The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 12, 1868, Image 4

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uu UK'y it ;u unc tiiiv imu nil j uaru
wood, where otherwise they would double
and break. j
-G. In screwlnp: nuts into any part rF
machinery in cold weather, be careful
not to heat them first with the hands, or
they will contract after beinj screwed on
ti-iht, and b? come immovable afterward.
7. In plowing or teaming on the road
in hot weather, always rest the horse on
an eminence, and where one minute will
bo worth two in a warm day. j
8. Tn setting out your orchards,
always register the varieties immediately
in a book, where they may be referred to
in a few years, wheu the trees commence
bearing, and after the labels arc lost and
the names forgotten.
9. In laying out a garden for fruits
and vegetables, place everything in drills
or rows, so that they may be cultivated
by a horse, and thus save the expense of
hand labor.' , "' I
10. Plant a patch of osier willows on
every fa Mil. A rod pquarc will furnish
as many "bands for binding cornstalks,
straw, etc., as an acre of rye straw. j
11. Hemove every stone from the
track in the highway. A single projeo
tion, which might have been removed in
one minute, has battered and injured a
thousand wagons, at a damage eiiual to a
hundred day's labor. ,1
12. When board fences become old
and the Guards bein to come off, nail
upright facing strips upon them against
each J ost, and the boards will be held to
their p'ae, an 1 the fence last several
years longer j
13. Always set a post lenee over si
ditch or near a good drainage, and posts
will always remain dry. and last many
years lunger than those standing in wet
subsoil. !
SATURDAY, DKQaMBKli 12, 1863
The scaicity of fruit in many sections
renders the -apple a favorite, because of
its hardae3s, its maoj varieties, and the
ease with which it is preserved, a we may
Rave them from tho orchard and cellar
from August until May.
One of the first thing3 wanted for tho
nice preparation of the apple is a corer.
If you have none, and do not wish to p:iy
tho prices attached j to the patent, get
your tinner to roll irp a hollow tube of
tin smaller at one end than at the other,
and, when riveted, about the size of the
top of a pepper caster; let it be some
five or six inches in! length ; you will
find it to answer every purpose for conn j
neatly and 'rapidly, j . - -
Apples for baking should always ba
cored, both- to insure freedom from
worms, and also a caviry whereiu to drop
particles of batter anl sujar, anl flavor
ing if desired. Placo th-jtu in a dripping
pan, all of a size and kind, with half a pint
or more of water, and the butter and su
gar, and flavoring, if desired. Place
them in a drippi ig pan, ail of a sizj and
kind, with half a 'pint or more of
water, and the butter and sugar drop
ped into tlio cavities, which will, with
the juice of the fruit, make a fine syr
up, j ,
They are also very' nice boiled. Put
into a stew pan,, after- coring. With suf
ficient water to cover, aul boil slowly,
until thorougly done, with sugar and cin
namon sticks for flavor. . After skim
ming out the apple-, one can add more
sugar, and boll the syrup longer, if desir
ed. - j - . .
If you have good apples, and wish a
very nice sauce, pare a quarter as many
y as you like, and lay them in sugar f -twenty-four
hours; perhaps a ti ter ol
a pound to a pound of fruit. . This will
keep them from falling ti psecjs and har
den them, so if cookel shrw'y, and
6kimaiedout of the iirjujr, they vr.ll keep
their shape -perfectly. Bits of lemon
peel, each or rose leave, arc uioe for flavoring.
Apples make a most delicious preserve;
sweet ones can bo ucJ, but arcujt as
good as sourl They sho ild b-s liar iced
in their full weight of sugar, fir at L-ist 4
twenty-four-liours, using tighr. firm,
app e, and largo q uri-jrs, s.Li ig in
two or -thrco fresh , lem jus t eight or
ten, pounds. J-ly mile from applet is
ma.h piejsanter thin that of currents.
Sj marmalade, apple butter are iu
yalutble in thj fra't cl jt.
