Page Six Sunrise Service Attracts Many at Cornelius H IL L S B O R O called to Blackfoot, Idaho, this week by th e serious illness of Mr. Dore's m other. Mrs L. Dore. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Adamson and children of M cM innville and Thomas Adam son of T u alatin w ere guests Sunday of th eir m other. Mrs. Lizzie Adamson, and also of Mr. and Mrs. A. J . O liver and family. C ornelius g rad e school h eld a spring carn iv al in the gym nasium T hursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schultz had as th cir d ln n er < Fridav thiair i««. r California" " ’ 4,1 R ennet of A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Thursday, April I. 1937 Banks church w ere well attended. P rogram by the children was well received M other* Meet Friday The M others' club will m eet in the side room of the church F ri- I By Mary Sandy) h ad da.' afternoon instead of witli Mrs M r and Mr: W illiam Mo, B A N K S — "Through t h e K ey­ th ree front teeth knocked out when B W. A rm entrout us planned. hole." a sp ark lin g comedy by W il­ he was hit in the face w ith a sw ift (By Dorothy Cooke) liam G Davidson, was selected bv ball w hile playing baseball t w o I By Mm. Gail Karns) Miss Alice Lane as th e vehicle for week* ago CORNELIUS—A good crow d a t­ ORENCO Mr and Mrs C lark r.d C lark re tu rn e d hom e last ten d ed th e su n rise services in the th e second play of the y ear in the P urviauee ami sen Don of Menlow, local M E ch u rch Sunday m orn- B anks high school Cast includes T hursday from Bit hospital, w h e n Iowa, a rriv ed Momlay to visit th eir ing. F ollow ing th e service at w hich only ju n io rs and seniors. M em bers he spent several w eeks He has had parents. Mr. am t Mrs. C harles (By Mrs. Julin Haase) Rev. A lexander H aw thorne ad- are: M ildred M eade as G randm a only one bad attack since lie w a s Evans Mr ami Mrs. P u rv iau ee m inistered com m union, assisted by brought hom e and is im proving T ierney. Eleanora S trassel as Jean slowly. FIRD ALE - IOWA HILL Mrs plan to locate here Mi ■ d M n Lea ' .......... "_______________ C andray. Rita Cop has the role of Henry P eters en te rta in e d w ith a Practice for Meet Mr ami Mrs K iepke ami fam ily te r M ooberry serv ed breakfast at G enevieve Van Cam p and Effie b irth d ay p arty W ednesday a fte r- Banki grade school has begun noon Present w ere Mesdanies T en- spent th e w eek-em l at th e home th eir home to 60 from C ornelius T oates is Mary T ierney, th e g ra n d ­ and Hillsboro, w ho had attended d au g h ter Jack W inters is Jim practicing for the track meet O V ms Pvle. E lm er Boge Fre.l H aase of Mr am) Mrs. T A S chneider J f | Haase. John Haase, H enry J at Balm Grove. th e service. C hildren's program s T ierney, Leigh S tetler is A rchie W hite is the coach N athan Rose spent several days Mr and Mis V ernon F ields anti Haase and son W ilbur, Don Pearson w ere presented at both th e L uther- V anCam p, Jo h n H iatt is W illiam eran and M ethodist churches w ith th e b utler, and S tanley M orrill is sm all son of V ancouver Wash., w ere Sam G erig. Will R ufener Will Red- Inst w eek visiting relatives at (By Mrs. Frank Peioldt) Ocean L ake Sunday and Monday guests of Mrs dig. M artin Heddig. Mrs M argaret appropriate serm ons by th e pas­ D n rv e n r r e t i ~ t G