Page Six Il I M . S I>1) R O Helvetia Band Plans Concert; Wenzel Elected .M U ! V S , H IL L S B O R O , o R E G O N tnencc A pril 13 in H illsboro acco rd ­ ing to Johnson. T he course w ill con­ sist of four evening m eetings at the PE P offices, an d all scooters in the d istrict a re ex pected to atten d A note from th e Sea Scout Ship Rainbow for th e pu rch ase of sails was approved. M ethods of raising the stan d ard s of scout w ork in the trict th e poles will be used to rinAat k .« ^ . ... . . . ------... a .. d ecorate C am p Irelan d and the finest bands in the county. This has been possible thro u g h the troops producing the best wood- splendid co-operation of som e of carving effo rts w ill receive e q u ip ­ m ent prizes. The poles w ill be ju d g ­ th e older m usicians in the com m un­ ed at th e court of honor May 27. ity. the most notable being Fred Grossen. it is pointed out The , A ppeal H ere May 10 e day for th< ann u al G rossen fam ily has m ade a nucleus , The * , u ten 'n tativ ,"Hive around w hich the band Has been & , X r o t T " " Citizens of u p p o rt scouting for 1937 was ten tativ ely set for Mav 10 R ecently the band was taken H illsboro district q uota this vein- is in to the F arm ers Union as then- $350. official band This has not affected A w ards at th e court of honor fol­ the status of th e band in anyw ay low: The band was equipped and fin an ­ Second class scouts for m erit ced through the efforts of the badges Troop 216 of H illsboro, people of H elvetia and the adjoin- Jack Kcnnellv , personal health: in g com m unities Robert Bristol, c a rp e n try T roop 226 In acknow ledgm ent of this splen of Hillsboro. Elw in Rookcr. nurse horse- S m.«.P «K J í 80 . .. " , ...................... ****-..................... . * niwfii-r. s:nith>' p ictu red above, still housed in the sam e b u ild .n . did support, th e band will continue m anship. Troop 247 of Helv tia l Langer. prorni- the "p oncer dav/ ' D u n n ^ ^ ^ "<’•« Fei the tools used to serve H elvetia as alw ays, by H ow ard R itter, h an d icraft, safetv. m aking it a b etter place in which Emil Y urkovich. safety. Jo h n Lu- wav into that territo ry , th e shop was used for m uch ,e n , \ ' •'* narro w gauge rail to live, and the band will alw ays lich. gardening, farm homo and its . ' work- rhe shop was constructed by be the H elvetia com m unity band planning, first aid to anim als shoe the most obstreperous horse —C u t courtesy T h e Oregonian.*' ° * US “ b,1,ty to conquer and First class scout- T roop 216 of W enzel to Teach Again Hillsboro. S tan ley H ergert At a school board m eeting held M any A w ards Made M arch 23 the present teacher. J o ­ he controlled. T he p rim ary function First class scouts for m erit badges seph Wenzel, w as engaged to teach in b reed er house cleaning is to keep an o th er term This will m ake his troop 216 of H illsboro, Leon Wiley, drv litte r available to the chicks in seventh term at H elvetia school sw im m ing. Ted G ard n er, sw im m ing, oidei to p rev en t th e developm ent T he board offered a sm all raise in p ath fin d in g : Elvis Dickason. p erso n ­ et the ccccidiosis organism U nder salary. They also know th at they al h ealth: D elbert Crews, sw im m ing: norm al conditions the brooder house have the full co-operation of the Ja c k G oodm an, arch itectu re. Troop P o u ltry m en have m ade a definit should be cleaned once a week. school