. For pu 1 I'm js, pies anl tarts, apVc?
should generally ba grated. F.r this
purpose a largo grater ii waited, w'lis'i
is convenient far niiny pursue 4, sajli a
frratia'g- potatoes, horse raddisli, &c.
j This grated apple, mixed with milk,
cream, or melted butter and cgg3, made
very sweet, flavored with wine and nut
meg, and baked on one crust, makes a
pie fit for a king. i
A nice pudding is made by placing
half a dozen cored apples in a pudding
dish, and pouring over them a . smooth,
rich batter, to be eaten with any sauce
you please." Layers of stewed or-grated
apples are very nice betwecu layers of
A pretty dish for dessert may be made
by rolling thin several layers of good
cream dough, about the size of a break
fast, plate, and frying in hot fat; place
grated and seasoned apple between the
several layers and serve hot. I have
said nothing of the bzautic of apple
dumplings, whose very nani3 touches a
tender memory of child !ijo 1 anJhome.
nor of many .other dainties which will
'- suggest themselves to the .thoughtful
Cider, f: those delicate juices," is
always a convenience in ; cooking, and a
" pleasant draught in hot weather (don't
laugh," my unitiated reader), when " pre
pared Was to keep sweet, as it may bo
by a simple chemical process aud flavor
ed with wintergreen in the barrel.
The following short rules in rural
economy are worthy of attention :
. 1. t. Paint all tools exposed a to, the
weather, and if "with light colored paint,
they will not heat, warp or crack in the
sun. ", V " " J'J '
2. Dip well seasoned shingles in lime
wash, and dry them before laying, and
they will last much longer, and , nut be
come, covered with moss. . ...
3. " Inhitchinga horse to a- coinmon
rail or worm fence, always select the in
side corner, which, will bo more sccuro
by its bracing, position, and the halter
Vilf otf become, lentaogled among the
projecting ends of tho rails as when
hitched on the outside corner.
4. Always tie a halter by making first
a siDgle loop" ana Then thraiting thd end
Texas. A leporter "On .Lriwenes
and Crime " gives a strange picture of
Texas, to wlreli State Sheridan 1 e l
the remark, that, "if ho mvnc 1 boh hell
an 1 'IVx.n. he would rent Texas and live
in lh- other plitce." The moil h!y averJ
air i iiiiniSor of inunlers wms . brlieved
firnr'rly tit b. ii'ne, but it has lately in-j
crease 1 to fit ry-four not Counting assults.
with inrent tu kill, an 1 other attenifs.i
If ik:s ' c miiiiuc, there soon will be a
visible effect on a population f TJU.'-UO.
3lorally. it is soineth ug appillin,; :m 1
tlie more so that, out of 'JJO murder. '
one only had been puuihen. A freed
man was lllii guilty person, .-tod lie of
course was haiige 1. whilu it w is consider-,
ed siiffi'MtMtt to acquit a gjuuino e'tizen
that he huJ list his arm in the rc'aol service.
In the Vermont House of Assembly
there are 224 II itpahlican an 1 lo.Denio
cats. A h?.il hy o'd majority that.
The Appca s-iys ; thit the talk aimnt
Seymour Khctors castuig their votes fr
Grant, reminds it of tho follow who went
hunting with sack f salt!
The Vicfo i i (lAom'st says that all the
ship builders of San Francisco are remov
ing to Pu-et Sound. O.ic Company in
vests So9p,000 for ths erection of a saw
mill and ship yard near Seattle.
. '
The majority for Grant in Alleghany
county. Pa., is 10.89J a gain of 1T9S3.
Here is the place which St. C.'air Suther
land, II. M. Chase, and another man, in
sisted that Seymour's speech, produ
ced a " tremendiou3 impression " upon
the mercantile and commercial classes.
In Bethnnl Green, England, not long
ago, a tender-hearted shoemaker hung
himself because his' pretty sweet
heart was determined to emigrate to
Australia without taking him along with
Murphy, the anti-popery "..agitator,
f promises, if Manchester sends him to
Parliament, "to say such things as have
never been heard there before."
The Egyptian Viceroy his sent 'his
two ons 'o Paris tn finish their education,
and Napoleon has appointed a general
army officer to instruct the second Prince.'
A third Egyptian Prince - has gone to
Madrid, November 12. The pirfy in
favor of a republic is gaining ground.
Gen. Pierran has united with Don Esco--lanti
to push forward tho republican
cause. The democrats express some dis
satisfaction at the coalition.
At a meeting of tho various political
clubs in Madrid, it was unanimously
agreed to uccept a monarchial form of
government, not based on divine right,
but the sovereignty of" the people, ex
pressed by universal suffrage.
