The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 12, 1868, Image 2

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    .. .
The official vpte of the four largest
States in the Union, for president, at the
election on the 3 J of November. 1833. fa
as follows :
. ' XtW TOSK. : ... '
Grftt .::......... ...;
Sej inour. ..
Official Tote ol Oregon.
The following is tho ofEcial vote of
Oregon on, November 3d, 1 80S, as re
turned to the office of Secretary of State
C rant. Seymour
fc'ejmoar L
Grant . ......
Seymour -..w-,
Seymour .
846,1 5
- 655,662
' 190,143
. 2,470,537
Tot&l........r. ...... ......... ...
Total Tote of the four States...
Grant's majorities in three of the above
States are as follows r Tn Ponnet-Tpnnt
28,808; Ohio, 41,100; Illinois, 31,150.'
New York gave Seymour a majority of
9,454. ' j. -- -
The entire veto of the same States in
Job-, wtth trie increase ! then
given in the annexed table :
York.. rj,751
Pennsylvania., 573.2U7
. Ohio ..u.:...... 470,742
Illinois 343,220
If the. 15,000 fraudulent votes cast
for Seymour in New York be substracted,
the increase in tho voting population of.
that State in the last four years will be
"" vijuai iv iuuv oi me ciare oi Illi
nois for the same period. !
Is there' i Democratic Party I
are a few'fossiliferous old codg
ers who sling ink for newspapers, that
write as though they really believed there
was still in existence a parity or political
organization styled the Democratic party.
They have become monomaniacs on the
subject, and. co system of reasoning is
capable of reaching their, benighted and
befogged . intellects, , except it coincide
witn this benef in the existence and com
plete organization" of a Democratic party
i ume-nonored principles." If such
a political Organization exists, it must
certainly have seine distinguishing fea
turessome certain political principles.
What are they? ; "The Democratic party
is in favor of the Constitution," say3 one
of these old "fossils.-1 Just so. But then
this assertion cf a political abstraction
throws no light on the principles of the
party. ThoUsands-of- men went to the
polls on the- 3d of November and cast j
their votes for Seymour and TUnir! vehn
could no more tell what the principles of
this modern Democracy" were, than 'they
could make .a ladder out of an Oregon
On the third of November last, the
free white j American citizens of th
United States, at the ballot j box, put the
seal of condemnation on any principles
tnatf may have, by any possibility, per
taired to the last . Democratic Nationa
platform. . Fron the inception to the
final winding up of the great rebellion,
tnis so-called Democratic party did have
two weil denned principles -one was, the
unconstitutionality of the war against
secession ; the bther the Union as it
was!'? The first was consigned to obliv
ion when Grant squelched the rebellion ;
the second remains as undefinable and in
definite as ever. She Government fought
bloody and terrible war and- spent mil
lions ot treasure to maintain i the "Union
as it was," while - this so-called Demo
cratic party opposed the war; and by thus
aiaing ana abetting treason, committed
itself to the attempt to divide the Uniob,
ana mate it what it was not, , ,
- xne- democratic party still lives!"
y hat on r - Democrats still live, doubt
less, but the oldDem&cratic party winked
out, breathed its last on the" 3d of No
vember. l68filfc had been virtually
dead for some. Uime. i "When the New
York World and other leading papers of
that stripe and the Kentucky Democrats
proposed to abandon Seymour and Blair
j i 1 n't.' ' -w . - - j'-
uu up vnaee ana Jtiendricks, its de
cease was, - announced ; and ; its funeral
sermon was published when Southern
rebels. propose4t6 cast the ' Democratic
Electoral .vote , for" Grant and Colfax.
This once great party of principles is to
day but an ill organized opposition, with
DO positive principles. The party has
gone on from d i;to- worse until it has
lost the entire" confidence of the people,
and to-day it has 'no foothold except
where besotted ignorance prevails, or the
true expression of the people is prevent
ed by wholesale naturalization frauds and
ballot-box-stuffing. - "'-"' -!! r -:
Clackamas ..
Ora tit. ........
Justphiue' ....
Lane ....
I inn
Marion ,
Vnion. ........
Washington .
I'raatilla ....
... . 530
21'8 ,
.... 637
.... 153
.... C59
.... 570
.... 64
.... 300
... 507
.... 313
.. 255
Tttal ....
