The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 08, 1937, Page 4, Image 4

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    Paro Four
f r. r. s n n n o
a r
r, r s , n n. i.s n o n o ,
Thursday. April R. 1937
Management Sets Date for First Appearanee New Washington County League
Ball Season to
Open Locally
on April 18
Yanks and Pirates Are Picked to Finish Bowline Teams
First, but With Reservations
Here Preparing
F irst sam ple of th e new W ash­
ington county league baseball will
be delivered to th e public A pril IK.
w hen the league will open the sea­
son in H illsboro w ith all six team s
in the field in a trip le h ead er con­
sisting of five innings each.
Special program is being prepared
for th e opening w hich w ill include
n parade before th e game, several
short talks, and an exhibition drill
by the Moose d rill team of the local
lodge, sponsors o f th e H illsboro
team . O pponents w ill be nam ed at
th e grounds
R egular schedule gam es w ill be- 1
pin A pril 25, to com plete th e series
.Tune 27. and the o p ening gam e will
furnish several in terestin g events
w ith the local m erch an ts offering
prizes for th e first h om e-run of th e ’
season: first double play; first tw o
base hit: p itch er tu rn in g in th e best
T h ree g reat rep resen tativ es of A m erican tu seb all are these m en: left to rig h t I oil G rh rtg . Iron
perform ance, etc.
M an of the Y ankees; Dizzy Dean of Ute C ard in als, an d Mickey C ochrane, catc h er for the T igers.
Next practice of th e local team
w ill be at 10:30 a nt. Sunday in the
ball nark. The team w ill be coached
by Wesley Claussen. w ho has had
much experience in baseball He is
the high school coach here.
In P ortland he w as nam ed th e
outstanding p lay er in Legion b ase­
ball and w as all city field er and top
b itte r at Jefferso n high school and
a star on the U niversity of Oregon
B aseball players, w ho w ish to
tak e advantage of th e coaching and
w ho desire a try o u t, w ill be w el­
comed at the n ex t practice session.
M ore players also a re needed by th e
local team , according to the m anage­
m ent.
The schedule follows:
A pril 25—Roy at Laurel. Gaston
at Ranks. V erboort at Hillsboro.
May 2—Team s rev erse playing
May 9—L au rel a t Banks. Roy at
H illsboro. V erboort at Gaston
Certain to be satellites in 1937 baseball are these three players: left to right. Lefty Gomez and Joe
May 16—Team s rev erse playing
Di.Maggio of the Yanks, and Cy Blanton of the Pittsburgh Pirate*.
May 23—H illsboro at Laurel.
spirational ball player. When
T 'lII S correspondent a d m it s
B anks at V erboort: G aston at Roy.
he starts leaning on the apple,
A that selection of Pittsburgh
May 30—Team s rev erse p laying
\ \ ITH fear and trembling, Mrs.
the Yankees get an epidemic of
for top honors in the National
*’ M artin’s son, Philip, takes
Ju n e 6—V erboort at L aurel. B anks
base hits, and power baseball is
League is a gamble—a gamble
pen in hand and, after judicious
at Roy. H illsboro at G aston.
just what the New Yorkers go to
on the return to form of Cy
Ju n e 13—G aston at L aurel. V er­ study of the signs of the zodiac
town on.
Blanton. The youngster, lead­
and perusal of the old farmer's
boort at Roy. B anks at Hillsboro.
ing earned-run chucker In the
The third reason is the out­
almanac, picks:
Ju n e 20—L aurel at V erboort. G as­
loop In 1935. lost his effective­
field. It takes a back seat to
ton at H illsboro. Roy at Banks.
The Yankees, Red Sox, and
Ju n e 27—L aurel at G aston. Roy at
ness last season to the second-
none in the majors, what with
Tigers to finish in that order in
V erboort. H illsboro a t Banks.
year Jinx. This year the young
Jake Powell, Joe DiMaggio, and
the American League come the
last of September, and the
Pirates, Cubs, and Cardinals to
wind up that way in the Na­
tional League.
