The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 03, 1868, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 4.
She jUnuvn Uegtstcv,
prnLisnci every satiriiay bt
In a note signed
"w. c. w
0" Year Three Dollars
Fix Mouths Two Hollars
&iuaiu Copies Ten Cents
CWcNiAtf of the 20th, Sept., we learn that i also 00011 llliUie 111 i,aur ""-'.
aome mil-ties', while en route for the i 1Vom -Auburn, which will undoubtedly
mouth of Salmon river, were attacked by
a large panther. Its first attack was
a fork of Canyon Creek, 13 miles from j Human Decadence. Iu an aide t he
Canyon City. Two new discoveries have ! sis on d;at h, Dr. Aeosta of Paris dis
cusses the difficulty of determining the
Three ISoys kill three Bear.
' ii- Column, per Year. $100 ; Half Column,
$60 ; Quarter Column, $:15.
Tr iaient i advertisements per Square of ten
line.- or less', first insertion, a : eeu (subsequent
Insertion, $1.
fullv inform th! citizens of Allany iin l vi-
ciuity that he Las taken charge of this establish- i
Incut, and, by ke j.i: clean rumns and i:iyin? j
Ktrict attrition to lius:n ss, expects to, suit all
those who may favor him with til -ir patronage.
Having heretofore carried on nothing I'Ut
First-Class Hair Dressing- Saloons,
he cxpec's to jrive entire satisfaction to all.
Children and L:li.-s' hair nea'ly cut and
shampooed. Ju.SEl'U YVKiiBER.
, sepl'.'y2
made upon a boy who had crone back for
a package that had dropped from a wag
on, but was driven off by a man of the
party. It then chased a young man
sonic,, distance, but did not succeed in
catching him. It then made several ef
forts to bound into a wagon wh'ere there
were several children, but was kept off
by the efficient use of a wagon whip. A
dog belonging in the company attacked
his panthership, who finally sprang up a
tree ani was shot. The panther was
very poor, and it is supposed that the
fire in the mountains had starved and
driven bin; out.
GEO. W. GI5AY, D. D. S., '
J( tal College, would invite all p rfona desiring
artificial teeth, and first-class dental operations,
to give him a rail. i
Specimens of Vu'oanite Bae with gold-plate
linings, and other mw styles of work, may be
seen at his cfiice. in Punish A Co.'s trick, (up
tairs) Albany, Oregon.
Residence Corner Second and Raker f-ts. 2
E. II. Griffin,
fers lii- professional sr rvi'-i s
to the inhabitants M' Albany and
vicinity in fie various and improved depart
ments "of his profession. Dr. t. has an experi
ence of eighteen years in his profession, fourteen
of which has b. en in O-eg'-n. i
Oaice over the Post-otS.-c. 1 ,
' E. F. Rnssell, 1
St.ticit;r in C'.iuirr.y ( .'"( A---f'f- .t;;ent
Will practice in th-: Courts of the !-ttnd. Third,
and Fourth Judicial Districts, and in the .Supreme
Court of Oregon. " i
Ofiic in Pariish's Clock, second story, third
door west of Ferry, north ?idc of First st . , II
. jSpecial nttentioti givn to ti.e collection of
Claims at nil p-duts the ;i! named Districts.
& F.iE529,
J a;id S.uieit'-rs in Chancery,
(2.. Flinn, Notary PnVir,)
Albany. Orec-.n. Collections and conveyances
prouiply attended to.
W. J. UlTAillPflL. K. y. Ki;ll-1E1.D.
Hilt2.bi3el & Co.,
13 visious. W.i and V iliow W arc,
ti n.ry, Toba'-co, Ci:irs, Pipes, Noti i s, t -. j tlit-y are
ivian street, tif.ijoiiiiu rue , ,
R. C. Kill &. Co.,
ieals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Mutis,
Varnishes, and Drusrsists Sundries. Store at
Dr. Shepherd's old stand, Albany. 1 tf
W. W. Parrish & Co.,
W ia Genoral iltrchaudise, Albany. The
best Goods at the lowest market prices. Mer
chantable Produce taken in exchange. 1
S. A. Frecland,
School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books,
Stationery, Gold and Ste.l Pens, Ink, etc.. Post-
office Building, Albany, Oregon. toks ordered
from New York and San Francisco. I
t , . .
