Pago Six H IL L S B O R O I Clatsop. C olum bia and W ashing- ' ton. In W ashington county 12 persons could not gain adm ission, w hile in M ultnom ah, th e re w ere 148 Survey of th e e n tire state show s th e d is­ ease m ore comm on in this section. Discusses W ork D r McDonald spoke briefly on the w ork of his new d ep artm en t ’ and urged th e advantages of p re ­ natal clinics. He also told of the ■ im m unization w ork started tw o « eeks ago am ong school children, i clinics being held each Saturd.i} m orning. A large num ber of ch ild ­ ren have been tak in g ad v an tag e of the service, he said. Miss C ave gave a short rep o rt on the successful seal sale, po in t- ing out th e various d istricts which exceeded th e sales of last year, and declarin g th at every effort should be m ade this y ear to in ­ crease sales to five cents per capita Kansas City Club Plans for Benefit Geologv Group Sees Collection at VanDonielens A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O . w hich tim e Mr. and Mis G ordon L ayton w ere additional guests Mrs A 1’ieree of V ernonia is V' iting tier aster. Mrs Elsie Weav ­ er. Sunday dinnei party guests of Mi and Mr: Floyd Kaffet} w e r e Mr and Mrs. Roy Jaekson an I son Jo h iu i) and Mrs M aria Ja c k - son. W eek-end g u e s ts o f Mrs Elsie W eaver w ere Mr and Mr I. Young o f G a s to n | Tltni alitv, M areli I. liL'U OREGON Local Bov Given High Scout Award 1 Continued from n*te 1* ported a> 81 per cent for the H ili'- b o ro d istriet w hich again headed all the other d istricts of the council by a .substantial m argin. (By Mrs. J. A. McCoy) iB» Miss Margaret M.ilhirsen) M em bership Good KANSAS CITY The Harmon} M OUYTAINDAt F ("tnen house W illiam F. Johnson, field exeeu- club will hold a dance at the Gales was held at th e J I. V andom elon live, rep o rted a registered active C reek Woman's club hall March home S unday m o rn in g w hen about Roy Scout m em bership of 128, 13. Proceeds are to ro for th e bene -ix tv P o rtlan d m em b ers of the Sea Scouts 11 and 26 Cubs, m aking fit of the Red Cross. Mrs Pleasent Geological Socictv of the O regon the total of 168 bovs served by th e S tark will en tertain th e club March Coiirvio led b \ R eginald R eynolds Bov Scouts of A m erica in the 17. nd Dr 4 T Hodge of th e O regon H illsboro district as com pared to 66 G ertru d e Vandom elon was out o f s ta te college called to look o v er I tw o years ago This does not in ­ sechool a few day s last w eek on Vand ’m eten'' i extensive Indian rel- (C o n tin u e d fr,»m pace 1» account of illness. ie collection He has one of th e fin- a decision m ade by that body 111 clude the proposed t*»»op at O reneo l ist of prom otions at the court of Mrs. J. H Beaman has not been "st individual collections of arro w - w hich F ram pton was denied com ­ i honor follws: v ery well for th e past few w eek- heads in this p art of th e country. pensation F ram pton alleges that tie Second class rank, troop 216. at her home. The larg er p art of th e collection A special m elting of th e H a r­ is been found in th e D airy C reek w as in ju red w hile in the em ploy i Jo h n C hristensen of Joseph M eier on a farm , a half mony club w as held W ednesday \ alle\ and at S auvies Island A r­ Second class m erit badges: T roop afternoon w ith the president, M rs rangem ents have been m ade for m ile east of Hillsboro. The in ju ry is alleged to have oc­ 216. R obert Bristol, handicraft and Warner Cropp. Thom as C arney, p h o to g rap h er for rred O ctober 8. 1936. w hen a music; Ja c k K ennelIv. carpentry. he society, to photograph th e col­ 1 cu Give Program tra c to r plow w-hich he w as u n -I T r<’Vp T . / ’T v " fT " " ,.’’