The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 05, 1868, Image 5

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The Girl; Next Door.
Tbcre is a blUhesiuio maiden
' That lives next door to mc ;
Her eyes nrj darkest bszle. '
And handsiUio as can be :
Her checks era full of dimples.
And ed as any rose ; .
And then ibis lore of mine, too,
lias got a "siuallisa" uto I
I asl ed hnr if she'd have m-, '
, (That was the other.itifitit).
And this was lnt rcpiy, I'r eml : i
"Vs t. Jimuiv, ywi are tight !" .
Says I, "I know. I liavc, love, ,
Aboard a liltld wins, I
Ei-t tuat is not thi qutstion
Will you, or nv.t, bo mine?"
And then lo put h.-r face, f iend,
As close to mit e . is flic oull.
And with the sweetest sn.ile. friend,
Haid simply that she w uld
' Escort mo to the door, if -I
Was ready to depait.
And thus it was the girl nest door
Declined my band and h-art !
If ever I'm in love ara:n
And that may iso n on nr
I hopj to be as successful
As in this last utrnnpt with lier I
Cut conic to tLiuk tl.c uialKr over,
I gu ss, by grib, she's rijjit :
But who in thunder would make lova
Except when h j was tight !
i . ,
The war in Northern India hns t-nded.
There are GQ,OO0j Baptists in Missouri.'
South American soundings since the
" earthquake are much shallower.
''God save the Queen" was hissed in a
Quehcc theatre the bther evetiiiii.
Philadelphia proposes to bridge the
Delaware with au arch 4.41)0 feet lonr.
With the Pari.siaiji, Saturday is the fa
Ycrite day for marrying.
Paris has schools vhere the use of the
Tclocipede is tauuht.
The Duke of Nassau recently invested
$2,000,000 in U. S.j bonds.
-Kangaroo sausage? are new beinp: made
up in Australia for
l enow lever has again mauo its ap
pear.-noo in Luna.
Quite a lare arc: of coal land has
been discovered in I
rlish Epicures.
u in bold t, Nevada.
A volume of Artcmus Ward's unpub
lished jokes is preparin-r for the press.
'42.000 florins have been collected for
a'nionument to be erected to the late
Emperor Maximilian, at Trieste.
The stock of wheat on hand in San
Francisco last mouth, was estimated at
one million centals.
Dr. Holland thinks the English arc
larger and homelier ihau the American
ladies. ,
The Swedish Count, Adelsvaerd. re
fused -570,000,000 for one of his copper
mines. - i
v Poor Carlotfa is Qyte prostrated, and
revives only at inter "als, when she utters
agonizing cries. '
Liui Phillippe's son urges 31. Henri
Rochefort to dwell with him at his villa
in Twickenham, England.
The Caar of Russia has issued a ukase,
abolishing nine tenths of the driuking
saloons in his empire! c
A London journal reports that Queen
Victoria and Disraeli h ive become con
verts to the doctrine jof women's voting.
The campaign artillery of the French
. amy consists of 1.200 cannons, the trains
and horses of which tire all complete auJ
ready for afiy emergency ."
If you are traly benevolent and cha:i
table, perhaps you wjil. when you fee a
Deiglibor in distress, ask some other
neighbor to help him.
Mrs. E. Cady Stanton reports that, as
a baby, Anna Dickins-tn "was cross,
sleepless, restless, and crying continually
with a loud voice." j
The English Catholic Archbishop fa
vors the passage of a! prohibitory law, if
no other means can be devised for extir
pating drunkenness, j
Mr. Co'e, of Lyndon, Vr., has discov
ered a spur ing sulphur spring in the
cellar of hi house, whereby the village
is expected to rival Saratoga.
. The election of Daniel Fox, as Mayor
f Philadelphia, is being contested. Tt
is alleged that the true vote was 59,799
for Tyndale, and 57,00 lor Fox.
A ; Vienna woman makes money by
training goldfinches j to draw numbers
from a ma 11 bowl. Gamblers, believing
them lucky, pay large prices for them.