J. Barrows & Co.,
chants. Dealers in Staple, Dry and Fancy
Good; Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery,
Boots and Shos ; Albany, Oregon.
Consignments solicited. 1
Mrs. tfnnniway,
all descriptions; Cloak and Dress-making
in the latest styles. The latest fashions constantly
received. See full advertisement iu another paste.
C. Wlealey & Co.,
J T Jl. kinds -of Furniture and Cabinet
Wre,' First street, Mbany.
Albany Weekly Register
Tirtt ttrtet, (opposite Parrith & Co.'b tore,)
Albany : s s Oregon.
HAVING a very fair assortment of material
we are prepared to execute, with neatness
and dispatch, all kinds of -
On Thursday of last week Mr. Jake
lloundebush, of Jacksonville, was thrown
from a sulkey, receiving a severe cut
above the knee.
On the 19th, on Applegafe creek, near
Steamboat City, Wm. Harriott found a
chunk of gold that weighed forty -oue
ounces valued at 030. On the day
! .previous a nugget was taken out that
- i i - . . frl
weigiieii sixty nine ounces, i nese pieces,
pays the Jacksonville Sentinel, were '
found below the claims now being work-
cd. and seem to indicate that the mine
of that section are uot quite played out
A lad named Doak, living with Hon.
31. Huston, of Lane county, discovered
two deer, chased by dog?, crossing a field j
near the house, which he headed off,
and as they came neir the fence, he
struck oue of them with a club, knock
ing the animal down ; when he succeeded
iu catching it and taking it to the house
From the State Treasurer's report we
learn that the total receipts of the Treas
ury for 1SU7 8, including the balance on
baud at the time of the last report,
amounts to 8397,500 45. "The expendi
tures fvr the same time amount to 357,
110 59. Jialauce iu the treasury, 610,
b3 SO.
From the Cuiouist we learn that the
Wookn Manufacturing Company of Sa
lem are so oyetrua with business that
not able to ilil all orders, al
though running night and day. Oregon
City mills aud other mills throughout
the State are pushed to their utmost ca
pacity. . -
liipe free-stone peaches were- selling
on the streets of Salem last week- at
S- 50 per bushel..
The Oregon City Enterprise says :
The long looked for '.-at won by the Tutn
waters of this city at the fair last 3-ear,
was received on Tuesday. It is a splen
did one, made of Oregon maple, mount
ed iu ('icgou silver, Alaska ivory, and
handsomely engraved. The boys are
proud of it.
The same paper says that two barns of
Mr. Sam'l Miller, living two miles west
of Oregon City, were destroyed by fire
on the morning of the 23d ult., burning
up at the same time two valuable horses,
family carnage, harness, grain, hay, etc.
a total aggregate of between ?3,000
and 84,000 worth of property.
Mr. Walter Mofiit will soon erect 400
feet frontage of wharf in South Port
land, to be tfsed and known as the New
York," Liverpool & China wharf.
Messrs. Mercer, Brockway & Baker,
of the New York and lj6rtland line of
vessels, says the Enterprise, will offer the
farmers of Oregon an advance of 80 per
cent, on New York prices, for their
wheat this year. This is a good ar
rangement -as it "will give the farmer
almost the market value of his grain
here, with the balance of profits when
sales are made East. Wheat euch as we
have in this State is now selling in New
i become mood camps iu the spring. The
absence of Iudiaus and the drj' season
has been the means of developiug a good
deal of rich country in Grant and Baker
counties. That brick lies very
still in Mallory & Coggau s safe, awaits
ing the $590 94 op'mion of any Demo
crat that Seymour. cau beat Gen. Grant
in the Presidential race, next November.
Don't you want it Mac, or Matt?' Wha-i
3-ou have disposed of that, we offer you
300 in Uncle Sam's coin ou the same
terms, an 1 now lying along side of ,' it.
