' • I, i . si i > | the D ouble Trees, w lil be held won a $20,000 prize H er latest book m th e church p arlo rs Friday e v e ­ Sand C astles'’ is a full blooded ning. R efreshm ents w ill be served. story of tw o brothers, w ho cam e M ountain Home folk enjoved an C hurch services will lie held at from th eir Scotch country hom e to all-day m eeting at the local church seek th eir fortunes in M anchester the school house T u r-d av evening Sunday. The church orchestra, co n ­ They m ade th eir way in the c o t­ Rei S C ornils is anxioii . to m eet sisting of several of the young peo­ tBv Miss M ary Sandv) crow d as to w hether they w ill start ton trad e and both of them fell in his friends w ho have been snow ple. ted by Mrs Speece. practiced BANKS The R ebekah and Odd giving reg u lar dances again. love w ith the sam e girl T he c h an g ­ bound uuxst of the w inter and th en played for the a fte rn .v n Mrs John Kinsey of Long IL Fellow's lodge held jo in t in stalla­ Dean Sellers ef G rants P ass vis­ es of tlie period following the*Boer church services It is hoped that T IM B ER —Mrs. M F W elter gave Mt tion S atu rd ay night R ebekahs in- ited relatives in Banks from Friday w ar b u n g fortune to the su rv iv ­ C a l . is v is itin g het parent a farew ell show er for th e prim ary the new ly form ed group w ill add tailed w ere Mrs John V anDorn. N until Monday. His little daughter. ing b rother The story is told w ith and Mrs Guv W eisenbach. a n d o th er relatives teacher M r,. Z »uneta Ebbert. W ed­ som e m ore to th e ir num ber. Miss Helen S chm eltzer was a G .; Mrs Ray Lien. V. G ; Lillian Donna, retu rn ed home w ith hint force an d sym pathy. M iss F ra n c e s H a rriso n of H ills nesday night. Many b eau tifu l gifts Steele, w arden; Mrs. C harles K ess­ a fte r spending several w eeks w ith w ere received. Present w ere Mes- w eek-end guest of Miss M argaret ler. conductor; Mrs W. L. Moore, Mi and Mrs C harles Sellers near Heacoek of P o rtlan d Miss Heacoek dam es J. J . Hoffart. A. J . Riche. J. i is a form er Pacific college student. chaplain; M r- Fred Wilcox, R S. B ank- Mr and Mis Dean Sellers H F D E A L IN R I A L E S T A T E H. W estcott. Ed Hallam. C. G. S ta n ­ Mrs Jo e Ego spent last w eek w ith to N G . John VanDorn. I, S to have just retu rn ed from a trip to Wrili ton, B. M. W right. M orris Koch- her sister Mrs G inther, w ho is con­ N G Miss Anna Schneider. R S San Francisco. F i r e an«l A u r 'm o b i l e lii. u m i't 'i* man, B. H. Tillotson. M. Marquez. fined to her bed w ith h eart trouble to V. G Ray Lien. I, S to V. G . A group from the Banks E pw orth M ake I . .» * M in i I m e S u r e t y l b 't t . l - * (C o n tin u ed fro m page t ) H. H. Goss. B Tallm an. A G P e a r­ Mrs Ego expects to re tu rn this Fred Wilcox. I. G . Will Davies. League attended the Young P eo­ son. H. H B ritt. A. E. Byers. W. week to stay w ith the KURATLI & WISMER G in th er O. G . Mrs O tis Johnson, m usician. ple's C hristian conference in P o rt­ federal grants as may be a v a il­ llillabor«► , Oregon Mrs. C harles Shipley, treasu rer. land Sunday afternoon Those go- able through the Public W orks a d ­ McCuiston. A rth u r Braden. W illiam family. Mrs. Will Davies, secretary. Odd 111; w ere Peggy Wilson. Ethel m inistration. P hon, l.ttu n i N Znil Av,. Huffm an, and th e hostess. Mrs. J Four Generations Gather A uthority is also to be vested in E bbert has resigned a fte r teaching 1 Mrs. M ary . ....... .............. Boulin had as her Fellows installed w ere Rav Lien, N Brown. G eraldine Kessler, Stanlev the board of control to purchase school here for four years. The guests in a fam ily party last Sun- C. ; Amos Sellers. V G . W illiam M orrill, Lloyd and Earl Miller. W erd has been received from A l­ an office building in P ortland for new teacher. Miss Shanks of P ort- day th e following: Mrs. B lanche Davies, treasu rer; G eorge