SATURDAY, NOVEMiSEli 28, 1868. Legal tenders in.-Sao Francisco, 73 (g73l, old in New York,. 134 J, . 1 Gram's official majority in California is between five hundred. 'Kcw Knjrlaihd gives a Republican ma jority of 148,500. ..... .......... .. . . The Indians call the Central Pacific trains a heap of wasjon. no hoss." The fare from Portland to Iioisc City, first c!a-, is $50 ; .cond class, S35. . . It is said-that the demand for passage overland is so great, that ull scats arc en gaged to December 1st. The Demociata of Wintcrset, Iowa, have elected a negro Justice of tho Peace. It U their conception of a joke. Snow fell to the depth of one foot in Portland, Maine, on Saturday, October 18th, and sleitihnp: was lively. In the U. S. District Court, Portland, Judge Dead presiding, the case of E. G. Randall, postmaster at Portlafcd, charg ed with,, robbing the mail, his been en gaging the attention of the court. U. S. Postal Agent, Q. A. Brooks, J. II. Lew is, clerk in Sacramento post-office, and several' other P. M.'s. were examined in regard to the matter on Tuesday. The case was submitted to the jury Wednes day evening. II. T. Helmbold, the great patent medicine man, advertised in the New York papers, October 2Sth, that he would wager one million dollars, in four wagers, of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars " each, as follows : 1st, that Grant would not receive a majority of the electoral vote of the United States, or a majority of the votes cast by the people. 2d, that Indi ana and Pennsylvania would, in Novem ber, go for Seymour and Blair. 3d, that New York State would go for Hoffman, Seymour and Blair. 4th, that Seymour and Blair would be elected President and Vice President of the United States. "A fool and his money is soon parted." From Madrid, Spain, it is announced officially that the election for Delegates to the Constitutional Cortez will take place on ths lbth of December. The Cortez meets on the 1st of January. The Monarchists and Republicans have sev erally had large public' meetings, parad ed the streets with bands ot music, and other demonstrations. The Monarchists are largely in the ascendancy, but the Republicans were gaining strength daily. From reports a lively canvass will be tad. I 1 - ' Telegrams from the East state that some of the Southern Governors arc go ing after the Ku-Kluxes, with the de termination of breaking up the organiza tions, or declaring martial law. Since the result of the election has become "generally known, rrtfirder has become much less frequent fa the South. NATURALIZATION. It i due to the purity of the ballot-box that the outrageous naturalization frauds perpetrated in New York city be ferited but, and the scoundrels who instigated them be punished. Hanging is not too severe for the scamps, who turned out voters there for weeks like sausages from a machine, says the Marysville (Cal.) Ap peal. - raid, (by The Portland He, paper, was jsold (by Beriah Brown's the Sheriff ou Wednesday last in that city, and was bought by . the 'judgment creditor for $3,000 something1 less than half the amount of his judgment. It is announc ed that there will bo no immediate change in the editorial management. Active preparations are being made for a great Soldiers' Reunion at Chicago, Dee. 15th. Gen. Sherman will deliver the address of freedom. Gens. Thomas, Sheridan, S locum, Schofield and others will be present on the occasion. The Princess Kozlosky, a beautiful Russian lady, has opened a eigar store in Moscow. Her father having lost his fortune, the nobles of Moscow offered them 2,000- roubles a year, but she pre fers to make her own living. A telegram dated Peoria, Illinois, Oc tober 23d, says : "The Democracy had a big time here to-day, with much noise, yelling, and . fanfaronade. Frank Blair, Sam. Gary and General McClernand were here. Blair spoke about half an hour and stopped abruptly, frequently stopped daring bis speech. He was obliged to be ' supported by those around him, and did finally fall or stumble on the stand. A nice man for Vice President, wasn't he ? The vote of Chieago stAnds : Grant, 22,420, Seymour, 17,250. Ia 1864, Lincoln, ; 14i575 ; - McClelTen, 12,724. Thia comparison shows -the wonderful growth of Chicago as a city, and also a -very large comparative increase of the . Ryblion inajority. . It is thought that the next Congress will make some changes in the natural ization laws. Theatteution of the whole country has been drawn to the manner in which the manufacture of citizens has been carried on in the great metropolis of "the nation, New York city, for the past few years.. She attracts the greater attention because of the wholesale char acter of her business. No honest man of either party but condemns the wicked frauds. that are annually perpetrated, not only in New York, but in all our large cities. If the naturalization laws