' bin'
chosen buy a woman who always voted
him on the W big tickets; and who would
have voted him last November against the
Seemore and Blare ticket, strait on two
Blick Republican perdition, if he hadn't
inn - mercy too his family seen fit two
kick the bucket and .save us the disgrace.
Petroleum don't do his family justice,
lie : lay3 awl his Dimmocracy two his
dread of nigger equality, women's writes,
taxation, and the like. lie needn't. Diin
mocracj's inn his blood. It was badly
adulterated buy his unfortunate relation
to ann Abolition mother, but Dimmycrat
ic invigorator is a ruitey ant-I-dote two
such adulterations ; and, though we never
could (owin to that unfortunate relation)
quite obliterate his natural propensity for
scein' and. talkin' of things so that people
can see 'em as they air, Ave as a family
have long bin content two leave his Dim
mocracy in the care of Baseoni and his
I no, Mr. Editor, yew wood have shed
tears by the quart over my unhappy state
of mind if yew had had the pleasure of
my distinguished acquaintance during
the dark and bloody daze of the late
dark and bloody Abolition crusade.
I awlweighs teas literary ; aicliceighs.
I have never believed women h.-.d politi
cal writes any more than niggers ; and
hear-too-four, when awl tho mite of my
giant intellect has been stirred buy Dim
niyeratie troubles ; (and nun but the
faithful can no the depth of them) when
defeat coiled itself around hour trailing
banners; when Joe Lane hid himself;
when Valiandigham ran away two Cana
da ; (knot C&iada which is inn the Forks
of Santiam, butt 'tother place. This
one's named for 'tother because its bin a
rendezvous for Dimmycratic refugees),
when Lee surrendered and Jefferson
Davis, our idle-cysed and hcw-rnaii
Precedent, was surprised inn the pleasant
occupation of tryin' on his wife's female
riggin; when Abolition ghouls surround
ed and made him prisoner of war ; even
under awl these try-alls, I held my piece
and kept the allotcd place of a woman;
that is two say, I supported my family,
raised my own and my husband's toc-back-owe,
and knit socks two sell for hour
whisky, while Jedcdiah Spooks (that's
my husband) voted Dimmycratic strait.
But the late disastrous defeat has rowed
vie, sir I I shan't keep still if I am a
woman ! Black Republicans, bec-wcar !
A Dimmycratic' woman is aroused this
time, and yew 6hall tremble ! I'll tell
the truth, even as I understand it, feelin'
that its a sin to longer hyde the brilliancy
of my class-sick intellect behind the big
and burly shad-owe of my drunk old man!
This effort has exhausted ec ! I
meant two tell yew in this letter sum
thing about hour efforts hear in Canada
two see-cure a Dimmycratic Precedent;
butt, indignant nature .can -stand know
more. Next weak you'll hear from me
again. Bee patient.
Your distinguished correspondent,
- which is Ant to the illustrious
Pastor Petroleum Verdigris Nasby.
Under the head of "Political Person
als," a California exchange says : John
Conness is a candidate for Secretary of
the Interior. lie has the support of Ben
Wade. John B. Felton, Got. Woods
of Oregon, Eugene L.Sullivan, John
Bidwell and Senator Cole are also spoken
of as candidates for the position.
Latest advices from Hay ti state that
Jacomel was still beseiged. December
9th the garrison repulsed the pickets,
both parties sustaining heavy losses.
The revolutionists are constantly fortify
ing the? interior.
Small pox is afflicting the citizens of
Jacksonville. On the 24th, Joseph
Martin of that place died with the dread
disease. A new case was reported the
same evening. t . .
Telegraphic Summary.
Memphis (Teon.) dates to the 4th of
December report a number of murders
and outrages in many parts of that State.
In Haywood county a negro violated a
lady approaching her period of confine
ment. A negro and -white aian who were
being taken to jail, were seized and hung
by a mob near Dresden. A negro woman
dug holes in tho ground, and placing her
children in them, lighted fires over them,
and actually burund them to death.