S ch n eid ­ land, began h er duties Monday. F u lt i a d au g h ter of Mrs. Boulin: er. secretary; H enry Atlee. w arden; bert H eard that he is visiting in state purpose*. Such a building DR. R. J. NICOL Mrs Ja u n e ta Ebbert was pleas- the .Misses Dolores and Jo an n e J. J. H utchens, chaplain; Fred Wil- S;ln Francisco now and w ill soon would be financed w ithout cost to the taxpayer, the cost to be met DR. E. W. ALMQUIST antlv surprised at school last F ri- I Fultz of P ortland; Mr and Mrs. cox. R. S. N. G . Ed Schneider. I start home He has been to W ash­ through rentals to he paid bv d e ­ day afternoon, when th e p rim ary O rie T u rn er and five children from G : C harles Kessler. O. G. A few ington, D. C. partm ents occupying the building B asket ball scores for gam es Veterinarians oom gave h er a farew ell party T urner, and Mrs Alice Newby. m ore ap p o in tm en ts a re to be The afternoon began w ith a peanut ^ rs- B oulin's m other. This m ade a made. S everal visitors from F o r­ played last week w ere B anks g rade S everal P ortland buildings are be- Telephone 643 and 612 | ing offered th e state, including the school 11, H illsboro ju n io r high 31 est G rove w ere present Following shower, a fter w hich Mrs. E bbert io u r g eneration gathering the installation th e Odd Fellows B anks grade school 12. S herw ood O regon building, now partly oc­ received m any gifts The rem ainder . . 80,h, B irth d ay C elebrated _ Joyce and scrV|-'d an oyster soup supper to g rade school 6; Banks tow n team 22 cupied by state departm ents, and of th e afternoon was spent in play- . " _______ r ' and ______ Mrs. R ____ ichard O renco tow n team 31; B anks tow n th e Elks Tem ple ing games a fte r w hich Mrs. Braden. th ree children and R aym ond H orn- ,h $ c rowd. Easy D eath Prom ised Mr. and Mrs V ern P rick ett and team —V Tigard tow n 40. B anks the school cook, served a delicious erb ro o k spent Sunday w ith Mrs. The hangm an'» noose w h I c h Jo y c e s m other. Mrs. Selm a H orn- ,w o cl'd d re n visited M is P ric k e tts tow n team 31. B anks high school lunch. served O regon for these m any years erbrook. in N ewberg. T he occasion paren:-< Mr and Mrs G eorge Moss, 16. m carrying out the death peniiltv. Birthday Celebrated H onor Roll G iven w as in celebration of th e eight- and brothers, Ralph and Roy. at Mrs. Mae Tallm an honored her ieth b irthday an n iv ersary of .Mrs. Seaside several days last week. The grade school honor roll for is now to be retire d in favor of son L orraine w ith a b irth d ay dm - H ornerbrook. w hich w as on F eb ru - Kazuo K ato of G resham is a the fourth six w eeks is as follows; lethal gas. The legislature has a u ­ ner T hursday evening Present w ere ary 18. The fam ily d in n er was post- new pupil in the eighth grade D ickie VanDorn. Norm an Lien thorized the change. Cost of the B erw ald. gas cham ber and necessary e q u ip ­ LaVern K ilburg. Francis Ashley, poned u n til all the children could " 'i r i e G earh eart is a new third S heila Hall. Rudolph B eulah Shigeno, Dale Drecszen. C on­ m ent is estim ated at $300 Edythe Skeels. Nick V anderzanden, be present Mrs. H ornerbrook had sra d c pupil. The crim inal syndicalism law. W alter W right. n in e children, all of whom a re Mr and M rs- Irw in B atem an of nie Lou VanDorn. Ike.v W akasugi. A1 Leavett, w ho is em ployed at living. F our generations w ere pres- ^ h a l e m City spent S atu rd ay night M argery \\ ilcox. Rosie K inoshita, w hich has been on t h e O regon Mayo, spent th e w eek-end at his cnt at th is fam ily party. a n d , S unday at the home of lr- M arie K inoshita. N.’ini K aw am ato, statu te books ever since the days home here. Mrs. G eorge K irk p atrick and Mrs. „ in s Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben G eorge K awam ato. E velyn K essler of the W orld war. has been repealed H arry S chm eltzer spent the wfcek- Batem an. T hey w ent to M ultnom ah B arbara Wilson Janet Seller.