There are plenty of reasons
Delayed by inclem ent w eath er. ' for picking the Yankees to re­
opening of th e W estern- Sunset
peat in the junior loop, but
league of th is county has been set
three are enough.
fo r A pril 18. Six a p p aren tly evenly
The first is the apparent re­
m atched team s have been signed up
turn to form of Lefty Gomez.
this y ear w ith H illsboro d eserting
The goofy one, who was ac­
th e league fo r th e n ew ly organized
W ashington C ounty league.
knowledged to be in the throes
Team s in the S unset include C or­
of a big slump all last year,
nelius. m anaged by E lm er Sahnow :
seems to have regained that
N orth P lains m anaged by Dee
hard, high one that made him
S hadden: Aloha by F red M cBreen:
the scourge of the league in
B eaverton by E rnie Bloom: Reed-
ville m anaged by Lew is G arfield,
El Goof won only 13 for the
and Tw in O akes u n d e r d ir e c tio n of
G eorge Z im m erm an.
rampaging Ruppert Rifles last
E astern Sunset, in c 1 u d i n g s i x
year, and while his ineffective­
team s from W illam ette. T ualatin.
ness was comparatively 'infelt
N ew berg. Sherw ood. G arden Home
due to the Yankees’ preponder­
and Sauvies Island, w ill open on the
ant lead in the circuit, his return
sam e day.
to form is more than welcome in
Schedule for th e w estern league
a loop that, over the winter, has
A p r il 18— S h e rw o o d a t T u a la t in . C a r ­
been strengthened all the way
d e n H u m e a t N e w b e rjr. S a uvies Is la n d at
down by profitable trades.
W illa m e tte .
A p r i l 25 T u a la t in
S a uvies Is la n d ,
The second reason is Lou
N n w h e n t a t S h e rw o o d . W illa m e tte a t C a r ­
Gehrig. The Iron Man makes
den H um e.
the attack of the Rifles as potent
M ay
2 S h e rw o o d
S a uvies Is la n d .
W illa m e tte a t N e w b e n r,
G a rd e n
H -me
as it was in Babe Ruth’s hey­
a t T u a la tin .
The stolid Dutchman,
M ay
9 G a rd e n
Hom e
a t S h e rw o o d :
T u a la t in a t W illa m e tte , S a uvies Is la n d a t
while not the colorful player the
N e w b e n r.
Bam was, is nevertheless an in­
M ay
1C- N e w b e rjr a t
T u a la t in . S h e r-
Sunset Leagues to
Begin Play April 18
! w ood a t W illa m e t te ,
G a rd e n H o m e.
S a u vie s
I - la n d
M a y 23 T u a la t in
a t S h e rw o o d , N e w ­
b e rg
a t G a rd e n
H o m e , W illa m e t te
, S a u vie s Is la n d .
M a y 30 S h e rw o o d a t N e w b e rg . G a r ­
den H o m e a t W illa m e tte . S a u v ic
Is la n d
a t T u a la tin .
J u n e 6 S a uvies Is la n d
S h e rw o o d ,
N e w b e rg a t W illa m e tte , T u a la t in a t G a r­
den H o m e.
J u n e 13— S h e rw o o d a t G a rd e n
H »me,
W illa m e t te a t
T u a la t in ,
N e w b e rg
Sauvfen I la nd.
J u n e 20 T u a la t in a t N e w b e rg . W illa m ­
e tte a t S h e rw o o d . G a rd e n H o m e a t S a u v ie s
Is la n d .
Mr. Fisherman
T ro u t Season Opens
A p r il 15
Be prepared to catch the
limit the first day.
George Selkirk running around
loose, both offensively and de­
We’re or.e of the majority let
down by the Boston Red Sox
last season. But acting on the as­
sumption that w ith the available
talent such a flop can’t occur
two seasons in a row, we’re pick­
ing Cronin’s crew to cop place
money this year.
The big reason why the Sox
didn’t finish higher last season
was the lack of morale, ad­
m ittedly caused by the big
money paid big name stars. Dur­
ing the off season Cronin has
disciplined his players and, with
a change or two in the lineup,
plus potential increase in pitch­
ing strength, he ought to bring
the boys together.
The Tigers are a big question
mark. On Greenberg’s wrist and
Cochrane's a bility to stay be­
hind the bat most of the season
hinges their fate. Greenberg
has declared his oft-broken
w rist is as good as it ever was,
and Mickey thinks he’s good for
another season. I f both are
sincere, the Tigers may take top
prize; if not, they may beat out
the Athletics for cellar honors.