Copies -of The farmimUe edition of the
Kexc Testament in Greek from the Vat
ican copy, so long promised, have arrived
in "jou'lon; It appears under the special
auspices of the Pope,- and - is edited by
Fathers Vercellono and Cozza. The
work will be completed in six volumes,
nnd will be a valuable addition to relig
ious literature. . .
Alexander Dumas is at work upon a
new cditioixof his Life of ('.r.'xt.- Ho
has recently admitted that lie wrote sev
eral chapters of the Menx'ttek of Sanson,
the French executioner, of which 100,
000 were sold in- Franco. . - ' ' -.r.
growling, neither was his
Tf rTio h.v.l-a in tho British .' Museum
of the uaUeKihrtfogn this Idefif This ii w.r i ntn Imn .thev
i uickl united, and will never becomo would reach twenty-fir miles; " ;?
I -
! 'VAiliOUji. ."'
Somif 'tired editor, having sppave;itly
fallen asleep immediately after reading
Edgar Poa's.'-rwavon," produced the fol
lowing jumble:
"The; other night, while weh'y musing,
and our: weary brain confusiug o'er the
topics of tho day', suddenly wo heard the
rattlinga.s 4,f sorri0 I hast a battling, as
they wrangled iu their fury. What 'is
that? we cried, upstarting; slap, wo ran
against the door, i Oh ! 'tis nothing. Mug
gins grumbled, as o'er a huge arm chair
we stumbled, 'tis a bug and nothing more.
Then said we, our anger rising (for wc
thought it so surprising that a bug should
so offend) do you think a small insect,
sir, thus, the whole room would' infect sir!
No! 'tii not a bug, my friend. Now
becoming surely frightened, round our
waist our pants we tightened, and put
on our hats, then into he darkness peer
ing, we saw, with trembling and much
fearing, tli3 glaring eyes of Thomas Cat !
' With astonishment and wander, we
gazed upon tho sun of thunder as ho sat
upon the: flaor, when a resolution taking
a rapid movement making, lo ! wc opc-ne 1
wide the door. Now char out, wo
hoi'sely shouted, as o'er head our boot
we flauted; take your presenej from our
flior. The t with air anl mea imjestie,
t'lis dear creature cilled. his exit, without
voice heard
Not a ward he said. And
with feelings much elated, t escape a
doini so fated, we weat siowly back to
There is a magistrate in a town in Indi
ana named llelscr. A clergyman in the
same j laca was called r.pnn l3' a joung
c luo'e lately, who -wished him to join
th Jin in hj holy hands of Matritlrmj.
He linked the hridcgrixnii (n tidier, by
the way,) for his marriage license. a he
ina:i in blue re?p ; ded that he had been
engaged to the girl four years and thought
that would d . The clergyman
110 and remarkel, as the Pasle.-X way t.)
obtain a license, '-You had bttter takf:
yoar girl and to SJe'ser." -You can
go to hell vour.-elt'!'' resoried lim nnrv
veter.iii. An 1 seizing the ir'u I by the sum
he dragged her from the hou-e, 'wonder
ing what kind ol' a profane minister he
had met with. '
Kcceiitly a gentleman entered a Paris
otuuibus-carrying with him a bag. which
he pl.itcyd on the teat Lside him Soon
alter I he iidjoinitig s-fat was 'occupied hy a
yoUiig lady. Ai'.er l.e--toW'iig lieqaent
lo Ws of surprise and;n at her
neighbor. j ho remaine J peifectly inicuii
sciuus of her .disquietude, .c Midden ly
praug upon her feet, and exclaiming
"Insolent!" gave him a couple of sound
b xes on the ear. . Tha assaulted one at
length veuturei to ask why he had be
come the recipient of these favors I'Tvit
pinched 111 e," exclaimed tho lady, furi
ously. The gentleman made no reply,
but looking under the seat, brought., to
light a magnificent live lobster, which had
escaped from tho bag.
A German journal gives tliOj following
dialogue between two, sneak-thieves in
Berlin : Peter "Wefl, things have got
so that there is no trusting anybody.
Now, the other day I gets into a house,
and there was never a soul at home. I
goes into the" first story, and finds a heap
of fine things spoons, clothe, and all.
I makes 'em into a bundlo and puts 'cm
convenient to carry. Then I goes up
stairs to inspectionate around a bit, and
comes down and finds some scallywag has
come in through my window, nnd stolen
my bundle, and got off with it." Franz
"Well, that is d-rd dishonest. Folks
are gctting to mean for any'hiug !"'