.10,061 11,125
Change.- The Oregonian states that
Sylvester Pennoyer, the gentleman who
assumed editorial control of the . Portland
IleraM upon Beriah Brown's dismissal,
is about to abdicate his scat. Thus the
Oregon Democracy will lose this brilliant
light, of whom a cotemporary said : "It
is reported that in early life he (Sylves
ter) received . a good education." lie
wrote One or two compositions on " negi-o
suffrage " that were really quite Demo
cratic in sentiment and tone. Having
completely used up this new and interest
ing subject, and finding nothing more of
any particular interest with which he
was acquainted, to- write up, like an
empty bladder, he collapses. As it will
take him some time- to recover from this
exhaustive escape of wind during his
short editorial career we shall probably
never again have the exquisite delight of
reding more of his cheerful funeral es-
sayd on "nigger suffrage" arid "nigger
equality." Toor Sylvester, wo fear you
were not properly appreciated by the
! Cops
Gamblers " Defeateix An attempt
' . , STAT 13 1T13MS.
j From the Eugene City Journal of the
5th inst, we learn that the Baptists of
that place are in the midst of a.ereat re
vival. There is also a revival at the
McKenzie Fork Baptist Church. Some
no .,-A i i , . .
uo ueun auaca to tlie two
congregations, and the work is still pro
gressing, f Meetings were also being held
in the Methodist church.
A negr named Jim, boarded with a
China washerman three weeks in Eugene
without paying any board, and when he
left stole ten dollars.frora John.
The ladies of Eugene gave a fair and
supper on the eveniug of tho 4th, from
which was realized the handsome sum of
$137 50. -
The lioseburgians were having under
advisement the propriety of incorporating
their town. A meeting was to be held
for that purpose on last Saturday night.
The Umpqua Academy, at Wilbur, is
giving better satisfaction than at any time
in its previous history.
David Crow, an aged gentleman of
Cole's valley, died very suddenly last
week, it is thought of heart disease.
They are to have Christmas trees, ad
dresses, music, &c, at the M. E. Church
in Roseburg, on Christmas eve.
W. R. Singleton, a wealthy and influ-.
ential farmer of Douglas county, pub
lishes a carl in the Iloseburg Easiin,
declaring that, although hitherto known
as a democrat, having actel with that
party since his majority, henceforth he
Telegraphic Summary.
Chicago, Dec-5. A fearful collision
occurred on tne Unio river at. half past
eleven last evening, two miles above War
saw, on the Indiana side. The stea
America was ascending the river
struck the steamer Uaitei.l Sta.tts. w
was descending, just f. rward of the steps,
cutting into her siaj aua sinking
United Slules to the main dfick in
minutes. The collision was said to have
occurred from a mistake in the signals.
The UitiU'd Slates had a quantity of pe
troleum oil on board which took tire, and
within 30 seconds the boat was a mass of
flames. It i supposed that seventy five
or eighTy persons-lost their lives. lioth
boats were the finest and largest iifloat on
the Ohio and wtre worth 170,000.
The America was a!so entirely consumed,
having taken fire while en Jeavoriut to
rescue the passengers of the United
States. Those saved owe their lives to
the coolness of the officers and crew of
the America, who?e engines were moing
until driven away by the flames. There
were several bridal parties on board the
America and 350 lady passengers in all.
Worcester, Mass., Dec. 4. A train
with 500 barrels of oH was buruedi at"
F"l tfhKtjrfr fn-flar f!niu1nnfnv TTuKIm .1 InJ
from his burns.
Philadelphia,' Dec. -4. The jury in
the case of Geo. W. Alexander, assessor
of Internal Revenue for the Reading Dis
trict rendered a verdict Af iruilfv in aid
ing in the removal of whisky to defraud
the revenue. The jury recommended the
prisoner to mercy.
i'KOVlDENCE, Dee. 5. General Grant
arrived at Boston this morniri". Al
though a. severe snow storm w.-is nrerbil-
ing, ho rode in an open carriage through
the streets, which were crowded with peo
ple to Governor Burnside's residence.
House met, with one hundred and
sixty-four members present. A resolu
tion was offered by .iIo:rjil, of Pennsyl
vania, to censure Reverdy John on,whic!i
was referred to the Committee on For
eign Affairs.
tfin settlement of rthe Alabama claims.
