n t r. r. s n o n o n r r, t , s n o r o . o r e g o n Itlcs II.ii k from South— Officers Honored Music is Theme Mr and Mrs W G Ide retu rn ed Sunday from a ten-day trip to San at D. V. V. Meet of Coffee Club Francisco and A lam eda G al. w h« i e M is Viola S u n d b e i p r e s i d e n t th is \ p.itcii th eir am m law and 1 and Mr Willard Hugh, Jr senior d au g h ter Mr and Mi Goorgo \\ C • \ pie ..lenl. , ere honored w ith Meeting May 11 at Auxiliary Meet •ormai» T h c\ stopped in Port O r • , I gift -howers at tin’ m eeting of Pnpp Tour a n G rs , ‘Bridal Chorus,’ Senior < J0,;/ s,:'r AIo,?"-rs Class Play, Friday Night and *' ' ' ' I D aughters of P inon V eterans Mon- Tu sd.1V l j a> night al the V eterans hall on “B ridal C horus." a comedy I n h n o n n e Mrs. Thomas Nielson A m erican Mi|i„ street th r e e acts, by R oberta W inter, w ill Pre •re Mesdames S W Mel- Le m a n ' hall As th e purpose of this o rg an iza­ be presented Friday night by the hui I. V. Lackey. Pau Ringle, Mi dent, wel- tion is to m ake life m ore l?tppy and senior class a t th e union high Bi ;e. F ran k Ba kt w. s uial m eet- com fortable for U nion v eteran s and school auditoriu m at 8:15 Miss B verett. Ja y PhilU pt, A Brock, i w as giv- th eir widows, the m em bers a re a s k T ennessee W eatherred is directing A W f ’ .-. W ilham Zieg egler. M.tri- - Weil and mg th at any one know ing of v e te r­ the play, w ith Miss Louise Nex Miss on Hart R obert K e\ Riehniond. Busch ga i dance in ans o r th e ir fam ilies m oving into the Kdwyna B roadbent, Miss M arie F rank S path of f t Dalles, the e an d ass, nging w as com m unity, notify som e m em ber of Hougucz. Miss M ary Yoder. Miss hostess and honor s M rs 1 i K: a .en, m usic the organization as soon as possible D orothy Tongue, and Mr. I.eger as an The li guests w ere faculty assistants. a ti. reorated w ith The story is based on M artha dips • and cande a. and each Ja n e 's w edding, w hich is h u rried - was p resili w ith a sm all edly rushed because Ellis, the b rid e­ rt plant. Gi star m others A nu m b er ot H illsboro Rotarinns groom, has to leave unexpectedly nt w ere Mr ! D English, and th eir wives attended th e Retain fo r Hawaii. The s t o r y cen ters A W Walk, b ' A B ra n ­ convent am of D istrict No 1 a! S po­ around a southern family, and the H V r A ’s and Mrs. F 'll,n u k e . and kane W ash, from S unday to Wed difficulties that the bridesm aids and Mr A lbeit K rali- nesday Those attending w ere M. 11 Class officers for last five weeks ushers encounter w hile practicing have been nam ed as follows: M rs El Ki. ner and Mrs Stevenson and Messis and Mes­ to be in M artha Jan e's w edding 8B— LeRov Cam pbell, p resident: J W Keliin er re un- dames J 1. A nderson. M I* Cudv, M artha Jan e's best friend. Georgia, D orothy G illette, v i c e - p r e s i d e n t : id. I! R E aster O B G ates C harles bosses everybody and ev ery th in g Bobby Coats, secretary Mi if ie pi py and poppy 1. W alker and C E Wells from beginning to end. 8A D uane Haynes, presid en t. I r ­ ere hostesses. Alma E slinger takes the part of vin Mohr, vice-president: Dorothy Mr C eh »irmau oi H onored on H irth d av — M artha Ja n e P erry, th e