The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 22, 1937, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pagp Four
TT TT. T. S F O T5 O
Cub Scout Den
Names Officers
Honor Past Officers;
Musical Skit Given
Past m atrons and patrons o f
T ualatin chaper. O F S . w ere
honored at the ch ap ter m eeting
Tuesday evening at th e Masonic
tem ple Each w as presented with
n small gift, and Mrs. H I. H oef­
fel. w orthy m atron, m ade an a d ­
dress of welcome. Responses w ere
m ade by Mrs. R. F. P eters and W.
F. Cyrus.
Follow ing th e m eeting th e high
school boys' q u artet. R at id C rit­
tenden W alter Foelker, A llan Sig­
ler. and Tom S tretcher, sang They
w ere directed by M iss Edwyna
llroadbent and accom panied b y
Miss M ary Voder. Tom S tretch er
ulso played a selection on a saw .
Mesdames W. J. Enschede, E. C.
Coman. L. T. M cPheeters. H 1.
Hoeffel. J. L. Searcy, H arry M or­
gan. and Miss M arie H ouguez and
P atty Lomax presented a m usical
skit. “A N ight at the O p e ra " A
com m unity sing was enjoyed in the
dining room.
National Music
Week Observed
Here M ay 2 to 8
N ational M usic w eek w ill be
celebrated May 2 u n til May 8
w ith special concerts, musicales.
and program s throughout th e coun­
try. Mrs. W alter Denton of Salem,
state m usic chairm an, u rges all
com m unities to observe th e week
in som e m anner. K eynote of the
national program is "F oster Local
Music T alent." and em phasis is be­
ing placed on providing activities
fo r young people.
G overnor M artin has issued the
follow ing statem ent:
"It is again my pleasure as
governor of O regon to call to the
attention of th e people of O re­
gon N ational Music w eek. May 2
to 8, 1937. E very com m unity re ­
alizes th e significan ce and im ­
portance th at m usic plays in the
daily lives of our citizens and our
appreciation for th e classics—old
and m odern—grows apace D uring
this w eek num erous special musical
program s w ill be held throughout
th e state, and Oregon may well
be proud of its part in th e ob­
servance of N ational Music week."
Local organizations a re asked to
co-operate by p rep arin g th e ir p ro­
gram s d u ring this week w ith recog­
nition of music, e ith er local talent
o r otherw ise.
day aftern o o n to sew for th e Child
W elfare d ep artm en t. All m em bers
are invited to atten d th is m eeting
and tran sp o rtatio n will be fu rn ish ­
ed by calling Mrs Fred E ngel­
Large Delegation
A ttends Congress
Dim No 1 of th e H illsboro Cub
Scouts had a tri lsu re hunt M on­
day afternoon. followed by a pic­
nic slip p er w ith each m em ber m a k ­
ing a fire and roasting bacon and
cheese for buns Follow ing officers
w ere elected Donald Engeldinger.
d en n er: F rank Plass. assistant d e n ­
ner; Freddie Plass, secretary Hayes
B ickford, tre a su re r a n d W alter
M cK inney, scribe
A C ub Scout pack m eetin g was
held Tuesday night al the Da\ id
Hill school. Wolf badges w e r e
aw arded Robert Weil. Jo h n Wiley.
W alter M cKinney Hayes B ickford
R alph llalcy and Donald Engel-
d in g er C harles Sny der pa.-sed his
req u irem en ts to becom e a Hob
W ashington county was re p re ­
sented in th e b ien n ial convention
of the O regon C ongress of P aren ts
and Teachers, w hich closed a four-
day session in P o rtlan d last F ri­
day. by 22 official delegates and
m any o th ers w ho atten d ed p art or
all of th e 18 ses ions held in the
M ultnom ah hotel
A side f r o m
O regon S tate college g rad u ates
P o rtlan d only one o th er county
had as m any reg istered delegates and form er stu d en ts form ed » te m ­
as W ashington. West T im ber and p o rary county organization at the
S hutv received special recognition H illsboro cham ber of com m erce
in m em bership. G arden H om e w as room s Tuesday night O rganization
honored f o r
N ational
P aren t- will bo com pleted at a m eeting to
T eacher m agazine subscriptions.
be held in the ch am b er of com ­
"No hom e is one h u n d red per m erce Tuesday night. May 4. and
cent that does not give som ething th e com m ittee urges all O regon
to th e com m m unity." said Mrs. O regon S taters in the eo untv to
John Hayes in th e opening session attend.
A pril 13. Mrs Hayes cam e from
V alue of such an organization
Idaho to rep resen t th e N ational w as pointed out by Percy Loeey.