The message covers the following points
and concluiior s hem ' : .
: First, That the ! Southern fctates re
main nrostrated : third: industry and re
sources cut off, a 'goodly' portion of their
is fully determined to act with that party 1 where many persons had an opportunity
no longer, ana giving his reasons for this VI personally saluting him
change. Tho Ensign says that, judging
from present indications and the lato Re
publican gains, at the next election the
Democratic party will not be able to
muster a corporal s guard in Douglas
county. 1
Several head of horses have been stolen
from Mr. John Sutherlin of Don-las
ktoc ol. r ,clu'u ui wuicu ue ouor
- f i-it, rn I-A1F is
oi uauiornia to count out iioUman, one of
the Republican Electors, on the ground
that some of the votes wcre.cast for D.
A. Hoffman instead of D. B. Hoffman,
the latter being the Elector s name. The
object of tho Democrats was to save
twenty per cent, of the bets they had
made on . the State. But the Supreme
Court, by ua; nimous decision, issued a
mandamus to have the vote counted as it
was manifestly intended it should be by
the voters! Thus the trick of the Cali
fornia Democrats was defeated.
brom the Jacksonville Sentinel of the
5th we learn that a little son of Hon. O.
Jacobs, late candidate for. Grant elector n- relapsed to its original price.
New Iork, Doe. 5 The World edi
torially favors Governor Morton for Sec
retary of the Treasury.
Private dispatches ironf Washington to
thv Revolution, say Senator Pomeroy has
a bill ready to present at the opening1 of
Congress, proposing an amendment to the
Constitution winch gives suffrage to all
citizens ot both sexes, leaving the States
to fix the age when the exercise of the
right shall commence. " 1
New York, Dec. 5. There was aire
port in the gold room to-ilay that riots
had taken place in Pari.. and that NaL
eon ; was killed. Gold advanced,
Boutwell in r .."uce 1 a. bill 'providing riormlation disfrsncliisedrtheir coostitr-
that all male ei ize is of the United tional privilege of repre en 'ation still dc-
States. oyer 21 of c e, be entitled nied through Congressional enactment?,
to vote for Presidential ehqtors and Rep- most of them under military rule,
resenta ive3 to Congress. : A variety of The message commends the report of
other b !!s a. d resolutions were iutre- the Secretary of the Treasury, endorsing
ducud. if a v fi.r thp. rAttirn tit rav-
1 ' w. . . j um. - - .-- mm L r . I 11 1 If II II I I'll ML I lllll III CAI.VU4IU V .
Augi stu say that a regiment of militia revised taxation, and siradual contraction
entered the town and took possession of of paper circulation with. suggestions for.
the telegraph office, ordering the opera- legislation for one currency only, arid
tives to send no message unless approved that the Dational banks should have their
by their officers. They placed guards on powers restricted. 'V
the streets and proclaimed martial law. San Fraxcisco; Dec. 7. The U. S.
No reason was assigned, for these pro- Grand Jurv have found, about 150 . in-
ceedings. dictments against, norsnns for illcr?al vot-
Plymouth. Dec. 8.--The testimony ;Dr. The JIarshal will make arrests this
in the Andrews murder case was con- I week. v v
eluded last night. Dr. CUoate, Principal Operations on fnrttfiontinna at I.ima
of the Taunton Lunatic Asylum, testify- p0jnt are moa to. j,e , suspended, owing
ing, gave it as his opinion, that Deacon to exhaustion of the appropriation,
Andrews is sane. The case was argued - -
We find the following .extraordinary
story, credited to the Rome correspond
ent 'ot the London Pall Mall Gazette,
in a San Frarfeisco exchange. If true,
it puts the eapWheaf on anything we
have read for many a'day. "The corrcs-'
referred to above says j '
taken in informing you that
Monseigneur Yillanova Castellacci had
resigned his post of vicegerent of Rome.
It appears that he was dismissed by the
Pope. The cause was a great scandal
which came to light in a certain convent
which at present I will not name. Nearly
the whole of the nuns,- who are vert'
young, were found to be as nuns should
not be. As the rules of the convent are
very strict, the affair was kept very
close. At length search revealed a sub-
of this State, died ou the 2d inst. lie
The Siamese twins sailed for Paris
luhfirft thn .r..iaj-f .l.i..l. ..-.I. .1. '
brilliant promise.
