Pngn Two IT I L L S B O R O A R G U S , IT I î. T. S B O R O , Timi dav, M arch 11. I9.°>i O R E G O N cording In P A Amlei <011. Inc il I before the flood wax m arooned active eases must m aterially reduce m anager for the compaiiv I w ith Ills bride for five da.v vvilli the -p lead of infection 111 the com ­ m unity P asteurization of m ilk ha- O ne Xtarv tells of the store at ■»'< l" '1" done much Io limit bovine infec­ P ott-m outh. Ohio, w h e re m u ch ol tion H ealth insurance, sick b en e­ the .stock w as moved to the m a n - , Policem an "H ere. h» i •. y o u n j fits. pensions unem ploym ent in ­ For the first tim e in 25 \e:n • . ger'.s home and tmsiness curried I lady' What s y o u r nam e surance and sim ilar schem es to at red Sew ell of H illsbcio related »'il from th ere Ik re also «»lie ol j Speeding M otoii.t ,,< >h inun (By Dr. D. C McDonald, County ' cant developm ent in tuberculosis tem pt social justice a rc helpful in F this w eek on his re tu rn from L’ali- the a> - ciatc:. just m aiin x l the da> Fi.mct What ; yom case finding is the routine e x a m in ­ Health Officer) the tight against tuberculosis. forni i. reservoirs supplying w ater P rev en tio n of tuberculosis d e ­ ation of all fam ily contacts of the to the cities ol southern C alifornia (By M ary Sinclair) pends on the sam e general p rin ­ patient w hen he en ters the s a n i­ »ire full Sowell drove to Sun l)u “4o torium . Cases found' ill tins way R EE D V ILL E — la d le « ' Aid o f ciples as the prevention of o th er Y e ts o n D e f e n s iv e , tw o week's ago to moot Mr Sew a re diagnosed in a m uch e a rlie r R eedville will serve d in n er S a tu r­ comm on diseases, but in tu b e rc u ­ stage of the disease than a re the oil. w ho has been visiting th ere day at the store. losis th e application of these p rin ­ since D ecem ber patients coming to the sanitorium B u s in e s s m e n T o ld E ightv-tw o w ere at church ser- 1 ciples is m ore complex C itru s orchards u re brow n, he through the usual channels < Epi- vices Sunday, com pared to 44 a P rev en tiv e m easures may bo d i­ dem (C ontinued fro m ,’«««* 7» oiogically th e m ethod has the related and th ere a re nuincroii . y ear ago The b an n er w ent to the vided into tw o categories: 11' A void­ continued. " that th ere are m illions “W illing W orkers class taught by ing infection and i2> im proving trem endous advan tag e of rem o v ­ no.v who 20 years ago w ere too spots w here the tlood*. w hich lot low ed the' free, os have w ashed out ing faci of infection from the hom e Mrs. N ordlund resistance. M easures directed tow ard and voting to rem em ber the reason for th e pavem ent \t Shasta City on com m unity i Miss Florence T rachsel a n d building up resistance include such the was dow n he found 186 inches P revention in th e young: From thc World War or our part in it b ro th er Donald spent the w eek-end Let us supply you with factors as good housing, frosh air, "It w asn't for us t o ouestion of snow . at Mt. Hood. sunshine, reasonable w orking con­ the standpoint of prevention the concrete or vitrified claz Mrs. Chtirchley Honored T he beckw¿u*dnes.s of the season, fact that the greatest part of in ­ w in we w ere called into the w ar ditions. recreation, sufficient lest T he five children gathered at the and sleep The im portance of diet, fection w ith tuberculosis ix'curs and I don't fool that wo should be illu strated by the fact that in fields pipe, or iron soil pipe. W« hom e of th eir parents. Mr. and Mrs placed on defense of our Ideals w here pea picking wa • underw ay especially in children, was d early m ental im portance. are also eipiippetl to handle J. N. Chtirchley. Sunday to help a se a r ago. the sse»kmen n o w brought out in th e cen tral nations P revention in children consists Helped Nation Mrs. Churchle.v celebrate h e r 59th ss »»re ju s' planting th e crop, w hile of E urope d u rin g the w ar G eneral in avoiding infection, using pasteur- the com plete connection job, In tin? past, ht' said, the generous straw b erry plants w ere ju st in birthday. Present w