The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 04, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    T litin d iiy , M arch 4. 1937
Cornelius outli Enlists in
Flying Corps: W inters Buy
illy Dorothy C o o k d
t ’O R N F I.II' I
P h ilip
1- ihi*d
e, m l .
tin* m my f ly in g c,
He •
m li. lin in g in Sot
i l l p l ' l d l l a lld Intel
w ill in
* 'I in l h tut,h ilu
1*1.u i*
W ill Ml';. W m lt'i . h iiv i' plic
i . i i ll I h r F lu n k Dunne him i
"I Mi
D n iiiilil
F n ih Ion.
ivh '
h i ' '' been being Ihi n',
o re
A in pi G ift
A pi'i'ini inii'iim : of iin • officiti!
honnl of II,e M P i liincl was held
Tlmi day evening I
o f m o n e y ;»
i l l of Ui. la te Jo h n
M u n t i t i f fo i
* i l l IJ ehi fra work
I ’ « m im t h r
of ap-
>1 a ie J It W .lfrev, L ester
n V und Mr- M attie S m ith
Word hh, I •en le e c h e d from
G K rozier f M inneapolis < f
h e r .scrums Him
Mis Krozier,
W ell-known here, is the wift
• : n
form er M E puxtur here
Mr and Mi
I) Wyatt Were
i all» I to W ashington In .( week, du
to the death of a relative.
ItirtlidMys ( efeh ru tn l
Donald Enge|«»n wu host*
F riday evening t
birth d ay
M i l p l i • in
honor of ttu a n n iv c i -
s u r le .
’f hei husband aml his
brother Dal
f llillb o o r o P i e n t
U !•’ f Mi an. •Mi
Dale Kngelen
and rtliall >nn
m H o h e it o f H ills b o ro .
M. . i b i othy
und Mi and
F ngflcn
Fa.Vf 1 sOllt.KC,
AIvx ’
. on le ft S u n ­
I i J
Q u it k
y y . il k l l l g I I I the
iif r . 'in . i: w ith .i ..p in
I I " "I a n il i , c o n fin e d to her
ro o m .
A c o m p ii te p h y s ic a l check up is
b e in g III.ole on all le s id e n ls o f the
i, I tot
vv im ,, n,», p |.i p.,11, ti,, i,.„n ,
b e in g n ii iip ii'il bv I ' u l J,a
I '. l l l e t t e u n i f i i u i l j
M r „ m l M rs
11 I .aI* i >1 loi h* ai i' m o v in g i , i
Hie f i i n i h m lli o f to w n , f i. in ii'ilv
iip ii',1 by Ih o M . ilo l. iiF o llo lli'
fum ili •m ,I Iin- M i l ie l.a F u lh tt.'
a io in n v im ; n u ll, Ih o fa m
•o iiU i
i.l to w n , i n o n l l v p u rch a •d from
P h ilip M o in
tri Hit.
m illio n
Reported in Farm Prices
P .llli.y
Ilo ille ,
H IL L S B O R O ,
ILVn.s High Award Further Substantial Increase
a d m itte d Io the homi*
• • p e rm .m e rit re .ideoi
Heaver Chapter
O. E. S. Observes
25th Anniversary
B eaver ch ap te r
• ’ E S celeb rated ihi- tw enty-
fiflh .unity crsui y u f its F ounder .
IJu.v F c b rn u ry 24 ill I h r B e a ve rto n
Mica,tile hull w ith a large atten d -
' I, ‘ (• (ill," 1 llii'hi Iril nil'lnln i ■
fiuiii M ultnom ah. H illsboro Tiuu»-
iliilr, Umutllla ami P o rllan d
U oaitei m em bers n t I h r o rd er
yvi'i • p rria l guest* n t (h r evening
mill w ere honored w i'li a flo ra l
degree by die officers of die c h a p ­
S ilver gifts w ere received by the
ch ap ter
The dining room wan m ade fe.
liv e III n il and „liv er decoratioi ,
The b irth d ay cake was cut by Mi
P au lin e Moor Riley, past g lan d
, m atron of O regon at the t i m ,•
lleay er ch ap ter was organized, and
Cliarli". M cG irr, past grand patron
of Oregon.
V in South
Mr and Mrs I. W T u ck er I, ft
the first part of last week for an
exten d ed visit to L ouisiana, w here
he form erly lived.
