r i m i '» la y . M u u l i I I . D allas visited at the W. II lUng of tan k er F rank 11 Buck takes to hom e Sunday boats llirttidiiy Tea llelil C row n-W illam ette a n d saw m ill W omen's C ircle gave .1 birthday and tim b er w orkers' union at As­ tea m th e parlors of the church toria sign w orking agreem ent a fter W ednesday afternoon Every m onth tw o years of labor troubles, m a rk ­ io the y ear w as represented hv the ed by strife, violence and fatal different w om en's birthdays About bloixfshed th irty -fiv e w om en w ere present Set te n tu re of office for suprem e Sunday d in n er party guests at the court ju stices proposed by Rep i By Mrs. G all K am a) Nlkthim Host* hom e w ere Mr and resen tativ e R ankin as reform O R F N l’O Anim al ch u rch ineel - Mrs le d E dw ards amt » o Bobby breach w idens in nation's capital G overnors of six industrial states I mg and d in n er of the O reneo and Mr and Mrs. Sam Huxley a n d I lieed v ille parish w ill be held in d au g h ter B arbara of P ortland oppose cut in relief rolls. the O reneo ch u rch at li 31) p m Sunday. M arch 7 M arch 18 D istrict .Attorney F itts of Lixs Km-lrly to Meet A n. .. les shot and w ounded by four M issionary will meet in men who forced his autom obile to th e church p society a llo rs next W ednes curb. day at 2 p in S urvey m ade in New York show s Louise R euaken of Walla Walla F iftv -th ree children huve taken farm ers pax sm aller sum ill taxes Wash . \ isited T hursday at the Fl ed advantage of the fit*«» im inum /ation than city folk M eihoff hom e clinic of the W ishington Countv P ostm aster G eneral Farley joins Brooks llridgeford H arding of H ealth unit in tjie court house mce President Roosevelt in court fight New Yolk C ity has been a house the clinics w ere established i n o rd er your Two M edford boys R obert Plir- guest of L ucille McGee th e past F ebruary D uring F ebruary. 27 ucker and Alvin T horbus. killed week w ere vaccinated for sm allpox ami when tram hits autom obile. Mrs W allace Persons is now em ­ 21 w ere im m unized for diphtheria M onday. M arch s ployed ill B eck's grocery S aturdays Last S aturday 1.'» children re p u te d B akery Good» E arly! New strik es in C hrysler. P ackard. Utley Beckley of S ilverton spent C hevrolet and H udson plants upset several days last week at the hom e to th e clinic. T uesday night eight e a s e , o f stocks of Mr and Mrs P erry G a rd n e r He chickcnpox w ere leporteil Gat E arth q u ak e hits San Francisco is a nephew of Mr G ard n er 1 I lls W I I K s s l l « I \ l S den Home amt one ill H illsboro area Fight states am t part of C an ­ Mrs Mary C a rte r of C olorado is w hile for th e week w hich closed ada shaken. spending several weeks with Mr S aturday, a ease each of wh»n»pmg S enators clash over court issue and Mrs L C a rte r and fam ily. cough, chickcnpox ami scabies \v a Labor and farm leaders for Roose­ D< I I I lu ll- , »ill* *<>•* *rd Hula anil Mrs. lim iter Honored reported. velt plan. blitters« ot< 1» h Illg Mrs F red S e rje n t en tertain ed F ri­ W ashington's S enator S ehw ellen- haeh cites dangers of Jap an ese in ­ day afternon w ith a p arty honoring Pays Fine vasion of U. S salm on industry on Mrs Mary H unter, who has ch an g ­ Jam es Lane. Buxton, was found ed h er residence to Pori land T w e n ­ north Pacific coast guilty last w eek by a justice court Spanish freig h te r Mar C antabrieo. ty-one neighbors and friends w ere ju ry of hunting w ithout a heense w hich rushed out of New A'ork h a r ­ present. for St. I'atri« k s Day He was arrested by a