ere Mr. a n d im provem ent in econom ic condi- ized milk, as w ell as early recog- ven by this gDvernnient to bloom. Mrs. Jam es C htirchley and tw o c h il­ tions w ill alw ays be a potent facto r nition to protect others and also V 'te ta n s of atl w ars before the dren, Mr. and Mrs Howard C hurch- t i . j . i . .1.. in raisin g th e stan d ard of living to give the child th e best chance of W. ,'ild War. has heljx'd hold the , T hen' are rep o rts » f tam pering ley and two children. Mr. and Mrs R u'-n I T 1 "J and reducing the tuberculosis rate overcom ing the disease Because w ith governm ent airp lan es a n it ‘iintiv together. C larence Chtirchley. Mr. and Mrs. H illsboro B ranch. First N ational Outlines Essential» n -t children w ith pulm onarv The veteran s organirat ions dt» ru m o rs of spy activities in San Jess Churchle.v and tw o children, bank of P ortland, this week an- The m ore essen tia, m easures for b e rcu lo sis g iv e no d c im ite \ m p - Diego, S ew ell said Navy re g u la ­ and Mr. and Mrs. Shepard, beside nounced the opening of an in- red u cin g infection are: personal w ith the tuberculin test and X -rar organizations men of every race Sew ell w as accom panied on Mr and Mrs. W alter T u rk and receiving ex cellent response, he cleanliness of the patient him self. A practical m ethod is f o r a routine and creed, all fighting for th eir the Mr trip by Mis; M arjorie Sewell, son C live of G oble spent Sunday said, ¡similar d ep artm en ts have ,41 th e avoidance of in tim ate con- tu b ercu lin test at about th e ages ideals. R elating benefits to v eteran s in and Mr and Mrs B ruce Schum ann w ith th eir niece. Mrs. Key. a n d been opened in 34 o th er branches tact w ith open cases. (5) th e use of It 14 and 16 T h e p o sitiv e r o ­ fam ily. of the P o rtlan d bank This de- o{ pasteurized m ilk from tu b ercu lin actors arc given an X ray p ictu re of Oregon, ho pointed out th at two of P ortland. Mrs. Nordlund to E n tertain partm ent is made available on tested cattle. The long periods of the chest C hildren found to have m illion dollars is being spent on Mrs. N ordlund w ill e n tertain h er a m onthly repaym ent plan to incubation an d infeetionty and th e active disease should bo referred hospitals and care of v eteran s in E astern F lo o d s R etold Sunday school class w ith a party wage earn ers, salaried men and insidious onset of tuberculosis add to th eir p riv ate physicians for nn- this state, and that th e federal in P e n n e y P u b lic a tio n at the G lenn S tiff hom e Friday eve­ women. a n d o th er individuals im m easureably to th e d ifficulties of m ediate exam ination Pat ents w ith income derived from incom e tax M any in terestin g stories of th e ning. having steady incom es and satis- control, yet it is these fu n d am en tal the childho d type of tuberculosis in this state am ounts to a p p ro x i­ Buy P ro p erty floods in the east a re found in the factory cred it records. Tisdale m easures for th e reduction of in- m ay u uallv be allow ed to continue m ately th e sam e figure. Mr. and Mrs Kashler. w ho re ­ publication of the J C Penney reported. Burden Would Grow fection w hich now hold g reatest in school, if no longer exposed to cently moved here from eastern stores “Pav Das " M arch issue, ac- prom ise for th e ultim ate control of tuberculosis in th eir homes, and if If these veteran s w ere not being Oregon, have purchased th e o 1 d th e disease. ki^>! u n d er re g u lar m edical super- care for here, then the burden b a rb e r shop and moved there. They "S egregation" a S a n ita ria " De- vision w ith periodic X -ray check- w ould fall on the county hospitals, expect to im prove this acre soon. signed p rim arily for th e prescrib- up In all cases w h ere disease Is re ’i.'f rolls and p riv ate charity, he Birthdays Celebra’cd ed treatm en t of acute cases, t h e found an effort should be m ade to said. Mrs. C. F. T raschel atten d ed a sanitorium in m any cou n tries has secure exam ination of all fam ily Hogan spoke at some length on b irth d ay luncheon at the hom e