Mrs I. o S eh ellen b erg er r e ­
tu rn ed lust week from a visit with
h er d au g h ters at Tillam ook
Mr W If Boyd en tertain ed the
Tuesday B ridge club F e b ru a ry 23
w ith a luncheon and cards at the
hom e of Mrs. V A. Wood High
cole yvu. won by M rs W C M r -
S everal from B eaverton a tte n d ­
ing th e fiftieth an n iv ersary of Pio­
neer ch ap ter o
E S ,d O le ip
C ity Tuesday evening The offiei i •,
d ressed m old-fashioned costumes,
p re a nted the ritu alistic w ork a.
it was given fifty y ears ago.
AiiiJur'-nri. Hillsboro,
of Mi and Mr J I A nder
w o n ; ward<* t the
ran k of E;
Scout at the di .stru t court of
honor T hursday night. He hait
five vcaiH xervi<
in scout
w ith th ree years in th e Hot arv
troop and tw o in Si a Scout S
Kai n bow
<iu At ('.im p
i, 1935 and 1936 cam p' h<
1 a patrol
leader in i l l
last period E aurest is planning
to atten d tix* natio n al jam borei
In W ashington th is sum m er.
F u rth e r .uh.-tantial ad v an ce in made carcity and a sub tantial in-
the F.cni’ial farm price level ha» cre.i e Io ttie stren g th id consum er
been rcgisti?red d u ring th e past purchasijig power.
< m even w eeks according to
Dem and conditions have co n tin u ­
Ihe Orc.’i'iii farm price index pub*
Iniicd in the most recent m onthly ed ti, im prove, as factory payrolls
ie ..e w
of aj'ricultui'ul situ atio n by increased buxine s gained in a c ­
the <) S C extension service. At tivity. and (o,xl prices advanced
rnid-January, thi.i index stood at P ro p e e l, appear favorable from the
dem and view point during the ,e ,t
F 1 I
u thn.e point’ higher th an a month o f D ie 1936-37 m ark etin g wa on and
hefuic M arket prices indicate some probably longer.
D ata Given
ddiL »nai udvance ¿incc mid-Jan-
I unry.
The m onthly rep o rt gives index
( 'um p ired w ith a y ear ago. farm n u m b er, and other data on farm
pi h i - m O regon an* up an aver- p rice, for most of th e m ajor farm
ige of a b o ut 20 |x*r cent, a p p ro x i­ products grow n in Oregon. With
m ately ’he sam e rate of advance as re >peet to potatoes, it i. indicated
J io w n fo r the U nited State».
th a t „ D a ks on hand on Ja n u a ry 1
Co»ts I ’p
1937. w ere 26 per cent less than a
Farm cost > an* also higher, but year previous, and 21 per cent be­
( the inerca » m costs average» only , low tiie average on that date The
around 5 per cent, according to ! supply is being augm ented som e­
governm ent data Con c q u e n tly th e . w hat by the increased use for food
exchange value of farm products is of * dis and other low -grade po ta­
•<ppt■ im atcly 13 per cent higher toes not o rd in arily m arketed R e­
than a y ear ago. The ¿ h arp ad- 1 ports also indicate that more early
vunce in price for farm products potatra-s will probably be available
i attrib u ted largely to drought- this season than usual.
Highlights in
Week's Neivs
dam to m outh of the S nake river
Kansan, blind 60 years, has sight
restored by operation.
Six thousand E thiopians died in
Italian reprisals.
W ednesday. M arch 3
E vacuation of M adrid by loyal­
ists held near.
G overnor M artin urges D A. R
to resist "insidious" forces that are
underm ining governm ent.
P en nsylvania delegation o f 27
representatives votes to support
R oosevelt court plan as a unit.
T hursday, F eb ru ary 25
S enator B orah proposes c o n stitu ­
tional am endm ent on sta te 's rights
a solution o t ju d iciary problem .
P rince IJesta Desta. son-in-law of
ex - E m peror B ailie S elassie o f
Ethiopiu and last o f E thiopian
chieftans to oppose Italian occupa­
tion. executed by Italian
O fficers eject sit-dow n strik e rs at
Dough A ircraft corporation plant Pot I.uck P lanned—
at Santa Monica. Cal. Men leave ; A pot luck d in n er for m em bers
peacefully, av ertin g possible clash and th eir fam ilies will be held a t
betw een police and union w orkers. ' Forest Hills C ountry club next
V. S senate ex ten d s reciprocal i W ednesday night.
d a y f o r a w e e k s v is it w ith M r and
th e lto tary club luncheon T h u rs­ trace act th ree years.
