Page Six n iL L S B O R O Thought for Today Rites H eld for Jo h n E, Bennett Scholls C hurch F uneral services w ere held T ues­ day afternoon from th e Scholls M ethodist church for John Erie B ennett. 76. resident of Scholls since 1909 He died S atu rd ay B urial was in M ountainside cem etery near Scholls, w ith M asonic rites co n ­ ducted by Sherw ood lodge. F or a nu m b er of y ears B ennett , w as a deputy county assessor, w o rk ­ ing through th e eastern p art of th e county, and w as also in th e county tax dep artm en t for a tim e He retire d from this w ork last y e a r because of his health. He was born A pril 18. 1861. at Boonesboro. Iowa, a sm all village of seven log houses and ten fam ­ ilies, w here he sp en t his boyhood He atten d ed D rake u n iv ersity a1 DesMoines. Iowa. He w as a pioneer of N orth D akota, going th ere in the y ear of 1882. B ennett w as united in m arriage j to M innie M ary W hite of New Rockford. N D.. in 1890 To this union w ere born eight children. Two sons. C larence E rie and Ja y E. Bennett, preceded th e ir fath e r in death. S urvivors a re th e widow. Mrs. M innie M. B ennett: th ree daughters. O live Schulz of B eth ­ any. Mary Welsh of F airview . Bes­ sie M Hocffel of W itch Hazel: th ree sons. Max W. B ennett of F airview , G eorge F B ennett O akland. C al. and S tanleigh B ennett of P ortland, and one b ro th ­ er, G eorge E. B en n ett of Boone. Iowa. He w as a past em inent com m an­ d er of Zion C om m andery No. 9. K nights T em plar, an d past w o r­ shipful m aster of C en tu ry lodge. A. F. Si A. M. of New Rockford. N. D . and w as affiliated w ith O re­ gon C om m andary No. 1 an d H aw ­ th o rn e lodge, A. F. & A. M. of P ortland. F uneral arran g em en ts w ere in care of P e g g s chapel, Beaverton. F anny Scott. 53. o f N ew berg suffered in ju ries to h er b ack S u n ­ day in an autom obile accid en t at Red Rock n ear T igard, according to a sh eriff's report. T he accident happened w hen cars d riv en by M arshall D Moad of N ew berg and G eorge Ludw ig of B eaverton, crash ­ ed. T hree persons w ere in ju red S u n ­ day afternoon a m ile east of B eav­ erton w hen cars d riv en by F E B lanc and Francis H arrington, both of P ortland, crashed. T he in ju red w ere W. E. N eum an 56. Mrs. N eu­ man. 55. and Mrs. Blanc. 25. R obert G eiger. 7. and Jo h n Gt lger. 7. sons of Mr. and Mrs. G eorge E G eiger of B eaverton ro u te 2. s u f­ fered cuts and bruises in an auto accident S unday m orn in g w hen the G eiger car and one d riv en by W. F. D ougherty of M ultnom ah, fig­ u red in a collision at th e in tersec­ tion of C edar street an d Canyon road a t B eaverton. M unicipalities should be equipped to tre a t w ater supplies at a m o­ m ent's notice to p rev en t pollution from cloudbursts, fires and oth er accidental causes, a recen t re p o rt of th e O regon S tate P lan n in g board entitled. "W ater Sources and W ater­ shed P rotection Problem s," declares. If you change y o u r address k in d ­ ly notify th e A rgus d irect an d at once. tf al C onference in M onm outh S a tu r­ day afternoon Site was accom pan­ ied by Mrs. Je a n n ie H eard of H ills­ boro. M ary S andy is visiting in P o rt­ land w ith h er b ro th er-in -law and sister. Mr. and Mrs F rancis T hom p­ son. this w eek. Mrs. W ilson Hostess Mrs. Cass W ilson en tertain ed the B ridge club Frida.' afternoon. High honors w ere won by Mr- A lfred Lewis, second by Mis. Je ff K enedy and consolation by Mrs C. B. Hall N ext m eeting w ill be at the home of Mrs. Max D reczcn