li -.-4. I SATURDAY, DECKMKER 20,' 1868. LOCAL VXXVI1S. Fraurisco Legal Teudur rate... New York Gold iuotd.!i.d Talari 13 jJ A lI.vri'Y CuaisxMAs to All. With tliia number (issued the day be fore Christmas), we greet our readers everywhere with "a happy Christmas." 3Iay each and every household to-whieh the Rkoisteii makes its weekly vtsts, be full of joy and laduess on this grand . holiday the grandest day of all the year, because in its keeping we commem orate the .birth of the Great Jehovah, the Savior ot mankind. each and all forgive aS forget the past ; let by gones be by-gones; give your neighbor the right hand of fellowship, and let the good old-fashioned greeting come welling yp from your heart- "a merry Christ mas to all." Kach man and woman have their faulis none are perfect. Therefore it is that each should be as willing to forgive, as to receive forgive ness. This life of yurs is short here to tfa, io-tuoi;row gone. ' Mad being a free moral agent, makes or, mars his own hap piness. Would it not ; be well for coai intinities, for individuals, to "balance their books" square accounts each with his neighbor, oi this day, and with consciences void of offence toward God and man, ,bc ready to welcome in the new year ? " Small Ix-IIon. O. Jacobs, late candidate foV'Prcsidential Elector on the Union ticket, passed down the river on Tuesday last, .on his way to Portland, to attend .the U. S. District Court. He states that several cases of small pox had been reported both in Jacksonville and Canyonv'lle. Although eases have been reported in close proximity to Albany, so far this loathsome disease has not .made its appearance in our midst, and we liope it never will. Albany Legislature. We were not in attendance, owiug to severe indis position, on last Saturday night, but learn that quite an interesting time was had. The bi!l to strike out the word "white" from the State Constitution, was ably discussed by Messrs. Rogers, of Multno mah, Steely, of Union, Whitney, of Yam hill, Andy Mill, of Yamhill, Brown, of Umatilla, and others. There being no quorum, no action could be had. Sev eral important bills will be presented at the session on Saturday night. Retained. The Trustees of Albany College will not consent to the resigna tion of so excellent a man and teacher as the Rev. Mr. Bushnell has proved him self to be, and therefore he will fce re tained as Principal of the institution un-,-til the expiration of the present term, at least. . ' Presents. Speaking of preseuts, what would be nicer than . to present the better half with a new cook stove on Christmas morning? Nine time3 out of ten it would, be better appreciated than a set of furs that cost thribble the money. John Briggs has a nice lot, which you are invited to examine as "you are look ing around. - Festival Wedding. Among the other attractions offered 4y the Ladies' Festival this evening, (Thursday, 24th,) we are informed that one of our most prominent citizens is to be united to one of Albany's -fair daughters during the evening, and all those who attend will be bridal guests, of.course. Hurrah for the Festival and wedding. (Cake eggspected.) i . ..-. . A Neat Establishment. Messrs. Sanders, Sternberg & Co. have one of the neatest salesrooms in this city, and their counters present an array of choice dry goods, &c, not excelled by any. Atten tion is called to their late new goods, just' received, which they will dispose of at fair Jiving rates. : Presbytery The annual Presby tery of the O. S. P,'Chureh convenes on Christmas day, at Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, and will continue its .session three days. Injured. A man named Weise, livr ing on the Santiam, was considerably in jured by a kick, or being thrown from a horse, (our informant was not certain which), a few days since. No bones broken, and his recovery is confidently expected. Fire. The alarm of fire given on Monday evening, created no little excite ment, and some pretty lively running was done. The "burning out" of a chim ney at the residence of Mr. J. R.Bentley caused the alarm. , Lively. Business has been very . brisk in our city of late, and those who advertise their goods and wares liberally have had the cream of the trade. Seas onable advertising always wins. More about tiis Festival. -We are informed that the ladies man a fin" the Festival, th it comes off to-night at Parrish & Co.'s hall, have secured the services of the Albany Brass Band, and J those vv'.u attend th 3 "festive "scene" will hear some splendid instrumental music, for the "boys"' composing tha band are 'musiccrs," aud they will do their "level best" on the occasion. In fact, the la dies "have spared no pains to provide a pleasant time far all who may attend and we don't know of a sou4 who isn't going. t Tiis Tucx Kit's Spring Bsds. Tliese beds have now beeonio household neces sities, on account of theij, durability, economy and comfort. ,JTh cy will soou supercede all other kinds of beds. They can be seen at S. Denny 'socahinet shop on Front street, Albany. Read the ad vertisement of Carter & Son in this issue, of whom all information in regard to this style of bed may bo obtained. Pacific Hotel. Mr. J. B. Sprenger, the jovial "boss" of the Pacific Hotel, has secured the servieea of that eminent artist, Mr. Curloy, to sketch the hotel building. The sketch, which we have, had a glimpse at, although but partially completed, will bu the best work yet exe cuted by Mr. C. It will be a fae simile of the Pacific, in outline and detail. Eu couraire the artist. Council Proceedings. By the po liteness of our worthy Recorder, Mr. L. W. Dooljttle, we are furnished with the proceedings of our City Fathers. We shall continue to publish these proceed ings so long as they are furnished us, for the edification of our readers. The Grecian Bend. In Advance. "Our folks" wishing to enjoy the holidays like other people, we issue two days in advance of the usual "day of publication. " Cold Snap. The first cold snap of the season waltzed in on Monday night. A heavy frost greeted t!.e optics of the early riser on Tuesday morning, but soon dis appeared before the cloud-tears, that wet the face of nature completely, before the god of day retired behind the western hills. That's all. Navigation. Willamette is in splen did volume, and no lack of steamers to this point. Steamers are also connect ing onto Eugene, and will, so long as the river holds its present stage. Cabinetware. Mr. S. Denny, at his salesroom oa First .street, has got up soin? splendid cabinetware, suitable for Christmas and New Years presents. Look in on him. Public Schools. We are informed that teachers and scholars of the district schools will be given holidays on Christ mas and New Years days. Convalescing. The friends and ac-"t quaintance3 here of Judge ,Wm. Lair Hill, of Portland, will be glad toearn that his health ia generally improving, aad hopes are now entertained of a full restoration to health. - Meetings. Meetings are being held at the Methodist Church in. thi3 city every night, and will continue to be held every evening through the holidays. TriE celebrated Florence Setvino Machines are on exhibition and for sale at the store of J. Barrows & Co., Albany, and are a very desirable holiday present to a lady friend, wife or mother. Call and see them. ,; . 3 . Dead. An old gentleman named Harvey Spurlock, a member of the Dunk ards, aged some fifty "years, didd during the night of Wednesday, 23d. We un derstand that inflammatory rheumatism was the immediate cause of his death. Out at Lebanon. We are informed by Mr. Claughton, they intend having a Christmas tree at the Academy, music, and a good time generally, on to-morrow, Christmas. Election. The stockholders in the Linn Co. Ag. Association are notified that an election will be held for seven direct ors, Jan. 7th, 1869, at the Court House in Albany, at 1 o'clock p. M. of that day. 0 WON. The Standard published at Olympia, Washington Territory, says : The editor of the ' Albany Register, it appears, has been betting on tjie election; at least we infer so from the following significant paragraph : "86 or 0. S6 won. Make us "see" it Cumtux?" The explanation is, that the "party of first part" agreed to pay 6 double price or nothing, for subscription to the Register. We have had a JUtle experi ence in the same line, whlck might be epitomized as follows: $12 or 0. O won, and we have "seen it," to oftr sorrow. Express Discontinued! Morgan's Brownsville & Albany Express is discon tinued for the winter. Mr. M. expects to revive it in the spring. ; Promenade To the ball, on Friday night, at Parrish & Co.'s hall. As before stated ia the Reuistek, never having seen the late new style called the "Grecian Bend," wa were un able to give a description of it as re quested by several lady friends. As this new and queer fashion still seems to hold its sway in the Eastern States, and may eveuttiaHy secure votaries even in Alba ny, we insert, for the benefit of all con cerned, the description of it as given by a correspondent of the New York press from Saratoga. The correspondent