now on our statute books were honestly ad ministered, there would' be no necessity or wish for a change by the majority of our people. But it is notorious, and cannot be successfully' denied, .that they are n so administered, and herce the agitation of the question at this time. The New York Tribune commits itself to what might be called radical changes. It proposes to take naturalization from the State courts and give it to the Fed eral j to extend suffrage, in eighteen months residence, to all who will make oath that they are and intend to remain citizens of the United States, and that they have committed no crime other than treason or rebellion, and that they give true allegiance to the Constitution and the laws. Frauds can be com mitted before Federal courts as easily as in the State courts, and an eighteen months test is too much or too little. If there is a change made? it should be for the better and not for the, worse. The Marysville Appeal, in remarking on this subject, has the following : We think the people would be pleased to see a change, but not for the worse. They would favor a law making an in telligent test something like this : Every foreigner who can read the Constitution, and si"n his name to a declaration of in tention, shall be admitted to citizenship, and be entitled to franchise rights in any State on acquiring the time of residence required of every qualified voter. Such a law would hold out no inducements to parties to perpetrate fraud, witnesses to commit perjury, and judges to stain the ermine of the bench. It would give the most intelligent foreigners the right of suffrage immediately, and stimulate the ignorant to fit themselves for the same privilege. We do not think any one can say this proposition smacks of Know rotbuigism. Ir it points any way the index holds out towards a Know Something party. Congress wnl undoubtedly make some changes in our naturalization laws. Something must be done to "stay the frauds committed uuuer ythe old law. e cannot go buck and renjitlien the time requisite to acquire eitizcltship, but we think that it is incumbent upon the people of the Republic, who desire to see it successful over the aristocratic govern ments of Europe, to see that it is not overwhelmed by the desperation or rival parties in acquiring new votes. Were it possible to obtain an intelligent test for Fall, native as well as naturalized, we be lieve much good would come if not at present, surely in the future. Our gov ernment cannot survive a yearly flood of ignorance, fortified by religious supersti tion. It being true that a Republican government cannot be maintained only by an intelligent people, it behooves all to keep in view the great principle co equal with that which ensures life, lib erty and the pursuit ot happiness. Should not Grumble. The follow ing remarks from the S. F. Alfa, are quite as applicable to Oregon as to Califor nia: I Whoever else may grumble about "the heavy expenditures of the Federal Gov ernment, Californians should keep still. Their mouths ought to be closed. Con gress gives ten dollars to California for every one that it takes. It has given about 60,000,000 acres of land to the Pacific Railroad, loaned 60,000,000 for thirty years to the Middle Pacific Road, offered 100,000,000 acres of land on this coast as a free gift to homestead settlers, established steamer lines to China and Honolulu, and given the mines to the people in possession of them. Is it not rather steep in the recipients of all I these favors to howl about the . extrava gance of. Congress and about the evils of Radical rule ? . . The morning after election the Virgin ia (Nev.) Safeguard, a Democratic jour nal, said : There is no use disguising the fact that we are beaten in this county worse than we ever were before. In the dark est days of the rebellion the Democracy never sustained as bad a defeat as they did at the polls yesterday. Edwin M. Stanton and John Lothrop Motley are the principal names men tioned for the head of the Department of State under the coming Adminsitra tion. Robert E. Le,e has a Bible class of 150 members in his College. Ue should se lect some Bible precepts against perjurers, and enforce them by illustrations drawn from his own conduct. Lou tea Aluhlach'a daughter, an actress in Berlin, "was recently hissed on the stage. She sat down and cried, when the audience good-naturedly dried her tears by substituting applause for hisses. - A person named Porter, being very drunk, a friend asked him what he hud been about. " Only turning a little gin into Porter," replied he. "Figurative" Gains. Sufficient of ficial returns ""have been received from the - coast of Oregon, of which we are w homy to make it evident that quite a number of staunch Seymour and Blair men are "gone in " on all the thousand majority wagers on this itate ; and that even 'one hundred