T T ÎÎ.T .S fiO ftO Far*1 Tvtrt ARCUS, TTTLLSRO RO , O R FC ON TburaHflV. April 1. 10*7 Martin Attitude Toward Second Term Interests olid T he fam ilies cume from P oll- I land, so that tlio children could be ttapli.’isl lit All Saints, th e ir fo r­ Sunrise services on Bald Peak, the h ig h ­ m er church hom e Services next Sunday as follows: C hurch school. est point on C hehaleni M ountain and from Mighty projects are created by vision! The foundations for navigation With Which 1« Combined the HIINhoro Independent 9 45 a. m Holy communion and ( w hich a person can see great d istances in H lllebo ro Ariru« Kftteb 1*94 IK IIa h n ro Independent Ketab. 18?| and poster dams — the reclamation of arid areas — the construttiuo of 'orniiMt, II a m . v icar sstll preach M e K IN N R Y A MeKINNRY. Publisher* industry— hod their first impulse in the mind of mail; their cotueption any direction, should with the co-opera­ By Roger Babson At tills s c i s ice E asier m usic will Bv A. L. I.lnilherk Published Thu rsday. E n tered * * second-claaa m a tte r In the in a unity of thought by many. tion of all local com m unities, becom e a lie repealed At 2:311 p m , service SALEM Alreudy, m ore than a BAGSON PARK. Fla M ar 26 I h m t o ff ice a t HillslMtro, O ree brought in In- has affronted und antagonized L ord's day unified stu d y -w o rsh ip D on't Be T ricked urged to tak e concerted action in honoring the S ervices aré held every Sunday song. S aturday. 7 p m . street s e r ­ d u rin g Ins c u rren t term Including The u n fo rtu n ate angle of this service. 9:45-11:45 a. lit. C hurch | i t 11 a. m.; W ednesday evening vice at Second and Main, follow ttie leaders of the S tate G range, industries, both in dustrial and agricultural, from O u r frien d s at A loha will ag ain be national school. 9:45; m orning w orship. 10:45. i labor struggle, how ever, A pril 1 to A pril 10. E very d o llar spent for p ro d ­ mg " i l l be a service in th e church organized labor, T ow nsenditea und hosts to th e people of H illsboro a t th e a n ­ is the stress being put upon th e fal­ Music furnished by choir d irected services at 8 o'clock; S u n d ay school Meet ucts m anufactured or grow n provides additional us th ere M elvin E Jam es, lust, but by no m eans least, the at 11 a. m. P u p ils up to the age by Mrs. Florence K ram iett. S e r­ lacy th at m ore pay and sh o rter nual dinner, sponsored by th e A loha disappointed office seekers of his em ploym ent for your people, and it is em ploy­ pastor. of 20 y ears a re w elcom ed. F ree will, in them selves, bring us mon, “W hat Thom as Missed by j own parly. Report, ap p aren tly well m e n t-s te a d y em ploym ent—which m eans a pros­ G range. This event alw ays m akes for in­ hours reading room open on W ednesdays a h igher standard of living. Living Being A bsent." S ervice to s h u t- in s ; founded, has It tliat th e re h a s perous fu tu re for every individual in th is area. creasin g one's circle of frien d s and con­ stan d ard s for the nation as a w hole by young people. 2:30 p. m. C hris- , and S atu rd ay s from 2 u n til 4 p. m. i’ilgruin House alreudy been form ed a strong S unday's topic. "U nreality." We have critically analyzed the m an ufactured a re determ ined by th e n u m b er of tian E ndeavor. 6:30, in te rm e d ia te ; sequently is very enjoyable. A pril 4 C hapel service public coalition betw een Willis M ahoney. and ag ricu ltu ral products of th is territo ry . We goods to divide am ong all—not by a n d young people. In terestin g w orship, III 3(1 a m , w ith liturgy for H ow ard L atourette. Ray G ill and M ethodist Episcopal Church have found them good, and price equal or b etter the hourly w age rates of a few in ­ m eetings for youth by th e youth. Low Sunday i first S unday after Ben O sborne to oppose the gov­ to those shipped in to com pete w ith o ur products dividuals. O ne d o llar an h o u r will E vangelistic service. 7:30 p. m 1 Sunday: S u n d ay school, 9:45 n. I E a ste r1 S pecial m usic com m em or­ for preference. buy no m ore b read at 10 cents per Song serv ice assisted by th e young | m . C. C W eber, general su p erin - | ating tlie tran sferred Feast of the e rn o r shobid he seek re-election. W hatever the governor's In ten ­ loaf than 70 cents an h o u r w ill buy people's choir u n d er the d irection tendent. C hurch w orship, 11 a t n . 