T h u rsd ay , A pril IR, 19H7 TT i L L a n o n o W a s h in g to n arcu s , h t l l s r n r o , c r e c o x Paure Five County’s s Great Market Place - “Where the Buyer Meets Seller” \ R ieadv ead Market with Big Be ults at Little Cost — Classified ( 'oliimns Close at 9 A. M. W ednesday---- Too Late to ( las ify Accepted I n t i 1 1 P. M. Wednesday. Work Wanted 21. Seed», Plants 26. 30. ('■milt Hurds Send Money T io. p ent from F riday until Mon- Poultry Livefttock Orenco P.-T. A. S eattle. Wash., visiting Mr. THANKS to all the folks I plowed Ciiunt Your Profit» CNSEY - D urham fn - .h SAXTON A IMPROVED B antam sw eet e o r o ll u g t i e s L e g h o r n . B a r r e d K im k a n d GUI W. M eyer and Lunily. Mrs. for last spring 1 .«•( Ihe ri n team for ale; also ffcxid light w ork ■ ed ftn a If Bai nett s-m ile li l i o d e I s la n d K e il Chick» F ir • Insetlinn, per w ont 2c Each addllionul in ••rlliiii, p er Word 1c (N o scia Ice per Issue lea» th an 25c) plow > our g;u den again thl •••pi ing ea 1 .faektow n : chon! 7p t I I*’. Weihel I Hill sbon, Git I nr BURBANK ..eetl potutoe . : per “5 OX, II; A lbeit K ehrli. m ile ea I WOOD «wing, «aw filing, and o f O r e n e u 7tf * «'v gum m ing C harles Bucher, BIO S. Eighth Ave 29 tf 511.(10(1 Itisi Ilei rt .Iraw lierry plant hill grown. well rooted Mot/ Iiro Nm .ei V. < freneo 12. Sale or Trade— Misc. 7tf h one. Names Leaders: Group to Meet st; i d n S eattle fur several LOONEY P roducers of Q uality E H ickethier. C .'«•dar Mill. CHICK S from 2nd year h e n s ✓ SAND and GRAVEL Mrs Perry G ard n er and m ated ,o officially w ing banded h o r s e ;; COWS - MULES Plant located 4 m iles no rth of ith Ch arles G ard n er It O P cockerel Also N' .vH am p- f liire and a ( le afier, u tility grade FROM 50 200 head on hand a! F uit ¡t G rove on G ales C reek. Sunday. all times. New shipm of Rocks and R ed. E ith er sexed shipme ents arr P hone 1609 K Say you s.. v it in the Argus. or unsexed chicks All faxing Ing ' kly. We are In a positloi tfty Mr«. G all K arns) Reader«, per line JOc done by A m erican horn Japanese deliver I or a carload by tru ck o r­ ORENCO P -T . A. elect' d o ffi­ expert, and unconditionally g u a r­ d er O ur m otto is Q uick Sales and Black f.iee in-.tiling perm itted T h u rsd ay aftern o o n at ihe anteed Vi. it our h atch e ry a n d Sn ill Profits." G uaranteed as rep- cer ('a sh should aicu n ip an y order. breeding farm . See the chicks in re i d. F ree delivery. Interstate sehi.ol house as follows: Mrs. SKI.I. ir trade home eatm ed fi m t 22, Out of fulrm i to nil no Infor­ our brooders n o w . Inform ation Hoi - «V U ,w M arket. Union Ave. Hoague p resid en t: Mr F rank W ar­ Hay and Feed Bi: K Jack son St. m ation on the Chi .Ifled Page free on request. We custom batch and Uolumbia Blvd . Portland, O re- ren. vice-president; M r s . S u s a n 7|> R utschm an, secretary, and Mrs. CLEAN halisi oat and vetch hay. hen and tu rk ey eggs reliab ly and goo Many y ears In business. w ill be elven out until the 3-8 Q lam tanec. treasu rer. p ap er Is Issued. Barber Shops Fred Meyc r . lie 'll' G olf ( s a il e cheaply Floyd K arns Sr. and son Gail HUGHES SON HATCHERY 33. Rabbits spent several days last w eek in Notice haled tim othy h a y. 1080 E. O ak RICHARD'S B arb er »hop, haircut», Cl.KANKI) H illsboro S outhern O regon buying cattle. 913 50 Ion; w heat h aw , $3 ton B ecause of the ad ditional se rv ­ 25c, A tolia T elephone 3152. 52tf WANTED I. ■ rabbit». 