? A Mrs. Brown, of blen Springs, S. C,
who has suffered for years with dropsy in
the abdomen, had drawn from her ten
gallons of water a short time since.
Colonel Drake, who bud k the first oil
well on Oil Creek, and gave the world
the benefit of his disbovery, is at Titu.3
Tille, living in extreme destitution. ,
Signer Manzoli, an; Italian journalist,
writing on, female beauty, says Boston
bears off the palm in ithe United States.
The Signor did not visit Oregon.
Guizot receives 1.500 francs for each
of bis articles in the Rerun 7es Deu.r
Monties. The remuneration ordinarily
paid is about $2 50 ip. gold per page.
A has invented a kind of
safe, which, when frAidulenfly opened,
will kindle a brilliant Bengal light, and
assemble a crowd.
-. . It w proposed in England to try the
experflrietit of cheapjfares on railroads,
priHsenger to he Carried to their destina
tion at a uniform jrate, irrespective of
distance. - . VXj.f'';.
t Franee thinks of constructing a "ma
rine canal of the twol seas" froth Adge
to Bordeaux and ; Itoehefort, at an ex
pense of four hundre4 and fifty million
francs. - ; . ' '--
A . twenty-year-old Connecticut youth
ha lattly married a blooming widow of
Cfty.'who has eeren'children, the oldest
of .waom is six years older tiiau. iu,new
A Constant SurPLY of Eoas.--A
neighbor of ours saf s that hog's lard is
the best thing he can find to mix with
the dough he gives his hens. lie says
that one cut of this fat as large as a wal
nut will si t a hen to laying immediately
after she lias been broken up from set
ting, and that by feeding them with the
fat occasionally his hen3 continue to lay
through the winter. - 5 -
The Potato. Sir Walter Raleigh,
who was the first discoverer of ihe value
of the potato as food l.r man, one day
ordeied a lot of dry weeds to be culleeted j
.....i i .t t i -'diauing were added
anil burned. Among these was. a lot of ; . . "
diud potatoes. After the bonfire, these
potatoes wtic picked up thoroughly
roasted. Sir Walter tasted and pronoun
ced them delicious. ly this accident
was discovered a species-of food which has
s ved millions of the human raco from
starvation. ' - '
yA fond father, the other da, wishing
to form aiiiatice between his stupid, lub
berly son and a fine young lady of his
acquaintance, sent him to her mother,
with the following note:
"Pear Madam: Allow mevto pre
sent my Hill for 3-rmr acceptance." ;
The lady tent the spoony back to his
father, with tlie following reply :
" Dear Sir : Your Bill is vetoed." ;
A boy living in Alleghany county, N.
Y., while leading a horse to water, tried
the experiment f attaching the halter
strap to his ankle. Result ihe horse
became frisky and the boy a corpse.
New, Albany, led., is certain of a wed
ding shortly, a young lady of that city
having eonseuted to "take" a young man
if Graut is elected." Both Giant and the
young man have a '"sure thing."
The total eost of the Government
bnfildings, grounds ai.d improvements in
Washington, D. C, including the light
ing and cleansing the sticets of that city
un to June 8u, lG., according to the
appropriations made by Congiess.auiounts
to S41.5:U,1)4'.
God requires that we sliould work ont
our own salvation. lie saves us by
showing us how to save ourselves. It ia
true that salvation dt-peu Js on His grace,
but His g'ace is proportioaed to our ef
forts. ' "
Faith is as necissary to the soul as
the stm is to the world ; wore it not for
these bright, prolific lights, both the one
and the other must remain dark and fruit
less ;
An agent of Santa Anna has been cap
tured at Vera Crnz, and a batch of im
portant documents taken from him, de
tailing the plans of a complicated conspi
racy. -
The people of Pern express grt
itu le tor the efforts made in California
and the Atlantic States to succor them.