1 A nnunciation. w hich falls on Mon­ It is from such concerted action th at our in d u s­ F ixing County Salaries at 7 cents p er loaf, g ran ted th a t of P aul C ollins Serm on. "A re You A nthem by choir Mrs Hex Howell. day Ave M a n a ' 1S chubertI. "The tions may be tow ard a second tries, our farm ers, o ur lum bering interests, o ur civic T h ere is a b e tte r w ay th an is now follow ed term no one yet know s unless it hours rem ain th e same. If. on the On the Safe S ide’ " B aptism al ser- 1 pianist: Jo« and social groups, our schools, o u r m erchants, and in O regon to reg u late the salaries of county o ffi­ q th er hand, w orking hours a re cut. vice. A rrangem ents can be m ade S erm on by S torer. choir directo r M agnificat" (W ilson). "G entle S tar be him self w hich It d o u b tfu l— the pastor. "T he E ver- j of O cean" «S u lliv a n > and "Hail. o u r people can w ork to g eth er in a co-operative cials. It is p ro p er enough th a t t h e leg islatu re pay is raised, and production suf- for baptism al services any o th er lasting C hrist ” E pw orth League. Mary. Q ueen and Virgin P u re 'S ta n ­ and he is not telling effort for an individual and collective grow th. should fix th e am ounts, b u t th e m an n er in w hich i fers. w age w o rk ers w ill get less tim e if pastor is notified. B oard 6:30 p m E vening serv ice at 7:30 le y 1 Serm on "M ary. Full of G race " • • • • Let us m ake th e ten days set aside to honor it is now d one is absurd. A t ev ery session bills a re food, clothing, and sh elter It is too m eeting T uesday, 7 30 p. m All Song service led by Jo e S to re r o f "R eligion in th e News" topics. "The H undreds of state em ployes and industry a great success. Let us use th is period bad. but blam e it upon the m u lti­ m em bers of th e board not w orking presented to increase th e pay o r in o th er w a y s A lbany college S acram ent of the! E aster Rabbit M akes the Headlines." as a design for y ear-aro u n d buying. change th e em olum ents of elective officers in som e plication table. D on't blam e it upon nights a re urged to be present as L ord's Slipper. "Jn Love and Obe- ' "Should Dr. Everson Q uit the Stale officials w ere mad«- happy this week w hen th eir pay checks w ere y o u r em ployer! of th e counties T h e calen d ar of th e th irty -n in th C onciliation B oard '" and Echoes of restored to tiie old pre-depression Every m an. w om an and child has an assem As a ru le w ages cannot be raised m atters of im portance a re t i p for dience to O ur S a v i o u r A l l our I the Jew ish Passover." bly w as c lu ttered w ith such m easures. consideration. A nnouncem ents of people are requested to be present. base Ttie salury restoration w as im p o rtan t p a rt in th e u pbuilding of this T h e rig h t w ay to do it is to classify th e co u n ­ sh arply w ithout at the sam e tim e services m ade S unday R T he official board w ill m eet M on­ mad«- possible w hen t h e recent em pire and th ro u g h th e united e ffo rts of ties as to population and assessed valu atio n and set m arking up th e p rice of the p ro d ­ o L. th P er utnam , pastor. day. 7:45 p. m. Business w ill be legislature failed to re-enact the F ree M ethodist C lturrh The only possible w ay this can everyone g re a t progress can be m ade. The u p a scale of pay p ro p o rtio n ate th ereto. T h at is uct. taken in p rep aratio n f o r t h e be avoided is by in stallin g m ore _ T he p re-E aster services with salary reduction act w hich had th e plan follow ed in o th er states an d it elim in ates fourth q u a rte rly conference A pril I Evangelist P aul P itini and his gos- been in effect since 1933 lessons to be learn ed from such a cam ­ th e possibility of favoritism and the confusing r e ­ autom atic m achinery. T his m ay cut F irst B aptist C hurch • • • • w ith D istrict S u p erin ten d en t p e l singers w ere greatly blessed of paign should be put into effect fo r y ear- sults of legislative in terfe ren ce ev ery tw o y ears in dow n jobs for a tim e although u l­ M id-w eek p ray er and Bible study | On God T he atten d an ce w as city-w ide tim ately it should increase pro d u c­ hour a t 8 on T hursday evening. Dr. Louis Magin presiding Ttie experim ent of tra n sfe rrin g around buying, not ju s t fo r th e present. th e affairs of th e sev eral counties tivity. All w o rk ers a re consum ers We a re con tin u in g th e study in T uesday. 