H IL L S B O R O Thursday, May G, l*J.'»7 A t B end F o lk Plan C o m m u n ity C lu b illy M r « . <>. II. P e te r s o n ) BEND Tin- lliti I r.lio o l 4 II i imkiiiK d u b gn l - «•lit. i U n it (I th e ir m other, and sev eral o th e r co m m u n ­ ity ladies w ith a program and held th e ir business m eeting for M others day. A pril 28 Tw o piano solos w ere given by Helen Wick and Beulah P eterson, harm onica trio and song P attv Oholxoti. G letiorc Spousta and B eulah P eterson, th ree songs an d tw o selections oil th e ir harm onica- by the d u b girl F rances Gholson gave the origin P atty G holson the thought, and B eulah P eter-o n a poem foi M other, «lay. G lenora S pousta ccretary . ami B eulah Pet- t H IL L S B O R O , Page Three OREGON Llrennr Examiner Here May 17 Marriage l.icrnsrx Tow n i nd regarding the e d u catio n ­ al program of both young arid old L indley C ephas S tone and Wilma R. J Dooley, exam iner of o p era­ t h r o u g h a perp etu al m em orial tors and chauffeurs, will be in Elva Bose. Hillsboro. foundation Joseph J. H erinckx and G ladys F. H illsboro W ednesday. May 12. at Mr Bella H artw ick is ill w ith the court house from 10 a. m. to Kendel, Forest Grove. the flu 5 p. m. All those w ishing perm its Subscribe now to the Argus. In Mrs Sandy Hostess F riday or licenses to d riv e cars are asked id several accordion num bers and iBv MI m M ary Sandy) M others' club will m eet Friday iBy Mrs. E. L. Cox) to get in touch w ith Mr. Dooley a lap dance by P atty M cCormick. BANKS F ourth q u a rte rly co n ­ afternoon w ith Mrs. C liff Sandy. KINTON— K inton G range S a tu r­ d u rin g these hours. ference will be held n ex t S u n d ay at 'Die last th ree num bers w ere from LOVELY CORSAGES day gave four candidates the first ■1 p ui in the church. D r Lotus B anks grade school Follow ing the of Roses, etc., 25c and up and second degrees, and others w ere Magín, district su p erin ten d e n t. will m usic festival p aren ts w ere invited Delegates E le cted Divorces Granted present, w ho have recently been Gardenias - Wedding Bouquets to the tlui,I and fourth grade room, tie here to conduct the inci ting H u n tem an n — Jessie from John taken in on cards from other wlieri' the 4 II sew ing club w ork B anks S u n d ay school atten d an ce was on exhibit T he w ork was good granges, and a few rein stated It was Henry. Potter’s Flower Shop S unday w as 67 P rim ary children and cred it is due th e leader. Miss to C o n v e n tio n C ro te r—O live E Battson from With Fred's Market voted to change th e tim e of m eet­ Phone 3191 Frank ex h ib ited May baskets, w hich they Ruth Bailey, fur h er w ork and m- 'By Mrs. J. A. McCoy) ing to the first T uesday evening in bad m ade for th e ir p arents. H odges—S tephen H. from Betty. ■ j l .I.fc j : r i i t ajaaai^^^^t teii m the project, th e only 4-If KANSAS CITY K ansas C i t y each m onth, d u rin g the sum m er I'lllills In ju red club m the B anks school. local of F arm ers’ Union m et W ed­ m onths, beginning w ith the Ju n e S everal school etui,Iren w ere in ­ R an k s B e a ts G ro v e nesday evening in the Royal N eigh­ m eeting w hich w ill be Ju n e 5 at ju red T h u rsd ay d u rin g a fire rtrill Bank', high school defeated Forest bor hall at Banks. D elegates to the 8 p. m Mrs C arrie S trieff w as elect­ T he fire escape hud been freshly G rove high in baseball T uesday on state convention w ere elected. ed a ltern ate to state grange, which