Congress of P aren ts and Teachers assistan t dean of men at th e col­
and conducted a school of in s tru c ­ lege: Allan R inehart of P ortland,
president O regon S tate A lum ni a s­
P aren t-T each er associations re p ­ sociation. and G eorge Scott of C o r­
resenting th is county w ere Aloha- vallis. alum ni secretary
H uber. C edar Mill. D urham . F o r­
T em porary officers are W V erne
est Grove. G arden Home Hillsboro. 1 McKinney, chairm an, an d J L.
Dilley. N orth Plains.
Reedville. Searcy, secretary N om inating com ­
S hute, and T igard
m ittee includes I. E Francis. C arl
R ussell and Jo h n Pubols
O. S. C. Grads and
Former S tudents
Organize Here
Phoenix Lodge Will
Have Open Meeting
Hospital News
At Jones H ospital—
Phoenix lodge No. 34. K nights of
D r H. D. H uggins p erfo rm ed a
Pythias, w ill hold an open m eeting
n ex t M onday night. All K nights tonsil o peration M onday m orn in g
and th e ir friends are urged to be for little L en h art C ochran.
present. An in terestin g program is
Mrs W illiam M urphy u n d erw en t
being p rep ared a n d refresh m en ts an appendix o peration Tuesday
w ill be served.
Mrs. S. A S h orb is convalescing
from a m ajo r o peration perform ed
Mrs. J a k e L entz w as b ro u g h t to
L atest fiction
"Q uiet the hospital T uesday for tr e a t­
Shore.'' by W alter H avighurst. This
is a story of an A m erican family, At Sm ith H ospital—
w ho settled on th e shores of Lake
Dr. C. T S m ith p erform ed a
E rie in early days. Tim e b rought
rap id changes and th e new g en era­ tonsil operation S atu rd ay for Vic­
tion w as d iv id ed betw een t w o tor C hristen sen of Mason Hill.
Mrs. T heresa Eischen is con­
w ays of life, th e soil and th e city.
The children of R oger B radley's valescing nicely from in ju ries re ­
, first w ife w ere attach ed to th e land, ceived in an accident.
those of th e second w ife w ere city-
men. T he sto ry is of th e feud b e­
Mr. and Mrs. R obert O. Cowie
tw een th e tw o branches, so u n lik e and d au g h ter Je a n n e A nne. Mr.
W ayne Rood, w ho recen tly jo in ­
and Mrs. O tto Nagel, all of P o rt­
ed the M arines and is located at tage w hich binds them to th e liv ­ land. and Elm an S chulm erich w ere
San Diego, w rites his fam ily of ing past A quiet, in terestin g story. S u n d ay d in n e r p arty guests at
"S un Goes D ow n.’* by- Flannery- the P ercy Weik home.
h is experiences th e re as follows:
“T his w eath er agrees w ith me. Lewis. This sto ry is h alf p o rtrait,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. T heda of S eat­
I'm brow n as can be. We p u t in h alf m em oir of a rem ark ab le old
long hours, too. F rom 5 a. m. to lady. Lewis w rites w ith rem ark ab le tle. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
of Tacoma. Wash., sp en t the
10 p. m. F rom 9 to 10 <evening» is affectio n ate h u m o r of h e r p e c u liar­
ities. of h er p reju d ice against to u r­ w eek-end in H illsboro. Mrs. Epps
o u r own tim e—maybe.
“D rill all day, bu t w i l l b e ists. autom obiles and m o d e r n w as form erly Miss D olores Theda.
Miss E dith E aster o f S eattle.
th ro u g h ‘boot cam p’ in
t h r e e plum bing, o f h e r lifelong refusal
w eeks. C an't go to tow n o r any­ to rise early in th e m orning and of Wash., visited sev eral days last
e r clocks w hich have all stopped. w eek w ith h e r brother. R. R.
place. A fter these th re e w eeks we h He
p o rtray s an irresistib le ch arac­
spend th ree w eeks on th e rifle ter. skeptical and independent of E aster, and fam ily.