May .">. Banks Sixth G rader Badly H u rt in Baseball A ccident (By Mary Sandy! BANKS—D ale H alier. pupil in 6th grade, w as stru ck accidentally in th e forehead by a bat T hursday w hen he stood too close behind th e b atter. He is u n d er a doctor's care at his hom e n ear B anks and it is feared his skull is crushed Mrs. E arl W ilson and Mrs. W. I, Moore atten d ed an operetta pu t on by pupils of th e B eaum ont g rad e school in P o rtlan d Friday evening. B illy Moore played in t h e grade school band for th e occasion. T cw n stn d C lub S peaker Rev. F. G. Phillips, pastor of th e B anks church, spoke F rid ay night at a T ow nsend m eeting at N ewberg. His subject w as "H ouse of R ep re­ sen tativ e bill No. 4199" and "Taxes. Sunday. Rev. P hillips spoke a t a C olum bia county Tow nsend rally at Scappoose. His subject at this m e e t­ ing w as "Shall th e S tro n g B ear th e In firm ities of th e W eak. Ju d g e J e f ­ fries of P o rtlan d w as present at this m eeting and gave a short talk . Mrs. P h illip s accom panied Mr. P hillips to this m eeting. Mr. and Mrs. N orm an Fngen of S unset C am p spent Friday night and S atu rd ay w ith his m other. Mrs. Tom Engen. and sister, Mrs. Lois Slieelev, and children. Amos Sellers is spending th is w eek in P o rtlan d visiting Lee Irv in e ar.d fam ily. H arry W hitfield cam e hom e Sat- ■ ■ B is s E if iia a H ic iia a a iK H iB s lllilSBmilRIHIBiaHSSdRB u rd ay from th e logging cam p on S quaw M ountain, w h ere he works, and w ill have a w eek 's vacation w hile th e com pany b uilds roads. Mrs. C lifford S an d y re tu rn e d hom e S unday a fte r a few days' visit a t th e hom e of h e r son-in-law and .daughter, M r an d Mrs. Francis Thom pson, in P o rtlan d Mrs T hom p­ son. w ho has been v ery ill in the E m anuel hospital, is at h er hom e now. slow ly im proving from h e r ill­ ness. B illy M oore of P o rtlan d sp en t the w eek-end in P an k s w ith his cousin. Bobby S tohler. and o th e r relatives. Depot Closed Beat Sherwood B anks high school defeated S h e r­ wood F rid ay aftern o o n in baseball cn th e S herw ood diam ond 23 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Moss and 'it Roy of Seaside v isited in B anks S unday w ith Mr. and Mrs V ern Prick U an I < Mid....... : M.......... I Mrs. M ax D reezen an d soil. L am ar S andy sp en t th e w eek-end visiting friends in C orvallis. R uth B ailey atten d ed E ducation- The W ilkesboro depot closed S a t­ urday a fte r being open a few w eeks C u rtailm en t of logging operations on account cf strik e s was the reason fo r th e closing. Lloyd B eard In ju red L loyd B eard received ferio n s cut- on the hand A pril 19 w hile bucking logs for C lark-W ilson logging cam p T w elve stitches w ere taken in tiie w ound and L loyd is now in P o rtlan d u n d er a doctor's care. W alter P 'arrt end on O 'to are hom e from the w ork al the C lark- Wilson logging camp, w hich is ib on account of strikes. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. H opkins , f PEAS -1 E xcellent Q uality. Lard ■ iPure . i Pork Roast {OYSTERS s ,i c .a . 