-. Mai- at last. In its place the legislators H onor Roll G iven Honor roll for this six w eeks in ­ end w ith th eir parents. Mr. and Bunday w h ere they w ill m ake th eir na Finck. Donald Phillips. S idney have w ritten a new s ta tu te d e fin ­ ing the crim e of conspiracy which H eard and V ernon Cop. home. cluded: first grade, P atty D unne; Mrs. B aker, at M anning. m akes it a crim e for tw o or m ore (R eprinted from llillsh. ro \rg n -. Plan for E aster M r- and Mrs. H ubert Davies of second grade, C harm aine C ritte n ­ C em etery C lub to Elect F eb ru ary 25. 1937) P lans for an E aster program to B onneville and A lbert Davies of den; th ird grade. Ka.v Sievers and U nion Point C em etery club will persons to conspire together to .« u c be presen ted E aster m orning at a re visiting Mr. and Mrs. hold its annual m eeting at the home comm it a felony. Zona Lee Bonnelle; fo u rth grade. When ,i son of E.l W, ndt, ( irm er Vote Again B ettye Je a n M ountain Home Evangelical ch u rch " i , 1 D av‘es Deloise K ay and ~ of Mrs G eorge M cGraw S atu rd ay It now looks as though the peo­ n ear Hillsboro, becam e suspici i a re u n d er way. Mr. and Mrs. C harles S hipley of at 2 p m. Purpose of th e m eeting W right. that $4 20 wa- an . xct ,-ive cii.r Mrs. Sam Body had as h er guests and Mr and Mrs G eorge is to elect new officers for the ple of O regon w ere to have a n ­ for a radio tube, despite the fan Mr. and Mrs. G ordon E bbert other chance to vote on an in ­ last w eek-end Mr and Mrs. F ra n k M cF arlane and d au g h ter of Forest com ing year A nyone interested is spent the w eek-end at the hom e of crease in the pay of the legislators that the farm radio wa- m ade I,, Kelso. G r?ve w ent to P o rtlan d S unday to invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sehorne at Trc- •Adams and children o f A resolution w hich has the back- speak up like a politician al a Wash., and Mr. and Mrs A ubrey ' I"'1? Mrs. Jo e Shipley, w ho is ser- Mrs. C lifford S andy and Mary harne. a search w a- begun bv • *.it<- T aylor and d au g h ter of7 W oodland. 111 an d alm ost paralyzed. S andy w ere w eek-end g u e sts“ ’.,'? !’5 e' FederB ,‘on rally, policem an Walt iladficld. w li' li Mrs P ercy McCampbel! of P o rt­ brought the .-ale-man in to t h ,■ land spent th e w eek-end visiting hands of the law near New berg la t h e r husband here. w eek. Mrs. B. M W right visited h er b rother at Salem Monday. T h e .■•desman ap p ea l ill.; al the W endt home, explained . ircfu lb David C astle is very ill in the U k ltU II I || V th a t he was cheeking the p erfo rm ­ Em anuel hospital in P ortland. His nospuai w here it had been ill w ith hom e on G reen M ountain S a tu r daughter. Mrs. Elwin Root of Hood pneum onia. T he baby is much im ­ day a fter spending six w eeks w ith hands of th e legislature on th eir ance of radios for one of tin- largi' "S unday closing" bill the In d e­ m an u factu rer- A bad lube w a ,1... River, was called home last week. proved. A. H. Wolford, w hile u n d er the L eonard G reen retu rn ed home O ra G arrigus visited his d au g h ­ care of a doctor. He is m uch im ­ pendent R etail G rocers a re tu rn - covered and i» plate 1 by .. j new >ne. ing to th e people through the in ­ The new tube, the ''«ilcsnKin aid. Sunday a fter w orking in R oseburg BETHANY-CEDAR M ILL—P e r­ ter. Mrs. C laude H utchens, in C or­ proved in health. itiative P relim in ary petitions w ere was a very pecial make, guaran- last week. vallis from W ednesday until S a t­ A ques.ion box has been in sta ll­ fect attend an ce list for th e West filed w ith the state dep artm en t teod for n eatly five years t f service Mrs. C ourtney Syverson of Hazel- U nion school last m onth includes urday last week. ed in the church and each S unday Tuesday. It is planned to have the and was w orth $4 