3 '2 t« 5 tf Mr F rancis B ran d en b u rg spent 4L- Joe Baker, M ountaindale ice req u ired In h an d lin g Blind 7p Mak es Gardening a Pleasure Ih A ddre- ; 1125 N. E. '2nd the w eek-end at th e hom e of h er A di w ith uuHwer.s to be re It I It. hatching eggs, b. w. d. Avi 14. I or Sale— M iscellaneous BALED alfalfa hay, ortland. father. J R affety. of M ountaindale. Will call. 7-8p discolored, SH re iv e d oy the Argils u m in i­ tested good laying strain A M r and Mrs. G all K arns had as litui $12 tou W A Burleigh i 1 Zahler. Kt 1 near H elvetia m um eharge of 50 cents will 6tf 'SED i isihlc-bowl IM'i'Iilll' pum p H ere' a handy 6-inch, lig h tw e ig h t hoe th a t w eeds th e ir house guests S unday and M on­ m iles south 35. Furent B ill; Real Estate be m ade for tills lerviee. Golf Good condition. : 132 5(1 S iiihnow • course. day Mr. an d Mrs. G ordon Bacon of and p'llveriz«'- a t th e sam e tim e. The n arro w WANTED P oultry of all kinds Tills paper will not give out 6-8 lai age. II llbbui'o. 7 Write, will call, or bring F riday, 20 ACRES, all cleared, m ostly W il­ P ortland. Inform ation relativ e to such "i-inch high g rad e saw steel blade does not move Miss Susie Buzl of P o rtlan d spent OAT mid vet h hay for sale $10 S atu rd ay or .Monday before noon advertising. lam ette. g, e d graveled road, elec- the w eek-end w ith h er parent.-. M r HKD ee I n fence posts for sale. per ton M A. Sehappert. near F It. B arden. C ornelius. 34tf trleity. n ear m ain highw ay, $2000. and the soil aw ay from th e p lan ts but perm its it to go Mrs. Buzi. H untley, ' 1 n u ll- went R eedville 6-7p good term s. Witch Hazel .school, on old high- Norm a Jean and M ary Lou H ath ­ th ro u g h the open face of the hoe. Also av ailable RHODE Island Red chicks from our way Phone Hillsboi I 340IX. -ttf HALED oat and vetch hay for Announcement» own trap n este d liens, 9e each TEN acres. 2 acres cultivated, sm all aw ay of P ortland, grand d au g h ters w ith a 2 1 ¡.-inch w ide b lad e fo r use house, chicken house, 2 1/« m iles of Mr. and Mrs. G eorge G oodman, sale E I Donelson, * « - mile S an itary custom h atching hen and from town, electricity, gas, retu rn ed to th e ir hom e S unday after in narrow space. E A C H .......................... I Wil l, care for eld erly lady, in ­ N o TRESPASS. A partm ent forlient. north old high school. good 7p tu rk ey eggs. A se p arate c o m p a rt­ having spent a w eek w ith th e ir valid <>r convale'.eent, m niv own No Smoking, For Kent, For Sale. m ent for your eggs Also w ill trad e water. $1250, gixxl term s. IH" Il I II II, "HO III | |l I I |,"| ,, | ., | No Peddlers. No H andbills, ele,, FOH SA LE Haled oats and vetch I chicks for straw , wood or g ra in .- WE have .« v e ra l choice building g ran d p aren ts hay. P. J M erkel, n ear Mof- Mrs. M ary B each is spending sev­ foods, practical nursing, reasonable signs for »ale at th e A rgus. 27lf lots in H illsboro on good streets T hayer's, '¿-m ile ea. t of R eedville. fatt eral week v ith h e r daughter. Mrs. 6tf P hone B eaverton 1115 rates Mrs I. McFall, west G a ri­ 4tf at very reasonable prices. Call and H. N. Robinson a t For« ;t G rove. baldi S t , lllllb o to . T elephone PO H TI.AND saw service. Hand or get particulars. hay for sah- ■O. Society to Meet m achine, re tooth, .set. file, large VETCH and 2104 6-9 158 S. 3rd Ave H illsboro W G IDE Phene 1062 27. E Gibbons, B aseline St 4tf Women'.-, M issionary society w ill Pigs crosscut. circle, d rag a n d hand 316 E Main St. H illsboro m eet w ith Mrs. C arly le W ednesday saw. No 1 jobs 121 K M orrison 3. Dance», Entertainments TWO C h ester W hite brood sows at 2 p. m. Farm Produce S I , P ortland. 52-7p 23. for sale. Je rry Schw anke, Rt. 1. ACRE of land i n city lim its, im- M iss M arjorie M eyer of S eattle is Ihe social and program at the provem ent and fru it; price low.— spending Cornelius. Phone 8F15. 