1 ' BACON S eason in g Summer Sausage Holland Herring 10-Ib. Kit Swiss Cheese Kippered SALMON i I Vlrllvl By t,,c P iec e 3 lbs. 39c ib. 16c qt. 39c ib. 17c Ib. 14c Ib. 23c 1 V 39 w 3 m ib. 30c ib. 18c Ib. 23c 39c 3 is. 15c Q uality. . ar FREE nc «n-»rm CfllVERY ùur • tt nntinupii from «*■■• I) Mrs P auline Jurgens nt J u rg e n s park w ith a beer hottie K nudtsen recently spent several m onths in the county jail on a sim itar charge. \ u .i n i A ppealed Appeal from a decision of t h e state industrial accident com m ission w as begun in circuit court this week by C. D. Kobinson, w ho alleges that he was in ju red O ctober 6, 193(1. w hen a roof over the donkey engine he w as operating collapsed, in ju r­ ing his neck ami spine and causing concussion of the brain resulting in hem o rrh ag e of the brain. affecting the right eye and causing a 20 per • cut loss of sight. From this accident, he ulleges. he received a jierm anent p artial d is­ LOVELY CORSAGES ability He was aw arded co m p en ­ of Ko»ea. etc.. 25c anil up sation until A pril 5 of this year. He G ardenia« - tti-d d lu a B ouquets is asking a continuation of the com ­ pensation for a year P o tter’s F low er Shop T h ree suits w ere filed in circuit w ith F re d ’» M arket 1‘lioiir 651 court this w eek by Mark S kinner, su p erin ten d e n t of banks for Oregon, to collect on notes due the liq u id a­ tion of the defunct Bank of Heave, - ton. The suits included I. F Stiff. lla.c, Prank and Mai y Wc pechei Milan TAA'f DRESSING J .'AINVJ q , jar 35c) ,,jn, jar 25c Inspected 25c SALMON S O //A A P I B|ß Hr|1 Double size bars 6 C olum bia River Fine fla v o r FREE D E L IV E R Y 21c 25c ED'S MASTER MKT. or GREEN O NIO NS G arden fresh. Bunch New Spuds ORANGES Grapefruit W hile .Shaftc r. EA T L O A F 4 Light, (¡olden C 4 A rizona Seedless. Large s i z e ......... 23c n«. 13c lbs. Med. size. Full of Juice. D o zen ..... TISSUE 1c 4 „ 15c NEW S'"'H i'll.. W r P t E , r A \ S J W Krf"" ell-filled pori H aley .. H illsboro Product. rolls M A T C I ILS Made by Ohio. f, 15c boxes Buy the Best. 17c I REE D ELIVERIES $C I,urn In s 3 O regon S E E D P O LA FO ES Lirit* I of All 100 lbs. 225 S A L A D D R E S S IN G 3 CORN 3 RFFTS I Diet'd, ft'"8 N<, 2 3 Fine for S a lad s 22c 25c 29C cans 29C rails 25C cans ra n s . .¡„ 5c ( .'nmplete A ssortm ent B IS Q U IC K 1(). 2 M argarine n .. DINNER BELL 14c G ELA F IN E n .... 10c ice ; cream ^ r ,,EK 5c JELL " Ä D 3 2 3 Large 2>/¡¡ tins XW «JV H E IN Z B aby F oods 3 23C C O FFEE V i™ (l-lli. Delicious niid S atisfying T hin ¡h e rd . ID -Ill. It YE I III. i rill, w rapped OLD DIITCH I Hi. ir llu w rapped 14c 11c 11c BUTTER I’lGGI.Y WIGGLY G n n lc A lbs. (1-lb . •k " / lin C -H B I7e) 68c ¿¡»JC 49c CO FFEE B R EA D 25c 2 29C cans »3.25» (Fase T O M A T O JU IC E TOM ATOES 10c FL O U R "V im ' s ”, „«’1.19 LUXUR Y D undee , 29c 15c fur p k ,s . V A N I I I A .BOU«UET BEER T™ . CLun ,,w , GA, T 1 I 2-lh ES,'II' box ; 25C 35c 35c Quart Juck Frost SO U P tor U. S. No M iracle W hip i 2 pkgs. 2 5c 10c 13c Pound head ’. nV zc 3 tins We R eserve (he R ight tri Lim it Q uantl(i,-s P h o n e 3131 3 LETTUCE I 'om ph'h: Assm l meni I’HDNi: 3251 B ill,!,oro (H r A pril 30, May , — H illsboro CARROTS ZION SODAS 19c Sugar C. & II. Quality 5c 3 19c Soft, Absorbent.. 1000-sheet rolls 25c i,l NEW P O T A T O E S CRA CK ERS 2^- Pow d ered ,b . 3 CARTWRIGHT PONTIAC SALES NEW PEAS ..... . 30c MISSION P icnic Sugar FRIDAY and SATLKDAY ONLY P roof of Last W irk » S tatem ent THE SKY IS NOT BLUE The blueness of the sky is due to the m inute particle.s of dust si, pended in th e atm osphere It not |»acc itself w hich is blue FRESHER FRUITS and VEG ETABLES A S P A R A G U S T IP S Brown 1924. 4 new t i n ’s new b attery A HEAL BARGAIN -F o u r T im es D aily DY’ t PFA^ n 303 ll N S1ZC Tall cans PRODUCE SPECIALS Radishes F o rd F o rd o r H illib oro--- Prices E ffectiv e Friday and S atu rd ay, COCOA 2 P u re U. S G o vernm ent RICE G rain 5 1937 C hevrolet .’»