Gaston H igh Loses
Game to Banks
right-hander may mean the pen­
nant for the Burs.
The Cubs ought to be a bet­
ter outfit, with Curt Davis do­
ing a lot better than he did on
the hill last season, and with the
first base difficulty ironed out by
acquisition of Jimmy Collins.
Attack in the outfield is the big
Third position lies between the
Cards and the Giants, with the
former getting the call due to
the weak link at first for the
Giants. The Gothamites aren’t
going to be the same without
Boss B ill Terry at the initial
for Tournament
J u n e 2.T Tw o ball m ixed
nun' S< «aal night P utting
Ju n e 27 St Helen here
Spring Vacation,
Weather, Retard
Hilhi Schedule
S pring vacation and inclem ent
w u ith e r have com bined to keep
A nnual spring bow ling tournn- 1 both the llilhi track team and the
ment for H illsboro was com pleted baseball plaxers from m uch needed
List w eek and tw o team s have training. Coach G oodm an reporteil
been selected to represent Hills* this w eek.
In both instances, schedules for
bore in t 1» e V ancouver. Wash
handicap tou rn am en t Sunday, it i m eets and games huve not yet been
com pleted and m em bers of the
was announced this week
P erfection B akery team , incbul- ■ team s huve not been selected
ng W illiam G oetter. H allie Ire-! T rack and field w en, w ith e x ­
land, H erm an Hehse. G ordon C orey , ception of tw o or th ree men from
and Jo e Coe are included in a last year, will all be u n tried and
term w hich will bowl a t both V an­ until the w orkouts can lie started,
couver W asli. and in the N o rth ­ the fu tu re m this sport I itti|xv.<
west tournam ent May t in V an­ aible to forecast
couver. B. C.
The second team , representing
the H illsboro Alleys, scheduled fo r'
V ancouver. W a sh . includes P rank
H einrich. V ernon Sm ith.
Cook Clem E slinger ami H. Dillon I Sunday Furr • ! Hills gulf elul
A second team to e n ter th e n o rth - has scheduled Ihe Army N.n \
u c sl tou rn am en t w ill be s e le c te d , tourni(ni,.„ t ulu,
later, prubably a lte r the Yaneou- ,.vvllU
J u n ,. 27 ,,1|s ..... „
ver. \\ ash to u rnam ent.
, pletcd, aeeurding to Hr It S
Prelim inary m eeting to set up Waltz, uf Forest Grove, president
a city hew ling association, elected , All reg u lar Sunday play begins
tem porary
H erm an at 9 a in d u rin g A pril. K 30 a in
Kehse. president; W illiam G oetter. d u rin g May and Jim i
w hile so­
secretary treasu rer, and H allie Ir e ­ cud night tournam ent« n e schisi
land. C luud Cook, G urdon Corey, uled for 4:30 p. m
board of directors A m eeting will
S chedule uf events follows:
be held later Io perfect plans and
A pril 14 B ridge party, re fre sh ­
elect perm anent officers.
m ents. prizes 8 p in.
W inners ut tiie to u rn am en t here
A pril 18 Q ualifying fur spring
gave first place to H illsboro Alleys handicap. Cross country air lace
w ith a score of 2827 Second place tournam ent.
w ent to th e P erfection B akery
A pril 2.i First elim ination spring
i team. In the first team w ere V handicap. B eginning of "Get You
K r e lt;
IL S ehulm erich. V Sm ith. Goat " tournam ent.
L. Hi A lit and C Eslingcr. w hile
A pril 28 T w o-ball m ixed fo u r­
the Perfection team included L. somes. Pot luck d in n e r Bridge
Hoak. I. Cungdon. J Rushluw. D
May 2 Second play of "G et
B adertseher and J. Cue.
Y our G nat'' tournam ent. Second
Scores in th e «ingles were G elim ination spring hundicup.
Z im m erm an. 647; J Coe, 639 C.
May !» V ernonia, her
Cook. 613; 11 Sehulm erich. 610. and
May 12 B ridge tournam ent.
C V anG runsven. 610
In t h e
May 16
B ct-a-M illion tourna-
doubles. H R ussell and R. Dillon m ent.
scored 1246: C E slinger and B.
Mav 23 St. Helens, there
Eslinger. 1214: E. H einrich and J.