7-9 th e w eek w ith Eva B row n. M e a i ham -u-hool. S atu rd ay evening. SAND and gravel at reasonable BlIRHANK table potatoes fo r .sale, 205 W. G aribaldi Ave. 7p S unday d in n e r p a rty guests at the $2 per cwt Dave Merlo, 1 mile TWO C hester W hite sows, o n e prices, prom pt delivery F A. A pril 17. A good program consist W. H Ring hom e w ere Mr. and Mrs. 7 ing of songs, tup dam ing and tw o Vanaki n. Forest G rove. T elephone n orth of H uber. w ith 11 pigs. 3 w eeks old. and SEVEN -room house, garage, $1100. D elbert S helton of D allas. Mr and $150 dow n. 41-15p play No adin. ion but ladle., are IIKIHW or hom e 2IFI55. SEF.D potato«**-. N etted Gems. $2 one w ith 9 pigs, 10 days o ld —Jo h n FIV E-room house. fully furnished, Mrs. Jo h n n ie M ontgom ery and fam ­ requested to bring files 7 ily of C anby, Mr. and Mrs. W illard aek; at farm oil G ales C reek II T rachsel B eaverton. Rl 2. Box $1275. 16. Cam, Truck», Tire» M ontgom ery and fam ily of H ills­ nad Robert W arrens, F o r e s t 220; n ear B arnes school, I 11 miles SEVEN -room house, plastered, D auer at B ahn Grove itered. g a r­ boro. Mr. and Mrs. H enry S tum p no rthw est of B eaverton. W ill sell a t Public A uction th e follow ing described 7tf age. $1400. E «•ry S aturday night G o o d 1931 C hevrolet sport coupe and G rove P hone 1609W and Mr. and Mrs. S itesin g er of P o rt­ 1929 Dodge (I sedan for sale p ro p erty at my farm 3 m iles southw est of H illsboro, on mush (•cut? SEVE.N-'.veek •old pigs for sale.— SlX -room house, plastered, fire- land. liidit s fret 7 tip Farm Machinery place, old sew er. $1800 Sahim w G arage. H illsboro. 7 24. Dave Merli m ile no rth of Mrs Zoe Q uick re tu rn e d hom e Good Tim e Dance FG UR-room house, plastered gar- S atu rd ay a fte r having sp en t tw o H uber. age. large lot, some fu rn itu re , w eeks w ith h e r daughter. Mrs. F red At G range hall every S aturday IIARI EY I)svid..oii m otorcycle for SMAI I. C ham pion eream separa- tor. 5-tooth cu ltiv ato r, for sale TEN w hite pigs fu r sale. S J $2000. ‘ sale Fritz Vatidehey. 4 1- mile? night G eorgia Hess o rchestra Ad K rep. at N ea Bay, W ash. 7-K|> Piioin 961 ‘P Valley. Aloha. mission 25c. Ifltf m>clh Fore t G rove A lb ert B erw ick has been doing 7p FIV E-room house. shakes, garage, Team ho; es, m ow er, rak e , plow, spring-tooth h arro w , $2000. ex ten siv e rem odeling and d eco rat­ FOR SA LE $80 eq u ity in new TRACTOR disc. 8-foot John D<*ere; O I. C w eanling pig.;. $■• each C SEVEN-room house, large lot, close ing on his house. spike-tooth h arro w , set h arness, w agon. 7 tons o at and N ewspapers also 2-liui e horse disc, fur sale. Ford V-8. A lai 14 Huff Cochin J H erb. F orest G rove. Rt 2: in $2500. Mrs. Ellen L u ster of P ortland vetch hay, 10 sacks w heat, tw o 1 0 -g a llo n m ilk cans, J o h n Pubnls. Rt 4. H illsbom ; n e a r Banks. hens; 2 roosters A lbert T( »WNSFNI) N ational •klv and Hanty 7-8 FO UR-room house, brand n e w , spent several days at th e hom e ef w h eelb arro w . ,30 hens, some household fu rn itu re , and n ear Wi st Union. Sehlaefli. A loha 6-7 7tf Tow nsend literatu re Mrs. W. H. Ring. ah- at basem ent, furnace, $2500 all sm all tools usually found on a farm . Mac'.-. Sw eet Shop. 322 F Wash- 28. Horses Social Success FfV E-room house, m odem , garage, 1930 model Dodge tun truck, good SIX - foot M cCorm ick bin d er i n ington. Boy Scouts a n d th e ir sponsors $2650. 5-8 good w orking condition: sell or YOUNG m atched team . 3 y ears condition, for sale o r trad e TERM S: CASH SEVEN-room house, garage, t j - a re gratefu l to th e folks w ho h elp­ 5tf tra d e for livestock J. Hansen. Rt OREGONIAN Daily. 45c, d aily and Ray Delsm an. G aribaldi St. old. broke and gentle; 5-year- ed m ake th e ir en te rta in m e n t and acre. lots of fruit. $3200. 2. B eavertn. Box 301; n o rth of nld Bay chunk: Bay team . $140; Sunday, B5c; Sunday. R)e copy. basket social a success. T hev m ade SIX -room m odern house, garage, 1932 l '» - t o n Ford Aloha. H. A. Kuratli, Auctioneer "P cheap w ork horse. L. K. Fiske. Bill Boscow. P lm u e' 1052. 