Then we offer you 3,000 in greenbacks
on the same terms. If 30U want stock
we offer you the Lest pair of mules in this
valley, valued at 8000, a four-horse
freight team aud wagon,' single horses,
cows, yearlings, etc. Here they are but
we would advise" you not to take tbem
you will lose sure.
One day last week, a little child of
Mr. Henry Parsons, of Jacksonville, was
hooked by a cow, the cow's horn'passing
through the child's ear, tearing the ear
A petition is in circulation iu Baker
county,! recommending Otis B. Clark as
Postmaster at Mormon Basin creek, two
nriles from the basin proper.
Six hundred dollars in gold dust had
been brought into Dalles City from the
Yakima miiiei, iu Washington Territory,
some eighty or oue hundred miles from
Dalles. I
The Boseburg Ensign has the follow
ing: '"A little son of Judge Goudis was
d; ngerou-ily poisoned a few days since
by eating .a few seeds from a '3Iole
Bush ' or ' Gopher Wed.' It came near
proving fatal."
Speaking of improvements the L.nzijn
says: " In Oakland there are ten new
buildiugs in the course of erection, be
sides the School house and other im
provements. A county r-ad has been
located from Yonealla - ti the south side
of Huberts' hill, passing through Cole.3'
Valley and Looking Glass praisie.
Boscburg is not .t.,ir. ling still in the way
of permanent improvements. Obtaining
lumber is very difficult, but the carpen
ters have all been busy l 111 ing the sum
mer building nud repairing." l 'rela
tion to educational facilities it says :
" Koseburg now has one of the best
schools iu the State. Prof. Ferguson is
an excellent teacher, invariably liked by
parents and children. This District now
has the best school ever conducted here."
There are four Grant Clubs iu Union
such as
: : Billhead,
- . Ball Tickets,
f " ' Label,
- - Blank
of all kinds, '
at as low figures as a due regard to taste and good
work will allow. When you want anything in
tli printing line, call at the Register offioe.
York at $2 80 greenbacks. Eighty
ceuts currency, would pay all charges,
leaving S2 as the price of the graiu.
That would make wheat worth here, in
coin, $1 40.
From the Blue Mountain Timrs we
learn that Hon. A. B. Meacharu, Union
candidate for Elector, was . to open the
campaign at CaDyon ity on last Satur
day.' '' '
The same paper has the following
items: From Theodore; Pyle, just re
turned from atrip to Canyon City, Grant
county, we learn that good placer dig
gings have recently been discovered on
Accident. Day before yesterday as
a man named French was driving his
team on the road leading from Spriugville
over the mountains, he was surrounded
by the heavy fires in the timber, and
very narrowly escaped with his life.
The burning limbs and trees were falling
all around. However, he attempted to
make his way through the burning tim
ber, and when in its midst, a large tree
fell directly upon- his wagon and team,
killing one of his horses and injuring the
other so badly that it was thought' that
it would be necessary to kill it. Mr.1
rrench was also badly, but not danger
ously hurt, by some of the branches of
the falling tree. We learn- that on the
mountain above Springville, on the road
leading to Tualatin Plains, the fire is still
buruiug over a large area. Several
teams have made attenrpts to travel
that road, but have all failed tosucceed
in getting through. Orryonian.
"Genehal Grant. When the Count
Gurowski, in 1803-4. wis writing his
comments on men and thinjrs- most of
which came nearer the mark than uninspir
prophesy usually comes General Grant
was just finishing his brilliant western
campaign, and coming east to take the
more important rank and position which
had been thrust upon him. " How fond
this giant is," said the ecccutric count,
of violating military regulations ! Grant
establishes his headquarters ten miles
nearer the army than Meade had his.
That is not a Potomac Srmy custom.
Then ho' travels, with the simplicity of a
second lieutenant, without fuss, with a
small trunk which he forgets in his rom,
and, to save time, noes off leavinz it be
hind. Further, he sends off his wife to
the farm of her father, somewhere in
Missouri. If all this, to be classical, is
not ; Xvoman, Cincmnatus. and matron
like, theu I am at-a loss for precedents
and historial illustrations." , "The final
question is," he continued, "Will Grant
remain a diamond, resisting the dissolv
ing i V ashington ,, acids? The effect of
the dissolving Washington acids was tried
upon him not only then, but afterwards
under more trying circumstances. The
diamond certainly received no harm.
commencement of old age, and says the
Greeks regarded the age of 49 (seven
times seven, their climacteric number)
as the culminating point of human
strength. Another French writer, Mr.
