• • •• • f There's a Reason Oyro ' K rrurti Itrr.iluiiK ( l isHÍfird r,il(fs Show I ik T ra ta d A rtu s I'opnlarU y 2841 Families— Paid Up Argus Subscriber* for «o. b iiu r o f \ p r i l I. 1 ' :. All P roven. W ith W hich is Com V olum e N o . ( ! H illsboro In d ep en d en t E stablished 1873 p en d en t H illK boro, O regon, T h u rs d a y , A p r il 8, 1937 H illsboro A rgus E staolizhed 1891 Grand Jury Special Prize and Travel Ross, 1 Antrim Lites ','aï'n Importance l iureaiu Man Peters’ Ruling 1 Facing Light I rip IFon by Marjorie Meek Review Work Extension Service Sustained in Term Monday Argus ( 'ontest ( loses with North Plains Girl Legislature Higher Court Far in Lead; Smiling Miss Leaves for South Saturday; Candidates Thank Their Friends for Assistance Given licrn n rd a' C a se C arried O v er A w a itin g C la r ific a tio n o f I r a z ie r -L e in k e P in b a ll H ea r in g S ta n d in g ; D e la y e d " A new hat and a new iln mused M arjorie Meek, w h ile th e lig h t i )f a thousand an tic ip a ted pleasures !■ icing a light ti iin with only four dam i d in her eye «»I f i v e ('ll • es I n lUVe.st |gut<*. C O llllly Klie had just le arned th a t, when the fin a l co u n t in the U u n d ju ro i « have been called foi A rgu.. T ra v e l conte t had been m ade, h e r nam e led a ll M onday m orning. G Ru* til Moi be possessed .$ 1 (1 in cash, a special gan. d istrict atto rn ey , said th r the rest, and be ide week None of the eases involve p riz e lU r tu rn in g in the most new s u b scrip tio n s fo r the .‘•erious charges, he said iast th re e days o f the contest. A lo h a Two Sections, F o u rteen Page» Speaker M onday Im portance arid value of th e e x ­ tension > rvice was stressed by 1 R obert W arrens of n e a r Forest G rove in speaking before the Hills boro R otary clu b T hursday. He a l­ so praised the qualifications and work tit C ounty A gent W illiam C yrus as being of p artic u la r bene­ fit to this county, "one of th e best R e p r e se n ta tiv e T e lls 'f ' ' ' 1,1 1,1 ' '' T!,‘ S u p rem e C ourt E nds A ctio n activity, he aid. is m ore than pay- R eason fo r V o tin g A g a in st mg its way. W arrens is p resid en t of B rou gh t A g a in st H illsb o ro the new ly organized W ashington L aw to M o d ify S tr ik e s in county farm bureau. by P o r tla n d E n g in e e r to L abor S ituation O reg o n In d u stries C o llect fo r W ork Action Begun to Bring Back Pin Machines C ity C o u n cil R eq u est F a v o r a b le to o f O p e r a to r s in V o te T a k e n T u e sd a y E ve; ______ The sp eak er declared th e labor O r d in a n c e B e in g D ra w n situation is a serious problem , point- .. . . , , . lng out th a t the producer is alw ays R elating w ork accom plished a t the heaviest loser in case of a strik e f io ‘ the last^ session of the state legis- such as the recent one on the Pacific re s’e r ' b' ° W ’ ’ ,b e su it ag ain st th e city of latu ri S enator E L. Ross and Kay coast w aterfront. P inball m achines, ru led out of ___ ____ W ______ arrens ...___ hold# _ th at H illsboro a y ear ago th is month, A ntrim w ere the speakers M onday the rank and file a re for the^m M t R .ged'due for e n g m ee n n g service. w ere on th e w ay back this week. noon at the cham ber of com m erce, part good citizens, and is sym sym pa pa- ..... 