Pape Six H IL L S B O R O A RGUS, H I L L S B O R O . OREG O N at th e C edar Mill G range hall S a tu r­ day night, w ith 14 tables of "Mkl ' w eek from the Puitnlcv building in play. Mr. and Mrs J Bush receiv ­ to the building ow ned by the S ed high and Mrs. K N vstroni and P St S R ailroad com pany, w hich K Jo y n e r second. they have leased, and w here they Bill C a rr is em ployed in P o rtlan d will b arrel straw berries tins year. Jo e B erger of th e H azeldale 4-H e G uinroth is the m anager of the Those w ho took p art in piano re ­ i By Miss Mary Sandy) clubs and a m em ber of the Pacific Jo day evening sparks set the roof of B aker-K elly plant this year cital at th e B eaverton M ethodist N orthw est C ham pion A gricultural the P hil P arm ley house on fire The BANKS G rad u atin g exercises for church S atu rd ay w ere M arylin G raf B anks high school w ill be held G len C um berland and fam ily of es w ere extinguished before dem onstration team was featured Elsie P eterk o rt. H elen Bauer. Phyl- T hursday (tonight) in the g y m n a­ flam (By Mr». E W. Hinrichs) Friday on the T riangle V isitors pro- N ewport spent S atu rd ay and S un- much dam age was done ni n n u iv r t j - . Thorne, G race Rich, Doris Egai- sium T he sp eak er « ill be Dr. K E Miss D orothy M attiee of Ocean gram sponsored bv the T riangle l,av “ • the H. G C rocker home Bl.OOM ING—Ladies are req u est-i man and M argaret The Fitch of Pacific U niversity Mix Lake spent several days in B anks Milling com pany of P o rtlan d and , n e a r Banks ed to bring pies to the en tertain teacher is Miss B lanche Schulz. Fm egan. Davis w ill be salu tato n an and Miss last week S he also visited her presented over station KEN m ent and pie social to be held at Miss Doris B urehell of C orvallis Etta B ailey, valedictorian Class roll g randm other. Mis R p McNabb, Iow a Hill school tonight (T hursday). G iven B irth d ay S urprise Joe's poultry club w ork w as the spending tins week at the Cliff S hirley Spies w as given a s u r­ is as follows Etta Bailey. Louise w ho is ill in a H illslxiro hospital phase of his 4-H activities stressed is L utheran school defeated Iowa party last hursday evening, Bybee. R obert Buckley. Bovd Bush. Mrs M cNabb is reported to be im ­ The program deals w ith poultry. S andy hom e in Banks H ill boys in softball at Blooming prise Hill 1,51 par<> asl T »nursday Mr. and Mrs M uunce T h om p­ last Tuesday. 21 to 20. the « « « “’n being h er 14th birth d ay Mix Davis. Leigh S tetler. P aul Her- proving Preceding the interview w ith the an m v ersary O thers present w ere gert. Leona Hess. John H iatt. Mar- G rib n er shipped tw o carloads of T riangle visitor th ere was a su m ­ son and d a u g h ter Doris of St Move Here front Canada H elens w ere M others' day d in n er Raleigh L angbecker from Fox Mrs t Trachsel, L oretta and Law- lan Hoffm an. Bill Kelly John Mc- ferns and huck leb erry to th e east m ary of the history of 4-H club l«arty guests of Mr and Mrs It V alley. Sask . arriv ed at th e E. W rence Traehscl. Leslie Johnson. Beth, l.loyd Milter. Evelyn Rinck. last w eek One was sent to P h ila d e l­ w ork in the U nited S tates and in­ H inrichs home T hursday, a fter vis­ F rank. Agnes and Joseph W hitaker B arb ara R itenour, Evelyn Shipley. phia and one to Boston Two m ore teresting inform ation r e g a r d i n g W A rm entrout Mrs A rm entrout, A. W h itak er and M adeliene W ayne Shipley. N orm an Sm ith. carloads are being sent