eorge Allen. P ractice has been Mr Satin has re tu rn e d hom e tors d u ring th e w orship hour. Sun- K civK CHEEK A larg _ e _ group of going on a w eek D ate for th e play F ie ld s m other Mis Leona R obert- Gnos amt Mrs Mai v Pendt rgasl „ ______ from the hospital am t is m uch im ­ day evening a group of C ornelius people atten d ed th e E aster p ro ­ has not been set as yet. but w ill be son. and Ed C lark H arveys Move Mr and Mrs. Hugh Jones of P o rt­ proved folk attended the services in th e gram , w hich was p resen ted by the in the n ear fu tu re Mr and Mrs R obert Harvey, w ho land w ere E aster w eek-end guests ....... ... .............. „ ................ .. A bout a dozen people from the H illsboro M ethodist church. Sunday schools of th e H elvetia and have been living on the Lukas place ,. B anks W ins at the A lbert H eard home. for the [last m onths, have moved m tei iuii church lu re attended A nniversary C elebrated local R eform ed church, at the B anks high school's b asketball C harles K essler. Jam es T urner ,u n B row n house n ear 1 !" u n ,°h com m union services last Mr. and Mrs Ju liu s D elm onte c b u rc" "e re Sunday night Pro- squad trav eled to B eaverton and A lbert H eard made a business > , *ranK T hursday evening at Kcodvilli jurel. w erc surprised Friday evening in gram included th e following: piano T h u rsd ay night, w h ere th ey w ere trip to S eattle T hursday and Frida" Pearson K ents Farm Born, to Mr amt Mrs Julin Mot/. _______ over C Y. O. 26-14 The honor of th eir w edding an n iv er­ solo by N orm a B erger, in stru m en t- victorious Townsend Meet Friday Don Pearson ren ted 35 acres of Ins M arch 24. a boy sary. at th e ir home. An E aster al trios by M rs Elm er G uerber. re tu rn gam e w as played M ondav Banks T ow nsend club w ill meet place to some Japanese. . . . . . . . . . w ho a re P.-T. A. to Meet basket was presented. G uests were E laine \ ungen and E dw ard Scheldt, in th e local gym. Binbv. fo rw ard F ridav in the side room o f t h e pu ttin g in straw b erries. Pearson, I’ -T. A w ill meet a t th e school- jvirs. n H. m B eieispaen. M attie ^ R a tio n s by D orothy staeh le. for B eaverton, was the o utstand- church at 8 p in Mrs. ietelspach. Mrs. Mat Smith. Misses Helene Shaw. W ini- Doris Jessy B etty Y ungen. R uth ing floorm an in both games T he Hollis Hartwick In ju red w ith the help of Jo h n M arconi and house at 2:30 p. in A pril 8 L ead­ F ra n k Waibel, is building a new ers will be Mrs H oague and Mis fred M ilbrandt, Lavon Robinette. Ciuerbcr and Donald G uerber. ex- gam e w as won by th e C. Y. O. 19- Hollis H artw ick received several house on Ins place, w hich the Ja - S crafford Topic is "Good taste amt Rose L ee Derm er, Ruby Smolke. ^ rc |ses by several groups of chil- 12. bruises am i cuts Monday w hen the panese will occupy. and G eorgiana Jones. Messrs. Da- d rc n ' dialogue w ith H elen Fuegy Lese to St. Mary's h an d leb ars on his bicycle, w hich L ucille Reddig had h er tonsils re- ap p reciation.'' Hostesses will be vid Edmonston. F ran k O liver. as ,e a c her. songs bv S unday school B anks high's b ask etb all squad he was riding, broke and he fell off m oved last S atu rd ay bv Dr S m ith Mrs H. S cheldt and Mrs. Gail K arns Lloyd M undorf and H arry Mason. vocal duet bv , Hej crl ^ ueg>' an