READ THE ADS - SAVE TIME FOR WORK Mine. Service» lOf Wanted— Mise. 14 Work Wanted 20 18 For Salo MI bc . i m t SA IT i lime, MO* IN H .pkm . billing $150 W TI.I. XIAPE w oolim »tallonery . d u m t. I ax 111x60 Inches, le ip n ie i painting. 120 6 WOODEN Store display fables. pioteeted top. o |H 'll shelf below , 4x5 feet. $7 50 each I METAL display book cabin»!» p atn trd red, $* each SPECIAL plow d ia w liar hit-II. truck w ith pow- FOR HIKE Heavy E iank Ulideiwond er winch “u Call Ale .ha 6*130 4 HILLSBORO ARGUS 10e 10a Transfer Service T h u rsd ay A u g u s t 1. 194ti Appliance Services CLEARING and bulldozing .1 A. S tew art, Hi 1. Box 166, C o m e - ius. near M eacham » lio s s ln g - u Funeral Directors 5 KISER T K l’CK SEK VICE PLOWING and disking prchaids Marriaue Licenses G E N E R A L H AU L I N O — DONELSON o, SEWELL and gardens It J hclm c. mger J «a«r R onald Rasmus««!). Rt. 3 Kill»- Kt 3. Box 566. Hillsboro, E and boro, an d U eulah E lizab eth S h a ttu c k , H ills, FUNERAL DIRECTORS G rain Elax Q -im ie S. of N orth Plain» I hone Hay bom , ,t a lu and 15 HilUboro 2611. Help Wanted P e te r L a w re n c e M eacham a n d Hetty P h o n e F o re st G rove 355M W ild, do concrete m ixing, huv. LICENSED EMBALMERS I> P o rtla n d M a rria g e Licensee 4 ttf WOMAN w anted to help w ith house PAINTING, carpenter work w. lilt- Al l. KINDS ru t flowei s fur »ale, YOUNG’S XXxlk-in Coolers and Freezers A lfred H. T eufel. Rt. 5, P o rtla n d , and also poll- d plant . Mrs M aik R u th R. (dierhcr Hillsboro ed. R epair w ork of all kinds All w ork Steady w ork, I. 75 cents an W alk-in Cooler and Freezers Getislh. 15th and W alnut, HllT.ho- FUNERAL HOME M u rray M. M yers. T ig ard , an d C aroline hour W rite or call in person tilo w ot u k guaranteed Sleezer, Kt E. Lam p e rt. P o rtlan d . Pholie 3151 C om bination 19 20p Box 182A. Illllshoro. ■» m ile w ist East W alnut. H illsboro H ow ard F. T rach ael, Reedville, a n d "Thoughtful, Sym pathetic of Hock C reek store en Cornetín.. CEDAR post», uny leiiglh. for »ale K ath leen R. L ew is, Iteaxerton. EXI’EKIKNCED office g o l w onted Reach-in Home Freezers 4 ll»43lf We delivei F lan k W Olson. 1.12 Service" pas». Sharpen a n d Adjust V a n c o u v e r M a r r ia g e Licenses for H illsboro autom obile firm CONSTRUCTION, building fouzida- \\ U I hlllgton St Hill ll>O«»» Te le B uilt to suit custom ers Phone 972 H illsboro. O re G ra n t L. M agee an d M ary K. W ebb, Must know double en try book­ lions, house moving. Jo h n la»r- phone 2ao2 2tf .Any size—any com bination both of B eaverton. keeping. S alary Stall per m onth LAWNMOWERS l« a fa y e tte It. Leach an d A n n a M. G avin, Card of Thanks 6 ‘ The wav we serve you is w hy A nyw here W rite A rgus 7706 19 sung, 206 E. Jetferson. Hillsboro b o th of Sherwo*td. Phone 2 795 *',ti Car», Truck», Trailer», w e serve again." Sam L. Ha-s. N o rth P lain e, an d M arylou We w ish to th an k o u r friends BEAN tuckers w anted. 6 or 7 CUSTOM plowing ami f o m work Motorcycloa. Blcycloa Also WOOD BUZZING H l.: | <) A 21 388 Canyon Road and n eighbors for th e flow ers r e ­ A. W. NELSON S ta rt A ugust 1 Will nick up Prosser, N E. Johnson St , Aloha, W illiam F. Ila--*-, N orth P lains, a n «1 ceived a t th e fu n eral of TiU'.e ale. excellent each m orning at court house Oregon. bicycle f GIRLS M arg aret M. I .a i* tire. O rc h a rd s. Wash- **“ 455 X V . Baseline — Hillsboro O ffice Phone B eaverton .3931 Als. Mary A bplanalp. Lizzie and sh a rp e n all kinds square Gzxirge P adgett, l ' j index . o n d i t i . Hi. $311 HI7 S P ii st A re . Jam«». L Chee, P o rtla n d , an d Lois M K ur.uli Home Phone B eaverton 2462 ToeUe, Ed Groaaen 19p Ph ne 701 8tf out Forest street 19p WILL do shinglm g. new or old Chee, H illsboro. 