2 p. in , the W om an's and in several service« th ere w ere youthful offenders from the s ta te If th e assessed valuation of a county dim inishes H igher prices m ean th at w o rk ers' Ephesians. O renco cottage p ray er M issionary societies w ill m eet at eapaelty crow ds W e thank God and The local individual is ad d in g to his or o r increases, as show n by th e re p o rt of th e asses­ can buy few er goods. H igher m eeting w ill be held on T uesday the home of Mrs A. D ickason, 249 press on. Miss C larice Penton, con­ prison to the boys' tru in in g school h er own fu tu re pro sp erity by buying th e sor. th e change to an o th er classification w ould be dollars prices for consum ers' products may evening at 7:30 at the hom e of Mr. E M aple street. W ednesday. 7:30 ference ch ild ren 's w orker, is p la n ­ w as given a black eye th is w eek w hen it was found necessary to products of this g re a t n o rth w est. The au tom atic and th e p ro p er scale of salaries w ould cu t back th e buying pow er of the I Mrs. Sabo. S unday school. 9:45. p. m . m id-w eek service, praise, ning to hav e a tw o-w eeks children's re tu rn tw o of the boys buck to m oney does not go to d ista n t sections of apply as a m a tte r of course. T he fairn ess of th is fa tte r pay envelope to the sam e size, and p ray er and Bible study. T hursday. m eeting, beginning A pril 12 The An in terestin g a n d in stru ctiv e sm aller, than before th e wage 7:30 p. in., choir practice. Joe reg u lar o rd er of services for the th e p enitentiary. T he ex p erim en t th e country to help build up those sections, plan is beyond c o n tro v e rsy —The O regon D em ocrat. or raise w ent into effect. No one gains B ible school is in sto re for those Storer. director. A lexander H aw ­ week a re as follows p ray er m eet­ was en tered into ap p ro x im ately a of all ages. M orning w orship at b ut rem ains here to increase payrolls, ad d by boosting th e general w age-price ing. T hursday. 7 30 p. m. Sunday y ear ago as a means, both of r e ­ thorne. pastor. level except o u r foreign com peti­ 11. at w hich tim e the pastor will to ta x a b le values and brin g g re a te r op­ M inisterial W a rn in g U nnecessary school, 10 a tn. Preaching. II and ducing the congestion nt the state tors, w hile those w ith a savings ac­ give a table talk on the te x t of 7:30 p m Mrs E sther T u rn er will prison and segregating th e young portu n ities fo r pro sp erity to all. Beaverton Church of Christ F orest G rove m inisters recen tly w arn ed m em ­ count, an insu ran ce policy, and scrip tu re. "T ill He Come." T his speak at 7 30 Young people's m eet­ first-term ers from the older c rim ­ B ible school, 9:45 a. m , Mrs ing (1.45 p m -J. N. W alker, pastor. inals. O ut of 66 boys u n d er (he “ R em em ber to ask— W here did it come b ers of th e cham ber of com m erce against fake a d ­ those w ho live on a sm all fixed-in- m essage w ill cen te r around th e re tu rn of th e L ord as found in the V ernia v ertisin g and subscription solicitors w ho seek to come a re sure to lose! Hopper. sup erin ten d en t. age of 20 yeurs only nine w ere fro m ? ” L et’s do our bit. com m union service. Follow ing the Com m union service. 11 a. m fol­ exploit "suckers" w ho fall for rackets, w hich ap p eal found w ho could be en tru sted to W ho A re th e Losers? Trinity Lutheran Chureh to th e credulous because th e nam e of th e ch u rch is th«> care o f th e boys' school, w here Excessive labor dem ands a re as m essage the L ord's S u p p er w ill be lowed by serm on by the pastor. P ublic w orship. 