-window <’t»upe All act c. . no , i f O nlv 3190 m ilei ( Jood as in’?, SU BST ANTI A I. S A VI N( i Phone M X I WAVERLY, Ï l-lb. pkg. LA R D Used Cars SERVICE. D roite SIX Pint s G uaranteed FIR G R O V E D A IR Y G R ADE A M II K a n d ( RE \M Bread. box S.'ii.i 11. D ainty Salteri Wafer; Good Will O rder today from Lb. CRACKERS See them al t ’urlw i iiihl mid net the truth! F ir G rove m ilk. pure, fresh and w hole­ some is an ideal basic in g red ien t for h u n ­ d red s of delicious recipes. Its ability to provide tem p tin g variety to daily m enus has m ade F ir tiro v e H illsboro’s favorite. Steer Beef 5 1937 P O N T IA C Cook ii'ith M ilk PO T RO AST KRISPY. ÀloT Radio T ubes an d N orine Pizcr. All suits a re for nom inal sums. DGI (H ASS RADIO Ida V Hodges, m other of S tephen H Hodges, a m inor, 17 y ears old. has S elfridge Funi. Co. brought suit to annul the m arriag e of h er son M arch 12 of this y ear 2 lbs. P rices E ffectiv e Friday, Saturday and M onday, A pril 30, M ay 1 and 3 Says o t t i -fAt ^77mtA / S w ift's S ilverleaf 1 .5 9 C A R T W R IG H T tie PU R E LARD H illsboro M eat C o . M Muli, i l'uni pii, 11. Nel li,' l’uri, i Dnn • w ith Betty Lueke Tin* young Mi Hodges. tiie com plaint alleges, was ili il G i i . Il '.tirili; h ip oi Dul'ulhy inni ' of legal age They w ere m arried in I .n iir ;<• G iinil A m i l i '" I l i - l i , l l i i I b i mi D i ' I I h i I T u i ' I i i T . B i n i ' G, hrk,'. V ancouver. Wash B rih i s filed this w eek in circuit M .irv E lllc ,'. G io r g i- W isc Jo h n court include R obert I, Finlayson. FI, lumi , executor In t w ill of .lam es F inin' .o n deceased vs F 1 K uratli. ad m u u stra to r estate of John Cam pbell. | judgm ent and satisfaction. Avis J I Crosley et al \ s W illiam N Jacob sen. el al. appointing guardian, ¡fa u lt and deen e, Joseph W eber \ T helm a W eber, appointing g u a rd ­ ian; S tale of O regon. World W ar I V eterans state aid com nus ion \ | B ernard H olboke et al. defaut; L iquidation Bank of Beaverton, authorizing sale of real property to Eliza Perry. T he follow ing orders w ere filed this week in probate' court Mam let* W M anning S usan M artin. C lara Kelson, g u ard ian sh ip of Flla. and Le«' Hoy P lulpott. (»race Louise Farly. Johnson Pugslcy P orter. Ehz ubeth P ittelk au . g u ard ian sh ip of Jam es and Evelyn A rm entrout J W Khute. John C am pbell. C hai 1« l W alter Dewey. C harles p Petei son. I AtoTHS Louis llerholdt. May G riffcls. Oust See P roof N ext W«,'k Petersen. Nets Nelsen. T irpitl 11,11. Je h u Wismolek. II T D anforth. Ida Fal up the miles willi (lie most lliilllln* ride you ever knew - IIR IM IlfE NIAV i S aturday Only) e FL O U R 4 9 -lb bagQ The F lo u r T h at M akes B etter J Jail Breaker Ends Might in California 3 T en d er Sw 9 t CORN M EAL M A C H A ard R W heat ON I — Best T here is no su bstitute for the d eliciou s flavor, tasty ten d ern ess and nutritive valu e o f ch oice q uality R m eats. The HILLSBORO M EAT CO sp ecia lizes in i high q uality m eats at b ud get prices— plus genuine satisfaction and e x c ellen t service. in Friday and S atu rd ay S pecials » uni M is .hike Narup. Mr and Mrs F ibs P u rd in ami W alter A nderson of Banks lion Stow ell Injured Don Stow ell, a student of Banks high school, w as eaught by a fa ll­ ing tree Sunday m orning and has a badly injured leg lie is in a For- ■ st G riw e inispilal \ rays reveal no broken bones blit the leg is badly crushed and bruised for BETTER M EATS W hite or Yellow. ¡HALIBUT Tillam ook and Mr and Mr- Lloyd Solomon of Je w e ll spent several days last w eek