The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 29, 1937, Page 14, Image 14

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    P a g e Six
A R G U S .
H IL L S B O R O .
etery S atu rd ay afternoon. F uneral
and Mrs Fleskos during the absence
serv ices w ere held at Tillam ook Mr
of th eir troop lender. Mrs P e a rso n
W hite and fam ily moved from here
Mrs H arry E O liver of A storia is
to th e coast about 20 y ears ago after
visiting at the hom e of Mrs |{ s
selling th eir farm m th e M ountain
Top district M rs W hite, one son.
Mrs Jo h n W alters gave a d in n er
A rthur, a d au g h ter Elsie and h er
111 honor of the th irtieth w edding
D n ro th v C ooke)
husband a re bu ried in the G u en th er
H ills b 'ro Mrs Deck, Dee B aertlein. a n u iv e r.a ry of Mr and M is J J
COP* N »•’î TV5
1 .'hand J a c o b s - is w ell know n here
cem etery F our d au g h ters and thre
I'h u reh tcs and the birthday of Mis
m uhle
i* ;<• Forest G ro v e un-
sons survive
Mi- Dorothy Cook*' su b stitu ted as Elm er W alters. Those present w ore
(By« Mrs. Bird M cCormick)
d. w» n first place in lib ra r.a n at the C ornelius public Mr
B irth d ay s C elebrated
Mrs .1 J. C hurchley. Mr
\ eice at th e Pacific library Monday for Mrs Edna Hus and and
Mrs. H. V ersteeg and Mrs. l es-. th e be
M rs Elm er W alters. Mr and
sic to u rn am en t Friday
pupils at th e P leasan t View school W inters w ere hostesses A pril 2 Univt i•sit>
W alters
include Jean Beasley. Kth crude. w hen they en tertain ed at th e latter' and S.Itili•dnv
Mr and Mrs Jarnos B ates and
Kcv an • 1 Mi
\ S Wolfe. M«'s- children Betty Mao and David of
Bobby Beasley and Lyle Fletcher. home in G ibbs w ith a birth d ay par
E W Herunz Denver, C olo. are house guests at
•econd grade. and C larence F letch ­ tv honoring th e ir d au g h ters tin dam es J, E Hi
y Ja c . u h l e n atten d ed tin- Jo h n Rock home
er, first grade. A rdyth Etzw ilcr. Misses Jessie V ersteeg and Bernie* and H
ef Women M issien-
w ho w ith h er paren ts recently m ov­ W inters. T w o birth d ay cakes w en
F n t c r in to M e m b e r s h ip
the L u th eran ehureh
ed to Ni wb- rg. retu rn ed to Pleasant featured at th e luncheon. Twenty arv Sot.'let
Friday afternoon d o se d the th ree
View school a fter a week s a tte n d ­
V |t? Allen • the CCC cam p at w eeks' tra in in g class for m em ber-
A new heating plant, a piper
ance at N ew berg school A rdvth
B ET H A N Y C E D A R M ild
1 eedv
ship at the M ethodist church Rev
has been perfect in h er atten d an ce wood furnace, has been installed in Ny- s j spti'nt the w eek-end w ith A lexander H aw thorne, w ho has tii ittge met Wcriiicsduv night vv I til
at school all this year.
the new house on th e C arl Wohl- friends ht'
taught the class, surprised th e group a largo a tten d atilo B Wilcox Po-
Vttemi llom cccm hic
Mr. and Mrs. M arvin O rndtiff en ­ schlegel farm on top of the m oun­
w ith ice cream , cake and w afers tuona m aster of Wasco county and
1 Mr
I •'-! '!• M nobefrv. I be afternoon closed w ith a toast also m anager of the S tale t range
tertain ed w ith a birth d ay d in n er tain w here Mr. and Mrs. C laude A l­
p arty M onday evening in honor of
and a song of th an k s to th e pastor lo -o p e ra tlv e . w as present und spoke,
C larence Wood.