152 N FOR SALE $20. Proceeds w ill be used for Boy- Mrs. F. C. Francis, Owner $4000. truck, reasonably priced, h u t no 4th C ornelius. 7tf ALL THE above places can be Scout equipm ent such as A m erican 53tf trad e O regon M onum ent W ork. CORN p lan ter for sale William flag. Boy Scout flag and bugle. H arris, Box ¡4. Ht I T elephone WANTED H ealthy old horses for t bought on reasonable term s. H illsboro 4tf 5. Lost and Found Mr. and Mrs. W. E. B row n and . E. A. G R IFFIT H 6R7 61 f fox feed P hone 2091Z. 7-12p Second Ave. H illsboro Refrigerators fci'.N i'SIS O f ANNI \r. STATEMENT LOST T raveling bag co ntaining 17. MONTOR single-disc d rill for sale NEW S hipm ent of 36 S herm an OF THE ruine it. trousers, p air of hoot». MODERN houses, close in. to trad e o r trad e; also w ooden-w heeled NEW Faitbanks-M oi e refrig erato r, county horses, ages 3 to sm ooth State M utual Life etc L eave at Argil. Lou Brown, for farm property. Also m odern wagon and rack: 8-m onths-old J e r ­ model C-6. 113 cubie ft. capacity. m outh: also Fordson tracto r: baled Rl i. H illsboro 7p Assurance Company H aving re n te d my farm and re tire d , will sell a t Public R egularly $199 50 Now only $125 sey bull calf G ran t Dodge, Rt. 2. hay and straw , prices rig h t.—A. S 5-room house in P o rtlan d fo r H ills­ \( rcester, in the Slate of Ma—achueette, on Hillsboro. Phone 38R15. 6tf M ellebeke E leeetric Store. Ilills- Eischen. G aston. 4tf boro hom e or farm —233 N. T hird of Sale tho follov. ing p erso n al p ro p erty a t my farm 9 miles LOST N ear N orth Plains tru ck the t t.;r'y-i.r-: J;,;. : Ih- . ■ , ; - . Ave. P hone 2091Z Hillsboro. Gif (ho Insurance C cnnni—loner of thy State of 7 tire and wheel. F iske cord. 34x7. ' north of H illsboro, and 2 m iles no rth of Connell Station TW O -hor a- disc, tongue and tru ck El ill SA LE or trad e. 10 head of Oregon, p u r,ra n t to tan ■ R ew ard F J Beehill, G resham $22.50 W A B urleigh. 1 '2 m iles C a p ita l on M ason Hill ro ad, horses, ranging from 1100 to 1600 40 ACRES, 27 m iles frum P ortland. . Amount of capital atock Furniture, Pianos P hone Ore- ham 4(183 7p 19. paid up S M0 10 acres, easy cleared, good w ater. ; so u th F o re st H ills G olf course. 6-8 A ttractiv e paym ent plan — R a y Incom a lots of wood.—J . N. Jepson, Rt. 2. Total premium income for the LOST Della Chi jew eled fr a te r­ USED .square tub M aytag electric 18-20 new Case tracto r, cost $1100. Delsm an, G aribaldi St. T elephone C ornelius. P hone 1718W. 6tt , real- . .............................. i js.eo3.tu 70 w asher. $15 Used sq u are tub 2107. 4tf n ity j o . R i a u i I McKinney at la 'a rc -t, dividends and rents re- plow ed less th an 100 acres, first Argus. 6lf Briggs - S tra tto n gas eng in e w ash ­ class condition. $450 cash: 2-scction eeived during ttie y e a r ............. 7,738,(75 32 SELL or T rad e—E quity in 80-acre T eam horses. 1750 lbs. and 1400, lb s.; 14 fine dairy W ANTED Old horses fo r fox feed Income (rom other - urces re- e r $611 New w asher guarantee- ranch; 30 acres cultivated. 5- harrow , slightly used. $25; tracto r - I during the year.............. (.139.917 2» cows, heavy producers, th re e fresh , 4 to fresh en in July, —P hone 2107. 42tf M ilteb ek e E lectric Store. H ills­ sled, cost $30. for $15; tw o 1200- 6. Building, M odernizing room house, barn Total in c o m e ...................... ( 30,932,4(3.20 for 20 head boro. 7 a com plete reco rd will be given of each cow a t tim e of chi k size B uckeye b rooder at half HORSES If in th e m ark et for stock, sp rin g w ater; fo r acreage in Ta;d for losses, Disbursements endowment-, an- HAVE license for plum bing. s<-wer horses o r mules, try I.ents Stables. valley. — W rite Rt. 1. Box 141. - a le : ! larg e h eifers to fresh en in S e p tem b e r; 15 m onths price; tw o 1000-chick size B uckeye nuitie-and surrender value- . S 11,901,533.16 connections, etc Specialize in a ir- ONE piano only to be rcpoiucs- brooders at h alf price; one new We carry a good v ariety m ost of Banks. 