16-36 of saws. E. L H ewitt, 2J0 N. D ennis uve H i I I i I h . io H ow ard Win. S m ith 3tf D ivorce Suits Filed PERM AN ENT housekeeper want Phone 1654. 52-3ptf F I K K S ’IX IN E lu i s . le fm s a le . $25. We wish to ex p ress o u r sincere G eddes— D orothy V. vs. D onald E dw ard . ill d e uditi n Wllflrxi Pul cd, m odern hom e p riv ate room, thanks and ap p reciatio n to o ur CUSTOM " O ltK H olm an B ernice vs V ictor E. .•Xlso w ood buzzing. bath. $50 and board Call collect PLOW ING, discing, drilling, m ow ­ ten K: 3, Itdisi.oi... 3 block» out m any frien d s fo r th e ir kindness Brook* E thel vs. E rn est Raym ond. UN 3864 or w rite J W Neilson. ' • .. i and sym p ath y d u rin g o u r recent ing, baling, i.iking T ail ( , label. MeKsinurer Lloyd vs. A lice ? 7416 N S ew ard. P ortland 19 Kt a lld lsb o ro . .1 miles south out 2 WHEEL TRAILER for $5.3 bereavem ent, and for th e b eautiful T y ler M arjo rie Ann vs. C h arles F. M cDonald D orothy M. vs. W illiam floral pieces Mr.-. J. J. Van Kleek. O PPO RTU N ITY of lifetim e suo- 1st. i ’hone 3114. 610 S lltll lllp 1U August Meltebeke Jam * . Mr. and Mi's. E L. V an Kleek. Mr. plving DDT and o th er profitable BULLDOZING, land clearing with .10 M O D E L A n a n i I I r u r k f u s . d e . W ilson S tella vs. M arion F. New - Used Radios and Mrs. W. A. Van K leek Mr. and 751 S. D ennis. H illsboro products to farm ers in W ashington $354, with 52,000 miles, excellent B row n — D orothy L indley vs. l-'ranklin T eeth grading hear y equipm ent Mrs. F. M. Van K leek. Mr. and 19-20p county No experience or capital by hour or eontriiet. Free Est — Ill es motor tie t feet tat Mays Bros. Store) M ondltlon Mrs V. D. Landess. H elen V an required Must nave auto ami good D ivorces G ran ted oster Bros.. 10605 S. W. 61»t, P o rt­ Boh White. Rt 5. B.o f> llillsbo- DAILY SERVICE Repairs on all makes. K leek. 19p reference P erm anent W rite or F L aC h ap p elle Royleen G ayle f r o m IU 40|> All points betw een P o rtlan d . C h a r lo Frederick. P ublic address service w ire McNcss C om pany. Dent D . land 1. Oregon. I’hone CH 3305. Itf RANDS MACHINE SHOP 2423 for »alv ;U P L Y M O in’ll c»up<- We wish to th an k o u r m any H-llsboro, N orth Plains, and S w in t W illiam from P e a rl E. M agnolia St.. O akland 7. Cal and ren tals 17 471 K C edar. HllHborc Wantod 19t» friends for th e ir k in d sym pathy, L 4»e J a c q u e lin e M. fro m Lewis H. GENERAL REPAIR M ountaindale. 19-20n Bids All W ork G u aran teed W eber M ina M. from J o h n D. m any offerings. and beautiful for sale. lu ll INDIAN m otorcycle i \ i i i in n s % F u rn itu re M oving a n y w h ere $30 00 to $50 00 A DAY Pav day at ALOHA Ju o la B essie M. from Thom as. flow ers in o ur recent bereavem ent. excellent condition ltt 1. Box T h f Cilv »>f Banka. Or«*Kon, will in O regon. every day Leads furnished See B row n— Lois J e a n from H arold A. LEONARD K ING Wife and son. Mrs M innie Haase C o rn er H u n ter and A lex an d er H* usm ann Kir* tin e from George. Mr Bell. Hotel W ashington H ills­ receive buU up to B p in T ues­ 217. 