.4 THE MORE YOU TELL THE MORE YOU SELL Car*, T ruck*, lim ie r* , M otorcycle*. Bicycle* Fuel Wood*« wing 21 B(>5 hi. V ili- f u i ..ili- g i n u l du o > ii b u ll - 'l l Un S i i Cutcx \i< iliili- S e i v i- i S i . il m i Ivi unii H I I I m - I I I I I k I i i . i i > I7|. i m : i m u ' i -I I I I . 19.1) I 111 I lu ll t i n i - tm 11, li­ II 11111 l l 11111X-1 r. . liti d i . ib I .1 , d m . III! S nidi li il, • p u k in m u * 'lirv-.li- r l>ii kup. w h c iii.i t. h i III i I Util i t uli- wheel. Klin u n I ( ¡ I n v i ­ Wie, l.e. M 1 ml le e .i l l i K im I ( ¡ i >ie mi iri.iiu li itili» »v HI I . n Ml >1 I K I . Il K m ll •k fur ».il f i l l i I -i 11 \v 11 li i .n l ■ I tu i ;•» U tili nmtiii i in n m , . Hu Ole I Uoriu-b I ' im i, K lli.v IH I7i IHO F* IKI I I. m |. lm ■ il e . ? .->|n e i | H1« iiilili.-i I I ,' |„ I K l.- il I t u l i l t * c h . II- l i. U hm purili m i l . .S a n ­ vien I k I u n i ili liti lirilf N A MI I ,1 nir seitin fur -tali m otot i m l.i-ifi-i-t Se. il Hill boro .n,) ui H*1 Ui. I Kun n week d u i i l i c •I i 5 :tn Id I7p IKi!) Mi »HKI. A Kimi I Ill'll fui n u le , m - » ed m u t u i Phone I*.u n i . n e » i n i i l i d i t l o n n i k J u l i . v ih i St 1" 38 INDIAN 74 iti i-v.-l very tiimd m . lime no lonk. new tl»«», n. » ii.iti uv .(-ai I leant head I, ' - n i H u i, I t , - l u m e n Miiiint.iiuii.il, n. t u n e at M u r e I','ll 2-WIIKI I. , itti,. tra ile r fill ».,1,. »40 I l i u m , , , ( arati» c o i lie r flaaeliiii- uni H h I h , Ave 17p W O lll.I) |„. v. I, f iii- vale IH I Garii».il.li siii-et dill. I u n , I7p MANY m t.- h . ut fur • l u i d e i «8 « d a r d l i d i H llIntuir, ,. Ii'titf n»»« p a i V K ti.nl limb.1- fur «ale III tane la tin e d u llille »ink. I» - rvtliiinj in t-uud eon,lillui. Pli H id .in n ., u n i I7|. IT'S NO SECRET Highest Legal Price n m I I H tllS i f • fl 23 ' I- ue| ouk S IS W i­ » i II d eliv er lli Un- Hill lu,ru .. h i fi-r •I II T w tfurd 11 m ili . e i t u i 11111-.1 n n 11 u n l . i 'i i l l u u l i » IV, li e H M idway S e l l , ,11 II'JHI N ew - Pilone 1’,'tf ______ Hedricks Bros. Fuel Co. Ne III' ANO -I KT old g ro w th fir wimd fur sale, ulsn k nots and rough wood, good fur firep lace 517 K W alnut o r phone o rd e r to 17(12 14-lButf 18" IILiX 'K and slut». $« cord, d e ­ liv ered In 2-coril lots; som e dry rlckwnnrf. q u irk d eliv eries -C harles L ippert. B anks 32tf 1 KOOT ciirilwuml fur sale, second grow th C a ll T un, S h u ik s B ar­ b er Shop. H illsboro. ISptf H EA V Y BLOCK $6 25 cord 6 50 cord 6.50 cord Reedville 7.00 cord 2 ‘y cord loads Aloha 7.50 cord 2 'j curd load* Beaverton 2'i curd K —XK WOOD c h , i .itm I., ater f.,r , .I,- Erne.-.! Mcx, Hi 3. HtlLI.m l m ile S N.u • -i Pl.i • Pimm- N orth MUM 34K5 17-IB U I’R Il.ll I in ,,i , u. ,. -I c 'tidiltm , f»r »ale J a n e t I inra Phoim 482 |7 USED \i i • r, J , ., f, ,j- ,),. 432 K 2nd Ph.m e 2715 I7p MON TAG turn ..- f.u sale, $25 with all t . , I In« R. W M- I lm h 2 « l E W a s h i n g t o n S t P h o n e 1332 I7tf U S E !’ .uilum.Ui,- i-lfctrie Washing • a c l in ic $l > G ill a fte r 8 p m ■ 408 E liuM-ltne I7p •-V O L T Z.-ruth taule model rail,., »■hn $.15 150 E C’edai UHEI> g r. r a m : , ' fill ,.l.- S .- ,t ,,t M l- It. IV S andy's. 328 N 5lh HlUnl.-im Gall a fter 8 17-IHu OAK lux.- fur ..I.- Kir.--’ class con­ dition. 5-511 112 West Main. Ilills- 18-I7p NEW am i n-.ed »: .» langc.s .some w ith tra h bu rn ers, fur sale, im ­ m ed iate delivery M odern Oaa and Ajs^li nc • P hone 31(11. 8tf •M P- 23 8.00 cord luad* W e ld o r s Soflo W ater Softeners W estinghousc 4 and 6-can Milk Coolers Electric Cream Separators Chicken F eather Pickers Chicken Scalders Concrote M ixers s im ili size » 00 . »0- H a rd w a re J. B. Im lay & S o n s Food, P roduce, etc. 5tf BLOCK an d SLAB W O O D M ILL RUN 26 M a in . 1 7 - lK p VAUGHN light w c.giit drag saw w ith tw o blades SllMI liu , i C lark, G lenw ood. In q u ire at .'or,- 16-lTp BY OWNER at R icheys o r Case Im plem ent Co., l-good shop built tra c to r for »ale 16-17p , I T M cC O RM IC K -D eering b in d er in good ru n n in g o rd er: n earlv new can v as d ra p e rs A Z ah ler. Kt. 1. H illsboro; •'’« m ile N. E H elveti: ta store. P hone N orth P lains 18E3. 16-1’ P I 216-cord loads And have vo u r ow n new K ohler E lectric lighting p lant. Now a v a il­ ab le for im m ed iate d ,-liv en Sp i-- ifications. 15(10 xx-att. IE, volt. AG-1 cy lin d er gas engine, w ater cooled, m anual startin g , ideal fur homes, rural businci te». farm s, consti uc lion cantp». fire fighting, tru ck s, e tc . easy to set u p Shielded foi non-interferein-e w ith rad io re c e p ­ tion 1’rii-e $385, f o b ., P o rtlan d . O regon W rite or Ph.m e K I! H o r­ ton. .->07 W eatherly Bldg P o rtlan d 13. O reg.in Photic EA.st 7364 o r hom e P hone W E bster 5678 17 to Radios W ater H eaters Pum ps W ashing Machines Appliances Motors See us on Electric W iring and W iring Supplies Colovolt Lighting Ben Faber Electric Home and Farm Equipm ent “Select Your Dealer W ith C are” S. Third Ave., Hillsboro Phon« 2471 27 BATTERIES Auto - Truck - T ractor S2 TRADE-IN for lim ited tim e on your old b attery PITTSBURGH sale Save $300 HAROLD KELLER Rt. 1, Carlton, Oregon STATES 27 12 or 16-inch $6.25 per cord Repair Service IRRIGATION PIPE W ANTED Light A ,b ■ a «drillt m eats K e n n e tts S»<-,-t Shop. H illsboro 1 ‘ ' EARLY tra n sp a re n t apple .vou |Mck. $1 .15’ box First house n o rth R eedville Dairy 17 W A K EFIELD .imi Cup..,,' tfen cab- I huge fur sale, nice big h(*ad» I D avid O tto. *« p u le S F reti ( ! 11. v I • h E q u ip m e n t 80 A (XX >t » D rlix rrx ro o li, iti HILLSBORO ARGUS 3 35 For Sale -Real Estate 35 For Sale—Real Estate I »Jk, ok rolo i 1948 il P. , AC 2. w lid i 2 PAL \ MINOS for i oidoig Mv,<„ m ,le» W Foresi G ro A ve Ph - e 10K G ENTLE saddle hors t'>r K N ( lance. 11 m iles boro airp o rt C.ill lite r 8 o it.f u l1 i F 1 * » ' ic.fic 18-17), »ale­ l í . ILs- ai. 8tf Work Horses Saddle Horses Bor-K Stock Ranch HGE ASSORTMENT or, h»no a k all time» a t very attractive price* C redit given anyone. Dis -ount for la s h G uaranteed as rep 'evented F ree d e liv e ry .