8-7p D ividend- paid to policy-holders H o lstein b u ll: 4 shoats. a b o u t 150 lbs. e a c h ; 25 A ngora d in th is vicinity, to be sold during the y ear........................... conditioning and plum bing F n d 3,411,S2?.h6 dick hand and p ow er cu tter, slig h t­ th e time. P riced rig h t w ith money ividend- paid on capital stock g o ats; 1 dozen Leghorn hens; larg e St. B ern ard dog; B raun. 19 W F ust Ave N . Forest fur balance $145. $10 dow n $5 per ly used, cost $58. for $30. FOR S A L E —C en trally located in D during back g u aran tee o r free tria l.—Lo­ the year........................... 000 C ollins A E rw in Piano G rove P hone 215 7-10 monili H illsboro on good lot. ti le - c o n ­ Commi—ions and salaries paid b in d e r; b in d e r; m ow er; r a k e ; m an u re s p re a d e r; cated 115th St. F oster road: one C A. BEYER C o. A lderw ay B uilding. P ortland. during the y e a r .. ..................... T igard. O regon m ile east of Lents; H enry Baum er. stru cted 7-room house and garage. Taxes, licenses and fees paid d u r­ >n; papec with 5 feel p ip e ; Ironage potato p la n te r: 6-7 Rt. 1. Box 254 l ’HONE 734 for price on sew er job ' I [on. O ak floors, built-ins, full basem ent, prop; Rt. 3. Box 1388, P ortland ing the year................................. '•87.493 33 com plete, also all plum bing co n ­ 12 h. p. engine w ith feed c h o p p e r; disc; sprin g -to o th and fu r n a c e —F o r p articu lars w rite W. Amount of all other expenditure? 5.310.691.73 53tf S P IK E -tooth harrow s, cultivators. O regon. Fuel nection 11 C. S chulm crich, 463 20. TotaJ exis-nditures............ | 23,705,775.06 spike-tooth h a rro w ; 1 and 2-horse c u ltiv a to r: 10-hoe disc E Jacobson, ow ner, 721 West 10th w heelbarrow s, for sale; w ill tak e Jackson St. 49tf Ave.. Eugene. Ore. 6-9 value of real estate Assets Cattle d rill: O riole m ilk cooler and ta n k ; six 10-gallon m ilk owned t'book HAVE 50 cords of ald er and co t­ old ones In trad e Jo e V anouden- 29. liaegcn, 1*4 m iles n o rth C o rn e­ I U.MMMJM c an s: electric hot w a te r h e a te r and tu b s; some household tonw ood for saw ing W rite W 8. W anted— M iscellaneous HAVE client w ith all cash ready value of stocks and bonds owned THREE-.vear-old reg istered G u e rn ­ 5-7p Brooks. Box 235, P ortland. Rt. 2. 7 lius. (stocks market value, bonds to buy 20 to 35 acres im proved. goods; sm all tools usually found on a farm . sey bull for s a le .— C arl Cam cn- am ortised)....... ............................ 73.153,357.69 WANTED Used silo. 10x34 or 36 See us at once.—F. O. Eagon, on Xmans zind. 1 '2 m iles w est of Hillsboro. OLIVER T racto rs and farm tools. on mortgage- and collateral, TERMS OF SALE: U p to $20 cash; over $20 six m onths’ tim e S. SchiH'iibachcr. Seed», Plants Sherw ood. 21. etc.................................................. 38.732.384.13 highw ay. H illsboro. P hone 801. 5tf M yers p u m p s —J a c k Foster, 150 Rt. 4 ' »« and i I an- . 30.482.4M.89 b an k ab le note. 8%. "P E. Main St.. H illsboro. 43tf DAIRY and fam ily cow s fo r sale, Cash in bangs and on h a n d ......... ST REGIS ev erb earin g rasp b erry 4,471,598.13 L unch w ill be served by the H elvetia S unshine C lub cash or term s. No dow n paym ent FOR SA LE—5-room m odern house, Net uorc'Uected and deferred SEC O N D -hand A lcm itc grease gun plants. 5c each. $3 50 p er 100 — LICEN SED stock trallen, 2 -co w necessary, w ith m onthly paym ents about 2 acres.