patrons and" the children Jan n scn . safety. tep in advance by allow ing suffici- b irds in the brooder house. A de­ These w ere the essential features - sp a c e 'u n d e r the h o v er for the q u ate lipusing space is vital in brought out by Mr Cosbv in nis pup” k n ine of them in th e eig h th T r° ° £ ° f H cI' ct:a F red chicks, stated H E Cosby, ex ten - brooding both from the stan d p o in t m am discussion. T he rem ain d er of f i r a d e “ * *,g h th -£ a ' P °u ltry m an . and head of the of allow ing p ro p er exercise and also his tim e was spent m answ ering .. 8 .. son. blacksm ithing: W alter E rdm an p o u “ rv m an * av oiding concentration of disease. the questions of the poultrym en The late W dha m ° v c h pioneering, cooking: W ill,am Batch- 1 011,1 r-' d ep artm e nt. O regon State Cosby fu rth e r points out tliiit present. The late W illiam M S ch cu rcr elder, safety, carp en try , perso n al college, at the m onthly pou ltry w hile sanitation is also o b jectio n ­ place has been sold to Mrs Mary health m eetings w hich vv^re held at the able Coccidiosi«, w hich is one of M eier Mr. and Mrs. Wesley P ieren of co C om m e erce Sea Scout S hip R ainbow of H ills- H illsboro « C h am b - er m mm rc e the principal th re a ts in brooding, is a re living on th e place now. boro. Jo h n West, sw im m ing; K eith ;lno 1,10 T igard G range hall on th e a disease for w hich the birds build Seven m em bers of the H elvetia Busch, electricity uviviinnqi dim evening f ilin g oi ârcn -3. aftern o o n and of M arch 23. up an im . m unity ; a fte r thev have com m unity band w ere am ong the F irst ex p lo rer honors. E x p lo rer rep o rts L. E. F rancis, assistant coun- ° j c e been infected. If a condition of sanitation is m ain tain ed such guests at th e reception w hich fol­ P atro l of Troop 247 of H elvetia fv ’-V agent. i By Mrs. E. I.. Coxl , ------ • • Cosby w arn ed th e p o u ltry m en . th at the birds a re not able to get es " Davidson low ed th e w edding of C arl Voges Jam A rnold Lcppin. KINTON E aster S unday was how ever, th at th e re w as a decided m ild doses of coceidiosis. they arc and L uella V. M ustonen Sunday at W alter E rdm an. B oatsw ain s mate: Sea Scout Ship tendency to m ain tain too crow ded not ab le to build up an im m unity observed at the church w ith a pro- th e L utheran church. They w ere conditions in th e b ro o d er house, and w ith th e resu lt th at they w ill have gram by the children and th eir Joseph Wenzel. F red Grossen Rainbow . H illsboro. Jo h n West th at it w as ju st as m uch an evil to ccccidiosis a fte r they get in th e lay­ teachers, th e church being dec­ F red Toellc. W ilfred and A lbert crow d th e b ird s in th e house as to ing house w here sanitation condi­ orated w ith the cross and other G rossen. Jam es Davidson and Vic­ crow d them und i* th e hover. The tions can not he m aintained to the iloviftrs Follovvinjp is the program : to r F cuerstein. C arl Voges is a m inim um space req u irem en t should e x te n t th a t they can in the brooder. Song by all: w elcom e recitation. trom bone p lay er in th e H elvetia be seven sq u are inches p er chick M arjorie V anK leek; song by young I»ry L itter Needed band. u n d er th e h o v er w ith th e cockerels D evelopm ent o f the coceidiosis ladies’ class: recitations. E d i t h Mr. and Mrs. O scar Fcuerstein being tak en out of th e stra ig h t run organism is