P a y e E ight li 1 I. L S B O R O A R G V S . H IL L S B O R O . County Grange Council Meets Buxton April 14 OKKOON Scholls League to Elect; Club Plans Benefit T hursday. April 8, I93Z HILHI NEWS Illy E velyn Ilal field I Volume II l e p u l l e d Io h a v e p u r c h a s e d a f.u i l l I31.. miles north o f I'orllund lie b e lie v e s t h e p la c e Is lo i'a le d n e a r ! the W ashington county lines and C olom bia T hursday. A pril H, 1937 lllll.-boro A rgus eon lain» all tin new s of H illsboro and the aur- G irl R eserves O bserve Week now milking sandw ich trays oui (Bv M n . J m w Mfyersl roundtug conm iunlties. Read II iBy Lorraine Di'iiimin) This w e e k . A p ril 3 to II. is C o rl paper plates by painting and sh» BUXTON—G ran g e county council and keep Inform ed oi w hat b SCHOLLS The Epw orth league R eserve week A progruni is lacking them w ill meet a t the G range hall April tf h a p p e n in g a t h o m e election of officers will he held at planned for each day w ith the c o r­ 7 - by WhoaiU 14 w ith G reen M ountain G range. the M E church Sunday evening llo hum i.vaw ni. hack to school responding com m ittee in charge Officers to Visit Mrs Nellie B arrell of Newliorg is S aturday (here was a ( ’am p C u ra again I for som e of tisl Of course it W. B. A. w ill hold an all day m eet­ visiting h er sister. Mrs .1 W Hoy- van to the new sum m er G irl R e­ ruined most of tin- tim e d u rin g va Fishing T ackle ing w ith d in n er at th eir hall A pril nurd. and fam ily serve cam p F our lliiln g u ts a tte n d ­ cation I hope all you c guys hail a 14. Mrs. Ju lia V. W ard. WBA state Guns, A m m unition ed Sunday all the G It s attended good tunc B enefit Tuesday field directo r for Oregon, and Mrs. church at O reneo Miss W inona Y ou » an t e ll w h a t L o u is e G r u z i n The Scholls W om en's club will T (O R W IN IIAKDWAKE E lizabeth B arker, health supervisor u rn e r w as spe.iki r As Monday t h i n k s o f B o ti S t h e f a m ily d o g is H ive a one o'clock benefit pot luck of P ortland, w ill be present All I’hon ' I .'X S. 2nd Ave. was Service day. the girls brought nam ed a fte r him! luncheon at the church parlors m em bers a re requested to atten d if Agent Long Radios S pring track train in g is begin Tuesday M rs s S S team » M rs all th eir old m agazines to school t„ possible. William B C handlee and Mrs M 11 give away Tuesday evening Jean lung stiffness and m ore linim ent H arley Q uier left March 27 on his Person, the president, was hostess rubbing an ticipatisl by us B osorth Will be joint hostesses an n u al sheep-shearing tour, going To a cerium hiaseullinwin one of Among S unday guests at the at a Fireside m eeting at her home first to C alifornia and later to Idaho. Mis Peters, th eir guest, told about Mi s M cDonald s inot th v n n c who Lloyd M urray homo won- E .1 lia r A boy w as born to Mr and Mrs her recent trip to W ashington I) C Ilion of Valsetz and H atrick Dahl of had a farm» .science classes: That H arley Stow ell of M cM inville M arch W ednesday was school day T h u rs­ blonde gal whom you've been Silverton. 14. The Stow clls form erly lived n ear day they hiked to the Bov Scout , Miss N adine \\ ohlschlegcl spent w atching is none o th er than V ir­ here. last week at th e hom e of h er uncle cam p out by N orth P lain s' Friday ginia Havens C elebrates B irthday night is tlie D ad-D aughter banquet and aunt. Mr and Mrs Lewis Hulit Alma E slinger once said lat a Mrs. Elsie K elly gave a "500" card at Reed college commons. Dixie la c , m Newberg p a rty on her birth d ay March 31 at McDowell, past president, will give party» that she practically .sustain­ Mr and Mrs M yron A u th an l and 1 I k - O ld Q uaker < «» , I a w i i n I h u r f . I n ed life from pickles lienee the h e r hom e n ear here Present w ere A lio son. w ho cam e h ere several m onths Hie toast to the dads Sunday th ere lithe figure lint don't believe a n y ­ Mrs. F red H arty and son O rval of w ill be a church service in P o rt­ vo ^ c " VNL,‘ V ago because of th e serious illness of thing you tiear we saw her guzz­ H illsboro, the Misses Louise and land com bined w ith a ring cere­ her father. E rank Miller, left Friday M arie Tolke and Ed Tolke of n ear mony V elm a A hendrotli has charge ling a chocolate lo r was it a straw for th eir hom e in M utual. O kla. N orth Plain.