Prof. C. A H ubbard of Pacific Lont. a I ten ided ht'm 'eem uu; at M on­ S unday m orning the class w as r e ­ fiv e new candidates w ore initiated
U niversity visited Mr. and Mrs. F m outh \ . . . ’mal on S atu rd av
A nniversary Honored
ceived into full m em bership a fte r ill the first and second degree They
M rs \V. E C x and Miss P earl being presented and giv ing the Ten w ere F rank and Agnes W hitaker.
Mrs. M ary Wood. C larence Wood E. H offm an T uesday and W ednes­
of Bea ven
p e rt a few days of C om m andm ents Mrs Roy Ingledue I e s ti r M anw ell, Leslie Jo hnson and
and C. A. B urnham atten d ed a p arty day.
G loria H offm an atten d ed th e ball Iasi w eek ;it tiua W K Cooke hom e and R ynal G eiger w ore also re c e iv ­ W ilma May Next m eeting will be
at Cham poeg W ednesday evening
ffroain. wh ' is em ployed ed into full m em bership w ith the an open one Ross F indlev w ill show
honoring Mr. and Mrs. E arl B u rn ­ gam e betw een O S. C. and Pacific
in M arsl'.f 1eld. spej'.’. the w eek-end class,
ham 's ten th w edding an n iv ersary College at C orvallis S aturday
w ho wer»
Ruby Sm olcke. pictures of old G range history Tliev
ts. Mi an d Mrs. A B lanche Wall. Jo v cc and G eorgiana w dl celeb rate l.eedy G ra n g e s 34th
and his birthday. T h eir honor guests
from h er porch and sprained h er Hoffm a n.
w ere given a tin shower.
Jones la u r e l Shav. G ladvs Mil- an niversary
Itom ,' froui lluspital
Mr. and Mrs. G A. Thompson e n ­ knees several w eeks ago. is able to
Mrs J. M asterson of P o rtlan d is
braudt. V io l.t Weidew itsch. A lice
John Hie
wlio h is h iv o recov- and
tertain ed w ith a d in n er p arty S u n ­ w alk again w ith the aid of a cane.
visiting h er b rother. F. E Jones, this
erin g fr‘om
p< r itiön at the Vet-
day. G uests w ere Mr and Mrs Dick
w eek
n't al in Fort kind, w as tv- L ucille P offenbarger and B everly
ern n s’ t
K rohn. Mr and M rs K ienel. Mr. and
Mrs Hollis Jo n es and Roddy
T rites Baptism w as adm inistered to
Mrs. Leroy Thom pson and Mrs. J e n ­
Alice and Betty D elm onte. Ruby Jones of St. H elens visited horn,
R etu rn ed Home
n ie Krohn, all of Newberg.
folks last w eek. Hollis Jones is m
L■iitlc 1rs lie Hi, -me. w ho w as ru sh - Sm olcke. Mrs R. Ingledue. and R y n ­ Salem atten d in g a state polio
Mr and Mrs. G W B orland a t­
ed io th e Duerni 'eeh er hospital last al G eiger T he class carried nose­ school,
tended the fu n eral of his brother.
?k-end. w as re tu rn ed to h er hom e gays bearing inscriptions and w ere
H arry B orland. 45. at Forest G rove
(By Mrs. F ran k Pezoldt)
H enry Johnson atten d ed a m eet
presented w ith certificates
ing th e week
Friday Interm en t was at Lacrosse.
ing of the d irecto rs and com m ission­
T h e Hi
Mr and Mrs. G eorge B aertlein are
Wash. He leases a widow and five H and club members
e r of Pacific U niversity F rldnv e v e­
the grandpsxrents of a g ran d d au g h - tor. was presented w ith a devotional ning at th e C ongress Hotel in P o rt­
th e ir husbands at a p arty at the
book. "T he A rt of L iving." by
Eighth grade school children liv ­ hom e of Mrs. F red Jossy T hursday ter. Diami M arga t't t Peek, d a u g h te r B lanche Wall from the M em bership land.
ing in Y am hill county w ill tak e evening. Games, stu n ts, and a mock of M r and Mrs R oland Deck of class The Kingdom B uilders." Rev
Build Home
state exam inations T hursday and w edding and lunch w ere features.
Mr. and Mrs. B lam pede of P o rt­
S prague gave the final m em bership
pray er. Tuesday evening at the land a re building a new hom e h ere
One. dressed as a "negro b utler."
