The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 28, 1868, Image 4

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.1 f
A Clerical Wood Sawyer.
A Hull Fight In Tesas.
Dr. Pecehcr depended upon constant
manual labor lor keeping up his own
7 health ; and in Roston, where he "could
not enjoy the luxury f a garden to dig
i in, he was often puzzled to find means to
keen hiinselt in irood wnrkuc or.ter. i
- - -1
The consequence was that he saw CM ail
the wood lor his own larj;o family, and
often fir.diiig that too little, would heg
the privile of sawing at the wood pile
of a neighbor. He w.-s fastidious in the
care of his wood saw having it always at
hand in his study, halt concealed am. mi
BiiriUtCS of councils, magazine "ai tides
and sermons, and the setjfy;? f his saw
wasloften duly accomplished while he
settled nice points of theology with his
boys, or took counsel with his brother
ministers. Looking out of hi.?" study
window one day, when his own wood pile
was reduced to a discouraging state of
order every stick sawed and .split he
" saw," with envy, the pile f ld V. in the
4 street. Fortwith he seized his saw, an 1
soon the old sawyer of the street beheld
a man, without a cravat, and in his- shirt
6leeve, issuing from Dr. IJeccher's house.
who came briskly up and asked if he
wanted a hand at his pile; and forthwith I
Trent to work with a right good will, and
60on proved to his brother sawyer that he
wa no mean hand at the craft.
v Nodding his head significantly at the
opposite house, V. said, '"You live there?
Work for the old man?" "Yes." ' What
sort'oFan old fellow is he?" "Oh, pretty
much like the rest of us. Good man
enough to work for." '-Tough old chap,
aint he?" "Guess so, to them that try to
chaw him up."
So the conversation went on, till the
wood went so fast with the. new comer
that VV. exclaimed, '-first rate saw that
of your'n." This touched the doctor in
a -tender point, lie had set that s:iw as
carefully as, the articles of his creed;
& every tooth was critically adjusted, and
eq he gave a smile of triumph. -I say."
said W.j "where can I get a saw like
that?" "I don't know unless you bny
niine." "Yi!l you trade? What do you
ask" "I don't know. I'll think about
it. Call at the house to-morrow and I'll
tell you.''' s
t The next day the old man knocked,
and met the doctor at the' door, fresh
from ihc hands of his wife, with his coat
brushep and cravat tied, going out on
pastil duty.
"VV. gave a start of surprise. '"Oh,"
said the doctor, "you're the man that
wanted to buy my saw. Well, you .-hail
have it for nothing only let is'e have
some of youp wood to saw when you -work
On my street." " i fe
W. said he felt as if he wanted to crawl
into . an auger hole. Congregational
I was one day sauntering leisurely
along on foot in a prairie not far from
the San -.Bernard, when suddenly there
pru'iig fi-om the tall grass, a few yards
before me, a large brindle bull. He be
ran to paw the earth and exhibit un
mistakable signs that his blood was up.
The briri'lle's attitude became more me
n:x:iv,' as I advanced, and I was within
A son of Santa Ati'Ja is a robber chief
in Mexico.
Jlrs. Aun S. Stephens, novelist, is writ
ing a life of Andrew Johnson,
Lady Franklin, now eighty, has return
ed from Asia to France.
The New York servant girls have giv
en Sod.OOO to the Pope.
The dethroned royal family of Spain
1 a few paces of him when he lowered his c ist the country 153, 5'dJ a year
each side of me, and I was
eaith"N. Again I seized his
e pushe'dme slowly toward
The Pie Boy wno Became a
Prince. The first Prince Meuschikuft
was a pie boy at Moscow, and w is deliv
ering things .at a nobleman's kitchen one
day when Czar?Peter the Great was ex
pected to dine at the house. While wait
in about, he overheard the nntdein.ui
givepecial directions for the preparation
of "a favorite dish of the Czar's, an i
afterwards, while- the cook" was .-ihsent.
the .boy saw him place something in
the dish which he believed to be pok
As soon as MenschikofF saw the Czar
in the wtreet, he cried out his rolls 'more
loudly than usual, and even began to sing,
and approached the Czar to make himself
seen. Peter called him. and aske ) him
some questions, to which he answer
ed so happily, . that the Prince Jsaid, ' I
will keep thee in my service." Mens
chikotl Accepted the offer with joy. At
dinner time, without orders he entered
the banquet hallr and stood behind Peter.