.' lection in th e n ear future. M arjorie Marr. C alvin Raymond. loading f r o m ., tra ile r slipped and binding: RoBand h rw t bookbinding G eraldine W aldron and G ertru d e Hein Flood Victims hurt his arm at the elbow ( Ire o p 226 S tanford (.rax . firem an- (C o n tin u ed fro m p a re l> Vandom elon gave a rad io program The benefit "500" p a rty sponsored ship, handicraft and safety. Vernon on W ashington's b irthday to e n ­ tain in g of those practices w hich bv the Past C hiefs' club at the \e w list ,'t jurym en, selected this Schoen. handicraft and ftrem anship tertain th e school. T he boys put ten d to increase and prolong the Jam es M athiesen hom e Friday a ft­ w eek to report M arch 15. includes: T roop 247. John I.ulich. safety, per one on Friday afternoon. productiveness of this n atu ral r e ­ ernoon was a success Eight tables Erw in S pringer. Vesta K am na. I sonal health and farm layout. Ern- source." of cards w ere in play but a total F ran k O Erickson. H illsboro ro u te est Sanders, safety and personal Birthday Celebrated J M. V anderzanden. chairm an of of $11.15 was netted, th e balance 5: E ugene Stew art. G ales C reek: health: Emil Y urkovieh. personal Mr. and Mrs. J. A McCoy e n ­ tertain ed at th eir home F rid ay ■ the Roy com m unity, in com m ent­ being given by persons w ho w ere P erry I. LaFollett. Jo h n C lark B u ­ health and handicraft. evening w ith a "500" card party in ing on th e 1937 program , said: inable to atten d th e party. Mrs chanan. C ornelius: W illiam H D ler- First class ran k T roop 226. I.cRoy honor of th eir dau g h ter G ladys' "This is som ething th e o p erato r of 'V ilbur Dillon had high score and dorff. H illsboro ro u te 1; A rth u r Cam pbell T roop 247, W illiam B atch­ fo urteenth birth d ay anniversary. any kind of a farm can not afford Mrs. M ax D reezen. second. The W illiam Jesse. H illsboro route 4: elder. H enry Tews and Mrs. J. P. V an­ to pass up. It encourages th e adop­ m oney was given to the Red Cross Jo h n C H atfield. H illsboro ro u te 2: First class m erit badges: T roop derzanden had high score. Mrs. I... tion of farm practices w hich co n ­ *or the benefit of eastern flood re ­ Jam es W W illiams. Ben C. Sahnow , 216 D elbert C rew s cycling and S trohm ayer and F rank V anderzan- se rv e the soil and prolong its p ro f­ lief. Lloyd Brown, H illsboro: M adeline w oodcarving: Ted G ardner, public den second, and Mr. and Mrs. M ar­ itable production. If farm ers gen­ Jo an n G arrig u s of Forest G rove health: A lbert G illett, safety. Jack l i n V anderzanden consolation. C ov­ erally understood, they would, in spent T hursday and Friday at the Duyck. C ornelius, route 1: Jacob Goodman, public health; Leon Wiley ers w ere laid for tw en ty -fiv e at my opinion, not lose any tim e in G ordon L ayton and C. I. W illiam s K em nier. Ju lia R A ppleton. G entry first aid and safety T roop 219. Ed Brooks. B eaverton route 1: Isabel m idnight. proceeding to tak e care of th e ir own hom es here. scholarship. w oodw ork H W arrens. Forest G rove S tar Jannsen. Ju n io r French spent the w eek-end in terests bv filing th eir crop data. " Swanks Honored route. Bessie L. Fisk. Lena G. M ans­ and first aid. T roop 226. P h ilip at th e hom e of his grandparents About th irty friends and re la ­ field. Sherw ood; Elsie I, Lem ing. Corw in, public health. Don Kagan, Find P rogram Im p o rtan t Mr. and Mrs. F ree W aldron, and F arm ers are finding t h e soil tives suprised Mr. and Mrs. M ar­ carp en try , safety and firem anslup. also his m other, Mrs. D ew ard bu ild in g paym ents, w hich a re a vin S w ank w ith a ch ariv ari and Banks, an d H enry F N arup. B anks Bill E verett, firem anslup. wood­ ro u te L Ju liu s M. M oreland. T im ­ French. show er F rid ay evening. The