Flourens. however, holds that decadence
does not commence until the 70th year.
The Chinese call men who have attained
that ago " rare birds," and those who
reach the 90th year " old loiterers."
The two climacteric ages of the Arabs
were G3 (7 times 9) and 81.(9 times 9).
The first was considered the grand cli
macteric among the ancients, and those
who passed it were accustomed to con
gratulate each other. Physiologists rec
ognize the existence of' two sources of
strenth in the constitution ; one is called
the force in use, aud the other the re
serve force. Doubtless the period of de
cadence bpars some relation to the period
required for full development. Those
who are long in arriving at the full ma
turity their powers, as a general ru'e,
are lonjin losing their store of reserved
furce. Bodily strength" may be compar
ed to a water-power. During the period
of growth, the surplus vitality, is used
iu development, as force is expelled in
building structures to raise the head and
fall of water. Through the term -jf mid
dle life, the supply of strength greatly
exceeds that expended in work, and the
surplus quietly passes off like uuused
water over the waste weir. When the
period of decadence arrives, the stream
begins to diminish. There is no longer
a residue of uuused force. During the
day there is no flow of water over the
weir, aud a whole night is required to
briDg the head and flow to its accustom
ed height. Every resource for supply
is employed, and care is taken to prevent
the escape of uuusxjd furee. Gradually
the constitution i enfeebled, but has not
even power to repair bodily waste. The
weir crumbles, the leakages are uo longer
cheeked. Slower and .'-lower turns the
wheel of life, until at hist, by some sud
den diversion, its scanty supjjiy is cut
off, and it has forever ceased to move.
A DnjiiiiTFur- Country. A writer
says: 1 ionua m-v be tlie " land ot
promise," but Texas is the land of '' var
mints." In clearing the ground to-pitch
my tent, I killed a water moccasin'";
about three o'clock in the morning I was
waked up by the barking of a dog ; he
had just run a rattlesnake out of my
neighbors' teut, when the rattling and
barking aroused me nine rattles cap
tured, I again lay down, aud when day
broke, a yellow lizard was cocking his
eye at nrc from the ridge pole of my
tent. I sprung up, seized my boot to
dispatch him, when Io! out of the boot
dropped a tarantula ! Exhausted from
fright and fatigue. I sank back into a
chair; but no sooner done, than I was
compelled rapidly to abandon the posi
tion, having been stung in the rear by a
scorpion ! Besides . the above mishaps
we lost a valuable dog byja shark. The
dog had jumped overboard from a boat
to follow his master to the shore, when
the voracious monster caught him.
Discovery in Telegraphy. A new
discovery in telegraphy is thus heralded:
"The discovery does away with all the
jars and fluids heretofore used in tele
graph offices, and a current of electricity
sufficiently strong for all purposes is
drawn from mother earth by means of
one sheet of copper and one sheet of zinc,
which are buried to the depth of two feet,
and having four feet of earth between
them. To the copperplate wires are at
tached, and the current is inexhaustible.
Every message sent is recorded by an in
strument which receives its power from
the buried battery, and which consists of
nothing but one sheet of copper and one
of zinc. The inventors have applied for
a . patent, aud it is hoped that their
prayer will be speedily answered, as this
discovery of theirs is destined to work a
most wonderful change in the art of tel
egraphing. This invention will save
thousands of dollars to the telegraph com
panies, aud is destined to become -uni.
versally adopted ou account of its cheap
ness and durability.
About 500 immigrants in 102 wagons
have arrived at San Bernardino, overland.
They are families who intend to settle on
farms, and mostly from Texas.
White parasols are in vogue in London.
Victoria carries one.