of becom e th e cornerstone of p rev en - contacts in o rd er to locate the preparedness and declared that Mrs. P. J. B illeter in P o rtlan d W ed­ tion. By rem oving th e open case source of infection. th ere w as n w oeful loss of life in nesday given by th e ladies of the from his home it provides effee- Volunteers Help th e last w ar because of failu re F irst G erm an church th ere in h o n ­ tiv e isolation w hich can seldom be V oluntarv organizations: Since th e to p rep are The arm y was given or of four w om en's birthdays. The secu red in th e home. In secu rin g organization of the N ational Tu- foreign guns and foreign instrue-- honor guests w ere Mrs. O Fim mel. (By Mrs. E. L. Cox) arrest of th e disease it ren d ers berculosis association in 1904, the tors to teach them to use them , he Mrs. M. Schnell. Mrs. C F. T rach ­ KINTON—G ran g ers m et at th e ir *he p atien t non-infectious to others, v o luntary tu b ercu lin association said, and w e m ade an arm y in sel and Mrs. P. J. B illeter. whose this is not passible, th e san ito riu m has come to fill an im portant place th ree m onths w hen th e allied n a ­ B U N D C tl W H IS K E Y b irth d ay s all fell on th e sam e day. hall S atu rd ay w ith a good atten d - ance of m em bers and officers. T h ird can still discharge him as a relativ e- m the schem e of prevention. By tions declared th at it took th ree Mabel Hagem an of Kelso. Wash., 9 0 iM O fit. 7 5 ' , g r a i n (» a u t r a i s p i r i t « . Ihe new FARM ALL 12 sa^e m em ber of society on ae- enlisting popular interest in the years to train an arm y. T h a W ilk a n F a m ily , I n e . , A la 4 < itn , F a . spent th e w eek-end at the Ira Lowe and fourth degrees w ere co n ferred on one. P lans a re being m ade for count of his u n d erstan d in g of th e problem s of tuberculosis the volun- C a a c u t iv a O H ic a « . N . V . C . Hogan advocated th e passage of diiplacea four or more home, guest of Jessie Lowe. a v ery pleasant tim e at th e 20th essentials of personal hygiene tarv association can bo of the great- the Legion law w hich w ould m ake In New Home hornea in field work Pull« Mrs. Jam es and children have an iv ersary of K inton G range or- T hrough in stru ctio n and habit, it est h e lp in se c u rin g p r o p e r fa c ilitie s it possible to d raft all man pow er a 1 6- inch or two It) inch m oved to the M cCarthy home, ganization at hall n ext W ednesday teaches him so to care for him self fc r diagnos.s and prescribed tr e a t­ and all industry in tim e of w ar. 1 plow Ixiltornn Plant« and evening. N early all of th e c h a rte r a fter disch arg e th a t he may avoid m ent in p ersuading the public to A nd this m ethod, he said, w ould go w hich they recently purchased. m em ber» a re ex p ected to be p res- reactiv atio n o f his disease a v a il its e lf o f th o se rc .-o u ro In a long way tow ard p rev en tin g w ars Move to Portland cnltivulr« 25 to f t «1 re« Earl E ubanks and fam ily have ent. and all m em bers are urged to Must H ave C onfidence any com m unity th e well directed in the fu tu re He attacked th e w ar day. Now ready for fall moved to P o rtlan d w here he has attend. L uncheon w ill b e served C *t is to fill its place in th e association can be a potent factor in profiteers and pointed out th at the plowing, belt w o r k , etc em ploym ent. T hev lived on th e d u rin g th e evening. tuberculosis program , th e m odern creating an inform ed public opinion big fortunes w ere m ade in New F ra n k ' property. ' T h ere w ill be no B ible studv and san ito riu m m ust have th e full con- w hich is essential f >r tuberculosis Y ork and along th e east coast, Mr and Mrs. A. M. Jan n sen and p ra y e r m eeting at th e church this fidence of th e public. T his req u ires control. T h e W a sh in g to n C ounty w hile th e west furnished th e men. son W ilbur spent th e w ek-end at w eek as all in th e com m unity a re ad eq u ate b u t not elab o rate b uild- H ealth a s - v ia t. u :- a p a rt of In New York, he said, four men I Yakima. invited to a tten d th e special m