Mrs. W W. P h illip s of O akland.
ran g e and th re e w eeks in a school m ind, sh rew d ly practical an d to l­
Cal., a rriv ed F rid ay for a tw o
an d then. Lord only knows, we e ra n t in th e la rg e r m atters.
w eeks visit w ith h e r paren ts. Mr.
su re don't. So far I'm th e only
N on-fiction sto ry : Tales of an and Mrs. A. L. Chase, an d oth er
one In m y platoon (40 men» who
gets excellent app earan ce in 'troop
a gam e w arden in a national
in sp e c tio n '— that included every­ is
Mrs. W. E. Jacobson of E ugene
p ark in S askatchew an. He w rites of
th in g —this ‘boot cam p' is plenty- th e b eav er colony tran sp lan ted visited Tuesday a n d W ednesday
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Haase.
prom O ntario and of th e life of men
“W hen I go to bed I d o n 't move and anim als in th e w ilderness. His
Mrs. I. T P u rv es of south of
u n til 5 a. m.—then at it again.
experience of h u n tin g and trapping, H illsboro re tu rn e d T uesday from
"I saw m y first ‘dress parade' his tales of th e rail, his Indian and a w eek's visit w ith relativ es at
yesterday and it was a b eau tifu l anim al lore a re of fascinating in ­ Seattle.
sight. All dressed in blue uniforms, terest.
L ester Chase, teac h er at M ilw au­
w h ite caps and belts.
Also tw o new m ysteries: "Moon
"T he fleet cam e in last week. Saw M urder, by G ail O liver, and kie. sp en t th e w eek-end w ith his
A bout 25 o r 30 boats—th at was "M u rd er W alks th e C o rrid o rs." by p arents. Mr. an d Mrs. F red Chase.
som e sight. T h ere m ust be about Jam es P erry.
Mr. an d Mrs. Jo h n K rebs of S a­
40 or 50 boats here now. tw o a ir­
lem sp en t Sunday w ith M r. a n d
plane carriers.
Mrs. L. E. M acD owell.
“I sure like th is co u n try an d I'll
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Id e left W ed­
n e v er live in Oregon again for
nesday for about ten days' tr ip to
v e ry long. I don't know w hen I’ll
San Francisco. Cal.
get home, m aybe not fo r four
y ears and m aybe as soon as my
M arriag e Licenses
W. Forbes M organ, p resid en t of
train in g is through.
A llan O liv er H edin, C h erry G rove,
"W eil it's close to 'tap s' so I have D istilled S p irits In stitu te and fo rm ­
e r tre a su re r of th e dem ocratic n a ­ and C harleen Cooper. Y am hill.
to close. Tell everyone 'hello'."
S tan ley Elw ood D unm ire. West
tio n al com m ittee, dies in Colum bus,
Linn, an d Cecil I. N yberg. T ualatin.
F arm ers and business m en at
P hotographer V isits H e r e -
Paul Seligm an, form er H illsboro Stockton, Cal., fight strik e rs w ith
photographer, is a guest at the pick handles. C alifornia crops e n ­
H enry Young hom e th is w eek, and d angered by n ew lab o r troubles.
doors closed and farm ers
m ay rem ain h ere for som e time. C annery
w ith loss of crops.
M r. Seligm an has been in P o rtlan d faced
W orst rebel b o m b ard m en t of w ar
fo r several m onths follow ing his b atters
M adrid, k illin g m any.
re tu rn from Alaska.
Mae P erdue. 23. n e a r death as re ­
sult of b u rn s receiv ed at San Pedro.
V ernonia G irls Guests—
V ernonia R ainbow girls a re to C al. w hen h e r grass h u la sk irt
be guests of H illsboro Assembly caught fire at a w a te rfro n t cafe.
Colum bia riv e r d istrict council of
M onday evening at th e Masonic
w e have e v e r seen!
tem ple. All E astern S tars and M a­ L u m b er a n d S aw m ill W orkers'
sons a re especially invited to a t­
woods and at V ernonia, involving
te n d this m eeting.
730 men. w hen neg o tiatio n s o v er 10-
G range M eets Tonight—
cent pay increase fail.
H illsboro G range will m eet to­
G overnor M artin ex p lain s to P re s­
n ig h t «Thursday! a t th e G range ident R oosevelt O reg o n ’s opposition
hall. All m em bers a re urged to a t­ to blanket p ow er ra te proposal for
tend. Pom ona m eets a t B uxton B onneville as proposed by C alifo r­
W ednesday.
O rganized lab o r lead ers and in ­
A u x iliary Sew ing Club Meets__
d ustrial spokesm en, m eeting i n
A m erican Legion A uxiliary will W ashington, ag ree to delay su g ­
m et al th e hom e of Mrs. Ernest gestions fbr im m ed iate am endm ent
Z urcher, H illsboro rou te 1. T u e s-, of W agner lab o r relatio n s act.
Library Note«
A R G U S.
TT T T. T. S P O R O .