majority wouldn't have much show to win and this is abont'ail that is certain with regard to the figures. We are inclined to believe that it was pretty generally known throughout the State, that' Seymour and lilair were the Democratic candidates for President and Vice President, and that the unterrificd wcut to the polls on the 3d, and flung in their votes, perfectly reckless as to the probable cost, although there are instances on record, where par ties who were wedded to the "time-honored principles" didn't get to the polls until the next day, owing to the amount of befunglenicnt taken into their "ali mentary canals" the day previous'. These littlo befunglcnients on the part of about eleven hundred of the "unwashed" only proves (according to Feeble Brown and his satellites), that the party that -runs the Legislature has increased unprcce dentedly since J une, and that at the same ratio of increase, in yearly installments, the Black licpuHicans will not be able to carry Oregon for Grant, or any other man they may nominate, by much over four or five thousand votes, in 1872. This thought is very consoling to those who ventured and lost several two dollar gold and a half pieces, on the assurance of these Democratic ink-slingers, that Oregon would, give Seymour and Blair fifteen hundred majority ; and it encour ages these self same ink-slingers to renew tho battle against the "bloody abolition ists," assured by the result of the late election, of a "bright and glorious future for Democracy." What a luxury it is to be always on the winning side some sides ! What happy and contented dis positions! What unanimity in figures! All gains and no losses; and yet these "bloody minded, aiietocratic mongrels," insist on "taking in" the stakes. Their figures (these "mongrels') are undoubt edly wrong, radically wrong, but they can't be made to "see it in that light." Well, now we feel like hurrahing for such unprecedented Democratic gains, and we hope they vill meet just such "gains" forevermore. And while the valiant inkslinger is "preparing," like the hero of Chickahominy, to give his most "terrible blows in the dark hour of de feat," let the brethren sing that stirring nulorfy, a fit accompaniment to the " heavy leader :" "Hark from tbo tombs a doleful sound 1" The Gold Hill yews is responsible for the following; "Someone has estimated the population of the world at 1,350,200, 000. Of that number the Democrats have about 1,347,000,000 to colonize from, yet they lost Pennsylvania by a Kaudsome majority. STATE ITEMS. The; several Odd Fellows Lodges of Portland have determined to build a targe and commodious hall, on the corner of Alder and First streets, for the gener al use of the order. Work will be com menced on the building early in the spring. J. The following romance, in the deer killing' fine, is from the Oregnnian r Messrs. Jones, Button, Col. West and Quiraby; armed and equipped with guns, dfgs, etc., went into the mountains in quest of deer meat a few 'days since. Jones, in his peregrinatious through the woods, came across a deer ; deer and Jones mutually astonished. Jones, however, less astonished, drew a bead on deer and let flicker. This only added to the! as tonishment of his deership, and the ani mal turned to leave the presence. jbut was so overcome with bashful timidity nt this uolooked for introduction, that its neck was broken on the turn. . Others of the party came np, and after a careful examination, were unable to find a bul let hole, or even a scratch, to account for this neck-breaking, on he part of the deer. It seems to be a case of klonas. The Unionist reports the robbery of Mr. Hendrick's store, at Wheatland, on tho night of the "23d. A quantity of clothing was taken. The thief effected an entrance with a bar of iron obtained at a blacksmith shop. The safe was tampered with, but was not opened, j Says the same paper, under date of 25th : The Grand Jury yesterday indicted Thos. Greenwood, familiarly known as "Dixie," for an assult with intent to kill Jas. Coffee. The prisoner was arraigned and plead ,rnot guilty." The trial was set forj this hiornnig at nine o'clock. Powell attorney for the State, and Bon ham & La wson for the defense. On Monday evening while the P. T. Co's steamer Albany, it is learned - from a passenger, was grounded on the Ma-i theny's bar about 14 miles below Salem, the opposition steamer, Success,. steamed up by the side of the Albany and groun ded also. She immediately reversed her machinery . and started to back ont. . In doing which the prow of the Success came in contact with the wheel "of the Albany, which was in motion. The result was the break-up of about one-third of the wheel, j The boats finally got over ; ther Albany: lay at Wheatland over night, i where the wheel was temporarily men ded. The boat will be laid up for a few days. Mrs. A. L. Grnbbs, for several years a teacher in the Willamette University, has resigned her situation in the institu tion. With her resignation the school has lost a preceptress which it will be dif ficult to replace. County Court has levied a county tax of oj nails on the dollar, on all taxable prop erty in this county. The State, School and County tax, this year, amounts to 14 mills on the dollar. A frorseTwilonging to Mr.