10:30 a. m ; S u n ­ m entioned. The E ver-P resent C hrist." special in flatio n ary as excessive advances observed. B. Y. P. U. at 7. An in ­ Serm on topic. th ere is no provision for forcible We use th e term “suckers" because on p ractical­ in raw m aterial quotations. They te restin g study concerning t h e m usic by the choir, Mrs J. J o h n ­ d ay school, 9:45 ates. "Tin1 Faithless Disciple." Jo h n 20. detention of • th • e inm ly ev ery schem e of this so rt th e re a re a certain few chase prices sky-high. T hey upset land, th e book and the people co n ­ son. director. Young P eople's so­ • • 24-29. You a re rordiully w elcom ed balance betw een industries. nected w ith P alestine is th e topic ciety m eets a t 7 p. m. Sunday, w ho can alw ays be counted upon to fall for th e th e to w orship w ith us. D etails of the new state building u n d er discussion. E vening service Congress is rig h tly giving ea rn e st con­ tra n sie n t solicitor going thro u g h tow n w ith som e T hey lift the cost of living faster at 8. T he pastor is beginning th e 8 p. m , we join in a union service program , so far as the acquisition th an th e g en eral incom e of th e n a ­ at the C ongregational ch u rch at ty p e of ad v ertisin g card prom otion, designed p ri­ sideration to the m a tte r of curbing th e m arily to in su re th e p ro m o ter a handsom e p ro fit tion rises. E ventually, th is throw s study of "G od’s G reat P lan for w hich tim e Mr. Stone, w ho is a s­ of additional land and construction Better Half of th e new librnrv building ure con­ m any strikes th a t a re sp re a d in g over th e fo r a day's w ork. th e econom ic w orks out-of-gear. the Ages.” A large c h a rt is going sociated w ith the Y. M C A . will An old G erm an and his wife cerned. w ill be left en tirely to the nation and have resu lted in serious tieups. It should n o t be necessary for th e m in isterial D em and slacks off. w o rk ers are to be used to sim plify th e m es­ talk in behalf of the pence m ove­ w ere given to q u a rre lin g O ne day. cap ital reconstruction commission. and business again goes to th e sages. "U nshakeable T hings in a m ent. T he m id-w eek service next a f t e r a p a rticu larly unpleasant In th e public in terest th e p resid en t should association to w arn business firm s to p ro tect th e m ­ fired, dogs. I believe in h ig h er pay for S h ak in g W orld" w ill be the in ­ W ednesday night w ill be led by scene, the old w om an rem arked At a conference here last week the selves from u n au th o rized solicitors. A ny m erch an t board of control aasurred the com ­ have pow er to act to brin g about a peace­ can p ro tect him self by ask in g a solicitor to show w orkers, b u t by "pay" I m ean real tro d u cto ry message. We urge you C harles Thom pson. M issionary so ­ w ith a sigh: mission that, svhlle it reserved the ful term in atio n of such conditions a n d cred en tials of ap p ro v al from th e secretary of th e b uying pow er: b e tte r food, clo th ­ to a tte n d th ese m eetings as they ciety m eets in the church parlors "Veil. I vish I vas in heaven!" iigbi to v eto any propoaal t h a t ing. and shelter. I certain ly w ant w ill be w ell w orth while. B ring F riday at 11 a. in .— G eorge W "I vish I vas in th e beer g a r­ migiit not m eet w ith its favor, it should by all m eans ta k e th e necessary cham ber of com m erce. T he am o u n t of m oney w hich to see labor get its fair sh are of the y o u r friends, and plan to be th ere H atch, pastor. den." groaned her husband. svould not be its purpose to u n d u ly action. The p rese n t situation is lead in g to could be saved by d em an d in g cham ber of com m erce fru its of in d u stry ; b u t too-rapid y o u rself every S unday evening so "Ach. ya!" tr ie d th e old wife. in terfe re w ith th e com m ission's from all unknow n solicitors w ould m ean pay increases an d hou r-cu ts yield a serious d isre g a rd fo r law and ord er and a approval as not to miss the w hole story.— "A lw ays you pick out the best for plana All S aints Episcopal C hurch tid y sum . T his saving alone w ould prom ote a only tem porary advantages. Only O rtiz W. W eniger, pastor. if carried to its ultim ate conclusion is good cam paign each y ear of selling F orest G rove as as As a sta rte r th e capital com m is­ E aster a t All S aints w as a very yourself.'"—Ex. m ore is produced is th ere m ore sion is asking Uncle Sam for »45(1.