aided by the sam e fac­ M arian V anK leek a n d M arvin and fam ily are m oving to Jew ell The M inisterial association has chicks in about tw o o r th re e w eeks in is week, w here he is em ployed com pleted arran g em en ts w ith the and m th e case of sexed chicks h alf to rs th at aid the hatching of eggs Agle; song- M arilee P om eroj and in th e incubator. stated Cosbv R oberta P o m e ro j. recitatio n s'D o ris lit a a logging In0din,im eio y 's class of boys, song by Mui v V anH orn's class, vocal solos Maiv VanHorn. Mrs Ma.lgc I’onicrov Mary Hall and \i lc c i Skccl I'lic piano accom panim ents w ere plnv c i bv Mrs Pom eroy. Mary Vaii- Horn nil Mary f Hall P r . . . ■ „ d mg the preaching service, the p as­ hm. Rev Virgil Spec.*,* look a class into the church num bering II, ami baptized Jo e Aten, son of Mr and Mi • J II Aten I.ester S nider, who form erly r e ­ sided h ere spent a lew .lavs Iasi week calling on som e of his old friends around town. About om* hundred people g a th ­ ered a l the (¡rail,:.* hall M arch 17 I o observe the 201h an n iv ersary of the organization of Kinton G range An effort was m ade to have all c h a rte r m em bers present as pus itde. and th ere was a good mini her present C harles Hayes of P o rt­ land, w ho took an active part n, tti.* installation o,, March 17. 1917 was pres,*1,1 and also his m other mid Mr and M is G W Thiessen of M ilw auk,.. Mrs G W Thiessen t* state lectu rer A good delegation " a s present from B eaverton. T i­ gard and H illsboro The local lec­ turer, M is C arrie Stricff. a rra n g ­ ed the program and t h e state lectu rer also put on som e stunts. Mr and Mrs Edw ard I. Cox observed th eir 4t)th w edding a n n i­ versary M arch 17. z\ nu m b er of friends in the com m unity, also niem hers of th e Rebekah club of Scholls, sent letters and cards and other gifts T he club presented them w ith a fine bathroom set Ties in with THIS KS a product o r Columbia Empire Products Campaign .. ,ro,n p“ " n w ith W illiam C. Wessel, national d irecto r of C ubbing from th e nation- al h e ad q u arters of th e Boy Scouts of A m erica Pack com m itteem en, C ubm asters assistants and p aren ts w ill a tten d the train in g m eetings. P lan T raining Course A specialization train in g course on troop adm inistratio n will com- TO SERVE YOU WELL! tty These A re Products of Del M onte G olden B antam . From C ream Style or Ni blets. TUB W ashington. lie No. 2 can. 27c B aked F resh D aily in the Model N orthw est P lant M acaroni Best Ever the Best in Noodles, S p ag h etti, V erm icelli, 1 1-oz. pkg. O ffor fl)|. Kam, „ rfatá-(faked, s ,lerw orr Preserves MARASCA Pure S tra w b erry or B lackberry BACON sbason ' nc . 14c LEAN. Lb. BEEF ROAST Lb 2 8 -o z. p k g . For Fi n c-G rain ed Cake.;, F or U 3 SHORTENING 2 ,b. 4 2 c ib,. 2 5 c All Meats Inspected by Drs. Nicol anil Almquist FRED'S SUPERIOR MARKET • oiupare I he quality Asparagus MAGIC VALLEY No. I lall. 2 cans No. 2 can. 2 for G row n and packed in I he famou: W alla Walla Valley. N ote il.s ten d ern ess and Iresh -lik e flavor. Ï27 S. T hird Ave. H.lisin,ro. Oregon 3 I lainasciis. QUART , ,, A pril 2 and 3 PH O N E 3131 29c i-rr 3 pkgs. 14c J a c k Frost Icc C ream Mix, m akes a ql. I’kg. VANILLA LINDY PEAS, YOURSELr 3 cans 29c DU ND EE CORN, no;! size. 3 cam ■!