She ;ave as her reason for the terrible
deed, when arrested, that they would
not obey her, so she concluded to kill
them. Many other murders are report
ed. As regards granting subsidies to anoth
er Pacific railroad, Grant is reported to
have expressed, the opinion that wo
should make the best possible us? f car
present resources without increasing the.
burden cf our dcbls by urging expensive
risks. At the same time ha gave his
op'mion that there should j bo an extra
session of the 41st Congress, as during
the short term there would bo barely
time to pass appropriations. Tho New
York Tribune couciues with tho opinion
expressed by Grant, and sa-s that the
nation will give him its whole support
let economy be tho word and the country
will respond.
The New York Sun insists that E. B.
Washburno will be a member of Grant's
Cabinet, as Secretary of tho Interior.
Andy Johnson issued his amnesty
proclamation on the 25th of December,
18GS. It reads as follows :
Whereas, The authorities of Federal
Government having been re established
in all States and Territories within the
jurisdiction of the United States, it is
bciievcu that such reservations and ex
ceptions as stated in said proclamations
which were deemed necessary and proper
may now bo relinquished ; that universal
amnesty for participation in said rebell
ion, extended to all, will renew fully
and restore confidence and fraternal feel
ing among the whole people, and their
respect for and attachment to the
National Government, designed by its
patriotic founders l'or general good :
Now, therefore, be it known that I,
Andrew Johnson, President, bv virtue
of the power ves el in me by the Consti
tution, proclaim and declare uncondition
ally and without reservation, to ail and
every person who directly or indirectly
participated m tuo late insurrection or
rebellion, full pardon and amnesty for
the offence of, treason against the United
States, or adheariug to their enemies dur
ing fhe war, with the rights and privi-
leges.and amenities under the Constitu
tion and law which have been trade in
pursuance thereof. In testimony where
of, etc.
The full pardon and amnesty includes
Jeff Davis, Breokenridgc. Thompson,
Slidell, and all others who directly or indi
rectly engaged in the late rebellion.
On Dec. 25th, at the house of John
McDonald, Philadelphia, (Pa.) the fam
ily went to sleep in a room with a coal
fire in the stove. Gas escaped into the
roon andjihe whole family were suffoca
ted. One of the daughters is dead and
another is not expected to recover.
On the same day the chair factory of
Cray man & Co., 118 North Front street,
wa3 destroyed by fire loss heavy. Sev
eral firemen injured by falling ladders.
Inspector General Ayers left New Or
leans on the 22d Dec, to examine ; into
and report upon the condition of affairs
in Kansas. "
George Francis Train arrived in New
York on the 24th December. ' (
Gabriel Martin and two maiden sisters,
residing in Columbia county, Georgia,
were murdered and robbed on the night
of Deo. 17th. The house was set on
fire and the bodies consumed. Suspic
ion rests on some negroes in the neigh
borhood. Miuistcr Webb and ex-3Iinister Wash
burnc arrived in New York from Rio on
the 23d ult. "
At the billiard match in Chicago, Dec
23d, Foley again defeated Trawley, cx
champion of Ohio 1000 to G55.
In a street encounter at St. Joseph,
jSTo., Dec. 23d, between Green and Oter
Ty, two prominent lawyers, ' the latter
shot and killed tho former.-
Seveial outrages had been committed
by masked Ku-Kluxers in Evansville,
St. John's Episcopal Church, at Water
bury, (Conn.,) was destroyed by fire on
the 25th of Dec. Loss, 8100,000.
A desperato fight occurred on Christ
mas Eve, at Newark, (N. J.) between
negroes and Germans. Lights were ex
tinguished and a greater part of the
fight took place in the dark. Several
persons badly inj ured. - ; " - '.
i Rev. Father' Duane, ono of the oldest
and most popular Catholic priests in the
North-weat, died in Chicago on the
24th. ; "
Mrs. Augusta Dickens, wife L of the
brother of Chas. Dickens, died in Chi
cago, Dec. 26, from an over dose of mor:
phine, taken while under aberration of
mind. She leaves three children. '
A fire at Lyon, (Mass.,) on the 28th,
destroyed property to the amount of
$300,000, and throwed GOO persons out of
employment. j
New York, Dec. 28. In Lafayette,
New York, a widow named White,! jus
previous to her death, sent for some
fellow-members of the M. E. Church and
confessed to them on her dying bed ithat
about eleven 3ears ago she poisoned! her
infant child ; aUgut a year afterwards she
poisoned her husband's father; later still,
when her husband returned from! the
army, sho also administered to him a
fatal poison. The woman Iuid always
borne a good character, being a meiuber
of the Methodist Church. Tho bnly
reason of her making this confession.' was
to relieve her conscience of this load of
crime. Sho was perfectly sane at the
time of her death.