N..W York, Dee. 5. The seat
paragraphs arc from the
EITECT8 or Tkmpeb. A passionate
mother latelyUhrew table-knife at her
little boy wbo tiad. been'gnilty of some
trifling.. miscpodact.' The -knife entered
his side, anLiak 'short 4ime he was a
corpse. - WhaTSust have Been the feel
ing of the mother? v.
-LNEXT May. The Jhdletin of San
Francisco shows that there remains to
complete the great trans continental rail
road only 323 miles of grading and track-
laying. The Union Pacific is within 123
miles of the head of Salt Lake, while the
Central Pacific is within 200 miles of
the same point. It is not likely that the
connection of the two ends will be delay
ed longer than May next.
Gambling Law. The law relating
to gambling and tli6 keeping of gamblim
houses, went into effect on the 11th yes-
tarday. I he proper officers should see
to the enforcement of the law, and every
well wisher of social happiness, good
order and public virtue, will aid them in
their efforts.
tested on the ground lhat he has not hj
a legal rcsidencu in this country lokjg
enougn 10 entitle umi to hold a seat
Washington', Dec. 5. The Secretary
of the Treasury to-day issued bonds I to
the Central Pacific Railroad amounting
to 650,000 for the section ending at the
four hundred and tenth mile post. '
The IWsidc-ui has appointed Tiios. B.
Florence Assesssor of Internal Revenue
Boundary Line. Speaking of the
boundary line between this State and
California which is new being marked
out by a surveying party, the Yreka
Journal Bays: , .
The Boundaiy Survey locates' the
through the center of little Klamath
Lake, and along the ridge above Butte
Creek Valley, thus making a crood natural
divide by leaving the valleys south of that
mite entirely in caiitornia and those north
of it entirely in Oregon. It is thought
that a portion of Applegate. Creek, here
tofore claimed by Oregon, will be found
to be in California, judging from the di
rection the surveying line points, as far
as uunsnea y tne surveying expedition
Change. The Portland Commercial.
an evening paper, heretofore independent,
has gone over to the Democracy, and will
hereafter be found battling away for the
success of that faction.' , M. P. Bull has
asspciated with him the "brilliant writer.
J . C. Dow, who will take charge of the
editorial department of the paper. TVont
the three Democratic journals have a
healthy old time I
New Disco very. Prof. Casturani,
of Turin, has discovered a way of killing
animals by forcing air into their' eye-,
within the space of a few seconds, and, it
is thought, almost without causing them
any pain. The most remarkable thing
about this "killing made easy" is the fact
that it leavea.absolutely no outward trace;
and it can as easily be applied to men as
to animals. '' . . -
Mention is made in the same paper of John Morrissy, iu Congress, will be cn-
considerable petty thieving, aud the edi
tor thinks some rascal is spoiling for
load of buck-shot.
The followin
same paper :
Ilymau Abrahams, of Canyonvillc, who
lost his leg by the upsetting of the Stajjc
nortrti of jCanyoaville last August, lias
commenced suit against the comnanv for
1 wJ I - 1 .... ..
one hundred thousand dollars dama-es. I in, ?,c,?ond, dl'str";t of Pennsylvania,
A.i . u- l , . 1 1 iiiHips ueceaseci.
.xur vuuu&ci uave oeen retainea on both
side3 and the suit promises to be an in
teresting one.
Lieut. Thos. 3IcGarvey with six men
ot the 1st U. B. Cavalry left for Fort
Klamath on Sunday morning. He "goes
to take the place of Lt. Henderson who
ii under charges and soon to be tried by
a Court Martini.
Ti,; 'j- it. , . ovanolamy, removing a tumor weirhiri
vu'l't,Jeria 1 is so prevalent a nm;,i: i,u.i "
. i . I ' - u .3 1IU1U iflllZ (IUUIJ I I'll fir Jl TfkI11b(
m this valley at present as to be almost woman. Tl,o ,r.,.; u ...l"
, .... . I . na? CUHICIV 6UC-
Himcuiiu. , m uuiu iaiu'.iies or c 11 no re n tessi ui.
have been prostrated with it and several London, Dec. 5. Play fair, Liberal, Ss
cases have terminated fatally. It appears tT-u f tH? Ollouse, of Commons fir
t nonlW; . ... Ed.nbnrg and St. Andrews. The Timl
vy..,v. lvli viuuu, uuu Snvs t ia rw i n Ltrn :il l. t.i l
our physicians say it is very difficult to I this afternoon. We believe the foll'owiri
treat. , I have been selected : Earl Tt iissnll will hiitio
New YtRK, Dec. 5. The Sun lias
information from Boston from s.miri..
which are entitled to bo regarded with
great confidence, to the effect that lead
ing Republicans of Massachusetts concur
in anticipating the appointment of Rep
resentative Bmitwel'i as Secretary of the
Trca-urv in Grant's cabinet. !