eet- ings. X -ray an d flueroscopic facil- the N ational S tate T uberculosis as- w ere taken into the service for i Mr. and Mrs. G len n S tiff, Mrs mgs at L aurel. lties. equipm ent for «the various sociation. T ev ery person w ho paid an incom e G eorge Im lay and daughters. Dor- Mrs. V anK leek Hostess form s of collapse th erap y , and a sells the C hristm as Seals for th e tax. as com pared to O regon w here H E t h r if t y a ll- p u r p o s e M c C o r m lc k - D e tr ln g othy P ier and M arion Isaacson mo- H. E. club of th e G range w ill sufficient m edical staff. prevention of tuberculosis and a re 22 men w ere sent to b a ttle to one to red to B onneville d u rin g the m eet th is T hursday aftern o o n w ith O ne of th e g reat advances in th e in terested in th e prom otion of all person w ho paid an incom e tax. Farmall 12 is exactly suited to small farms ami Mrs. Louise V anK leek. control of tuberculosis has been h ealth w ork. w eek-end. "The people w ho a re squaw king small fields. It extends the enormous benefits of Plan Program recognition of th e fact th at th e dis- P e rso n a l prophylaxis Personal Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shellis from loudest about th e cost of w ar." Ho­ T h ere w ill be an 'E aster pro g ram ease can successfu 'b ' treated in prophylaxis c o n sists in avoiding the gan declared, "are th e persons w ho M cM inville spent th e past tw o Earmall farming to any farmer of limited acreage, and w eeks a t th eir hom e in Reedville. at th e church M arch 28 C hildren of £U‘c,1Sa11?' an y Ea r t ° f t!lower to your a large attendance. T he follow ing hom e of his m other. Mrs. L ______ ovina treatm en t form erly lim ited to the d rin k in g cup. and keeping stray and th ree num bers from th e com ­ work. Its utility, performance, and ability to cut costs num bers w ere given: song b y the W edeking. th e last of th e w eek few able to ^ a ffo rd it. T w en ty -fiv e objects out of th e m outh are aids ing a m ateu r show. The num bers in term ed iate and u p p er grades: Jam ....... ................................................... y ears ago, P ra tt of Boston, show ed] ¡n protecting children. B reathing included M ark Blake. N orth Plains, , es W arren re tu rn e d w ith him. will prove a pleasant surprise to you. “F ath ers' C onvention." seventh and Instead of th e re g u lar serm on th at it is possible to secure ex cellen t exercises and outdoor plav are es- harm onica player, anil his p a rtn e r ' Come and see it now in our store. W’e also have the elghth grade boys: 'T h e C all to S unday m orning, service w as i n resu lts in th e p rescribed treatm en t Useful. Good n u tritio n is Jim H ardin, guitar: I.avida Waef- Service." fifth and sixth grade girls: charge of th e M isses N ora Jo rd an °f tu b ercu lo sis in th e home. fundam ental both in prevention and ler. H elvetia yodeler: and Earl F armall in two other sizes. “T he B aby Show, first and second and Spies, w ho ren d ered m usical Home C are: T he w ell tra in e d care of tuberculosis D rorbaugh. B eaverton, accordionist. g rad e girls; piano solo. G eneva Im - n u m bers and gave an in terestin g public h ealth n u rse is th e d octor’s Watch Colds lay: “U ncle Sam 's P arty ." fifth and talk especially to th e voung folk, indispensable ally in th e task of A ttention should be given to , No m a ile r w hat your insur- sixth grade boys; song, p rim ary T hese Hollywood. Cal., young la- carin g fo r th e tuberculosis p atien t sJj - t t' lfJ< ' •ru b e rc u l, , thc to the Argus. tf «HIC6 lieiul — R l SH l.O W is boys: tw o num bers on accordion by dies a re ass:sting w ith special m eet- w ho m ust be tre a te d in th e home. disease in w hich the m e i-u ri W e a re h e a d q u a r te r s for W i l b u r Jannsen; photographers. ings at , h e L au rel E vangelical B etter th a n an y one else sh e can ()f prevention a nd of p ei-cr.b ed __ ________________ p re p a re d io serve you. in term ed iat grades: violin solo. Don- church. All a re invited. secure th e confidence of th e pa- Jreat^ , e n t a re to a