Oue of the most exciting huuting af
fairs which has takep place in this section,
says the Waupaca Criterion, occurred cn
Friday, the 11th ult J near Dr. Perry's
mill, in the town of Dupont. Jimmy
Doty, a lad of about twelve years, another
lad by the name of Case, and a still
younger oue whose name we did not learn,
were wandering along the road a short
distance from the mill, when they came
suddenly upon three bears -an old and
large he bear with her cubs. Young
Doty, who had a gun in his possession,
immediately drew up and fired at the old
bear in a courageous' manner, but with
out any apparent effect, as she wheeled
upon the beys, and made at them in the
most savage style; the cubs however in
in their fright, running up a tree. The
Case boy, whj had commenced climbing
a tree, as soon as he discovered the ani
mals, now safely lodged in a small sap
liug near at hand, and the old bear, seem
ing to think he was her safest game,
tried to climb the tree- As soon as she
reared for the purpose, a small deg which
belonged to Doty ran up behind and gave
her a smart bite in the rear, whereupon
her bearbhip, in a very bearlike manner
turued upon the dog and chased him
some distance off, and then at ouce re
turned to the tree to finish Case. But
in the meantime, young Doty hand hand
ed the gun up to Case, and, with the
other small boy, had also climbed a tree.
The bear, nothing daunted at the state of
affaiis, made for Case's tree again.
While climbing, a fair- shot was offered,
and Case blazed away knocking Mrs.
Bear down to the ground, who now made
off. After dragging herself about forty
rods she ay down and died!
The boy's now came down from, their
perches, and coujhienced firing upon the
young bears, which still clung to the
trees they had climbed, and a few shots
brought them to theground. The boys
then returned to the mill and told their
story, which was hardly credited by those
who heard it, but going out to the scene
of action, the d im was found, thus veri
fying the statement of the boys.
But for the courage and presence of
mind of the Doty boy. probably the whole
three would have lost their lives.
- A Mad Wolf. The Leavenworth
Times of a lute date gives the following:
A most fearful and appalling circum
stance tarnspired at the Fort lastevening,
the very recollection of which chills my
blood with horror. While a party of ladies
and gentlemen were sittingiu front of the
beautiful quarters of Col. Ed. Wynkoop,
Indian Superintendent or Agent 01 sev
eral warlike tribes, the eutire party
almost involuntarily commenced a beauti
ful song. While the melody was ring
ing in the night air, a monstrous shaggy
and rabid wolf jumped right; into the
midst of the party, first attacking Lieuten
ant Thompson, United States Infantry,
tearing and lacerating his limbs in a
frightful manner, then broke away, pur
sued by Colonel Wynkoop and his chief
scout, James Morrison, who had lost no
time in procuring proper arms, lsetore
either of these fearless .gentlemen, how
ever, could overtake him, 'the wolf had
attacked the sentry at the guard house,
whom he also bit savagely, the sentinel
having fired, but most unlortunately
missed his aim.- From the guard house
the wolf next dashed over to the hospi al.
and made and assault upon one of the
men there stationed, almost tearing his
right arm from his body, after first taking
oft a finger entire, 'lie then attacked
and mutilated a colored soldier of the
Tenth Cavalry, and subsequently entered
the quarters of a laundress, while she
was in bed, but owing to thp thickness
of the bed' clothes, fortunately failed to
inflict any serious injury on the poor
woman. The maddened creature next
caught sight of the sentinel at the hay
stacks, who, almost providentially hot
him dead. Besides Lieutenant Thomp
son there are three persons badly bitten
and mutilated by this monster.
The Blue Mountain Tim:s learns that
good placer diggings have recently been
discovered ou a fork of Canyon : Creek,
thirteen miles from Canyon City. Two
new discoveries have, also been made in
Baker county, not far from Auburn,
which will undoubtedly . become good
camps in the spriog. The absence of
Indians and the dry season has been the
means of developing a good deal of rich
country in Gtamt and Baker, counties.
The tariff of the new cable line be
tween France and. America will be one
hundred francs for twenty words
Victor Hugo travels on the eontinen
with a Brittish passport, in which
described as " Victor Hugo, house
Island Guernsey.
hejtrl bv A
oirtaer. 1 iauva
Tennessee owes 36,000,000.
There are 127 churches in Boston. :
The productive labor of the State of ;
Massachusetts is over $1,000,000 daily, j-
Counterfeit greenbacks are in cirouhv
tion in Nevada.