O klahom ans Buy Place
q u a rte rly conference, held at the T hey w ill m ove out soon.
escorted th e guests to th e ir places
Mr. and Mrs T. A. Beasley and six P resent w ere Messrs and Mesdames
A card p arty and dance w as held
H illsboro M ethodist church a letter
children, recently of L averne. Okla
of appreciation to the H aw thorne at the C edar M dl G range hall S a t­
Ben Leu. E rnest Staehle. Ryland.
are living on th e H intz place. They and
night w ith 13 tables of "500"
(Bv M abie B Allisoni
Jo e L etsinger. Floyd B radley.
have bought i‘.
Leo L andauer. Louis Z uercher.
MOUNTAIN HOME New offi- nelius church and a request m ade m play. High scores w ere received
Build Cabins
that tin pastor, his w ife and Miss by Dave E digar and Iva A ttcb u rg
The B r'ghovse fam ily have built C onrad Dick. C hrist Reiehen. Roy cers of th ’ M ountain Home school Phoebe, be re tu rn e d next year.
and second by J. P etereo u rt and
a cabin oil th e ir 30 acres recently E pperson and Miss M innie Bauer. stu d en t b >dy a re C lara P icp en -
Edith Hock.
bought from G eorge Emm erson and M arjorie E pperson. A rt E pperson bring, pr 'sident: D arrel Nelson,
Findley M anager
are living here. One d au g h ter is a t­ and Billy H afner, and Mr. and vice-prcsi< ent; M arjo rie A nderson.
Ross F indley has been m ade g en ­
Mrs. F red Jossy.
secretary, T h e trav elin g lib rary ,
tending N ew berg union high.
eral w holesale and retail m anager of
Vote for C onsolidation
w hich has been at th e school house
G raduation Date Set
th e H o rticu ltu re and A griculture
The B rooks and M u s o n school all w in ter w as re tu rn e d to Salem
G raduation exercises w ill be held
C o-operative association
at Pleasant View school house May d istricts recen tly voted to consoli­ last w eek
Mr and Mrs. P ete Y u n k er; and
Mr. an d
B. I. L okas a re h av -
F u n eral services w ere held last
20 for graduates from this school date w ith th e H olbrook d istrict.
ing about
A ttend C onvention
acrcs of Boyson F riday afternoon fur G erald C lyde son R obert atten d ed a b irth d ay d in ­
and Buck Heaven. A rrangem ents
Irm a. B ernice and G ladys Dick be
put out on th e ir farm here, S cheurer, 58. form er H illsboro re s i­ ner in honor of h er father. R obert
are being m ade for a speaker for the
B. ■dv is doing th e w ork.
dent. from th e M iller A- T racy p a r­ Beaton, of St. H e len s Sunday
evening and a reception for the spent th e w eek -en d at a con v en ­ Sa
Ladies' Aid of the P re ib v te ria n
Mrs LeRoy R alston w as pleas- lors in P ortland. Mr S ch eu rer was
graduates and th eir friends and p a r­ tion at L aurelw ood academ y n ear
G aston.
antly urprii -d S atu rd ay aftern o o n accidently drow ned in th e W illam ­ church m et w ith Mrs C hris S ch in d ­
last W ednesday w ith 23 present
H enry Dick. 88. is im proved aft- "'h en the foil
ng gro u p a rriv ed ette riv e r Tuesday, and his body was
The road from F ir G rove to L aur-
,o bel i h e r celebra a h e r b irth d a y w ashed ashore at Sw an island Mrs W alter Nichols led Mrs H er­
elwood received a new lay er of e r a recent illness.
-sary. Prese t w ere Mrs. T hursday. In term e n t w as in the man S ch in d ler played a piano solo ,
S tanley Congdon sp en t th e w eek ­ ann
crushed rock last w eek m aking
Mr and Mrs E B .Anderson e n ­
trav el up the grade v ery d iffic u lt.
end in P o rtlan d visiting his fa th ­ Je n an W aldron. Mr E m ery H ar- fam ily plot in th e B utteville cem ­ tertain
ed w ith a d in n e r S unday
F errill. all of th is etery P astor H enry S. H aller of Pil-
Mrs. Ira G M cCormick visited a er. M orton Congdon. w ho is ill, ris. Mi s. E.
grim H ouse officiated. S u rv iv o rs in ­ T here w ere four generations pres- .
sister. Mrs. Jessie Dezure. at V an­ ad w ith his aunt. Mrs. W. C B eatty. commi
McGee and Mrs. Mc- clude a son. G erald V.; th ree sisters. ent. E. B A nderson S r of G ladstone.
couver. Wash.. Friday and S aturday.