bride and Ceom er. secretary ; I.elan Ennes. d e ­ poppv ( rep o rted th at Mrs W H W alker wa i ven a G erald VanLom characterizes Ellis . portm ent ch art G enevieve N aught, th e poppie? lad rtv ?d and th at p arty Friday afternoon on ihe oc Bradley, the bridegroom . O th ers lunch m onitor. R obert B eattie, bicv- May n wet poppy sale cation of her 74th birthday Present in the east of ch aracters are Y ir- 'c le m onitor date w ere her daughter. Mrs A L. Brock, ginia Perkins. K enneth Cruse. D ixie I 7B Donald Nelson, p resident: M Fred Ft.- Idit ger. ch airm an and Mrs Anna G ottlieb. Mrs Ju lia L ee MacDowell. R ichard H attrick . Ju n io r L aurie, vice-p resid en t. ,\r - ef child w elfare com m ittee, rep o rt- M orrill. Mrs A K Lincoln. Mrs. C onstance Peterson. P atricia H unt. | lpne •■e n ,z- secretary : Earl Pearson. ed on th e sew ing m eeting last W illiam Ja c k and Miss E thel Ber- M argaret Cypher. Nolan Furrow serg ean t-at-arm s. w eek at th e home of Mrs. E rnest ^e n - V incent Phelps. F au rest Anders-on , 6B2~ R ‘ch ard G illette, p resident: Z ürcher, and exhibit d sonii f Entertain Mothers— K eith Busch, and Allan Sigler, w ith L,‘, 'le e -p re sid e n t. Marv th e dresses made l.ohese Cam p Fire group will L eanore Sherm an as u nderstudy. EBcn Wo.fe. secretary: A lbert K auf- hold a m o th er and d a u g h te r tea Law rence W ismer. a a g g rad rad u u ate ate of of S ib b e n l Mt ndance m onitor: H ar- S aturday at the Robert Busch re s i­ th e •Ha» 1932 van class *r ?? thr» lo o n ie r and Elm er W ilham s dence Plans for this w ere com ­ the .stage setting. LaV elle Jackson room m onitors. pleted at th eir m eeting T uesday at and Vincent Phelps a re business Betty G ard n er s nam e is on th e the ju n io r high school C ounty m anagers; Florence W underlich | 7B2 honor roll for last six w eeks' council fire will In» held in H ills­ and Ralph N ordlund. adv ertisin g work. boro a week from S aturday. m anagers, llaro id A rm strong and Second g rade at P eter Boscow is C ard P arly Tonight— Clifford Bet zee. stage m anagers: featu rin g A Bird S anctuary this Ladies of the Rebekah lodge are Poppies by th e m illions a re bloom ­ D avid Wilev is in ch arg e of stage week T erren ce C hristensen. Dale lighting. Louise C ruzen has charge Olson and D avid G illette a re care- ing in veteran s' hospitals and co n ­ holding a public card party tonight of the costumes: Jean Ann C onnell. I takers. Next w eek they w ill have valescent w orkroom s in ev ery p art 'T h u r s d a y at the 1 O O F hull of th e country as disabled v eteran s Bridge. "300" and pinochle w ill be property m anager: H arriet Hansen, a Tam e F low er C enter tlle w erld W ar are m aking th e played m ake-up m anager, and th e head Ja c k H utchinson o f 4B P e te r Mrs. Peters Hostess ushers a re R obert a n d Thom as Boscow. moved to P o rtlan d , w here flow ers w ith w hich A m erica w ill Mrs R F rank P eters w ill be host- Gibson. he w ill atten d O ckley G reen school. honor its w ar dead on Poppy day in .May The flow ers are shaped ess for ,,u> B reakfast clu b at her Musical num bers betw een acts C ollar Bone B roken ‘----- hom e n ext W ednesday m orning. w