w axed, w hich caused the children the Bank« diam ond 11-8 B atteries W arren K em per and tw o friends m eets in The Dalles soon Mr. and lo descerní loo rap id ly for proper for B anks w ere V andom elen and for w ent on a fishing trip S atu rd ay to Mrs. C E N ew house from S pring hnidnig al ttie bottom . Alm a M iller Forest G rove Love and Hudson. Brook and Mrs. S arah V anK leek of C latskanie. suffered tw o broken ribs and E v­ First Aid ( lass Formed fo r S P R IN G H arvey R eidling of T im ber is T igard G range w ere guests for the elyn K essler ami T illie I.ou Moore, day A Red Cross first aid class is w orking for M J. V anderzanden. e a e t i . had several m isplaced v e rte ­ K inton school w ill close for the G uests at the J A McCoy home Do away with winter sluggishness by brae« All th re e w ere tak en to a being organized in B anks and will m eet each T uesday evening at 7:30 S unday w ere R ichard Hood and sum m er recess May 17. It is ex p ect­ physician for treatm en t. ed th at a picnic w ill be announced changing to new spring lubricants Dr It M K ines of Forest G rove M artin Jackson of O klahom a. Sunday d in n er p arty guests at the n ext week NOW! Mrs. M. J V anderzanden m ade a E E. H opkins hom e w ere Mr and will be th e teacher. These lessons Mr Lilly M B ierly retu rn ed to Mis Clyde H opkins and baby of a re free and ev eryone over 17 business tr ip to O rchard, Wash . H illsboro last T h u rsd ay a fter spend­ Sherw ood and H arley M orley and y ears old is urged to attend A ft­ Tuesday. ing a few days at her K inton home. W e have the p ro p er lubricants for crankcase, F rank V anderzanden of th e Tide H arold B undle of B attle Creek. er the course has been com pleted Rev. V irgil Speece w ishes to a n ­ transm ission and d iffe re n tia l— re g u la r use of our M nh Mr Morley and Mr Bundle, it is planned to establish a first W ater T im ber Co of A storia is at nounce th at those w ishing to be old friends of th e H opkins family, aid station here, provided it is hom e now on account of th e strike baptized w ill be given the oppor­ service will save you money. Mr and Mrs. W illiam VanLoo liad recently d riv en a carav an of agreed th a t tw o people, who have tu n ity Sunday a t 2:30 p. m. at the of C onsolidated m lil w ere guests new can from D etroit to Portland. | com pleted the course, w ill rem ain F irst B aptist ch u rch in N ew berg A TWO HANDY LOCATIONS in tow n 24 hours a day. It will at the T. S tro h m ay er hom e for a class from th e K inton church is e x ­ Al l*li>,leer Meet few days th e past week" Mrs Flora M unford of B anks and not need be the sam e tw o people pected. SERVICE SERVICE Jackie A lvord and friend John Mrs. Jam es G raf (E velyn R ich­ Mrs Celia Beard of H illsboro a t­ all the tim e. of Toledo Wash . w ere guests T ues­ STATION GARAGE tended the an n u al p ioneer m eeting Two Receive Arm Fractures ards) of N orth P lains is m aking an day evening at th e J . A. McCoy ex tended visit w ith h e r parents, Mr. at Chum poeg S unday Mrs Beard O rris M ailer fell off a tru ck A. II. Busch. Prop. Phones Hillsboro 501 or 391 is the g ran d d au g h ter of E tiene L u­ .T h u rsd ay and broke his w rist. T he home. and Mrs. H a rry A. Richards. Mr and Mrs. W arn er C ropp and cien. one of th e 52 signers in 1843 • sam e day D onnie, the seven-year- Mr. and Mrs. R obert H arris and d au g h ter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Earl fam ily of