d w ent to St M ary's of th e V alley to into th e gravel Jo h n Hienie. w ho recen tly un- E1>zabeth Boeckh. dialogue by Hel- ta k e a 28-12 defeat. W ebb of St. I Mr and Mrs H arvev R obertson Teacher III Mrs. Jo h n D appen and son Al- I here w as no school in F irdale on b e l t visited at th e John Log in- derw ent a go itre operation at the and L u cille Yungen Jean Wen- M ary's w as the outstan d in g floor and tw o daughters ¿if S helton V eterans' hospital, is getting along geij Donald staeh le. Bobby H arv ey ; m an w hile hu> team m ate Hall Wash.. visited Mr R obert-on's M onday due to illness of the teach- buhl hom e Sunday A lbert is fust nicely. R RneStv ,S and!,rS' by I hooped 10 points. This w as B anks m other. Mrs Leona R obertson, and er. Louise Peters. engineer on the mercha ant ship Rose Club Meets Miss Reed Honored ^ u ,h Boeckh and song by Mrs high's first game w ith a class A Ed C lark S aturdav. "M issourian." w hich has just r e ­ Rose Social club m et w ith Mrs Miss Evelyn Reed, captain of Fueg\ 5 c' ass' The collection high school. L ineups w ere: St D onald M oore of P ortland spent turned from New Y ork am i is now W ayne M ulhvan W ednesday a fte r­ the w om en's basketball team , was " ‘R o e used to buy song books. M ary's— Webb. If C. Reynolds, last w eek's E aster vacation visit- stationed at S eattle for several noon. A fter th e business m eeting w eeks surprised w i t h a han d k erch ief P rogram G iven r f.. R iverm an. c . P. Reynolds, l g . mg friends and relatives in Banks they enjoyed an E aster egg hunt show er at the hom e of Mrs H enry d , * n ,Fa5‘er J)™g ra ™ bG ,l,h e . Sun.' Hal1- r g B anks — Wilson. I f . Mrs. W illiam M oore took him back Born, to Mr and Mrs G. W Allen E dw ards is boarding at th e B ehrm an M onday evening follow - day ^ h o o l of B rooks Hill church Schlegel, r.f.. Taylor, c.. D ierick. to P o rtlan d S undav w h ere she U nger hom e now w hile hoeing Wiswell. M areh 18. a boy ing b asketball practice. Miss Reed V “ Presen.ed at th e church S un- 1 g. La Porte, r g. S u b stitu tin g for visited all day w ith her sen W ind- straw b erries for C harles S ellers of Mrs. Olin Regan ami d a u g h te r of W estport visited her parents. is fifth and sixth grade teach er a \ t St M ary's were. A ndler. Zell, and sor Moore, and family- B o b b v S to h - Iow a Hill. in th e local school M esdames F ran k Among those from P o rtlan d w ho P D------” -------------------- --------------------------------- - • ' ’ arap id ; for B anks M orrill and I le r of B anks was a guest th ere M argie Robinson has been absent Mr. and Mrs Jack Huge rs, several Dooher. George Feldm an and M at- vacation here last w eek K aw am ato. from high school for the past tw o days last week ' also. tie S m ith w ere in charge. w ere Miss Mabel T rout, w ho vis- V ernono G arrett and Billy A n­ Start Baseball Word has been received by B. w eeks on account of illness A dds M eat D epartm ent Nenie** M a ^ a i f “ ^ " w h o * v " i O rpha C a rte r has re tu rn e d home derson of P o rtlan d spent tw o days B asketball for th e high school W A rm entrout th a t his daughter, Ed M ohr p ro p rieto r of M o h rs lted M rs F , j, B rad ,™ ' w as com pleted last w eek Mr. Day Mrs. C laude M organ of M anzanita, a fte r w ork in g for Mrs. A rnold G nos last w