Pape Two h î i State President Visits Coffee Club Tuesday Mrs. A C. M cIntyre of P en d le­ ton, president of the S late F ed er­ ation of Women’s clubs, w ill be a guest of the Coffee club Tuesday afternoon at th e ch am b er of com ­ merce. The reg u lar m eeting of the club was postponed from Friday afternoon to Tuesday on account of the president's visit. Mrs E. J K ortzeborn. chairm an of the A m erican Home departm ent, will have charge of th e program , and has announced th at P ro f F M. Wilcox of l.aurclw ood academ y w ill speak on "A m erican Home." A group of m usic stu d en ts from the academ y will furnish th e music. Everyone is especially invited to exhibit any home a rt-craft or in ­ dustry at the m eeting. Also old household articles and utensils that a re cherished because of age and associations. T here w ill also be a show ing of some of the new est and finest of hom e-m aking helps. O ther federated clubs of the com ­ m unity have been invited to attend Hostesses for th e afternoon will be M esdames E L. Moore. E. J. Peterson. R F ran k P eters and El­ wood Johnson. ; î , s n n n n a k g u s ie G re a t A m e ric a n H em e S hip C olum bia. Sea Scout Ship John A llen m em bers of Camas. W ash, w ere also present. Rev. Reginald Hicks was introduced as chaplain of S S S C olum bia F ri­ day eight from the local ship a t ­ tended a sw im a! Pacific u n iv e r­ sity tan k and Sunday n in e of them w orked on th e site o f th e new sea scout base on the west end of the P o rtlan d Yacht club. Family Living Conference Held Here April 16 , n ti e s p o r o , o p ro Seventh Grade Class Presents Health Drama riiiril i* < ( Oil tllf* ¡¡OnOrCCl Otl I tie 50th Anniversary F. IF. Plans Father and Son Banquet Soon H’t’J Travel Pictures to be Shown at IL P. Meeting ( ! ra n g e S a tu rd a y ; A nnual S u nday, 1 Sth H illsboro G range meets S a tu r­ day m all da.v « don. and final ■ I . ■ I • • t ’I 'be If) m ill G range Sunday. T oidntlvc' lor G runge Sunduv. w hich I a count) wide «’Vent, «all f«»l a m eeting in th«* H illsboro Giang«* hall on Suiulay. A pril 18. wilt» a pot luck tlinnei at noon. The G .e I ’ounty Council m w ta with G reen M ountain G range at B uxton Wedm .«las uflertm on and evening, w ith p«>t luck kiippei. S ubscribe Wu hl ng ton Six m onths cents Two h i : now to th«» Argus. In county 9180 0 ><•»«• 85c. ’Ih re e m onths 50 m onths 35 cents. tf .11rite, o-i itixl x u i c x i n i x x FLOWERS I udetail llexigiis. < oi>4n »is recently celebrated th e ir golden Second grade hail an E aster par- w edding r n i in e r .»i \ Thev w ere I ty F ridav and a play called the m arried in W alnut G rove Neb | ’’E aster R ab b it” was given. Marcii 20. 1887 Cut c urte. > Mi's .leek S tanton of P ortland i • T he 7B class at the ju n io r high The O rcgnhian visititi x H illsboro frienils ihis week I surprised th e honu'-rooin teacher Friday ufternnon w ith a farew ell 'p a r t y in h er honor. T he table was Q uality job p rin tin g Argus i beautifully dtv o ratv d in shades of 1 green. yellow, and lav en d e r All ju n io r high teach ers w ere u n ite d . W illiam (irlth* In ju red Count» F ederation ,.f W William G ettle of the 7B clas w as chibs will be held Saturday seriously in ju re d T hursday a fte r­ 17. at C ornelius. w hen re p n noon w hile helping his fath e r pull tivt from Un- fourteen affiliated stum ps w ith a tractor, and is now at c lu b , will be in alt. iidancc Mis St. V incents hospital in P ortland E. W C onklin of M etzger, vice- T he 7B class hopes he w ill be back p resident of the f.aieiation, will in school before the en d of the have charge of th e program . i year. H illsboro clubs belonging to the Ju n io r high teach ers spent spring vacation in th e follow ing places C ounty F ederation arc the Coffee Mrs. Em ery. P o rtlan d and H ills­ club S ervice club, and N eedleci ift boro; Miss Brow n. Seas ale and club. N ew berg; Mr. Ide. Salem and hom e. Mrs C ro ck ed . P o rtlan d and Mr. and Mrs A 1, A m aeher H illsboro; Mr Jones P ortland. ‘S a ­ m oving this we.-k to 526 E Jack lem and H illsboro; Mrs K ruehek. street, th e residence formerly o c­ P o rtlan d ; Mr H enry. H illsboro; cupied by Mr and Mrs Thom as Miss Fisher. P ortland. Bailey The A m aehers have p u r­ chased th e residence. F red Busch an d his b ro th er-in - Mrs Mary W hitley of P ortland, form erly of H illsboro, wa.s a d in ­ law. Dee W hittiek of Mist, sp.-nt n e r guest S unday of her aunt. Mrs Thursday w ith W. E Busch and A M G arble Mrs. W hitley i.s r e ­ fam ily. ceiving co n g ratu latio n s of being Say you saw It in th e Argus. gran d m o th er, a son h av in g been born Iasi w eek to her son M ilton and wife. D em onstration of all sew ing m a­ ch in e appliances w ill be m ade by a re p re se n ta tiv e of the S in g er com ­ pulse-racing tale of pany at th e ad u lt education class in sew ing T uesday m orning at P eter the Rough R id erti Boscow school. A new and in terestin g featu re of the county Fam ily L iving co n fer­ ence. w hich w ill be held at th e M ethodist church in H illsboro on Friday. A pril 16. w ill be a d em o n ­ stration on "T he C are of S ilv er and O th er M etals in th e Hom e." The dem onstration w ill be given by Mrs I.ouise H arwood. H om e Econom ics' staff. O regon S tate college, acco rd ­ ing to L. E. Francis, assistant county agent. T he d em onstration w ill in ­ clude such subjects as inexpensive hom e-m ade polishes, labor-saving m ethods, th e selection an d storing of silverw are, th e care of p lum bing fixtures, bathroom fix tu res, pew ter, iron and tin. T he F am ily L iving conference w ill open at 9:45. follow ed by a The dram a and trial. "P riso n er special su rp rise featu re at 10 at the Bar." w ill be presented in o'clock w hich prom ises to be of con­ An ad ditional the H illsboro union high school siderable interest. Monday at 8 p. m. The cast is com ­ featu re th at w ill be of in terest to hom em akers w ill be a d em o n stra­ posed of tw en ty - tw o H illsboro citizens. R alph Jones, th e prison­ tion on sp rin g salads and th eir er, is accused by th e state of the ulace in th e d iet by Miss L ucy A. m u rd er of his wife. O ne of th e Case, extension specialist in foods irom O reg Stats n _ touching scenes in th e tria l is >l!crc M -- Case w ill d em o n strate when his six-year-old d au g h ter is labor P . and tim e-saving salad dress- , brought ~ on the w itness , .. ~ and in*s- J l, „ ings. salad equipm ent an and d short 1 7 , , , , testify against her fath er The tria . cuts in p re p arin g ev ery d ay salads. ... ■~J' ” ------ . . . . ------ -wlU | brings ” an indictm ent ------ against pres- The sa]ads d em o n strat^ ent da.v conditions as a resu lt of sam pled at th e noon luncheon. m V æ :.. T a W O w i» be a covered dish n.L,.',- I°W.S' ¿ uds