S kam ania. Wash., w ere for O regon to belong Io th e U. S Mr and Mrs V ern P ric k e tl and old son of Rev. and Mrs. F. G. W aldron and children U rbin and guests a few days last week of Mrs. P hillips fell out of a tree and fra c ­ d au g h ter S h irley Je a n and Mrs G eraldine and Mr. an d Mrs. Zel- H arris' m other. Mrs. S arah Dall- Max D ree/en and son Dab* spent tu red both bones in his rig h t arm . bert B aker attended the w edding m ann Don Stow ell re tu rn e d home from S unday at Seaside w ith Mr. and of Estel L ove and M axine Reed in L adies' Aid society w ill m eet this Mrs C e o r g e Moss and fam ily L ittle a hospital in F orest G rove S u n ­ P o rtlan d T uesday evening. T hursday afternoon at the hom e of V erle I’rick ett re tu rn e d hom e with day. The foot, w hich w as in ju red K ansas C ity school and F a ir V iew ' Mrs. L uella F aix. Mrs. W inifred them a fte r «pending a week th ere the S unday before, is recovering school took active p a rt in the m usic D allm an w ill assist. w ith h er g ran d p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. nicely, but Don w ill have to r e ­ festival F rid ay afternoon a t th e Mr. and Mrs. C arl R hoten 'M il­ m ain in bed a w hile. Moss auditorium in the C en tral school in dred R ichards) of M edford arc b e ­ Alvie K auffm an, w ho is em ployed Form er Pastor Dies Forest Grove. ing congratulated upon the b irth of in P o rtlan d , spent th e w eek-end in Rev. R C B lackw ell, a form er Fred Duyck spent th e w eek-end a d au g h ter A pril 27. B anks w ith lus paren ts, Mr. and pastor of the B anks church, died in w ith home folks a t V ernonia. D a ily M a y 1 5 - O cto b er 1 5 Mrs. R obert Pom eroy, w ho is ill Mrs F F K auffm an. Salem A pril 30. He w as 72 years Mr and Mrs. J P V anderzan-1 in St. V incent's hospital in P ortland, From Portland Standard T o u rist Coach Attend Wedding old F uneral services w ere h e l d den attended a "300" card p a rty is rep o rted getting along satisfac­ Mr and Mrs. Max D reezen and M onday in Salem . Chicago . . $ 86.00 $ 68.80 $57.35 Tuesday evening at th e hom e of torily. sou Dale and Mrs O. I) D reezen a t­ New York . 134.50 101.20 89.75 Mrs Isadore V anderzanden T here tended the w edding of E stel Love Mrs. Jensen III w ere th irteen tables a t play. Boston . . . 137.50 105.20 93.75 Mrs. H L. Jen sen is ill w ith S tate C apitol N ew s L e tte r—G iv­ of T h atch er and Miss M axine Reed ing the highlights of official ac­ of P ortland, w hich took place in a pneum onia at her hom e here. Cincinnati. 101.35 78.20 67.35 R ubber stam ps and office su p ­ tiv ity a t Salem .—E very w eek in P o rtlan d church A pril 27. They also Mr and Mrs. Roy S tafford and Detroit. . . 102.40 80.20 68.75 tf the A rgus. tf atten d ed th e reception la te r at the son Roy of T aft w e r e S unday plies.—H illsboro A rgus. b rid e's home. T h e young couple guests of Mr. a n d Mrs. C harles Kansas City 72.00 57.60 48.00 w ent on a w edding trin to B ayocean K essler and fam ily and M r and Minneapolis 72.00 57.60 48.00 a fter w hich they w ill m ake th eir Mrs. W illiam Moss. Mr. and Mrs. hom e on th e Love farm nt T h atch er A lbert S tafford accom panied them New Orleans 101.40 81.15 67.60 The Church of Christ Scientist of Hillsboro, Ore. The groom is th e grandson of Mr as far as Forest G rove, w here they Philadelphia 133.15 101.20 89.75 Mr and Mrs. O. D. D reezen of visited h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. St. Louis . . 