- Jackson Barton, of Lewis county, was smothered to death on Wednesday night in a pecu liar manner. IHic animal was tied by a halter, in a stall at the stable of Charles Grainger, which, by some means, got across his nose, frightened him, causing him to pull the harder, drawing the IihI ter so tightly across the nostrils as to en tirely stop his breathing. Jle was a stub born animal, and he hung on to the halter till it killed him. " ' The Roscburg Ensign gets off the fol lowing good one : The following was told to us for a fact, and we do not doubt it. There was a citizen in one of the precincts of this couuty, who could not read a Demo crat of course.' It was agreed by both parties, to let him alone on election day. and not read his ticket for hin. After a while he concluded that the ticket with a picture of a flag on it was the Demo cratic ticket, and he would vote it any how, because he could see the " picture" and handed it in. One of the Judges asked if that was the ticket he intended to vote, and received an eirphatie answer "that the ticket he handed in 'was the ticket he voted." He did not fiud out his mistake until the polls were closed, and his vote stands recorded for Grant and Colfax, an ait he should be proud of even if it was a mistake. Five Indians, ariested near Rnseburg, accused of stealing twohorses near Eugene City, had made "their escape from the custody of deputy sheriff Miller of Lane county. The Ensign says that the rich surface diggings, known as the Randolph Claim, in Coos county, are attracting considera ble attention. There are at present three wealthy companies organized and at work, with great profit. Streaks of sand have been found, so rich in the precious metal that one man could take out 40 to 50 rer daw" r Froiii a Dallas Sional extra, dated h 24th, we learn that Thos. Smith and Wm. E." Glaze were badly wounded, on morninir of the 23d. Thos. Smith, bother of Sheriff Smith, of Polk county, and Mr. Glaze had been deputized to take Chas. Sutton, sentenced to penitentiary for the term of five years, for house-breaking, etc. On the morning mentioned, as they were awaiting the approach of the Sher iff with his prisoner, standing in the rear of the vehicle piepared to convey them and the prison :r to Salem, a shot gun, loaded with twenty-four .buckt-hot, was accidentally discharged, the shot going entirely through the "tailboard" f the wagon, and taking effect in the bodies and limbs of Messrs. Smith and Glaze. Glaze was wounded in tho shoulder thigh and abdomen, and is in a critical condition. Smith was hit in various pla ces about the body, head and arms, one shot passing through his right arm, frac turing the bone and lodging in the oppo site side. His wounds arc not deemed serious. Drs. Sites arid McAfee were to make an effort to extract the bullets from the shoulder and abdomen of tho unfor tunate Glaze, Wednesday last. Mrs. Hubbard, says the Signal of t he 24th, who has lingered in great agonv for near three weeks from the effects of the burns she received from her clothes taking fire, and who was brought to this place soon after' the occurrence of the ac cident for the greater convenience of medical treatment, expired last niirht be tween eight and nine o'clock. Tho body will be removed to Bridgeport to day for interment. Deceased endured her pro tracted and intense suffering with great fortitude throughout. The location and nature of her injuries made it necessary for her to lie on her face during the tryinu period of her illness, which mut have contributed materially to the aggravation of her distress. Telegraphic Summary. The total vote of Connecticut is 08, 947 of which Grant received 50.995; Seymour, 42,952. The town of Brook lyn, which gave Grant 109 majority, failed to' return its vote to the office of the Secretary of State, leaving'out" this town Grants official majority is 7,934. -. On the night of the eighteenth a fire broke out in the Central Lunatic Asylum, at Columbus, .Ohio, and before thy could be removed, several patients were burned to death. Gov. Ilolden's message shows that the tax ad valorem on the property of tho State would pay the interest on the State debt, lie recommends such a levy and to advertise various i"tcrnal improve ments. Ho congratuiates the State upon the suppression of the rebellion; upon the reconstruction, on a basis pf suffrage 'for all, updh the election of Grant. . Specials say that Secretary Seward pronounces, as an entire