« Mr. and Mrs. C hris b v rrry ’’» soda one day w hich r e ­ M iss Ila Jones of P o rtlan d spent of the publicity T olke and Billy and N orm a of The S enators a re m aking plans mind.« us did io n know that she s BRAMO the w eek-end at the F red C arlson Banks. Mr and Mrs. I. M Bvbee. for th eir annual d in n er dance to be quite an ath lete ' (Pl yes she has a home. »TRAIOHT BOURBON WHIBKIY Mr. an d M rs W. H. Hiddink.' Mr. given in May. m ail's nw cater n' everything l e t l c i A good crow d c h ariv aricd Mr. and and Mrs L. Oland. Mr. and Mrs Miss Potts atten d ed Uie spring A p revailing m ystery ot three M rs Joe Jackson at the Mrs. Rose W illiam Klum. Mr. and Mrs. John m eeting of the S late Physical Edu w eeks' d u ratio n is who Is the tall Jackson place S unday night W agner. Mrs. O. H. Stow ell. G eorge 1 he last of th e series of card p a r ­ cation association in Eugene last 1 blonde w ho has a shiny c ar in Hollenbeck. G eorge Bledsoe. Mrs ties sponsored by the R uby Rebekah week, and also tlie opening of tlie w hich he drives Did Barr a ro u n d ’ Jessie Tillm an. G eorge Fisher. Eva * Phz. noli* t h e u s e o f p r e p o s itio n s club was given last W ednesday e v e ­ new gym nasium Benefiel. Elsie M eyers and Mr. and Mr S talley spent In s vacation al m that last sentence » ning Mrs. Rose Demmin received Mrs. Kelly. Six tables w ere in play grand prize for pinochle and J It Ins hom e ill C orvallis, m aking a Som e of M is: Nex' classes would A card p arty w as given by the garden and playing m arbles w dh ap p reciate som e new dictation. M oore for "500." his son. W B. A ladies at th e hall F rid ay Bought - Sold and Mrs F red G ruff, who has been C ontinued n ext week Whozit night. Five tables of cribbage and Juniors M in at the tuberculosis san itariu m for C onsigned one of ’500' w ere in play. High hon­ the past ten m onths, spent las! week In the recent basketball to u rn a ­ Seeks B riither ors in cribbage w ere won by Mrs. at the hom e of her parents. M r and m ent betw een th e »'lasses thi* ju n ­ S (' D uvall. 36 N E Sacram ento V eta C earljr and Mrs. P earl Watson Mrs C W L arkin. iors, w ith Beulah S h attu ck a - c a p - low, high score in "500" by Elsie tain, w ere the w inners. G irls' gym street. Portland. who recently came a re requested to brin g flow ers M eyers and Russell Pow ell low. classes a re now playing indoor b ase­ out here from Iowa, was m H ills­ boro Monday looking for his b ro th ­ L adies' Aid of th e P resb y terian M is Edw ard Neil and tw o c h il­ ball. church quilted for Mrs. J. Benefiel dren i Anne G rab h o rm have been Miss W eatherred w as a visitor at er, C lyde II Duvall, w ho has been ululili our last w eek. visiting for a w eek or m ore at the V ictoria anil V ancouver II G . d u r ­ m O regon since O ctober and is home of her parents. Mr and Mrs ing vacation. Program Given H E G rabhorn and sister. Mrs A uditorium program Friday at Rehearse for I’lav Roy Bierly. Mr Neil expects to th is school consisted of tw o songs R ehearsal is now in progres for Dr. I’. G. join them later. by th e school, reading by E leanor the senior play. B ridal Chorus, to Pow ell, story by M elvin Canby, song Mrs. A della W. Kindt. M i s s be given in May The play ti lts