20 dale visited h ere th e first p art of Tom m y Bechen, B arb ara B ellinger Mrs. H ighsm ith Moves evening the pastor. C haplain F G. easure on the general election \ k of . this week. ; and Mrs R., B H ighsm ith and ch il­ Phillips, answ ers t h e questions m A rth u r Berger. K enneth B e rg e r ballot in Novem ber. 1938 advice from ne.irby radi stores, Sunset C am p resum ed operations Jack Croeni. d ren moved to Sunnyside. W ash- w hich have been dropped in. This M arion Jacobsen. failed to disclose any ne tu b es Tuesday a fte r being closed dow n C .ara Pubols. Jo h n n ie Pubois. Anna S atu rd ay a fter spending a m onth form of evening services is p ro v ­ w orth that m uch, anti th police since D ecem ber 24. i Schm idt, B ernard Schm idt. Bobby in Banks w ith h er parents, Mr. and ing very interesting. w e re n o tifie d T h e on . > had llis s M arie Rieben. stu d en t at ove ,, , K _ n ig - h ts M ----- Schm idt. C harles and M ichael Mrs. E K auffm an. taken the numh«*r <>f t Miss L ucille B urney, a teach er in O regon N orm al, spent Hie w e e k ­ Mr. and Mrs. A llen K night and Schiebels. s °n Douglas of W estim bcr m oved P riscilla club will m eet T hurs- the , M anning schools, spent the end w ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs Save nianry b y d e a lin g w ill, a to Forest G rove last week. Mr. and da-v afternoon at the hom e of M rs a ’T k ' end at h er hom e in T rout- C hris Rieben (B y M rs. P. P a tto n ) re p u ta b le esta blish ed R a d io Miss P atricia Jensen, stu d en t at Mrs. Ja c k K line moved in to th e ' A rth u r W iseman. aaie. CHERRY GROVE Extension U n­ S e rv ic e D ia le r near you. H e Miss M oxie H opkins and Mrs B ehnke-W alker B usiness college in it of Home Economics will meet house form erly occupied by th e M c Larsen. Mrs. N ancv Bov use Hie I l iih r x t q u a lity p a ils K nights. | and Mrs. J. W.vss w -n t on à busi- H ow ard W ilbur visited frien d s in P ortland, is at her hom e in Hanks March 12 at 10:30 at the home of for a few w eeks to rest her eyes. a nd tu lie - at s ta n d a rd p ,le e , —------------- ---------- ncss trip to D undee M onday and T routdale S aturday. Mrs. W F Hess Second lesson on S i Hers E n te rta in a nd w ill be here read» a n il L eave for South also visited w ith Mr. an d ' Mrs S unday d in n e r party guests of garm ent finishes will be presented a n x io u s t „ back tip o u r g u a r­ B randon Hall and Max L aP orte E rnest H erder. A pot luck d in n er w ill be served antee. Mr. and Mrs. R ichard W ism er re- left T hursday for San Francisco. M '. and Mrs C harles Sellers and at noon. ; tu rn ed M onday afternoon a fte r a T hey plan to go on to S outh A m er­ fam ily w ere Mr and Mrs. D w ight Mrs. Finley McLeod, w ho has DOI (il.A S s R \DI<) S| |; \ K i; Sellers of Hillsboro. Dean S ellers short honeymoon at th e beaches. ica from C alifornia. and d au g h ter Donna of G ian ts been very ill for a very long time, Marrs Given Farewell at S elfridge F u rn itu re Co. (By M abie R. A llis o n ) K ansas City W oman's club and Pass. Mr and Mrs. B ernard S e lle r, was able to sit up for a little while MOUNTAIN HOME — New s tu ­ I ’liune H illsboro 21X I Sunday. a few oth er frien d s su rp rised Mr and tw o children of F ir G rove dent body officers w ere elected in Negro Evangelist to (P aid A d v ) John M orelli had his new house and Mrs. W E. ~ M ‘ ‘ arr w hen they and Amo- „ S ellers of B ank- M ountain H ome public school F ri­ Conduct Services Here gathered at th e ir hom e for a fa re '-1 ~ . 17le f lr G rove Sew ing d u b m et plastered last w eek. Mr B aldw in day. Virgil A llison is president: • ?,ruuce G ibson- negro evangelist. well p arty T hursday evening. Mr. 2 , rsd a-v ’•v’th Mrs. Ray Parm ley. of Forest G rove did Ihe work. S tanley Ego. vice-president: G eorge '**“J Mrs. M ** arr a re leaving the The day wa.s spent in quilting. A It rained CO of an inch from Allison Jr., secretary; G eorge Wil- w ill begin a series of ev angelistic and at _the een P entecostal tab er- farm , w hich they have lived on b ountiful chicken d in n e r w a s Sunday. 