A young man in New Haven, recently,
rushed into1, a drug store, and in great
alarm, asked if benzine was poisonous.
' No," said the clerk ; "why ?" "iJecatiee,"
said the fellow, 'father went to the closet
to take down the gin bottle, and by mis
take, took - several swallows before he
knew it."-1 "fie is all light, replied the
clerk. "The only difference between
benzine and modern gin is in the smell."
"Am I 'not a little pale?", inquired a
lady, who was idiort and corpulent, 'of her
husband, ivho was not in the best of tem
pers. ': -"- '
"You look mote like a "big tub" was
the "brutes" reply.
Swcddlo thinks that instead of giving
credit to whom it is due, tlio cash had
better be paid.
Olive Logan says she is nching-to write
a piece iibouf the folly of mothers, mend
ing their habits.
Calumny is like the cinders flying from
a large fire; which quickly' go out if you
do not blow them. ; ii-
Lawyers are lucky. They can do lots
of courting and never be engaged.
What money brings the most subs tan-
tial interest? Matrimony; ' " j
! Horace. Greeley receives 7.000 peri
annum ai leading editor of the New York j
The falcon of Ilcnry IT.," of Franco,
flew frotn, Fontainbleau to Malta, 1,000
tnUcs in a day. - p.
Tv V: ; :-.'-! v-: ' -?'i;;
(Successor to D. W. Wakefcld,)
ParrisU's New nuililing', First Street,
9Drss and SicjI
All r.rliclcs warrautcd pure and of! tire Lett
l'iiysii i.iiis lrscri:)ti(ns carefully compounded
Albany, Oct. 17, 180S-Ctf
E. F. R US ? ELL,
. XOTAujf Pl'BLIC.
(Ouicu ia 1'arrish & Co.'s block, Firat'etrcvt,)
Albany, Orsgen. . ' j '
Jamhs Elkins. Esq. e.-Clirk vf
Li .u iuD(v. w ! are cnalil -il to M'lit to mr prac
tice of Law ami Colkctions, supji i r laijili'i 8 (or
Conveyancing, Examining Kecoitls,
atnl iittcmlinsr t Prnlij tj Imsi:K.
Jle.-tli. Bo:ido, Con r.i.ti anl .trtcgcs csra
fully drawn. j
lioitte -1 el and Prc-CixiioH Slayers "
mad rtiid cl.-tu! fc-nrcd. j
of jtc.l Est.ile . n.'ffnliatcd, and loans
cflt-iird on collateral sjcuriiicj ou rt.fuaU!e
rate?. i
Ait iiu'inrgg e;ir;stcd to tacm fa'hf'ully and
jir:'iii;;tv executed. i
Albany, O i. l- T,--;-,y lr
rno-E v!;r i.eiee to r
goo Ultt'u: J SMtt I'i.-lf i.T. il j
Tie' Vranis!Siii' SJoue,
Iwn plor-o." ill bi .bt. lii.'i hcn ami woiii-j.'bel af
t;i !i ii. r:vv l..rn. wcl! di i i ilic
ci'j' ol Alb:ii v, wilt t 1 w II ! cull. . ,'el.ii.
wu lUTSELL .t EKKtX.S.
Alha-sv. O 17, 'C--6 K al Em itii A - s.
: i :
w . A. v;v-t;R
lu rtuil ft.lU'.Uvd
f.-rm rly l-clo! to A. E. Past n, is pr.-parcd
to 111:1 Uo j
i '
. 5 Zj ' . w. -I..J m
from "Ct tc iJe I"7f'c" up lo life sic- Also.
. 1 .
Any pe.-s n wii' lias ba 1 carl pifhircs made
h r.- i-c- the tl.i'lcry bum 1 liovsn (HC) ;!
!r-t jd tnr-n from t i ncgativej at tlio n!c uf
tlir c t H.41S iv r loz. n.
II.i ."i 1.- ba 1 ci -bt years' in itlie bn?
i e-s, I bc'i-Vi t.iat I can iu.?y tuTc fa:isf.ic
t.0.1. J. A. WINTER.
Albany, Fe-t. 13, 15S-if
Good I?ictnro!; is ciAJUij V tvu.vrtiv::: 1
J. A. iVlNilEK.
Oct si, isr.s-sjf !
AZ.n&iaS TO,
via Boston Mill?, connecting with Tuesday's and s JLoat.
Sasr.ncr Arrangement.