Earthquakes are still felt along the coast,
but uo further danger is apprehended, i
November 17, Baring Brothers, Lon
don, drew one million sterling from .the
Bank of Eugl iud for the Russian Gov
ernment. It is said this was on Ameri
can account, the part pay men; lor Alaska.
A Constantinople telegram says several
of the conspirators in a plot to a-sas!u ite
the Sultan, have " been arrested. The
plot was originated by Catholics aud 31ns
selmcu. : i '
Docking. the tails of horses and cattle
13 a needless cruelty. Nature knew what
she was about in equipping them for fly
Farms in Arkansas sell- from thtce to
Cve cents an acre. A local paper
pays that dirt is s- cheap you have to look
sharp" or they will" smuggle an extra forty
aeras or so on you in tu-ikiug out the
diL-il. ;.:
The San Francisco Dr ttttntic Reoiexc
has the following take-off on the Jenkins
Style of describing toilets : s- j
M'ss Po 1 y Siu th, old Smith's
daughter, wore a short dress of sorrel
poplin, stiiped with brown gewgawswith
a tight-fitted basque, made out of the
seat of her papa's old nankeen pants.
Sleevea of moire antique to match her
undershirt, and bonnet of red oak. bark,
tied with ehn strings. Old Smith is said
to own a controling interest in the Alaska
cod fisheries. It is needless to say Miss
Sm th looked ravishingly beautiful.
Miss R b ns 11, daughter of Sol
Robinson, Esq , the wealthy Front street
soap-boiler. This charming young lady
looked more distingue than ever, in a suit
of Kentuckej' jean, trimmed with squit
rel's tails ; blue fringe around the skirt,
put on with Spaulding'8 glue ;. rustie
bonne' of gourd -leaves, trimmed to cor
respond with dress. She w-as thecynr
sure of ail eyes, and seemed in bi iliijut
spirits. . j
Michigan has a city' of th tee thousand
inhabitants, settled almost wholly by
Dutch. It is called Holland, and is said
t le a very go xl copy of a city in Hol
land. It supports three papers published
jo tlie Dutch language, which( is used in
business aud in ordinary conversation. j
There is a fellow in- Washington who
is constantly in trouble. If ho wears
trowsdrs the- police'- arrest hira onvsiis
pieion that he is a womau in disgui
When he don? petticoats they arrest him
00 suspicion that he, is a , ruaa. jtje Id
better give up both styles." " j
It is intcresiting to study and trace
the progress of the Grecians and their
advancement in agriculture; the produc
tion of wheat, barley, spelt, and mil
let; then rye'and oats, with Uiati' new
varieties; next, fruit and wiue ; still
later, the beautiful dcsciiptions of. gar
dens from Grecian and Roman history
bring forth the treasures of horticul
ture. '
The Greeks excelled ia sweetmeats
and fruits in that remote age of agricul
ture. 1 aintinr, sculpture, music, aud
to the gayety at
Eleusis in honor of agriculture. The
beautiful vases, urns, &c, which ad.Jrn
me ii'useumj 01 Jimrope, snow a superiori
ty of art and refinement. . Although
minute perhaps to us in our advanced
age, it brings forth improvement and
steady, progress to perfection in civiliza
tion. .
Itlay then came forward under the
progress of agriculture from the Greeks.
Horticulture advanced by the frequent
intercourse with Asia and Africa until
the inva.ion of barbarism, when the an
cestors became wamlering shepherds and
civilization and agriculture disappeared,
wrecking the whole Roman empire for
two hundred years. The culture of cere
als was resumed and even enforced again,
and the barbarians were brought under
the rule of Christianity, spreading and
progressing through Germany, Spain and
F ranee, uutil the time of the discovery of
As Europe is indebted to Asia and
Africa, so is America to Earope for
many of its original productions, so va
rious that my pen cannot - do them jus
tice. Maize or Indian corn is the mot im
portant farinaceous plaut peculiar to our
soil. We ate left in darkness :;s to
where our Creator first deposited the val
uable grain. Whether Asia cn boast of
its original production, or Africa had
corn fields in Joseph's sovereign authori
ty, there is no ptsiiive record. Europe
ans found it under cultivation in North
and South America at the time of dis
covery, but as Giecian or Roman history
do not include maize in thei" minute des
criptions, we conclude that it is our plant
Miilot. and cocoa ae indigenous ; so
are the .fhieo ' grains, wheat, barley and
oats. ' - '
Our native trees are mostlyTif tTiE nnt
bearing kind chestnut, black walnut,
history, and oak included. Blackberries,
raspberries, strawberries and whortleber
ries are probably, and must be admitted,
our native production, and we sec them
growing and bringing foith fruit in their
wild state in abundance.