fabrication, the statement that the British Government agreed to withdraw her joint occupancy of the Island of San Juan. f The State Deputy has received no in telligence which would subject the con dVuct?of Minister Washburn to ceusure. On the contrary the Standard, a lead ing English Journal at Beuns Ayres, finally defends his conduct as governed by the highest considerations of courage and humanity. Grant's ofnciaj majority in Illinois, is 51,1 50. Total vote of the State 450,000. Grant's official majority in South Caro lina is 79.;- ; The Mercury has been dis continued. ; ... : ,:., v , . Grant's official majority in New Hamp shire is 7,153. Proposition for calling a Constitutional Covention was defeated by 1,572 votes. Government officials have been unable to discover any evidence that there is a fiilibustering movement against Cuba. Several individuals who have been men tioned iu connection with affairs of State, say that the story is an entire fabrication. It is said that immediately on receiv ing Minister Washburn's report on his transactions in Paraguay, it was de cided and effective instructions were given to the new .Minister, j Gen. McMahon, who, with Rear -Admiral Davis, is in readiness to proceed, with an adequate naval force, to assist to vindicate the na tional honor, and to redress the wrongs said to have been committed by Lopez upon American citizens. Judges Harland and Wescott, of the Supreme Court, ordered a rule. visa re turnable on Tuesday . next, calling on Lieut. Gov. Gleason to show cause why a writ of quo warranto should not be issued on application. The Time's brings the whole case before the Supreme Court. ! The Augusta (Ga. Republican has re ports purporting to be detailed accounts of Ku Klux outrages in Warren; and adjoining counties. It says negroes were intimidated frqiu voting the Republican ticket. i The official vote from all ' counties in the State of New York, except' Kings county, which is reported, shows Sey mour's m-jority to be 9,458. Grant's official majority in Minnesota is 15.440. Majority for negro suffrage is 9,416. A dispatch from Alabama says that Grant's majority will reach 4,000. Negro Suffrage is defeated in Missouri by 18,000. The Senatorial fight in Minnesota is highly exciting. Wilkinson will have some strength, and may secure his elec tion. From Florida, under date of the 18th, we have the following: Lieutf. Gov. Glea son has issued a proclamation" setting forth that the government has recognized both branches of the Legislature, by transacting busines with themfJ"that the Constitution declares any officer, wheiji inij cached, shall be deemed under arrest, and disqualified from discharging any duties of his office tiil acquitted by the Senate lie further proclaims tho order that Harrison Reed, .Governor of Florida, is deemed by the constitution under ar mrest ; he is disqualified from performing the duties of his office until acquitted by the Senate; his powers have devolved on him by the constitution to put down lawlessness, and anarchy will inevitably ensue if a man when impeached, however elected to his station, ictuses submission to arrest imposed by the constitution. The document is signed by WT. H. Glea son, Lieut.-Gov., Acting-Governor, and countersigned by Geo. Alden, Secretary of State. It bears the impression of the seal of State. Gov. Reed has also a State seal, said to 'be a duplicate of the original. - Gov. Reed arrogates to himself the right to pronounce impeachment void, and proceeds in office as though no im peachment had been prc&trred. A New York telegram of the 21st says : Stories are afloat which seem authorita tive, that Vundeibilt and the English stockholders iu the Erie Company have been using the cable for a week past in the interest of a new collossal combina tion of stockholders to send sin agent here with all their proxies and Vander bilt and other shareholders in tliis coun try to get possession of the Erie Railroad and also to Consolidate the Atlantic and Great Western with the Erie and secure a monopoly ol the New Jersey Central Railroad Company as well as a controlling interest in the Pennsylvania Central, making such a monopoly with the Hud son River, Harlem and New York Cen tral, already in the hands of ,Vandetbilt, as has nver been known on this continent. Vandeibilt claims that he can raise here and abroad over one hundred millions for the purpose He has in project this step; he long contemplated and has been induc ed by the efforts of Jay Cooke & Co, to get possession of the New York Central. He holds that his safety and the public interest demand this, though all who know him are aware of his acting entirely for his own interest. Such is the substance of reports in Wall street. . A movement of a concerted character is being made to demand an official statement of the affairs of the Erie Company, with an