- happy day, and th e v icar wishes dangerous to th e w elfare of th e nation. a trad in g cen ter in its rig h tfu l trad e te rrito ry .—F o r­ to divide! 000 of WPA money to m atch the C ongregational C hurch to th an k every one w ho helped E arly Im pressions Last T ake a specific exam ple of th e re- ! A firm stan d should and m ust be tak e n est G rove N ews-Tjm es. state app ro p riatio n of $550.000. If A p ril 4: C h u rch school. 10 a. m„ m ake it so. D uring the schtxil hour su it of too sh arp advances in wages! Jackson I notice you got up and that g ran t is secured it is expected by th e fed e ra l governm ent fo r th e p res­ B uilding is ju st beginning to get un-1 Prof. S talley, su p erin ten d en t. 11 a. the v icar baptized th ree boys, W al­ gave th at Indy y o u r scut in the th a t thi- comm ission w ill plan th e d erw ay again. B rick-layers and c a r­ m. M orning w orship. A serm on lace E verett, Jero ld H ow ard Ren- train the o th er day. ervation of ind u strial peace. In saying this construction of tw o buildings or one p en ters in som e areas, how ever, are p re p a re d fo r th e "R ainbow G irls'' oud, son of Jam es D. a n d C'leo Haeksnn Since childhood I have large building to accom m odate not it should not be im plied th a t we do not alread y dem anding boom -tim e pay. j w ho a re to be p resen t at th is s e r­ Renotid. and R onald Roy Renoud. respected a w om an w ith a stra p only the state lib rary but severul feel th a t th e w orker is entitled to a fa ir W orkers in som e building m aterial vice. Music: A choir selection and son of Roy F. and Wilma A. R en- in her hand. - Ex. o th er state d ep artm en ts If the fed ­ W itness at senate co u rt h earin g says p resid en t's and considerate tre a tm e n t, w hich he re ­ plan is sw an song for justices. P ro b ab ly "S om ething factories a re doing the sam e We are a solo by Mrs. Foster; 7 p. m . young eral g ran t Ls refused, building plans in a sh arp u p w ard building c y c le ' people's m eeting u n d er supervision ceives nine tim es out of ten in th e busi­ to R em em ber Him By.” for this biennium w ill probably be of L aw rence W ismer; 6:30 p. m. and even h ig h er costs m ay not now • • • • confined to a new library. ness firm s and p lan ts in sm all towns. a lte r the thend. S ooner or later, how ­ q u a rte rly m eeting of the church. C ensus rev eals b ears a re g ettin g th ic k e r in th e ever, th e price of new houses w ill | Pot luck supper an d address by By far the biggest problem con­ F la u n tin g of the law and the courts in fronting the capital comm ission, est again. T h ey 're com ing back in th e stcok m a r­ be pushed so high th at prospective S u p e rin te n d e n t F ran k C arlson. recen t sit-dow n strikes in M ichigan is a w how ever, is th a t of acquiring a d ­ ket, too, these days. hom e-ow ners w ill be forced to look • • • • national disgrace and is clearly in opposi­ fo r a substitute. T hen th e pre-fab- and Lew is fails to solve union ditional land All of the four blocks T hursday. M arch 25 T he O renco-R eedville P arish included in the proposed enlarged H istorians now agree first b ath tu b in A m erica ! ricated house m ay get its long- S o uthern C alifornia has slight recognition problem . tion to fu n d am en tal principles laid down capital site a re now occupied by w as used in P hilad elp h ia, w hich ought to ju s t about w anted foothold. If it does, p laster- i S unday school in both churches, earth q u ak e. M onday, M arch 29 in the fed e ra l consitution. residences, some of the finest in i ers and carp en ters m ay have as 10 a. m.; w orship service in th e S it-dow n strik e rs leave C hrysler w ash up th e question. O renco church, 11 a. m.; w orship U. S. suprem e co u rt upholds v al­ Salem . Many of the ow ners a re r e ­ Some industrial concerns and unions • • • • ' h a rd a tim e finding w ork 10 years plants. New conference held to iron serv ice in th e R eedville church, 8 idity of railw ay labor and F razier- luctant to sell fo r sentim ental re a ­ out dispute. from now as blacksm iths and h a r­ a re ta k in g an enlightened action by sign­ D ispatch from India says n ativ es alm ost b u ried p. m. W om en's M issionary society Toy w histle rem oved in operation L em ke furm