eek w ith Mrs. C arlyl all P ortland schools had an E aster is navinff mpat u n te r • .. !eft . ta r s n u r n p e r v d V K t o a ar em eat rn C0Un,er C harIie _ Tunsta11 - e e k on w ill now com m ence baseball prae- w ho un d erw en t a m ajor opera- th e past m onth Roy C arter, w ho is em ployed on vacation tiee. Six letterm en have re tu rn e d tion last w eek, is im proving as B onnie Olsen has retu rn ed from t £ Veral d ay s' tr ip t0 E astern O re th is y e a r and th ey are: D ierick w ell as could be expected. Mrs B. the P S D redge M ichie, w as called O D P erk in s was ta k e n t > the county hospital Several w eeks ago ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ h ^ l ^ M ^ ^ s V . ^ anJd- Mr^ nAe r accom panied Mr. Taylor, Sm ith. La Porte, V ando- W. A rm entrout of B anks is still to Coos bay on an em ergency job E dw ard C a rte r Home and is rep o rted seriously ill m elen, and Schlegel. B aseball visiting in Tillam ook, w h ere Mrs Edw ard C a rte r has retu rn ed hom e Sunday d in n er p arty g u r-ts it Stevenson. Wash. ’ x m eler on a ,rlp to gam es to be scheduled a re w ith M organ is in th e hospital. a fter a four m onths' trip south He the F red M eihoff home Mr. and Mrs. H arold Finegan 2Lndkav d A storia S atu rd ay j H illsboro. Gaston. F orest Grove. G am es Played and Mrs. Finegan's m other. M rs and u Sjnda> „ ,, | Tigard, --------- —— A d o u b le-h ead er of b ask etb all n 'sl!ed rc ’a,lves at I -Os Angeles and and Mrs Tom Ireton and M r a m i and V ernonia H enry Mrs Cum m ings of T hatcher, w ho w as plaved in th e B anks gvm n FrinciV cJ^O akland h r X mi * Mrs M ik‘‘ G ale of C ottage Grove, w ere guests a , - , H effeneider of P o rtlan d is i W° r k m g has becn Vlsltlng ,h e P“ st T h u rsd ay night. High school g ,™ h ^ V iip “ °" Mr umt Mrs A shley of S eattle at the Joseph F inegan home last h ‘p i s e n n n 8 . r v n Wash . and M n A shley's parent* F e r n i e r I k M ’ «T n a t th e H enry M cD onald home, has lost to th e Sherw ood tow n girls Daniel C arter E dw ard C arter w eek-end. \-rI-Fx.m? R f S d D,e! , leit for a 5hort Vlsit in T h atch er 37-12 F orest G rove town team dc- A nnie and H u vev B rosher wamt* to visited at the G eorge E rickson W alter R itth aler began w ork in A nnie rosher w ent to ,, ,7 ......", N. £ls.- ^ .e-E on' , for m er r «s'd e n t of ¡a n d then w ill visit in P o rtlan d . feated B anks high school bovs. 48 Sii 1 and " last " H S arvey 5 B and S andy unday visited El- î’,,m a'’ ,urt 'v . V ' O regon City last w eek-end. this section, died in C alifo rn ia. L am ar S andy spent t h e w eek- to 7. Mrs. Bietelspach Honored m er Laten. w h ere E dw ard and H ar- Ley ,a • k n ek so n s w ere neigh- Mr. and Mrs. H enry Bietelspach ™ r ghi 23 a Amonf J h,e suLvi,vors I end vey previously w orked. bors in O m aha. Neb R ent F arm s frien d s in C orvallis, Amos Sellers ls sp en d in g this C ircle Io M ed en tertained at th eir hom e last S a t­ are his widow and S ylvan Nelson. . _ --- - I. Shigeno has re n te d 200 A nton U nger, w ho is em ployed in Mrs. B raw ley and Mrs. Ralph M ax ­ W omen's C ircle will m eet a t the urday evening in honor of Mrs. im. w eek in P o rtlan d v isitin g a t th e acres of land n e a r L aurel and w ill a shake m ill at H oquiam . Wash . was church W ednesday w ith M