the by first and fourth grade pupils, give a fair rep o rt of w hat tak es m ovem ent w as in the rig h t d ire c ­ E leanor K indt and Hillis K indt of story of a fam ily in a little southern ' place. readings by E dgar Vacca and L ester tion. P ortland, w ho form erly resided on tow n, and of alt th e com m otion a D eclare your in d ep en d ­ Moen, solo by E unella Vacca. re a d ­ O nly one bill especially affected A mong th e bills w hich failed, w hat is now th e H J. V alentine w edding can cause ing by A rth u r Sim onton, song by this county, he declared, and this w ere those dealing w ith stream pol­ place, and Mr. and Mrs A P H er­ Miss H ougucz and Je a n Ann C on­ en ce of used car troubles fifth and eighth grades, song by all. w as th e law re g u latin g th e office lution. Ross rem arked. This, he said, rick of Sellwood, w ere guests S u n ­ nell visited at E ugene and C o rv a lh ; (C o n tin u ed fro m pace 1» Ten visitors w ere present. last w eek. w as a vital problem an d should have protected, w hile the w orkingm an hours in th e co u rt house, keeping had consideration at this session. day of Mr. and Mrs. E L. Cox Have New Piano Two new ju n io rs en tered school th e offices open at noon each day 1935 W illy» Sedan Some rep airs have been m ade in Lucille M artin en tered B uxton school ch ild ren w ere and th e m erch an ts had no p ro tec­ and closing all offices at 1 p. m. on H ow ever, he said he believed n a ­ the in terio r of th e church d u ring M onday Perfect m echanical conditi tion. He ex plained th at the c e rtifi­ tional legislation w ould f o l l o w g reatly pleased on arriv in g at school from Selah Hi in Y akim a and F ra n ­ S atu rd ay a fter Ju n e. ( îu iiiiif!.il w ith cream whei w hich m ight be of some assistance. the past w eek. A new room has ces S m ith from S heridan. Iowa last W ednesday m orn i n g. T h e y cates w ere first liens against the À value }«*u c a n 't beat Vote More C ontrol been m ade in th e low er part of A mong those w ho w ere rcen found a new piano, w hich had been lum ber and so prev en ted th e la­ Of his attem p t to lim it speed of S ev eral m easures h aving to do the tow er w hich w ill be used for a about school on S enior Dress-Up b o rer from attach in g this product purchased by the school board. autom obiles by application of a con­ 1935 Old» Sedan for back w ages w ith th e conse­ w ith m ilk control added to th e pro-1 trol devise, he rem ark ed th a t he ! class room for som e of the younger day w ere M ickey and M innie H onor Roll Given »autiful « lark blue, abso quent loss to th e m erchant w hen tection of farm ers in th is county, still was in the belief th at som ething , m em bers of the school. Molise, a cave woman, tw o scotch Spelling honor roll includes N a­ th Mrs. M abel G em bella, w ho has laddies, a M acbeth character, and e lab o rer w as unable to pav his he declared, w hile a bill to rep eat should be done to cut the in creas­ omi and F revor Canby. N orm an th e presen t law. w as defeated ing toll of hum an life th rough ac­ been visiting h er daughter. Mrs a m an of the gay nineties. Peterson. H arry Lazott. E sther bills. < ft h e t A m ong th e acts designated b y , cidents. Texas, he said, n e a rly pass­ F ran k M athew s of Medford, re tu r n ­ Was His D uty Quier. B etty Lane. W auneta Cear- Delphian.. Hear Miss Tongue I I e \ s. F o r d s . I »urani ed home S aturday, being accom ­ A ntrim d eclared th a t he felt it Ross as beneficial to this county, ; ed a sim ilar bill this year. ley. A rth u r Sim onton. S hirley W hite M i s s D orothy Tongue was a guest panied by Mrs. M athew s and young his d u ty to look a fter th e interests was com pulsory grading of m ilk and E unella and E dgar Vacca. TRADES Stic i TERMS son. who re tu rn e d to th eir home of the D elphians M onday C hoir practice w as held at th e of the old people, and th erefo re and cream and w hich w ill m ake the gave a talk on her trip to Jam aica i the first of th e week hom e of Mrs. G eorge Riggle M arch voted for a congressional hearing state one of th e leaders in th e na- i N e x t Ladies' Aid society meeting last sum m er. 30. B etw een tw en ty and tw en ty -fiv e on the T w nsend plan. T he peculiar tion in th is m atter. 