m ortgage acts, tw o sons. It is expected th a t the o b jec­ ing agreem ents, which provide fo r orderly, b allo t b o x es w ith th e ir offerings in recen t election, ness-m akers a rc having today! m eets at O renco on th e th ird W ed­ from lung of C lyde Rice. 9. in P o rt­ im portant new deal laws, and also tions of these may be m et by leav ­ Look a t M otor In d u stry system . nesday of each m onth and at R eed­ peaceable a d ju stm e n t of disputes. W ith p robably using th e • A m erican th e establishes co n stitu tio n ality of the ing them a life in terest in . • • I A m erica has 25,000.000 autom o­ ville on th e fo u rth T h u rsd ay of land • H alt M ussolini, declares m em bers W ashington law establishing m in ­ property. C ondem nation p ro ceed ­ fairm indedness on all sides and p erh ap s a biles because m ore efficient produc- S to ry says dog w an d ers freely on floor of A ri­ each m onth. tf of English p arliam en t B ritish gov­ imum wages for women R ailroads ings w ill probably hav e to be re ­ th ird n eu tral p arty to assist th e re can be zona legislature, try in g to win over m em bers. U n ­ i tion m ethods have been found—not req u ired to engage In collective sorted to In acq u irin g som e p ro p e r­ ern m e n t policy condem ned. because the incom e of the nation in no logical reason fo r carry in g disputes doubtedly ow ned by a lobbyist. ty in case (he agents for the state T ran sp o rt plan e cracks up n ear barg ain in g w ith unions. dollars is h ig h er than ev er before. S eventh-dav A dventist C hurch th ro u g h to strikes or lockouts. Jo h n I. I.ew is bitterly denounces and the ow ners fail to agree on a All th e w age increases in th e w orld S ervices a re held each S abbath P ittsb u rg h . Pa., 13 killed price. could n ever have brought dow n the (S atu rd ay ) as follow s: S abbath ’ Jo h n D rinkw nter, fam ed English W illiam G reen, A. F. of I,, presi­ price of autom obiles so you could school, 10 a. m.; p reaching service d ram atist and novelist, dies in L on­ dent, for disavow al of sit-dow n i . strikes. An u n p recedented dem and fo r j own one. If em ployers had been at 11; young people’s m eeting a t don. F riday, M arch 26 H eavyw eight fistic c h a m p i o n , TOr« ?t J!ree ReedlinK* '■ rep o rted by satisfied to sit back and re a p the 2:30 p. m. P ra y e r m eeting W ednes- F ifteen Y ears Ago E ditor of Modoc, Cal., Mail, fa ­ profits, or had paid them out l ° ld a y n ig h t at 8 o'clock. V isitors are Jam es Braddock, agrees to explain I W Berguson, state forester. More A rgus. M arch 30. 1932—N ine h u n d red persons a t­ w orkers, you w ould probably not of th e seedlings will go w elcom e at any service.—Dr. W al­ tally shot, w rites story of shooting. in co u rt w hy he should fight Jo e i ,la21 ten d W eil's style show M onday night. S tockm en in eastern O regon a g i­ Louis Ju n e 22 instead of Schm el- ” , O reKo'1 farm ers this spring to be have an autom obile today! Instead, E a rlier voting fo r president is urged by tf N icholas C. L illy, G ales C ity m erch an t m any , they b u ilt an in d u stry th a t has lift­ te r H untington, pastor. tated o v er ex -S en ato r S tanfield ing Ju n e 3. s,‘l 01,1 f° r wood lots, sh elterb e lts a congressm an due to m oving p residential years, d ie s M arch 23. gaining control of 283.000 acres of S en ato r Glass. V irginia dem ocrat. '?ild, w indbreaks. F erguson predicts ed em ploym ent from 10,000 m en to Mountain Home Evangelical state-ow ned range land. in au g u ra tio n date up from M arch 4 to E. A. Wolf, resid en t of n e a r A loha 30 years, dies 1,000,000 men and has given you an d eclares Roosevelt court legislation I thi,, 1l th<’, t‘cJ T’anf ,,for young tree« C hurch Tw o m ajo r railro ad b ro th ers o r­ plnuc roprcHcntati v p g o v p r n ni o n t 1 1 autom obile to boot. The low er price h 1 he rn nJ ion m urk in 1938. J a n u a ry 20. This solon w ould have th e M arch 19. R egularly each Sunday: Sunday d er strik e vote by S o u th ern Pacific w ith an autocracy. Seedlings available for free d is tri­ A m erican Legion co nducting m em b ersh ip d riv e o u r com pany can sell its products election in O ctober w ith the view of giv­ w ith