Cou n ty Fed era tion ( 'bib Sponsors
Pictures Tuesday
Has Art Exhibit;
Coffee club w iH sponsor i double
Tuesday night at the V eneti ,i
Next Meet Scholls bill
th eatre G eorge A rliss in "M an of
W .i.hingion County
F ederation
of W.'ineii - ' tubs un i at C ornelius
Saturday in the school house. witli
a la r g e ‘n u m b er of delegates and
m em bers u a,ten d a n ce C ornelius
Civic ilul> \i.i- tin- hostess club
and served luncheon at noon.
The m orning session was given
over to rep o rts of clubs and d e ­
partm ent chairm en. Mrs
P e te
Y unker. a m em ber e f th e S unshine
elub of H elvetia, w as elected to
serve as d irecto r for th re e years
Mrs L ester Moobcrry of C ornelius
w as ap p .an te d
Key W om an'' on
tile ' courtesy fund ' of Mrs. Sadie
O rr D unbar, w ho is to tie noun
nated for president of the G eneral
F ederation of W om ens d u b s
Mrs G ladys Meyer, past p re si­
d ent e f tlie eountv federation, was
presented w ith a past president's
pin, Mrs Rex Wilson of Forest
G rove m aking tlie presentation.
An in terestin g ex h ib it was on d is ­
play by the Fine A rts d e p a rt­
m ent. w ith Mrs H arold K elhng-
ton of H illsboro, art chairm an, and
Mrs D oom M eredith of Casto:
poetry and lite ra tu re chairm an, in
Mrs. V W G ard n er of Hillsboro,
m usic chairm an, presented th e fol­
low ing program : E lenore Finigan
of C ornelius, piano solo. Irene
P e te rk o u rt and M argaret Rich of
C ornelius, piano duet: Clay W al­
k er of Forest Grove. \ iolin se lec­
tions. w ith Miss R uth Boyles a
accom panist; and several selections
by the C ornelius grade school o r­
Mrs E dw ard I. K rebs of P o r t­
land spoke on "A rt.” and original
poem s w ritten by elub m em bers
w ere read.
Scholls W om an's club w ill be
hostess for the O ctober m eeting of
the county federation.
Mrs N apier 111—
Mrs. H enry N apier re tu rn e d home
T hursday from the P o rtlan d S a n ­
itarium . w here she u n d erw en t a
m inor operation th e first of last
G arden C lub Meets—
Business m eeting o f H illsboro
G arden club w ill be held M onday
aftern oon a t th e public library.
All m em bers a re urged to attend.
Mrs G. W ines of W aldport spent
several days last week in H illsboro
w hile visiting w ith a daughter, who
is atten d in g St. M ary's Academy-
n e a r B eaverton.
M r and Mrs E I. Johnson v is­
ited th e ir d au g h ter M argaret S u n ­
day at U niversity of Oregon. E u­
■Vtaus.'' and S pencer Tracy in
"C rim inal L a w y e r" B oth of these
pictures a re said to lie o u ts ta n d ­
ing am ong the lilm s of tlie year,
and the public is invited to attend
the presentations
T ickets are on sale by Coffee
elub m em bers
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April 2? and 24 I
. coil“ ''
» ■ ¡“ K K "
, II“
C ontinuous Show
Miss Smith Bride
of R. Yuvlsteko
Miss F rances Sm ith, d a u g h te r of
Henry S m ith of H illsboro, and
licm i Vuy Isteke of ltoy w ere m a r­
ried Monday m orning at St M at­
thew s church in Hillsboro. F ath er
J T. C ostelloe official mg
Helen Sm ith, sister of tlie bride,
was her only a tten d an t; and Fleu-
therc Vuy Isteke. b ro th er ot the
bridegroom , w as best m an.
E x te rio r Doors
In te rio r Doors
F rench Doors - M a n te l W o rk
W in d o w s
- Screens - C abinets
We carry a fu ll line of millwork that w ill put
the right finishing touch on new building or re­
modeling program. If we haven’t got the item you
need— it isn’t in Hillsboro—but we can get it for
you in record time.
T h e v ery essence of youth in
flo atin g clouds o f chiffon,
net. m arq u isette, m ousseline
de soi—or rustlin g , w h isp e r­
ing taffetas ! We selected
them carefu lly in accordance
w ith y o u r reg u latio n s w ith
n o t too low necks, w ith sh o rt
sleeves o r th e ir ow n little
jack ets, or capes.
P hone 2691
E. M. BARNES, Prop.
|>inii» Iter I k j i I o u i
m a t u r il i »«•»»;’,! I H i I I bluwa
hot uti 4 t r iiiii|" I. h ill to ld m love!
h i
I il m um m
h 4 Panama j anie with
In« hot piano pL'ing!
