Page Eight H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . T h u r sd a y . M a r d i IK. 1937 O REG O N I all w inter, is able to w alk q u ite i T he ladies could only find tw o hi m outh to an aluiuiing degree Fred S ehilhnger and d a u g h ter Irina, distance w ith the aid of crutches. and Mrs. II 1. Doan and d au g h ter aisle . cal one behind the other. uml .shielding it w ith tils hand, B arbara of P o rtlan d Many nice . in« turned and cautiously surveyed m uttered C u t It out Kul cut tt Miss B eryl Deford and m other. gifts w ere received. th e man in the next seat Finally mt! Mv wife's w ith m e " Ex Mrs. B F. Deford, atten d ed a d in ­ (By Evelyn Hatfield) Mr and M is A lbert Scott w ent to n er p arty Sunday given by Mi.« she leaned over and tim idly a d ­ Eugene last W ednesday to visit at A. S Livengood at Fernw ood. dressed him T hursday. F ebruary 25. 1937 Volume II No. 1 hom e of th eir anil "I beg your pardon, sir. lint are Mrs. C W S in n ig er of R oseburg daughter. Mr and Mrs A rchie Het you alone " arriv ed M onday for a w eek's visit p arato ry to try -o u ts for selection of nurd, and fam ily. They re tu rn e d E xplains S rcu ritv Law The man. w ithout turning his j w ith h er parents. Mr. and Mrs. J e Saturday accom panied by head in th e slightest hut tw isting P Jones. Mrs. Jones was seriously O R H artw ig, public relations a contestant for the R otary O ra to r­ hom lllv Mrs. F W lliiirlehs) (By Mrs. J. M. Davidsnnl th eir granddaughter. M is s A udrey directo r cf th e state unem ploym ent ical C ontest May 5. ill last week S he is im proving Ann B ernard, and Miss B everly HELVETIA — Fred R ufener has satisfactorily. W .OOM ING llev G eorge Heule J a c k ie H ow r I n j u r e d compensation sp o k e leased his farm for five years to Jack ie Howe broke his arm play Hopkins, w ho w ill spend th eir F a st­ o f H illsboro will preach the last of to t h e Miss Beryl Deford, w ho teaches Monday, second period er vacation of a w eek at the Seotl I the series of I enten sbrm ons he P Inahara. w ho is busy now get- at Eugene, arriv ed S atu rd ay at the civics, economics, a n d biology ing football. home. I ing held in the local church tonight tin ? ready for p lan tin g berries. The home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs classes and to a ’1 o th er stu d en ts Miss C hallacom be Hostess Miss B eulah P eterson spent S at- I (Thursday ' fam ily w ill not move to the R ufen­ B. F. Deford, to spend her spring win) w ere interested in the state The Sub-D eb club m et w ith D or­ C arnival Siieeess e r farm until th eir lease on th eir vacation. She was accom panied by social security com pensation law. othy C hallacom be T uesday evening urday and Sunday visiting her sis , ter. Miss Lucille Peterson. at the C cat tin.d conducted by Penny carnival present holding expires. Miss F rances Fields of Hillsboro, A fter he had explained w hat the Miss Cim ino was th eir guest She F S tretch er hom e n ear Scholls. | pupils of tho Fern Hill school the ro- act w as about and w hat it did. he en tertain ed them by telling th en w hile the S tretch er fam ily w ere at w ho is atten d in g U. of O. Mrs. F ru rrs trin Hostess i cent ly pr< i ed successful T h e pro answ ered questions of th e students fortunes P lans for th eir spring p a r­ Nelseett beach Ira G. en d Hodson M cCorm ick I Cecils. $12 65 will bo used for 4-11 Ladies' Aid met at th e home of to clear u p any thing they did not ty w ere discussed and K en n eth M