w ith Mr and Mrs. Shipley in Banks Mr and Mrs C arl S hipley and d au g h te r, of V ernonia spent the w eek-end w ith relativ es in Banks Mr and Mr C harles S hipley tended a district board m eeting of tit - Tow nsend club in Dr H enry Young’s office in H illsboro S unday afternoon. R eturns from tr ip A lbert H eard re tu rn e d hom e T ues­ day evening from a business trip through W ashington. Idaho and M ontana 11,' en countered e x trem e cold w eath er and snow storm s in N orthern M ontana and even froze up his ear w hile crossing the m o u n ­ tains Mr H eard rep o rts that m illing operations in M ontana a re booming and th ere is plenty of w ork there. G raduation I se re isrs May 11 Eighth g iad e g rad u atio n for the Banks school will In- held Tuesday evening. M a' II. m the high school gym nasium J F S antee, assistant i professor • f education at O regon Normal, w ill be the speaker He was the first principal of B anks high school T here w ill probably be 19 eighth g rade g rad u ates this y ear B ank- 1! N A w omen served the com m ercial club d in n e r in Forest G rove Monday noon L etters A w arded The follow ing hoys w ere a w a rd ­ ed green and w hite bask etb all le t­ ters at g rade school assem bly F ri­ day Dale F berly. Billy K essler. V, rnon W olford. Bobby S tohler. Keizo Shigeno. C hester Thom pson. H ow ard K auffm an and Ned M.ieda Win L aurels A truck load of grade school c h il­ dren attended tile track m eet in Forest G rove F riday afternoon. The Ranks ath letes brought hom e a good sh are of the laurels Mr. and Mrs. H arry Davison and John V anD orn drove to P o rtlan d Monday and met Mrs Wilson D avi­ son and son Billy, w ho a rriv e d by train from Boston. M ass, to m ake th e ir hom e here. Wilson Davison, who is w ith the D S. M arines s ta ­ tioned n ear Boston, expects to be tran sferred to th e w est coast soon and w ill join his wife a n d son here i later. V crle W hite, principal of the grade school, spent the w eek-end in M on­ m outh w ith Ins parents. F o rty -tw o dollars w as cleared Friday evening by th e ju n io r and senior classes at th e p resentation of the play. T hrough th e K ey h o le" Miss M ildred Mead w as given much praise for her p o rtray al of the lead ­ ing p art as G randm a T ieney. Miss S chneider Hostess F ir G roye sew ing club m et T h u rs ­ day w ith Miss A nna S chneider A pot luck d in n e r was served at noon. The day w as spent in q u ilting Mr and Mrs F E C u rrin g to n and her m other. Mrs B. G alletin. of Jew ­ ell w ere T hursday guests of Mr and Mr. S N. C u rrin g to n and fam ­ ily. B anks high school baseball team defeated S herw ood high in baseball Friday afternoon 23-4 in Sherw ood Mr and Mrs F ran k Hmck and ch ild ren w ere S unday guests at tiie Fritz K nepe hom e n ear Yam hill S N. C u rrin g to n has purchased a new C hevrolet tru ck and is hauling log; to F orest G rove from n o rth of Banks. Mi and Mrs J. W Hall of V an­ couver. W ash, w ere S unday guests of Mrs C B. Hall, son B randon and d au g h ter Sheila Mrs. F red C o m b ’ r ’ en tertain ed w ith a d in n e r S unday in honor of her h u sb a n d s birth d ay n n ivcrsaiy. P resen t w ere C harles K earney and Mis“ Lydia I.osli of P ortland. Mr. in­ Many Accidents Over Week-End T h u rsd ay , April 29. 19,‘l< A R G U S . H IL L S R O R O . O R E G O N FOLGERS l ‘,T< iihitor or D rip J U i. 2 27c 53c Iin 11. tin W H ITE K ING G ranulated SOAP Lari;,' si/.r 29c Ali dum i size IGN I I SGAI Bar LAI NIIRY SG A I’ 35c) Wc R eserve ih r R ight to L im it Q uantities f »