—M ark G ensib, Rt. p re m iu m s.................................... 3.662.902 65 FRED RUEFENER, Owner H. A. Kuratli, Auctioneer w anted, sm all. J I. A rgus 7tf O A McLeod, Box 43. Rt. 5. H ills­ capacity, ren t $1 p er day. L ight as low as $5 per m o n th .’— Gail 5 . _____________________________ 4tf Interact andrentsdueandaecrued 2,170,088 M Other assets (n et).................. . .. . __ 118.773 SO boro. 7 tra ile rs m ade to o rd er A uto p arts K arns, O renco. P hone H illsboro W ANTED Tin- re tu rn tu V eterans' Total adm itted assets. . »169.151,604 54) 16tf 37. For Rent— Rooms, Apts. and farm m achinery L. V. Hulit. 2621X. L iab ilitie s hall of the large coffee pot and SIXTY sacks m ountain g r o w n 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf Net re s e rv e s ,......... .1135/73.745 «4 o th er cooking utensil» w hich have Hui bank seed potatoes Also light TWO fresh G uernsey cows. G u ern ­ FURNISHED 1 - room apartm ent, Grom* nlaim* for losses unpaid •79.061.11 All other 1 uibilitie.<....... been ta k e n from th e hall on West w eight farm wagon 22.947.6W 33 A Z ahler. 25. sey bull; also brood sow for sale. one person.—509 E su itab le for Sheep, Goats Total liabilities, except Main strei't Thi s«' are needed e v ­ Rl 1. Hillsboro; n ear H elvetia 6tf —M ike Zahl. Rt. 1, H illsboro. 6-7p Jackson. 7p capital........................... $15S,G00.430 ery w eek, and th e w om en’s o rg an ­ HAVING q u it farm ing, w ill sell Capital paid u p ......................... S 000 FOR SALE W ashington county izations are anxious to have them HAVE YOU A ROOM Surplus over r all liabilities....... all my sheep. 13 goixl ew es not TWO cows, one fresh an d o ne to $ 10.251.165 21 Red Dent seed corn. W. T. P u t­ old. from $4 50 to 5.50 each, u n ­ freshen soon.—Ed K am na. Phone O r a house for r e n t’ In q u iries are S urplut as regards policyholders S retu rn ed . 7 nam Ar Sons, Rt. 2. 5-9 shorn; 14 good big early lam bs, 1041Y. H illsboro. 6tf Total.. »l69.lil.W 4.iJ being received at th e A rgus of­ WANT sm all m ale fox terrie r J usiness in O regon for th e T ear soon be ready for m ark et, from $3 FR ESH cow. fresh heifer. Jersey fice daily for rooms, ap artm en ts and Gri — B premiums received curing HOYSENBEHRY plants, s t r o n g , It llolunnnn. Forest Grove. "P houses. Those w ho in q u ire a re r e ­ tho year . » 3S.C49.24 well rooted, now ready. W. S to $4 each, w ill sell in lots o r any sp rin g er Sheldon N orthrup. O r­ ferred to th e A rgus classified col­ Premiums and dividend-returned W ANTED 16 >r 18-inch Fordson H untley. Q -inile west W itch lla /c l way convenient. Also about 6 tons enco; in q u ire at store. 6tf umns. during (tie year........................... 4,884.74 Looses paid during «tie veor. 4.211.57 bottom plow. Ed Schoeler, Rt. 2. school on old highw ay. T elephone baled S w ale hay. good horse or m ule feed, no weeds, no waste. STATE MUTUAL LIKE ASSURANCE TWO heifers, fresh about th ree H illsboro 34O1X. 4tf C ornelius 7p COMPANY For Rent— Houses $10 ton F rancis C halm ers. C o rn e­ m onths.—E E. Rice. Rt. 1. Banks: 38. C IIV N D I.l 9 111 [.LOCK. President 6tf M ountaindale. WANT 2-horse grain d rill W id e FRANQUETTE w alnut and filbert lius. P hone H illsboro 10FX6 N PI.SON P W ood , s -r e - a r y 6-7p FOR R E N T —4-room house, large Statutory resident attorney for service trees for sale. We carry a com ­ W. Brooks. Box 235. P ortland, Rt chicken house. 8 acres. $15 a EI.M Elt E. rE TE R SO N . Poultry FO R SA LE 2 cows, Jersey and 2. 7 plete line of n u rsery stock, fruit, 26. m onth.—G eorge H. P etrovich. 2nd Sw iss.—G. W. S heppard, Rt. 1. shade and orn am en tal trees, shrubs, WANTED to Buy Old cows, fresh ruses and sm all fruits. W rite for HARD coal brooder, cheap L. A. C ornelius; P u m pkin Ridge. 6-7 house to left, south of highw ay at Tobias. 