P ag e E ight H IL L S B O R O Mrs. Dooher Named Teacher Mountaindale ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T hiii'silay, May lì, 1937 an o th er association m ight be organ- I ixed. Ju liu s C hristensen, p resid en t of the local group, in com m enting on testing som etim e ago said B elong­ ilt> E velyn ll.iitl.ld i ing to a herd im provem ent associa­ tion is just good business T he te s t­ er comes in once a m onth, w eighs lt was maile liy l.awi enee W isniei. the milk, runs the b u tte rfa t test, a furnier llilh i studeut . w ho Will 111 com putes the production from each (By Miss Margaret Mathiesen) griiduiilcd i'i'oin P.ieifn this Ju n e, anim al in th e herd for th e m onth M OUNTAINDALE - Mrs Erank Cook tilg l'la .es w ei e given a ilem- m akes up the herd book, feed costs D ooher has been elected to teach S tu d en t body elected last Tuesday onstration of the pre ssiil'e eookei are entered, and at the end of the th e M ountaindale school next year. y ear the bookkeeping job, show ing tin* follow ing annual staff Jea n n e T uesday by 1.ester Ire la n d b a rd T hat w ill m ake h e r fifth v ear as exactly w here the dairv e n terp rise Ai’ts. ed ito i. M an Ann G arth o fn er. W .11« teacher there. stands and the relation of each cow assistant editor: Bob Allison, b u si­ M ountaindale school children and to this business, is com plete. It is a ness m anager, and M artin Ryan, as- (Bv Whoattt?) th e ir teacher, Mrs F ran k Dooher. sitant m anager valuable service. Il|ie little Who i l l to o k a n a p <•«11 attended the m usical festival in O fficers N om inated High P roduction I isled to n a l day last w eek, but through N orth P lains Friday afternoon. The The Hi-Y clu b m et T h u rsd ay and the aid of Fa u ric Andci on s alarm David Hagg mid Sons had the children took part in th e m usical high producing cow for th e year, a plans w ere m ade for tin* F ath er and clock iscm o r di c.-s-up da> \ know » and singing num bers and Mrs. grade Jersey S he produced 11,662 Son banquet to be held May II at w e a rc all here today D ooher led th e singing for th e en tire pounds iif m ilk co ntaining 762 8 M eacham s G rossing N om inations R um ors a rc fly m g th ic k . fast, and group. for next year's o fficer; w ere m ade | contradictivc But we can t get the pounds of fat W ashington G range w as p re se n t­ as follow s Elvis Diekason and How ­ tW O t r • In ■ . to to ll t i c mu nt ( t o r i M em bers having herds th at a v e r­ ed w ith th e state gavel by G ale aged m ore th an 31X1 pounds of fat ard Davis, p re s id e n t. Bob Allison. A n y w ay we know it s about Lucille G range of F orest G rove Saturday. per cow for the year are C II Ham- \ ice-president, a n <1 Ted G ard n er and N olan As a fam ous ad •*«•. ‘ roll Jam es F orsythe, state g ran g e d ep u ­ ford. Mrs Tom W illiams. David treasu rer. your own story ty. w as also a visitor Hagg A* Sons Mrs C F R obertson P liile- Initiate Pledges What senior girl. w h o i . c . otx mg Mrs. J. I. V anDom elen and B etty A- Son. Jo h n C ordes C hris Reiehen. T he P hiloxian society form ally in­ I on a heavy rom ance now is « xpect- Jean. Mrs T race V uylsteke and B et­ C. B B uchanan J r . Jo h n W M ullcv. itiated the pledges A pril 28 A fter a cd to say "I do a fte r graduation ' ’ ty. Erm a M eeuwsen and S ister M ar­ R Allen. M ike Y unker. Mrs 1 d in n e r in the cafeteria, the pledges ion attended a celebration at the V ander.tandcn. Andrew Vanderzan* w ere escorted aro u n d tow n in night Benson Polytechnic in P o rtlan d den. J H Busch. B rogden Acres gowns, stocking caps and candle., S unday com m em orating th e fiftieth Fred H