1 w ill be at the hom e of Mrs. C ora The boys' gym d a . cs have just . An ap p ro p riatio n for a g ric u ltu ra l, w ere present. Follow ing th e singing p art of this action was. he ex p lain ­ M etzentine at H ite , in. The hnstes.se., finished playing volleyball, and i gam es w ere played. ed. th a t it passed th e house by a research was praised by Ross as a w ill be Mrs. M etzentine and Mrs have sta rte d a series of in tram u ral W atsons Move sm all m ajo rity and then w h en a fo rw ard step in . tak in g up w ork i By Mrs. E. L. Cox) L uella Faix. baseball games. Mr. and Mrs. F red W atson have pension bill cam e before th e house w hich w as left incom plete w hen th e ; K IN T O N — C hurch services f o r depression struck. O th er beneficial m oved to the G eorge K irk place, at the last m inute, m any sw itched L ord's S u p p er was observed a! The boy s' q u artet sang before th e . the week a re as follows: P ra y e r bills to farm ers included a n u t g ra d ­ w hich they purchased last fall. the church S u n d ay m orning a t ­ m eeting of the D aughters of Union th e ir votes for this legislation so C om m ercial B uilding m eeting and Bible stu d y F riday ing act; an act estab lish in g inspec­ tended by a large n u m b er who V eterrn s M onday night at the V et­ P resent G avel th at th ey could point o u t to th eir 2nd and Main St. tion of seeds and licensing of seed evening, a n d preaching service particip ated in th e observance. Five m em bers of G reen M ountain v oters th a t they w ere for th e old eran s hull. 2nd and W ash. P h one 2641 dealers, w hile th e h o rticu ltu ral laws Sunday m orning at 9:45. bv C C IlilliihorM. O regon G range attended a m eeting of G ale age pension. II. E. C. M eets T hursday T he a rt class m ade some very a t­ w ere stren g th en ed in such a m a n ­ Poling. D. D of P ortland, followed G range at F orest G rove S aturday H E. club of th e G range will tractiv e p araffin carvings and are W hen C hapm an, last Monday, n e r as to be of b en efit to this co u n ­ by Bible school. 10:45. E veryone is in w hich th e m aster. Mrs. Eugenia m eet this T hu rsd ay afternoon at a statem en t th at th e re p ­ try-. invited. R oberts, presented th e state tra v e l­ discussed the hom e of Mrs. E lizabeth K u l- Repeal Fee ing gavel to the m aster of G ale resen tativ e refused to vote for the Mrs. J. R. D aniels has been ill bel. S ch o lls-F erry road. All ladies Of in terest to farm ers, he said was at h er hom e d u rin g the past week invited. G range. O ther m em bers attending Hood R iver strik e control bill, he from this grange w ere O verseer failed to tell all th at A ntrim said ! th e rep eal of th e 50 cen t charge for or more. Mrs. Rose Bellish. S ecretary Mrs. on th e floor of th e house, th e A loha filing gasoline tax refu n d claims, Most of th e officers and m em ­ w hile th e law m aking additional E dith Riggle. T reasu rer Mrs. O H. m an declared. The strik e bill. A ntrim explained, beds av ailab le at T he Dalles state bers of the L adies' Aid society held S tow ell and L ectu rer Mrs. Mae J J H an d sak er of the N ational Q uier. A m eeting of th e Home Econ­ was based on an English law passed tuberculosis hospital, and in P o rt­ a pleasant m eeting T h u rsd ay a ft­ omics com m ittee of th e G range w as in 1871. w hich