ev e­ featu re of th e program , im portant ber; Emil Liebnow . Sherw ood ro u te w ork and safety. T roop 247 Ja c k H arm ony club held its g et-together in m eeting th e present high cost n in g w as spent in playing "500" 3; A rth u r L. Fisher. T im ber; H enry B aum ann, first aid. ath letics and dinner Sunday at the hom e of Mr of red clover and alfalfa seed, ac­ and pinochle birdstudy : Mr and Mrs. S ydney C onnolly G. C ypher. N orth P lains: W allace study and W alter E idm an, b ird ­ and Mrs. J. A McCoy. Covers w ere cording to G len Ritchey, head of cam ping. of W illam ina spent th e w eek-end H. Hoeffel. B eaverton route 2; Jo r- laid for tw enty-fiv e at noon. the Forest G rove com m ittee. Life badges w ere aw arded by T at th e hom e of h er parents. Mr. and gen Holm. G aston ro u te 1; B ernice "W ith possible earn in g s ranging Mrs E arl H ollenbeck, and o th er Hagg. R eedville; W illiam A. Butler. G. B ronleew e. scoutm aster of the from $2 to $4 per acre, su b ject to relativ es in this com m unity. T igard: A ileen F H alvarson. F o r­ Rotary troop. 216. w hile star badges th e farm allow ance, for seeding est G rove: Jo h n H. K m del. Forest w ere aw arded by At Jannsen. c h a ir­ Mrs. Miller Hostess red clover and alfalfa, w e can ju st man com m itteem an of Aloha G rove ro u te 2. Mrs. Emil M iller w as hostess for about figure the price of seed that W illiam E verett, son of Mr. and th e Past C hiefs' club at h er home much less p er acre." says Ritchey. Mrs W S E verett of Hillsboro, is T hursday afternoon. A fter th e b u si­ ( to n n n a e d Dare I ) C hairm en of th e various com m it­ ness m eeting 500" was played in tile second boy from the district to w ere 910 know n cases of tu b e r­ tees w ere practically unanim ous reg ister for the national jam boree culosis m aking application for a d ­ S aturday in believing th at n early w hich Mrs. R ichard S andford bad in W ashington. D C . this sum m er mission from the en tire state. Of any farm , regardless of size, could high score an d Mrs. Loel H ollen­ beck second. He is an activ e m em ber of the this num ber 550 patients w ere a d ­ (C o n tin u ed irn m D a te I ) profit by listing crop data w ith the Legion troop. He selected the C an ­ m itted w hile 360 could not get a d ­ Meacham P.-T. A. to Meet county association p rep arato ry to Blackish, brow n w ith a few light adian Rockies lo u r via the G reat mission. Of the 360. 222 w ere in ' M eacham P -T A w ill hold the Lakes, N iagara Falls and New York th e seven northw est counties. The perfo rm an ce if th ey so desired first m eeting since th e bad w e a th ­ brow n p atch e s" later on. Dog Was III counties include M ultnom ah, i C i t y . ________ , e r M arch 12 at 7 p. m. The w rite r explained that th e dog Clackam as, Y amhill. Tillam ook Mrs. F lorence M cClellan re tu rn e d to h er hom e in Las A ngeles W ed­ had been ill and th e re had been nesday evening a fte r spending the a question of his recovery, hence « th e delay in buying the license. In past tw o w eeks here. an o th er case the letter explained Tnates Entertain th a t the fam ily cow had been ill Mrs. N. 11. Toates en tertain ed and there had been delay in getting ( ( ra liriu e ti fro m pace I ) R F. T aylo r of H illsboro, w ho w ith a d in n er p arty S unday in h o n ­ w ith his w ife is to u rin g Florida, o r of th e b irth d a y an n iv ersary of to Hillsboro. that residence req u irem en ts be a p ­ Last y ear th e re w ere 4000 licenses plied the sam e as in o th er relief w rites, in a le tter to The A rgus, of for dogs of all nam es, breeds . requests. his tr ip from W ashington south, h er d aughter. Mrs. R. E. Fox. sold and color. “When th e co u rt decreed a change praising