7p Ellinger. first house west county eggs (cases) nod hides. Must be list. Low prices Rich Sons G EN TLE Je rse y cow. 4 years old, reasonable W rite 10780 Argus. 6tf N ursery. Rt. 4. H illsboro; 1 mile home. Phone 3402. Pasture $50 -T. R. A very. Rt. 1. Box 23. 39. n o rth east O renco. 7-9 F O R SALE F rench Toulouse H illsboro; 5 m iles no rth . WANTED Shelled filbert meats, 7tf W ANTED—H eifers to ru n on pas­ gt'ese; w h ite P ekin ducks. All orchard run. pay 32c 11« K ernel FOR SALE H oysenhcrry plants ture. by m onth, m ust be from Meat P ro d u cts C o . 3529 S. E. H aw ­ T. II. P itm an. Hillsboro, Rl. 4 good b reed in g stock. All laying EIG HT head cows, Jersey . G u e rn ­ sey and H olstein: one Jersey bull c 1 e a n herd. — Ray M ontgom ery. thorne, P o rtlan d , 6-7p East. P hone 1158. 2tf P rice reasonable D. Lnzuck. l ' j 7-#p m iles n o rth of Ju n io r high school, for sale.—C o rn eliu s Ott. 2Vi miles Mountaindale. WE w ill buy ns soon as m ark et op­ FR U IT trees, all varieties, h i l l on Rt. 1. 7-8 w est L aurel; at F ir G rove school. ens d ried and fresh blackcaps. Also 40. For Rent, Farms, Acrge. grow ing, highest q uality. C om ­ ch erries for barrelling, at H S. p lete lin e of n u rsery sto rk For BARRED Rocks, day-old to 3 JE R SEY cow, y e arlin g p urebred (¡lie Sr Co.'s packing house, N ew ­ landscaping y o u r hom e see Motz For Rent Jerse y bull, fo r sale.—Mrs. E. w eeks old; R. I. Reds this week berg, 31 f B rothers' N ursery, Orenco. P hone and later; 300 10-day old Leghorn B rogden S tew art, Rt. 4. Hillsboro. 7-room house, barn, m ilk house, p o u ltry house. 30 acres pasture. 2624 H illsboro. 41tf pullets. L ate season prices now in IE VOU HAVE SOMETHING effect H ughes .V Sou H atchery. OLD n ew spapers fo r sale, 10 cents 5 acres garden, potato an d corn TO sell and are in a lilg h u r­ bundle.—A rgus. CAM ELLIAS, DAPHNES, nam ed 1080 E. Oak. Hillsboro. 18tf land. 6 m iles from tow n in very 7 HE McCormick-Deering T-20 TracTracTor pro­ ry to sell it, let th e classified rhododendrons, an d m any o th er nice locality on a good road, grade ad v ertisin g d ep artm en t of the choice sh ru b s and trees, flow ering TURKEY eggs for sale; poults, vides efficient, low-cost crawler performance under school, high school bus service, H illsboro A rgus prove its a b il­ and sh ad e trees, fru it trees, w a l­ read y May 20. F. H. Bowlby, electricity, lots of fru it and nuts, the toughest working conditions. It can be depended ity as a speedy an d efficient nuts. filberts. B oysenberries, grapes Rt. 2, C ornelius. P hone 3292. 7-9p $20 m onth. Instruct Y our A ttorn ey sales m edium . tf and sm all fru its. L an d scap in g — 1 on for sure-footed traction on sandy, wet, or extremely W. G. IDE com e to th e n u rsery w h ere th e BETTER Red chick», $8.00; Red to Publish Y our 316 E. M ain St. H illsboro soft soil, and on steep hillsides. Help W anted 9. p lan ts nre grow ing to m ake your cockerels. $6.50; B etter Leghorns. selection. S to u t's N ursery. *j- $7.50; pullet chicks, guaranteed 99r; The TracTracTor is the most accessible crawler t h a t are in creasin g h ig h ­ 41. Loans W ANTED Goorl farm band Hen niile so u th east of O renco, Rt. 4. pullets, $17 fur 100; L e g h o r n w ay h a z a rd s fo r b o t h tractor on the market. All parts, steering clutches, Uoussens. Phone H illsboro 31FX. Hillsboro. P hone 2620. 3tf cockerels, le. D on't come Sundays. Money (o Loan in the th e ir drivers an d o th e r and brakes are so readily accessible that upkeep costs Hart's Hatchery, Beaverton, 7tf WANT experienced girl for g en ­ EVERGREEN 5*2% m oney to loan on good im ­ S hrubs, trees, well m otorists. T h ey 're w an ted eral housew ork. P hone 3381 or proved farm s.—E. A. G riffith, 131 are surprisingly low. All moving parts are sealed grow n, clean, m any v arieties of BROODER stove, uses coal o r . 