7 a. m , until 7 a. m Mon- son is in charge o f th e r* rr v in < , „ r services , ie co stal w ater; C lara p fe^en b rin g and E lî S îv E LinC° ln sfreet' S u n * io r served at noon. j day. The w arm rain and w ind is for m any years, and are m oving to n o r A nderson are h a rg e 'o of f th e Rev R ,;’ Â ît™ ln. u o e _ n ¡^ ev ery n n lg ,8h n t- Forest fast m aking the snow disoppear. are m in c charge G Íb so n Cï 'h ï 'á l. s'í“ t' ro re s t Grove. T hey have ju st re ­ n e» . G ibson has a u nique message, cently built them a new hom e in Mrs. J B N ew house and g ra n d ­ lunchcloths. b o th S°the Chd . b ” ^ i n g of S î S h7 o w e r i u T and T r ^ t ' o F orest Grove. son. Leslie Ju n io r, re tu rn e d to l Eugene F riday a fte r having .-pent Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n H artw ick both th e C hristian E ndeavor and scriptures. Tw o new novels on the the ren re n tal ta l I I .several days w ith her brother. H and d au g h ter Jo y ce w ere visitors shelf, both by au th o rs w hose books 1 b Allen S u n d ay at O ceanlake. Mrs. M elinda Cum m ings of T h a t­ you have enjoyed. "Sound of R un­ B ridr-E lect Honored cher is spending a few w eeks as a ning Feet. ’ by Joseph Law rence, A kitchen show er was given at guest of Mr. and Mrs. H enry M c­ a u th o r of "If I Had F our Apples." the hom e of Miss Lilly W allin This is the th ird g reat storv of D onald and fam ily. T hursday afternoon for Mi.-s L il­ Mrs. N ellie H ughes and son Roy A m erican life by this author. It is lian A nderson, w ho is to become an engrossing and enlightening of P o rtlan d w ere Sunday guests the bride of G eorge Beeler, son of of Mr. and Mrs. G eorge M cGraw story of people w e All know built Mrs. Ethel B eeler <>£ Gaston About upon th e ever present conflict be-1 This each H h e r h r seen [w een o u r personal 'hop,'- and am". | 4O..fr ‘end's w ere P o l a n d Lillian bitions and the dem ands of our received m any gifts The w edding Tounsendites to Mee' d aily job. I will be an event of early spring B anks Tow nsend club w ill m eet "Sand Castle.-" by Jan et B cith —---------------------- —------- F rid ay in th e Bank.- M ethodist .c novel "No Second S p r i n g ', Say you saw it in the Argus. church at 8 o'clock. E veryone is urged to come and enjoy th e eve­ at ning. Mr. and Mrs. E rnest M arr and d au g h ter of K ansas C ity w ere w eek ­ end visitors of Mrs. M a rrs sister. Mrs. M aurice Thom pson, and fam ­ ily at Vernonia. Imperial Chick Mash. $2.85 sack Legion Dance Saturday A dance w ill be given S atu rd ay Imperial Chick Scratch ......................... 2.50 sack evening in th e B anks A m erican Imperial Oyster Shell .................................85 sack Legion h all by th e Legion. This is th e ir first dance for tw o m onths so Chick Grit ........................................................ 85 sack it is according to th e size of the Farewell Given Timber Teacher on Wednesday/ Banks Rebekahs, Odd Fellows Install: Legion Plans Dance Mason Hill I h itis d iiy . M a il it I. 1937 loro is s|H >ndillg a fortnight at the I E W aldorf home Horn. Io Mr and Mrs O lio Sol- berger. nt Ju n e . hiispitut In I l i l i boro, F ebruary 24. a gul, It will pay to watch for Hillsboro Pharmacy Legislature Nears Adjournment H our GRAND OPENING h id W ill'll mu' remodeling program is wc will have a most modern, r u m drug store. i n n i I d e l o e tile n i í'ree Gifts : Deep Gut Prices will he featu red at our G ran d O pening Powers Grocery Let I his Be a Prompt Service WARNING Attendance Good at West Union Cherry Grove Unit to Meet March 12 Mt. Home School Elects Officers Phone 81 Main Street Gf ir Specials for Saturday, Marchi 6, Only S eap C hips l i ! 