this w eek to adoption of the four-leaf clover as w ho was in ju red in an autom obile iting several days w ith relatives at Mrs. i,A accident May 2. w ants her friends M ichiko Sunom ato. Effie Toates. eastern cities national club em blem Nelson. B. C. He w ent to w ork im- ' , to know ttiat stie is slowly im p ro v ­ Agnes V anderzanden. Jack W inters. B etty and Thelm a F.ngen of V er­ m ediately for F ir G rove dairy. Hills- M eeting ( liange P lanned boro Mrs. L angbecker and th eir fa rm e rs 'U n io n met Tuesday night W ana Wirtz. H elen Tonnison. nonia spent the w eek-end in B anks Sunday guests w ere F rank Watson ing L am ar Sandy visited friends in children will follow as soon as pos- a ^ dlc C edar Mill G range hall. They Many A ttend P rogram w ith th eir grandparents. Mr and and M rs B lanche D im ing of P o rt­ sible In the m eantim e they will vis- are to change th eir m eeting T he p rogram given senior class Mrs Tom Engen, and o th er re la ­ land. M onday Mrs Wilson D avi­ C orvallis from Friday until S u n ­ it w ith Mrs. L angbecker s p aren ts at ,0 ,h c second Tuesday of the m onth night was very en tertain in g and was tives. son and little son Billy, and M is day. Nelson. instead of th e first Tuesday. Mrs Ella M izner of P ortland spent H arry Davison spent the day w ith Physical Tests G iven p resen ted to a large audience. D u r­ C lub Plans O uting Mr. and M rs F red Beck of San ing th e program aw ards w ere g iv ­ the w eek-end in B anks w ith her Mrs. Dodds, w ho is the g re a t-g re a t­ The county physician. Dr Mc­ Bloom ing 4-H sew ing club decided Francisco a re visiting Mr and Mrs en to m em bers of the Banks high daughter. Mrs. W alter Beard. Mrs grandm other of little Billy Mrs last week to have an outing May 23. N. P. Johnson for a few days. Mrs. school C larion staff Gold pins w ere M izner has recen tly re tu rn e d from H attie Davison of Forest G rove Donald. and tw o health nurses, T he girls expect to com plete th eir Beck is th e sister of Mrs Johnson, given to the editor. Miss Agnes V an ­ SanFranciseo, w here she spent the spent M onday night and Tuesday vaccinated B anks school children for sm allpox Monday. Friday a f t­ projects this m onth and arc m aking They a re m aking a to u r of th e state derzanden and to the m anager. Miss w inter. with Mrs. Dodds. ernoon they, assisted by D r II I) Mrs Ada S ellers and Amos Sellers /P L .3' 1 achievem ent day pro- Mrs. F red K irsh left last T uesday E leanor Strassel S ilver pins w ere The 4-H sew ing club and th eir Huggins, H illsboro eye specialist, pram early in Ju n e for h er hom e in G rey's R iver after given to th e assistant editor. Miss spent several days last w eek w ith teacher. Miss R uth Bailey, e n jo y ­ exam ined th e eyes of Hanks grade T eacher Call .Accepted Mr. and Mrs. C harles S ellers at visiting M. C. L arsen and fam ilv for T heresa Paetseh: th e num eographer. H ed a party and picnic supper at school children illside Edwin K iekhaefer has accented tw o w eeks. l.loyd Miller, and to the best rep o rt- ■ Mrs. Flora M unford spent the .tie B ernard S ellers home, north 1 M others’ day guests o f the call as perm anent teacher of tne Mrs V ictor was Jack Wyss is em ployed in a log­ er. V ictor L aP o rte of Banks, M onday evening L utheran school. selected for his ability as a sports at C u ,ler ging cam p at G rey's River. M others' day p arty guests of Mis Leona R obertson and Ed C lark Ed S rhoeler S urprised re p o rte r City. She