H a ir y M c K a y and fa m ily «if
Idaho girl kidnaped from church
day by E dw ard Sehulm erich. local
Pm tland.
b an k er Money, he said, is Ihe c re ­ bv suitor rejects plea, sw ain kills
T rltes Move
ation of law and any nation can self
Mr and Mrs Hay T rites and
Friday. F eb ru ary 26
issue m oney to th e ex ten t of its
fam ily have moved into th e Hoag
Suicide strik ers, crazed, come out
pow er o f redem ption.
apartm ents
F uneral services w ere held S u n ­
T he local b an k er exp lain ed why of H ungarian mine.
Emil Balm has re tu rn e d to his
C om m ittee for in d u strial o rg an i­ day afternoon from th e B ethany
hom e in P endleton a fte r an e x te n d ­
P resbyterian church for T i l d a
bi-m etolist II,' stro n g ly advocated zation. su p p o rter of m any strik es G rossen N ottage. w ife of H ow ard
ed \ at w ith h:s m o th e r. M rs D
thro ugh nation, points unionization
( ’ W hiting
J Nottage. w ho died Friday at her
ment for tin prom otion of in te rn a ­ driv e at Ford M otor com pany.
Ellen V ickers is v itin g in
F orm er F rench P rem ier F landin home in P ortland She had been
P ortland
P rem ier Blum
leading a resident of P ortland for th e last
that t h e sharpest th in g P resident charges
Mis P earl C ooper of P ortland
France to bankruptcy and d ic ta to r­ 10 years.
was a guest last
Mrs. N ottage was 39 years old.
k « f Mr. and
unit of m easu re out of th e A m erican ship.
Mr I) C W h itiiu
U. S senate votes to let suprem e born Ju ly 10. 1897, a t C edar Mill.
d ollar.
Rev. H A D ickm an officiated at
C ouple M arry
v alu e, he said. Is d eterm ined by co u rt justices at 70 or over to r e ­
e services an d b u rial was in the
Jo h n O ppenlunder
ind M.
tly needs, w ants and desires of the tire at full pay Action by congress th
B ethany cem etery under the d i­
Vand •»-,'andeu wi re mi : i i • ( t i
•F. B D insm ore and son hum an race. N in ety -th ree j u t cent expected to relieve tension over rection of Donelson A- Sewell.
,<nt W edm day w ith Mi
of all busiiie
is don,' on a cred it co u rt proposal.
Besides th e w idow er, she is s u r­
I hnsm uri s m o th er in Wachougul. ba is and w ithout money. It is a
S aturday. F e b ru ary 27
P resident R oosevelt req u ests all vived by tw o daughters. M aryle
m istake for any n ation to lake a
and Eleanor: tw o sisters. Mrs. C hris
J T S h annon is now at the precious m etal as ;* basis o f value 48 states to en act soil conservation R eichen and Mrs. F red Jassy, and
h er d aughter. Mr- E B
Smith Hospital
one brother. F red G rossen, all of
I, after spending the w in te r em ergency goes in to ti ding, he against d usi-torm s and flood».
R alph Jark so n of W apato in W ashington.
. id Fi t money
« ill req u ire
C entral part of M adrid under H illsboro route 1.
Mrs. N ottage attended highschool
un d erw en t a m ajo r operation T u es­
e v e r- en to tak e th e product < heavy fire w,Lh m any casualties r e ­
M rs C harles W alker atten d ed a
in H illsboro and N orm al school
day Dr C T. Sm ith operated
•o,l. he ed
nd cited m any ex ported.
A .1 lian sak er of Forest bridgi luncheon Wedne. •day at t i i l ­ am ples to prove hi* theory.
M ore than 100 in ju red in New in M onm outh, later teaching the
G rove 91. sustained a b roken hip C. A B rodersen hom e in Forest
S eh u lm erich took issue w ith the Y ork w hen thousands of m otion Rock C reek school for tw o years.
in a fall T uesday at tie r home. She Grove
O regonian's co ntention th at th e p ictu re patrons stam pede to the In 1922 she g raduated from the
Mr. and Mi I. A R Nelson of i u n try imw has a 59-cent dollar, stre e ts from seven B roadw ay th e ­ U niversity of W ashington. S h e
is u n d er D r S m ith's carl*.