81.50 A n n o u n c e s a 65.20 54.35 Banks. W illiam M arr. Ju n io rs E n tertain Washington 130.45 98.60 87.75 Iowans Arrive Here B anks high ju n io r class e n te rta in ­ T w o fam ilies by th e nam e of P ro p o rtio n al reduction» to m any others points G reater C om fort, ed seniors w ith a b an q u et and G eh rts arriv ed S atu rd ay from Iow a Economy, P leasure, th e a tre p arty T h u rsd ay evening. “ S ta n d a rd ” tick ets honored in all classes of e q u ipm ent; ’ T o u rist” tick ets honored in la te st F ifty-seven covers w ere laid for the and are staying w ith relativ es u n ­ In T r a i n T ravel type to u rist sleeping cars or coaches to Chicago affair w hich was held in th e Royal til th ey can find houses to m ove New deluxe Coaches, la te st and coaches (or stan d ard sleeping cars at som e­ N eighbor hall. L ater th e tw o class­ into. A n o th er fam ily a rriv e d from T o u rist and S tandard Sleep­ w hat higher fares) beyond: “ Coach” tick ets ing Cars, finest D ining Cars, ----- o n ----- es and teach ers atten d ed th e May- Iowa last w eek and arc living in honored in coaches only. Sleeping car charges w ith low priced m eals. Ob- are additional. F ull season retu rn lim its. Choice fair th e a tre in P ortland, w h ere they th e Ella T u rn e r house. serv atio n -C Iu b -L o u n g e Cars. of routes and stopovers going and returning. 1. O. O. F. Hall Itrmodelrd saw "M aytim e.” Sleeping car charges reduced. B anks O dd F ellow s hall is be­ Mr. and Mrs. C harles S hipley of A ll tickets honored on these famous trains Banks and Mr. and Mrs G eorge Mc­ ing redecorated inside. Ed M uller F arlan e and d au g h ter N adine of is doing th e w ork. F U L L Y A IR - V ia SPO K A N E Forest G rove w ent to P o rtlan d S a t­ Move from Buxton C O N D IT IO N E D and ST. PA U L u rd ay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jo e Mrs. G eorge E d erer of n ear B ux­ S hipley Mrs Joe Shipley, w ho has ton moved last w eek into Mrs. EMPIRE NORTH COAST been seriously ill for five m onths, W illiam s vacant ap artm en t. BUILDER • L IM IT E D w as som ew hat im proved. V ia G reat N orthern Ry. S, nfbr Program Tonight Via N orthern Pacific Ry. Ferns Shipped Fast T onight 'T h u rsd a y ) senior class M any fares shown above are the same, or slig h tly higher G rib n c r b ro th ers shipped out tw o from your home station. F o r details, consult Southern re frig e ra to r cars of fern s to eastern night program consisting of plays, Pacific A gent, or w rite R. H Crozier. G eneral Passenger music, class w ill and prophecy, w ill By JUDGE FREDERICK C. HILL Cities last w eek. A gent, S. P. A S. R ailw ay, iW rtland, Oregon. of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs G eorge D rake of be given in th e high school gym ­ P o rtlan d w ere w eek-end guests of nasium E veryone is invited. High SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RY. M em ber of th e B oard of L ectureship of The M other C hurch, th e ir m other. Mrs John K essler, and school grad u atio n w ill be T h u rs­ The F irst C hurch of C hrist Scientist, in Boston, Mass. day evening. May 13. d a u g h ter G eraldine. Loyal W orkers' class of the B anks G ra d r E xercises T uesday Sunday school enjoyed a p arty F ri­ T uesday night the eighth grade In Union High School Auditorium day evening in th e church. Reid g rad u ation w ill be held in the G reenw ood, teach er of the