ill be the "Wedding C horus ' from Mary in Tews is absent. H e has a from crepe p ap er and w ire in re p li­ ca of the wild poppies of France and Lohengrin, girls' chorus: "I Love broken collar bone. Belgium that grew in such profusion You T ruly" iC arrie Jacobs-B ond' ---------------------------------- - on th e W orld W ar b a ttle fields. by g n ls trio, and Through th e D v t 1 ft 1 E m ploym ent i- being given to r- . « r . . . , Y ears" «Vincent Youmens i by girls' • l i l i a l i 1 ' l o l l ILL h u n d red s of di-.ibled men w ho are z-1 Z17 / - '/ / 7 Z ’Z’ C chorus. q • -y r s d raw in g little or no g overnm ent ° 1 1 » U tC A com pensation and a re unab le to do vited to see the art class exhibit in Phoenix lodge. K nights of P vthias. o th e r w ork Men w ith fam ilies to room 101. w ill be host to Y amhill. Gaston, su p p o rt receive preference. T he _ E lm er J . H olstrom . first aid ex- Forest G rq v e and N orth Plains pro g ram is directed by th e state or- p ert and special fteid rei rcsenU tivc lodges at a d istrict convention h ere ganizations of th e A uxiliary and co- for the Red Cross rep o rts that at M onday night This w ill not be an o rd in ated thro u g h th e n ational or- least th ree em ergency first aid sta- tions Wl)1 be id plans to locate in this vicinity, B irthday C elebrated— hospital for th e past m onth, u n d e r- S he is a sister of Mrs. T hom as Wil- M axine V anLoo en tertain ed w ith w ____ _________ _ ent _ a __ m ajo r operation last week. liam s of Forest G rove and a sister- a birthday p arty S a tu rd ay in hon- His condition is satisfactory, in-law of Mrs. F ra n k Im b rie of o r of th e fourth b irth d a y of h er H illsboro. Mrs. H e rm an s in H o sp ita l— son Louie. P resent w ere C ecila and Mr. an d Mrs. A. S. H aw k of M il- D o in ie P feifer.*N ancy a n d B ar- _ Mrs. • M artin .■ H erm ans u n d erw en t bn -a Schlin nf P nrtiknd a m aJ°r operation M onday at th e St. ton v isited h e r parents. Mr. and C u ff a n d P n n n L n e M V incent's hospital in P o rtlan d . Dr. Mrs. H. A. Ball, d u rin g th e w e e k ­ Su Lr , A ° f NArth Jo y ce operating. end Mr. H aw k is science teach er Plains. Mrs. Jam es Davis. Mrs. at M ilto n -F reew ater high school W einecke. Mr. and Mrs. E dS ch lip . B ridge T o u rn am en t W ednesday— and Mrs. H aw k is assistan t ed ito r ... . _ _. T h ere w ill be a one-night bridge of th e M ilton Eagle. Attend Bowling Tournament— to u rn am en t at F orest H ills Golf Mrs. H a rry Jo h n so n and d au g h ­ Mr and Mrs. Claud Cook. Mr. and course n ex t W ednesday. All m em - te r M olly re tu rn e d T uesday from Mrs. H erm an Rehsc. G ordon Corey, bers are invited to attend. H allie Ireland. W illiam G oetter. Jo e Medford, w h ere th ey sp en t last Coe. and Lee Congdon re tu rn e d K'„ C onvention— week w ith h e r b ro th e r and sister- M onday from a w eek-end trip to Royal N eighbors w ill hold a dis- in-law , Mr. and Mrs. R alph H u l­ Vancouver. B. C. Tliev atten d ed th e tn c t convention at O regon City Fri- bert. international bow ling to u rn am en t “ a y ' Al??ut tw en ty m em bers from Mrs. F ra n k S p ath an d d au g h ter th e re S aturday and Sunday. I " ere W,B attend. of T he D alles a re sp en d in g t h e , ,, . Red Cross Meets Thursday— " T - ’.riUc L'f>^ h , , cxOred— a t M eeting of th e C ounty Red Cross week w ith Mr an d Mrs. A. W Ladies of the Firem en s A uxiliary ch ap ter w ill be held n ext T hursday Lentz. Mrs. L entz an d Mrs. S path gave a p a rty Monday afternoon at evening at 7:30 at th e ch am b er of a re sisters. : m e of Mrs. W ilbur D illon, com m erce room s. Miss HeIcn p e a rs„ n . w ho is teach in g at C loverdale, w ill be hom e th e end of th e w eek for Commercial Building su m m er vacation. 2nd and M ain St. Mrs. G. C. C hase re tu rn e d M on­ day from a few days' visit w ith h er Hillsbor», Oregon daughter. Mrs. R. W. Nicholson, at S eattle, W ash. Mrs. V iolet P e te rs of Los A n ­ geles has been visitin g gt th e A. J. H owell home. SUNDAY, MAY 9 K en n eth Robb of B ak er is sp en d ­ NOTH I NG ing a few days w ith his brother, OVER A FF.W Dr. J. O. Robb. SUGGESTIONS .Mr. and Mrs. W illiam B row nhill TO G IA D D E N of M adras visited th e ir niece, Mrs. "HER DAY” W. R. M anley, an d fam ily F rid ay . Cards 5c and lOr Mottoes 15c and 25c P ictu res 10c to 49c Buy a Modern Boxed h an d ­ kerchiefs 25c Local Rotarinns .Attend Convention Officers Named by Grade School Last Five Music w ill be th e them e of the Coffee club m eet in.»> F riday after noen. Mas 14. at the ch am b er of c 'nunerce. w ith Mrs V \\ G ardner, ehairm an of the m usic d ep artm en t m charge Miss D Z am a M urtclle. cutuluctoi of the Women s S y m ­ phony o rchestra in P ortland, w ilt be tin* speaker. N om ination of officers w ill also be made at this m eeting. Mi-s M artha S hayler is ehairm an orf th e hostess com m ittee for the afternoon. Mav 21 and 22 Are Poppy Days for Auxiliary Th . Three Emergency r ir i\l Will be Located . ‘ ession AifiniLix I Adies’ Aid Alerts M F I adii k Aul Wednc'-dax allen in o ti I room of th e church. d w ai l Mi G ood l’ro < ram G i v e n - Proc.ram at th e sih tea given W ednesday April ‘.‘H. al die Al F ehureh included a i cadine. Pa Keep Huusi l o r a Week b> Mi Max Cook ; \ lohn olo b> llo l/n ag el; gue • ihr gam es, vocal lord, w here th eir son-in-law ha a saw m ill, on th eir way down Id says C alifornia is greatly disturbed , o\ i i Libor t roubles I no H i P ili, and son and nt i alia Wa di 1 ¡Ion ( >i I id I o d i. C I .un i F i ant i . ( >i r of Vei nollia w < le gue «Is l a l Thill • • d a y of Ah .mil Mi W allei itu u h Flit w • : o Im nu r Mi and Mt resideiils of Hi d . ill j l t i l id 1 I S ubscribe for th e Argus. .'ears tound and at Hotel I lth. Dr Thom pson h a s h e e n ‘m aking re g u lar visits to H illsboro for th e past 20 Scores of local patients have his w ork to bo satisfactory prices they can afford to pav W ashington n ext Luc d i\ THURSDAY, ihiR week, M«y 6th are “ Fun-Days" Now! O ur lau n d ry service gives you real Ireetiotn from all w ashday w orries! Let you teel 1 eee to go shopping, visit, ta k e in a movie, or a tte n d any social function you d o n t' want to miss A t a most econom ical price we will .to all vour laundry to y our ab so lu te satisfactio n . Choose i service you prefer. • FRIDAY and SATURDAY, this week I ionic Laundry’ & D ry Cleaners 2 MAJOR FEATURES 2 Telephone 47 H illsboro, O regon s ^ l, VX - line Z - Remember Mother 2$ when the y e a r', piemiere f u n - c a t l y o e , to lo w n l Flowers W hat w ould M others' Day be w ithout flow ers the perfect wav to express y o u r tru e feelings oil this occasion. Gorgeous Variety Potted Plants — Cut Flowers Mothers' Day Corsages Our Specially wos U N A MERKEL E R IC L IN D E N JU D ITH BARRETT I BETTY F U R N E S S | I PLUS POTTER'S FLOWER SHOP I RED'S M A R K E lVith ’halle .'HftI B J Feature TED H E A LY 7 R E E L S OF H O W LS. H Y ST E R IC S. SO N G HITS Spring Sale I, F - if z '" " » A HAL ROACH F#Mtur*»! 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 3900 m iles, p erfect condition. 1935 Plymouth Coupe 1934 Plymouth Coupe BROWN I I R um ble .seat. DENTIST H KilLV 0S£RTI : I I 3 9 R || Is B O ■ ■ B H H E HQSSKI r I Showing FRI. NIGHT and SAT. i w ¡ B ¡ ¡ m © [ N ! I I I I . 1934 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1933 Dodge Sedan 1932 Plymouth Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 5 Model “A” Fords TLA Ml HU MAN Matinee« O n|y K |l RS B H B I SUN. - MON. - TUES., May 9, 10 and 11 Continuous Show Sunday — 2 p. m. lo 11 p. m. |O h the Wings o f 1,000 Love Son w| Maybe not the largest, but without doubt Ihe BEST selection of USED CARS in W ashington County. ■ . . come the sweethearts o f "Rose M arie” and Naughty M arietta”. . . to show you how glori- a>us love can be . . . when a man is bold . . . and a gvoman’s lips are willing! P Cady Motor Co. Hillsboro's Oldest Automobile Dealer 119 S. Third Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon ¿Mothers’ k I ^m l C otl nf 1,000 tnrlt dm g I JOHN BARRYMORE COOK THE Vases and Novelty C hinaw are 10c to 49c Special M others’ Day Stationery 49c F ancy C ushions w ith V ariety M others M ottoes ...with Gas and a 3 modern Gas range F aney Pillow Tops 25c to 49c T able L am ps, com plete . 98c Boudoir Lamps, complete ............... 98c Bed L am p S hades 49c H an d k erch ief F o ld ers 25c Powder and Perfum e Sets 49c Fancy Crystal Bowls Banded "Mother" 49c * P" FREE Ask for Details at SPROUSE-REITZ STORES O r/ja n n a iio tL . " With gas am| a modern ga, range you have every advantage a futi ran give a, well a, every convenience a cooking ap­ pliance tan offer. You have economy, too — for Portland ga, rate, are so low that ga, i, your theapest convenient cooking fuel. See the modern ga, range di,play, at dealer, and in our showroom, ami 26-Piece Set Genuine PYREX GLASSWARE buy now! HILLSBORO APPLIANCE & PLUMBING CO. Phone 72 132 H. 2nd, Hillsboro Buy a modern Gas range now! 26-piece set of genuine PYREX glassware A s k y o u r gas r ln g e d e a le r o r ■ n y Gas Co. e m plo yee h o w you can ge t a b e a u tifu l aet o f P y re x F la m e w a re and Oven« w a re A c t now — o ffe r fo r lim it e d tim e o n ly I absolutely free. P ortland G as & C oke C ompany 3rd and Main Sts. t No Raise in Prices _ 10c and 25c H o llyw ood’s new man o f fire le a p t to life a t Jalee Verne “ M ich ael S tro g o ff"! Stu­ pendone romantic epectacle ! Gas cooks better-costs less and g et this | WEDNESDAY ONLY, May 12 !«<■ to 35c 25c to 49c W isieiw Pro