cInnis m ade The farm ers around h ere are busy , club w ork in that school Mrs Rosa F eucrstein M arch 10. ; trip en tirely understand. The advanced foods classes v is it­ reseeding oats, w here they w ere to H erm iston and Stanfield ’ Aln’analp, w ho has been T aken to \ ets H ospital ed th e C olum bia M arket Friday frozen out d u ring th e w in ter PkUoa l’lin P a r e nday and retu rn ed W ednesday ai'in g for a long time, was able M Mrs. K F B urk w a s t a k e n to V e te r in .' Philos held a business m eeting They w ere shown the d ifferen t cuts Ira G M cCormick spent G lenore Spousta and Beulah Pet to attend Mrs. Ernest Z urcher. one S atu rd ay and Sunday in P o rtlan d Tuesday, fifth period, and discussed of m eat and w hich ones w ere the erson last w eek received th eir final hospital Friday and under.vent a of the visitors, invited th e Ladies' as a guest of h er son-in-law and plans for a party. m ost tender P alm er M ethod w riting certificates m ajor operation Monday Aid group to m eet at h er hom e daughter. Mr and Mrs. Allan C om ­ l.ester Muhly student of C on­ S enators R ehearse P lay Ju n io r class gave a skit in assem ­ in school and Paul Peterson^ warn nn'-t m eeting A pril 14. Mrs Emma ber. S enators a re w orking on a one-act his im provem ent certificate S e v e r­ cordia College. Portland, spent the bly W ednesday , past w eek-end at home D ierdorff w ill be assistan t hostess. play. "M urder in R everse," w hich al o th er students won w riting pins Mrs. L. L. M urray and ch ild ren Host to Tram P o s t p o n e A id M e e t in g Roderick. L au ra Lue. S herm an and F arm ers Re seed M r H athhorn en tertain ed the sec­ they intend to give in assem bly Ladies Aid m eeting will be po st­ soon. Farm ers, w ho can get on the V irgina. cam e to the home of M rs ond strin g b asketball boys at his poned until after Faster. T ryouts S tart field« w ere reseeding gray oats M urray's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D hom e w ith a chicken d in n e r S a t­ T here will be a G erm a n -se re n o T ry o u ts started T uesday for the last week. W here w in ter spring M. McInnis. T hursday to stay for urday evening in celeb ratio n of senior play. "Bridal C horus " I w ith Holy C om m union at St P etri . an in definite tim e T h eir hom e a' th eir successful season. prevail the fields are too we: yet I church «in Palm S unday m orning L ucille C arlson. Leland M cCann Happy O ver G rades Clover and vetch have nearly all West Slope b urned to the ground M rs M ir g a r e t C i all • and d a u .li and Ray l.air. the com m ittee for (Mrs. l.ouis J. C artel! M r G oodm an w as v ery happy graduation announce m e n t s a n d been frozen out. leaving poor pros­ M arch 5 w ith a com plete loss of ■ te r G enevieve and Tony Kch.uituu all th e ir household goods and clo th ­ w hen he received the grade reports BEAVERTON Elm er McClure, pects for a hay crop. A few have ing. of Rockwood visited Sunday at t in ' cards, are w orking on the orders state deputy of the O regon G range, sent to him from O regon and O re­ o m e s of M rs M a r g a r e t G in and planted early potatoes, but spring Miss M abie D ourghtv of V an ­ gon State. All the H ilhi g rad u ates T his m akes g rad u atio n seem very- w as a guest of tho B eaverton , h the A rnold Guns family near. even though th ere a re still G range S aturday w ork in general is far behind. couver and W G D ourghtv of passed. O ther gu est; Mrs. Guos Home n in e w eeks of school. U nion T