Savannah, Dec. 27. The Supreme
Court of Geoigia 'has sustained thej de
cision of the Lower Court, which held
that tho condition of a note for borrowed
Confederate money wan a good and valid
St. Louis, Dec. 27. Two freight
trains cn the Hannibal end St. iJo.
Railroad, - collided near Chilicnthc on
Thursday morning, instantly ki 1 ng both
engineers and firemen. The cugines
were completely smashed up and the
ears burnod. It is stated that tho body
of a young laCly was found in the wreck
butned to a crisp from the waist up. j A
train on the Iron Mountain Railroad was
thrown fiom the track just below Jeff
erson Barracks yesterday morning. Quo
car containing twenty-four passengers,
was pcrcipitated down an embankment,
making two complete revolutions. Near
ly every person inside was injured, some
severely but none fatally. j
General Sully sent a detachrrcntj of
cavalry from Fort Ilarker on the 21st to
scout the upper valleys of the Salmon, J
Republican aud Saline rivers, it having
been reported that Indians had been re
cently seen there. Sully thinks that
Sheridan will return from the campaign
within thirty days. j
White Pine. The Independent pub
lishes the following extract from a letter
written by a former Stocktonian to his
father in that place, who has got "a good
thing" in the way of silver mines at
Treasure Hill, Nevada. The letter bears
date December 21st, 1SG3: j
'The good mines here arc he'd all the
way from 83,000 to 875,000. Mr. Or is
a watchman on the Ebcrhardt, and gets
820 per day. I visited the mine last
night. It is an immense mass of silver
ore, as massive as the copper ore in the
Union claim (Copperopolis) was, and did
the proprietors desire they could imme
diately take out as much silver ore as the
former has copper ore, tliat will assay
S1,000 per ton. There must inevitably
be a bijf rush here from all parts of the
United States, as the mines are proving
richer every day. The Central Pacific
Railroad in a mouth will be within ninety
miles of this locality. The snow has
nearly disappeared, aud the weather is"
clear and cool." Accompanying the let
ter were too silver bars one weighing
4.S0 ounces, valued at S5.301,- and the
other 18 ounce?, of .855 fineness, and
worth S19.80, the latter taken from ten
pounds of rock, both the product I of
mines at White Pine possessed by the
writer, who is in a fair way to become a
millionaire. !
A Little Advice. When the col
ored members of the Georgia Legislature
were kicked out, one of them made a
farewell speech. Here is an extract: i
The gentleman had a good deal to say
about social equality nixing up of the
races, amalgamation, I believe he called
it. Now, sir, we colored men don't want
to mix up'with tho white men; we all
like our own color best, and if these men
that talk so much about the inferiority
of the race, and of mixing up with the
"nigger," will let our colored women
alone, we won't have so many ring
strcaked and speckled people among,
us. We want tho white men to mind
their own business, and not come sneak
ing around our women at night, or any
other time, for unlawful purposes. Now,
Mr. Speaker, wc arc a law-abiding people,
and if I ain't here according to Jaw I
want to know it right away, so a3 to go
home and go to work. I thank the
House for hearing me. I haven't any
thing more to say.
N !
Loyal Democrats Read. Tho Cau
casian, a Democratic paper printed at
Chico, says : j
On Tuesday eveninjr wo were honored
by a visit from Mr. Eugene Scmple.,
Jfortland, Uregon. Ho was oq his way
to San Francisco to purchase material
for a first class newspaper, to be estab
lished at Portland. Mr. S. is a man of
education and a secession Ut, the best proof
that he-is a trus Democrat.
How do loyal Democrats like the situ
ation? By a parity of reasoning, a Demo
crat, who is not a Secessionist, is, of course
a Republican. j
Married. Hon. O. N. Denny, of
Wasco county, Oregon, was united in
marriago to Mrs. Gertrude J. White of
Vancouver, W. T., on the 23d of Decem
ber, 18GS. We congratulate the Judge
on his good luck, but are sorry to learn
that lie intends leaving Webfoot for a
permanent residence in California.