says : The body and' waist "of 'the dress are remarkable in only one respect the last is exocjdsngly tight, and the former rather lot s; at the top and exceedingly low. It is below the waist that what is monstrous in the custom first attracts and then repels the eyes of man. A hoop o moderate dimenst tss, over spread with an underskirt or two, and a dress of whatever fabric are worn. Un derneath the rear of this hoop, just be low the waist of the person designated, is bound a coil of wire from two to three inches in diameter, which "throws out" and elevates the upper portion of the dress behind, and forms the foundation, so to speak, of an exterior .protuberance called the panier.' The pauier is a bustle, more or less enormous, upon which, in successive folds or htyers gathered up, or confined by a band encircling the dress from the stom ach of the wearer around and beneath, an extra skirt reaching just below the pos terior, hans, or rather "wobbles" to and fro. The dress has a trail from four to six feet in length. The posture affected in order to set off this attire is called the ''Grecian Bend," a contortion of the body which, as it is highly improper in' itself, I find it diffi cult to describe with propriety. High-heeled shoes dispose the wearer to incline forward, and the high-heeled gaiters are adopted by the "belle of the season." She is thus the more readily enabled to elevate her hips unnaturally behind, enhancing the aspect of the pan ier, to contract her stomach, and to form an S-like curvature of her upper shape by thrusting out her chest, drawing back her shoulders, and bending forward her head. The latter is crowned by a hide ous ehiguou, surpassing by several inches the thickness of the shallow feather brain. So bent and deformed, the bell con strains her elbows against her sides; and, with horizontal forearms and the little gloved hands dangling from limp wrists, tilts painfully along. The pro file of such a figure, and its ungraceful gait, are irresistibly suggestive of a lame kangaroo. When ifc is whirled and toss ed about; in a dance by one of the fash ionable jumping jacks in broadcloth, who are here so numerous, and so much alike that you eau hardly tell one from another, the sight woman's panier and the agile sidelong leaps of the jumping-jack across the immense trail piled cn the floor is too exasperatingly ridiculous for laughter. It has been, confided to me by an elderly woman, with whom I conversed at a recent call, that the distortion' of the shape known as the "Grecian Bend" is painful anl quite wearisome, and that sone giri3 adopt artificial contrivances to aid them iu preserving the pesture for several consecutive hours. "A belt is fastened about the waist, under the skirt. From this belt down either "side of the hips, two straps, furnished with buckles, descend, and are attached to a strong band made fast to the lower thighs. As the buckles of the straps are tightened, the hips are drawn up and held in posi tion. Council Proceedings. Council met on Wednesday evening, Dec. 23d. 18G8. Roll called. Present, Mayor Norcross ; Counciliuen, Carter, Vining, Parker and Cheadle. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Messrs. Abbott & Brown presented bill of 25 for printing, which, on motion, was allowed, and ordered that an order be drawn on tli2 Treasurer for the amount. J. Rankins presented a bill of 354.50, for gravel hauled on the street, which was allowed and ordered that an order be drawn on the Treasurer for the amount. J. D. Price, Marshall, presented a bill of S4G.27, for gravel hauled on streets, which was allowed, and ordered that an order be drawn on the Treasurer for the amount. . Messrs. Patterson &. l,nnz presented a bill of 831 for putting down one six-feet cross walk, extra length, and on motion, after some discussion, 21 , of the bill was allowed, and ordered that an order be drawn the Treasurer for the amouut. On motion Council adjourned to meet on"1 Wednesday evening, at G o'clock, Dec. 30th, 18G8. L. W. DOOLITTLE, Recorder. "Italian Nestle." The "Italian Nestle" is said to be superseding even the Grecian Bend, and from the descrip tion of it given in an exchange, we are inclined to believe that this "style," at least, will meet with no serious opposition from either sex. The. description of the "Italian Nestle" runs about thusly : It usually attacks young people, and always in couples. The symptoms are a drop ping of the head of the lady till it rests on the shoulder of the gentleman, and his mustache sweeps her forehead and his arm " encircles her waist. It usually comes on in the cars, oa the steamboats and in other public places, and is said by those who have tiied it to be very nice. Sixty female physicians are practicing in Boston. - The Pruisian 4feim raorule have a news paper printed on rose-tinted and scented paper, which is called the Columbine An Ad. in that paper would be a Cc-lambi-ad. i I ; A streak of lightning entered a school in Illinois recently and took a pair of boots from a little boy's feet and hurled them st the head of the master, much to the delight of the pupils. j A newspaper biograper, trying to say his subject "was hardly able to bear !the demise of his wife," was made by the inexorable printer to chemise of his wife." say. "wear jthe the When Gen. Grant rose to speak at Evarts banquet, in New York, a salute of twenty-four guns was fired from min iature cannons mounted in the room, j Heavy charge of the light brigade gas bills. j Laugh at no man for his pug nosb you never can tell what my turn up.- 7SOTICEI j LL persons indebted to the late firm of Scttle- mier & Co., Albnny, will please call atj the Druj Store ot Mm fcon, and settle up lmihedi atoly. ' I J''iV time the money must come ! All open aceounts on January 1st, 1S69, wiUlo placed in the hands of the proper officer for j col lection. R. O. HILL, , I " G. F. SETTLEMIER. Albany, DeecnVbcr 19, 1808. lotd ON CHRISTMAS JETVjE: AT V. VV. PARRISIS & CO.'S JIAUX, - ALBANY, OREGON. j nmiE LADIES OF THE UNITED PRES JL byteriau Cherub, will bold a FESTIVAL, at Alofsrs. Parrish & Co.'s Hall, on Christinas Eire, Thursday evening, t'eeemljer 21th, 1803. All are respectfully invited to attend. Contributions thankfully received. Admittance and Supper, 75 cents. Albany, Deceuib2r 11, .1803. Positively lite ILasi Call. -I ! 4 IX, PERSONS KNOWING TIIE5I- selves indebted to the undersigned, are re quested to come forward and make immediate payment. All accounts not settled by the first of January next, will be put into the Lands of the proper officer for collection. 1 W. Vf. PARRISn & CO. Albany, December 5th, 1S63- 13ml I 1868. NOTICE. 18G8. Y BOOKS ARE CLOSED FOR THE rear 1S6S. Any persons knowing them selves indebted to iuo by note or book account, arc requested to eome forward and settle the same at once, ns I wish to go away and must have my dues. I "will take produce on all accounts ; due me. Como and settle. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. Albany, Dec. 5, 1858-I.Sinl NOTICE I ! OFFER FOR SALE A GOOD TWO SPRING WAGON & HARNESS! A SPLESDID, URGE SIZE A SUPERIOR LOT OP rPRNITCRS ! ' ' . . - ' ! LARGE Cooking1 Stove T With alt the neeessary cooking utensils complete, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. t RAPHAEL CHEADLE. Doc. 5, lS6S-13ml I TUB OH STOVE DEPOT! JOIS.V BBIGtiS, SCALER IN STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX, of the best patterns ! -ALSO- Tin, Sheet Iron and Correr ws txe : ! and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods to be obtained in a j TIN" snJOXtES Si i liepair neatly and promptly executed, "" o reatonable 'terms. -35. j "Short reckonings, make long friends." j Front street... Albany. Next door to Mansfield & Co. . j . dec5'68-12 j XUItAINCt. - - TUItNINO. O : H t 'k a w f CO I AM PREPARED TO DO I ALL KINDS OP TURNING 1 I keep on hand and make to order j ItAWHIDE-BOTTOBIEO CHAIRS, AND Spinning1 Wheels. ,JSjy- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nov. 28, 1868-12 I S. DENNY, ....... - ..N NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. W. SPINK. A. CAROTHERS. P. W. SPINK & CO., (SCCCESSOnS TO M. W. MACE,) Sealers in Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copper ware, Wk STOVES I Jjgs5j First, between Washlugtou & l'errj-sts. HE undersiarned having purchased the stock formerly owned by M. W. Mack, and having made largo additions thereto, now offer to the public the fullest and completest assortment of first-class goods in our lino, yet offered iu this market, consisting of PARLOR, BOX, IZAZiXi, ... and ... COOKING- STOYES, of the following patterns Kuck, Black Knight, . Golden Gate. Henry Clay, New Nation, Buckeye State, &c, Scc.. Scc., from the hest manufactories, which they are offer ing at lowest rates. Also, a large stock of I'rcncJt Saucepans. Ladles & Skimmers, Iron, Enameled and Brass Keldes, ; Iron Tea-hettles and- Ovens, Iron and Lead Iipe, Force Lift Pumps, and a full assortment of COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! Wo will continue to keep on hand a large stock of no. 1 TIN CTARE ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kinds of R E PA I R I N G I in a neat and workmanlike short notice. Persons from the country will find -it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing enable us to give a liberal discount. Terms Cask, or marketable Produce. r. vr. spink & co. Xov. 2S, 'CS-12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; POSITIVELY SELLING AT COST ! . , and - j Manufacturer and Dealer' in all kinds of - ' FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, MATTRASSE5, ETC., Under the "States Rights Democrat" office, FIRST STREET, ocm'68-7 ALBANY. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to the public in general, that they willsell their . WELL SELECTbD STOCK OF DRY GOODS! 33oots cfc Shoes! CLOTHING! AND GEXERAL MERCHANDISE ! from and after this date jSJS COST 2 Those desiring to make purchases will do well- to Call Immediately I as we desire to close out 1 Our Entire Stock I on the above terms, FOR CASH ! OR MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE! All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, are requested to come forward with out delay, and settle their indebtedness, as we are determined to close our mercantile business, and collect our dues. , W. V. PARRISII & CO. Albany, Nov. 28, 1868-12 C. ME A LEY & CO., DEALERS IN A MANUFACTURERS OP. and - . CABINET WARE ! Bedding', Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, O BE O ON. gf PARTICULAR ATTEKTIOJI PAID TO ORDERS OF ALL KINDS! in onr line. October 31, 1863-8 BLACKSMITH IN CI PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! THE undersigned gives notice to the general public, that he is now manufacturing the Galesburg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may bo ordered. ' Also, particular attention paid to " ' Horse Shoeing;, Wagon and Carriage Making',:.; -.. and General Jobbing. AH work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material, i A share of public patronage is solicited. - - Shop on corner Ellsworth, and Second streets, opposite Pierce' Ferry. P. WOOD. Albany, November 21, 1868-11 - " L. SE.V'MRS. X. STERSBBBO.- t . FUHCSStS. SENDERS, STERHDERQ & CO., j DEALERS IS . ' 1 STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, in J. B. Monteith's Brick BuBding, . ALBANY, OREGON THE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEAS URE in iuforiniug the citizens of Linn county that they have just opened a well selected stock of , i s,. : FANCY DRY GOODQ I BOOTS AND , SHOES ! . 3r XI O 0 33 DFt XSSI and a full assortment of General Merchandise f - Which they will dispose ef for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I FAIR LIVING KATES! We respectfully ask the public to ' , CALL AND EXAMINE OUB, STOCK ,ANI PRICES! ' ,f ... Before purchasing elsewhere, and we assure all that we will give Entire Satisfaction to Prompt Customer We have a Branch House, long established, at SOUTH BROWNSVILLE, where we keep a large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Albany, Nor. 14, 1S6S-10 - ' MRS. DUNNIVAY TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she bas on hand, and is in regular receipt of the ! Latest and Choicest Styles mf Goods- .' IS THE ' ' " Mmtnery ItEIEIlEIl, LADIES ! If you purchase TEN DOLLARS' WOBTB of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the Demorest Magazine, for the year 1869, as premium en the purchase I Drees and Cloak making' in all branches.; h leaching and Pressing in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 1868-9 j' , JUST RECEIVED X PER LAST STEAMER. A VERY LARGE STOCK OF ' FALL AND WINTER GOO D S ! it AT THE - r.Afiu STAor r ALBANY, OREGON. B CHEADLE. Albany, October 17, 1868-6 I , . . WANTED I EGGS WANTED At R. Cheadle's 'cash Store, for which 30 cents per docen will be paid. R. CHEADLE. . Albany, Oct. 17, '68-8 BUTTER WANTED in exchange for goods, at SO cents per pound, at R. Cheadle'a Cash Store. " R. CHEADLE. Albany, Oct. 17. '68-6 GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST RATES in exchange for good batter and fresh Bring on your produce and take away the goods. Albany, Oct. 17, '68-6 R. CHEADLE. J. BARROWS. X.. a.. BX.AIIT. ....;;. X. TOITX. J. DARROVG & CO., ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVrNO Freasli Supplies of NEW. GOODS! - DIRECT FROM - San Francisco, . which they will sell ' CHEAP FOR BJ3ABT PAIf ! V s a": -.'! - j.:?:' . ' , :,'r. . ., , ..j. . . V..- 1 -i: j ', ; - ' THEY ALSO DO A. General Cesxfesfea Dcs!ss t , BOUOUT AK3 CCZA Albany, Oct. 24, '68-7. 8 il m J iff I I - 1 ! pi