When ' the dish appeared, he bent down
and whispered " not to touch it." Peter
got upwitbj.em.iling face, making pretense
to take theiboy into an adjoiog apart
ment, . when Mcnschikoff explained his
suspicion. Upon the Czar rettiring to
the tabhv$he; Bojard again offered the
dish, and . Peter asked him to sit by his
side and partake with him. The noblc-mair-eolorcd,
and sand it became not a
subject to eat! the same as the Empcrw.
who, seeing his embarrassment, took the
plate apdfOfferedl it to a dog, who swal
lowed 'all its ' contents. But a few mo
ments afterwards it began to run and
howl; then staggered, fell, and soon ex
pired. The- Boyard- was secured, but
next HJVyliUn iraa , iuuuu , ucau m- lira
bed. -
MenschikofT had not to sell rolls any
longer j the "first step to his rapid: for
tune was made, and his descendants are
a most, powerful family in Russia to this
Receipts The following receipts are
warranted not to fail if they prove suc
cessfp.tij.l'o destroy rats catch . them,
one tay oncr and flatten their heads in a
lemon squeezer. To kill r cockroaches
get appatr"'ofs heavy .boots, then eatcji
your roaches,. put them-in- a barrel,1 and
then in-yourself and dance. To catch
ehees& Jaiyr- tnrh.aiiUilie with it
open, and -when a moose's wjuakers tickle
your mouthHteVU3i- ' V" , . .
head for the attack, an 1 I attempted to
draw my revolver. It was too late. Be
fore I had time to u-c my weapon he had
sprung upon me and borne fne to . the
earth. In the shock I dropped my re
volver. Fortunately for me, although his
horns were Sung .and keen, they were wide
and thus he had me fastened down his
horns sticking into the earth o:i cither side
of me. I se zed his horns, as the only
alternative, and attcmntcd to hold him.
Now the struggle commenced in earn
est. His hot breath in my face almost
suffocated nip. Still I held to his horns
with all my strength, hoping that he
would tire of the contest and leave me.
lie drew mej further atjd farther from
my only wjeapon of defense; finally,
breaking loose from me, lie retired a few
steps. I wills afraid to move. There he
stood lashing his tail against his sides,
pawing the earth, his red nostrils dis
tended and his eyes glaring like balls of
fire. lie looked to me the very imper
sonation of the fiend of darkness himself.
He again bowed his 'head ; one decj
thunderlike roar came from him, and
again he was upon mc. As before, his
hoi us stuck
held to the
horns, s.nd h
tlie spot wiiero the eonTesJt hau commenc
ed. I, by this time, was almost exhaust
ed. The bull, too, seemed somewhat
fatigued. At last he broke loose from
my hohl and bucked off a few yards to
renew the combat. I T It that i should
be unable tfi endure so unequal a fight
much longer. I looked around and found
that we were near the place, and fortun
ately but a i'ew f,et from it lay my revol
ver. It was my last hope of life. With
all my remaining strength I .-prang for
and gras edj my pistol, just as the bull
h nl gathered himself for another attack.
On he came, more enraged than ever.
His eyes seem to emit sparks of fire as
when the hsiil had ma le the first charge.
My hat, vh eh I had lost on the first on
set, was lying near me, he rushed toward
I had no time for reflection, but pre
sented my Revolver, and when he-was
within five feet of mc I fired. I struck
him i&ehe cuil in the forehead. He fell
forward a dead bull, and his heavy car
cass in its fall nearly crushed my right
leg, and almost smothered me. With
ddheuU- I Lxtricated myself, but it was
some time before I was able to stand
When I had so far recovered as to crawl
away, I saw a few hundred yards from
me a lone tree, the friendly shelter of
which I at once sought from thu rays of
the now vertical sun. When l reached
the tree, there sat very composedly amotur
its sheltering brauches a native herds
man, lasso in hand, who had been a dis
interested spectator of the unequal con
test from first to last.
Austria has given Lissa, a Dalmatian
island in the Adriatic, to l-higland.
The world's tobacco crop is estimated
at 432,4 JO tons.
Tfcfe Portuguese Queen is suffering from
an incurable, brain disease,
Ftiglish ladies of nobility took part in
Parliamentary proceedings six centuries
The sweetc-t word in our language is
Love. The gratest word in our language
is God. The word expressing the shor
test time is Now. The three make the
greatest and the sweetest duty man can
perform, . -!