2nd Ave. 31tf call at 244 N. T hird Ave. 7 cypress, ju n ip ers, arb o rv ita c, yew. b riq u ets E. C. M cElroy. Stacey against entrance of sand, dust, mud, water, etc. at rhodos, azalea, daphne, box, laurel, Ave., A loha; in q u ire evenings. 7p Home Loans W ANTED Wood cutters: 100 cords heather, etc. E x p ert landscape d e ­ We shall be glad to demonstrate the TracTracTor pole oak. Will pay $2 |>er cord signs (advice free). More th an 50 For building, buying o r re fin a n c ­ at your convenience. elim inates a n y ques­ for cu ttin g .—P hone Staples, 3071, y ears’ ex p erien ce nt y o u r service. ing on city or acreage property. HANSON STRAIN H illsboro. 6-7 M onthly paym ents as low as $9.56 Patil D rew N ursery, location east tion of leg ality of p u b ­ ■nrrnEKM per m onth per $1000. including in ­ end of 8th St., B eaverton. P hone ¡L E G H O R N chick.s a n d d a y -o ld lication. WANT S ix ty people to plant s tra w ­ 11805. pullets from pu llo ru m tested hens 34-7 terest. — W ashington S a v i n g s A berries. a t L aurel K. I. Shigeno. Third and Lincoln St and ltigh double pedigreed males. i « n , iiiii-!ii> i'i> ____ ______ 39tf Banks, Rt. 1; 25c an hour. 5-7p Dorsett Strawberry Plants L arge hens, large eggs and a ll' Hillsboro 44. O ffice Supplies BERRIES su p erio r in q uality, flav ­ produced on o u r own tra p nest saves tim e a n d ex­ 10, Work Wanted or. hardiness, production and an b reed in g farm . D ay-old cockerels REM EM BER pense. O FFIC E desks fo r sale. W est-M ade; fo r an eye exam in atio n ex cellen t shipper. B ring 40 to 50 at low prices for broilers. Folder a n d rep la ce m e n t of th e WOMAN w ith 16-monlhs-old baby cents a cra te m ore. P lan ts $6 per I w ith price. products in v a rie ty of designs POULTRY DAIRY w ants housew ork. $10 tier month. thousand. Special q u an tity price. PA U L DUDI.EY and woixls. H illsboro Argus, H ills­ m issing lam p. D on’t d elay Mrs. Erm n A rdeel. 517 E. W alnut H. M. T ucker, Rt. 1, Box 330, B or­ 'J-m ilo south Aloha. P hone B eav er-' boro agent. 4tf I — com e in to d ay before FEEDS FEEDS p rev en ts d elay s due to St.. H illsboro. 7p ing. 3-7 ton 0618. Mail; Rt. 1, Beaverton, O FFIC E S U P P L IE S - Typewrit«''' s o ni e o th e r m otorist O regon. 54-7! ty p o g ra p h ic a l erro rs. HORSESHOEING nt your place paper, second sheets, carbon pa-1 BURBANK seed and tatito potatoes! and C om p lete Line C hick Feeds m akes a w rong guess. Red C hicks per. m im eograph paper, stationery, R obinson Shop, F orest Grove. for salp. — C laude W illiams, 3 m anila folders, box files, ru b b er P hone 48M. 6-9p m iles east Banks. 7-8p S. C. Rhode Island Reds. All b re e d ­ S p ecify the ers on ow n farm , tested for 11. W. stam ps ty p e w rite r ribbons, binders, W e service all m akes and W ANTED Farm w ork by acre or EXTRA good m ountain B urbank D. by O regon S tate college: $10 per m ucilage, th u m b tacks. ru b b e r m odels of cars. hour. H ave new 22-C aterpillar potatoes. No. 1. $2 cw t; B urbank 100; one w eek started . $11 p er 100. bands, staplers, p aper clips, and tractor. C h arles Sellers. P h o n e' seed potatoes. $2 cwt. Jo h n S in ­ P repaid. Schulz Bros., Rt. 2, Box p ap er cups. Fill vour needs a t th e Phone 271 160 W. Main St. 14F4, o r 17F4, Forest Grove. 5-7p clair, Kt. 3. H illsboro. ,5ptf 406, P o rtlan d . Ore. 4tf H ILLSB O RO ARGUS tf Something New! A Speedy - Weeder w. s 75c HEINRICH BROS. P U B L IC S A L E Saturday, April 17, at 1 P.M . P U B L IC S A L E Wednesday, April 21, at 10 A. M. A The Most Accessible Crawler Tractor on the Market WANTED ONE-EYED CARS T LEGAL NOTICES Hillsboro Argus I Proven Circulation I Complete Service SA H N O W GARAGE McCORMICK- DEERING | rac | rac | or I Careful Checking I. X . L . Hillsboro Argus HILLSBORO FEED CO.