Jessy. Amos W atkins 11 T to the am azem ent lan d a m u se m e n t> y ear of the founding of th e St. M urphy. A lbert G reener. Julius of th e people up town. M arys institution at B eaverton. C hristensen. F ir G rove D airy. A r­ S enators Plan Dance A girl w as born to Mr. and Mrs. th u r W. C onnell. Edw in B urkhalter. D onald G arrigu s May 2. S enate club w ill hav e the annual (Bv Zrll Struthers) A. J Evers. E lm er E G uerber. A. 1’ tlm n er dance at tin* C olum bia Miss Alm a R affety is spending the HITEON H iteon pupils a re p r e - Ireland w eek w ith Mr. and Mrs. Ed V ander- C ountry C lub May 27. the night be­ , paring th eir pro ¡rain fur tin* clos­ zanden of G ales Creek. fore graduation. ing of school May 2! They received Mrs. W illis Hostess Miss P a rr an d M is s Nex w ere the group p ictu res of the school this Mrs. Echo Willis w as hostess for guests of Mrs G eorge Jacobson i L il­ week th e Past C hiefs' club at h e r home lie H om edew , S atu rd ay afternoon Mrs. W est llonorreil T hursday afternoon. A fter th e b usi­ at a card p arty and luncheon at het- M esdanics A nderson. H o l l a n d z ness m eeting "500'' w as plav ed in hom e at West U nion. Flint M etzentm e Olson \ .iiiK I.ck i By Helen Williams) w hich Mrs. P. A. Q ualls and Mrs. Mrs. C harles M cEvers 'E d ith S tru th e rs and D orland pleasantly Loel H ollenbeck had high scores. GASTON F u n eral services w ere Fort*, form er English teacher, who su rp rised Mrs K ate Wi t Thursday Mrs. D elbert Fow les w as a guest. held S unday in Forest G rove U n­ is now living in P ortland, visited on her birthday- ann iv ersu ry Mr Mrs. A K. R eynolds w ill en tertain d ertak in g com pany chapel for Karl school last T hursday. West s tw o n i e c e s o f n ear C ornelius th e club next. H erring. 64. of G aston He cam e to Je a n Park, a form er W ashington spent th e day w ith her Mr. and Mrs. C larence Meek and I P o rtlan d from Saxony in G erm any high school student, sta rte d to school R ebekah d u b m em bers from here fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. S teve Meek in 1891. He w orked for a n u m b er of h ere M onday as a freshm an. atten d ed club m e e t i n g at the Mi II and fam ily atten d ed th e F ounders' y ears as a b rick lay er in th a t city Play T igard H ere F rid ay II M cDonald hom e a! Tigard London is going to shine for the coronation of King George VI and Day celebration at C ham poeg park and then bought a farm in P atton E rnest H ite J r and A rchie Davies Big Ben, London's famed timepiece atop the House of Parliament, H ilhi's baseball team sta rte d the 1 Sunday Valley, know n as the ' Old G ru b e le r season last T uesday by w inning a spent Thursday at B eaverton high is going to shine, too. Here workmen are shown as they gave a A tend C onvention Place." He lived th ere and w as e n ­ gam e from T igard 7 to' 6 T hursday high school. T he B eaverton high final washing to the giant clock that hourly booms out the time over Mr. and Mrs. C lyde Jackson. Mrs. gaged in farm ing until sh o rtly b e­ they lost to Forest G rove 8 to 9 school en tertain ed all eighth grade t ' IS. . . K. D. E. W ILEY, M. lleldel Upstairs lluildlng 1 ). Physician and Surgeon W ells B uilding Offtca 2AR2 Telephone* Itcwklenea 2«R1 GARBAGE CDI.I EUTION Street. N ear Third Telephone 2 M 1Y O fflc * S U K G IO N S G a rb a g e Cnlleclitiu D EN TIST Selfridge Furniture Co. llu lld ln . l»v Appointment DR. W. If. PAKLHY M ain A jr .n r lt . 2-’" PH YSICIA NS and An exceptionally clean car. i ned car exchange ; C m ,n t. inhiiranck kkhvick P .rm .n rn tn mid nil kind , of •»«•Hilly work. and Cans JA C K MAIER telephone iaai a