Leaves Pacific Hotnl, Albany, at 7 A. Mi., every
Monday, Wednesday and Fridav ; leaves Baird's
II .tol, Brownsville, nt 7 A. s5L, on Tuesday,
Thursday im 1 Saturday.
Tbr.iuli the Winter, will run twice a. week,
leaving Albany Tuesdayj and Friday. After
tho 1st of May, will run 1r:-wrcl'y till November.
Passsnrcr and Freight Kates.
In the summer. 50 cents per hundred forjfroiglit;
in winter. SI." Passengers will be charged $2
each, summer and winter, and allowed 30)ounds
of bairagu each ; for all over that amount an ex
tra charge will bo made. j
N. B. I also carry an Exprors ofiVc at J.
Borrows A Co.V, Atbnhy ; Ki:k .V lewis'. North
Pr.iwntivillo ; Sanders, i?t-Tulcr & Co., South
I am nat atlowad t.J carry lctlers that do net
taavj my enveb-pe.
I r.s;ect fully s.ilkd. a sharo of pairr.'nnje. and
will try and ncuonitnndato all to tin best; of my
a:d!ity. , .1. B. MOKUAX, Prjp'r.
Albany, Nov. 21, 180?-lltf I
il. forms the public that Lis llou?o
for the accommodation of all who may favor Lira
with their patronage.
is entirely new in every departir ect, and is
of tho latest and nios: approved styles.
will always lc supplied wiili the best the market
afiords, and no pains will be spared
for the comfort and ronvtn
it nc e of l.i quests.
" Persons arriving by s aec4immodatd at all
hours. d.v or nixbt. '
Sui s of rooms and sr.; erior accommo?ations
f jT famsiicS. -
A long experience in the business warrants the
propr'e.or in promiting SHtis 'aeiiou to sit who
may him wi.'li ti.cir p:itro:iage. if it can be
d n3 by bomiti'iilly supplied tables, pleasant
ro iras, tleauly bcJs and assiduous at'entions to
the r wai t. J. B. Sl'RENGER.
NEW . ENGLAND ..'..!;
Cash nssris..... S7.POO.000 M
rash di t;ibuti i s of 1S67 5?f .5H:t 55
T-.hii mi p'lM diviL-nd 2,727.;"-73 5."
L issfs paid i i 17 SSI. film 00
T. t.rl b.-iie ;viil 2.7..100 I'd
In orae for 1 -fi7 2,'S,.s8 00
X iVe!DFj ( for travidit:g to and from th
Al'.nMc, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwiel
AH ro"i ic? nnn-fr 'citing. and'rovrncd by ih!
nen f rfitins la of Masjiachuteils.
Pcliiy h'ddcr the mly pfrror s who receive divide-1-
iu llii. Cotiuiiiny. wbi b are d. el ird
and paid y ; f r-t iivide id avail
able at tlie p lyin-rlit of lie rcc nd
auiuial priiiuuis. All Policies :
n.m tin in 'r -o is lon 1.3 is any turrcud.r
This o'd and p-'pit'ar Cornnnny. ( lu t 5!a
. tual Li e In iran-e Comp.tvy in this
' country) i'l.-iie a! the low
est po-sM j rates.; , .
The stability of this Company, wiih its prist his
tory, ir.creasiiiir -av''t il and business, and the pat
irf.ii t ry manner in wbi h it has dis; harted i:s
obiiirations in thia pn?t. are 11 for the
future Mich jis fur-seciug and careful ui.'b require
in Hi ir i nv'!.?, iu.ii. t-.
Pernors generally, who th iro-.ighly undir-tand
:he ivorkiig of Lie Ii suraiice, arj anxious t
avail thiun-lvis of its iquitablo provisioi s.
pull inrormn i ti will be ircn to I boss who
desir.-, at ti.e Age u y. .
XZomc OEcc, 39 Sii.tts Street, ST ost on.
Tac'Iio Branch OfSws,
3)3 SIoKijomcry Street, Sjn Francisco.
JZttnm 3. C'rer' liitHiVnj. Portland, O -ejon,
Albany, September 10, lSCS-2y
- 18G3.
Best Tancr in tlio World ! Pub
"for nearly ii quarter of a Century. :
This splendid newspaper, grcatlv enlarged and
improved, i- one of the most reliable, useful, and
inter.'otjng jnuriials ever publis'icd. Every num
ber is li'autiluily printed and tlcgantly iliutraied
with several original engravings, ripre ei.tlng
Ni w Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, Agri
ciilturo. Chemistry, Photography, Manufactures,
E:i'iiiicerin , Science acd Art.