Wherever ho goes may kind fortune
sinilc on him and his.
Secretary Seward has negotiated forty
nine, or nearly one-fourth of all the
treaties and Conventions our Government
has entered into.
A double headed calf is said to be on
exhibition in Portland. i
Louisa Muhlbach is so poor that she
has requested the German publishers who
have become rich by selling her writings,
to give her money enough to buy a small
house and garden.
Rev. Humphrey Moore, of Milford,
N. II., celebrated his 90th birthday last
week, and expects to see seveial more.
For the best painting or sculpture
sent to the annual exhibition at Milan,
Prince Humbert offers an annual prize of
4,000 francs.
Prince Louis, of Ilesse, wants to be
divorced from. Queen's Victoria's second
daughter, but : not from the salary she
brought him.
Dr. McCash remarked that Princeton
College needed a gymnasium so Robt.
Bonner and Mr. Ma3quand, a New York
banker each contributed 810,000 to pro
cure one. .
When last heard from (in December,
1837,) Dr. Livingston, was "all well" in
Cazembe's country, in Marunga.
In Providence, on Wednesday of last
week, Governor "Rurnside entertained .
baker's dozen members of tho Union
Club, of New York, who represented
8200,000,000, , ..
New, York is to ; bo Janauscheck's
futuie home.
The Pope daily recites a special, inef
fectual prayer for the re-cstabhshment of
order (Bourbonism) in Spain.
Senor Marfori's portrait is the lion of
the Paris Boulevards. He began life as
an actor, and while impersonating a
knightly warrior, won Isabella's admira
tion. M. Arnold, editor of a French satirical
journal, has b?cn mulcted in 300f. for
publishing, unauthorized, three carica
tures. Rev. Dr. Bellows denounces plauchettc.
Tho dethroned Hanoverian King
thinks of resuming his scat in the British
House of Lords as a Prince of the blood
In South Australia kangaroos are sj
numorous as to starve the sheep.
A Russian has invented a flying
Prussia meditates abolishing capital
Before the election all the Copperhead
papers charged that Grant aspired to be
President to play the despot. They now
prophesy that he will bo a conservative,
and finally a Democrat. Are these the
initial steps toward a despot? Quite
likely, and Grant is in ns fair a way of
one as the other.
The Oregonian says that on last Sat
urday the ocean steamer Continental had
a narrow escape from fire. A case of
waterproof goods, Ftored in her hold,
spontaneously "combusted," but the fire
was discovered y time to prevent a dis
aster. Bcriah Brown announces that he is
about to start a new paper iu Salem as
soon as the material can be obtained from
San Francisco.
The famous Ebcrhardt mine, White
Pine District, was discovered and located
on tho 3d of Januar3', 1808, by F. E.
Ebcrhardt, "whose share in its untold
wealth consists mainly, if not wholly, in
its bearing his name.
John A. Surratt wore his Papal Zuavo
costume at a recent tounrament in Virgin
ia, and his sister, Anna was crowned
"Queen of Love ond Beauty" at a similar
exhibition, a few days before.
In Oakland, an undertaker has opened
coffin warcrooms between two saloons on
the supposition that both will be able to
furnish him with a lucrativo busincs?.
The Pottawattomie Indians, located
west of Lawrence, Kansas, were paid off
a few days ago. " They received about
S700 apiece ; over four hundred thous
and dollars in all.
There was a man on the Grand Regis
ter of Santa Clara county, California, who
had the moral courage to put himself
down as a bummer.
The Chicago Tribune boasts that there
is not a specimen of the genius "loafei"
that is, of the street-corner variety in
all of that city. Everybody, it says, is
doing something for himself or the gen
eral good. The city of Chicago,' -is too
active and restless to permit of the exis
tence of street-corner loafers.
Small-pox is on tho increase at Vir
ginia City. Eight yellow flags were
raised on tho 8th inst.
Camila Urso is to fiddle six months in
California for $14,000, commencing Feb
ruary first, 1869.