May 26—T w o-ball m ixed four
Sm ith. 1170
sumes. Social night Putting.
In th e all-events. H S ehulm erich
Mav 30 (D ecoration day N oth­
was high w ith 1810; G. Zim m erm an ing sc h e d u le d )
in the high three-gam e series w ith
Ju n e 6 W ar of R evolution to u r­
647. and D illon w as high in the nam ent.
single ___________________
gam e w ith 283.
Ju n e 9 F our-ball m ixed four*
Schedule Com plete
for Forest I lilis
->:n e .
S o c ia l
n ig h t
Robert Campbell
Sprains I lis Ankle
lily Zell S tru th ers)
Hub e I' I l a 111 I' h e l l
s p r ,lin e d
an k le liudly anil lia
R egister Today!
by m aking a $1 purchase from
o u r m ost com plete stock.
W A X , Liquid or Paste, according
to sixe ..................................... . . 15c to 49e
Scrub B rushes..................................10c and 15c
Chamois, good g ra d e ..................................... 49c
Cleaner Steel W ool—Brooms—Drain Pipe Cleaner
Toilet Brushes—Pick up brushes . . . Many other items,
none over 49c.
For household needs, try us FIRST!
( i I jss
W estern Organization^
I .X .L .
Dairy and Poultry
C row A b ou t
Buy a Modern
The Cards, on the other hand,
still w ill continue to have dis­
sension in the ranks due to the
presence of Dizzy Dean. It is
this observer’s sincere belief that
Diz, great pitcher though he is,
w ill be a bigger detriment to the
club through his petty bickering
than he is an asset through his
workhorse ability.
The Cards have a fine team
and, bizz w illing, can work to­
gether to cop the gonfalon with
plenty to spare. But a great deal
depends on Mr. Dean. He’s "on
the spot’’ again as it appears.
Wo neo proud <»f the re p u ta tio n that I. X. I.. FEE I IS
have earned among W atdiitigtnti county fiiiriip i's fo r
m axim um herd and flo c k production nt m inim um feed­
ing cost. Every e ffo rt is made to keep them ( «insistently
o f high q u a lity and reasonable cost. I. X. I,. FEEDS are
tru ly home products and we Invite you to try them d u r ­
ing this C olum bia Em pire < am paign. I. X E. EEEDS ’ire
M a n u fa c tu re d
in H ills b o ro .
M ix e d fro m th e finest h o m e-g ro w n grains.
P re p a re d
by p eople you k n o w .
C ontains essential elem en ts o f n u tritio n in
c o rre c tly
balan ced
p ro p o rtio n
to assure
h e a lth y
stock, high p ro d u ctio n and re a l
p ro fits .
We also bandle Alber»,
S perry, Crown, and T r i­
angle P ou ltry Feed»— a ll of
w hich are m anufactured in
i> it
* ’»rtiand.
Prizes Offered for
Biggest Catch Fish
H ill, horn
Phone 271
160 W. Main St.
ear ly
A m e r ic a n
t The smartest ami easiest way to took is with
gas and a modern gas range. Then you enjoy
every advantage a fuel can give as well as
every convenience a cooking appliance tan of­
fer. You enjoy economy, too— for Portland
gas rates are so low that gas is your cheapest
convenient cooking fuel. See the modern gas
range displays at dealers and in our show­
rooms . , , and buy now!
P ortland G as & C oke C o .
•T H E
m essage
T o d a y .. .
a lim ite d tim e only!
Gas co ck s b e tte sts le s s !
Act now — offer is for
3rd and M ain St., H illsboro
A G A IN N O R G E L E A D S w ith a n e w cooking m e th ­
od m a d e possible w ith the n e w gas-saving O ven
H e a t C o n tro l— m eats reach n e w heigh ts o f fla v o r—
s h rin k in g is g re a tly re d u c e d — w holesom e, n a tu ra l
juices a re re ta in e d . M o re o v e r, you use less gas.
See this g re at n ew fe a tu re and the o th e r advanced
im p ro vem en ts on new N o rg e
C o n c e n tra to r Gas
Ranges to d ay.
The outstanding piece of this
Pyrcx set is the stunning new
I'lamcware double boiler, but
the other pieces are so beautiful
and useful you will want the
whole set as soon as you see it.
Selfridge Furniture Co.