the roads. The hom es in G uests w ere Mr and Mrs. R E in the m ethod of handling t h e F lorida are beyond description, he Fox and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs S ubscribe now to th e A rgus. In fund, it seem ed to us th at a ce n ­ said. Ray D ennison of P o rtlan d and W ashington county $1.50 a y ear tralized agency w as needed to dis- “Com ing thro u g h Jacksonville." Lesli- Keenon. S atu rd ay evening S ix m onths 85c. t h r e e m onths 50 bu r-e the money to prevent f o o he w rote, ''th e w ater was over the spent in playing card at cents. Tw o m onths 35 cents. it I liberal aw ard s by one or tw o of ru n n in g boards but it w as a god­ send to some of those natives. A little w ater on some of them and you could te ll the difference." He plans to visit th e big sw am ps ox Floiixla and re tu rn .ionic soon. Jury Named for New Court Ferni Farmers Get First Batch Soil Checks Seal Sale Chairmen Attend Meet Here \ an , olK i I Marriage I leeiuies I the organizations. mid insuring a Harold W W a lla c e o f S t a n f i e ld w ider field of relief ” and Blanche 1, B e n n e tt , H il l s b o r o C om m ittee Named T h e action .seeking an Investi­ route 5. gation and u n derstanding of the co u rt’s stan d on the m atter, w as in ­ A rgus classified ans g e t results stitu ted In;it' w ith the appointm ent of F \ G rifftth. G Bussell Morgan and W ilbur lhllon as a com m ittee to contact the court and re|x»rt back to the next m eeting of the post T uesday night, March 9 Ju d g e T em pleton w as of the o p in ­ ion that the law could be in te r­ preted broadly enough to ix'rtult th e fund to ho adm inistered through the centralized w elfare agency. EA T PERFECTION BREAD For G oodness Sake Beat by Teat— Conaistently High Scoring in Every Way! Judges Name Talent tor Amateur Show J ’i \ tint' tif uni ninny vai n*tu « 1» diuy at youi gruvcr or the bakery. (('u N lln iiv g fro m pace 7> brother, ure to app ear in 11 "hill billy" song su n g Io the aeeom pant- inent of the older lad on Ins guitar A nother novelty will be M axine C ady of B eaverton, w ho will a p ­ p ear in a dem onstration of absolute pitch, a m usical gift accorded few m usicians Three Quartets T h ree q u artets a rc scheduled to appeal, two from Pacific U niversity including the m ale q u artet, the w om en's q u artet, and llilln q u artet has also been selected for the show Jo e V anoudentiageu, C ornelius ro u te 1. who bills him self as Wash- m gton county's only one-m an-band will app ear on the program Picked for th e readings are D on­ ald Delloff of Huber, 12. and Wilma S ehildhaucr, 14. of the Blooming com m unity. A specialty singing num ber was found in the vocalization of the th ree Bump sisters of H illsboro W hile Cake W ith t l i ’ I h ’ h 'iP . f i e f illin g h lemon 49c 29c Cocoanut Butter and be sure it’s from the Cookies D ozen 5c FIR GROVE French Do-Nuts D ozen 30c DA IRY .Milk is one of your best and most econom i­ cal foods — it’s full of h ealth und vitality-giv­ ing vitam ins. Stuck A lady had ju st purchased a postage stam p a t a sub - statiou. "M ust I stick it on m y s e lf "" she asked "P ostively not m adam ." replied the postal clerk "It will accom plish m ore if you stick it on tin- e n ­ velope " Ex. Hot Cross Buns D ozen 25c F ifsh daily ut your grocer 1 >rink Plenty O ld er Ì our SI. T uirb k •» l>4y lU kery Good* F.arly Q uality job p rin tin g Clerk's Office Tired Licensing Pooches Local Man Writes of Trip to Florida Court Gives Reason for Soldier Relief When Good Fellow s Get Together . . You Can Be Sure the Refreshments are Mixed with ROYAL K is t The Lemon Sour t h a t m akes delicious drinks a certain ty . At any dealer Royal Soda Works 3« E. Main Phone 2432 Council Accepts