st.de officer Mrs. W oodw ard III bor w ith w ar supplius ahead of Miss L orenc W odw ard was called and told the ju ry he took his gun congressional n e u trality action, sunk hom e from San Francisco last week out to shoot a dog He was fine«! in Bay of Biscay. on account of the serious illness of $25 and costs by Ju stice A W H av­ Tuesday. M arch 9 her m other. Mrs 1. T. W oodw ard ens. R epresentative Mott flays B onne­ L o rrain e and K enneth are living in ville pow er bill, saying plan p re ­ the C arm en ap artm en ts ill P ortland M.iilr u ltli real erran t Dog Licenses I all m atu re C ontends hearings should Mr. and Mrs Laurence, caretak ers, More than 2tifM) have been is­ wait until bills a re introduced by- are slaying at th e farm h ere Inking sued to date w ith 60 dog ow ner - northw est senators and R ep resen ta­ a fte r things. paying penalty since M arch I Last tive Honeyman. A nna M arie A rnold of Estacada y ear th ere w ere approxim ately OI.D \ IRGINI \ Union pickets bar C h ry sler presi­ is spending sev eral w eeks w ith her 4000 dogs licensed. t h e record'« dent and aid from en try to offices aunt. Mrs F red S erjen t show . until perm it is obtained from union M r and Mrs H arold Holmes of at your grocer or the b akrry S it-dow n si lik es at C h ry sler and Busy Man «using phone» Alive Hudson affect to tal of 73.849 e m ­ Di maiul PI ID I < 1 H<>\ B l(l \D al court plan raked in hearing before me 2-2 double 2 " ployes. your <»r« . e r —Ku h in Drxtrowr O p erato r ' ’ T w n-1 w o-1 w o -1 vv u ’ Joseph F K ennedy nam ed c h a ir­ senate ju d iciary com m ittee S e n a ­ the sugar you need for energy. Busy Man "Ye . and hurry up man of new U. S. m aritim e com ­ to r B orah leads attack W illiam C R ankin, new M ultno­ I'll play trains w ith you later!’’ mission. Ex. C aptain T urppa. C olum bia riv er m ah county auditor, dies pilot, w ho w as pilot of Italian M otorship F eltre w hen it collided w ith S S E dw ard L uekenbaeh th re e w eeks ago. suspended 90 days. P resid en t Roosevelt in radio talk sails for sw ift enactm ent of his court re-organization bill to "'save th e constitution from th e suprem e • VOW» «ood ••p e » » » « »OO Mow mw«k o»»» •»< «o f He asserts high trib u n a l has im ­ t« tp *r« d fro m «dl» O«<«v I * ' «»OW» «b*»* W e «tb properly set itself up" as a "super • term teo<»w»< w r terlievo v«w • ’ » » « • • • • • « • 4 • * Voo^ legislature." and had read into the > «l r « t . « | ( » l i t d o w n to »te< »teiolwto a«t«i«.w «' —• constitution "w ords and im plic i- witteow« »«<•>«■(•«( o « r te«» of qwalitv • • qw»««t«v A «d tions w hich a re not th ere and rip • » w hich w ere never intended to be m o « c v o « » » t n «©od b w d g e t • • • • * «0« « (••a d * • th e r e " At the sam e tim e, he d e ­ $ « « C * » V < w »lo««»» w tey « 0 » ♦»» Ite» f t e i.f f y V » « v * < v nied any intent to —pack" the •w e fte o d o l tte o p p i« < »tel» *« V v w o e b » « d K N O W * > « • • • co u rt w ith "spineless puppets" V*W (OR (« > «No m o»» w ho w ould "disregard t h e law" and decide eases as he m ight wish them decided, and declared process­ es of constitutional am endm ent too slow for pressing problem s of the day. P eter C olgaard. 76. E lm ira sto re ­ keeper. attach victim , dies. t im e s IY< (Inesday. M arch in Tl DAILY S tate board of higher education allots funds to D oernbecher c h il­ PHONE 2171 d ren 's hospital so th a t it w on't have to cloce doors. M adrid d efenders rep o rted g iv ­ ing w ay before insurgents. SPECIAL SAVINGS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH 12 a n d 13 C u m m in g s' id ea s on RooXcvclt H1LHI NEWS Animal Church Meet at Orenco on March 18 w eek-end in P o rtlan d visiting Miss I By Evelyn llatfirliU O ladine Coe Ervin Christensen Home T hursday. F ebruary 25. 