Dr. Carnachan, of this eitv. . latnlv
performcd a heroic surgical operation bf
to-day and will probably reach the jury
to-morrow. ;
Washington, icc. 7. A communi
cation from the Governor! Georgia was
read in the - Senate. It states that the
reconstruction laws havefliot been fully
exercised, and that memberf: theXcsr-
islature wcre ""O" .ke Ulf oa:h pondent refer
without regard to eligibility, and were T
not required to take the legal oath. Tile ,T 1 was m,s
failure to execute the law has tended to
defeat the purposes of Congress in the
reconstruction acts. Tlie Governor asks
Congress to take such steps as thev mav
deem proper. .
Yates introduces a bill providing that
any alien desiring to become a citizen of
the Cuited States may be admitted, and
prescribing conditions therefor.
Drake introduced a joint resolution
Ti ViW i r ' i 11 fr t li , t T , r . 1. I. I
of General. Limit (!nn,..l i,!,..;,.,! terraneous passage communicating with
or Vice Admiral shnll fili.l withnm a mouastery of Belgian monks. I he pas
the authoritv of nnnrAs sage terminates in an ancient Itoroan
Cincinnati. Ohin Ti TK vauli, the last vestige of a pagan temple.
ciltement relative to th tr, ?hlr li.ito in which the monks professed to practice
to the steamers TTnito,! Stt, anA moi-. mystic austerities. Monseigneur Castel
lacci was blamed by the Holy rather tor
having failed to discover this secret com
munication, and for defending the nuns,
particularly the abbess, though she was
in the condition of too many of her flock.
I have been at pains to ascertain tlie
truth of this story, and I relate only"
wnat is stated by several Roman prc-
1... ' - ' - - ;
1'arties are arnvin;
making lnauirv for
ica is still ititense.
from all quarters,
lost ti lends and relations known to have
taken passage on those boats. A portion
or tne remains will arrive here ; bv the
steamer General Lytle. for recognition
and interment. A dispatch from Flor
ence, Indiana, says : In this cuy three
bodies have been recovered from th
wrecks. the scene at Warsaw, Ken-, uc-yijaia uesciipt.on. Relatives
are hunting each other: the wounded
are screaming with pain, and people who
ai nome are blessed with wealth, are be
nioaiiing their sad plight. Clothing is
Doing contiuually turnished the survivors
Chicago, Dec. iS-The Secretary of
."u xii:aau,iy, in . nis report, lavors a
speedy return to specie payment, and sug
gests a curtailment of paper money as'
one of the best means to effect this ob
ject. His financial exhibit for the year
is not favorable. It shows n Lir.-n
ficit of receipts under expenditures ; but
iiii.h, no says, is owing to tthe extraordi
nary expenuitures for soldiers' bounties,
Alaska, and railway bounties, the i latter
taking 25,000,000.
Havana, Dec. 7 A pitched battle
was rougnt between the troops and the
l. . I. . W . l ' '.
Tlie Unionist of the 11th has the fol
lowin" items. -
Sam. P. Fair, ex-Sheriff of Siskiyou
county, California, mysteriously disap
peared about teii years since, and it was
generally supposed that he had met with
a violent death. Secretary May informs
us that intelligence from tho missiner man
has-been received, and that be is now
living in Chili. . -
Wednesday last a convict at the Pfeni-
fentiary, becoming distrusted with bim- I
self, and the world, 'made an atteniDt'on
his own lite, by stabbing himself. The
cut is a severe flesh wound -iust enough
to be painful yet net fatal.
ftamuel Headnck. Esa - ex-Sheriff nf
this county is confined to his room bv an
attack of hemorrhage of the lungs; Hi
numerous friends in all narts of th Stt
rebels at Mount Altagracie, near Puerta wi" regret to heari of, his illness, and
1 rincipo. Lach side lost about fill!) await his recovery with unfeigned nr.