«*>« O . C ßrahams 2 l COFFEE s °¿? en u l H oody’s ¿ Â ÎÏ7 Peanut Butter 23c 26c bathr °° m PIGGLY W IGGLY FLOUR 2 ib„ „ 5 0 c F rillcll ea MILK Mt. V ernon B rand 2 1 c 4 J;!1 * • A* ZEE 2Hc 28 c 4 & Ö / ,8 PORTER'S r u T ' BULK 5c 10c 3 0 .; s i z e . 25c TISSUE H ard w heat. 49-lb. sack SUNRISE C O FFE E , 1-lb. 25c. 3 lb,. 69c Piggly W iggly Special C offee, 1-lb. 19c , 3 lbs. 55c PE A C H E S1 CAV BEETS r„,„ cans for BETTER MEATS STEEK BEE! 29c 45c PO T ROAST CLAMS 16c Pound 25c PURE LARD H & D A rtich o k e H earts, B uffet size. 2 for 25c D undee Cut A sp a rag u s, No. 2 can. 2 cans 25c or SH O RTEN IN ING G h"f 28c lbs. M IRACLE W H IP TH O M PSO N . Lb. can lbs. ED’S MASTER MKT. 14c " SUPER SUDS Í o n c e n trate d . »i«« pkg. M ALTED MILK E n ter $2 000 P rize Context. S atin Sm ooth by In stan t Freezing. E v erv o n c I« R ovino a i T it Y IT Y O U R S E L F I PONTIAC SALES n. 2 2 c Q, 3 5 c Sm all W hite or L arge W hile. N o rth w e st Produci 17c PURE LARD 48-oz. pkg. 29c 29c SOFTASILK. L arge pkg. 11c RIB STEAKS Lb 17c Cake F lour BEANS IC E C R E A M 14 c BOILING BEEF , „ 2-lb. Jar SPERRY PANCÁKÉ’ "¿WAFFÍE''Fl()UR 17c C a r t w r ig h t Tow n C lub BEER, 12-oz. cans. 3 cans W INES, full fortified . Pint 25c Q uart for DBIPÍUI SYRUP SERVIR Q uality M eats S ir Om Xd \ r x ( i f k for 1’rooU hMi i u '■ S pring K*autv B rand See Special Coupo,, DE LUXE MODEL,... cwjiy Y our C hoice KRISPY. 2-Ib. box YOU BACON SQUARES 29® 2 ««• S an tiam K entucy W onder o r S ta jric h Blue Lake Beans. offers f,.i v Mis fvJÔT tm ' H & D Je ll D essert, 10 flavors. empira ^ 2 Del M onte's New. M odern P lan t at Dayton. Cut G reen. CAN FRED Scv Ibis fine c a r al C a rtw rig h t’s ami g d the tru th . bisquick COLUMBIA YOURSELF Prices fo r F rid ay , S a tu rd a y , M onday, A pril 2, 3 and 5 CORH Rainbows 'rotim i .sour slioiilib'i' wlit'ii y o u tlrivp the NEW 1937 PO NTIAC Ainrrh i\ I hies! l,IIU I'll«*«* (4t* Prices E ffective F rid ay and S a tu rd a y DELIVERY— FOUR TIM ES DAILY FREE GREAT COLUMBIA EMPIRE S elfrid g e F u rn itu re com pany this w eek has an n o un ced th e com pletion . fo r inspection of "F ashion Flow H all." a room on th e ir balcony dis- P laying Fashion Flow fu rn itu re w hich is m ad e in P o rtlan d The room gives th e effect of a bedroom com pletely fu rn ish ed w ith th e new product. T he idea behind the new p ro d u ct ,.s th a t th e designs will be p erm an en t and a piece m ay be added from tim e to tim e with the assu ran ce th at th e pieces w>ll match r/te HILLSBORO t Scout T roop School Planned H ere Soon C a r t w r ig h t Says: Kinton C hildren O bserve Easter u u u iq Local C hurches to Present Play Fashion Flow H all O pened to Public A Father** Advice I thing In III in i rulablc vva dom My son. never speak iinkiii.ilv lie m ade them Why He made of price cullers never knock •hem only lie know: Some day hut up to them Because God m ade them the enlighten us d if I understand nine as lie* crabs, hornet*' i now I It ln* II Ex lizard ., ants roaches e e n tip e d ,. flea lice. hugs, wasps, Siitlke: skunk and other u n p leu siin t A rgus chissttleit ads get resulta aa 3 Î)C CRYSTAL W HITE ... . 10 b ars We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 29c r. Smooth,,e:*.* of T in , h o C ream GOI' W Kf W E ST CO ITEE 4 x-x iy c 29c FRUITS ^VEGETABLES RHUBARB CABBAGE or POTATOES Grape Fruit I' r< h Local Field R hubarb PER PO U N D I* inn, Solid 11 cads. PER PO U N D II. S. No. I Hill (¡rinvìi Pofaloc TtiXH.M. Seed less ib. si. lop­ ping Bag L rge S ite ■ ■ ■