A Paramount Picturo w ith CHARLES BUTTERWORTH
Plus Selected Short
!l fi I BI M hMHHHBMRH H ■ H B I«i^
Two Days Only — Sun.- Mon., April 25
C ontinuous Show S u n d ay — 2 P. M
to 1 1 P. M .
No A dvance in Prices
They’re wicki-wacki-wooinq in Hawaii in a lyrical hullabaloo!
F ire d P o rc e la in E n am el . . . S ealed -in L ife -tim e
L u b ric a tio n . . Latest S a fe ty W r in g e r . . T ro u b le -
F re e M ech an ism . . . S tu rd y C onstruction.
1 5 -Y e a r F a c to ry
R eb u ild G u a ra n te e
P riced
F ro m
H aar Bing woo Shirley will,
those new Hawaiian nirlodirst
’'B ltii'llaw iiii", "Swccl D ila u i”,
"Sweet I« the Word Fur Yun",
“ In a L illie H ula H eaven"!
A Paramount Picture
Directed by Frank Tuttle
- - - For W omen W ho Care
H ow Clothes Look and W ear
10c and 25c
“S ta n d a rd ” P lum bing —- F isher-T horsen P aints
P hone 72
K d v in a to r A ppliances
132 S. 2nd, H illsboro
1S1 W Baseline
v A ^io>c
W oman's Shop
$12 .95
F u lle r F ra n c h is e D ealers
Conlon Washer
"If It's L u m b e r—C all O u r N um ber"
P- M .
’• A '
N ew 1937
Hillsboro Appliance
& Plumbing Co.
Pool - Gardner Lumber Co.
f i t » 103
Plan t 'ard P a rty —
Mrs G eorge Fischer and Mi ■ N
E H aw orth w ere joint honti
the Fischer hom e fi r All S aints
Guild meeting Wednesday Mi V
W G ard n er read a p aper o n
Early C hristian Music
P la n s
w ere m ade for a c an t p arty to be
given W ednesday A pril 28. at the
W. G H are home.
Mis. P atterso n E ntertain»—
Mrs. P aul P atterso n was hostess
to P ortland alu m n ae c h a p te r of
G am m a Phi B eta for its regular
m onthly m eeting T uesday a fte r­
noon. Mesdames D onald T em pleton
of Hillsboro. Alex G. B row n and
(Iolin N eer of P ortland assisted her
Social ( lull M eets—
E astern S ta r Social club w ill
meet F riday at 1:30 p. m. w ith Mrs.
It R. E aster for dessert luncheon
and cards, sew ing, etc. Mesdames
J L. Searcy and J. H M urtoii are
hostesses. All E astern
S tars a re cordially invited.
Mis. ( om an H ostess—
Mrs. E dw ard C om an en tertain ed
a group of P o rtlan d friends at con­
tra c t bridge W ednesday evening.
CONLON WASHERS have always given the high­
est degree of satisfaction and service'. Conven­
ience, utility, beauty and satisfaction ¡ire built into
every CONLON. New features of design, finish
and convenience mark the 1937 models.
H ig h Q u a lity M a te ria ls
fo r Every Purpose
Mrs 11 F S taples en tertain ed
Wednesday A pril 14 w ith lu n c h ­
eon and co n tract bridge
T hree
tables w ere in play
Mrs .1 W.
Kelley m ade high score, and Mrs.
Thom as Bailey, second
Mrs Staples also en te rta in e d w ith
a luncheon Friday honoring Mrs
Reginald T Hicks, w ife of Re\
Hicks of All S aints Episcopal m is­
to fit your needs!
S a tu rd a y — 1 :3 0
Mrs. H. E. Staples
Hostess at Parties
Neivs Highlights
tor W ednesday
.V -'-
Rood W rites of
Training Life
M illw o r k
Tlmrmlny. Apri! 22. 1027
■ B
Roar with Martha ns »lie keeps
Bab h o p p in g a ll o v e r th e
■ «land! H ear h er warble lluit
m u hot ililly "O kolehao! ”
See the gorgeous w edding
icenes, the thrilling fire dnnee
willi hundred* o f grais-nkirletl
gal» iloing the sw ing liulii!
Plus Selected Short Subjects
■ ■ n
Il lakes a crook Io shield a crookf
A p r il 27 and 28
Tues. - W ed.
l) ir « r t* ( i i>y C h i'iity C abfjnnit. I'ro d u ca r.
C llll n»id.