class, and B anks high school gym nasium . Ev­ N. 7th Ave. an d E. Lincoln St. Hillsboro Rev. F G. P hillips m et w ith the eryone is invited. T he nineteen group G am es w ere played. wtio w ill g rad u ate a re Kazuo Kato, Friday Evening, May 14— 8 o'clock Sunday «turner p arty guests of S hizue K aw am ato. Je a n n e M errill, Mr. and Mrs Fi nest M arr at K ansas E verett M cCorm ack. D ale Eberly. The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend City w ere Mr and M rs C liff Sandy Ione B atem an, H elen K auffm an. and d au g h ter M ary and son L am ar B eulah Shigeno. G ene H atter. Bill of B anks anti Mr and Mrs. Francis Thom pson of P o rtlan d . Mrs. T h o m p ­ M aruska. Ned Maeda. Jam es Lloyd, son is m uch im proved from h e r r e ­ V ernon W olford. Bill K essler, H ow ­ ard K auffm an. Y aeko Maeda. E arl cent illness Misses E sth er and E thel H arty of M ePeak. K eizo Shigeno an d H arry H illsboro sp en t th e w eek-end w ith C raw ford. th e ir uncle, C hris Tolke. and fam ily Conference S unday n e a r Banks. N ext S unday afternoon a t 4 Mrs N ora Dooley re tu rn e d to h er o'clock. Dr. Louis Magin, d istrict hom e in F orest G rove M onday a fter su p e rin te n d e n t of th e M. E. church, spending a w eek w ith h er m other. w ill hold q u a rte rly conference in Mrs. M. A Dodds. Mrs. H attie D av­ th e B anks church. ison also of Forest G rove, spent last Ross W. A nderson, secretary for w eek w ith Mrs. Dodds and at the t h e C o -o p e ra tiv e C o n su m ers' hom e of h er son. H arry Davison, league, w ill speak in the B anks w h ere she visited tier g ran d d au g h ­ ter, Mrs. Wilson Davison, w ho a r ­ church on "C o-operation.” A ll are rived last w eek from Boston. Mass. in v ited to h ear this lecture. Rev. F G. P hillips atte n d e d the Festival Attracts The m u s ic f e s tiv a l h e ld in the T ow nsend mass m eeting in the gym nasium Friday aftern o o n w as civic au d ito riu m in P o rtlan d S u n ­ w ell atten d ed by p aren ts and day evening w hen Dr. T ow nsend a large audiecc. Rev. f l i c , I l l s . In addition to th e group addressed singing special nu m b ers w ere g iv ­ P hillips sat on th e platform w ith en by th e B uxton grade school band; Dr. T ow nsend and led in th e dc- B arb ara Wilson, w ho played a piano votionaLs. A fter th e m eeting, he solo; Hollis H artw ick, w ho fu rn ish - had a p riv ate conference w ith Dr. Kinton Grangers Change Meeting Time to Tuesday Conference Sunday at Banks Church: Pupils Injured Reedvillc Aid Benefit Set Saturday «liv Murv Kim lair) KltKDVlM 1•: I. »dies* Aid will riv e h (I iiuh i ÍStilili il.t V id Un* < >lhi« cl s|(H’C 'I'lU’V Will -tin t servili« id tw elve A .short pro «m m hoiitii ui« Moth- «T')'<(l;iy will be «iven durili« (he Siindav school hour n ex t Sunday Hiomiin, Mr, ; K l i n e r ( ¡1 ii.v i q u ite dl ;d the ( ¡00(1 Siirniiiitiin liospitul in P oit- hind Tin • e i « , d h i.i i d e n . w ere «tie* Is of (In H euvelton ln«h school T h u n d iv »ftei'iioon A tieciid pro«r»iii »lid ,i .school exhibit w ere held for th eir entei tiiinnient M em bers of the e 1» » I 'e l . o i . Y o l k , K i d h l e e l l Wolf. *. Jew el Heeler Mury U nder- wood U ni ti'M eara. H ow ard 1'i.u h- • <• I ami K eith H u m - ' hi . lUithd.is (elchrutrd /\ birthday d in n e r w as «iven in honor of Mi W illiam Holtz of I’m t- land. a form er resident of Keedvllle, at ()lu i« ei's tore She re * Tuesduy ceived a num ber of b eau tifu l ami um f il l « i f t s f o r her birth d ay O thers present w ere M esdaine . I. H olt/ of Hillsboro, M yrtle H e r g e r t a n d d a u g h te r of Corn* bus. Henxon and «laughter and d a u g h te r m -law of C alifornia. It Johnson. A McHreen, Sullivan. < Uingei H C hurchley. 