— H arry Kuehne. C arlton. O regon; located $’4 mile« we«t of N ew berg 47tf (I U 30 da ,1 f 1 AGRE mrt 1 IJ 5 Hiet gar; «7250 T er d b Idg si '• pc MAJOR m odern h [160. 11 is III 8.1 land suit. ACHE g a 8 I N. Itltf d d . Hi AG It »tert full me. BE LOTS. .1 limili ACRES ist mut ,49 r Du rv creek e l h ig h ., luts. huusi- .m I garden d berries; elei 1(100. d E »xf mv,-» and xvater $5000 9 AGRES. t« ri ACREîS and fruit. 4-rm, -18- Itse gond hldg-. ui 1 > elec w ater 4 . field Hill ibom t. RepLn 46 ACRES 1 d garden and her ,rd - K«*i Be ■drm hs w ater system. rid Alio ■Chain C attle 32 11 j id 2nd g n w th t.irube on h.gh- ,r bi und Wi.x E,. S45OII T •rms. PUREBRED H eref-.rd bulls for ¡fui 33 ACRES. m odern 7-rm home, s. de T K D enney. R, 1 Box ced indrow e A. barn, chn v hse. elec 281», He.'ivertor : 2 m iles SE B eaver- r system . basemer nt. furnace. tor, on iJenne- : uafl 13 ’RES 1 7- i 9u ture and equip. $i: 2,000. 16-yr-i d fili R libber Endle JER SEY cow u, ,.|1 fa r b e e f - V field: ACRES, str.rw be r- 2- H V.,i idehey. 5'.- m iles S ori 20x40, •rtn H., di Be' go d ulling. elec. ch. x R iver roj Phone 310L_______ H -18 f-im.lv fruit. well pur •. pipe 2nd grow th A Ke., e G un ; and Term. 10 GUERNSEYS and 2 H olsteins (XX) ACRES, lodern for .-ale all fresh m A u g u st--W >mc. 15 ACRES. 13 2-yr-old B arrel P u m p , 'h e rn e I. Burk,- S tar Route. B uxton; 1 berts m excellent c o n ; qui ed. C i in' tnde no rth Wolf C reek highw av on omc w ith old lit , nuxtarn home, ae. dbl g u F airbank -Mn icom e $22 000 Ve teini , 1lighw ay I7ptf barn, bldgs H ome is tn in beaut tliful 50 ACRES 21-v »Id w alnuts, 35 -ntire : GOOD Vuuni! cow s for sale. 2 to setting of law ns and shr A 19-yr prune excellent crop; a of Slecx -f-s and Piste f r o h e n next m onth, o th er i n property en c of nicest fur good investm ei w'ith sm all pay- 811.500 dow n. " ' ' Si-¡,tembi-r <î. H arm s, 2 '2 m iles E annall A m ent down. N Banks o n t ,ld G arrigus place W ashington County G M \W A Y .4 Mi-GR « V i/.e P e t, fur 17 — Farm » A rrrag « — I .irnall H I GUERNSEY h eifer fur sale Is Agencies IlilKhiirii. Ore calf m ilking about 28 lbs a day. 3T7 E M i in — Phone 223 l> I AKM M \< HIM K V A P Nelson last house on W < LOSE TO H ILLSBO RO ! S im ,nut St.. H illsboro. ____ 17p This nice 3 acre tra c t w ith two »•inch I x tz Mill WOULD buy 20 to 40 acres w here sm all homes; o w n er’s hom e is nice, 1 P k ific .Shallow Well P um p clpulti ren t m ore ground or neat, clean and fu rn ish ed w ith oil lea • large place Stock equipped circulating heater, k itch en range, 25x24 G-ply Gcxidyear M odern im provem ents W rite P. w ashing m achine. bed. dresser, irrn T ires i O. Box 31, H uber. Orc- 17-18p rugs, radio, electric plate and o th er -38 G fxxiyear F arm Tires , FEW goo i G uernsey Cows fur sale. fu rn itu re; o th e r house is clean, neat* to freshen soon; also, young unfurnished and now rented. W«»od- J- r-ey-G uernsey fam ily cow .