arty Tonight Puget Sound visited Mr. and M rs w ere W J Lew ton of G ale G range School A ccredited Mrs A rnold G in l e t u n n d home Play Series and Mr and Mrs C harles V anK leek F arm ers' Union m em bers a n d G eorge S axton Sunday. The question has often been ra is­ T he girls' gym classes a re b eg in ­ of T igard G range M cClure is a f r o m Join's hospital last wet •k Her Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W hitm ore and ed as to w h eth er or not H ilhi is th eir friends will hold a party at infant dau g h ter has been i lumesi a series of interclass basketball m em bers of H arding G range of Ja the K P. hall in N orth P lains baby w ere house guests of his an accred ited school. Mr. G oodm an ning n e t Marv gam es this week T here a re six T hursday (tonight). All are re- brother. C layton W hitmore, before says. "T he high school has been on - team s. T he captains are: F reshm an C lackam as county The B eaverton G range voted to leaving for Seghers logging cam p the accredited list of th e N orthw est ouested to come m asked o r pay a above S ubscribe fur the A rgus A. Neva Ziegler: F reshm an B. Z elda Dilley fine. Association of Secondary Schools W eintz; S ophom ore A. O rielle M il­ send $5 to the Red Cross for flood L aw rence T atm an and K enneth Joseph Wenzel, scoutm aster, and W hitm ore visited th e Seghers log­ for m any years, and its g rad u ates ler: Sophom ore B. W ilma S rtiild- relief. P arly Held the follow ing scouts: Jo h n Lulich. ging cam p in th e m ountains, west are en titled to e n te r college w ith ­ h auer; Junior. B eulah S h attu ck . Bethel No 18. D aughters of Job H oward R itter. Emil Y orkcvich and of D illey Sunday. The snow was out exam in atio n at any of th e u n i­ Senior. Ellen Lundin. of B eaverton sponsored a e a r d E rnest Saunders, w ent fishing on still tw o feet deep in m any places versities o r colleges on the Pacific Win F our Gaines party at the hom e of Mrs W alter the S alm onberry riv e r over the P rep aratio n s to resum e logging coast o r in th e M idwest." R eg u la r $ 7 4 .5 0 T he girls' b asketball team has one R. Van K leek M arch 9 Seven ta ­ Miss P a rr Hostess w eek-end. They rep o rt a f i n e w ere started . m ore gam e to play. They have won bles of "500" w ere in play. Miss P a rr en tertain ed the faculty F loor M o d els catch. Wenzel caught th ree steel­ Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Beal of fo u r gam es and lost two. Farew ell G iven heads. M eadow L ake visited Mr. and Mrs and th e ir w ives w ith a tea Sunday G aston 5. Hilhi 9; P. U. F reshm an N ow A farew ell reception, com plim ent­ Mrs. M. W illiams, d au g h ter of C ornelius Ott Friday and S atu rd ay at h er hom e on Main street. Mrs 16. Hilhi 28: G aston 13. H ilhi 23. ing Mrs. W. H Boswell, her Mr. and Mrs. Jasp er K effer. mo­ T hey live som e distance from A braham and Miss M cDonald p o u r­ B anks 'h e r e ' 14. Hilhi 24; B anks daughter. June, and sen. Vance, tored to C alifornia last week. W hen H appy camp. It w as necessary for ed. H er hom e was d ecorated w ith (th e re ' 25 H ilhi 14. P U F reshm an was held in the parlors of the Do you w ant daffodils, violets and pin k sw eet 20. Hilhi 15. she arrived at San Francisco, she them to come that far on snow - peas. congregational church M arch 9 sm ooth, f lo w in g T h eir line-ups are: forw ards. Jean About 50 guests w ere in a tte n d ­ found her d au g h ter G ladys had Sjioes. Mr Beal und erw en t a to n ­ Miss K ath ry n Crozie spent the pow er and a snap- ju st had an appendix operation sil operation in P o rtlan d th e first w eek-end at th e hom e of h er p a r­ Abts. Ellen Lundin. B eulah S h a t­ ance. A gift was presented to Mrs, tuck. E leanor B endler. Evelyn H a­ Boswell. Mrs. Boswell and and was very ill. As seen a; h er of the w eek and spent several days en ts in Salem tw o P> piek-up in your w orth. Alma E slinger: guards. M ar­ daughter is able to travel they in ­ at th e O tt home recu p eratin g b e ­ Miss P a rr's L iteratu re II classes g aret B atchelar. M argaret Cypher. children left Friday to m ake th eir e a r ’.’ T hen come in EASY safely w ringers a u to ­ hom e in M edford The older tend to visit at the K effer hom e fore going home. are stud y in g n ature. M onday th e | E lvera Sahnow . Z elda Weintz. today for it daughter. Alette, is a student at again. Receive Easter Invitation m atically throw rolls wide pupils rep o rted on things th at they Pepco to Give Program Linfield college. Mr and Mrs Bos­ E lda H ershey. Mr. and Mrs. J. L au rel church has extended an had seen in th e last few days. a p a rt when g u a rd ia n bar M otor T u n e-U p N ext W ednesday in assem bly P ep­ well and th ree children eflme Io D ierickx and M erle Johnson left in v itatio n to th e M ountain Top Hi-Y C lub m em bers w ent sw im ­ release is touched fast and S aturday for a trip to B ritish Col- I church to atten d the E aster su n ­ m ing at th e "Y" in P o rtlan d Wed- | co w ill present a talking picture. B eaverton 12 y ears ago last July. Snap ant pow er in your m otor a re n ’t just ch a n ce — T his w ill be the first tim e o u r new Mr Boswell died last N ovem ber rise services at Bald Peak. umbia. T hey retu rn ed Tuesday. e ffic ie n t' balloon rolls, self nesday evening. She has leased her home here d rap eries have been used to d arken it coinè- only from a precision tuning. Snhnow'n Mr and Mrs. Ted R utschm an and D inner p arty guests at th e J. M. reversing d rain h o a rd . Plan O ratory T ryouts the auditorium . H er m other and tw o b ro th ers live Davidson hom e Sunday w ere Mr. th e ir w eek-end guests. Mr. and G ara g e o i l e r s t h e la te s t in t e s t i n g equipm ent, Mrs. A braham is coaching all the I t/uiet operation- Beauty of in Medford. G irl R eserves held installation of and Mrs. R obert Stew art, and Mr. Mrs Tom Shuck end son S tanley of stu d en ts in terested in oratory, pre- g u a ra n te e in g a p e rfe c t "tu n in g ." P o s t a l E m p lo y e s G a t h e r new cabinet m em bers Monday design — Btggei- capacity and Mrs. R obert Davidson and H illsboro and Mrs. Jam es R atchin B eaverton C hristian church la ­ daughter of P ortlan d and Mr. and of P o rtlan d , visited th e F ran k F a ste r w ashing action. Let us test you r car to d a y . N o o b lig a tio n u n less dies served d in n e r to about 95 Mrs. J F D avidson and d au g h ­ S huck home at C arlton Sundav. postm asters. mail carriers and you d e c id e to h a v e re p a ir s or a d ju stm e n ts m a d e. w here Mr. and Mrs. S. H amils and ter of Rocky Point. S e e th em to d a y at clerks of W ashington county in the Ed M eier is d riv in g th e new baby daughter. Mrs. R utchm an's banquet room of th e church M arch Co-op tru ck on the H elevtia route. nam esake. Wanda, w ere visiting. 9. C u r b w ere pres.