A Pravku run all Wives. Lord
bless and preserve my husband , let his
life be hmg and blessed, comfortable and
holy; and let me also become as great a
hlpssiior :ii if comfort uri'o liim .1 shnrpr
in all his joys, a refreshment in all his
sorrows, a meet helper for him in all the
accidents and changes of the world ; make
me admirable forever in his eyes, and
very dear to him. Unite his heart to me,
in the dearest union of love and holiness,
and mine to him in all the sweetness of
charity aud compliance.-
Keen me from all ungentleness and
"unreasonableness, uhseasonableness .-of
passion and Mum or, and make me humble
and obedient, charitable and loving, pa
tient and contented, useful and observuot,
that we may delight in each other accor
ding to thy blessed word and ordinance,
and both of ns may rejoice in Thee, hiv
ing our portion in the love and service
of God forevor
. 4
The mother of the fugitive Queen Isa
bella, of Spain, gave to her daughter a
dowry of j 830,000,000, 17,000,000 of
which the) revolutionists found in the
Madrid palace. l Isabella! secreted the
crown, but carried off the mo-it valuable
diamonds.! Her attendant, Marfori, left
S3,U00 in his apartments. : r .'
t , - -
- The Spanish crown lias not been offer
ed to 'the ! Date of Montpcosier, but His
Grace fears such a calamity, and has
written t .Napoleon that - ho will ; not
aedept if it is". ' ' - . ".
'school honsesy 335 churches, and ; 6,600
Admiral Farragut arrive 1 in New York
on Monday last. ; j
The Grecian bend has received the
name of the fashionable doub!e'-np.
Two shockof earthquake were felt at
St. George, Utah Territory, on the 14lh
u!t. - " "
Only eight soldiers of the first Napo
leon are alive. ,
Six Chinese were lately-baptised in the
Wesleyan chapel at Castlemain. Austra
lia. The gradual abolition of the heredita
ry clergy of Russia is announced.
" Cablegram," " tlmlagrani," and " sea
gram " are new words coined as nmcs
for cable messages.
The Italian Government no longer
gives 500,000 to La Scala, Theatre, at
Milan. The shareholders are indig
nant. The President has proclaimed a treaty
with the king of Italy for the surrender
of criminals uot political offenders.
A spiritualist resides in a Naplc3 prison
for making a dupe pay him 60,000, by
pretending to commune with departed
tsouls. - s-s
A countryman at the Astor, the other
day, after tasting some; olives, wanted to
whip the waiter f. r pouring salt on ''thenil
plums." ,'
The Spaniards want Alfred, the " Sail
or Prince," to ascend the thr neand
marry the Duke of MontepensL-r's daugh
ter. .Mount Davidson, and all the other
mountain peaks near Virginia City, are
whitened with snow.
I Cleveland has recently had a concrete
pavement put down between the rails of
the street passenger roads in-order to tr
the experiment.
' At Vienna, from 500 to 0 )0 old horses
ire butchered yearly, and the meat of
them is eaten by the poorer classes of the
Ninety three flocks of sheep were
recently suffocated in Switzerland, by a
thunder c'oud which passed over the coun
try.! , i
Brighton, England, is to have an im
mense marine aquarium, twelve hundred
and fi fry feet long, and with a proportion
ate width.
A Swedish professor has made brandy
out of commiuon reindeer moss, and an
other has discovered thth, rEashroom are
so plenty that there need never be a fam
ine. Lace drapery, falling low at the sides,
and caught at the back of the chijnon by
a bow and ends, is a graceful feature of
the winter bonnets.
The Prince Royal of Italy has given a
present of a jewel to han on the watch
guard, to each of the 200 gentlemen who
officiated at his marriage.
The order of succession to the Turkish
throne is likely to be; reversed, iu conse
quence of the presumptive heir being
involved in a plot to dethrone the Sul
tan. Efforts are now being made in Holland
to abolish capital punishment, and the
movement is ; helped by the Minister of
Justice at the Hague.
The Cabinet has ordered the statue of
Washington j belonging to New Orleans,
and stored in the Patent Office since
the beginning of the war,- to be Returned
to New Orleans.
. T'ie late heavy rains have caused great
destruction of life throughout Chile.
Forty persons'are reported to huvV perish
ed in crossing the swollen rivers in the
The operation of the transfusion of
blood has been successfully performed in
the hospital at Milan, in the case of a
woman afflicted with chlordeniia.