rep o rts th at the ocean was M innie S chulm crich and Earl W il­ w ere Mr. and Mrs. V e i n Fields J very rough Sunday R elatives and friends of Ed L oial G irls H onored H ow ard W ilbur of Neah Bav son and fam ily w ere Mr. and Mrs. and baby of V ancouver. Wash., and S chccler surprised him T hursday M iss K a th le e n J e n s e n of O regon W ash. spent the w eek-end at thr Ross W hite and Mrs M Y Willis. evening in honor of his birthday. N orm al has been taken into Phi E E H opkins hom e in Banks. Mr and Mrs W indsor M oore and T hey w ere Messrs, and M esdames B eta Sigma, a national professional! Tow nsend people of B uxton at th ree sons and Jo h n Schulm crich. i H erm an Liebcnow. T. K S altier of DR. R. J. NICOL h o n o rary society Miss Hazel W ol- tended the Tow nsend m eeting ip ill of P ortland W indsor and fam ­ P ortland. Loren Jackson of Carlton. ford, also of O regon Normal, was B anks F riday evening. Rev F. G ily of P ortland spent th e w eek ­ (By Mrs. O. H. Peterson) C. C. Demmin, V ictor Lewis and DR. E. W. ALM Q UIST in itiated Gene. ilstrup - . T H enry Reese. „ G eorge -- V ---------< BEND—A com m unity club w as ,nto Sigm M a onday evening last week P hillips spoke on his personal talk end w ith relativ es in Banks. a n ational w ith D r Tow nsend a w eek ago Sun and Leo. W alter Demmin and Les- organized W ednesday a: the hom e * B erry M achinery Moved V eterin arian s scholastic h o n o rary society. Both ety. B oth day. Special m usic w as fu rn ish ed by ter. Joe W erre. Misses G ertru d e Aho. of Miss Eunice M itchell Mrs H arold B aker-K elly com pany of Salem B eatrice B urger. M elba and Alda N ixon w as m ade p resident; Mrs Me- ?5e B anks girls, w ho w ill g rad u ate W. G. W alker. Mr. Lloyd and son T elephones 643 and 64Î Demmin. W alter Reese. Richard Cauley. vice-president, and E unice from ( ri'K°n N orm al this Ju n e. Jam es. Mrs. Dayis and Mrs. C. B a re m oving th eir m achinery th is I Tresham . Schoeler and M esdames B ertha M itchell, secretary. C hurch Elects O fficers Rev. Ross A nderson of P ortland D emmin and Ed Schoeler. The eve- Mr. and Mrs. E arl M eyer of P o rt- Thc f° iirth q u a rte rly conference ning w as spent playing cards and land spent th e past w eek w ith Mr. ’*ie y ear w as conducted S unday spoke Sunday evening in the church visiting. M eyer's p arents. Mr. an d Mrs O tto w i,h Dr Louis Magin, d istrict super- on "T he T em ple of C o-operation F ill I p Holes in Road Meyer, and fam ilv. intendent. presiding. O fficers for Rev A nderson is secrearv of the Some of the m any large holes in Joe B aggenstos’ Sr. and son Jo h n ,h c eon’lr'S .'e a r " e r e elected as state co-operative m ovem ent. Mr. and Mrs. O le H opkins and son th e road from the golf course into w ent to Eugene and back T hursdav fallows: trustees. C hris Rieben. Mrs. C ornelius w ere given a tem p o rary on business. H L. Jensen. Mrs. F lorence M cFar- of T illam ook brought Mrs. Alice filling of crushed rock last w eek. Rents B erry .Acreage lane. Mrs. C B Tresham . Mrs. F red Parm ley hom e F riday a fter she Miss S e h ild h su rr In ju red O. J. Tollefson ren ted th e Phil W cIf°rd ; stew ards, Mrs. H L. Je n - had sp en t a m onth visiting rela- W ma S ch.ldhau cr sustained a Adam s b erry acreage for the sum - sen ' Irs- C hrls Rieben. Mrs. Ray lives in and n ear Tillam ook Mrs. On Your Savings broken nose S aturday w hen she was m er. Parm ley. Mrs. F red W olford. Mrs. P arm ley is now established in