1st house .stiutb of W« at Union STORAGE and W ilbur. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam N orth P lains lUp 1 block n o rth of highw ay. day, A ugust IB. 11M H . I > 1 excav.i S c h a tz m an G ladys fro m Ray. stori* boro, T hursday. F riday or S a tu r­ F. Haa.-e. parents. 19p Phone Hillsboro 4581 S m ith R ay J . from Cora. P hone 122 14ptf day E xperience not req u ired 19 tion of HBB cubic vards of su b ­ l'RAII Elt liou-e for ale 354 E M ptf North Plains 372 G ra n d fie ld E lizabeth O . fro m Ira. proposed .street iruprove- Btp We wish to express to o u r kind | , Jackson. Hillsboro WOMAN for housew ork w anted. g rade for McClottkey P a tric ia from W illiam E. Phone Portland .street. Parm lev cs of Wiik ineuts neighbors and thou g h tfu l friends 20 to 25 h o u rs tic « week Tim e Ew en D orothy G e rtru d e from Miit n. '37 F O R D fo i s a le . 60 h n 2 d o X'Ermont 3310 or EAst 4225 avenue, 10b CLEANING OF FUEL can be arran g ed , eu th er every ivenue and Win tinan o u r h eartfelt th an k s fo r th eir Auto Service S k in n e r E lea n o r from W illiam . sedan E F K i e p k e . I la N F.h- Terminal: 131 W. Baseline, Hillsboro Bid • are also ailed for peu ara inanv expressions of sym pathy. m orning nr 3 full days Mis Jo h n It)p OIL TANKS a n d LINES N Haves P O Box 16a. Aloha vel to be spìe t on streets at a h e r t s l i i l l s b o t o At Jo n es H ospital The beautiful floral offerings w ere A ccidents Rudolph S im antel. US. H ills­ especially bid price per cubic aid. am ount 194*1 CIIEV pickup will tradì- for Septir Tanks Pumped, Washed ap preciated. — H i l d a Ptionc A loha 6372 19 b o ro : E a rl M arcom . 20, S alem , W illiam ilw u it ■ame passenger car af to be six'cified later Gould, 30. O regon C ity, c a r accident . H ugh Snipley. Mabel Love. Phoebe M ill­ SU CTIO N PU M PIN G all k inds BEAN pickers w anted, register 210 3rd \ a lue SB Forest C ltv of Banks DAILY TRIPS between Rose P ettit. M ax D reeszen Welding and Machine Shop B rew er, 22. O regon C ity, c a r accident ; er. G eorge Kt 5. Box 59. I9p Gr F rances U pward, c ity rec miel­ 24-hour S erv ice G u a ran teed __________ 19 Mrs. Th* ma*. H a tle tt, 17, C ornelius, ankle Doug. Dreeszen. Portland and Hillsboro i H illsboro: *z m ile south of countv ly 20 Bunks, Oregon in ju r y ; W illiam G ottlieb, 13, H ilUboro. '42 CIIEV lagal 'n.: truck for Machinery' Built to Order hom e on M inter B ridge road 19 S erving All In term e d iate P oints Announcements B irth s a t Jo n es H ospital SCHULZ BROS. civilian type G al rubber 18 sale, MEN to w ork at fair grounds Be­ Business Opportunities M errill To M r. an d Mrs. T. B. M errill. C onnections to -Ail Points in U. S Verpon Spi iiig ei. IB 2 G aston. GENERAL REPAIRING NO ADDED charges, raai estate SANITARY SERVICE ginning M onday Sec Leon H illsboro. J u ly 22. a boy. 1 miles east of G aston N Satin Also serving F orest G rove for Cars, T rucks an d T ractor» loans at 5 p er cent in terest; Sun Davis. C ady M otor Co m ornings. A SM ALL m anufacturing bu-uiic* Jay O Dell To M r. and M rs. Willi* O ’Dell. Phone Portland TAbor 3235 calls 10|> lit hom e for man. fam ily can a Life of C anada.