Farmers, muchanics, " inventors, engineers,
Ch.niis.s. m iniifai tur-rs, '"pjoiilo ia every 1 pr -Lssi'in
oT life, will find the Scientific Animean
to ho of great value in their respjctivij callings.
Itf cou'jsds and suggottions -will s.vvoi them
hundreds of dollars annually, atfonlinx
thoiu a contiuual snureo of ktiowkd -o. ti c value
if wliiih is beyond pcctiuiary esiiiiuic, All
patents graiitoi, with the claims, published
Wilekly. " ' I-'' -an
Evry Puhlis or Privato library fhoiilijl have
the work bound and priserved for rjforenrlci f .
The yearly numbers of the S-intific Anieriew
make a spljiidid volume of nearly ,ono tlnMismd
quart p i' s.-oquival.nt to nearly four thousand
ordinary book p ijo. -- A uew roininu cuinipcn es
J.tnuary I. 18I5S. iPubit-h.vl Weekly, a Terms j
Onj car. S'l ; Half-year. $t 0; Ciu'is of ; Ten
C ipijs fr Voar, spa imo,i eopi is sout
griuiit.-v2Aibl.vS' AIUNN A CQ.iV.
. . s 37 Par't Row. New j York.
3yTbo Publishers of tho Urinitifin Aue -icttt
in conn jot ion with tlio j ubliciition of tl e iflP r
h ive k tb'l ut a di itors of patents for twetat Urwu
yo.irs. Thirty Tliiiii:ind Apjili-ationf for Paten's
have bun m dj tl:r me h .iheir Ae u y. ! More
than. O.10 Jlindrod Th nmnil Invent' 1 si have
takeir iUj counsel of lh JSritifie Auerieait con
cerning thoir invontiotiii. Coasultati mi and ,;
vice to Inventors, by mail, frje i li.niphlea eon
ccrnint Put an t Laws of alt Countries, froe. :
A HaivIomi Bound Volume, oontftining
15.1 Mechanical Engravings, and .ilja tI?nHeil
States Census by' Counties, with Hints and Re
ceipt for Mechanics, mailed on receipt of 25c.
Vome nnd hvy (Hoods at prices of 1SG0.
li.a cisco, by latest siiipmnts, tho largest stock of
Boots and Sliocs !
Consisting of the following lines of Goods :
Gets' Fine Sewed Boots,
dents' Fine Pegged Uoots,
Doys and Children's Boots,
Ladies and Misses Boots,
Kid Congress Gaiters,
And Children's Gaiter?, .
ltnLbcr Over-Shoe?, and
. , Shoes of all X)escrij)tioii3.
Gentlemen's Boots XtXado to Order!-
On short notice ; aud with neatnecs and dispatch,
Solo and Upper Leather for Sale i
At tho lowest figures for Cash. Give tbcm a calL
and see for yourselves ffi -!,-; :- 2tf;
w. n. SS WALL.:
-' .' ' . . ; -j j . 1
rrcnt street s- i - Portland, Oregon.
rhascd this well known,TloteI; are now pre
pared to offer the traveling ptildir better accom
modations than con be fouud elsewbcre ia tho
city. -,
Board and hedging ?a OO per day. .
The ITotel Coacb will be in attendance to con
voy Passengers and baggage to. and from the
Hotel free of charge.
Firteenth Year 'of l'ublicatiun !
In Pres. and will be pubtishsd in November, i
rac.coRraicK's 'Almanac
,: v5l '" f isco'!; ..... ; ;,y
coniaining sisty-four pages '.of statistical infor
' lnutinu rola'ivo to -.ho annual projjrefs of
Oregon, Idalio,
tug ther with tabular sltitislies cwuvoi-iiing popu
ia;i n of cmintLs, county slat and officers, dis
tances 011 tha.Paj in -. coat, mineral retuiitre-cs of
Otoson, Utu dut.oj. and F -cUral ofiieers.