Apples, pears, peaches, oranges and
lemons are supposed to be foreign
fruits. 1 ; .
Many delicious an ! fine fruits are from
tropical plants, more exclusively lavished
01 South America. North America c.u
Lot compare with Europe with its origiu
alitynjf fruit. P
Potatoes are j;i?t a3 difficult to Jtrace
as maize. It is supposed that thcjaqiii
na, which grows wild on the southern
coast of Chili, is our original plant. Its
foliage and blossoms ate found to be sim
ilar ; the tuber, though tasteless and
watery, is said to have jts nutritive "qual
ities. The sweet potatoe and artichoke
are ot the' same family, and a-e classed
among plants that are useful and indispen
sable to our tables. '
' - .
Hens A hen, if she is allowed her
liberty, will eat one bushel of corn a year.
Good corn and clean water are the best
feed, with scraps of meat, etc-, in the
winter. We have a hen that paid more
than $16 profit last year; she raised two
broods of chi.ikens (20)-; I was offered
one dollar each for them in December.
Any he4," if allowed to" bring up a brood
of chickens, will pay a profit of front $3
to $10 a year.- Ex.
Canada Thistles. The Illinois
Legislature has passed a law providing
that any person bringing iuto the State
seed of the Canada thistle, in the pack
ing of goods, grain, or grass seeds, or
otherwise, aud permitting the same to be
disseminated and vegeta'e, shalkbe liable
to a fine of 400 ; and any person allow
ing ihif thistle to mature and dissemiuate
its seed upon his lands shall ' be subject
to a peualty of 75.
Seeds, especially of the stone-fruits,
must not be allowed to get too dry. ' They
arc best preserved in sand. or sandy earth,
jt?8t perceptibly moist, which should be
mixed in sufficient quantity to; preclude
drying or heating. A box in a cool and
dry cellar or shtd will answer as well as
to follow the European plan of burying
or stratifying.
? ; Large Dai ttY-T-One of the largest
dairy-inen of Vermont is Edward Clark.
He keeps' seventy five cows and keeps
them well, as every farmer should, reap
ing a ood money reward from- hia well j
directed labor. 1
"I know by a little what a grant deal
means," as the ganJer said when be taw
the tip of a fox's tail sticking out of a hol
low tree. I
A dismal man says that if the rebels
do not actually capture the Chinese
capital, they are at least going to peck
Gen. Woods says, in wri ing from
Brazil, that the ladies on being introduc
ed to a stranger, insist upon being embra
ced, heart ihrobbiug agaim.t heart."
Ho for Brazil I
A man in the country announces that
his golden weduing will come off just
thirty years fiom how, and oflers a lib
eral discount on any presents bis fiieuds
then design to make him.
ilf," said au Irish apothecary, "you
find three tumblers of wisky punch disa
gree with you over uight, dou'i take 'em
till the next day, and theu lea re 'em off
A young lady having bought a pair of
shoes a number too small, sent Jthem to a
second-hand store to have the 111 sold ;
whereupon the Teutonic shopkeeper ad
vertised llieni in his window as follows s
" For sale A light lady's shoes"
"In England no man thinks of b ack
ing his own boots," said a haughty
Briton, once, to 31 r. Lincoln, whom l.e
found polishing his calf skin gaiters. .