—R u­ shed and u tility room. Nice shade, M It \ K I SHOP dolph Sim anlei. Rt 5. H illsboro: berries, garden School busses and 'j mi. south of W ireless tow er. 17p P ortland bus. Live in one house r Solution 100 ' for yc ONE G uernsey fam ily cow for sale, and re n t th e other. E v ery th in g □ dor and im plem ent tires ju s t fresh. O ne G uernsey to fresh j goes for only $6500. Im m ediate D os-, See us f ci r an estim a ,v 1 —J A Johnson, Hillsboro; session. FOR SALE 1*2 N. on N orth P lains rd. 16tf Dne A rre xxith Fine M odern Ilomi- 10 A. all cleared. 2'-3 mi. N E. of all furnished, new electric range DAIP.Y and fam uy cow» fo r sale and hot w ater heater; house is elec­ H illsboro. l>j mi. from Sunset hw v. cash or on easy bank term s.— trically heated E v ery th in g in fine , V ery m odern seven room home. K arn s O renco 'P hone 3028 34tf J I. Case Farm Marhinery shape. 70-be; rin g filb ert trees B asem ent, furnace, insulated. S un- WANTED—Fox feed cattle and West B aseline H illsboro, O regon , should Dav taxes and electric bill ; porch, closed in back porch. Dble horses.—F red If Adams. Rt 3 for h eating and cooking. See this garage w ith cem ent floor. B rooder P h o n e 1062 14 Be-.vertcn; C hurchlev road. Reed- house 2000 cap. B arn 6 sta. F ull t o w . O nly one m ile out of H ills­ y ear supply of saw dust alread y - d ie Gall collect Phone 3219 12tf boro. 15 days possession. ;n. Bro ,der st ives and o th er tu r - YOUR cow nas m am itu, trv F. O. EAGON, Hillsboro S h e e p , G o a t s , R a b b it» kcv equipm ent included N ew ly 28 IF K ennedy's G arget Remedy. Sold p a n te d and in tip-»op condition R e­ *On Highway) Phone 801 money back g u a ra n te e —Mr« 4 MILK d B illy for on 14tf duced for ouick sale. S12.600 W F G raffis, R. 3. Bx 147. N di L arry Nohr. R ’. 2. Box 216. Connell O’NEILL & WALTZ Ave. 43»• P -Gland: S kyline Blvd. 17-18n I HILLSBORO 219 W. Pacific A ve P h o n e 87M JER SEY and G uernsey h eifer for BEDROOM home, clean, ready MILK goat fur sale, gives over a j FO REST GROVE. OREGON gallon of m ilk a day. $15.—John I sale, freshen th is xvinter. your to move in. nice law n, shrubs $55 e a c h . — C o tter at fruit, im m ediate possession S6.300. NEW 4-room house, plastered, with Sim ick. Rt 3. Box 4h0, B eaverton: I choice one acre ground, w ired for rang* HOMEY 2 bedr-om home, fire ­ 1 mil - south of Aloha. 17b Scholls. place. utility, w ired for elec, stove, and w ater hea.er. with electric RABBIT h u tch es for sale. 16 ap art- | Livestock 33 elec hot w ater, beautiful lan d ­ pum p.—J L. P se. M arian Ave 1 m ent breeding hutches and IO scaped yard, lot f r u i t n u t tre e on m ile east of H illsboro. Call a-iv. - -lent raising h u tc h « .—O. C. 3 GUERNSEYS. 1 H olstein heifer *, acre garden. V ery good term s tim e a fte r 6._____________15-1 To fu r -ale. 12-18 m onths old.—B. G. at 4 oer cent. French. Rt. 4. Box 260. Sherw ood: at Jack to w n school. 