Gas ranges in this campaign
are: A-B, Estate, Magic Chef,
N orge, O 'K eefe & M erritt,
Spark, Universal, Wedgewood,
136 S. T h ird Ave.
P hone 1721
to»* P.wspt'.ily.
O ne co n testan t to w in one prize
Next dour to Venetian theater
I.egal blunk.s. be and JOc A euin-
plete supply available ut the llilh.
boro A rgus.
S o m e th in g to
• Purchase a new gas range
now of one of the makes listed
below. You will get absolutely
free a 26-piere set of genuine
Pvrex Flamcwareand Ovenware,
provided the gas range you buy
is priced at $99.50 or up with­
out kitchen heater or $119.50
or up with kitchen heater.
Dust and Polish Mops,
excellent values . , . 25c to 49c
Rubber Gloves,
fine fo r scrubbing . . . pair 1 5c
F u rn itu re Polish, b rig h t gloss w ith
lit t le ru b b in g ; liberal size . . 15c
. . . Get this 26-pisce set of genuine PYREX glassware
STORE Houscclcaning
F o r larg est catch in local
w aters an d ju d g ed a t o ur
sto re by size a n d w eight.
A k ro n Reel
In u rn 1 nl Mi
M a lille 'I'll a id
M i, I 'l i / a l i e l h S li n il a e and (lay
f in d W il l'll w e r e w e e k e n d v is itm i
ul M r a n d Mi
F r e d 11 (ilium s ut
I 'll, t u n ;
S u b stan tial prizes a re being of-
f05 Rth t lr Klrst Bame fered a 8a>n this y e a r in th e ann u al
B anks by ® SCOr® B rist0> H ard w are com pany fish-
' inf! contest- il w as announced by
Mrs. G era.d F ry e re tu rn e d to N ye B ristol th is week. T he contest
h er hom e W ednesday. She has been I closes M ay 3. and fisherm en m ust
in th e hospital a t H illsboro, w h ere 1 reg ister before th ey a re eligible to
she u n d erw en t a m a jo r operation. | the prizes. T he season opens n ext
G aston baseball team atten d ed th e T hursday.
baseball p arad e in H illsboro S u n ­
T he prizes a re to b e aw ard ed
for the larg est catch rep o rted in
Divorce Granted
Mrs. H arry W escott e n tertain ed an y one day, and candidates w ill
P e rry —Edith M. from Lewen D.
th e ‘'500'' club T hursday. Mrs. J. A. be allow ed only one prize. F irst
M oist h eld high score.
prize is a $6 50 P fu eg er A kron
M arriag e Licenses
Rev. F. C. B u tler took Mrs. Alice reel, and second a $5 fly rod.
G eorge H orace Beeler. G aston, Brow n to P o rtlan d S atu rd ay , w here
and L illian R uth A nderson. C h erry she p lan s to spend a w eek a t th e
P lease sen d in new s copy early
Y. W. C. A.
to th e A rgus
$ 5 .0 0 F ly Rod
allcn d cd
Legal blanks. Be and 10c A com-
J u n e 13 V ernonia, th ere
plcte supply rv a lla b le at the IIills-
J u n e 20
Blind Bogey to u m a-
boro A rgus.
tf m ent
, .
° f Sthra
o f 12 to 4
.50 No. 1894 P flueger
Make tills your headquarters
for all fishing supplies. We
are prepared to serve you.
I....... nil i m t i 'l i c Hie p a il w e e k
Hi lie k a li I lnl> m e m b e r s l iu ln h e r e
r* *«* •
T w o Prizes
are offered as test of your
skill with our tackle.
Phone 21X
many modern business firm s are
paying the postage on letters, inq uiries, orders, rem it-
tauees, etc., th a t they receive, by u tiliz in g m all-reply
envelopes und the first class postage perm its issued by
the postal departm ent.
M a il-W e ll M ail-R e ply envel­
opes stim ulate A C T IO N when
used w ith d ire ct advertising
w hich solicits orders, o r even
w ith collection letters where n
rem ittance is requested. It's just
smart business to inclu de a M ail-
R eply envelope w ith yo u r m a il­
ings when you can get u p to 50
per cent better returns.
I.c t us help design an effective
M a il-R e p ly envelope fo r your
Your M ail-W ell Dealer is
W lsbonijpAr g us