—G riffith & Meeke. H illsboro, J u ly 23. a girl. 19 list, Tires 43 tf spare or full tom-, goml r e ­ 1939 FORD nan. I It u.'k f<- sale, hi S chlottm an To M r. an d Mrs. A lbert realtors. H illsboro O re 51tf turns. S.’IH ) for m achine John-.on S ch lo ttm an , B eaverton. J u ly 24. a girl. Standard Oil Products fair conditi n J o h n II M artin. ALOHA G arbage Co., h a u lin g by F a n c h er To Mr. an d Mrs. Jesse F an ch ­ Lost and Found D istributing C o. I’. O. Box 2136. Hi 5. Box 671) Portland. 2 m iles 8 Anywhere For Hire PHONE 6301 m onth o r contract. Box 254. A lo­ er. Rt. 2. H illsboro, J u ly 26. a boy. P ortland. Oregon. 19 north of C edar Mill, or call Beav H avron To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H avron, LOST—B illfold in V enetian th ea­ FURNITURE MOVING ha, O re.—P hone G. C. M iller, O s­ NEWLY equipped restaurant at 210*1 19-20 Glenwood. Ju ly 26. a boy. wego 31031 3 9 tf to all points in Oregon tre S atu rd ay night.—W. X’. Hug- Balm G rove Park la u n L a r­ A nderson To Mr. and Mrs. R. A . A n­ gettt W illam ina Ave.. F orest Grove, sen. phone Gules C reek 4F2 19 658 S. 10th Ave. derson. H ilU boro, J u ly 3u, a boy 43ti PRINTING o r r e t u r n to A rgus. M ay k eep B irth s in P o rtla n d MAKE BRICKS Milh ns are Hillsboro Phone 542 ' i9p H a m erin —T o M r. and Mrs. R obert E. money. needed S tart a quick CASH bus­ Terminal. Portland WE PRINT all kinds of business 10c Cost Side H am erin , B eaverton, J u ly 15. a boy. Rich­ FOUND—S tray ed G uernsey bull.— Farm Service Phone EA«t 3727 2tf iness. re tu rn s cun start in two forms, circulars, stationery, book­ a rd E. A.X'erdegan. Rt 2. H illsboro. 19o w eeks With an inexpensive, ea uly CUSTOM XVORK lets, envelopes, invoices, business Eg berg To M r and Mrs. LeRoy V. Eg- hand operated TYRA BRICK lOf cazds, etc., in fact every kind of berg. B eaverton. Ju ly 12. a boy. R g e r L. REWARD to person finding G u e rn ­ PLOW ING, discing, drilling, m ow ­ Mise. Services 75 Acres MAKER, only saint and cem ent W hitm ore To Mr. and Mrs. H erm an sey bull about y ear old. red and ing, baling, rak in g .—Earl G rabel, good printing. Phone 231 or write W hitm ore, H illsboro, J u ly 15, a g irl. Nancy w h ite —Bruce Bowne, Rt. 4. Box Rt. 5. H illsboro; 3 m iles so u th out and uny old shed needed. Build for us and a representative w ill be M. ~ e • 295. Sherw ood, K in to n district. 1st. P h o n e 3114. EARLY and LATE HOPS your HOME of brick Gel a TX'RA- Itf GARBAGE COLLECTION glad to calL A nkeney To Mr. and Mrs. B ernard D. PLAN. See whut can be done 19-20p and Cans. Ankeney Reedville, Ju ly 16. a g irl. J e a n R K TYRA C O . WYOMING. 250 E. Main St. Hillsboro Picking starts August 19 LOST—Eye glasses w ith brow n Home Service M. 10d R. J. MAIER MINN IK 2 l p ease from C olum bia O ptical Co Hn.LSRORO ARGUS —Mrs. Ada E berly, Box 72. Banks. FOR PLANO tuning, cash for your Res. Phone 18F5 Court Orders For Sale—Mise. 20 CUSTOM canning done; also ca n ­ JOHN BUCHANAN Reward. 19p piano or to buy a piano—cal) P hone 1391 For Quick Action H illsboro, O re. C ircu it c«nirt o rd e rs: J . J . McMahon VS. ned fru it for sale bv case.—Lusk 7F12 or w rite Jam es Sew ell. Rt. 1. Cornelius, Oregon 30 C A TERPILLA R for ... ile. g"od LOST, brooch, blue stone set in H a rry H. Block e t ux, i-rder re tu rn [C o al Scholl»: R L 2 . Hill ■ Soo U» Todayl 35tf team and harness »'fill lit about h ib its ; J u n e B rekken vs. H arold orge gold. Was lost in sto res r on Box 236. H illsboro boro. P hone Scholls 6301. 