17-19 Nagel. Rt 2. H Jlsboro: 5 m iles NEW 3 bedroom m odern house, More Class Ads on Page 6 south on L aurel road n ear H ancock FRESH goat fo r sale — Mrs C hris- 17p plastered coved ceiling in living 50x193 'in e Johnson. R oute 3. Box 521. JER SEY d >uble tested fam ily cow room, u tility , 20x20 gar ; lot. T his is alm ost f nished and H -,ro. 17p for sale, gentle, fresh S eptem ber 'r e a d y tJ m ove into. $7250. 1 BUCK. 2 dues, for sale: also, 1. priced reasonable; also, hens f >r ON W ALKER road hom e and self-cleaning hutch — R udolph sale —C W. C onc3nnon. Rt 5. Box grocery store 6 room plastered, all Sim intel. Rt. a. H .il-boro; ‘i mi. 882. I’ r'.lanr; >2 mi. E C edar M il nexxlv furnished, full basem en; south of w ireless tow er. 17p st re on C ornell road. Phone Bea- 2 1 5 acres. G rocery w ith good l? stock [■OP prices paid to r live rabbit verto n 3184 MODERN red eco rated and re ­ fry ers.—D P M acDonald, Rt. 2 painted hom e choice location. 2 Box 21R B eaverton, on Ruby ave­ Dead and W orthless Stock bedrooms, fireplace, dbl. , garage, nue P h o n e R e a x - e r te n 2260 4?+* Picked Up Free of C harge fruit, nuts, large lot. 60x198. T h u e is ready to m ove Into, you P o u lt r y 2P We pay for phone call». Call us at hom w on’t have to do anything. Im ­ U niversity 1221 o r U niversity 4502 m at 10 a. m. ediate possession. See this home B EA U TIFUL well fed N H DUl- lets for sale, read y to lav. anv W estern States Rendering Co: to appreciate it. Sl!.50n 10 ACRES. 3 A. cleared, choice am ount —E. J Dugan. Rt 3. Box ______ 4tf bid. site w ith 8000 ft. of lum ber 137. B eaverton: 2 m .les W. on i f only $3000. _____ _ 1 7 j Farm ingtoja road VETERINARIAN 15 ACRES. 4 A. cleared, sw ell Auction yard 1 m ile N orth of 150 RHODE Island red pullet for i acreage to build hom e and th ere is Dr. Norm an E. Johnson sale Ja:ne< Freem an. w?st and 3000 ft. of lu m b er also good M cM innville on Highw ay 99 south of Forest Hill G olf C urse. 1 C anyon Road chicken house all for $2800 m ile 17p CORN ELIU S T his is the largest livestock a u c­ Beaverton, Oregon 5 ROOM m odern hom e w ired for tion in th q W illam ette Valley. 100 NEW H am pshire red fryers P hone B eaverton 3511 range city w ater. 3 acres could be for «ale Dewey V ellinger. l ' j l l cow. m iles W ,.nd 1 mile S. firs; place or P ortland C om m erce 9924. 37tf subdivided. 7 tons hay, We are having good sales. Lots of E. of H illsboro, ju s ’ . ff Baseline tra c to r and equipm ent, w ell and livestock of all kinds. Weaner and electric pum p fo r irrig atin g . 17p VETERINARIANS 5 ROOM m odern hom e in good Feeder Pigs, Dairy and Beef Type W ANTED Red hens and fiv ers, a l­ condition. 50x100 lot 3 blocks from Cattle, Bulls, Heifers, Sheep and Dr. E. W. A lm quist so rab b its alive or dressed.—C all business section. Som e term s Goats. Poultry, Farm Produce, and i A loha 6276 evenings. 