tw o riv a l team s conducted by A lfred H. M or­ y and __ school, 10 a. m., E dw ard A ebischer, em ployes. still pay you a fa ir w age, the P ortland C entral L abor council 1 bution to farm ers include 15 v a ri­ G roup headed by A. L aw rence d em ands resignation of Dr. W illiam eties. T rees are selected for sh ip ­ i m ore business y o u r com pany can do su p erin ten d en t. M orning syorship in g th e sta te s more tim e to o p e ra te th e ir gan and W ilbur Dillon. service w ith a lte rn a tin g leadership. Lowell, p resid en t em eritu s of H ar­ G. E verson as chairm an of stnte m ent to m eet clim atic req u irem en ts F ifty "fezzed" m em bers of D. O. K. K.. re p re se n t­ and the safer is y o u r job. R em em ber election m achinery, vital in certifying of­ th a t it is m ore goods you need, not ! C h ristian E ndeavor, 7:30 p.m . E v an ­ v ard university, m akes dem and for conciliation board. C ollusion w ith of the various sections of the stnte in g band and patrol, v isit K nig h ts of P y th ias and ficial retu rn s. It is held th a t if a change gelistic service, 8 p. m .— Rev. V. T. im m ediate federal action to end O regon W orsted com pany charged. , as well as the p artic u la r needs of m ore dollars! P y th ia n S isters M onday night. « tf sit-dow n strikes. the applicant in the production of T hese sim ple facts a re doubly im- Speece, pastor. of ad m in istratio n is voted governm ent of­ Tuesday, March 3(1 Mrs. Lucy A. V room an, w ho conducted m illin ery M ussolini prom ises th e B ritish fuel, posts and lum ber. ! p o rtan t in sm all tow ns w here wage ficials w ould have only nine w eeks in store h ere m an y years, dies M arch 26. P rofessor G risw old of H arvard not to send any m ore m en to Spain ! schedules do not flucuate as w ide­ M. E. Church (Bethany) W illiam C ro w th ers of G ales C reek dies M arch ly as in the big cities. Sm all con­ Law school tells senate ju d iciary w hich to a d ju s t them selves to the prospect On G erm antow n road. Sunday to help the- rebel leader. As w as predicted w hen G overnor 21. com m ittee suprem e court should cerns, even w h ere w orking condi­ school every S unday, 10 a. m.; G er- S atu rd ay . M arch 27 of a new adm inistration. M artin vetoed th e em ergency clnuse Mrs. E lla W ortm an of M edford, g ran d chief tions have alw ays been b etter than | man service, 11 a. m., first and A fter co n ferrin g on strik e situ a ­ be com m ended for its “courage” in on the M artin an ti-g am b lin g bill, S urely th a t period of tim e is enough P y th ian Sisters, m akes official v isit to local lodge. average, arc feeling th e back-w ash third Sundays; English service, 11 tion w ith P resid en t Roosevelt, S e n a ­ reversing itself on m inim um wage t |,p s|ot m>ch ine ar)t| p in .b a |i op,,r . Miss Ella O tis of C o rn eliu s and F ran cis O lanie of th e c u rre n t big city labor bat- a. m„ second and fo u rth Sundays, to r Robinson, dem ocratic leader, legislation. to a d ju s t o n e’s view point and even fo r ntors this week sta rte d the re f e r­ erton, Wash., m arried h ere M arch 22. S tate C orporation C om m issioner endum on the m easure ns well as ties. S m all-tow n businesses are the _ e . Ju liu s T raglio, pastor. tf declares no condition has arisen g o v e rn m e n ta l red tap e to clarify elections. of B E rem arl F ish er of B eaverton files as can d id ate for 1 b u lw ark of th e n atio n 's industrial w hich w a rra n ts federal action in C h arles IL C arey resigns and J. the C arney m easure, w hich also T he in a u g u ra l tim e change w as m ade so congress on republicon tick et. life and th e real backbone of c u rre n t labor disputes. H. H azlett of Ilood R iver nam ed outlaw s slot m achines and a u th o riz ­ L aurel Evangelical C hurch A m erican em ploym ent. T here is O regon W orsted com pany in P o rt­ in his place. t h a t th e c o u n try w ould not have to w ait T h irty Y ears Ago es th eir confiscation ns public (Seven m iles south of H illsboro) m any an u n ap p reciated advantage i land found g u ilty of violating n a ­ O regon's incom e t a x revenue nuisances. P relim in ary petitions so long fo r a ch an g e in adm inistration a ft­ S u n d ay school, 10 a. m., Mrs. A. tional labor relatio n s act. W orkers A rgus, M arch 28, 1907- P r i c e of O regon potatoes | in w orking fo r a sm all-tow n con- ru n n in g 30 p er cent higher than w ere filed w ith th e state d e p art- atkins, su p erin ten d en t. P reaching intim idated, d eclares exam iner. e r th e decision had been m ade. clim bs as u n p reced en ted floods in C alifornia cause , cern. This even applies to union in ­ W last year, Tax C om m issioner F is h - ! m ent this week and petitions w ill d u stries such as n ew spaper publish- service. 