New Sewer Line Tuesday ■ will be stru n g on 29-foot poles, he 1 said. C ouncilm an E. A. G riffith, chair- , man of th e finance com m ittee, de- I d a re d th a t h e w anted a m onthly I rep o rt of th e condition of city funds placed before his co m m ittee h e re ­ a fte r before bills a re allow ed. “ We have been w orking in the d ark ." G riffith declared, "and have no idea from month*to m onth w hat th e condition of th e various funds is.” He was prom ised an au d ito r's rep o rt each m onth previous to the re g u lar council m eeting. Catsup PEAS TOMATOES 2 SALMON F R E D TOMATOES Rich in Natural Sugar t on tent. » cans Tender and lull of flavor cans Mission, 2’s Standard. Packed by Del Monte's I amous C’anners. North Star or Tested, l ’a ta ll. CAN 90 10C ta u g h t in Bering B ering Sea. Full of N atural Oil. F irm and I inc C ole Caught F Santiam, 2 1/2*a Special CAN Solid Pack. YOU the Best in Q uality M eats All Meats Inspected by Drs. Nicol and Almquist BACK BACON Lb 24c BACON selî . son , nc ' BACON SQUARES Lb BEEF ROAST RIB STEAKS Lb. PURE LARD 14c 19c 14c 17c 3 42C SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 D eliveries D ally Large. Whole Tomatoes. lies. Phone 321 Z Twisted Sliced BREAD. 1« -lb. Old Dutch BREAD. 1-lb. cello CARAW AY RYE, Sliced. 1-lb. Aged American. Per 14c lie Rich in Vitamins lb. Nu! S p read Brami. P e r lb. APRICOTS Choice halves. N o rth w est fru it cans PEACHES Choice halves, in heavy syrup. F irm and flavorful BEANS BEETS ÜÉ- ■ BETTER MEATS I Special 15c — sat. Only BACON O rli le S h erd Lb. 55c 1 Ic 25c 3l)c 37c BO ILING Lb. BEEF 14c 27c 2: 53c ii « •tu n ic a n d G u m b o 4 D EVILED M EA I 15c ea \i; .1- -11, ’i ’n Q 1 for 4 m Snowflakes or Grahams 2t, 25c Q Ad for í CANNED FOOD FEATURES A rm our's SALM ON (il', <"'r' -lb. (in Pink 10c CORN H A SH Î5c boat, Alaska. SALM ON ,f Show an 12c CORN BEEF B ET T,........ 17c SA I M O N "•J so ck M ey e 1-lb. tin 21c Van C a m p s CLAMS D Kaz,,r (a undec' n 15c PORK Qc BEANS ,,, 10c clams M 10c BAKED BEANS , , ,, 13c T U N A FISH *h;lc Slar 16c Exerpt chicken O ra n 25c U PS 2 for 25c OYSTERS 2 ram 25c SO E xcept U nderw ood’s Chowch’r. C’»» CLAM CHOW DER 10c DICED BEETS , ,„10c ARM OUR'S. • . , Red Tag 2i/2’s ED’S MASTER MKT. ,lc 24c DEVILED M EAT KAFFEE HAG, C affeine Free C offee. 1-lb. 41c TEA, C & D Orange Pekoe. J/2-lb. 24c 1-lb. 44c Sunkist 2 l s ’s A Yellow Label WINES 2L4I Ad 25c n . q i . T iffany, lot-fitied DUNDEE CATSUP. 12-oz. bottle Coburg GREEN BEANS, Cut. No. 2 can Raycroft Cut S trin g Beans, 2 ’.- Silverdale Cut, 2’s. 're n d e r and full color. CAN PRESERVES Strawberry or Blackberry M arasca, Pure Preserves From field -rip en ed 4 > lb . fru it jar 25c FRED’S LUXURY LUXURY LUXURY CHEESE, 6c Folgers Coffee San Wan Sugar Peas, 2 ’s. Inspiring Speech D efen d an t—"W hatever th e out- | come of • this trial I feel su re the experience w ill m ake m e a b etter m an." Ju d g e —"In w hat w ay?" D efen d an t—"In striv in g to live up to th e speech m ade by my a t­ to rn ey ."—Ex. offers MILK A rm o n r’s or Mt. \e r n o n . 'I'jtll c a n Can PABST Super Cured CHEESE. 2-lb. loaf MILK, Pasteurized or Raw. Quart COFFEE CREAM. 12-pt. 15c Pt. W HIPPING CREAM. ' ;-|)t. 19c Pt. .MISSION. 13 : g-oz. bottle March 5 and 6 PHONE 3131 Prices E ffective Friday and Saturday FREE DELIVERY— FOUR TIMES DAILY OLEO (C o n tin u ed fro m paze 1) HILLSBORO HILLSBORO 9« FLOUR 69® 1 Í 9 " ’^ I’eerless Fam ily I I,me FARINA, Cream of the V alley. 5c 10c 10c S I. 39 Nu. lit Sack 40c COFFEE C arro ts Columbia Best Lb. 2 5 c lì . 7 3 c 6 ib.. Lemons 10c S U N K 1ST. lem onade Cabbage F ill' S o m e lio t lo r tinti col,I. Doz. -4 i l z * l.t /U A pples 2c I ba. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 15c