killed. , Both parties claimed tho vietnrv iety? , - -
u... : i-n. . . J
uuk ii is very uimeuit to btaiu. reliable
We learn that the citizens of Ashland V Wltht a portfolio; Earl Clarendon,
I :J..i vi . Secretary for Foreis-n .Affairs Rnhlt
of The " " 7 Pa-SS6I Lo-. Cncellor of the ExehequerT In
line J n mountains examined ward Edward Caldwell, Secretary of Wat;
wuu. 6 ; , P " iimuiisuaucB 10 our i uonn Bright, Secretary of State For
pEAD-T-Commodoro John Patv died
in Honolula ou the 11th. of November,
at the age of sixty-one. He has been a
prominent shipmaster on this coast and
? the Pacific for about lortyyears.
Ofticial Vote. The official vote of
, 1 California gives Grant 508 majority.
Senators and Representative, against India; Henry Wood, , Lord Chancello
divertini' the Rilrr.!fl r ,fa j- D. COlridge Solicitor. frenprr
0 nl.:' I.;. . tpi . i
route through this valley. ffif gf W T
At the electon held at Portland by the miralty. " j
Fire Department, JW. II. Weed was re- London. Dec. 4. There nr. J
elected Chief. - Bully for Hank. . rumors afloat in this'citv nf ,.Li
On tho night ot the 5th, Dr. Mack, of seizure of newspapers and conflicts bti-
East Portland, was assaulted by a robber - 'troops and mobs in Pan.
. -J . , , . , , z lhCse rumors, though not confirmed
while in bed, and although the Doctor caused a panic in the onnnere;l.lS
in this city. - - " j
The Times,' An an editorial ou the-kw-.-
bama claim-", argues against the Govern
ment yielding to the demand of Mi.
Seward that the question of international
law be submitted to the Commission.
made a valiant resistance he seems to
bav?,got the worst of it, receiving several
severe cuts,: bruises, etc' The robber
succeeded in making his escape with a
pair of pants containing $40.
a no uregomxin reports the arrival of The Times says the American Co mm is1-.
three whales at Astoria, a few days since. filon WI" come committed against "En-
One of these monsters of the deep came 1 -S.C ms a" b a nat,onal law the
alonb- aidAth -W. n.,.i. jf. British Commissioners will be driven to
1UU19C11 visioio 10 me naicea eyee-zefal
iiiiuva ueiuro . turning tail seawara. Cfne
of the others started on a swim up the Co
lumbia, probably on a voyage of discov
ery, and has not been heard of or seen
since. i
re opposite. View. The Times re.rrti
that Lord Stanley has been rohhed of thl
glory ot settling these international diffi
culties but it is certain that Lord St.-.n
ley, or whoever' the Foreign" Secretary
uiiy ob, win pursue tne same policy.
jjouom, uqc. 4, (evening). It is re
n itman.fAj C I ; ' T -. I .. .. . ' A
"Y -7 wrecian nena pprtea that John Bright has peremptorily
srary orfcstateL
Kimherley as
nnrl inmln ito ............ 17 . . . I ... . .
u iX' a hnf F j , "u, roni street, aeciinea the othee of Secretary of State
Portland on Tuesday last. It was sup- The appointment of Earl Kimhrl .,J
posed to belong to the B. J. family. . Foreign Secretary in place Uf Earl Clarl
. ,The jury 10 tho case of E. G. Randall, endon is believed to be his wish. Til
postmaster at Portland, on trial charged
with robbing the U. S. Mail. fa;Iin!? to
agre, were discharged. The new trial
is se for the' first Monday in January
next; - "': ":;.-.:.!
. The Corvallis Gazette d urging nnon
the citizens of Benton county the import
ance! of a railroad from that city to Ya-
quina Bay.' IA meeting is to be held at
the Court. House . in Cb'rvallia. to-night
(Saturday, Deo. 12th), to have action in
tne matter, r . i
this connection it may be asserted" that the
iuii list ot Ministers will be completed ori
Ill ' " .. - ..