tabbs if disian! 09. ljtitmlo ad 1 mpi ude of
principal places, raimd rott s, &c.. and a.varl
ety of geueraUnforuiuti.jn not t ba found ia any
sunilar work., ; -,,f. r.jj. t
; The well esiab'lished repntotion of McCermick's
Almaua. hj-vinar been n household, visi ai.t in
every por.rofl .f Oreg. n, Washi6;t.n, Idaho and
Montana dnrtn'g the past lonrtoen years bas
mad thi work thj bust advertising modimu 00
the Pacific eons'. ' " '
A Hmtrol uaiobar of advrrliscments will bo in
teried at Ih i following :
Full page advortiseinuut................;...$l5 00
i14' .. "t - ' - ,n 00
Card of five l.nev..... ..:... S 00
Advertisements, to iisuio iascrtion, must be to the Publisher prior t November 1st, as
none wi.l ba received alter that date., . :
S. 9. McCORHICK,. .
Compiler and Publisher, 1US Front St.,
'."7. -. : Portland, Oregon. 1
Office Oregon & California Stage Company, IL .
G. Wiii'tehottse, Agent. 2tf
Oregon that is Ihnronsdily pmiarcd to do alt
the different styles of work in th art. Photo
graphs from card to life sire. The new cabinet
cards, Ac., Ac.. , Pictures enlarged, re'onelied in
India ink, painted in watcr-o'ors. by Mrs. S.
Ruuiey. Pir-tnrcs that r3 fading can be repro
duced in thi way. Negative carefully pr rvedS
so that additional conies tnnv bad nt anv time
j. n. siTrsELL. 3. t. nor.rn. a. smith.
: KTtcfelJ, Solrh ec Smith, .
Solicitors in Chun' evy ami Proctors in Ad
miralty. Offi'-e'nrrr the old Post Office. Front
Street, Portland, Oregon. ' " , X .
TuT-. LIIJXXO XT 53 313 !
Consign uients of Produce solicited.
tOpposite the Western Hotel,)
' VJJ B. WOIliflAIV,
.Northeast corner Washington? and Fir;t streets,
Cigars, Tobacco,
Cu lcry, Fisblngr Tackle, Stationery,
Willow Ware, Playing Cards, Fancy Goods, Ac.,
S'rout and Wafhlugtsn S(rit,
S.. S. X. Q-iinby, , - - - - Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel.)
JS. fully inform th traveling public that the
Ameri an Ex bailee havinjr liccn lately iinprt-ved
in all its departments', he is now prepared ti- offer
supi rior indi ci im nts to bin patrons and the public
in general, at reduced price.
3P&r Board and Lodi"g. 1 50 to $2 per day.
acconlinsr to thj ro. in m-eapicd. -
The Am. irican Exchange wagon will al-
ways be in readiness to cot v -y passengers to and
fr 01 tho lltittl freo of c' nric. i Seventeen years! ,
Fire-proof Crick Euihliug, 1C5 Front street,
roitTLAND : : : oregon.
i O
Importer and Dealorin every description of -
and all kinds of musical instruments, '
Sheet Music, Instruction Books,
Church Music Books," IJaes Viol, Guitsir,
. and Violin Strings,
13 la nls: Hooks,
Toys, Cheap Publications,'
- Miscellaneous Books, Globes, Presses, ''
and every other trlicle in tL above line.
Importing my stock from New York direct, I can
" - sell to country dealers, farmers and "
others at San. Francisco; ;
t; ' v.-i.-t. .Wholesale Price. - - "
- - .. . " . .. . ? .
l i
Ag.nt for all tha leading Xcwpapora and Mga
linea published ia the United States or Europe,
Full catalogues sent on application. ? ; ,
Citv, Oregon; Thomas O.0avls . Williaa
'iboiiina. T the said William Tbonw The
said Thomas O. Davis having meted at this of-ti-,
under' th Homestaadt Aet,,4h W. of ,Jf
W. - of S- ction 14, and be S. E. of the N. B.
i aii.l lot No. I of taction 15. in T. 1 S. It. t ,B.l b tnrry is id toufliotwi b. your i r-emption
tiling of Oe-. 12 b, lPfiO, and t e-.said Thomas O.
Pavis having ofered proof to show that yu have
abandoned s-id landt - You are, therefore, here---hy
notified that yon will b allowed, thirty days
from scruke I ervof in - wnf-b to take' an J sTppeal'
from the do Won f ibU offloa allow baj said a-.-.
try, ju jou aetir to tieia. . , , r
.(j -', ' OWBH VADB'Rater -
Aprns. ISM. : 6ep 1,-1WJW4- ",