8. Dr .1 O. Robb was chairm an of thetic io th eir efforts for b e tte r co n ­ in connection w ith the new .sewage O rdinance licensing th e m achines disposal system w as d ealt Tuesday the day _______ was authorized at th e council m ect- ditions, but th at m uch of the trouble C rim inal c a le n d ar in circuit ir>8 T uesday night w hen th e coun- First sp eak er introduced w a s is caused by professional agitam rs. by, tb c state su p rem e co u rt in a ♦ .l i t .i she laughed u n d m ill'd co u rt cam e to a s tiiudstill w hen R ep resentative A ntrim , w ho lives He av erred th at the strik ers have ' ubn_8 uJ >ho,l d ' n k’ * dec,3!on„ last R. J Scearce, m anager of the Rose cil voted unanim ously for th e ir re- In i way through a lough contest, O ctober by Ju d g e R. F ra n k P eters C i t y B ranch. F irst N ational turn. Ju d g e (inw ard K Zim m erm an of r »ght to tak e and destroy proper- so Miss Meek probably will laugh at Aloha, and w h o introduced no in circuit court. Y am hill county decided to carry the bank of P ortland, and form er C om m ittee to set t h e am ount and smile h er way thro u g h H olly­ him self as one of C. C. C hapm an's ty or tak e o th er illegal m eans. Ju d g e P eters had ruled on a de- M artin B e rn a rd ' trial over, and m anager of the H illsboro branch and m ethod of license w as appoint- It is im perative th a t th e voters ... . . _ , „ hairs." wood. into Mexico and thro u g h a "wire Ju d g e R F lan k I*eters postponed He opened by declaring that he seild men ,o lhe legislature and to m urrei"' flled by P aul Patterson, of the sam e bank, will be speak- ed by M ayor J. H. G a rre tt to in- h u n d red places of Interest, which hearing in the tem porary pinball sat next to J W H ughes of Forest i n g r e s s that are capable and w ho £.l,y attorney, contending that the er a t th e evening m eeting of the elude Dr. J. O. Robb. A r t h u r lie ahead of h er beginning S a tu r­ G m achine injunction cuse rove d u ring th e session and w as 4W,)I represent th e ir own dis- F o rrester action w as w ithout cham ber of com m erce Monday. K roegcr and L. C. K ram ien. The day. when tlie train hearing special very friendly to H ughes and took tric t' ,he farrn k a d e r sald foundation in th a t he w as not u n ­ A wuit Decision it has been announced. Scearce ordinance w ill be given a hearing P ullm ans leaves the Union station pleasure in in w w orking orking w d h paving aI«° th a t a farm lands r contract city as pro- is scheduled to re la te his reac- T uesday night a t a special session, T he B ernards case, w hich In- l g i reat r u i pleasure w ith toQ ht'Id hcayy sh arc ° { are thp d" vialcbcd and 01,ed al_ on stratin g th at th e F o rrester sys- C om m ercial building at Main- and cu>t Ju d g e C raw fo rd in P o rtlan d D annem an < •t a I. decree. F ederal announced at the m eetin g of the the nei • .irv p arap h ern alia. A fter i h arrow ing day spent fleeing fe (C ontinu ed on p a g e 7, colum n 3) Second b u rn ed and W ith it alm ost declaring the m achines a lottery. L and Bank \ ( ’arolin e Hoffman, county F’arin ers' u n it in H illsboro rocious dogs unid a few cold fish Engineer Here all of th e com pany equipm ent. is being p erfected by th e operators i h . Roy W Hancock cludi i.; s7 »U for fu «,. $ » second opened doors, plainly holding no . . ... discharge t o Prcm I (C o n tin a td nn on p a ,« , . colum n 1 11 vs. Roy W C lifford et al. decree and $350, th ird T h e w in n er will sym pathy al all for a burn in g desire atto rn ey, has accepted a position H illsboro during the com pletion of the M arine corps of C orporal W ayne to see Hollywood first hand» I re- w ith G. Russell M organ, district at- th p contract in 1935 from H illsboro < n ter the ■ tate contest, the prize L. Rood w as anounced and an o r­ O rders filed this week in probate t i n i ie i l w i t h a few thousand votes tornev. filling the vacancy left by f a s ' to B eaverton w hen the m a i n ./ A p ^ / - L d o l d er from the ad ju ta n t general read court include C harles Jam es K el­ being $25 in (ash and a chance to oml m e knowledge that 1 must p lan W alter E H utchinson, w ho began highw ay was resurfaced, w ill again — H V / v H aw ard in g him a m edal fo r five ley. Louisa F uegy Jen n ie E Nash. com pete m th e natio n al coldest in my assault upon the