1. Iinlav. and M r •••« O leva B erg er and Florence Yoe, all of Iteedville Mr ami Mi P ierre H ubert of Los A ngeles w ere w eek-end «nests of Mi Lucille Imlay and fam ily ‘ Mr and M is Donald G reen e and daughter- S hirley and (¡lo iiu v r.’ted Mr and Mrs Eric L inden of Vun- couver. Wash . d u ring the w eek-end Mr T La-ley crushed tw o fmgei . in an electric w rin g ”!1 one day last week Mrs Jo e T ubbs i hom e from the Einaum I hospital aflt r an oper- ation She has been in th e hospital five Weeks Mr and M r. E H John .on visited friends in Carson d u rin g th e week* i nd Mr and Mr K ashlei vi ited her p aren ts at Dundee d u rin g the w eek ­ end. ARGUS, LUBRICATE 1 ' BUSCH’S P u t u n que is this gow n of ru st ( an d w hite, w orn by D iana G ib ­ son. In this d ress th e fullness i p ulled to th e back, w h ere it is topped olT w ith a big bow, trim m ed in solid rust. The p u lled sleeves m e open nt th e | top and I i.« d In th e sam e solid color. T h e d ress is c h a ra c te ris ­ tic of the new su m m er tren d s. arson, p n sidcnt. gave a m easuring d em o n stratio n , H elen Wick and H elen Johnson gave a vocal duet. At the ( I.. th«’ girb. served ice-cream and cuke 'I he cakes had been m ade by tin girl A suggestion was made by Mi Post, teacher, and a m otion mude and seconded to organize a com m unity club and a m eeting win held thi week at th e hom e of Miss E unice M itchell to organize. Mr. and Mr M orris E erris 'E th e l C lark», w ho have been living for some m onths at z\m ity. moved back on the place of Mrs. Ferris'# parents, Mr. and Mrs O liv er C lark. Couple Honored Sunday A fifth b rid al sh o w er w as given Mi Maud G holson S unday a fte r­ noon at th e hom e of Mr and Mrs C harle s D m rell G uests w ere Mes- i and Mesdnmes A lbert Scott, G. II la azan. A P. G roer. W B W eav­ er McCauley, O. H Peterson, and the Misses. Maud. Huth. Nancy. F iance', and P atty G holson. L ucille and P» ulah Peterson. A nna and Em ­ ma Welk. Frances Post. Mrs. O cta­ via SfX'nce. Mrs H L E isner and children. Mrs. A lvin Maley, and M< i Ed W orth. Max Welk. Jo h n Bushnell Dick Schm alle. Tom* B ak­ er and J im - Kusv A special tab le set and d ecorated in pink and w h ite w a occupied by the intended brid e and «room and the form er's p arents, sisters. R uth ami Nancy, and friends. Dick Schm alle and Tone Baker. Many b eau tifu l gifts w ere received Miss G holson and Jo h n B ushnell of P o rtlan d an* to be m arried at the G holson hom e May 13. Sherw ood School A ccepted D A Em erson of th e state d e p a rt­ m ent o f education has announced that th e Sherw ood union high school h a s b e e n accepted as the m em ber of th e N orthw est association of second­ ary and h ig h er schools. Sponsor Dance F riday S en io r class of th e T igard high school i sponsoring a dance May 7 in the new auditorium . Mi and Mrs W illiam Scott and son Norm an of C loverdale, fo rm e r­ ly of this neighborhood, spent a few* (lays last week w ith Mr. S cott's p a r­ ents. Mi and Mrs H M Scott, and son W alter and visited Mr S cott's sister. Mrs. H. L. E isner, and fam ily. Plan for May Day Sherw ood union high school w ill have its first May day