Thursday. Marcii 18. 1937 H IL L S B O R O AR H T’ R. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Seven Washington County’s Great Market Place * “Where the Buyer Meets Seller » A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C o st---- Classified Columns Close at 9 A. M. Wednesday - - - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 4 P. M. Wednesday C ount W ords 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s 18. S eed s, P lan ts, F low ers Send M onry C ount Y our P rofits Firs* Insertion, p er w ord 2c Each additional in . rtlon, p er w ord 1c (No service per issue less t!i in , » H eaders, p er line 10c Black face heading perm itted C ash should accom pany order. O ut of fairness to all no in fo r­ m ation on the ( 'his.'dfied Page W111 *"• ftVI n OUt until the p aper is lx.ued. Notice B ecause of tin* ad d itio n al se rv ­ ice req u ired in h andling Blind A ds w ith an sw ers to be r e ­ ceived oy ti»e A rgus a m in i­ m um charge of 50 cents will be m ade for th is service. T his p ap er w ill not give out inform ation re lativ e to such advertising I. A n n ou n cem en ts J)R PETEK lu h rn ey ’s. A lpenkruut- er. Hoil'»l L inim en t and Mageu- S ta rk e r alw ays on hand Mrs J J N usshaum er, neai H elvetia O re- 3 r. KIJ t | , Dances Good Time fiance At G ian g e hall every S atu rd ay night G eorgia Hess o rchestra. Ad- ■ N ew sp ap ers OHEGONIAN Daily. 45c. d aily and Sunday. 85c; Sunday. 10c copy Bill Boscow. P hone 1052. 15c' N 23. Poultry 25. H orses 33. For R ent— Misc. For Rent M A M M 'Jl'II Bronze torn and tw o I'E i'C HERO N m are, brow n, w eight hens for sale Nice large birds. 110U1 SOUTHI and tru e; aUo double 140 acres. 95 in cultivation. 10 acre , beaverdam land. 7 - room Wii! 'a r t laving soon Roy P e a r­ , harn«- O ral G ardner. 2 m ile, son. Rt 5, Hillsboro. 3p above Motititaindale. 3 h o u ," large barn for 22 cows, m od­ ern m ilk house silo, im m ediate pos­ TWO e le rtric brooder:; for ode. FJG HT-ycur -old horse. 1650 lbs. se. ion; 18 rrules from Portland, 6 mill", south H illsboro. good c o n d itio n Don Cum m ings. for ale; «ilso cow. fresh soon 3 mile.-, northeast of C ornelius. 3p I> .) :Met kel . Rt 4 n ear M offatt. p FIV E -room house, barn, garage electric lights, gas. 2 acres land. 1 3:>()capacity electric brooder f o r R E' EIVF.IJ 6 m ore horses P u c e fru it on edge Hillsboro. $20 per sale cheap. J. R Jonc., Vista $50 and up !.. K E i-ke C orne- i m onth, possession at once. N o TRESPA SS. A purtm ent for Kent CHOICE gladioli bulb.* lH v arietie Ave., Aloha 3p li US 3tf W G. IDE No Sm oking Eor Kent. For Sale, all named, get them this week 318 E. M ain S t. H illsboro No P ed d ler.. No IIan d b ilh . etc Euy H a rrin g to n , n o rth end Second POULTRY and T u rk ey (¡row ers for sal«- or trad e 12 head , signs for sale at th e Argus. 27tf A'. «• Why buy A rgentine to rn w hen HORS,ES -ip w or k A ttractiv e paym ent i 34. Rooms, A p artm en ts you ran raise 50 to 80 bushels per PORTLAND saw service B and oi EOR SALE 1«/ ton of recleaned acre No I corn w ith 'Jam es Im ­ plan Ray Del-roan. G aribaldi St Phone• 2107. 3tf FURNISHED room for rent —155 m achine, re-tooth, set, file, large Murqui ruing w heat. $50 ton; proved M innesota No 13 frost r e ­ crosscut, circle, d rag a n d hand 150 pounds of red clover seed. 3(Jc sisting seed at 5c lb Have 1200 lbs. N. S eventh Ave. 3p 26. C attle saws No 1 job 121 E M orrison pound W illiam D uiig. Ht 5. Box be-1 eed loo'i hi O regon germ ina- St . Pul II.Hid | ] ;■ 700 P o rtlan d . 