is Car Lee Irv in e home. p lan t stra w b e rrie s th ere this spring, hom e for E aster B ietelspach's birth d ay an n iv ersary Miss L ucille B urney, w ho teach- T K Shigeno has ren ted a farm _ Mrs. Lou H eim 's father. M ike lyle and Mrs. B. A. M itchell a Guests w ere Mr. and Mrs. George ia n Mrs. a . Elizabeth f ,v_ „„ „ K aufm , . an , .. of P o rt- R itth aler of T im ber and Mr. and d ' - form er resid en t of th is sec es in th e.M an n in g school, spent th e on G ales C reek and w ill also set C row e of Salem , i spending a few hostesses a S been Very 111 but “ im ' : we« k -en d a t h er hom e in T ro u t- out stra w b e rrie s on this farm days w ith her. Mrs. E arl Phelps. proving Builds Brooder House ^ a ^e- J. J H andsacker of P o rtla n d C ornelius grade school pupils e n ­ Cecelia Kies, w ho has been ill canon r Friday. r ia a y . f tvooirc i - ™ ---- L yle Wo*f°r d w ent to th e F ra n k spoke to th e B anks high school R ji w ere d in n er p arty ^ e s U on E aster & n W eeke and N orm a Je a n o f and son of M arshfield w ere Cor- te r C overs w ere laid f o r t ■ t • A lex an d er McDonald, a teach er ' P o rtlan d spent th e w eek-end in nelius visitors over th e w eek-end p rc.sent w ere th e f a m i l i e s in th e Ione hlgh sch°ol, sp en t th e , B anks w ith Mr. H eltzel's parents, The Schm ale's arc form er resi- , ru d e W illiams m d' R a v w eek-end w ith his parents. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W alker, dents. of P eav in e S id g e M r and M r! and Mrs H enry M cD onald, an d E aster m orning services in the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mooberry. i ark w altnn p ,r,'i.,r\i u fam ily in Banks. 1 — ■ ---------- w ho are teachers in th e H illsboro Mrs Alvin H unger of O rcharda?e Mr and Mrs G eorge M iller of grade schools, are enjoying a n m a ^ r i ^ i O^ ardnai C C ascade Locks v isited Mr. an d Mrs. E aster vacation this w eek. Ifodikc ' *Katheriim 0>M pCnd N. G. G riffin and fam ily Monday. Miss G race M cCorm ick of Hills- M in n ie'O w en s ¿nd litUe 4 L s Ma7- B illy M oore H urt B illy M oore of P o rtlan d , a form er boro w as a w eek-end guest of Miss g arct U pdlke A tl’m \A ,i o , I-i I f o r resid en t of B anks and grandson of M yra W iedewitsch. Mr. and Mrs. A lfred Dore w ere Hayward Subterranean °D0 YOU OWN A BUILDING LOT? for You! ‘—•'“ who love GOOD beer. F re e H ouse Plans F re e E stim ates Q u a lit y M a te ria ls G entlem en: COPELAND V ery tru ly yours, HARRY TAYLOR. : Lester Ireland ÔC Co. INC. » F © « A N i RAY J. MANN, Distributor 149 E. Washington Street C. P E N N E Y CO M PANY, In c o r p o r a te d S e le c tio n P a sse n g e r C ars PLYMOUTHS CHEVROLETS FORDS DODGES BUICKS GRAHAMS 20 Y ears in H illsboro 119 S. 3rd Ave. Hillsboro Phone 812 Hillsboro, Oregon i I found it at Fashion-Flow Hall” l-p a n d D e v ic e s My start on this lovely Fashion-Flow room began with a bed at $25, and my budget didn't waver as I added the rest pieee by piece . . . it all cost so little.” Almost a miracle, !housanris say, tu find such furniture at such prices ! Finest pbde mirrors. Hand fitted', dust- p ro o f d r a w ers. Smooth, easy-to-elean THIS IS A waterfall contours. PRODUCT OF Hand rubbed woods, genuine walnut, gen­ uine mahogany with blond maple trim, and genuine cherry in maple