11 a. m. Ju n io r C hristian Ju d g e B ert E. H aney of P ortland e r «-.uay 'T potato fam ine. .... ! !*«*-« In. circula llor> th ro u g h o u t th e ) ing. The w o rk e r on a sm all-tow n urged for ap p o in tm en t to U. S. H illsboro L u m b er com pany ships ou t Its first tim e d u rin g th e follow ing d e p re s­ p ap er is far b e tte r off over a term sion, is not as good an asset as a suprem e court. consignm ent of sev eral carloads of ties. suspect studied in New Mexico. 1 tim e. If the req u isite n u m b er of ! of y ears than th e w o rk er on a large U nited A utom obile W orkers seek sm all local em ployer w ith a record Jo h n Spierings, 76. of G reen v ille dies Sunday. T he N ew London. T exas, school tragedy C onferees try in g to settle C hrys- | nam es a re secured th e tw o m eas­ New Y ork C ity daily. co u rt edict as sole collective b a r­ I of giving steady w ork and fair pay. an S chulm erich has had as high as ler strik e ad jo u rn to Friday. The I ures will be on th e 1938 ballot for should be a lesson to school b o a r d s eig h C t ouncilm Sm all vs Big Em ployers T oday you w orkers, w ho are getting gaining agency in C h ry sler co rp o r­ chances for peace held bright. action by th e voters, In the m ean ­ men w o rk in g at th e city p ark , trim m ing, and A job in a big. city concern often uneasy over sp ectacu lar pay in ­ ation plants. th ro u g h o u t th e la n d a n d bring home the p u ttin g th e gro u n d s in shape, and th e p ro p erty now tim e it is fx p e c te d th a t th e legality Spanish reb els beaten back in ' brings a fa tte r pay check than in creases in the big cities, should re ­ of these gam bling devices w ill be necessity f o r ta k in g every precaution to looks as th o u g h it w ill be second to n o n e in the a sm all cou n try business. B ut w o rk ­ E rro r attack. call the d ark days of 1932 to 1931. threshed u t in th e courts in a su it sa fe g u a rd th e lives of th e children. Reg­ county. M ayor D ennis m akes call fo r m ass m eetin g to ers m ust rem em b er th a t em ploy­ S tick by your em ployers now as Sunday, M arch 28 J a n e —W hat w as your sister so started in o M arion county and w hich a rra n g e m o n ster F o u rth of J u ly celebration. T w o m ine explosions at Dubois, an g ry about? m ent w ith a big organization also your em ployers stuck by you then! u la r a n d c a re fu l inspections should he has alread y been decided against F ra n k P au li fractu res arm w hile th ro w in g a ball j brings m ore hazards. An absentee K eep your heads. T here will he en- Pa., kill n in e men. Jim -W hy, she sent m e to the the pin hull o p erato rs by C ircu it m ad e of h e a tin g sy stem s an d other equip­ on the school g ro u n d th e first of th e w eek. Six dead, eig h t h u rt in Oregon d ru g g ist’s tn get some cold cream Judge C raw ford. I m anager, w ho m ay pay you a h ig h ­ ■ o th er depression some day! m ent. w hich if not k e p t in proper order March sure went out like a lion, but it was e r wage d u rin g a boom and then re- highw ay accidents. and I got ice cream . It was the (C opyright 1937 P u b lish ers doubtless good for the fruit crop. j duce y o u r w ages o r p u t you on p art 1 Conference between Chrysler coldest they h ad .—Ex. Financial Bureau) m ay be di1 igerous. Subscribe for the Argu». XfillsbonlftMrg us Make It Traditional Workers Advised to Stick with Their Employers Unison of thought! Unison of action! “United for Prosperity” "Unite for Prosperity" Churches Other Editorial Opinion Should Take Action Jots in Jest Highlights in the Week's News from Around the World Our Yesterdays Wants Another Change ( »