her accidently hi' with a baseball bat Miss A nn Lasich. w ho is em ployed O eor8e Finck. Mrs. F lorence Me- new hom e in Banks F o r e c a st Y ou r F in a n c ia l S e c u r ity ! w hile a gam e as in progress at the at Olympia. Wash . visited a few B arlane Mrs C B. T resham ; L adies' Mr. and Mrs. A lbert S tafford of high school picnic at A valon park, days w ith h e r parents. Mr and Mrs Aid — president, — j — » « Mrs. «— •-. -> . - - G ------------ eorge « Finck; 1 - T aft w ere - MoThere1 day~ guests of Birthday- C elebrated A. H. N orth, and fam ilv. E pw orth L eague p resident. Miss ; h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam l o u ra n m ake definite p reparation for all your fu tu re Mrs M argaret G nos' en tertain ed Mr. and Mrs. H. L. E isner a re hav- G erald in e K essler: S unday school Moss, in Forest G rove and visited F ridav afternoon in celebration of ing some inside w ork done on th eir su p erin ten d en t. Mrs. F red W olford relatives in Banks- needs and desires through our savings plan, know ing that h e r birthday. G uests w ere Mesdames house. Mr and Mrs. Ellis M cG raw and Lose to Boys' Team *'v’‘ry dollar saved w ill w ork safely, ro n sta n tly and I’ROE- Jo h n Koehnke. O scar P fahl and Some of the local school children The high school girls' softball I children of V ernonia spent M others' itab ly for YOU. Take th is tim e-tried m eans of m aking Lo.s H enry Peters. F ran k Waibel. are tak in g p art in th e M ay dav fes- team w as defeated by th e grade da-v in B anks w ith Mr. and Mrs. W. sure of fu tu re financial security and begin saving NOW! E lm er Boge and Evelyn. Jo e V an- tival this Friday in th e Tigard’ high school boys' team by a score of G. W alker and Mr. and Mrs. G. W oudenhagen. A ntoinette. F ran k and school auditorium . The children w ill 23 to 2 W ednesday afternoon. McGraw. Mr. and Mrs. F ran k H a rt­ M em ber F ederal Home Loan Bank Jack. E. A. Deaville. A rnold Gnos Put °» a mock "Tom T hum b w ed- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. H utchens are wick and d au g h ter of V ernonia and Ilene. Joyce and Jan et. ding. P a tty G holson and B ernard spending th is w eek in Tillam ook spent S unday w ith M r and Mrs W. Miss Hoffman H onored Wick, b rid e and groom ; L ester w ith „ Mr „ „ and „ „ „ Mrs. C addie H utchens G. W alker and Mrs. Bella H artw ick. A m iscellaneous show er fo r Mil- Schulz and M argaret D em aree. p ar- and daughters' Jack C hilds of V ernonia and Miss dred Hoffm an, d au g h ter of Mr. and ents of th e bride. K en n eth Schultz. , Mr and Mrs F rancis Thom nsnn of F rancis Rugg of H eppner a re the SAFE Mrs. F ran k H offm an of F ern Hill, best m an: H elen Wick, m aid of hon- P o rtlan d spent t h e w e e k end m New clerks in the B anks Red and RELIABLE w as held in B unning s hall S atu r- or. Doris and D orothy D em aree. 1 B anks w ith Mr and Mrs B W W hite store. day n ig h t A bout 200 persons w ere bridesm aids: A udrey Johnson and A rm en tro u t and M r and Mrs Cliff Mrs. Emm a Wilcox of F ir G rove present nresent Miss Hoffman is to be m ar- Lucille. Johnson. F low er girls; F ran - S andy and fam ily sp en t M others' day in B anks at ried May 18. cis and M artin Baggensfos. ushers; D inner p arty guests S unday at th e * , *lc hom e of her son. R alph Wil- Mrs. Demmin H onored Paul Peterson, th e m inister; M arian F red W olford hom e w ere Mr. and cox. and fam ily. C hildren of Mrs. B ertha Demmin E k n er. V irginia T