Elma. Wa h
pent i
■w days in ray in g th at th e re w as no such atres in w hich stench bom bs w ere tau g h t in high schools of N orth
.limes Hospital
throw n at peak of night's a tte n d ­ Bend. C athlam et and R e n t o n .
P eter Melluiisli u n d erw en t a n Ilillsb ro this w eek. 7 . . . , are look- thing.
Illg fo a location on a farm h eri
O IS G ates w as chairm an. Local ance. L abor tro u b le blam ed.
o p e ra tio n i'll- m astoid S atu rd ay D r.
She w as m arried to H ow ard N ot­
Mrs M E T hom as of Hood R iver R otarians have been in v ited to an
II D H uggins and J O Robb o p ­
Sunday. February 28
tage. a form er resident of Hillsboro,
m eeting witii
has nrrtv •d in H illsboro and will in tcr-c ity R otary
S en ato r G eorge of G eorgia raps in 1927 and had m ade h er hom e
Mrs. Lew is Dugan u n d erw en t a spend th e summer here. She may P o r ll u n d club M arch 1C
Roosevelt court proposal, declares in P o rtlan d since. For m any years
m ajor operation Monday, and is h u e ix-rm anenlly.
loyal dem ocrats “rep u d iated '
she was a m em ber of the B ethany
enr.vali seuig nicely.
Eugene Vidal, d ire c to r d e p a rt­ P resb y terian church.
M n ■I M Person le ft Friday for and M rs G eorge Reule.
Mrs. Mike Kahn, w ho h.e been Seat! h ■ Wash . w h ere she w as call-
i r com m erce
Mrs H H. S h ay ler is v isiting h er
id the hospital for some tune, yvill ed bv th e illness of h er m o th er
b ro 'h e r . Jo e and H arry B ourne of b u reau and ex -assistan t U. of O.
Who Am 17
go hom e today «Thursday.I
football coach, resigns.
S enator
Mrs f f­
Pm tland. this w eek.
"You know me. but som etim es
Mis» Ida Jn igi of n o rth of H ills­
Ml and Mrs (in s D raheim w ere
boro is under m edical care
S tre e t car ru n s over R aym ond you forget me. You had b etter tak e
Mender Coining
M K earns. 33. in P o rtlan d
Man care of me.
M is Dan Bailey of C o rn eliu s u n ­ d in n e r guests S unday of Mr mid
lying on track, m u rd e r possibility. ' "P erh ap s you don’t th in k much
d erw en t a m inor operation W ed­
D r and Mrs. E V P rim e of S i ­ form erly w ith M eier X F ran k in
T w o trusties at sta te prison. Jack of m e at times, but if you w ere to
nesday m orning.
lent visited Mrs. Ida B ellinger am) P ortland, will be at W eil's d ep art- You,,,: and C laude Tw igger, escape. w ake up some m orning and realize
('» a n ty H ospital
, m ent sto re all-d ay S atu rd ay , dem -
S trik es t h r e a t t o industries you did not have me. you would
Mrs. P earl Shipley, a n u rse at ■ fam ily Sunday.
M n E. G. Mill, c r of Mukilla vis- onstr
invisible hosiery m end- th ro ughout nation, 13,500 involved : s ta rt the day w ith an uneasy feel­
th e hospital, amt T rev o r H unter,
in new trouble.
.o n of the su p erin ten d en t. Mrs itixl F riday w ith 1 h er sister, Mrs. ing.”
“From m e you get food, clothing,
Monday. M arch 1
Flora K night, spent the w eek-end C. 11 Nosier
P resident Roosevelt proposes to sh e lte r and such lu x u ries as you
w ith Mr and M rs A I! Todd at
F ran k Donnely of P o rtlan d vis.
P h arm aceu tical
congress enactm ent of a sugar enjoy.
New port
ited at th e F red 1 C aldw ell hom e
t some eonseerati I ly e .” q uota system financed by an excise
"If you w ant m e to —badly enough
Miss Emma Belle P eterson retu rn - 1 d u rin g the week-e nd.
I'll get you a tw elve-cylinder m o­
tax on raw sugar.
ed to h er home at A loha hint Mon­
Mr. i.nd Mrs. Jam es Say of S ta y ­
car and a hom e on the avenue.
"You m ean co n cen trated lye."
S uprem e court in a 5-4 decision
day a fter receiving ten day-.' m edi- 1
ton spent th e w eek-end w ith Mr.