12tf Res. Phone 641 $3500 Farm Machinery. Dr. L. G. Söderholm NEW H. m psh.re fry. < ' r sale. SEVEN acres in city lim its 5 $1.25 each: 3 lb< up. K ale plants Res. Phone 641 acres in 2-vcar filberts, w onderful F rom 200 to 300 head of livestock and rabbits. Eckert. l« m ile S. Office Phone Hillsboro 643 building site, term s at 4 p er cent sold ev ery w eek, xvhich is ¡00% ! M .un on Brookw ood Ave. H ills­ Office open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. $5 000. consigned. boro. ' 16-17a 375 FOOT B aseline frontage in -----—--------------------------------------------r H ead q u arters f or A rtificial Cornelius, choice build in g site for LIVE POULTRY BI YER We charge th e sam e com m ission Insemination Program. business. Phone Stafford 511« or Tabor 4394 to all. Phone 643 J J tf all kinds of poultry, prom pt p ick­ W. L. D. REAL ESTATE BRING I S YOUR LIVESTOCK— up service. W ill weigh and pax- 34 cash a t y o u r p la c e —W rite L. W. Pets, Dogs, C ats, etc. B yron E. Davis. B roker WE HAVE THE BUYERS! [ Forem an. Route 1. Box 87. S h e r­ MALE C ollie dog for sale. 2 y ears ( ORNEI.IUS wood. or G uv G. Forem an, Route o ld —375 S. 7th. Hillsboro. 17p E. L. WORD We ap p reciate y o u r business . . 15. Box 640. P ortland. Ore. lOtf TWO Police dogs fo r sale. 9-\veeks 156 E. Edison, H illsboro T his is y o u r sale. ANY am ount of live p oultry p ick ­ o ld —E ugene W erner. R oute 4. ROLFE LeCRONE ed up on farm s.—Phone B eav er­ H illsboro; B rookw ood Ave. at fox I AUCTIONEERS P hone 19F12. H illsboro ton 2369 ex-enings. or xvrite Hazel farm . 16-17p WILBUR RICE AND SON BYRON DAVIS Maly. Rt. 3. Box 59. B eaverlon 31tf 456 S. Bailey. H illsboro Phone 142 X 35 RHODE ISLAND RED chicks from For Sale -Real E state 17 high p roducing trap n ested hens. See us for y o u r farm or fu rn itu re G RIFFITI1 & MEEKE $16. oer h u n d red .—T hayer's H atch ­ Strout's Ranch Bargains Offer for Sale sales. ers- T.e iv, • 4fitf O N E -H A l.F acre, 3rm . hse. good GREEN CATOLOG. over 1300 p ro ­ perties! 25 S tates m ailed FR EE.— road. $2400 WE AIM TO PLEASE Pig» 30 2 ACRES. 3 bedroom hse.. fire ­ STROL'T REALTY. 510 S. W. 3rd 8 WEANER pig> for le. 2 months, place. full basem ent, oil furnace, Ave.. P o rtlan d 4. Oregon. 2-23 -Donald Rutiliti, m ile south hdw . fleers in living room, good M id w a y 17p barn and chick, hse.. fam ily orch . xvater sv st.. 3'.- mi. S. W. of D urcc Bred GILT SALE of elee. B eaverton. $9000. the Pacific Coast 2'_- ACRES. 5 rm. h s e . all f u r ­ niture. near Aloha. $5500. QUALITY DUROCS 8 ACRES, live creek. 5 rm. hse.. I 40 bred G ilts of th e best of the w est elec w ater system , chicken hse. for 1 m ile East of B eaverton on Canyon Road from the Best D uroc H erds of C ali­ 1200 on go >d hiw av. $4000 68 ACRES. 5 cult.. 2 stream s, fornia. Oreg«xn W ashington a n d gravity Cattle, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Chickens, Rabbits, w ater system , 4 rm. hse.. Idaho. Blue ribbon cham pion w in­ ’ ■ Produce. F urniture, Farm M achinery, Tools, Etc. ning sows bred to the top boars o f wood tim ber, ow ner leaving. $4000 th e nation. F oundation Dtitocs. 