2 m ile’, east of C edar , tion test P lant in A pril Also have SLEEPIN G room arid 2-room a p a rt­ M ills on B ain es rood. ] 250 W hite Leghorn day-old cock­ TWO good Je r-e y cows for sale ] m ent for ren t.—Mrs Max C ra n ­ SAND and gravel at rea onable one fresh and one to freshen dall 256 E. M aple St. Phone 3352 erels. Mareh 20 at P jC each E. L. prices, prom pt delivery E A I>< rsett S traw b erry Plants Jam es ‘"«-mile south R eedville. 2-3p scoti. also otit ann Jo hn Hare, m ile no rth of FOR R ent a t W ashington Hotel, IflOHW or hom e 24E155. 41-15p o r hardinc:. production and an "BETTER C hicks from B etter M at­ Juni- ir high school P hone 1044 3 H illsboro, furnished, steam -h eat­ excellent hippei B ring 40 to 50 ings " L eghorns, Reds Place o r ­ ed ap artm en t. ltf cents .a crate m ure P lan ts $6 per ders now fur May March and A pril NICE G u ern sey -Jersey cow just 14. Car«, Truck», Tire» thousand Special q u an tity price sold out. except Leghorn cockerels. fri )i D w ight Sellers. 1 m ile out 1 HAVE YOU A ROOM MODEL A Fold coin«- hi good H M T ucker. Ht 1 Box 330. Bor- O rders cam e in earlier and faster cn Rt 3. 3 O r a house for r e n t’ Inquiries are ninniijK o id ct. $65 W. ab re eleam d P hilip H ergert. PA U L DUDLEY AHE you in th e m ark et for C h ev ­ 2 mil«* north M ountaindale. Phone ■i'-mile south Aloha P hone B eav er­ bull, to be sold as a herd.—W H l-3p ro let or O ld sin o b ilc' Have $120 ■ •' , $ ton 0818. Mail: Rt. 1. B eaverton. Milne. Y am hill. cred it app liab le on new car, w here O regon. 54-7 DAIRY and fam ily cows fo r sale. CALL FOR WARRANTS th ere Is no trad e-in Will sell at BAI ED oat and pea straw . $5 ton. cash or term s. No dow n paym ent All C ounty Road F und W arrants M • 11st Bros.. Rt 5 H ill H ughes Leghorn. B arred Rock and di • 'mt 819 Main SI lt f necessary, w ith m onthly paym ents of W ashington County. Oregon, e n ­ south of w ireless. 3p Rhode Island Red C hicks as low as $5 per m onth — Gail dorsed "not paid for w ant o f CH ICK S from 2nd y ear h e n s , 15. O ffice Equipm ent, LOOSE hay, $5 load J Eaix. m ile K arns, O renco. P hone H illsboro funds" on or before D ecem ber m ated to officially w ing banded n o rth w est of K inton sehool 3p 2621X 16tf 31. 1936. a re now payable at the LEGAL B lanks for sale, 5c and 10c R () P cockerels. Also New H am p- office of the C ounty T reasurer, in Hillsboro A i fu tf BALED oat and vetch hay for sbires. and a cheaper, u tility grade Hillsboro. Oregon. Interest on such L ivestock 27. of Rocks and Reds. E ith er sexed sale, ab o u t 50 tons; also bait'd w arran ts not heretofore called will R u b b er stam ps and office sup- or u nsexed chicks. .A ll sexing HORSES - COW S - M ULES cease M arch 22. 1937. , H ills b o ro A rgus. tf traw ; V ictory sp rin g oats.—Ben done by A m erican born Japanese Coussens, L eisyville. 2-3 MAUD W. BOSCOW, C ounty 50 to 200 head on hand at expert, and unconditionally g u a r­ FROM 3 all times. New shipm ents a rr iv ­ T reasu rer. 10. Furniture, Pianos, Radios VETCH and oat hay for sale. -G. anteed. V isit our h atch e ry a n d ing weekly. We are In a position to b reeding farm . See the chicks in deliver CALL FOR W ARRANTS E. G ibbons. W. B aseline St. 1-3 1 or a carload by tru c k o r­ N E W F airb an k s - Morse electric o ur brooders n o w. Inform ation All C ounty G eneral Fund W ar­ w asher Model flWC R egularly BALED vetch for sale T heo Van- free on request. We custom hatch d e r O ur m otto is "Q uick Sales and ran ts of W ashington County. O re­ Sm all P rofits." G u aran teed as re p ­ $89.95 P rice now $50 O th er models derzam len, 2 m iles southeast of hen and tu rk e y eggs reliab ly and resented. F ree deliv ery .