( The man who invented . the ink with
which greenbacks arc printed, iWdo' an
immense fortune, as the chemicals of
which it is made can neither bo photo
graphed of turned black1, :' r - :-?
- The people Qf-St. Paul,-Minnesota, are
agitating the question of building a
bridge across the Mississippi, thfe estimat
ed cost of which wftl be 9p000
i , The St. John; (N. Yl.) Telegraph Warns
delinquent advertisers that on ' a eertatn
day "their accounts sold at auction
ImpuovejV Tomatoes. From the
commoa - tomato nine-tenths water and
seed, and one-tenth pulp has sprung up
a large, meaty, aud better flavored f ruit.
Maupaj-'s tomato, somewhat extensively
introduced latt year, when known, will
be cultivated by all lovers of tomatoes.
The flesh is thick and red ; it contains
but few seeds, and very little water.
One peek of fruit will make as much
catsup or canned tomato as one bushel
of the common kind. They are largi
and smooth, and have one great advant
age over other kinds the skin is so
thick;' it can be removed without trouble
to the housewife. They can be as easily
prepared for the table as a cucumber.
Kc3-e's early tomato, soinudi praised last
year, is the finest early tomato raised j in
America. Man pay's superior is a French
seedling. It is claimed to be the earliest,
and our expe ience proves it. We dilut
ed last year Tilden" tomatoes on March
10th, Keyes, April 10th; both ripened on
August 10th! Mr. Keyes claims his to
matoes to be thirty days earlier than the
Tilden, and we can testify to the truth
of Ills claims. This year, we planted the
three kinds the same day, and can fully
test their merits. Keyes's tomato has no
bad odor to its leaves and ripens its
fruit near the ground, and within a few
weeks' time. Tilden's tomato is also far
better worth cultivating than the common
kinds. It is large, smoor h, well flavored.
and keeps well, as du the other kinds, and
docs not decay rapidly. Ex.
How to Make Shi.ncles Last.
Shingles that are painted will last much
longer than when put on in the usual
way. Some advise the use of tar, either
dipping in tar before using, or tarring
the upper end of the shingles after each
course is laid. Mr. Emerson, of Hollis,
Massachusetts, says, in a communication
to the New England Farmer, that
shingles laid in whitewash will last twice
as long as if they had not been treated
with the lime. II is plan is sometimes
to soak su ingles in thin whitewash made
with brine instead of clear water. At
other times he laid his shingles in white
wash. When this last course is adopted,
he lines each course of shingles, as laid,
with red chalk, then whitewash the last
course laid down to the line, ;i:id after
the builJing is shitih.-d the whole roof is
whitewashed. He speaks of a nmf cov
ere 1 with sappy and shaky shingles that
had lasted twenty cirs, ami would last
several years longer. In nailing, he puts
the nails about two incites apart, :md
does not drive them down, but leaves -the
heads out so as to keep-up the bats nf
the next row of shingles to allow a cir
culation of air.
To Make Cows Give Milk A
writer who says his cow gives all the m:ik
that is wanted in a family of eight per
sons, and from which was made two hun
dred and sixty pounds of butter in the
year, gives the following as his treatment:
If you desire to get a large yield of
rich milk, give'your cow, :hrec times a
day, water slightly warm, slightly salted,
in which bran has been stirred at the rati'
of one quirt to two' gallons of water.
You will find, if you have not found this
by daily practice, that your cow will ga'ti
twenty five'per cent, immediatdy, undjer
this' treatment, and she will become so
Yv anted A collar for a neck of land.
The worst organ .grinder-A hollow
No man lias, as yet, been able to ride
a clothes horse with the "spur of :rmo
ment." Baltimore has an oyster police, who
patrol the oyster ground--, and sometimes ,
indulge in an " oyster war." j
.Russian An. erica is a very ice o lafed
country. The ladies should their
uijihidlas, for the country is full of rein
deers. A young man advertised for a wife,
and received eight hundred answers
fnvn .husbands, saving lie could have
theirs. This shows the value of advertis
ing. c i
' A French wit said tf a man who war; cx
ccc ingly fat, that nature only made him
to show how the human skin would
stretch without breaking.
What is the difference between a
honeycomb and honeymoon ? ' A honey
comb consists of a numbc of "small
cells," and a honeymoon consists of one
' great sell."
"There, John, that's' twice you've
come home and forgotten the lard."