-nt from Port­ 'B y G irl Scout Troop No. 611 Mr. and Mrs. C harles T atm an He is assisted by C arsen Hansen. land. Newberg, and M cM innville fHv ^ rs* O. ff- Peterson) W illiam Z u rch er had th e te le ­ en tertain ed w ith a din n er S unday CEDAR M ILL—Last w eek w hile S everal from B eaverton atten d ed program for the ben e­ phone installed last w eek. They a re for Mr. and Mrs. W. B B aker and w orking on a house w hich is b e­ fit BEND—A of S herw ood lib rary is being a r ­ the w om en's d ep artm en t < f the Mr. and Mrs. Neil B aker and d au g h ­ ing erected here, B. B Reeves fell on line 15. C lean Com fort S tations ranged and is expected to be the C ongregational conference of O re ­ D rinking F ountains ters B etty Jean and H elen Frances, from a lad d er and broke hL iis ................ arm I outstanding program of the y ear to gon w hich m et T uesday at the 136 S. 3rd Ayr. 1111 lx lu u n all of M anning. T h ird an d L incoln He ¿s Good S am arital hospital I b e “ heid in th e S herw ood' g rade First C ongregational church o f P h o n e 1271 P h u iir I X W R. and Ja k e Davis and son M r- M T nLen d l"8- school gym F riday evening. The Portland. B ill have retu rn ed from P o rtlan d to Mrs. M. B reightenstein and h er I S herw ood lib rary is sponsoring the th e ferm in Buck H eaven form erly son Ja c k sp en t th e end of last w eek I all-tow n jo lly -u p to secure funds ow ned by W R. Davis, w hich A r- ln ? e ' ” h i’0 th ere they at- j for the new library. M any organiz- th u r Davis, son of Jak e, recen tly ten d ea th e fu n eral services of a . ations in S herw ood are co ntributing (By Mrs. B ird M cCormick) bcught. re la tiv e . S. Skovc. Mr. Skove's to w ards the program and gave se- CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—"Tom ­ son. M ilton, retu rn ed hom e with lected skits and stunts. my Says Hello." is the nam e of a them to spend some time. Shoot Sunday h alf—hour play to be given at the Mrs E. L ockm iller is in Bend ’ A big m erchandise shoot w ill be P leasant View com m unity club thia visiting relatives. held M arch 21 by The Sherw ood S aturday evening R uth R enfroe B iith d ay C elebrated G un club on th e ir grounds A num - D elores Reder, Jessie Versteeg. W edneiday evening Mrs. Jam es h er of very valuable articles will L eonard W hitm ore and W ayne TIMBER — C harm aine C ritten d en W alters gave a birth d ay d in n er in j be available and a large crow d is Jones are in the cast. O th er n u m ­ w as honored on h er nin th birth d ay honor of her son. Jam es, on hi. 1 expected. bers include music, motion pic- New F ederal Investigator ti r e s readings and speaking. Supt. last M onday w ith a birth d ay party. tw elfth birth d ay G uests w ere Mr The girls played games. P resent and Mrs. A. R Pearson. Miss Flora A ttorney A nn L. Lasich. of Olym- L ynn G ubser w ill auction pies. w ere Donna Tillotson. Bette G ene C om m ittee in charge includes Mrs. W right. B ettv Jean G ildner. Jean Wick. Jam es W alters. D elina Satch- i Pla- Wash., only d au g h ter of Mr E lery McDougal and Mrs M. W hit­ W elter and Flora. F elicia and C h a r­ ell. Verna. Evelyn, B arb ara and an(t Mrs. Jo h n E. I.asich S r . has Donald W alters. “ , been sw orn in as federal investi- m ore. Ladies are asked to bring m aine C rittenden. Patsy H einrichs Hi noreil i gator. Miss Lasich is know n a pies. C om m ittee in charge of the Mrs. H einrichs gave a d in n er "O regon s Baby A ttorney" and is B om , to Mr. and Mrs A rth u r cake and sandw ich sale includes W ednesday in celebration of the gaining success in the crim inal field. M: J E C hurchill and Mrs. H. M