Reck C reek school ball team d e­ ma. M
s bro u g h t Mrs. M -rle E m m ott and Mrs. F lo r­ E H A nderson J r . Lloyd A nderson
Mr. and Mrs. F red G orton and feated M unson school 19-9 on th e Gee o Rex
gifts a
ence Downing, P ortland, and Mrs of B eaverton, and Baby Lloyd A n­
children. M elburn. R aym ond and M unson field Friday.
Horn guests of Mr. an d Mrs. Sam Joyce M adden. Venice. Cal.; four derson of B eaverton.
B cttie Lue, and his fath er of Taft
F inishes N urse's T raining
E sther S tueki and Miss M argaret
and Mr. and Mrs. E lm er W hitm ore
Ram ona Luethe. d au g h ter of Mr. Bodv i s past w eek -en d w ere Mr brothers, A C. S ch eu rer of P ortland. D ickm an atten d ed the C hristian E n­
A ubrey T ay lo r an d child Reuben P S ch eu rer of Redmond,
of G lenw ood w ere Sunday d in n er and Mrs. Sam L uethe of Brook -
deavor convention last w eek-end at
odland. Wash.
anti A R alph S ch eu rer and C harles Corvallis.
p arty guests of Mr. and Mrs. M ervin Hill, g rad u ated as a nurse a t a
Mrs. Jice B ruce receiv ed w ord J. S ch eu rer of Idaho.
Wh itmorc.
P o rtlan d hospital recently.
G uests en tertain ed at th e D M.
B ernice Baum an, w ho is em p lo y ­ th at hi sister. Mrs H arry Phipps.
Neon Signs Installed
M cInnis home Sunday w ere M rs.' ed in P ortland, sp en t h te w eek-end of Met ?ary. M anitoba, C anada, is
ill an d not ex p ected to
C harles B row nhill and children of at h er hom e on Brooks Hill.
Two frew neon electric signs have
live for lore th an a few w eeks. T he
Dilley. Mrs. E. M urray of B eaverton.
been installed in H illsboro during
Mr. and Mrs. B ill L u eth e have
m e o v er from E ngland to-
tile past w eek M eltebeke E lectric
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. M cInnis and recently m oved from B onneville to sisters
lanv y ears ago. an d have
store has put up a sign on Second
children of Reedville and Mrs. Alice th eir hom e on Brooks Hill. He is g tth e r
each o th e r since. Mrs.
i Bv G irl Scout T roop No. 61)
avenue, w hile an o th er has gone up
M cInnis of Portland.
now em ployed at th e re p airin g of
Mr. and Mrs. C alvin H orine, w ho th e F eltra. Italian boat, w hich is B ruce - tuts to visit h e r sister, but
CEDAR M ILL— C a p t a i n P V in front of the C artw rig h t Pontiac
Sales Co. on T hird avenue.
have been living in the tenant house being rep aired at a d ry dock in
Mr W E B u rk e e n te rta in e d th e R exford of th e P o rtlan d police d e ­
on the Tykeson farm , have moved P ortland
Book ind Hook club on T h u rsd ay p artm en t spoke to the ch ild ren of
to the Ernes! G u en th er home, w here
C edar Mill school last W ednesday.