One entire end of the Biccvort Hotel
building, San Francisco, has been taken
down in consequenco of injuries by tho
late earthquake. L . , ;
Dan. Gelwicks, State Printer of the
Placerville Democrat, has become pro
prietor of the Stockton Gazette. Politics,
scmi-civized rebel.
A man named Rowland shot and killed
his partner, on Whidby's Island, W. T.,
on the 24th. Both men were in liquor.
Rowland is in jail at Port Townsend. '
The grand jury organized by the Mexi
can Congress for the trial ' of Mejia and
Romero, pronounced the former not
guilty; the case oTthe latter has not yet
been decided.
The Superintendent of the San .Fran
cisco Merchants' Exchange has addressed
us a circular in which he informs us that
resideuts outside. of San Francisco are en
titled to free admission, and to all tho
reading room and other privileges of the
institution. -
A boy at Virginia City,' six years of
age, has been sent to the city prison to
prevent him from firing buildings. He
has a mania for the incendiary business".
It is said that Seneral Grant is likely,
in his first message, to advocate such an
amendment of the Constitution as shall
make the President ineligible to re elec
tion. Wc failed to find such a recom
mendation in any of A. Johnson's mca-
To the great relief of Copperhead pa
pers, General Howard has issued an order,
dated November 17th, in accordance with
the Act of Congress of July 25, 18G8,
from after the 21st ul:., excepting the
educational department and the collection
and payment of money due soldiers and
Mrs. Wm. Duke, of Macon county,
Alabama, hung herself last week on ac
count of discord with her husband. They
were married last year at the ages re
spectively of 18 and 17. She suspended
herself from one of the joists of the house,
and when cut down her little babe lay
tranquilly sleeping in a cradle near her
Mr. Seymour, in response -to the re
mark of a brother Democrat, to the effect
that the Radicals had probably achieved
a sweeping victory, said : "Well, sir,
the Democracy cannot hold mo responsi
ble. I repeatedly and persistently de
clined the nomination.
.The Virginia Union of tho 9th instant
says: Last Sunday IL Knox, proprietor
of a hotel in Wadsworth. shot and killed
an Indian who had been beating his
(Knox's) wife. Verdict of the citizens
served him right.
On the 9th ir slant, near Stockton, a
daughter of Mr. Robinson, agcdll years,
started to her. father who was burning
stubble in the field, and while approach
ing him her dress took fire and she burned
almost to a crirp.
Tbe Adams House, on Sacramento
street, San Francisco, was partially
burned, Dec. 27th.
resumed operations and is prepared to fura-
hj tbc quantity. Different grade! aro kept on
band for aalo, at different prices.
Tho No. X Grade is Warranted to be-
strictly Pare!
jf Orders from abroad respectfully solicited.
JSS AH o dcrs should be accompanied bj the-cash.
Cash or Soap will be paid for Pure Lard
and rancid or scorched Grease, delivered at the
Factory.'" ;
i Albany, Jan. 2, 1869-17 f
, S. ; a -
Firemen, Attention I
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe annnat
meeting of Fire Company No. 1. of Albany,
will be heHd at the Court House on Monday, tb
4th day of January, 1869, at 0 o'clock P. M.,
for tbe purpose of electing officers for the ensuing
year, and tbe transaction of any business that
may come before tbe meeting. . - .
By order of the President,
A. N. Arxolo, Sec.
; Albany, Jan. 2d, 1869. .
Hew Columbian Hotel,
N-s. 118, 120 and 122 Front street.
The Largest, Best and most Convenient
Hotel in Portland!
Located in the center of business and. near all L
the steamboat landings.
Board and Lodging-
From one to two dollars per day according to Ut ,
room occupied.
Booms newly furnished and well ventil
ated. Superior aeeommodations for families.
i JS8 The New Columbian Hotel Coach will be
in attendance at all tbe landings to-eonrey paa
sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel
4 17 j2f Free et Charge ! -83. 69
Stockholders' Election,
Tbe Stockholders in the Linn County Agricnl.
tural Association are notified that their next an-,
nual election for a Board of seren Directors will
be held at the Court 'Room in Albany, on the 1st
Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1869, at
o'clock P. M. " JAMXS ELKINS,
Deo. 3, 1868-2w See'r.