" Whose boots does he black?" quietly
responded Unclij Abe.
Waiter, I'll take my hat," s lid a gen
tleman at a party, who was about going
home. J
"What kind of a hat did you wear?"
. 4t A bran new hat, that I bought this
very moruing."
' Wellsir," said the waiter, "all the
good hats have been gone 1110 e than two
Dandies, to make a greater, show, wear
eoats stuck out pad and j puiTio ;
but that you know, is ttju-opos tor what's
a goose without a stuffing ?
"Nat, what are you leaning over that
empty cask for '!" 1 m mourning over di
parted spirits."
Whenever I marry," says masculine
Ann, " 1 must really insist upon wedding
a man'!" But what if the man (for men
are but human) should be equally nice
ab-.-ut wedding a woman ?
The man who drinks limc-ju:;e plays
his stomach a scurvy t rick.
When does au artist appear most thor
oughly miserable ? ' When he draws a
long face.
" I say, boy, is there anything to shod
about here ?" inquired a sportsman of a
boy he met. J
' Well," replied the boy, " nothin' just
about hers but our schoolm.iste ' is just
over the hill there cutting birch ids; you
might walk up and pop him ovi t I"
Girls, do you want to get man ic T, and
do you want good husbands ? If so,
cc.ise to act like lools. Don't take pride
in saying you never did house-work
never cooked a pair of chit kenj never
made a bed, and so on. Don't turn
up your pretty noses at honest industry
- never tell your friends' that you
not obliged to work. When yon go a
shopping never take j'our mother with
you to " carry the bundle."
A young man from the coun ry went
into a drug store the other day," and
seeing people, freely patronizing
fountain, at length stepped up and called
for a : drink of that are " for
After swallowing the fo-i tiring
he soda
of the glass, and laying his stamps with
a satisfied air on the counter, glister,"
said he, "what do you call t h it, that
bites so?" On being told tha v it was
soda water," Wall," said he, " I sposcd
it was sweetened wind."
I've been in love some fifty times
perhaps with rixty minxes fro 11 ladies
like the mermaids, to ladies like, the
sphiuxes. And some of them lad soft
blue eyes which turned my he: d with
wonder, whilst others were so ;icrcing
black they renttny heart asunder. Some
were as fair as lilies white, som 5 red as
plump tomatoes; some were a soft as
July shad ; some, too, like sweet pota
toes;. some lisped and spoke of "days
gone by," love letters without number
some sighed, and in my arms hey. fell
but it was not to slumber. 'J So nc had
cheeks like new-w ished sliest, and some
as red as roses; some, luscious' lips, like
cherries ripe, and some had chcry nw6.!
Some h- d fine forms from Venus' mold,
some, turned from tub or barrel ; soma
softly squeezed my cither hand, whilst
others tried to quirrel.; But I have cast
them all away, and would us man : more,
and scatter them on either side,"4ike sea
weed on the shore. For they have often
made me think of pistols, rivers, halters I
and I have thought to killjmyself for
men's confounded ; daughters 1 j And
still I am ; a bachelor, now living snag
and quiet, except when with my cats and
dogs I have a thundering riot; I think
no more of tender sighs, nor make my
self look thinner, but all uijf , love And
sentiment 1 lavish on my dinner.
aldany, : : : oregon.
informs tUo public that bis House
fur Ibe accommodation of all who may favor him
with tLeir patronage.
is entirely new iu every departir ent. and i
of the latest a most approved fctylas.
will alwaye e supplied wish Uto best tra market
aConln. ami no pains it-ill be spared
for the comfort and convtii-ion-e
of bi goefcts.
Persons arriving by bouts accommodated at all
hours, dy or night.
Suits of rooms and superior accummodMbui
for families.
A long experience in the. business warrants Ibe
prnpr'elor in promising satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their patronage, if it can be
don3 by bountifully supplied tables, pleasant
rooms, cleanly beds and assiduous attentions to
their wants. y J. D. SPREXGER.