56 ACRES, n ear H illsboro-B ea­ COME TO BUY AND SELL verton hiw av. live creek, land Show and Salem at G resham , suitable fur filberts, $300 an acre. Big Sale L arg e C row ds A m ple Space Oregon. F air G rounds. 25 to KO ACRES. 10 m iles w est of G resham . Ore., A ugust 3 P ortland, live fishing stream . 17 OREN E. SUDTELL, Auctioneer variety- of trees, located betw een Rt. 2, Box 100 Beaverton, Oregon W rite C. E. STRETCHER S unset and B eaverton - H illsboro B eaverton, O regon, for catalog hiw av. $100 an acre. and p articu lars. 17-19 122 ACRES. 2 mod homes, barn, creek, duck pond. elee. w ater 15 W EANER pigs, $10 to $16 each. live system m ain hiw av 9 C. W. D uroc cross. 6 C. W . all $35.000 , close to j six w eeks old Ju ly 9: 1 vr.-old C. | W. boar for sale or service.—L. 1.. GRIFFITH & MEEKE . C hristensen, 4 mi. N. of B uxton Realtors — Insurance on highw ay -17. 16-17_i> 131 South 2nd. Ave., H illsboro , Hillsboro, Oregon Phone H illsboro 171 Horses, Mule* 31 Res. H illsboro 3431; A loha 6281 11 9 YEAK-OI.D black gelding w ork horse for sale o r trad e for chil- I d ren 's pony O tho W eaver. Rt. 1. Steel Grey Mare. 7 years old. weight 1400 lbs. Works single or double N ew berg. 4 4 m iles SW of Scholls BIRCHWOOD PARK on J a q u ith Rd. 17-18p Monks Sawdust Burner for furnaee xxith eleetrie heat regulator Hillsboro’s Modern PO NY for sale. 5 years old Residential Area 1 JERSEY COW, 1 JERSEY HEIFER. Both Heavy Springers H onrv S tachle. Rt L Box 93. ¡H illsb o ro ; 9 1.- m iles N H illsboro N ew u ltra m odern hom es a re Tool» of all kinds 3 kitchen rances 1 on Mas in-Hill road Call evenings. Nearly nexx- Oliver disc drill 2-unit MeCornxiek-Deerlng now being constructed. 17p •nilking machine 2 wagons and racks SADD1 E pony for sale, high spirit Consult for details 2 hotxvater tank» and roil» but gentle. In q u ire at Bate» mill. Pile of building timbers N orth Plains. 17 Gas plate, beds, dressers, lamps H ILLSBORO DI V ELO PM ENT Disc drill, ploxv. cultivators Eleetrie lixx n moxver. heater ! BROWN saddle gelding, gentle, COM PANY Baby bed, rabbit hutches eight years old. 800 pounds. Electric range, sanitary rot 7 Fast M ain St. Weslpy Parson. Forest G rove. Rl Trailer, gas range Dining table. dropleaf table 2. 1 G ales (.'reek 1 17 Tele Î23 — H illsboro, Ore. NUMEROUS OTHER A RTICLES 5-YEAR-O1 D sound, gentle saddle h o rse -4 6 8 S. 5th St. 17p G E N T L E saddle horse for sale. Tom C onnell. Rt 3. H illsboro: 5 •m iles n o rth Hillsb«>ro 1,11 Jack - ( „ n u ll It,>.t(l — ( rila r Mill Phone B eaverton 3130 14-17 L ightw eight QUICK - COUPLED Over 5(1 year* in (In- feed huxuie* R eedville — Phone <272 Aloha — Phone 8311 «2M F arm 31 ' Thursday. Julv A ( K E .S r tra d e fur x earling G iiem sev l.ull J o h n Sehum e. Rt. . l. Box it: l l i l l s h - . r u 2'.. N J a c k -I sun school o r . M a s u n Hill road 17p PH ON E G LENW OOD I4TS tra c to r for sale w ith Box 12 — Glenwood. Ore. GARDEN m ow er, cu ltiv â t.. ■. plow. H t l l s - l i t l I m > i * o Kales Cu S, , - C hapin in 17p H»HN D eere hay I..,. ler for sale W ilbert Salzxved, 1 n ear S chef- flin. 17p 2 NEW 11x24 tra c to r ' ■ fur .5 2 nexx 13x24, 2 new 11x28 tra c t r tires 1 new V-4 W; cunsm a ir ­ cooled pow er unit I ne i G rden Hoy 3 h p tra c to r on ru b b e r w ith 3-CORD LOAD cu ltiv ato r. I us.