—In te rsta te gon. endorsed "not paid for w ant $40 and $45 50 M eltebeke El« c- Bank 1 m ile n o rth w est Roy. 54-3p cheaply. H orse A Cow M arket. U nion Ave. of funds" on or before F ebruary 3 trie Store. H illsbori HUGHES A SON HATCHERY 27. 1937. a re now payable at the EOR SALE Baled oats an d vetch 1080 E. O ak H illsboro and Colum bia Blvd . P ortland. O re ­ office of the C ounty T reasurer, in USED w asher» ''M aytag," slightly 3-C Hillsboro. Oregon. In terest on such hay P. J. M erkel n e a r M of­ T elephone 3152. 52tf gon Many y ears in business. used, electric w asher "Block," fat. 51 tf. w arran ts not heretofore called will w ith B riggs-S tratton gas engine, Real E state 28. cease M arch 22. 1937 Pig» square tu b M eltebeke E lectric HALED hay. alfalfa, oats and vetch . 24. MAUD W. BOSCOW. County- Store Hillsboro 3 Rav D clstnan, P hone 2107, Hills- PIG S for sale: 2 brood sows; 1 MODERN 3 - room house, garage, T reasu rer. 3 acre ground in city lim its. $400 b. : > __ 48!f boar: and 11 w e a n e rs —G eorge 17 Fuel E s ta te : A lic e H a ll ( h ip m a n Altishin. Rt. 1. B eaverton; n e a r cash: balance $20 per m onth. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 20. Farm P rod u ce— Fruits, H azeldale school. 3 BEAUTIFUL colonial hom e ju st h e re b y g iv e n t h a t th e u n d e r ­ OLD gro w th 16-inch fir for sale. out city, city conveniences. 3. s ig N n i e d tic e has i* been V e g e ta b le s tra to r Emil Miller. N orth P la in ’ 2-4 28 W HITE w eaner pigs. $5 each.— acres, land p lanted to filberts, fin- i o f th e e s ta te o f a A p p L o I C in E te d H A a d L m L in is CHAP­ S A G utter. Scholls. P hone Scholls est country hom e n ear H illsboro. ' M A N . deceased, by an o rd e r m ade a n d 100 SACKS g o 'd B u rb an k p o ta­ GASCO B riquets S teady h«*»t nil 2518 3 $1500 w ill handle. ; e n te re d in th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e S ta te day. ho!0s P ro all night, choapei j to«' fu; sale. Jesse M eyers place, o f O re g o n f o r W a s h in r to n C o u n ty on W G. IDE b etw een B uxton school house and th e 6 th d a y o f M a rc h . 1937, a n d th a t th an oak. m ore heat, less n*h. We S IX -w ceks-old pigs for sale —W A 315 E Main St. H illsboro he Red A W hite store. 3 haa d u ly q u a lifie d t o a c t as such ad­ deliver. P h o n e 01 Im p erial Feed P ittlelk au . one mile n o rth o f m in is tr a t o r . A G rain Co. H illsboro 47tf PO TA TOES fur sale -C la u d e W il­ H uber 3-4 F urnished H ouse T h e re fo re , a ll pe rso n s h a v in g c la im s FIV E - room house. 2 bedroom s, a g a in s t s a id e s ta te a re h e re b y n o tifie d liams. Rt. 1. B anks; 3 m iles east FOR v. OOD sawing c ill M J NINE - m onth - old C hester W hite a n d re q u ire d t o p re s e n t th e m w it h th e new ly papered and painted: lot of B anks 2-3p 1 boar. To sell or trad e for w ean ­ 65x110; house fully furnished: lo­ p r o p e r vo u ch e rs t o th e u n d e rs ig n e d a t th e o f fic e o f P. L . P a tte rs o n . W e lls sale P hone 2141Z. A ddress 423 N ling pigs -Carl C am enzind. Rt 4. cated on good street. S1275. b o ro , O re g o n , w it h in s ix nd Av® 17t f N ETTED Gem potatoes. U S. No. Box 19. H illsboro. 3p 50 ACRES. 