17tf B rekken. default ; Ethel Brooks vs. E r 32I1P, some young cows, s ome ma- Main street. _ R ew ard. — Mrs. M L. H. BRAWAND Raym ond Brook*. publication <>f su m m o n s; Fairbanks. 850 E. Lincoln, phone Uscii car prices pr ih.ihly will SE PTIC tan k s p um ped and c le a n ­ chinery Hoy Scott. 3 l-i miles Phone Forest Grove Builder and Cabinrt Maker H lle v e l tie h i g h e r Well" silli ed.—W rite W ashington C ounty 3762. Jfc, uortn Banks, on Sunset highway 1714J or 1614R orial P ark v al. allow ing filin g am ended B uilding, rem odeling, w o o dw ork­ offering "TOPS '1 B e l l e r sell S an itary Co., S ta r Rt , G ales C reek. Inquire at Manning store 19p B uxton on ing. S to re fronts, store, school and com plaint, d e fa u lt; D om thy Lee P h illip s LOST—6 m iles from 191» now and get the ______ 17-20p BIG cash WALKER - TURNER w o .« | l,,ih . . vs. G a rth Phillips, d efau lt, re fe re n c e: Mae X'ernonia road, sm all lo ng-haired pi Icel Basements, Ditches, etc. U n it cabinets Aim v*. G eorge 1*. Aim, d efau lt, re fe r­ black and w hite terrie r. Old peo­ re s ta u ra n t fix tu res. 40 inches long, eoltiplele sol --f // Hospitals-Conv. Homes 12 en ce; Naomi W illiam s vs. H a rry D. H a up­ ples' pet. R ew ard. — P lease notify of all k in d s in clu d in g kitchen. O f­ equipm ent. $65 la-sler Bidwell w ith land et al. d is m is -a l; K irstin e H< »usmann lUp HOME for agea convalescents. Best T Y PIST or sten o g rap h er. 40 hours O reneo. vs. G eorge H ousm ann. d efau lt : Marx- K ier- F. F Mead. B anks o r phone co l­ fice fu rn itu re rep aired or com plete- lect 36F11, A lbany. 1V-20 food, kind treatm ent; w a r m 1 y ren o v ated Q u ality precision SHOVEL or TRENCH-HOE tier w eek, su b stan tial com pany, FOR S A L E - Model airplane ga - ■ey x*. O sw ald Kien-ey. d e fa u lt; G ladys We can offer you an e x tra room, efficient nursing. Lower good w o rk in g c o n d e m n s See Mr Schatzm an vs. Ray S ch atzm an , d efau lt . LOST—Black and w hite cow R e­ w ork.—P hone P o rtlan d C h erry 2929. line m otor, slightly used, $20 geneious allow ance for e x tra Rai J. S ii./h vs. Cora Sm ith, default; rates.—McFall Rest Home. 472 E F ree E stim ates M urphy. 302 E M ain St.. H illsboro, H A. B eal. N o rth P la in s 1‘hoiu w ard.—C all F orest G rove 1715M. M etzger. O regon. 39tf equipm ent on y o u r i a r '1'he D orothy G ertru d e Ew en vs. M ilton Ew en. W ashington St., H illsboro, O regon -m. 19 173 I9u 19 turn- to sell is RIG HT NOW I F IL L D IRT SOLD d e fa u lt: Elean*-r S k in n e r x>. W m. S k in n er, P hone 1672 R2tf PAPER HANGING HELP WANTED MN) Ñ o I U S E D grin d efau lt; P • '1 Cloftkc, x-. Wn 8» LOST—S erv l ce m an s w rist w atch. LICEN SED convalescent h o m e . I a le 1 1 - : '. Hai li" 5 M cCloskey, o v erru lin g dem u rrer, d efau lt • silv er band, nam e L lovd R eeves Telephone Operator». No .p re­ Painting Inside and Out Gladys M. T racy vs. O liver H . Tracy, de­ engraved on back. R ew ard.—Leave BAKER BROS. Good care, clean, w arm rooms, vious ex p erien ce necessary. You P ortland, Phone Hillsboro I4B2I f a u lt; W m. S w in t vs. P earl E. S w in t. de­ at A rgus office. good food. F ree lau n d ry included. w ill be paid w hile learn in g a p ro ­ _______ 1 8 J9p 19 Wallpaper Cleaning Kt. 3. Box 54. Hillsboro f a u lt; Cecilia K line vs. Ed. Kline, o rd er di­ 150 S. T hird Ave Close in.