Cash assets
Caih di tnliuti -rs of 1867,
Tnlitl fu p'n dividornl.....
Liases pa'd in tS07
Total losses p ii I ........ ...
In onie for lsf7........
H x;r. chare for traveling to and from 1h
Atlantic StuUs, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwiul
..:.$7,ooo.ono or-
52fi,5fl3 55
2,727.573 55
38 1. r,OII 00
....... 2,7O.IO0 till
2,203,80$ OP
All PoTi' ics noti'-f ir'eitiDg. and governed by ihe
uea-furfciting law of MassucLiiseMs -
Policy holders the only persori who receive divi
de' d in tl.ix Company, whi -h are Kcbird
aud paid annual y ; tir-t tiividaml avail
able at the p.iyment of the fee nil
annual premiums. All Policies
rcinaiu in (or-o as lens; I.S
tboro is any surrender
This old and popular Company, (tha oldest Mu
. tual Li:e Insuran- e Company in this
country) iisui at the low
est possible rates.
The stability of this Company, wilh its past his
t rr. increasintf niital and business, aud the sat
iKf.tct ry manner in wlii. n it has ri.s harj-ed its
obligations in tho iast. nre guitran cis for the
fntuie sncli s tar-.c-ing and careful iojo require
in th ir invi s.m-.-iit-'.
Persons generally, who thronhly uhdir.-tand
Ibe worki i of Li it wtrancc, uro anxious to
avail vi of its tqjiitablo provisi.ii s.
Full in"onna!ion will be given to those who
desire, at the Agony.
Home Office, 39 Stats Street, 2c s ton.
Pac'fie Pram h Offices,
303 Slontgocacry Street. San Francisco-
H'inm 3. C'rter't DhHiUhj. Purllitnd, O'Sjnn,
HVERSON & ZlAXNES, General Agts.
fUSS E Ij Mj & E LK 1 IV S, Agts,
Albany. September 19. l?68-2y
Come and Ivj Couth at prices of 18G0.
cisco, by latest sliipm.nts the largest stock ul
Boots and Shoes !
Consisting of-the following lines of Goods :
Gents' Fine Sewed Boots,
Gents' Fine Pegged Boots,
Boys and Children's Boots,
Ladies and Misses Boots,
Kid Congress Gaiters,-. y
And Children's Gaiters,
' ' Rubber Over-Shoes, and
Shoes of all Descriptions.
Gentlemen's Boots Made to Order!
On abort notice ; and with neatness and dispatch,
Sole and Upper, Leather for Sal
At the lowest figures for Cash. Give them a call
and see for yoursclve . . . 2tf'
Fifteenth Year of Publication I
In Pres'. and will bo published In November, i
FOB I860,
containing sixty-four pages of statistical infor
. matian relative to the annual prtigresi of
Oregon, Idfilxo,
together witu tubular. stbtisiicM com ei'tiiug pupu
la. i-in of counties, county s;ats and officers, dis
tances ou the Paciftt coiut. mi neral resources of
Oregon, Htainp duties, Stxto and P d-ral officers,
tabks . of . distan. es, latitude and longitude of
principal plaees, railroad rout s, Ao.. and a vari-'
ety of general iuformatiun not to be found iu an;
similar work. ?. .
The well established reputation of McCorm'ck's
Almanac having been a household visitant in
every portion of Oregon, Washington,; Idaho and
Montana, during the past - fourteen yearshas
madu this work tbffbost advertising medium ou
the Pacifle coast. ; r-. ,
A limited number of advertisements will be In
serted at the following rates t i:
Full page advertiseinMit.....i.............$15 00
Half page , , f( f c 5 ,....ii,...,...tO 00
Card of five lines...... ,. M. 5, 00
- Advertisements, to i insure insertion mast be
sant to tbe Publisher prior to November 1st, as
none wi.l be received alter that date.