23c N ap th a. Large pkg. W a x Paper Red ik Vi kite. 19c 125-foot roll S trin g Eeans S tandby. Can C O FFE E AI .t lining 10c 23c Pound Many other items specially priced for Saturday. ♦ r S lW D ESS A nd O wn M ore t THIS YEAR Library News W hen You Buy all Your Chick Supplies IMPERIAL P H O E N IX MAGIC SOCKS For Also JAMESWAY Chick W'aterers. Feeders and Oil Brooders. Feet Moss, Cedar To we and Straw always in stock. EMPIRE IANDPLASTER Now is the time to apply landplaster and we have just received a new supply. F. O. B. Car .............. D e liv e re d $11.50 ton 12.00 ton EMPIRE LANDPLASTER is highest in chemical test and gives the best results by field test. Order for your needs today. HARD W HEAT FLOUR KITCHEN QUEEN— 49.1b. „ d , .......................... $1.53 CROWN FLOUR— 49-lb. sack ............................... $2.05 HIGHLAND CHIEF— 49-lb. sack ...................... . $1.40 G rinding, cleaning, rolling or mixing PER TON $$>.00 2 All above prices F. O. B. our warehouse and subject to market changes. Pay Cash and Save— Trade with Imperial Spring Used Cars Bought - Sold and Consigned low-price field D 1936 Willy* Sedan Ju st like new , ru n s perfect. At a v ery reasonable price. Come in and sec th is car. 1930 Nash Sedan W ith T ru n k New paint, d a rk green: DON tires; reconditioned m o t o r : brakes good. T his good fam ily car will give you lots of se r­ vice. IS T IN C T IV E new lines give o»/y <» a t the lo w est p ric e in y e a rs ! b in t ef the sw eeping advancem ents in the Ford V-8 for 1937. fro n t its im proved V-8 engines to < enter-P o isc rid in g com fort FLASHING V 8 PERFORMANCE- FA,w q u ie te r, . . . this car offers you finer perform ance, thriftier* and in tw o engine sizc%. greater luxury, less expense . . . than even MORF MILES RER GALLON—Owner« re|»ori 22 to f o r d has ever offered. 27 with the I hriity 60, “ best m ileage ever 1 with N ow th ere's greater w isdom than ever in the brilliant new H5. putting your m oney into the extra value that NEW EASY-ACTION SAFETY B R A K ES-Y ou push Ford always represents. I his year m illions gently and you .Mop quickly! Safety of j / o /f r o m pedal to wheel. of A m ericans will la k e m ore p ride than ever before w hen they say, "ll'e d riv e a I ’-tli" SOUND-CONDITIONED BOD IES-Several different • // g didn't have to qaze into a crystal ball to know how popular these Phoenix Magic Socks would be with Children and Mothers alike . . : Children because they're comfortable, the pat­ terns are bright and c h e e r f u l ; Mothers be­ cause they are reinforced at toe and heel. They wear remarkably and spare the darning needle. TERMS - TRADE O thers to ( hoosc f rom r o e rn fo r d d ealer H alf the Gas Twice the Smartness 3 pr. $1 1937 WILLYS FORD V-8 The Brilliant 8 5 ” ■ The Thrifty “CO” SEE IT! W hy stay in the AUTHO RIZrO FO R O FINA8CEeLANS-S.>S a m o n th , after usual d o w n paym ent, buys any m od e l 1937 lo rd V-R car. Ask you, lo r d de a lci about th , easy paym ent plans o f th-.. I n iv e rs a l t.r e d it C om pany. “All Three C lass?” Just a few dollars more for Nash - Laf ayette Used Car Exchange 2nd and W ash. Phone 2641 NEW YARNS COMPETENT INSTRUCTOR IN CHARGE Invisible Hosiery Mending. New lew prices. CENTER-POISE RIDING C O M rO R T -/„ | pa,sen* gers "am id,hip.,,” brtueen the a a lc . LUXURIOUS INfERIORS—I)eep cu sh io n ,, tailored upholstery, exquisite w ood-giain trim . New han- dh s, controls, instrum ents. New I flortles. Steering . All S teel-on-,led Lon- struction • Large l uggage C oin p attm en t, in All Models Battery under Engine H ood • D a,h Starter Button • Safety G last 11,ro u g h .,ut • ( .owl , P arking B rake • "V " W indshield, ,hat O r -1 Mi B c K e n z i e M O tO F Corner Th ird and W ashington * I insulating materials used to shut out „ o im - beat and cold. R ubber " p illo w ," between body and frame. f 1 Telephone 91 I