—T he W allace Home, 4th fitable vocation Il P ELECTRIC motor Kob- rectin g p aym ent for m aintenance of p la in ­ F ree E stim ates 17tf P hone 3116 and L incoln, H illsb o ro .________ SI tf III ad d itio n to p erm an en t em ­ Illllshoro O regon 9 < rtson Electric, 365 E M a ri tif f an d m in o r children d u rin g pendancy Dances-Entertainments ploym ent you w ill enjoy clean P hone 4573. 19 19-20p of su it and a tto rn e y ’s fees an d c o s ts . ED SCHELL Instruction-Training 13 w ork in p leasan t surroundings, GOOD shallow well three AT.lges EQUITY in 1941 Ileo 4-5 yd M ina M W eber vs. J«.hn D. W eber, de­ P h o n e H illsboro 3000, m ornings holidays w ith pav, vacations w ith f a u lt; Bessie M. Ju o la vs. Thom as Ju o la, dum p truck Go d 8 : > rul her pump, $40 Lei1 Owen 3rd d efau lt. pay, sick leave, group h ealth in ­ house 18tf south of service stath n. Or- Excellent m otor 1 u c plates on P ro b a te orders filed in th e e states of surance, g ro u p life insurance, r e ­ eneo. 19plf truck, would take 1, e model ear U lrich H erzig. R alph Luca-*. F ran k Beeler, tirem en t plan, and o th er benefits. in trade 348 N +th ifter 3 p rn. L aw ren ce S. M cConnell, W illiam M. K ent, P lease apply to C hief O perator. JU S T received a new shipm ent < f T. F. W auchope, K a th erin e Block, J . J. IHptf KOBERSTEIN BROTHERS West C oast T elephone C om pany. co w h iy recording, 'O ld Tim e Y anK leek. Helen P ag e W< -¿bridge, Tillie I i i t i FOR SALE I I aller house w ith 4 Local Boys HilUboro I«if D ances.' "P o p u la r,' Ja z z .' K u ra tli. G eorge J . Harm*. Ethel Jo h n sto n . good tire . bm it-m eupbourdx Ballads ' and 'B roadw ay Hit - of at Banks, 2:30 p. m. N ew owners of XViHamette G u a rd ia n sh ip o r d e r s : E lm er B urch. Lil- IIDP PICKERS WANTED 254 E. Washington St. Phone 2261 F rcetag Radio Shop and frante f F ree E stim ates stock chains, can be used on every at ence. Orc. 16-23 farm . — A ddress W hitehouse. 76 ALL w hite ice refrig erato r for H IG H E ST ea h m ice; for crea Colon Irrigations P lan e rentals, scenic trips. 432 S. 7th, Hillsboro sale holds 75 lh. lie. $20 Toni eggs. Why ship to P o rtlan d w hen N EW SPA PER su b scrip tio n solici­ S tore and Service Station, IB 2. 120 b. Third Ave. Charter Service can get P o rtlan d prices at, your Phone Ixihn 1161 18ptf tor, m an o r w om an, w anted.— Box 868, B eaverton; m idw ay b e ­ Simili, 2nd house w est school. iliP sb o ro . O regon 17tf door. Will pick up once o r tw ice In q u ire at A rgus B uy Block T im e and Save North lOtf Plains lOptf. 8tf tw een R eedville und Aloha 'Near Gales Creek.) w eekly P hone 126. F o rest G rove Phone 3981 WIFE SAVING MATERIAL, Mod­ COOK stove, wood or coal, for Dancing on New flo o r Optometrists 2 16tf Work Wanted Robl. A. Miller 16 L » f C ream ery. ■ lie. gas •Jove w ith 3 plates anil ern kitchen bulltins m ade by old Lunches served on premises fashioned craftm anshlp Sim p at ■ o il I >7 W W alnut. Hillsboro. 19 Pre« in Veteran« ARCHITECT IGtf The Ariiua will publish your ailuallon HORN'S CABIN ET SH O P Corn- 2 I ABLES for sale, also over- J w anted ad ahaoluU ly free. Hhow evidence nclius, O regon, 1 li blocks .south 616 Stock E xchange Bldg. stuffed ehair, bedstead and n t aervice d la e h arse a t eounlar. Services 10 3-W ay m arket. 