N eighborhood new s from 30 A r­
Mrs. T heresa L th e en tertain ed of 1,
w eek. T h is g ro u p h as b e­ His su b ject wa3 "S afety" and he
th ey are both employed.
correspondents i n d i f f e r e n t
w ith a d in n e r a h er hom e on gun
ading th e book "L ive A lone i rom ised to p u t on a dog show the gus
Lose Game
sections of W ashington county a p ­
B rcoks H ill Sunc / . G u eits w ere
Like It
1 he
ss serv ed a last e f May if all w ould observe p ear in th e A rgus each w e e k
M rs Frances D esville. teach er at Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Brooks an d fa m ­
o'Cloi k iun
tc th e follow - the "S afety R ules" for school c h il­ I.earn w hat y o u r frien d s a re d o ­
F ir Grove, took h er pupils to Lake-
gues s: Mi
B ritt. th e dren.
view F riday afternoon w here they ily and Mr. and Mrs. Jon Brooks
ing for less th a n th re e cents a I
lam e Cha rie s D oolittle. Cecil
crossed bats w ith pupils there. The and fam ily of Brooks H ill and
A. I. Slocum a n d A F Bail w eek.
tf I
Jo h n sto n . R alph have re tu rn e d from a trip through
visitors lost. A retu rn gam e will be Mr. and Mrs. Geiza B u rg er and Hin. haw . Jam
Otis an d Miss P ■ggie Otis,
played h ere F rid ay if th e w eath er fam ily of S prin g v ille road.
O regon and W ashington
Mr. and Mrs. L u eth e w ere hosts
Miss F e m e Ego had as h e r house E astern
perm its. Mrs. W alter A ustin, a fo rm ­
C ornell club m et w ith M rs Edigar
t S unday Clelas last
e r teacher here, teaches at Lake at a d in n er party at th e ir hom e on guest from F rid ay to
Brooks Hill Sunday. G uests w ere H utchens and Jessit io H intz of N ew - reported. A large atten d an ce was
and Mrs. Jo h n G utschm idt of berg.
Raymond M eyers and Dorman
Mrs. A. w Stephens SI •ter
M rs Sam Body wi is a house guest S tay to n is visiting h er
Blazer are pitcher- for th e L aurel- th is section. Mr and M rs Jo h n
Scholls F arm ers' Union bah team
th at played at the opening games of Brook and M r. and Mrs. Ted G u t­ and fam ily a t Kelso, Wash . for < . -
Mrs A. C. Jo n es has received
eral days last w eek.
the season at Hillsbor.- Sunflk \ S ev­ schm idt and fam ily of P o rtlan d .
w ord that h e r m other w as in ju red
Mi. s P ero n ice Ego sp en t S undav in an au to accident. S he expects to
eral fans from here attended.
as th e guest of Mr. and Mrs. C lay re tu rn h ere as soon as she is able.
A ttendance Perfect
nbalm at Dallas. Miss M ildred
P upils w ith perfect attendance at
G irl Scouts m et at th e school
son is m ak in g h e r hom e w ith house W ednesday afternoon to be­
-r- w t y e - .
six w eeks w ere Marg; S ax' • . M cr- rO F 1 . lN
K ir k
gin basket w eaving and m at m a k ­
n b eli Hoffm an. D oral Saxton and
ing. T hey w ere aided by Miss Sw an
R oderick M urray.
F uneral services for T. N K • ?.
Miss B eryl Deford and Miss Hazel who died in a hospital h e re F rid ay ,
Fishwood. both teachers at Eugene, w ere held M onday afternoon from
spent S aturday night and Sundav t h e Donelson Ac Sew ell chapel,
at the home of Miss Deford's p a r­ w ith burial in th e local cem etery.
ents. Mr and Mrs. B. F D tford. a ft­
K irk, w ho has been a resid en t in
er attending a teachers' conference O renco and H illsboro since 1921.
at Monmouth.
was born F e b ru ary 5, 1860. and is
Services Held
survived by tw o daughters. Mrs.
G raveside services w ere held for A lice Sm ith. O regon City, and Mr-.