" La, mother, it was so greasy it slip
ped my mind-"
A gentleman' met a half-witted lad in
the road, ami placing in one of his hands
a sixpence and a penny, asked him which
of the two he would choose. The lad re
plied he would uot be greedy ; he'd take
the smallest.
A gentleman who had been spending
the evening with a few friends, looking
at his watch, just aftei midnight, said,
"It is to-morrow morning! I must bid
you good night, gentlemen."
A lady wished a seat in a crowded hall;
a handsome gentleman brought her a
chair "You are a jewel," she said.
"Oh, no, I am a jeweler; I have just
set the jewel I"
"Ahem ? So here I am between two
tailors," said a dandy at a pub'ic table,
wherij a couple of young tailors were seat
ed who had just begun business.
" Very true," said one of them ; 41 we
are but new beginners, and can only af
ford to keep one goose between us."
" Mary, relieve that burning luminary
of the supeiiiicumbcut dross that beais
upon it."
"jMa am : said Mary, confused r.s to
what her mistress could mean.
".Take," said the lady, "from that lu
lrdnons l,o ly the sn criueumbeut weight
of consumed caibon."
" "j Ma'am ?"' repeated Mrry.
' Sou IT that caudle, you fool 1" exclaim
ed the lady.
A man in the lunatic asylum at Cin
cinnati, according to his own .statement, is
400 years old, loaned Shakspc.iru five
dollars which he never got back, pusent
ed a bosom-pin to Columbus just before
his first voyage to America, aud was on
intimate terms with queen Elizabeth,
whom he calls- Lib."
A neat compliment was paid the other
day to a lady. She had just swallowed
a small glass of wine, as a gentleman in
the camp :ny asked for a taste. ' It's
all gone" siilshc laughingly, "unless
you take s mi-; fro n my Iios." " I sh raid
W. R. 6EW .4I.L.
" fFCRMEHLT AltltlGOJtl's,)
' '
Front street : i : Portland, Oregon.
rviE i'xr ei:' to xi-;r, itavixo rrn-
li linfo! this, well known Hotel, are now rre
I'ioo't to nllVr the iravolinir piil'li" hotter nconi
m o lati'in-i t'-an cr.ii l.c found elsewhere in th
Hoard anil Lodging ?S OO per day.
Tl:c Hotel r.a-li wi'l 1)0 in nttendnnoe to con
voy P;- npiii cu t I'ngSS0 to di1 from the
Hotel rev of rhurijr.
OfTwe OrPL'pn t- Oli'ornia Stage Company, B.
G. WniTr.tnn-fE. A Tent. 2tf
r-"t-'ti flint in ill iroiiL'hly prewired to do all
tli fliiTVrent s'vV of work in ho art. Pt'ntn
rrnnhs fr m card liro m7e. Tl new rntiinet
-:irr1;. Jin., ir. Picture pnltirfffd. re'ouched in
Tn'lia ink, ni:nfel in wrt' r-' o'ors. 1v Mn. S. J.
lUnn- v. Pi. t:-r,,! that nr fndins- run b rrm
iai! in tt'i. iry. Xi"rnt'vc cnr-fn!ly prw-tvfJ
s that ii'l'.liii pnal copies' tnv Vp l' t T time.
Portland. Orcein.
J. II. MITCItr.l l.. J. X. lOI.PII. A. SMITH, f
BT tcheU, ColTh 6t Smith,
1 A SoIkmOiti in Chnn'cry nnt Proctors itt Ad
miralty. OtTire civtr the old Post Office, Front
ft reft.. Portland. Orcjron. I
2 Z
" Consignments of Produce solicited.
t , '.i i- : . i t ! be most liajoiy," he replied, " but 1 utver
attached to thu diet as to refuse to ilrink ! h'' .. 1 '
clear water when very thirsty, but this
mess sho will drink almost any time, and
ask for more. The amount of this drink
is an ordinary pailful each time, morning;
noon, and night. Yuitr animal will then
do her best at discounting the lacteal.
Four .hundred pounds o( butter are often
obtained from good stock and instances
are mentioned where the yield was even
a higher figure."
Profitable Business A corres
pondent of the Lowell Courier, writing
from Sheldon, Vt.. under date of Ju'y
14th, says: - j
Within a radius of t wo or three miles
from where I stand, there are 14 JO cows,
from which are made about S7U.O00
worth of butter and cheese, annually.
Lund is worth from 40 to S5J per! acre
One man has 1400 acres ami keeps; 120
cows. Oihes have large farms j and
dairies. From one to three acres j pas
ture a cow, and two tons of hay winter
her. The gross income from twenty
cows for the season is about S40U0.