ufford. Helen Ja n e Mrs. F ran k G enzer and son E verett. Mrs. N ora D ooley o f Forest honored her on M others' day w ith a Spousta. H elen Johnson and Emma Mr. and Mrs Earl G enzer and baby G rove spent S atu rd ay and S unday J. M PERSON, M anager d in n er at the hom e of h e r son Wal- C lark, guests. The bride and groom and Lyle W olford of G reen M oun­ w ith her m other. Mrs M. A. Dodds. Savings A Loan Bldg. H illsboro, O regon te r P resent w ere Messrs, and Mes- and the a tten d an ts w ill dance a Vir- tain and A. H W olford and John dam es Loren Jackson. H erm an Lieb- Sinia reel at the close H olland of Banks. enow. Ted S attler. H enry Reese, Mrs. D. Leo Gholson spent from C harles Demmin. W alter D emmin T hursday until S atu rd ay at the Two Roof F ires Damage The fire d ep artm en t w as called and Lester. Mrs. E4 S choeler M iss- hom e of relativ es at Canby | out tw ice last w eek. Tuesday, sparks es B etty S attler. M elba and A lda ------------------------------ ---- set the roof of A. H. W dlford s house D em m in B eatrice B urger. W alter 4 4 4 I t , on fire and b urned it so badly th a t Reese and the honored m other. IV JrS . i V I C C r a C k e n , a new roof wa. necessary. W ednes- C onsider I ocation H ere -. Mr. and Mrs Wendel and daugh- rOFCSt (jFOVf? D lP S te r of Irving, near Eugene, w ere V J lU V C , O I L S guests last w eek at the C arl Schild- Mrs. M ary M cC racken 79 resident i u - e r *°T ,CsoT h f y are consideriun « of fo re s t G rove 34 years, died T hurs- th e purchase of acreage in th is day in h e r hom e a fte r an illness of (In co rp o rated ) S 'e n S i ; er e / 0™ erl'y resi- ^ u r ‘ w eek s“ F u n e « r scarvicesnew ere N ext fu n d a v a he p i , ‘¿ eld S atu rd a>’ afternoon from the Collections — Credit Reports t h e r e tv ,U hd. - b g, P entcccst- F ° re s t G rove U n d ertak in g com pany th e re will be a special service in chapel w ith Rev E. - D K K ellogg ellogg o of- in W ashington, Tillam ook. Y am hill, .. . f­ St. P eter's L utheran church in both ficiating. B urial w as in F orest View Polk and M arion Counties M7OU hear a lot about “ the low-price field” these English and G erm an languages be­ cem etery. ginning at 10. Personal Contact on Collections Mrs. M cC racken w as born F e b ru ­ days. A good many cars claim to he in it. ary 5, 1858. in S u m m erset countv. Pa. She cam e to O regon in 1903 So whenever the low-price field is mentioned, W ashington C ounty O ffice from G ilbert, la. S u rviving is one d aughter. Mrs. Allen Rice. Forest ' C om m ercial B uilding remem ber: Grove, and tw o sisters, Mrs. Sevilla Phone 3071 Malcolm. P o rtlan d , and Mrs. H attie ; Second en d M ain Hillaboro Lntil Ford came, no average American could Zeiner. Boom, la. B E T H A N Y -C E D A R M ILL— Mr. and Mrs. Roy H askell sold the C edar own a car. M ill store to E dw ard H oke of P o rt­ land. w ho is now established and is Today all Ford prices arc still low — with the m ak in g a lot of im provem ents. Mr. and Mrs. H oke w-cre n ew ly m arried prices o f the 60-horsrpower Ford V-8 S30 to S e e T h e se w hen they m oved out h e re a week 860 lower than those of any other car of com ­ ago last S aturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H askell a re going to re tire and re­ parable size. side in P ortland. Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Schulz en ­ te rta in e d at a d in n er p arty Sunday- But with Ford, “ low price” doesn't merely P re se n t w ere Mrs. C aroline Schulz that m ake of Rose City. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weiss. mean low figures on the price tag. It means much Mr. and Mrs. C Weiss. L illian Neff more than that. It means low prices and low and G ertru d e Weiss, all of P ortland P riscilla Sew ing club w ill m eet costs all the car s long life. Low prices for ser- w ith Mrs. Roy M artin n e x t T h u rs­ day. vice ~~ f° c parts — and, above all, for operation. A card p arty and dance w as held Program at Iowa Hill Set Tonight LU I Banks Hi Exercises Tonight; Roof Fires Damage Homes Hazeldale Youth on 4-H Radio Prog ram Tluii'.sduy, Muy 13, 1937 Mr and Mrs C C O lm stead and d au g h ter Almu. and G eorge S itten of Bonneville. Mrs C W M ePeak and son J im ­ my visited her m other. Mrs Jeh - ola. in Brush P rairie. Wash from W ednesday until S unday of last week. Mrs Belle Lilly of C ornelius is «pending this week in Hunks at the home of her daughter. Mrs Fred Wolford Bend Folk Form Community Club Washington Savings ÔC Loan A ss’n. Credit Bureaus tzt ° C*S y . What is the Low-price Field”? Cedar Mill Store Bought by Hokes Safety Features LEONARD ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS O n e S a tisfie d C lien t T e lis H is F rien d s - - SAFE from FIRES 1- 6>A am p. fuses in m otor lead-in designed to blow ­ out w ith slig h test sh o rt c ir­ cuit or stuck relay, elim i­ n a tin g th e possibility of a m otor fire. -4 ’ 2. A ll- s te e l construction in LEONARD re frig e ra to rs m akes them absolutely fire ­ proof. INSURE W ITH Rushlow 0 P rom pt A tten tio n in C ase o f Löss. F rien d ly A d v ice. O ld Line B oard C om p an ies. AUSHLOW 60 R inds of Insurance P h o n e i 701 Y 136 E. Washington 3. F reon re frig e ra n t used in all LEO N A RD S— ab so lu te­ ly non-poisonous and non- inflam m able. These safety fe a tu re s, to g e th e r with th e “ M agic D ial” im i? A P n ii nd ,c onvenience fe a tu re s, m a k e LGUMAKD the b est electric re frig e ra to r buy in 1937. 90c FR EE a week buys a LEONARD 32-p iece Set D ishes Priced as low as 3124.50 <5'j cubic feet) Private owners, cab companies, fleet operators all report that the “ 6 0 ” averages from 22 to 27 miles per gallon o f gasoline. Hillsboro, Oregon M I 7 f-herk and sec how much F’ord saves von. AK Ford Founded the L o w -p rice F ie ld Ford Keeps That Field Low-priced Today Ford V*8 Prices Begin at ?529 AT OIARBORN fACTORT. TRANSPORTATION C HARO IS, STATI AND TIDFRAL T A X IS IXTRA ✓ B E - F » 2 5 A M ONTH, after u s u a l d ow n -p a y * m e n t , b u y s a n y F ord V -8 Car from any Ford dealer in the U. 8 . —— th r o u g h A u th o r iz e d Ford F in a o re D a n s o f U niversal Credit Co. T h is p r ic e la fo r th e 60-hp . C oupe equipped w it h f r o n t a n d r e a r h u m p r r a , sp a r e lir e , horn, w indshield w iper, sun visor, glove com part­ m ent and ash tray. STO RE "Saves You Money on Every Purchase" F 1 MELTEBEKE 124 S. Second Ave. A Both Ford V-8 engine sizes are economical to operate. The 8 5 horsepower gives greater gas­ oline mileage this year than ever, and the “ 6 0 ” delivers the highest mileage in Ford history. w ith every $50 of purchases. E L E C T R IC 1 MacKenzie Motor Co. Third and W ashington H illsboro i P h one 911 úx . y w c w a a t COATS... SUITS • Superb Fabrics • M an Tailored d fa ftw O These are the very styles you need right now! The indispensable swaggers, fitted princess types and many others! Wool crepes. Sizes 12 to 44. — ' s-