-d lO-ft-cnt O liver com bine, good c ix d itm n Pet. p Case, All t»-C D rop a card to Bx-.iverton 3521 |7 22-38 CASE th resh in g m achine, m 440 N. Colum bia, g,x,d condition, fur sal. . good P ortland 11, Oregon belts $350 Will. D urig. Kt 5 li. x Kki P o rtlan i; 2 mi. ,-. ,t ,.f C. ,1 M i7p or A NN-ARBOR-60 hay press fur sale J o e Looney, on R osedale CALL MRS. GALLOW AY road. 2 m iles S R eedville. P h o n e B eaverton 2162. lt;,f at I-H O R S E riding cu ltiv ato r f u ...lc alm ost nexx- 4(13 N. 2 n d . H illi- I O re 2182 HILLSBORO McCORM ICK- D eering h in d er fur sale, like nexx Russell Havs. ip. 1. Hillsboro; 2 miles E J.i, k on O ie n s F u e l Co. New Farm Equipment Korn Tone and DDT Peistroy UNIVERSAL POWER BALE AND SACK Im la y 's F re s h M ix ed F e e d s ■ Il P PU M P m o t,u f, R u b en s >n Electric. 385 PLEN TY OK SAW DUST O rd er vntir chipped m ixed snw- UTAH lum p. $17 ton; U tah nut. d nst fuel n.i»-. Stiinsun L u m b er S l t .a O ; o ld -g ro w th .V 2nd gro w th Co.. F o rest G rove. P hone F orest f i t . saw dust, slahw ood A loha Fuel Orov,- 10. 7tf Co. A loha O regon. 8tf ON HAND 1 C B a le d ( bah BLOCKW OOD 22 condition, W; like m ro u n d nak tab le 4 leave» . d l nu-tal p o rtab le sew- ing n I. -m talih-. SKI Phone S herw i. .1 1i 17 8 FMK I l i mi 8 chairs tab le .mil buffet for ■ h l.t house on right mi M arion Ax 17 »It KAI E la . tnudel M<>ntg.>»n- ery-W ,| ,|.« ., .) , »),,),. enam el . J .ml ,. .ervuit $45 -Eiiin.-sl G raf. Kt 2 Bus H25 Benvert. n mil,- , .. th ,,f T u b i u s M ille r F a r m 3IHH P lease »end m ailing addre»», an d direction», w hen ord erin g . 11 F a rm E quipm ent phone 25 s a le 150 TONS cluvci Ii.iv I-, sale, bal- cd. $1« A J J., a. Kt 1. < ’orne- ' P i-17 n ! l-.u _1 W N ,,r'h Ul.ut 2 'i cord load* 1926 Fuel - W oodaawing H ay and F eed K in g ’» W elding Shop, N o rth Plain* Plume North Plains 332 21» Hillsboro n I I W K I .I N a v l.m fu r 1 14 •bo 1 ‘ ’H h i . t n 5 . l i n m o t o r , p arts i n t e r c l i ■ • ib i* P ito n « 2 ib » 15 17 WÂNT* I» I*. TON TRUCK. alao a ■Ml l ’n P.iv eu di crlllio t price —F. M i l l e r , 491.1 S . K Ifarnev Drlve. l 'r t l u n d * !»; Kuuset 6166 Homo Furni»hing». Appli anco* ROCKIT f , ,l< g ...... I M irll.iin el r •».. I 17). I‘KKKNNfALS ; i n i | l i o n h I. i i i I r-o - »ale I Ibb i ist Muin Sir «-rt Hills boro. 15 I7p luvin h. B a le d |t b •r Slit .■Hid e .t V I q feed p o lir f .<• i ’11 »i Pl 5 Pox mi. H dl-f... »» Ph«. IHFI2 Also P ortland orders — f ru t PHI M ||. | „ til.- 27 Home*, Mule* M - Tl..- M i,-i. W . e r S ystem 1. .Id . . i on FOR SALE 2 ’ii cord loads 150 8. T h ird Ave. Hit b »i t». O regon PEERLESS PUM PS 24 D river* S erv ice S tation, C o rn eliu s Cornelius Swank Motor Co. tb th c i . 2 o r 2!» curd load* CASH l b