AtMiiNGTON, Dec. 7. The United
states henate met to day. with forty-severj
mciuers present, a debate of great in
tercst was sprung on the anestion of nd
uiitting Hill, Senator from Georgia. Thd
matter was postponed for a time, but will
soon come np again. Several bills-were'
introuucea, one providing for the resump
tioa of specie payment.
information. A battle was also fouiiht
at Moranin, in which the Spaniards lost
nity kiueu ana the rebuts seventy.
'Pl. .11 1 - J.
j natal uuwa irorn jioiqum is tavor-
able to the hopes of th 3 loyalists. . Re
inforcements had been sent to them.
The Diarc reports that some rebla on.
tered a private dwelling and violated four
girls in the presence of their parents.
Liverpool, Dec. 8. Additional par
ticulars are received of the loss of the
steamship Ilibernia.- She sailed from
New York Nov. 14, for Glasgow, and
sunk Nov. 25th, 700 miles westward of
the Irish coast. The passengers, crew
and all took to boats five in number.
Two of these have been picked up, and
one is known to have been capsized and
all on board lost. . The fate of the people
in the remaining two boats is "unknown.
It is now certaio that fifty two persons,
including the captain of the steamship,
are saved. The first mate was drowned.
Intelligence of the missing boats is look
ed for with great anxiety.
Madrid, Deo." 7. The Republicans
paraded the streets of Cadiz yesterday
with arms in their bauds, and made other
demonstrations threatening the public
peace. Troops were called out and dis
persed the processionists and "prevented
further proceedings.' ' Similar demonstra
tions have beou made by the Republicans
at several points., The provisional gov
ernment is preparing a new tariff law.
New Castle, (Del.) Dec. 5 Seve
ral persons stood in the pillory to-dav.
and were flogged for various offenses..'-..-
Cincinnati, Dec. 6. Further par
ticulars with regard to the steamboat
collision- yesterday, show a larger loss of
life than at first reported. Both steam
ers were completely burned in less than
five minutes. About 75 cabin passen
gers were on board the United States,
more than half of whom were lost. . -
Reports of the officers are very ..con
flicting, but the most probable accounts
report forty five , passengers, 'ncludiii"
eighteen ladies and seven" officers aud
cabin crew lost, while only.,four, out of
twenty two deck hands are known" to be
saved. The accident is attributed to a
mistake in tho whistles. -'
The United States cost 230,000, and
was insured for 100,000. The America
cost 240,000. Ole Bull was among tho
passengers saved. 'v "' ' ' f
Chicago, Dec. 6. A Times' special
gives the following abstract of the Presi
dent's message, which will ' be sent to
Congress Tuesday. The only reason for
dejay is anticipated official news about
BuuGi.AUiEs. Dwellings hi and near
Milwaukie have been robbed during the '
present week. Mr. Lewelling, of that
town was chloroformed, and one hundred
dollars' taken from a bureau drawer. Ia
various other places robberrie3 are chron
icled, and it is supposed that there is a
regularly organized band of these itiner-,
ant thieves who are prowling through the
country, and people will do well to see to
the "locks and fastenings . on doors and
shutters hereabouts, as they will doubt
less be along here shortly. . -
Good Price. An Eastern paper has
the following: "Oxen are wanted in Ore
gon, at 1,000 a yoke." This advance
in the piice of. oxen will be news to our
farmers. r ,
A. Kanaka climbed the Grant pole at
Yreka, says the Journal? to replace the
haliards, which had beeriblown out by
high minds. The pole was one hundred
and ten feet high, and the Kanaka was
just twenty minutes in climbing it.
-A Copperhead paper says the persecQ-
tions of President Johnson are not yet
Miss Ann Stephens is writing;
his life
.The Committee on Contested Elections
tf the next Congress will have abundance
of work, af least twenty defeated aspiranta
for Congress have alroady signified their
intention to contest.
Re-elected. At the annual election
held in Portland on the 3d, the old Board;
of Directors of the P. - T. CoJ were re.
elected. ;
I The artesian well at St. Louis (Mo.),
the deepest in the world, has reached a
depth of 3,147 feet, and no water yet.
.. jWilliam M. Stewart is certain' to be re.
elected United States Senator from Ne
vada. -
Beeves are so plentiful io,Texas that a
stock raiser near Brownsville kills his for
the hide and. tallow aud gives away the
meat. . '
Hope is a good -thing,-but th thing
hoped for is better.
"A double event" twins. - - -'