larg e extent aid T rachsel: "F rid ay A fternoon tie n t and th e fy n ily . see th a t th e id entical C onditiona fav„ rin g tu- Mrs. Aten Hostess t daoc n n t h tc rtnzi nc Compositions." th ird grade: "A S u f­ O 'd L ine B oard L adies’ Aid society held a special n o t i o n as h ^ b e g in s to fell ^b ette^ an d berculosis are anem ia, underw eight frage M eeting." seventh and eighth m eeting last T hursday, all-day. w ith Mr th l Iv fn ib A tin n o f t h e continuous overfatigue, recu rren t O rd e r your needs ¡11 this high-quality C o m p a n ie s g rade girls. g e contacts for th e exam ion th e coid s. slow recu p eratio n from any Mrs. G ladys A ten, and m uch sew ing arran fa m il® O nlv inM w ith of this farm -tested la n d p la ste r now! Builds Chicken House was accom plished. A sim ilar m eet- L J " a , i • ^it 2 r « i h lJ to acu ,e lnfec!i' n- and prolonged A chicken house has been re cen t­ ¡ng w as held T uesday kind of ‘“ m w o rk is it possible to jc proceise. ( 'o n su ltatio n W ithout ly constructed at th e C harles S in­ m s iiciu l u c x u ; . secure safe and reasonably satis- - 1 pro p h y lax is b e c o m e s < ) li 1 ¡gat ion clair place and they have purchased Plan Golden Wedding factory p rescrib ed tre a tm e n t of tu th e P ersonal keynote of prevention when five hundred little chicks to occupy Mr. and Mrs. J. J. V anK leek are berculosis in th e home. REMEMBER we recall th a t most of us become th e house. m aking plan s to observe th e ir 50th Isolation Essential infected d u rin g childhood. It Mr. and Mrs. Cross enjoyed a fish ­ w edding an n iv ersary a t th e ir hom e The necessary isolation of th e pa- ^ T re fo V e /o u V 'p ro b le m 'to ' liCe s?,.on C. S. No. 1. Sack ing trip on th e S andy over th e d u rin g th e afternoon of M arch 20. P e n t can be secured if ch ild ren th a , th e diseaseHw ill not b reak out w eek-end. In v itatio n s h av e been sen t out to are excluded from th e sickroom and in clinical form in ad u lt life. Class Time Changed th e ir friends. if visitin g by ad u lts is p ro p erly an d C o m p le te Line C h ick F e e d s O utlook: In spite of a steady d e ­ T he R eedville sew ing class has ________ ____ _ ___________ _______ _ ______ ____ Mrs. L illy M. _____ B ierly sp en t a few controlled. M ental ____ a n d physical ROBERT W A R R EN S SO Kind» of Insurance been changed from T uesday at 9 a days last week at h er K inton home, rest is essential. Cough control. cline in thc tuberculosis d eath ra te d u rin g th e last 75 years, th e c o n tr o l1 at farm on G ales C reek Road m. to W ednesday at 9 a. m. T his re tu rn in g to H illsboro F riday. sputum disposal, and care of d ish ­ of tuberculosis is still one of the Phone 1701Y 336 E. H’ssiiingtoa Phone Forest Grove 1609W change has been m ade so th a t Mrs. ----------------------------------- es. and th e h y g ien e of m outh and m ajo r problem s in th e field of B ecker m ay hold tw o classes in 1 • 1 hands m ust be ta . u g h 11 t u n til th ey public health. On th e causes of that l j H illsboro Tuesday. become second n atu re. C o n cu rren t phenom „ i,„ „ ,.„ „ enal „ .,i decline, no one can L adies' A id m et T h u rsd ay w ith disinfection is m 'r uch re effica- cn m m o ° re e in c a - sp eak w ith c e rta in ty . Socialogic fac- M c C o r m ic k -D ee r in g F arm M a ch in ery M rs K elly and w orked on a quilt. " 'T f-o x /o l tb an an y f ° rm term in al j ors im provem ents in n u tritio n , in- T hey expect to q u ilt again T h u rs- * H X l d V C I disinfection. creases in w ages and in actu al Phone 271 ICO W. Main St. day (C o n tin u ed fro m page 11 service: Too j often . . . .. , . i .. D iagnostic - . . . . . , leisure, red u ctio n in overcrow ding o th er co ntestants a re on th e ir toes, diagnosis is m ade at a m oderately h av e a „ probabIy co n trib u ted to O nly th e final count of cred its will advanced o r far advanced stage of -„ - „ i. ninlouleallv it xeems d esignate th e w inner. th e disease. T his m eans not only th a t n a J u r a ? selection hxs »♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦• *•*«**• (By Mrs. Lou W right) A lw ays keep in m ind th a t th e th at lh e p atien t has lost his best a . . i •, by w eeding out som e of the S everal from h e r e attended contest closes A p ril 3 and th e big ch ance o f recovery, b u t th a t in m rjr p su scep tib le hum an strains. G ran g e home-com ing day in " F orest * tr trip ip sta sta rts rts th th e e w w eek eek follow follow ing ing w w ith ith m any in stan ces he has alread y E)u rjn g th e past 20 to 30 years it is G rove S aturday 10 days of enjo y m en t am ong new tran sm itted his infection to others. r(.asOnab le to assum e th a t purposive Remodels House scenes, new faces, an d congenial. g reatest single aid to early control m easures have com e to play T ony V anderberg is rem odeling com pany, diagnosis is th e X -ray. S econdary. a sig nificant role in th e decline of sputum ex am in atio n s still rem ain tuberculosis. C e rta in ly th e hospital- ‘3 Y ea rs o f H o rrib le S u ffe r in g W ith S lu g g ish K id n e y s, h is house. ----- a fu n d am en tal procedure. Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond Wood ization of a considerable portion of MRS. A. NORDINE L iver and B o w e ls— 1 B o ttle W illia m s S.L.K . MO1TWTJ1M t r e . f * XT C row ded housing conditions: T he w ere given a m iscellaneous show er A. Nor- association of tu berculosis w ith M arch 3 a t th e hom e of Ralph dine, fo rm erly E sth er Mrs; F o rm u la B ro u g h t R e lie f ! ” T e s tifie s C hapm an, o ver-crow ding and poor housing has B uckley. T hey received several died at h e r hom e in S o u th ern O re­ long been recognized. F rom th e P rom in en t C a lifo r n ia M erch a n t. nice gifts. gon, and w as bu ried at Sherw ood ♦ F o r y ears W ashington county resid e n ts have of p revention, . im Mr. an d a Mrs. Ted te a H n a aney n e y and ana p r idav M r a n d M r ? N n r d i n e l i v e d stan d p o in t v. . . . prove- p .v ,.- ♦ know n thc econom y, convenience and effectiveness fam ily attended the b irthday party in this d istrict for som e tim e before m ent ln econom ic statu s is th e ♦ A/T.'iNY folks in C alifornia know M onday given in honor of Ira Lee going' to Yachats. W alter Nordin ™C“ .UJ e I>O< OI-ASS RAD IO SERVICE of placing th e ir notices to buy, sell or tra d e in the excess hazards associated w ith •t’ 1 Mr. T aylor C lem ent a leading P u rd in at his home. ♦ , reu rn ed south w ith his fath er, b u t overcrow ding. S elfridge F u rn . Co. P hone 21 classified colum ns of the H illsboro A r g u s __the ♦ m erch an t for the past 14 years. ---------------------------------- ! th e tw o ittle girls, aged one and c o u n ty ’s m ost active m ark e t place. NOW F am ily contacts: A recen t slgnifi- » His friends felt sincere sym pathy On College Committee four years, respectively, are a t th e w hen his health began to fail, caus­ OREGON STATE COLLEGE. ! Dome of th e ir g ran d p aren ts, Mr. ♦ * ing him intense su fferin g for th ree C orvallis. M arch 10.—Jam es Samsel an d Mrs. C hapm an. years, until he w as so discouraged ♦ of Hillsboro, sophom ore in b u s i­ F u n eral services w ere held at th e ♦ th a t he was alm ost ready to give ness adm inistration at Oregon M ethodist church in Sherw ood. up his successful and prospering Is Y o u r C a r a S tate college, w ill w ork w ith th e ; ----------------------------------- ♦ Give y our classified ad v ertisem en ts to y our business. Read this rem ark ab le m e n s liv in g groups in planning V ancouver M arriage Licenses favorite c a n d id a te in the H illsboro A rgus S u b scrip ­ ♦ ♦ testim o n ial SWORN to by him! th e program, for visiting m others M arshall E. M cIver, Hillsboro, ♦ tion Contest -¡ lie can get cred its to w a rd th e free T his w onderful ease is know n p e r­ of O regon S tate students d u rin g and Miss M argaret A. V anderzan- « sonally by h u n d red s of his neigh- 1 ♦ ♦ nine-day prize trip to C alifornia and Old Mexico W om en's w eek-end early in May. den, F orest G rove. ♦ ♦ bors and friends, and is typical of ♦ thousands of