A man in Sacramento has discovered
that salt will cure mildew.
The conspirators against Juarez hav
been banished. -
Montana farmers are trying to domes
ticate the buffalo.
Corn is $7 a bushel in Acapulco
There is much distress among th poor.
It takes 25,000 gas lights to illumi
nate Jardian Mabile on fete nights. . 18
San Francisco receives forty tons of
soap-root per month from the interior.
Ten thousand people died in Peru from
the late visitation of yellow fever.
Napoleon sends one thousand franco
toward the monument to Mr. Cobden.
New York city consumes 25,000,000
gallons of milk yearly.
The grasshoppers bid fair to consume,
everything in Nebraska.
The American lecture system is beginn
ing to prevail in Germany.
Peat iu large quantities has been dis
covered in DeWitt county, Iowa.
The Saxon Government proposes to
abolish the death penalty. j
The total daily product of oil at Pleas
anton, Pa., is 2 ,025t barrels. ! .
A tour of the Continent on velocipedes
is to be undertaken from Marseilles.
Encke's Comet has been seen from the
Naval Observatory at Washington.
Santa Clara county, has under plow ,
138,330 acres; population 15,000.
The members of the Russian Church
in San Francisco are about to erect a
house of worship.
Preparation is making for building a
light-house at Cape Blanco, on our south
ern coast. j j j ; ; '
A steam threshing machine near Stoc
ton, threshes 1,900 bushels of grain per
day. ' . ' ' . 'i .
A company has been incorporated to
mine coal at Coose Bay j capitol 8250,
The New York Herald Tejoices thai;
the French government prohibits its cir- .
culation in that country. . ,
The tobacco crop in the western section
of Massachusetts, is one of the largest
ever gathered there.
One of the churches in New Bedford
represents $7,000,000 worth of property
in its parishioners. A .
The Paraguyan women are discharging
the duties of civil magistrates. The men
are all at war. 1
It is estimated that a railroad from
San Jose to Los Angeles, through the
coast counties would cost $19,000,000.
The submarine cable between New
York and Brest will be laid by the .Great
Eastern next summer. ,''
-t .. . , . ...
The Woman Suffrage Petition in Entr-
land has received between thirteen and
fourteen thousand signatures.
A town under a covering of lava, lik
Pompeii, has been discovered near Chai-
The Viceroy of Egypt went it to tho
extent of 812,000,000 in ten weeks, on
his recent tour to the Levant.
It is estimated that there are five thou
sand millions of property floating on the '
Mississippi river.
East Bridgeport, Conn., has a Miss
eleven years of age, shorter than -Tom
Thumb, and weighing sixtyfive pounds.
J. D. Robberts, ex-President f Libe
ria, and wife arrived at New York in the
Baltic. Every thing in Liberia is report
ed prosperous.
Dead fishes of many kinds have of late
been floating down the rivers of Califor
nia toward the sea. The cause of death is .
a mistery. . . :
The natives of New Zeland have again
risen in insurrection, to what extent-is '
unknown. Troops are being hurried to '
the island. , : ; i-ri-'i'd
R. D. White has risen a cucumber in ;
Nevada county that measures 22 J inches t
in length and 12 inchecs in circum
ference. , ' v
The Baboos in India have given up
idols and the Shastees, and have for
themselves, accented Theodore Parker..";
Some are Pantheists, others Deists. f ,
Russia must be 1 paradise for school ,
teachers, asne hundredand ten days of
the year are devoted to instruction, and
the other two hundred and fifty to holi days
and vacation. ; ; :t
A correspondent says 'that Saxe wears '
the oldest and ugliest straw hat at Sara- -toga,
aud think that, even if he is a poet, 1
he should givf'a little more attention to '
the external jrpperance.-'-I vi" :
Flies are,all dying at Nashville, and it
is remarked : that the manner of their .
dying iajlimilar to that which has been
observe! several times before the coining
of a teVrible and sweeping epidemic. , 1
The King of the Sandwich Islands, in
quence of the annexation agitation
uierica. has threatened to plan the J
d under British proteotioa if hi na-
tiofeatitjis interfered with.
, 1 ,
; 11