u nsuspecting his d u ties w ith th e F ederal Hous- be a resident here. y ears of service in th e com pany. H enry Byron S a g a b trd Michucl J the autum n w dh all expenses paid. public m ure system atically. ing ad m inistration offices in I’ort- He. w ith a crew of five men, w ill se rg e a n t Jew ell of th e P o rtlan d Night m eetings d u rin g th e su m ­ Kelly, Jessie M Minton. A rth u r His discharge brought th e a p ­ A few days la te r—a fte r giving land T hursday. be in charge of survey w ork be- fK'pee d ep artm en t has been d ele- m er m onths w ere \o te d at the S a t­ my throat a chance to som ew hat pointm ent of P riv ate F irst Class Ernest Webb S tangel has been w ith Bagley &■ tw een h ere and Forest G rove p re- k s trd by H arry Niles, chief of urday m eeting The u n it will again recover L ester W. B atchelar to th e ra n k of from previous o v eru se—I H are, attorneys, since Ja n u a ry 7. lim inary to paving construction. Pol*ce of P ortland, to speak at sponsor a 4-H club boy and girl for set out G eneral fund of W ashington coun­ for a certain p art of th e 193.5. and w as secretary to G eorge and w ill act as chief inspector d u r- ,tlc district convention o f t h e corporal and the advancem ent of the sum m er school in C orvallis in Don H- H. Wick u n try and trav eled u n ev en tfu lly R Bagley d u ring eight years of th e "'C building of the new pavem ent. K nights of P ythias to be held Wed- I P riv ate L»°n WiCK to tc p riv ate first ty is on a cash basis for th e first Ju n e The contest to select the d e l­ co was enlisted tim e since early in 1933. it w as w ith fair success, save for som e tim e Bagley w as circu it judge in The crew w ill be accom panied h ere nesdav night in N orth Plains, it 7,csley K etcharn egates will h<* held in May w dh announced this w eek b y Mrs. w here I was scandalized to this district, beginning his w ork by th eir fam ilies. was announced this week. Jew ell 1111 lnc xacancy. each union local selecting its can d i­ houses find my opponent had already visit M a u d Boscow. county treasu rer, w ill tell of his recent experiences Safe W idth dates from am ong th e 4-H club ed. and m any w here I met m ore un w ith Ju d g e Bagley in F ebruary. w hen a call w as issued form h er He w as ad m itted to the Oregon mem hi rs in its com m unity and p re­ well-nine atten tio n s from u n frien d ly S 1928 The highw ay contract, alread y let in the cast w hile atten d in g a tate office for all general fu n d w a r­ , . . b ar in 1931 to W arren-N orthw est e o m m n v nt scho° ' session of th e national peace Seeking dam ages aggregating $32,- senting th eir nam es to th e county dug-- < Dogs have been . a tria trial l.. H utchinson has been em ployed P ortland caUs for - i n n m x S n k officers, ran ts now outstanding. 5(Mi tw o actions in M ultnom ah c ir ­ m eeting for the final .'election. The contest is over now ow^. Of course w ith M organ for the last tw o years five and a haif m iles of s^ rflcin g . C hief N iles- in delegating t h e W arrant d ebt ag ain st th e county cuit court have been filed against 1 ap p reciate th e hel| > my friends road fund has been reduced to and is president of th e young dem o- T|ie p resen t highw ay is 16 feet w ide serKea,lt to th e convention, savs J« (p h and Robert Meek of N orth ie ilav rra tic club club of o f this t h i s countv e n u n t v and » m t chan- chan. j . .. .. . - . . . " lut » u ,, „ ______ i............. <. . . . have given m e since the day one one of of eratic H illsboro public school board, in $26.000. Mrs. Boscow reported, b u t «1..... «•» # .... .- j ......................... «».