o th er rases th roughout th e en tire West, of people w ho a re 1 ♦ using W illiam s S.L.K. Form ula. If you th in k y o u ’re m ak in g too m any stops a t Mr C lem ent’s address is 27 W eath- ' ♦ th e service statio n s, i t ’s tim e to cheek ♦ erlow , Susanville. Calif. Reedvilie Aid Giving Dinner Next Saturday O ffe rs N ew L oans California Elated After Spring Flood Prevention of Tuberculosis Outlined bv Health Doctor Sewer Connections Hillsboro Concrete Brick fle Tile Co. v e ry S m a ll F a rm N e e d s À th e N e iv 3 Kinton Grange Will Observe Its 20th Year ce F a r m a ll m W il k e N FÄ M i ly J k 12 At Your • SERVICE T INSURANCE for every need! N EPH I I ANDPI ASTER Netted Gem POTATOES U. S. No. 2, sk. $2.50 RUSHLOW I X L . „ dPD oAu,L RTYRv FEEDS HILLSBORO FEED CO. Lash Ottered Girls DESPERATE WITH ILLNESS WESTERN MERCHANT SAVED _ BY ARMY DOCTOR FORMULA^ Thatcher DOUBLE DUTY Classified Ads Radio Tubes ♦ X Your Ads Have Extra Value G as H og? Chinese Food Chinese Noodles Chop Suey, 1 -»-portion Chow Mein, 1 ^-p o rtio n CH IC K EN AND STEAK o u r specialty y o u r c a r on S ah n o w ’s GASOLINE ANALYZER 25c 40c 40c DINNERS G et a c c u ra te fac ts a b o u t th e efficiency of y o u r c a rb u re to r. It ta k e s only a few m inutes to co nnect th e a n a ly z e r to y our e x h a u st sys­ tem and to show you how to obtain b e tte r gasoline econom y. N o c h a r g e or o b lig a tio n u n le ss you d e c id e to h a v e a d ju stm e n ts m a d e. C h a r g e s R e a so n a b le mack Hawk C Y R IL LA HAIE, Prop. H ighw ay East H illsboro C ity L im its Phone 3031 — W ork G u a r a n te e d Sahnow Bros. Garage C lean C o m fo rt S ta tio n s T h ird an d L in coln T D r in k in g F o u n ta in s P h o n e 1271 Extra Contest Credits S e e m e d H o p e le ss C ase “I w ent through agonies until “I am 50 y ears of age. have been j in business here 14 years. I have ! I found Williams S.L.K. F orm u­ had sluggish kidney. liver, and I la,” writes Mr. Taylor Clement, bow el tro u b le m ost all my life, but , w ell - known California business in the last 3 y e a rs it got so bad I I man. th o u g h t I w ould have to give up my business. I w ent thfough agon- , Doctor has helped thousands of ies, arid tried m edicines of m any | men and women to find new kinds, b u t nothing did m e nny stren g th . It has a m arvelous action good. O ne day I was talk in g to a on sluggish Stom ach. K idneys, friend about my condition. He told L iver anti Bowels BEACHING me about W illiams S.L.K. Form ula, YOUR EN TIR E SYSTEM. And to and 1 certain ly am grateful to him. PROVE its results, y o u r druggist at 1 got a bottle, and 1 had only tak en Hillsboro, m akes you this free trial about half of It w hen I alread y be­ offer: Gel a bottle of this m edicine gan to feel better. Today I feel like today and if you a re not com plete­ a new man. It has, w ith o u t a q u es­ ly—utterly—satisfied w ith its w on­ tion. m ade a new life for me, and I derful results in only 10 Odays -he recom m end it to everybody in S u ­ will in stan tly refund you every sanville w ho is sick or suffering." cent of th e purchase price! Go to the D elta D rug S to re today, and * F r e e T r ia l— P a y N o th in g ask for a b o ttle of W illiunis S.L.K. ♦ U n le ss S a tisfie d F orm ula on this positive m oney- W illiam s S.L.K. F orm ula the back guarantee. You can't lose. ♦ * p riv a te prescription of an Arm y Pd. ndv. - ♦. $ 1 .5 0 C lu b o f A d s $ 3 .0 0 C lu b o f A d s $ 4 .5 0 C lu b o f A d s 1000 credits 3000 credits 6000 credits Ads must be turned in by T uesday n ig h t of each w eek Io receive red il. Look around y our home now. discard ed articles you’d like to (in n S om ething to tr.qde for an a rticle you th in g you w ant but can't, a ffo rd to bu th e re is! H aven’t you into m oney? n eed? Som e­ . nt w ? Sure Help Yourself - Help Your C andidate ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ R > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Í I Used an Argus Classified Ad ............................................................ KXXXMMm :