was designed, w ith land M edical center, w as of gen eral ernoon a t the hom e of M rs. H. J. C ouncil for P rev en tio n of W ar was V alentine It was b irth d ay d ay and guest sp eak er from P o rtlan d S u n ­ held at Mrs. W. H. H iddink's home th e thought in mind, th at th e n o b il­ interest. O regon auto d eale rs as w ell as a n u m b er w ere honored. T he old­ day at th e O rch ard alc S unday ity of th at co u n try looked down A p ril 1. est one present was Mrs. Hansen. school. His talk w as q u ite in te re st­ upon all of th e people an d had those in this county. Ross said, b en ­ B irthday C elebrated V alentine's m other. w h o ing. A birth d ay p arty was given E rin incorporated th is p rinciple in its efited by th e used c ar an ti-d u m p ­ Mr ing act. w hich p rev en ts carav an in g was 87. Sm all gifts w ere received R aym ond H unger w as absent Stow ell a t his hom e n e a r h ere F r i­ w ording. He closed his talk w ith M en's New day night. th e declaration th a t he was opposed of used cars into th e state from o u t­ and luncheon was served during from school tw o days last w eek on th e afternoon. A few visitors w ere account of a bad case of poison oak. G eorge Riggle is em ployed at R ig­ to special p rivilege a n d alw ays side. B ED FO RD - CORD Ro«s said th a t he d id not vote for present, am ong them being Mrs. gle Bros, logging cam p n ear B irk- w ould be. the bill w hich pro v id ed m ore lands enfeld. Agnes V anK leek of B eaverton. Ross Speaks for th e state capitol because he felt Mrs. B aker Honored C onference Held S enator Ross gave a long review th at th is m ovem ent w as co n trary to A m iscellaneous show er w as g iv ­ In ta n color, w i t h b e lls to of all th e legislation, w hich a f­ Last q u a rte rly conference of the th e w ishes of th e special legislative en Mrs. Neal B aker at th e home of m atch. P h o n e 953 : Hillsboro $ fected W ashington county to any E vangelical churches in th is d is­ session w hich p rovided for the new Mrs. M. E. Benefiel F rid ay a fte r­ g reat extent, an d opened his talk capitol. and w ould no t be p o p u lar trict was held at the L aurel church Extra sp ecial FUNERAL DIRECTORS noon. M arch 31 w ith a goodly num ber of and H arold F isher is w orking at a log­ by declaring th a t he was opposed w ith th e people. | m em bers from K inton church be- I to such addresses as given by C R eceipts E lim inated ging cam p n ear Manning. LICENSED EMBALMERS O ne b ill passed th ro u g h his own ' ing present. C. C hapm an in th e cham ber of G range to Hold Dance W e’ve B een Busy S elling efforts, he said, w as th e law w hich A dance w ill be given by th e comm erce a w eek ago. To H onor M others T h ere is too m uch lack o f r e ­ elim in ates th e n ecessity of m ilk G range S aturday night at th e ir hall. K inton G range met at the hall Mr. and Mrs. C arl Watson and spect fo r constituted auth o rity , he h au lers issuing receip ts for in d iv id ­ Bobby and Norma m ade a trip to said, and in tim ated th at su c h ’talks ual Shipm ents of m ilk picked up on S atu rd ay in all day m eeting D ur­ H ow A bout Yours? ing th e business p a rt of the session. ' T he Dalles Friday. as th at by C hapm an bred d isre ­ routes. four applications for m em bership A d d itional funds for th e counties Stowell Moves spect for the legislature. Of th e Sam Stow ell has moved to the Ed new spapers, he declared th a t the from th e stale highw ay fund, was w ere read, and tw o transfers. Next D OUGLASS RADIO SERVICE G range day w ill be observed as H offm an place near Laurel. rep o rts indicated that pinball and passed, h e said, b u t th e req u ests of "M other s Day." w ith a program I S elfridge F u ra . Co. Phone 21X th e city w ere refused in this d iv i­ Townsendites to