45 acres cultivated. B (6» u ild m in o g n , th s H ills fr o m th e d a te o f th e f i r s t 2. $2 50 sack: U. S No. 1. $3.00 p u b lic a tio n o f th is n o tic e , t o - w i t : w it h in sack. At farm on G ales C reek road. buildings old. n ear H illsboro on FOUR cords dry fir wood Joe W EANLING pigs fo r sale .. R s ix m o n th s fr o m M a rc h 18. 1937. R obert W arrens. P h o n e Forest S ebm idlkofer. Rt 2. F o re st D a te d at H ills b o r o , O re g o n , on th is C lark. '-2-mile east of K 1 onigan good road. P rice S6000. w ill con­ G rove 1609W. 2tf sid er some tra d e for hom e in H ills- i 16 th d a y o f M a rc h . 1937. G rove; T h atch er road. 3p corner. Rt. 5 3p M O R T IM E R H A R T W E L L . A d m in is t r a ­ boro or P ortland t o r o f th e E s ta te o f A lic e H a ll C h a p m a n . 16-INCH d ry old grow th fir. $3 51) 21. E. A G R IFFIT H Farm M achinery PIG S for sale.—R A Dean, half- |x r cord, no delivery. E. Alt. H illsboro Deceased. m ile w est of W itch H azel school 131 S. 2nd Ave. P. L . P A T T E R S O N . O n e o f A tto rn e y s ■is: 11 1 • ‘ l , ■' I . a l l l r l sH 'l l- 31 f MACHINERY for sale or trade. house f o r A d m in is t r a to r . 3-7 _________ 2-3p MOST beau tifu l building site in i M a rc h 18. 25. a n d A p r i l 1, 8, 15, 1937) 12-8 single disc drill, fine sh ap e H illsboro w ith 3 'i a cres just 18. S eed s, Plants, F low ers 12-6 double disc d rill H eavy-w eight 25. H orses outside city lim its. 6 blocks of court V aughn d rag saw. 42-ineh e x te n ­ ACCLIM ATED B oysenberry plants sion tra c to r rim s. O riole m ilk cool­ BROWN horse. 1400 lbs: bay horse. house. P riced to sell. H. W. CURRIN for sale H. T K isb e r. Rt. 4 er. Used parts for 10-18 Case tra c ­ 1300 lb s ; 1400 -lb . roan m are: Rox 14. Sherw ood; *i - m ile on to r T h ree 2-b.)ttom tra c to r plows. black m arc; 2 G uernsey cows, for 134 E M ain P hone 3264 H illsboro O steopathic highw ay tow ard N ew berg from Six Hand or p o w er-d riv en hav cutter. sale F ran k Wilson, F orest Grove; FOUR vacant lots on F irst and Physician and Surgeon J T. "Jack " Foster. 150 E Main, G reen v ille road. C orners. 2tf 3 G rant St.. H illsboro, fo r sale for ; P h o n e H illsboro 3063. 3 C om m ercial Building BOYSENBERRY plants s t r u n g , WISH to buy eheap, gentle, old residences: also 40-acre farm w ith P hone O ffice 861 well rooted, now ready. W. S VAUGHN garden tracto r. m odel horse. -W en d ell Davis. East Oak buildings, at V erboort.—M iss A ngie 3p E-2. w ith full eq uipm ent, ex cel­ St . H illsboro. H untley. D -m lle west W itch H a rd 3-4; H arrington. H illsboro. school on old highw ay. 2-3p lent condition. $275.—J. If Jack. WILL C halm ers ran ch fo r sale. 3 9 1 3017 N E 21st A v e. P o rtlan d . 3p HEALTHY, old horses, cheap, for acres w ith w a te r right, so u th ­ ERANQUETTE w alnut and filb ert fox feed.—P hone 2091Z. 2-5p DR. R. J. NICOL east of Roy.—W illiam Skene. Roy. trees for sale. We c arry a com ­ NEW cream se p a ra to r for sale.— At H T Lucas farm , five m iles H ORSES— If in th e m ark et for p lete line of nu rsery stix’k. fruit, DR. E. W . ALM QUIST 3p horses o r m ules, try L ents Stables. $100 BUYS one acre or m ore, good shade and o rn am en tal trees, shrubs, south H illsboro. wooded land. 15 m inutes out.— We c a rry a good v ariety m ost of V eterin arian s roses and sm all fru its W rite for O LIVER T racto rs and farm tools. 3 th e tim e. P riced rig h t w ith money P hone N orth P lains 15F3. list. Low prices Rich A Sons M yers p u m p s —J a c k Foster, 150 back g u a ra n te e or free tria l.