"B ut I am exacting. I am a je a l­
"It does n u tm eg any difference," upholds 1933 resolution prohibiting
eul care.
and Mrs E dw ard C. Coman.
the m an le to rte d T h at’s w hat I paym ent of obligations in gold a p ­ ous m istress. Som etim es you a p ­
Mrs. Ellen C hurchill, ro u te 1.
G en eral m eeting of th e M E. cam phor. How m uch docs it sul- plied to contracts for bullion a s ' p ear hardly to ap p reciate m e at
Hillsboro, was operated tin lust F ri­
all. In fact, you m ake slighting
well as in coin.
day by Di Daniel M cDonald, and I L adies' Aid w ill be held T uesday at phur?”
"F ifteen scents. B right f e l l o w ,
2:31) p. m. at th e church.
S it-dow n strik e girls in 5 and 10 rem ark s about m e a t tim es and
is doing nicely
M aster Erw in Steigm an. ro u te 1,
Miss Doris L eithold of P o rtlan d a re n 't you. I n ev er cinnam on w ith cent store in D etroit. Mich., bar neglect me.
"C onsidering th at you need me
bosses from store.
Forest G rove, .subm itted to a m ajo r j sp en t the w eek-end w ith Mrs. W ena so m uch w it."
"W ell, I should m y rrh - m yrrh!
N egro kills th re e W PA relief not only for the m aterial things of
operation M onday m orning.
And as yet am m onia a b eg in n er at h ead q u arters w orkers in Denver. life, but sp iritu ally as well. I w on­
Mis. C la ra K e lso o f S herw ood I Rev. and Mrs. H. G ross of Salem n."
d er som etim es th a t you do not take
In crease in pay given steel w o rk ­ g re a te r pains to hold me.
"W hat if I should get aw ay from
Five Japanese, victim s of an ap-1 you? Y our happiness w ould flee,
p aren tly crazed killer, found i n to r a tim e at least, and your friends
w ould w orry and your bank ac­
grave at A uburn, Wash.
count w ould dw indle.
T uesday. M arch 2
a fte r all. I’m p retty im por­
P resident Roosevelt sends special tan "So
t to you.
m essage to congress pointing tow ard
"I’m y o u r job!
re-establishm ent of N RA -type wages
herish me. T ake good care of
and hours legislation, heid im p er­ me "C and
I'll tak e good care of you "
ativ e to national progress. C om m it- i — E x .
tee on in d u strial analysis finds n a - !
lion progressed tow ard recovery
u n d er NRA but criticized th e re ­
w as invited to
covery agency as attem p tin g to do
h er sister's for a w eek-end. She
too m any things.
S enator Logan of K entucky sup­ w as consideerably puzzled a s t o
ports R oosevelt’s court plan to save w hat to do about her cat. u n til
finally sh e had 3 brig h t idea. She
dem ocracy and constitution.
left th e follow ing n ote under her
C arnegie Steel, em ployer of 120.- neighbor's door:
00!) persons, announces $5 m inim um
"D ear Mrs. Sam uels: W ould you
d aily wage and a basic 40-hour please p u t out a little food each
day for my cat. It w ill eat alm ost
Tuesday. M arch 2
anything, but don't put yourself
O regon and Idaho senators urge out."—Ex.
m easure for com plete developm ent
of C olum bia riv er from B onneville
Say you saw i t In the Argus.
Sehulmerich Talks
fief ore Rot a ria ns
on Sound Money
Funeral Held for
Native Cedar Mill
Local Happenings
At the Hospitals
sriT ou r of the aii three class
Paire Pive
Planning Board
Reports Program
Actual photograph of Nash L a F a yttle-“ 100” 4 Door Satan leith trunk
# i/x ik at that big car! Wouldn't you lx' proud to own
it? It's the neto Nash LaFayette-"400” . . . a greatbig
117-inch wheeltinm car much bigger than any of the
“ all three’ small cars—yet costs justa few dollars more.
about Ibr coiiirniinl terms and tow rater available
throuth the Norh C .l I' Ihalgel Flan. Antomatie C ntiiint
(¡ear available on all Nash models at slight extra cost.
1 ,8 S. Second A ve.
A check-up recently made In ten representative cities
shows that the Nash LaFayette*“ 4 0 0 " 4-Door Sedan
with trunk DELIVERS for ¡ust a FEW dollars more than
the similarly equipped 4-Door sedans of the "All
Three" small cars. In many places, the SLIGHT differ­
ence in price amounts to (ust $1 or $2 a month extra
on your time payments.