7-10ntf i A ;!"1 P ilu le s 810 S P o rtlan d 4, O regon O RC H A R D disking w anted, also AVAILABLE now 66 gal electric 10th, Illllshoro FO R g rain and hay h au lin g , call P h o n e B roadw ay 3179 43tf d ragging.—Phone A loha 6259 Scholls 8352. C alls ta k e n any- w ater healers, liglilm g fixtures, SALE Good 30-gal hot w al- 19-20u electric fences, m any oilier hard FOR er tank with fittings. $10 Sm all wh ere in county. ;6tf WANTED experienced office girl to get Heins. R. N C hance Elec- used DR. J. VERNON HORNE iok stove. $10. C opper h eat- IK-1I» ing coil. used. $3. w ith know ledge of typing Mc­ trie Service. Forest G rove |„ R. Beal. OPTOMETRIST FLOOR SANDING C orm ack Co., Box 157. H illsboro. North Plains. Phone 373 I9p Eye» Examined - Glasses Fitted VANAKEN SAND and GRAVEL Now is time to sell CREAM. 19-20. Floors Laid and Finished BEAUTIFUL daveno for ale. gold (A cross from Safew ay) B udget plan if desired Old Floors RefinLshed D ependable Q uality HAULING w anted day or night and turquoise tapestry F. W. LIVERMORE Advance in price, /XI most R EPA IR S AND SERVICES ESTIM ATES GIVEN P hone Scholls 8221. 19tf. 214 E. Main St., Hillsboro now "D orothy's," 212 E Mam. P rom pt D elivery good pastures and Hillsboro. Phone 121 d; P h o n e 4251 50tf W ashing M achines, L aw n M ow er , W ILL care for children din ing the zys. 1332 MORDEN & SIZER J. W. LIVERMORE P la n t Phone 1608W evening d ay at. inv hom e.—740 S. Adams. E lectric A ppliances, R adios, E lec­ 19 252 W. Main S t. Hillsboro iced crops. F orest G rove H illsboro I9-20p Dentists 3 tric Clocks. E lectric Fence C on­ rboncs: 2202 Eve, 3951 Day» Huber, Orogon P lan t on Gnles C reek 18tl WANT to lake care of children, tro llers, C olem an P arts an d F lu o r­ Moro Ads on Noxt Page 25 tf We pay highest day or night -Garnet Jo hnston. escent L ights. DR. RALPH DRESSER 14 vrs old. N orth P lains 2nd house cash prices for Phone Aloha 6627 A rc and A cetylene W elding east of ralro ad (resile. l9-20p 32tf DENTIST 17tf PLA STERIN G and cem ent w ork CREAM and EGGS w anted. —116 N. W. 1st A ce For- DRESSM AKING, rem odeling, b u t­ T a le p h o n * 144 Appliance Service 10a csl G ro v e.___________ 19-22p tonholing. Mrs. O rvil Hanson. Picked up once or C om m ercial B ldg H ilU boro Rt. 3, Box 191.X, H illsboro; 1 JA N IT O R w ork w anted - J L. twice weekly. Washing Machine Rcpdir m iles no rth on N orth P lains road E astm an. Rt. 5, Box 115 H ills­ a t th e Log Cabin. 6tf boro. 18-21 n, AU Models and Makes DR. J. H. ROMAINE Call us and arrange W ANTED by m arried man w ith Let me repair your washer. Vacuum Cleaning fam ily, age 29. service station pickup days. Dentist—X-Ray First Insertion, per w o r d .............................. Satisfaction guaranteed. w ork, or m echanics helper. Will Repairs 256 S o u th Second consider o th er stead y w ork —Gus (Minimum Charge First blue, 50e( Nelson Refrigeration M odern B uilding ( nnt.ra> tors PHONE 126 B row n. R oute 2, Box 310, H illsbo­ O flice Phone Res. Phune 435 W. B aseline St., H illsboro ro. 18-19n 2021 3695 South 7th, cross R. R. track Each Additional Insertion, per word lc GUNSM1THING, repairs. stork FOREST GROVE P h o n e 701 13tf tu rn left, second house (Minimum Charge Each Issue, 30r| m ilitary conversions Will trade Hillsboro, Oregon 3tf Personal 4 ’ . 