— Lo­ Telephone 64J and 642 N ursery. Rt. 4. H illsboro; 1 m ile E M ain St.. H illsbor». 43tf cated 115th St. F oster road; one LOTS for s a le —1122 East Base- n o rth east O rcnco. 2tf 2-3p line. H illsboro. m ile east of Lents; H enry Baum cr. JO H N D eere 2-gang tra c to r plow. prop: Rt. 3. Box 1388, P ortland. EOR SA LE B oysenberry plants 20 ACRES n o rth end my farm , 8 good condition. $25: also sulky O regon. SAXTON & LOONEY 53tf T. H Pitm an, Hillsburu. Rt. 4 ! plow, ch eap Hugo Sahnow , Ht 1. clear, 75 fru it trees, $150 per P ro d u cers of Q u tlity East. Phone 1158 2lf C ornelius. 2p HEALTHY old h orses w anted for acre. T ract south of farm . 635 acres. $250 p er acre, «j-m ile from fox feed.—P hone 2091Z. 48-8tp S A N D and G RAVEL ACME (hornless Y oungberry plants, FOR SA LE J o h n D eere m an u re Wolf C reek h ig h w a y .— Jo h n T P la n t located 4 m iles north of 5c each. $4 per 100 V J. V anD er- sp read er. No. 2 I n t e r n a t io n a ' WANTED—O ld horses fo r fox feed. C roeni, Rt. 2. B eaverton. 54tf F orest G rove on G ales Creek. Zanden, nt Roy. 2-4p eream sep arato r. 2 h p. In te rn a ­ —Phone 2107. 42tf tional gas en g in e All p ractically P hone 1609R D ogs, P ets 29. EARLIEST of all seed potatoes. new. M artin S chlffer, 1% m iles HORSES for sale; also hay and m ark et price. I.. H. Peters. 3 north Ju n io r high. straw ; prices reasonable A. 8 W ILL give good hom e to w atch 53-4p m iles n o rth M ountaindale. l-3p Eischen. G aston. 2tf dog. y ear or m ore old.—W. B. LIC EN SED stock trailers. 2 - cow F ishing T ack le NOW is th e tim e to set those w al­ capacity, rout $1 per day. I.igiit YOUNG team for sale. 5 and 8 Roberts, Rt. 1. Box 144. Banks.__ 3p n u t trees. For b e tte r trees see tra ile rs m nde to order. A uto p arts Guns, A m m unition y ears old. Sound a n d gentle. S toves, H eaters R E. M eyers. :1 i-m ile w est L aurel anil farm m ach in ery -L. V. H u lit W eight ab o u t 1350, $275 w ith col­ 30. CORW IN HARDWARE store. P hone 2755 Scholls; Rl. 2, 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf lars.—In q u ire Ja c k Foster. 150 E. MONARCH wood range: also c ir­ Hillsboro. 53 tf 128 S. 2nd Ave. P hone 72 Main St., H illsboro. 3 culating h eater.—1124 E. W alnut A gent Long Radios S h eep , G oats St. 3p C ER TIFIED Red H eart stra w b e rry 22. 1400-lb bay m arc C. W. Spicring. plants, $3 p er 1000 d u g a n d N orth Plains. ,3-4p LARGE B ridge Beach wood range i m ilk goal, freshen i n sacked: $4 packed in boxes: C e r­ SAANEN A pril. «S.M.- P hone B eaverton w ith reserv o ir and coils; also tified M arshalls, nil sold; Buysen- 3-4p large heating stove. $10.- Mrs. C. , b erry plants. 15 for $2, $10 per j 4751. Spicring. N orth Plains. P hone N orth 100, $65 per 1000 -C. L. C hapm an. ' (Incorporated) Poultry Instruct Y our A ttorney Plains 17F2. 3p | 2 m iles south Stafford; Rt. 1. S h e r­ 23. Collections — Credit Reports wood. 53 -2 p ' 350-CHICK O akes electric b ro o d ­ to Publish Your W E D G E W O O D ran g e w ith coils. In A -l condition, for sale.—C. A. : er. sllghtlv used. R lchev H a rd ­ FRUIT trees, all varieties, h i l l Washington. Tillamook, Yamhill C arlson. M idw ay. 3p w are and F u rn itu re Co., B eav er­ growing, highest qu ality . C om ­ Polk and Marion Coun'ies. • plete line of n u rsery stock. Eor ton COM BINATION wood and 4-burn- j landscaping y o u r hom e see Motz Personal Contact on Collections in th e or gas range; gas w ater h eate r.