official Register of all shares issued not complied with. Both board brokers .will take off the Erie froir their list. TSTotice- NOTICE, is hereby given, that ihe undersigned at the November term of the County C'turt of .Linn couuty, was appointed Administratrix of the estate of J. II. Lines, deceased. AU' persons having claims against said estate, aro re jucsted to present them, duly verified to the ussderoind, at ber residence, wilhia six months from the data hereof. MARTHA M. LINES, Administratrix. N(.v. 21, 1S3-12wt lInn Couuty Teachers' Institute, WILL bold its seren'.h semi-annual session at Crownsvil c, commencing on December 211U. 18C8. The following branches are expected to be in troduced by the following named teachers : Grammar It. N. Thompson and A. J. 01 in. Reading J. V. Crawford. u Practical Arithmetic Mrs. Oi'ilba Bradsbaw. Penmanship Mr. Bradsbaw. Mental Arithmetic Peter Wcigle and Hender son. . ' Algcbri Jas. Dennison. Ocojirapiiy N. Hendry. Family Government : Its Influence on School Government A. E. KKis. Orthography W. II. Amidon. Lectures may be expected. N. nENDKY, W. II. AMIDON'. Committee. Nor. 2S7lSG8-12t4 riTRNIj-YC.' - - TURIVIIYG. NEW TO-DAY. IVptice- ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of J. LEVY, Bankrupt, must settle their said in debtedness on or beforj the loth day of December next, at tho office of Powell & Flinn, in Albany, Oregon, with whom all books, notes and accounts of said estate are left for settlement, or suit will be brought against them in tho United States District Court, AtPortland, Oregon. L. GOODMAN, Assignee in Bankruptcy. : Albany, Oregon, Not. 21, 1868-1 2 w3 Executor's Notice. Entate of Jf. Hr. Mack, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Executors of tba above estate, t the credit ors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present the same, with neu.ssary. vouchers, within fix months from date of this notice, to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon. i- DAVID FROMAN, FRANCES L. MACK, ; Nov. 21, 1868-1 26 w Executors. : Rcs8ell & Elkiss, Attys. Executor's Notice. Eitate of Robert Zntl, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned. Executors of the above estate, to the credit ors of, and all persons having claims against do-, ceased, to present the same, with proper vouchers', within six months from date of this notion to tbo undersigned at Albany, Oregon. ; WALTER MONTETTH." SAML. H. ALTHOUSE, Nov. 23, 1868-I2w8 """"Xxecntorsj. . : Hciuu 4 Kuans, Atty. M n a - Ol "3 a? a 3 H t-m I AM PnRPARF.D TO DO ALL KINDS OP TURNING t I ke p on hand and make tocrdc-r RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, AXD . Spinning1 Wheels.! JUS Shop near the "Masnolia Mills." Albany, Nov. JOHN M. METZLER 18, 1SBS-I2 P. W. SPINK. A. CAROTHCltl. P. W. SPINK & CO., (successors to m. w. mack,) Dealers in Tin, Sheet-Iron, Coppcrwarc, i I 1 STOVES I First, between Washington & l"errj-sts. T. HE undersigned having purchased the stork formerly owned by M. W, Mack, and havinir made large additions thereto, now offer to the -public trie fullest nnd comptetest assortment of first-class roods in our lino, yet offered in this market, consisting of PARLOR, BOX, HALX, . ... and ... COOKING STOVES, of the following patterns : Buck. Black Knight. Golden Utc. ' lien i y Clay. New Nation, Buckeye State. &c, &c, &c. from the best manufactories, which tbey are offer ing at'loweht rales. , A!s , a largo stock of h'rench Saucepans. Ladles & Shimmers t Iron, Enameled and Dram Kettles, Iron Tet fctflc ami Ovens, Iron aitd Lead Pipe, force d: Lift I'umps, and a full assortment of COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! Wo will continue to keep on band a large stock NO. 1 TIN WARE ! which wo will dispose of t dcalersat the lowest mnrkct rates. ; Wo are better prepared than ever to do all kind of REPAIRING! Jin a neat nnd workmanlike short notice. Persons from tlie country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities fer manufacturing enaldu us to give a liberal discount. Term Caeh, or marketable Product) P. W. SPINK1 A CO. Nov. 28. '63-12 POSITIVELY SELLING AT COST I THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to the public in general, .- that they will sell their WELL SELECTED STOCK DRY GO OD S! toots c3 Sboes! CLOTHING! AXD GENERAL MERCHANDISE f from and after this date ,7 Those desiring to make purchases will do well to Call ImmecliixtolyI 1L8 we desire to close ont Out Entire Stool I L on the above terms, j - FOR CASH I OR MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE t 9 - ' i AU persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, are requested to come forward with out delay, and settle their indebtedness, aa we are determined to close our mercantile bu&ines, and eelleet oar dues. ; w. w. parrisii a co. Albany, Nor. 28, 18W-11 ' --,.' 7e;,':; '