celebration May 14 and it w ill be an all day a f­ fair and an elab o rate program is being planned to sta rt at 10 a in. in th e high school au d ito riu m H a r­ riet G ates w as elected queen for th e event. Friday afternoon th e local school took p art m the m usical festival at T igard g rade school and several ball gam es w ere also played by the girls and boys of both schools and St. A nthony's and D urham schools. A little hoy asked his fath er w hat a n ew spaper was. H i s father, a n ew sp ap er man replied: “It's w hat publishes free the sam e stu ff the radio an n o u n cer got paid for the day b efore.’’ M other’s Day 77ic Ninth i of May W olds upon Ihe pi May ; lightly b lu r ; Wi illi n w ords a p p e a r no b rig h ter, W ritten by Ihe a v erag e w id e r. Ihil . poki n in h er eag er ear. V our w ords are bright and full of cheer. H aven't you som e w ords Io say, 'I'n m ake h er glad on M other'» Day. A ll S u m m e r liOUI ROUnD TRIP TRRin FRRES ERST FR EE L E C T U R E C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E CASESPREADER Large Jersey cow for sale, fresh 5 weeks, $35. — J. George Crosby, mile east, 1/2-mile south of Corne­ lius. USED CAR BARGAINS? Yes—if y o u b u y o u r TH IS AD SOLD! - i T 1,- ' é y - ..f- ; • ’J- . A ,H. '- - -•>; FOR MANURE OR LIME >NTEED RENEt M l. MAKES R A G mean» RENEWED and GUARANTEED. W hen you Buy one of our used cars bearing the R & G label— exclusive with FORD DEALERS— you know that car has been RENEWED, put into top-notch condition, inside and out, to m eet fac­ tory specifications. W e offer it with a Money- Rack GUARANTEE in writing. There’s no guesswork involved if you buy an R & G Used Car. Come in and select. f T HE popular Case Manure Spread­ ' , «Cr,,4î ■c er, w ith its new s,i» lim l i e s p re a d in g (*$**<*/ attachm ent, gives you the valuable ser­ vices o f two machines for little more than the cost o f one. One-piece steel main sills provide strongest support for heavy loads; prevent undue strain over rough ground. Handy levers control rate of lime distribution. An equaliz­ ing comb ¿exclusive with Case/ guides flow o f lime toward outside edge of distributor blades, pro­ moting more even distribu­ tion. Easily removable end gate— scaled to indicate tons per load; rates o f unloading. The Case Spreader is easy to load In the barn. Sturdy, low , tight box. Non-wrapping, wide spreading cylinder. Self-align­ ing bearings; pressure lubricat­ ed. Shielded, cast steel gearsz Come in and sec this Double- Duty machine. HEIN RICH BROS. 158 8. 3rd Ave llillshm o Phone 1662 West Coast Telephone Co. The Friendly Company C H IC A G O DOUBLE l.nng Pi: lance helps (lie cost is sm all. W herever you may wish to rail. « to 3rd and W ashington Hillsboro Phone 911 FULL LINE OF CASE QUALITY FARM MACHINES Im m ediately a fte r th e above ad m ade its a p p e a r­ ance in th e classified colum ns of the H illsboro A r­ gus. M r. Crosby sold his cow. N ot only th a t, but prospective buyers continued to to m e in an sw er to the ad v e rtise m e n t until well into th e follow ing w eek. GET BUSY— learn for y ourself th e value of H ills­ boro A rgus classified a d s— th ey 'll m ake money fo r you or find you a rem a rk a b le b arg ain . F o r the am ount of w ork they do— and the m a rk e t they rea c h — the cost is am azin g ly low— tw o cents a w ord fo r the first insertion, one cen t a w ord fo r each a d d i­ tional tim e (m inim um 25c.) Get the ARGUS CLASSIFIED