193 No. I Ervin C h risten sen retu rn ed home V olum e 11 ' from th e hospital th e first of the ■ w eek m uch im proved from a frac­ G irl R eserves Elect Senior I’l.ix Selected tu red skull w hen he w as kicked G irl R eserve officers for the next "B ridal C horus." a com edy in (By I.orrainr Drmmin) by a horse last w eek. th ree-acts by R oberta W inters, has y ear w ere elected Monday C abinet SCHOLLS E veryone is invited been selected for th e senior play m em bers elected w ere as follows: to atten d th e birth d ay d in n er to tins y ear and w ill be given in May. Jean Person, p resid en t. H elen lla l- be given at the church parlors il.nn. v ice-president. E thel H atty, Reunion Set M arch 19. Mrs. W B. C h an d ler ha- A Seabeck reunion w ill be held se c re ta ry . M argaret R ueeker. tr e a s ­ charge of the tab le for Jan u ary . March 13 at th e "Y" in P o rtlan d u rer: Ann Peters, m ter-e lu b re p r e ­ Mrs. H L. F lint. F eb ru ary ; Mrs Ml g irls w ho have gone to S ea­ sen tative; G enins C orisen. business Finest Hanson, March; Mrs J. T. m anager; D orothy B arr, rep o rter. beck a re in v ited to atten d McCann. A pril. Mrs C. E arl S tre t­ T he out-going officers had the last A ssem bly Today cher. May; Mrs. W alter O rr. June; cabinet m eeting of th e ir term M on­ The th ird g rade in P eter Boscuw Miss Dora 11 Young is th e assem ­ day. fifth period. Mrs. S. A. G utter. Ju ly : Mrs. J. H school .is co nducting a health p ro ­ bly sp eak er for this week. S he w ilt M oore and Mrs Ju liu s C hristensen. S tudents E nroll A s­ A ugust; Mrs. W. W Jnquith. S ep ­ ject w ith th e lib rary table devoted speak on "Alcohol Education Tw o new students. Ed and P aul tem ber: Mrs. J. B. B artlett. O cto­ to books on health. Posters in the sem bly is on T hursday instead of H enry, started to school M onday. ber; Mrs. F erd G roner. Novem ber: room rem ind th e pupils of good W ednesday. They a re tra n sfe rrin g from W ash­ Mrs. H. T Hesse. D ecem ber A p ro ­ health habits and each one in th e Miss l’.irr Honored ington high Ed is a ju n io r and gram w ill be given follow ing the room is m aking a booklet on ''G o ld ­ Mis.- N ex e n tertain ed Miss P arr. en R ules of H ealth." A prize is Miss C rozier and Miss Allen S u n ­ P aul a sophom ore dinner. Cast Guests Mr. and Mrs. Joe B rittian e n te r­ being given th e child w ho m akes day w ith a su rp rise b irth d ay d in n e r S enate club had a m eeting M on­ tained w ith a d in n er party Sunday th e best h ealth scrap book. These m honor of Miss P arr. i books w ill be ju dged on a p p ro p ri­ day night. T he cast of the o p eretta for Helen W estfall and H arold C u rtain s llung Weiss of P ortland, John Losli and ate pictures, neat arran g em en t and T he new v elo u r cu rtain s have w ere guests. It was th eir C om m u­ and roll-call Ted Z urcher of Bethany. Ava and , m aterial covered. P lays on health been hung in th e au d ito riu m and nity Sing m eeting L uella H ow ard and G lenn B rittian ; are to be given in connection w ith '• ere installed in tim e for the o p e r­ w as answ ered by singing a song or Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil th e project. etta S ince w e have th e new c u r­ giving a sh o rt talk on a fam ous Bisch. M arch 8. a boy. T« Ils About E ngland tains. w e w ill be able to have m ov­ composer. O p eretta Success Mrs. H ibbard, k n ittin g in stru c­ ing p icu tres and lan tern slides. Party Attracts "P u rp le T ow ers." th e o peretta, Je a n A bts an d Peggy Ross w ere A large crow d atten d ed th e sec­ to r for W eil's D epartm ent store, as given Friday night before a ond of the series of benefit card spoke to the ch ild ren in th e geog­ v isitors in Salem recently. They w large crow d E veryone enjoyed it parties at th e I. O. O. F. lodge hall rap h y classes of th e fourth, fifth w atched th e state leg islatu re in ses- an d thought it w as a huge success W ednesday evening, sponsored by and six th grades Wednesday m o rn ­ -,on an d v isited several state in sti­ Joins Army th e Ruby R ebekah club. In 509" ing. telling m any in terestin g things tutions. Je a n gave an in terestin g E arl H artsel q u it school last M on­ discussion in th e first an d sixth high honors w ere aw ard ed to Mrs about England, h er n ativ e land. period Civics classes on how the day. He has joined the arm y. Jack J. M. S tre tc h e r and Mr. Heitz. and O fficers Nam ed Bascom b also has dropjied. low to Mrs. L. H. M urray and J. New officers of th e second grade. law s a re m ade. H. Moore. Pinochle high honors P e te r Boscow. include Allen Ge s- w ere aw arded to L o rrain e Dem- bers. p resident: L aw rence N aught, G ates C h arlo tte P atterson. Jo an m in and W illard Taylor, low w ere v ice-president; M argaret F reuden- Seym our. Je a n n e tte Howell. Mrs. R E. M eyers and G eorge A l­ thal. secretary ; T erren ce C h risten ­ D avid H ill second grade honor lison. N ext card party w ill be held sen. treasu rer; E lm er B arber, song roll includes Bob A m acher. Billy M arch 17. leader: W ilbur W agner .aid Leona Ellis. W alter Johnson R obert W hit­ T hursday. M arch I Mr. and Mrs. W. A B unnell and W yatt, m onitors, and B arb ara Den- w orth. R ichard Yost. F e m e H ibbard. C arnegie-Illinois S teel co rp o ra ­ d au g h ter V irginia spent several , ton. health inspector. Lavonia Hobin. Jessie P lapp. S h ir­ tio n announces price increase to days th e first of last w eek visiting The second g rad e is now engag­ ley T rau g h b er. H elen Tsugaw a. ; friends an d relativ es in N orth ed in m aking Indian bowls. Jacq u elin e H owell. S ally C ruzen. finance general w age increase and 40-hour week. Bend. Election Held Club Meets Tuesday M ayor Iren e E A rm strong, New officers of th e 3B grade h ousew ife-executive of D aytona Scholls J u n io r W om an's club will i include P riscilla M erkle. president, Beach w ho defied governor of m eet a t th e C. A C arlson home and V ernon S p en cer and F o rrest Florida to oust her. resigns and Tuesday evening. Miss L ucille C arl­ H ibbard, m onitors. husband tak es o v er post. son w ill be hostess. A nu m b er of pupils of the th ird Jap an ese plans to establish flo a t­ B enefit Profitable The new g ran d ju ry , to be d raw n , ing canneries in e x tra -te rrito ria l i grade a re e n terin g th e G arden C lub T hirteen dollars w as cleared at bird house contest and th e class in circu it co u rt M onday m orning. ! w aters of A laska brings protest th e benefit luncheon given by the l has a table w ith m aterial on birds. probably w ill com plete its w ork in from Wild Life F ederation. Scholls L adies' Aid at th e church P upils of th e th ird g rad e are one day. according to G. Russell . P resident R oosevelt stops into p arlo rs F riday. • engaging in a spelling contest in Morgan, d istrict attorney. F i v e ! A program and basket social wili I w hich tw o gaily