L. J. White, 5. a t G u en th er cem- H allie N orth of Hood River.
New Pupils at
Pleasant View;
Buy Property
Cornelius Man W ins a First
Place in Music Tournev
Lcedv Grange Plans
54th Anniversary
T liu is il.iy . A p ril 29,
W oman’s Letter
Lauds Service
Portland Firm
rooms deci lit d u ring a heeded tune
like that '
“Lei us com m end you highly,"
she w rites, "on th e condition of your
rooms T hey w ere so spick and
-pan The idea of having a maid
serve the public id such a lim e and
p lace w .i ■ new to ns and to many
o th e r . w ith w hom we talked
"T here's nothing new offered in
tile rest room si rvice proelainied by P e rfe c tio n B a k e ry to
th e m an from Texas, declared Wil- C e le b ra te A n n ive rsa ry
S atu rd ay the ow ners of the P er
b u r Dillon, m anager of the "Happy
Days celebration, this week
He fection B akery are eelehratm g th eir
anniversary in Hillsb.....
w as refi rrin g to a reeeid story r e ­
lating Hu' offer of a -peeialist m D uring this tune the bakery has
restroom •service at com ity and In en In ought up to d ate and has b e­
come one of tile best equipped shops
slate fairs
i 'in thi' Pacific coast, d is |Miiitted
Tor tin' last th re e vears." Dillon Olli t tw ner are .1 II f o e and 1, Y
continued, " m c have bad such se r- j i Congdon
vice at the Ju ly -1 celebrations >
h ere "
S ubscribe now to th e Argus.
Io back Ins contention. Dillon dis- -
plays a le tte r from a P ortland w om ­
an eom m endm g the "Happy Day .
m anagem ent.
"It was w onderful service and we
P roducers of Q uality
only hope you have started some-
tlim g that will become p irm a n ia d I
Too m uch credit cannot be given |
P la n t loeaiixl 4 m iles n o rth of
We (ire.telt sanitation about
F o re st G ro v e on G a les C reek .
food, but thus far too little lias been
r i l i n t e ItlU !) I<
said and doin' about keeping re s t­
Dally Trlpu to P ortland
H ills b o ro A u to
E rci gbt
Bonded and In.sutcd C arrier
Serving H raverlon. Aloha, Kerri-
vllle, llilh h o ro , ( ornehus and
Forest (¿rove
P lekup and D elivery Service at
Package Kales
H illsboro Phone 542
East Side T erm inal P ortland
P hone KA.‘t Ut il
u nc^xi irtX2xi n tx^ai t
Helping Hand Club
Entertain Husbands
Mt. Home School
Holds Election
Planning on Buying a
Former Resident
Drowning Victim
New or Used Car?
Ilion it will pay you to in v estig ate the
C om m ercial N ational B ank's low c o s t ,
econom ical
♦ L o w e s t ntert
ra te a v a ilab le on thi
type (if f in a n c in g * 12 to 21 m ontlis to
pa J in t invenient, eq u al p aym ents ♦ In­
su ra n c e a rra n g e d by y ourself — with
w hon
h ♦ No brol e ra g e ♦ No
e x tra c h a rg e s *
* N o tic la y .
N o c o n fu s in g fe d ta p e
W « 'v « olreodjf d eliv ered Joxen»
th ete new Zenith» with the
tn g e m o v »
n ew A C O U S T IC
A D A P TtH In eoch c a n we m ake
a n ad|u»tm ent which give» you
iv»t the fm e tt p o ttib le reception
an d tone p o ttib le m jroor parti
iu la r t o o t E a t il/ changed d
yov thovld move W e II thow you
how to get b e tl r e tu itt u n p k » /» l
W < oWer you thi» m arvelout d«
only on the m o il pop ular
new 193 7 Zenith m o d e l» —- t o ­
gether with twenty other feature»
you w ill w ant to tee. hear and
O perate
e *e ry one <>1 them a
d u tin c ta d v a n c e in m odem radio
St h i t the
c a r you w ant. Have your
d e a le r a p p ra ise your present car. '¡’hen
see us (or a loan to cover the unpaid
Portlander Speaks
at Cedar Mills
H eor one of th ete Zenith» a d •
tu tted lor our » lo r e — then hear
it o d |u tle d lor your own home
The retulf it a lw o y i tv p e rb
7 IN IT H 5-1 T 1 7
Twnet American
ond ro»»ifln ita
*>Q*t, poJ»< • J * o
le e r, aviette*«.
a la n e
•h ip »
te a
inch !!•(>.,i
ContmvO^t T,p«
Commercial National Bank
T One C o n tro l,
lot eter
M em ber Independent B .inkers' Asimehdion
O regon
M l MBI K I Elti.K AL IILPO SIT IS S I It ANCL ( O ltl'O lt A 1 1 ()\
A M t R I C A $
M O • T C O N I D
« A O lO
with radio Iradc-in
»94 9.»