arkee. M arch 11. a girl. M arvin. Mrs. G roer H onored A large group of friends g ath °red 12th b irth d ay of her d au g h ter. P a t­ Versteeg. They ask th at m em bers . Mrs. A P G ro er w as given a sy. G uests w ere V irginia and Joan the club brin g eith er cake or sand­ to g eth er to w ish B ern ad in e Ham show er arch 8 by her friends. wiches. Coffee and punch will b- m ond a happy b irth d ay F r day Cote and her cousin V irginia Hein- P resen t w M ere the Mesdames C harles served free. P rogram com m ittee night. T he evening w as spent in richs. D everell, A lbert Scott. O. H P e te r­ announces the cpEnir.g tim e at playing games and dancing Present son. Alvin Maly. W. W eaver. D L. S ubscribe now to th e A rgus In G holson. G eorge Beazan. B. Wick. 7:30 in order th a t M ervin Whitmer« w ere Mae D elbert and Bud V anak- m ay later play at a function at e r and R udy L andow er of n ear W ashington county $1.50 a y ear P h il Adams, the Misses Iren e W il­ F orest G rove. Hazel Sm ith and K en­ Six m onths 85c. T h ree m onths 50 Newberg. son. Emm a and A nna Weik and n eth J e n 'e n of Glenw ood and F lo r­ cents. Two m onths 35 cents Honor Roil Given *f Mrs. G roer's sister-in-law . Mrs. M arkee. E dvthe Skeeles. Hazel M argy and Dickie Saxton. B ruce ence Shiffer. Frances A sh­ and Bonita C lark. M erribell H off­ and E Sylvia velyn Wilson, M axine K ilburg. m an and D cral Saxton w ere n eith er ley. Felicia C ritten d en M averene T ail- absent ncr tard y at th e B uck H eav ­ m an. Cecelia M arch e l, W a l t e r en school for the six w eeks e n d ­ W right. A rth u r Syverson. Earl S al­ ing Ma ch 12. according to th e le. Bill Mellin, Jim m y Wilson. E l­ teach er Miss Helen Homm. New dred G ildner. Cecil Woods. Nick pupils here are R oderick. L aura V anderzanden. R alph Coon. E v er­ L ue end S herm an M urray, and ett Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Bud R alph Myers. Robinson. M H enry S tayton and baby Miss F lorence Schenke. the p r i­ B obble v 'sited her paren ts Mr. and m ary teac h er sp en t th e vzeek-end Mrs. C larence B adger at G rand at h er hom e in P ortland. I and from M arch 7 un til T h u rs­ Miss Eda M orelli of Yam hill spent day. th e w eek-end w ith M axine K ilburg Mr. and Mrs. E v erett Morgan, Beyers Move w ho recently sold th eir farm here and Mrs. H arold B eyers m ov­ m oved the first cf th e w eek from ed Mr. to W arrenton last w eek w here N ew berg to Dundee. B yers w ill be em ployed at P routy Etzw iier Moves mill. E arl E tzw iier w ent to M olalla M r and Mrs. H arry Chow ning P la n n in g on b u y in g a n e w or used c a r ? M onday w here he is saw ing in one and W alter Sorg of W arrenton vis­ of G eorge E m m erson's p o rtab le tie ited frien d s h ere Tuesday night. m ills. The fam ily expects to m ove C harles Jr. and David C ritten- th e re this w eek-end. don, w ho are atten d in g H illsboro Then it will pay you to investigate the Com m ercial C larence O rnduff. w ho w ith his high school, spent the w eek-end N ational B a n k ’s econom ical, convenient autom o­ fam ily spent the w in ter h e r e at th eir hom e here. bile finance plan. w ith relatives, m ade a trip th is V isitors at the B. Tallm an home w eek w ith Ed Schw antes to the durin g the w eek-end w ere G eorge C ascade m ountains n e a r Mosier, Fisher, H arold and Iren e Fisher. SILENCED OPERATION E n g in e . LUXURIOUS INTERIORS T a ilo re d w h ere logging w ill be resum ed as W illiam Riggle and son Delmar. FLASHING V-8 PERFORMANCE Now 0 L o w est in te r e st r a te a v a ila b le on transmission, axles, brakes. upholstery, exquisite wood-grain soon as the snow th ere perm its. Mrs. M arie Watson. R alph Simpson. quieter, th riftie r, In J engine » th is ty p e o f fin a n c in g . T h ere is said to be m o re than Eva and Elsie Myers. V ernon W at­ trim and Instru m en t panel. ADVANCED CONVENIENCES Hat- th re e feet. son. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Riggle and EASY-ACTION SAFETY BRAKES You tery under engine I io ik I. Starter 12 to 2 4 m o n th s to p a y in c o n ­ MORE MILES PER GALLON Owners Miss Ann O rnduff. who has been Mrs. V ictor W hite and dau g h ter push gently and stop quickly! The button on dash. Parking brake off ill w ith inflam m atory rheum atism B everly, all of Buxton. say 21 to 27w ith th e I h r lfty 6 0 ,"most v e n ie n t, e q u a l in sta llm e n ts. HILHI NEWS Helvetia Man Leases Farm; U nit to Party Rev. Reulc to Preach Last Lenten Sermon EASY W ASHER Beaverton Grange Aids Flood Relief Put Wings Your Car 62 $ B. B. Reeves Falls, Fractures an Arm Sherwood Library Benefit Friday Sahnow Bros. Garage SELFRIDGE Furniture Co. Play and Program at Pleasant View Birthday Parties Held at Timber Low Cost Convenient Auto Financing II — ........... — ...... ................. — Bring Your Home Financing safety of ¡ l e d from pedal to wheels. ever” w ith the b rillia n t new K5. (£ In su ra n ce a r r a n g e d for by y o u r ­ s e lf , w ith w h o m you w ish . CENTER-POISE RIDE All passengers "am idships,” between the axles. 9 No B rokerage — No C h a r g e s. ARRESTING NEW DESIGN I t ’s one of Am erica’s most d iltin c tiv e cars! ALL-STEEL CONSTRUCTION Top, sides, floor, welded to steel fram e­ work. Safety Glass throughout. 9 E x tr a N o c o n fu sin g red ta p e , no d e la y . -Ä Problem s to Us. A t y o u r convenience, com e in and let us help you p lan the financing or re rfin a n c in g of a home. Sm all m onthly paym ents, like re n t, brin g d eb t-free homi ■ ow nership. Select th e c a r you w a n t— have the d e a le r ap p raise y o u r p rese n t c a r— then sec us for a loan to cover the unpaid balance on your new car. Y our loan is h an d led th ro u g h o u t by your local in d ep en d en t bank. T hus you are assured that your best in terests will be protected by people person­ ally in terested in your w elfare. J. M. PERSON, Mgr Savings & Loan Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon J I $ t ' SOUND-CONDITIONED BODIES Sev­ eral Insulating m aterials used to shut out noise, heat, cold. Rubber •’pillows" between body and fram e. floor, at driver’s left. " V " w ind­ shields that open. Two d oor-pillar lights In sedans. * * * Large compartments with outside openings. $ J S A MONTH, after u su a l ilo w n p ay­ m e n t , b u y s a n y 19 .4 7 F o r d V-H c a n A sk u s a b o u t th e e a s y p a y m e n t p la n s o f th e U n iv e r s a l ( r e d it C o m p a n y . EFFORTLESS STEERING Shoi kless type. S m art new steering wheels. Y O U K I 'O K D HEW "LOAD HOG” LUGGAGE SPACE FORD V 8 DEALER The Brilliant The Thrifty 6 0 In v e stig a te T h is P la n T o d a y I ■ M E M B E R FE D E R A L HOM E LOAN BANK Tualatin Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association 50 Commercial National Bank M rm b rr Independent Bankers' Association H illsboro O regon MEMBER FEDERAL D EPO SIT IN S t RANCE CORPORATION MacKenzie Motor Co C orner T h ird an d W a sh in g to n T e le p h o n e 911