dressed rab b its trials have been set in civil hear- ' th ick of fight over court proposal, be given a t th e Jaek to w n school are racing across a field of green ngs beginning M onday and includ- | flays suprem e court m ajority at v ictory dinner. A p ril 2. i grass. Each F rid ay th e rab b it w ith :ig K em per vs. G ru b er; W inner vs. A w ards for best m oving p ictu re A good crow d from Scholls at- i th e most p erfect grades ju m p s O regon M otor stages; V andehey perform ances in 193(1 go to L uise vs G ru b e r and Seales vs D anne- R ainier and P aul M uni. ahead one pace. T w o teach ers from V ernonia w ere inan. G erritse vs. C heldelin may Friday. March 5 ' recent visitors in H illsboro schools be carried o v er from Monday. New th reats of m ajo r strik es d e ­ on V ernonia v isiting day. A crim inal calen d ar probably B illie G raham . 4B pupil i n w ill be p rep ared as soon as Ju d g e velop in the m idst of b itte r w a r­ David Hill, has m oved to Seaside. P eters re tu rn s f r o m T illam ook. I fare betw een com m ittee for in d u s­ P u p ils leaving 2B and 3B grades w here he has been holding court I tria l organization and its labor field foes. in D avid H ill d u rin g th e w eek in- the past w eek. S enate dem ocrats opposing Roos­ i elude Jack ie G raham , w ho has O rders filed this w eek in pro- j evelt court plan intend to m atch moved to Seaside, and C harles bate co u rt include Anna J. G ub- j his every move and fight “it out T ucker. V erna H arp er of B onne­ ser. J. W. S hute. F ra n k lin L u th er to the b itte r end. ' ville is a new pupil. Francis. Louis H erboldt. Lena E ng­ W ar d ep artm en t a s k s exclusive H onor Roll G iven ler. O live S. H arms. A lice Hall control of physical p ro p ertie s of H onor roll of 7B class includes C hapm an. Jam es Cecil Ryan. B rid ­ B onneville dam. P rem ier E lum a ttem p ts m easure Take Iw asaki. T helm a Coats, R alph get B aum ann, g u ard ian sh ip of Mary M. B runtsch, E lizabeth P ittelk au . I to rescue. Sm ith. Ju n io r L aurie. On th e honor roll of 6B ar- J u lia Ryan. W illiam H ouston. S atu rd ay , M arch t> E laine B arber E lizabeth McGee. M any S panish r e b e l m achine P atsy M cConnell. B arb ara Shaw. g u n n ers crushed in collapse of hos­ Searcy Low Score B everly Beach and H enry Camp- pital in M adrid. Jack Searcy played low score ' bell. N ew officers a re R obert F u r­ U. of O. defeats U of W ashington row. p resident: H enry C am pbell for m en's honors w ith a 70 and Jim to tie w ith w . s C a n d U. of w 1 v ice-president: B illy Coomer. secre­ Wells w as second w ith a 71. in the at end of reg u lar season of Coast tary . P atricia Ivroeger. d ts k in- golf to u rn am en t S unday at Forest conference basketball. Hills club. ! spector. ar.d B arb ara Shaw . cafe. L iner Coolidge crashes into oil You Can Be Sure c a rrie r in San F rancisco bay fog. Eight A honor roll includes A del- Say you saw it in the Argus. im p erilin g 940 lives. C rew of 40 1 b ert H affn er and Ja c k K ennelly. the Refreshments O fficers are Lloyd Pearson, p resi­ are Mixed with d ent: Ja c k K ennelly, secretary: m onitors: D uane Haynes, lunch: ' L eland Ennes. desks: Evelyn Broun, depertm ent. an d D uane H awkins. attendance. On 7B honor roll arc: D orothy K idney. J u n e Ireland. A rlene Lentz. F rances M eyers. B everly Weil. Ja c k Allison. Deloss A nderson. Robert Peters. Lyle Shaw . Ivan Steinke. The Lemon Sour t h a t The class officers are: Ivan Steinke, m akes delicious d rin k s presid en t: L enard Sherm an, vice- presid en