* -—ii....................... j .... > . . an a Plains, according to com plaints filed tbi • u c c k w ith S h eriff John C on­ nell. T he com plaints are the result of an acci lent at C ednr Mill the night of O ctober 17 w hen a truck driven by Joseph Meek and owned by Robert Meek crashed into a car ow ned b.v Leslie J L ittle a n d lady. You'll n ev er V«. I'A IIIK IH IJ T >. r v u v i r t l parked before the H askell's store ing graves' reg istratio n and a spe­ Mumble, W alter of N orth Plains and L. A. funds w ould be allotted u n d er the m um ble th ere Ell.i Little, and Doris Little, cial ei i n n n t l e e appoinlixl to m eet I w ith o th er veteran s' organizations! a minor, w ere injured. Ä Ä ln Jud8C R- F ra,,k ^ ¿ - Hcux gphc e„ sSeact * ° care for a p a rt to w ork mil plans for co -operative i In ju red in W rerk T I k * first com plaint alleges that S h eriff John C onnell w ill intro efforts in observance of p atritie K alooka. 58. Japanese, was in- Ell.i L ittle suffered inju ries Io her occasions. Mrs. Cecelia Sim pson. 6!. nati the j guest and the u # m eeting w ill « T hrow n to the pavem ent from th e duce „w«. j u v - , ju re d y esterday «Wednesday» afte r- of . . Oregon south — of autom rigid hip, hack and muscles and .. . and resident of ------- obile in w hich wo« v . h atten d ed by K nights from Mc. C ou n ty G r a n g e C ouncil O th er m atler. ich ed u led for th c | noon wh(*n th e autom obile in w hich . ......... Possessed w ith a h u n g er w hich nervous shock and has suffered m eeting include a discussion of he w as riding._ and a county gravel l a n d \ ° ™ p ^ G ™ ?e^ Plains. orest P la n s B u x to n M eetin g exceeded his caution, a thief late p erm anent injuries as a result. The proposal .»I to . ' construct . . . . .........mimi,,« H ^d ;T ,Kb v ,ö r , nM a :> d \;; F ^ k l î ’m ^ o n w h o ’l u r x d v ^ ^ WaS ,;“T ' ’ o ^ i .M S al- r e c e n t lv ni.rchsseB W ashington county G range coun- T hursday n ig h t or early F riday suit seeks $7500 in damages. .... ' ...... ....... " - 1, " U.sb.ua, crashed at t b e L aurel ^ n ^ r ^ T s ^ ^ Ä a . u r - Ä Ä I . . ui,,™ ', n L ,■ Clt Wl11 m ect W ednesday at 1:30 p. m orning, en tered the G odfred res- T he other is by Li’ster L ittle program . Lunch will be served from A ^C S h u te and declares that "]■ ^ ith th e G re*'> M°u n U in G range ta u ra n t on East Mam stre e t by for Dori ; and asks $25.000 alleg ­ the close of th e m eeting . v. e an a aeciaics that at B uxton, according to Jam es R breaking a side window. ing that the girl differed a frac­ F orsythe, state d istrict d eputy for Inside, the p ro w ler proceeded to tu red pelvis, abdom inal in ju ries W ashington county. A good pro- co°k a meal in the kitchen before and nervous shock, ail of w h i gram is prom ised and a pot luck leaving w ith several T -bone have conti‘ibut(*d to perm anent d in n e r w ill be served at 6 p. m. Eve- steaks, ham burger, cigars and ciga- ju ry . ing session w ill open at 7:30. rettes. S everal dishes w ere broken in the process, according to a re ­ p o rt to John C onnell, sheriff. .-..ti'iu g oi to rtla n d . H er m other, intersection of Jackson street and . T T 11 T^\ 1 Lon test Winner Guard Company Observes Tenth Anniversary W'inner Travel Contest Relates Her A dventures State Repairs Oiled Highway Hit hy Freeze Farm Union Contest May 8; to Meet Niohts Loral Attorney Knights to Hear General Fund on Cash Basis Damages Asked for Car Wreck Hiring Teachers Postponed Week Rites Held for Cornelius Girl Cecelia Simpson H urt in Crash Q u arry W o r k e r R eco v ers fro m A c c id e n t at L aurel A lbert Rulihii, 34. M idway re s i­ dent. w ho suffered a crushed skull w hen struck by a falling rock in lli<> county q ii.u iy at Laurel March 20. w as discharged from Jo n es hos­ pital Friday. The stone caved in a portion of Huhliii skull about Ihe size id a dollar, doctors reporled. lie a p p a re n tly is suffering no ill e f­ fects from Ins experience. Somebody Else in Dog House "Som rbodv else is in (lie <|„g house now!" exclaim ed Bert t a n - Dyke of llill- boro Tuesday m o rn ­ ing to S heriff Jo h n C onnell, and explained that som etim e d u rin g M ondav night vandals w alked aw ay w i'h the prid e of the Y anDyke hark yard, despite the fact th at the shingled, g reen ■ taiin d iiaoeli f h r ltr r was rig h t ilix t Ihe house. Now Nheriff < (mill'll i w ondering il the of H eirs of the law w ill be in the dug lioii.se if tile dug liou.se is not found and re tu rn e d th e fo r­ m er oeeupant of the sm all house w as sold last fall. High Prices for to Worries of Law Enforcement j S ; ^ High pr for ju n k iron still ; from (lie individuals w orking c o u iin iic a thorn in th e sides o f ! thro u g h the co u n try districts. S heriff Jo h n Council. I lls deputies A pparently using A pril I as the and stale police. right tim e for the application of L atest escapade of th e hardy | ju n k m en was the theft of tw o tons th eir idea, th ree men m a Ford of fish and Milo rail plates from | coupe drove info th e G eorge Heud- ricks service station at Forest S ou th ern Pacific properly at Bux ten. The th ie v e left no clew as to G rove, signaled the atten d en t for w hore the plates went or when. 10 gallons of gas, and then drove S ev eral investigations of farm aw ay w ith o u t paying ami before m ich in ery Io ses and o th e r thefts s t ill h a n g f i r e and s la te police in lile atten d an t could get to th e front this section of Ihe stale are faced of Ihe m achine. w ith a problem in chocking ju n k ) Jack K ari. 47, Tim ber, w an ted on collectors. w a rra n t for several w eeks on a The scrap, when gathered, is d e - | m orals charge, was arrested th ere liverod in P orlland w here huge 11» x ti ll III I IIIU.IIUI Wilt I«- liu g f m ounds "I the m ale,,al aw ait ship- Tuesday and lodged in Ihe county m e n t ,m | p o lic e reporl l i e ........... .. jail awaiting court action. f i c a t i o i i Of St....... m aterial in s u c h 1 Firm of $100 costs and sentence a ................... . no,..... ible lo ,0 a li e i e o l Io r o l l , H i,' t h c f l s ........... ipt ..., state ............................ both county and police arc ( In eking nam es of ju n k m en , cars and truck-, in use and o th e r data which may give ftilu r,' d e w s tn sim ,, ilar thefts. IU ' t>aid by c o lle c lo r . arc ..aid .......... c eisiderably u n d er prices oh- ■ lined io , 1‘o itlan d y ard . s . and . b.v the film s m ukihg a practice of buying ” i , , , ‘ ays " J!" , , " uh l n e t( ' d . 01,1 W ednesday in ju stice court to justice Frank Jam es C arvclle. route lleav crto n . w ho pleaded guilty Ity to d riv in g w hile d ru n k He was ar- rested by stale police and d ep u ty sheriffs nt Tobias Tuesday night follow ing a crash w ith a c ar d riv - hv K A M ontgom ery ol of Aloha, Jail sentence was suspended suspended on pay- - ........— ----- m en t of the fine and costs. m of P o rtland, also survive. Teachers Will Meet Sherwood Saturday W hen cars d riv en by T Inagaki of Banks and P erry S chaefer of H ills- .T v a ™ ^ injured. The men w ere tak en to a P o rtlan d hospital for treatm en t T eachers from all p arts of tli county will g ath er S atu rd ay in >d f.‘." Il,c. ' as.* ,r a <‘hcrs in- stillile of th e school year. O. B K raus announced th is 'w e e k Spe- ria l effort has been m ade lo ob­ Decision to send ,u*l ' n.cl1 1° tain a 100 per cent attendance. W ashington. D. C . in the in terests ............ * Aid in Land Grants Counties Move for m ,dH de'’gD,' P o r tla n d mH bal’d h r , - , s I'sw hed m 'a 'n m e H n g M 1" '" B allard at R oseburg o f county judges from Messing, 17 of * the 18 land KIUIH. g ran t VtmilllVK, counties c« I . . presi- ............... P ortland, Ih . «.f «1,^ and t ~ \ . . ___ d" ’e O egon Social H ygiene .lodge Donald T. T em pleton said ' 8 11,0 cl