Most of the farmers aro in, or inte'nding
to engage in this lucrative business.
They seem to have butter on the brain
with far better ; results than those! who
have had 4oil on the brain' in the past
years." ,- . ,(
Milking Cows It is common be
cause convenient, io this country, to milk
cows but twiee a day, morning and even
ing but4jKU contended that more (milk
will be oljraTije4py milking three times,
s the French people do. or even more
than that. It is said that cows Iefc to
their own hoice will feed four times
day, and, jhereforq, it is argued! that
they should be uilked an equal number
.of. times. It may bo true that frequent
milktng8 will induce a greater flow, ot
milk, tlrough fhe "tdifseijuenee i would be
take sugar, iu mine.
Some wie man takes tho fallowing
view of the economy (nicstion : ' .When
you see a man spending; two or three
dollars a week foolishly, the ch niees arc
-five to one that he'll live I'tig eU'tnh
to know how many cents there aro in a
dollar; if he don't, lw is pretty sure
to bequeath that privilege to his wid
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R. 13. CSBATriEL,I,
tOjipositc the AVeftern Hotel,)
W. 15. xomiAX,
Northeast corner Washington nnd First streets,
Oig-jn!S, lobacco,
Cu-.lciy, Fishing Tackle, Stationery,
Willow Ware, I'laj-ing Cards, Fancy Goods, vi.c.,
I'' rout and Washington Street..
Is. P. W. Qu'iinTjy, - - - - Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel.)
till!;.' iiifovm the traveling public that the
Auierii-an Exi haut e having been lately improveil
iu till its lc!nrtiiieiitt. he is now prcj arnl t oCer
-i;p! r! 'V i'xli ct incuts to I is patrons aud the puhliu
;:i g -til ral. at reduced prici-s.
Hoard and Lodging. 1 50 to S2 per day,
:ueov iin-r t i th -r. in oi-cuii'rd.
,trt'-The Aiut-rican Exchange wagon will al
ways t. in' readiness to convvy passengers to an '
fr. iu tho 11 i.l t'ler ''f c! urue.
Kstablishcd Seventeen years !
Fire-proof Erii k Du'.lding, 105 Front street,
poiitlaxd : : : obegon.
Imp utcr anil Pcalor in every description of
ahd nil J.inds of musical insiruments,
Sliect Music, Instruction RuokR.
Church ltisic IJooks, Uass Viol, Guitar,
aud Violin Strings,
Xiljlllli Jl 5ojj!S, (
-: i
Toys, CStenp Publicalions,
Miscellaneous Books, Globes, Presses,
and every other article in the above line.
Wholesale Prices.
school neosesyo cuurenes, aaa u,outj viay .-their accoatitsilU soiiaUucaon (need of a, groujer feed or a pernianent in-.j "cuTb,; gia f iktou and SI
liquor Btore8.AIi.C - - i ttbigbeptbiddr- ZioTt a wo Hary,tO the animal. -- 5. - u -" ! ' ceipts for Mecaaniei, mailed on receipt of 25c.
L- :-''''!-----'''r--'''":--''''''':
rLiis- " - " j .--.a,.-. .. ... . .. jp-fc- -- --'
Importing my stock from Xcw York direct, I can (
soil to country dealers, farmers nnd
1 -
others at San Francisco 1 '
Agent for all the leading Newspapers and Mags,'
lines published in the United States or Europe.
Full catalogues sent on application.
i -
City, Oregon, Thomas O. Davis v. William'
'i nonius. To the said William Thomas: Thu
skid Thomas O. Davis having cnered at this of
fice, under thy Ilcmeitead Act, the W. J of N.
W. i of rf. ction 14, a id the S. E. i of the N. E.-
and lot No. 1 of Section 15. in T. 10 S. It. 1 E..
whiih tntry i in eontliot wiita your I r.--emp(ion
filing of Oct. 12 h. ISf.O, and V- said Thomas O.
Diivis having of ered proof to show that you have'
abaudoued siid land : You aro, therefore, here-'
by notified that yti will be allowed thirty daVi
from ei-ruice hereof in which te tako an appeal
from the decision (film office allowing said en-
uy, u you aeaire i oo.- - - - - -
.; OWEK WADE, Regieter. . &.
Keceirer. . ,
AprU 3, 1868. Sep 19, 1868wi. '