Meet slot m achines w ere all of im p o rt­ B uxton Townsend club will m eet ance th at was happening. H ow ­ sion. H e praised G eorge McGee, city in keeping w ith the day. M em bers! New, dressy, dust colors, in fo r business m eeting t o n i g h t ever. he declared th a t th e press, as m an ag er of H illsboro, for his efforts m edium and d a rk s, pastels in b eh alf of th e L eague of < (Thursday», at 8. a whole, is fair, and endeavors to and stripes. S tra ig h t point he Mr. and Mrs. George B urlingham find button- spent most of last week in Portland. OLD Q U A K E R Used Cars You'll Hear GOOD REPORTS (inn runteai IJSID CARS Ross, Antrim Tell Part in Lawmaking Church Services Announced Kinton 1937 WILEYS Nash - L.il’aycttc Used Car Exchange New Spring Specials Orchardalc at Washington County's Largest Department Store SLACKS Donelson QC Sewell 2.98 Graduation Outfits Radio Tubes MEN’S SHIRTS Rpfl H nf Raroraino FISHING SEASON A re You EASY TERMS - TRADES KNITTING? Opens April 15 M ake sure you g e t your s h a re of th e big ones by hav in g th e rig h t e q u ip ­ m ent. Y our choice of th e fin e st ta c k le and lines on display. Prescription Specialists P re sc rip tio n s dem and th e cau tio n and accu­ ra c y th a t the P alm ’s re g is te re d p h arm acists ta k e w ith every pre­ scription. B ring your p resc rip tio n t o th e P a lm f o r p ro m p t ser­ vice. R eg istered Pharm acist on d u ty at a ll tim es L. C. K ram ien M arvin W oods KRAMIEN’S Palm Drug Store P re s c rip tio n D ruggists PH O N E 266 Salmon Eggs, small jar Feeder Eggs, 8-oz. jar 10c 23c 16-oz. jar 39c Cluster Eggs, 8-oz. jar . 35c Reels 40c to $4.95 Spinners 10c to 50c Single Egg Hooks, dozen 20c Leader Material, 30-ft., 4-lb. test 10c Assorted Flies, one lot. Each 5c Common Hooks, in tubes. Tube 5c Fish Baskets, No 3, each 98c LESTER IRELAND 8i CO. Third and M ain T elep h on e 2411 Come in a n d sec the new y a rn s for sp rin g and sum m er. C om pe­ ten t in stru c to r in c h a rg e — on balcony. 1935 C hevrolet M aster Sprt Sedan. Looks and runs like new C * / V $0/1 ZT O It) 1934 H udson Custom Sedan. Built-in tru n k , radio and h eater. B eautiful M aroon finish . 0 1934 C hevrolet M aster Sedan. T runk, R adio and h eater. Finish like new. 1933 Ford D eLuxc Tudor— P riced to sell at QQ $-i JLamde/ dow n collars jk v $ /| CHILDREN’S HATS T rem en dou s Shipm ent .Just received, stra w s, braids, piques. N e a t little trim ­ m ings, ribbon ties, too. ALL 59c 1933 Chev Coupe $395 1929 Olds Coupe $125 1931 H udson S e d ’n 295 1929 Essex Coupe 1931 C hev Coupe 1929 SI tide. S edan 125 A n oth er Big Shipm ent 1929 “NELLY DON" 275 R um ble Scat. H eater 1930 D u ran t Sedan 1929 1929 1929 1929 95 N ash Sp. Sd. 150 D urant Coupe 95 Plym outh Sd. 125 C hev S edan 145 COLORS 65 Kord Coupe 145 192K Chev Coach 75 1928 Pontiac 95 Sd. 1928 S ta r Sedan . 1927 Chev Coach. 35 DRESSES *1.98 to $10.95 “Just try one on to d a y ” 35 Halvorson Motor Co. Chevrolet and Oidsmobilc Dealer C om plete Shop Service— Body and F e n d e r W ork H illsboro, O regon P hone 444 WOMEN’S SLACKS W aist and O verall Bib Colors royal, red, brow n, navy, in cotton or wool. All s i z e s, including “ e x tr a ” sizes. $ I. 3.98 T a ilo r e d fo r a s e iilin e C o m f o r l ! l A M Y - S I I O IS T S h y 511 ’ « AIK N o th in g e o n lrib iite M more to a m an's c o m ­ fo r t llia u perfect f i l l i n g underw ear. T h a t ’s w hy M n n s in g w e a r gives such a tte n tio n in e xp e rt c u ttin g , and (fa rc in i lin in g lo e lim i­ nale hu n ch in g and b in d in g . Y .ti w ill lim i M iin.-ingu« a r’s » lid i» and »hurts in s m a rt co lo r e o m h iiia lio ii» . 50c each And a co m p lete stoc(k finest M UNSING U N D ER W EA R for tlty ciilire fam ily jn M unsing rayons and t'lottons.