t: E arl P earson, secretary, a c e rtain ty . and J a c k Allison, serg ean t-at-arm s. D avid Hill. 5B. honor roll in ­ cludes M ary J a n e L aurie. N ancy A t a n y d e a le r A ilecn E aster. In D avid Hill 4B hon >r roll are: M agic V aliev. All G reen A llene A m acher. F ranct H ibbard. Norm a Lou K roeger. C olleen M ad­ i cc a n c sen. M abel Webb. R alph Haley. C harles Johnson. W alter M cKinney. T he cream of th e A sp a ra g u s pack. Bob M orrison. Phone 2132 315 E. Main D avid Hill 3B honor roll includes C larab elle Wiley. Ja c k Doyle. Rob­ D rom edary, G eorgia e rt Holznagel, Roy M artz. B arb ara Set at Scholls for March 19 Third Graders Participate in Health Project Highlights in Week's News Short Session Seen or New Grand Jury When Good Fellows Get Together . . . Pimientos FR E D Tuna Flakes YOU PEAS SALMON at Praline Cake Rich, Ripe, Red, T r id e r — No blem ishes. offers I CAN ' 6 cans 5 9 c ) Cloverleal Rolls Dozen <*> Zi cans From ( ta b ’s Fam ous Del Monte Farm s. the Best in Del M onte, 1-Ib. Tall can Q uality M eats Red A laska. t ' i ' s flat. Can 15e) Deep Red Color — Firm and Lull of N atural Oil All M eats Inspected by D is. Nicol and A lm quist Each CORN 'c3.c„ins 430 1 5 c Del Monte. No. 2 G olden B antam Lu. BA CO N SEASONING. Lb. CORN MEAL 9b'.bB 3 8 c SPERRY 'S. BA CO N SQUA RES Yellow- or White CATSUP BEEF RO A ST Lb. No. 10 tin B O IL IN G BEEF .... Uowfílüíá TUd lí^uPau,¿ FREE DELIVERY 4 4 1 ioc clams salmon P U R E LARD BEANS Van V 'amp'.' ': JELL WELL 3 No. 5 Can 5c 10c 19c 19c SUPERIOR MARKET I H O T SA U CE c.„ 4 c (4 cans I5ei Res. Phone 321Z 20c pkgx. 19c 14c A lltW SW A N S D O W N CAKE FLOUR 23c FLOUR. Pkg. CRACKERS 2 ¡ ■ ' - u , 2 7 c SN O W FLA K ES or GRAHAMS. MILK SL non 3 17c 19c . picnics M ORRELL'S. flkMi SA LA D D RESSIN G 2 pint» 2 5 c W illi’ LEMON S T 15c PEACHES PINEAPPLE IO C OSz, tPE rV- IOC 14c PALMOLIVE ZEE TOILET TISSUE 4 15c n ils I'F F T S GRANULATED SOAP large package 15 «• Redeem 5 our < oupons 25c P A G WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 19 bars FORMAY DOG FOOD T*f7 A ’ 1 -• * 29c 55c 15c 25c Galilei I iiii j blin k 1 Ib. Ilku. irb iiu .iii d Fancy Sliced. Fresher Fruits and Vegetables ONLY Asparagus CABBAGE. Lb. 3c New Im perial Valley. Sw cel, Solid. T ender. CELERY. Stalk 10c C hula Vista. E x tra Fancy Stalk. Potatoes 3 lbs. 73c Pur« B r a zilia n B len d W IN ES (Pint '■"’|:| 25c) |S' Quart 4 5 c MERRY M IX 2 .„ 2 5 c Six l imes ( SATURDAY MISSION. 13’/z-oz. bottle 49c. A p p ro x im ately 8 full bottles in each can. No- U» Can I l.iz . tins A- :nrtcd flavors. 3 ,u. 2 5 c ( alirose. 8 -oz.. line flavored S H O R T E N IN G S W IF T 'S 3 ib». 3 5 c PEARL COFFEE 3 L¿b%c 5 5 c (»old C rest. Ovals. Del M onte or Libby’s No. 1 tall can 3 FRED’S 5 D eliveries Dally - r- T W hite M A TC H ES Carton 15c SO A P W large hile King, G inn. pkg. ifaW v/'Lz . ,10c SHRIMP 2 ... 25c SARDINES 2 X 13c Tomato Juice 7c RIB STEA K S P hone 651 BEANS 5c CORN BREAD Halves nr Sliced C O TTA G ES 20c Cream Puffs M adison's Ideal. Firm , Good eolor fish. E xcellent for cream ing or sandw iches. Dew Drop S u g a r I’eas, 2's. 49c 29c S > -1-oz. tins. (6 cans 29c) CAN A « /I St. P atrick’s Day K is t Asparagus 2'- . PERFECTION Bakery Specials Local I lealth Unit Immunizes Many ROYAL Royal Soda Works Iî^»< ioc CAULIFLOW ER. Head 10c Fancy, larj-e, w hile heads, with bright «reen jackets. G RA PEFRU IT. 4 for Arizona Seedless. H ighland Ih u b an k s. I ’. S. No. 2. A real buy. 50-lb. sack WE RESERVE T H E R IG H T T O L IM U ’ QUAN'I’I’I IES 15c “No Needa S ugar." $ 1 .1 9