. . , g. J, McGOKMICK, v
Compiler and Publisher, Iva Front V, . -Portlaad,
Oregon, i
(fokheult ABBiaoari's ,) ""
Front street t t i Portland, Oreg-on.
chased this well known Hotel, are now pre
pared to ofl'er the traveling: nnblie bei'er .accom- ,
inodations than can le found elsewhere fa the
city. : .-. , .
Board aud Lodging t2 OO per day. . .
The Hotel Coach wi't be tn attendance to con
vey Passengers and baggage to ad from tho
Hotel -c of rharre.-
Ofiire Oregon 4 Cnlifornia Stage CompanT, B.
O. WHiTEBorBK, Agent. - . 2tf
Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all,
the different styles of work' in be art. Photo
graphs from card to life sire. The new cabinet
cards. Ae., Ac. Pictures enlarged. reonched in.
Tndia ink. painted in watrr-Cflors. by Mrs. S. J.
Ramsey. Pictures that are fading pan b repro
duced in'tbi wv. Nccatives eanfntt.v presTvedl
so that additional copies mar hti bad t anvtime.
Portland. Oregon. "
t - , . . - , . "
-. b. witchkix. '" f.Hi nbf.vve. " "A. SMITB.
mitcbatl. Doh jol SnaUh.
Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad
miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front
street. Portland, Oregon. I . ..
. Consignments of Produce solicited.!
(Opposite the Western H' tuI,)
. XV . II. IVORM liV, :
Northeast rornar Washington and Fir t streets, :
Oierai'ts, TobtTcco,
pipes, toys, Yankee notions,
. Cu leiy, Fishing' Tackle, Stationery,
Willow Ware, Playing Curds, Fancy Goods,' Ac.,
. nl ' PORTLAND, OREGOn. 3m
ionics or- -Front
and lTashlug-ton Streets,
J. P. TT. Quimby, - - -" - Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel a) ,
fully inform the traveling public that Ihe
Amerb-an Exchance haying been lately improved '
in all its department, he is now prepared te offer
superior indi ctments to his patrons and the public
in general, at reduced prices. -
Jpf Hoard and Lodging. $ 1 50 to $2 per day,
according to tho ro. m occupied. . t-
jJSDr The Ainvricnu Exchange wagon will al
ways be in readiness to conv.y passengers to an I
fn in the FI il1 frej -f c' arse. ;
Established Seventeen years 1
o :
Fire-proof Brick Building. 105 Front street,
'',-. ,:
roRTLASD : :. : - ouego.v.
Importer and Dealor in every description of
VIOLINS, , , !
and all kinds of musical instruments,
, ' , ' ' ' ' " .
Sheet Music. Inalructlou Hooks,
r . ' " '
Church Music Books, Bass Viol, Guitar,
and Violin Strings, .
Slank Books,
Tys, Clieap Publications
( Miscellaneous Books, Globes, Presses, .(
. and every other article in the above line.
Importing my stock from New York direct. I can
" - .
. ; sell to country dealers, fanners and.
others at San Fran isco -1
. Wholesale Prices. . .
Agent for all the leading Newpnp rs and Maga
. sin.s published in tbe United States or Earope
Fall catalogues sent on application.
City, Oregon. Thomas O. Davis vs. WilliHOt.
Abomas. To tbe said William Taooias ; The
said Thomas O. Davis having enered "at this of
fice, ander the Homestead Att. tbj) T.' ) of N.
W. i of Seetioa U, said the 8. E. J of the N. E.
i and lot No. I of Seet.on I. in T. 10 8. R. 1 E.
with h eatry b ia conflict with your t re-emptloa
filing or OeL 12 h, lfiftO, and ti e said Thomas O.
Davis having offered proof to show that yon have
abandoned sid land s Too are, therefore, here
by notified that yon will, be allowed thirty days
from seruiee ten of in. whioh to take an appeal
front the decision of this ofBoe allowing said en
try, if y ou desire to do so. J -
- t iVii ,t WADB, Rsgistrr.' '
-. " -&, - Bsoir-",i
AprUS, 188. - Sep 19, loMwd.