16-19 w ork for M auser rifle: or action; READERS, per line, lOo < ARD OFTIIANRH, per word to —-Jam es L Winton C h e rry G rove Phone 1361 W ANTED ........ I kin MAYTAG WASHER .1321 liv es of C ivil w ar v e te ra n s in ­ WATER WELL DRILLINI. K t issue, Information given relativo to .u rb ad» K 'a h H l H 1th A v e. Millsboro BULLDO ZING land H earing w ith te re ste d in becom ing a m em ber of bales and Service .ho,ild accompany order. , Black fa. e typo heading» permit- pecial land clearing equipm ent Ihe L adle: of th e G ran d A rm v of E. G. E ngebretson L et us rep a ir y o u r M aytag —C het W ojahn. Route 4 Hillsboro: the R e p u b lic —Please phone 2482 CLEAN • ed Larger type »I. proportional« additional cost. 5 |„for- M. J. W ooley lUe mil« n o rth e a jt on .III g o it road l'7tf Meltebeke Furniture Store Transfer Service w " " " • « ' • - Mme Blanche — Psychic WANTED Combine work -Alenn Id 2. Box 963. Beaverton 158 S. 2nd Av» , Hillsboro F. II. DENTON T ells a c tu a l facts, gives nam e., Ingles, I ts m iles w est N orth 4 ’ m iles cast Hillsboro. P hone 491 33tf a n d dates, solves business an d p e r­ Plains, on g ravel road. Vadi.. o u t old B aseline road 16-19p so n al problem R eadings d aily e x ­ CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 9tf cept S u n d ay .—631 S. XV. M arket, st. IF YOU plan building a new home ELECTROLUX P o rtla n d , o pposite L incoln high or rem odeling. I am equipped to Classified Columns Close Tuesdays at 3 p . n t. s e l l , ,1 _ 16-28o bALES - SERVICE - S U T P L ltb Anywhere For Hire do .Voui la b ln e i w ork E stim ate., Only authorized ieprc„eutaU i6 ‘H oo Late, to LiuM fy" Taken Until 1 g. m F R E E — If exi ess acid causes you given for building cabinet» and GEORGE T. McGRATH Local or Long Dista live W ednesday. installing Have w iie and c a l l m ake pains of stomach ul< ers. in d iges­ Household Goods a bpei tally F. H. Albert 1 blind adj with »m, wen to be h in d lrd by Zoguo—2jr. e x tra your w indow screens, batisfaction tion. heartburn, belching, bloating, IN bURANI E hERVlUE P h o n e 2715 Res. P hone H illsboro 2732 g u aran teed .—J A. H ockersrnith, 175 nausea, gas pains, get free sample O ffice P h o n e 1271 U dga. a t T h e P a h a D ru g sto re 432 S. 2nd S t 337 E. M ain S treet HILIlSBÛRO ARGUS E Jackson, H illsboro. T elephone H illsboro. O re 4»-21p Satf. 88tf Phon« 223 lOtf X u t f l 1821. HilUboro, Oregon Vital Statistics NELSON R E F R IG E R A T IO N WELL DRILLING and Service P au l E. R o ss S a /e s WANT good w alnut meals, halves and pieces m ixed, 70 cents lb . on Monday. Tuesday. ’ntu rw lav and Friday B essie B aker, Route 5. 1st house W. St M atthew s cem etery on Kood B ridge road. 13tf WANTED Eir piling, in ear lots e ith e r railro ad E E C ornelius 134 <4 4th Ave P hone MM« ” *< BEAVERTON TRANSFER CO. General Hauling North Plains Radio Service C h a m b e rla in T R U C K S E R V IC E oh t CARLSON GARAGE Beckett Truck Line, Inc WANTED 150 Hop Pickers Aloha, Oregon Still Paying TOP PRICES USED CARS EXCAVATION Extras" Ready SWANK MOTOR CO. B e n e f it baseball gam e Cily Plumbing Co. Water Well Drilling FLY NOW f i . J. G a u n t FLY SWIM - PICNIC Balm Grove P ark WELL DRILLING MEND-IT SHOP FO REST GRO V E CREAM ERY Too Late to Classily" - See Section 1 FURNACE SERVICE LOW COST CLASSIFIED ADS ! 2C A rrington and Son F r e d 's F u r n a c e S e rv ic e mo T R A N SFE R Cotton Rags WANTED 5c lb.