finish. Th ree W o o d s : w a ln u t; c h e rry ; m ah og an y w ith blond m ap le trim B E D ............. $25oo NITE STAND T he TW ENTY-TW O assures me LEAF ease of handling in my conditions. L O O S E I feel th a t I have found Hie ideal tra c to r for all of the various jobs) ! encountered in div ersified farm ing. L o o se L e a f B ook s T his i.s m y second "C aterpillar" and I have used them for .so long R u le d F o rm s th a t I w ould consider no o th er m achine. nil b o tt le s IM < a n B R f A I R l f t W oodland, Oregon M areh 23, 1937 My "C aterp illar" lia r; balanced p o w er—it d o ern 't spin or slip its tracks like o th er makes, but dc- i livers its pow er to the d raw b ar th rough positive ground - gripping I tracks. ¡aiK(^iub R easonable Cost J- Just $25 began my FashioU'Flow bedroom! W o n d er fu l CADY M O T O R CO . coursing through miles o f under­ ground gravel and rock strata. Slightly M INERALIZED water, giving to the Bohemian Club flavor”tbat added something” appreciated most by those W h ere s ty le is param ount . . . d u rab ility n e c e s­ sary, y o u 'll find T O W N C L A D 'S D U N B U fc Y W O R S T E D T W I S T S the a n sw er! S ty le d and tailored by ex p er ts! G ood -look in g m od els you 'll wear w ith p rid e! For com p lete sa tisfa ctio n get acquainted w ith a T o w n c la d to d a y ! ÍÍ R u b b er stam ps and office su p ­ plies.—H illsboro A rgus. tf DODGE li/2-ton DODGE Pickup CHEVROLET FORD Water from a subterranean river flowing directly under the brew­ ery several hundred feet beneath the surface; water PURIFIED by Local financial institu­ tions are making FHA Insured Mortgage Loans for building new homes, advancing up to 80 per cent of the appraised val­ ue of the house and lot. Repayable like rent. COPELAND’S is ready to help you toward your new home with B lrthdav C elebrated Mr. and Mrs. B. E. W aldorf en ter- tai,uci Mr and Mrs. C harles Wood ..................... -..S.».,» ■ at d in n e r M . onday evening III in U'fi honor tbe b irth d a y of Mrs. Ida Wolf Mrs. C harles Johnson and Mr Slfittey F rench spent M onday w ith Mrs G eorge Hill in honor of her birthday Mrs Jo h n Kinsey t Rachel Wei - enb ach t re tu rn e d to h er hom e n il T ru ck s Nature has given to the Bohemian Breweries a wonderful natural ad­ vantage in making beer.... WATER. Good News rhoae >01 fo r a ll t h e j o b s o f d iv e r s if ie d f a r m in g WATER ~ ~ the final ingredient/ Then Here’s Lumber Yards Id eal Pow er cough P 8 Mr. and M rs L ouis R aym ond spent the w eek-end at Rose Lodge ** " M arian ~ Doyle ‘ IV Ui — .tltoo Miss sestllicsil of - illllSDUrO H illsboro was a w eek-end visitor of Mr and Mrs C harles Robinson. Mrs W arren A ue and Mrs Edith R“tgs J e rire d a and G eorge Riggs of B onneville brought Sam Aue. who was w orking at B oneville for the past w eek, hom e S aturday. Norbert Waihel Injured N orbert W aibel fell off a bicycle M onday afternoon and broke his left arm ju s t above the w rist. V A N ITY . • • 750 4900 BENCH . 750 DRESSER 3900 CHEST . . 2500 Start your Fashion- Flow today! On our easy payment plan. of I R V I N G -P I T T Are now obtainable through the ^ ilb b u itiiS fc A r fj u s E X C L U S IV E IN -A , UUÿ V0ÜR3ELF Mint Jlwjpvdty. H IL L S B O R O A T SELFRIDGE FURNITURE CO. 1 3 6 S. S e c o n d A v e . Phone 21 X