— For Immediate Salp B ro th ers’ N ursery, O rcnco. P hone A lbert B erw ick. 4 m iles east of ] 500 6-w eok-old L eghorn pullets: 500 2624 Hillsboro. 41tf Washington County Office H illsboro. ______ 3p 4-w eek-old L eghorn pullets: Now H am p sh ire ch ick s from 2 to 6 C om m ercial B uilding HIGHEST quality tri es, i ir«« t a For R ent— M ise. 33. so rtm en t g reatest values. G rafted w eeks; 300 2-w eek-old B a r r e d Second and Main Streets I w alnuts, filberts, prunes, plum s, Rocks H ughes A Son H atchery. Phone 3071 EIGHT acres of good stra w b e rry 1080 E Oak. Hillsboro. peaches, apricots, cherries, pears, elim in ates a n y ques­ Hillsboro, Oregon o r potato land for ren t.—P ete apples, grapes, berries. Ho.vsrn h er- , tion of leg ality of p u b ­ Johnson, on Mason Hill. 3p SA I.E — Eleven M am m oth ries. roses, etc. F reig h t paid. P re- j F O R B ronze tu rk ey s, choice slock: lication. mium roses free. Send today for our "4filh A n n iv ersary ” sales c ir ­ tom from K uptez stock. - A r t s cular. C arlto n N ursery Co., C a rl­ G riffels See tu rk ey s nt Jo h n Sin-! ton. 36tf i elair place. 3 m iles n o rth H ills­ saves tim e a n d ex­ boro; N orth P lain s road. 2 tf i CAM ELLIAS. DAPHNES, nam ed pense. rhododendrons, and m any o th er RHODE Island Red chicks from our own trn p n ested hens. 9c. Also choice sh ru b s and trees, flow ering at R easonable P rices and shade trees, fruit trees, w al­ w ill tra d e for wood, straw o r ! T hayer's. '4 -m ile east of nuts. filberts. B uysenberrles. grapes grain p rev e n ts delays due to T elephone B eaverton i and sm all fruits. L andscaping • R eedville. D ual and S in g le A x le — N ew and U sed ty p o g ra p h ic a l erro rs. 3tf come to th e n u rsery w h ere th e I 1115. plants a re grow ing Io m ake yo u r j reliction. Stout's Nursery. «4- BUCK EY E in cu b ato r, 64l)-ogg ca­ S p ecify the pacity. $10. Also day-old W hite mlle southeast of Orencu, Rt. 4. Hillsboro. P hone 2826. 3tf L eghorn cockerels. W ednesdays and S atu rd ay s, any q u an tity . $2 per 100 E rickson's H atchery, six m iles rh o n e 31F11 Ntrth Plains, Oregon RINK w heat for sp rin g seeding; south o f H illsboro. Phono 1007 ■ haled ha.v and straw .— F red M ey­ uh 1 er, n ear G olf course. 3p Scholls. B A L E D tim o th y hay. $12 ton. also il foot M< (*ormick Deci mg hind e r, I 1? h p M c(*o i nuek D e e rin g ga.‘- e n g in e A u g u st Desmet. Ht ( !u do n ; S p rin g Bill EVERGREEN S h ru b s, trees, well grow n, clean, m any varieties of cypre . . Junipers. arb o rv ltae. yew. rhoflo.;. azalea, daphne, box. laurel, heather, etc E x p ert landscape d e ­ signs 3p W ILL trad e 192!) C hevrolet tru ck , stak e body, in good condition for horse and cow or team. J. C. Schainek, 1ft. 5, H illsboro; south ' I < b 11 ii I r l .... I ~ : I I' B arber Shops R ICHA RD'S B arb er shop, h aircuts. 25c. Aloha. 5tf 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s HARD coal brooder. 1000-ch ick size; cheap set h arness L. A E llinger, first house w est of county home. P hone .3402. 3 STEAM holler. 8 horsepow er, good cenditinn ( 'a il C am enzind, Rt 4. B us 19. Hill Inii'ii. 3|> K O H LER au to m atic pow er light plant, ,.13-hoisc pow er. 110-watt - Em il M iller, N o rth P lains. O ur classified colum ns may have Just w hat you are looking for— Read them . tf Donelson ÖC Sewell Phone 953 : Hillsboro FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED FMRALMERS Dally Trips to Portland H illsboro A u to F reight Dir