54 8 ””
»74 »5
$59 95
»29 95
Funeral Held Here
<)<hcr 19.17 model Z rnltho at
equally attractiv e prices
T erm s to Suit
32-p iecc Set Dishes
with every $50 of
Feed Im p e ria l B i
114 H. 2nd Ave.
H illsboro
“ W e m eet nil
c o m p e titive p rices”
Im perial DAIRV and POULTRY feeds are p re p a re d
from scientific, farm -tested form ulaes to save you m oney
and at the same tim e, to insure increased production and
h e a lth ie r stock. Try them today!
- ä W
‘ Why do I like my 6<ylinder Oliver How Crop
” 70” tractor?
P o u ltry Feeds
M ilk Egg Mash
Im p e ria l Egg M ash ..........
B ig -L a y Egg M ash ...
4 -G ra in Scratch ..............
$ 2 .5 0
................. 2 .35
2 .2 5
................. 2 .3 5
$ 4 1 .0 0
3 6 .0 0
3 4 .0 9
2 8 .0 0
11 is n
lining light work. 'I hat governor is one of the
* T l f Oliver Row Crop "70" K-lt ti rronnmi-
m l, m in g kerosene or dhlillale. Iloth li t: mul
A l> inoilels put hi ft power on llie drawbar.
I hen notice the 1‘ftlf’ER you have, and I can
tell you something about that. This ” 70” It-C*
(high compression) burns regular
gasoline and you cover a lot of
■r r>
ground w ith a gallon of fuel.
Here s the control lever for the
¿ !
variable speed governor. You can
set it to give full power for plow­
ing, or you can cut dow n I lie motor
O u r c o m p e ten t field men will gladly help you w ith
y o u r p o u ltry , d a iry or . ceding problem s. D rop us a c a rd
a n d a re p re s e n ta tiv e will call.
speed and step up into a higher
gear when you re cultivating or
A ll u b o \c p rices 1*. O. B, our w arehouse and
s u b je c t to m ark et changes.
’ IT'S THE •■'6-
0 Cylinders
Sm ooth, Q uiet Power
S e lf-S ta rte r
Im p le m e n t Power Lift
V urluble Speed Governor
F in g e r-tip C ontrol
•J. T. “J a c k ”» F oster
P a y Cash a n d S a ve — T ra d e w ith Im p e ria l
• Imperial Feed 8C Grain Co.
M lllrrs of Q u a lity Ferds
get more work done, too.
Fae'id Service
I’ltonp 01
"70" û cc "6
greatest little furl savers in the world today. Raise
"W ell, take it once around the field and you’ll the tools by hand? I should say not; this lever
find out!
here operates the power lift.”
No, you don't have to crank if. Just push that
Drive a 2-cylitidcr, a l-cylindcr anti then let us
self-starter button, that’s all. Notice bow quietly demonstrate the Oliver How Crop ” 70” , the only
and smoothly you ride. Heal comfort! And you 6-cylinder genera I-purpose tractor.
D a iry Feeds
Im p e ria l D a iry , 2 0 %
C o w R atio n , 1 7 % .
M olasses D a iry , 1 5 %
M olasses Screenings, I 2 C
W ith
South S eroud Ave.
R o y a l Soda
150 E. M a in St.
W o rk s , H ills b o ro — D is trib u to rs
".irtt to know jou'rr marrinl,
and the nn.irt, way of
•riling i, to »end a mmlcrq i proc-
coed M.irrijgc Announcement
Many Mylei...a|| gow| .ill
»'irprisingly inexpensive. 'They
»•('(' so much time, and they arc
a courtesy every friend will appre-
C-- f l'i n»OK
Drop m and tee our new A rt ,
I’oixr Portfolio. Ask for Virginia
(-»urtenay’a smart booklet for
br ides-to-be.
F a rm e rs ’ Cash Store
Phone 3 0 6 3
Tin St A.r Inti of fnllu you'll
H ills b o ro , O reg o n
Hillsboro Argus