Monday, March 8
Boysenberry Plants
Too Late to Classify
FOR SALE—-Boysenberry plants.—
T. If P itm an. H illsboro, Rt. 4
East. P hone 1158.
P h one H illsb oro 2641
D IN IN G table and four chairs. $11.
—See M. A. Woods, P alm Drug
ip ’
R oute 2
at M oderate Prices
L et us supply you w ith
concrete o r v itrified clay
pipe, or iron soil pipe. Wo
are also equipped to handle
the com plete connection job.
We w ish to express o u r a p p re ­
ciation for the kindness an d sym ­
p athy ex tended us in th e loss of our
beloved one. Ezra Sabin; and also
for th e lovely flow ers.—Mrs. M ary |
Sabin and fam ily.
BAY horse. 1300 lbs., for sale M r s
E E. N orthrup. Shady Brook. Rt.
3, H illsboro.
M onum ent W orks
Hillsboro and Newberg, Ore.
II. II. S tannard. Mgr.
LOST — Tw o spotted black and
w hite po in ter dogs, m ale and fe­
male. R ew ard. — P hone H illsboro
PIGS. 8 an d ¡1 w eeks old. C all S a t­
urday and S unday.—G eorge Al-
tishin. B eaverton; n e a r H azeldale
Regulation Grass Markers in ­
stalled within 50 miles of Hillsboro,
$25 and up; quality decides t h e
price. Workmanship and quality
remain long after price is forgot­
O regon
JU S T received load o f m ilking
S horthorn cows, fresh and com ­
ing fresh. Som e m ilking 50 lbs. now.
all bred to registered m ilk strain
bull.—G ail K arns. Orenco.
3100-lb. team for sale.—E I. D onel­
son, Rt. 1. H illsboro; ’i - m ile
n o rth of old high school.
Modern Memorial»
FO R SA LE—L ate Fordson tracto r
o r plow, pulley, belt, new tu b u ­
lar m ilk cooler, hay fork and c a r­
rie r for wood track pulleys, wheel
barrow , log chain, corn planter, hay
knife, etc. — R. Hoard, betw een
Farm ington and G roner's.
TWO fresh Jersey -G u ern sey c o w s :
fo r sale. — W alter Wyss, Aloha, i
P hone B eaverton 1919.
$10 per 100
H illsboro
LIG HT team mules, gentle, good
w orkers, single or double. $75.—
R Hoard, betw een F arm ington and
G roner's.
A ll K inds of Clay and Cem ent B uilding M aterials
Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co.
Phone 1341
N o n h of C annery, across W. W ashington St.
Plenty o f Good T ransportation
R easonable Cost
Many M akes
D en ta l
W ork
T hat has
A li Laboratory
W ork D one in
My O wn O ffice
Term s to Suit Purchaser
Ford V-8 Sedan
Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan ... 395
Hupmobile Sport Coupe . 275
Plymouth Coach ............. 275
Plymouth Sedan .............. 195
Chevrolet Coupe ............ 225
Ford A Coupe .................. 150
Chevrolet Sedan
Chevrolet Coach
Chevrolet Truck
GMC Truck
.................. 425
Federal Truck ............
Many more to choose from
Tualatin Valley Federal Savings and
Loan Association
Hillsboro, Oregon
C ertified Plum Farm er Black Caps
WANTED—C ream sep arato r in fair
condition, 350 - 600 lbs. per hour.
—H. S chw arzenbach. W itch Hazel:
Rt. 2, B eaverton.
lp i
Plus S a fety
J. M. PERSON, Mgr.
» Painting
• Paperhanging
• Kalsomining
T here is no w orrying about th e safety of y o u r savings
w hen you invest them here. You get double protection—
first m ortgages on homes and in su ran ce for safety up to
$5900 per account u n d er F ederal Plan.
Let us show you how, NOW!
Savings & Loan Bldg,
Say you saw It In the Argus
When actual distribution of funds
to ( irry out P resident Roosevelt's
$ , fXX IHXJ.OOO public '.'. orks program
dffnir have to be
get ; under way. O regon is e x ­
to enjoy ticA whiskey!"
pected to receive sev eral million
dollars for developm ent of its w a­
ter resource, and th e section of
O ld Q uaker brings you a barrel
the state in w hich H illsboro is lo­
o f quality in every bottle and it
Prices Right
cated con tain s a num ber of pro­
d oesn't cost you a barrel of money.
posed projects, rep o rts now on file
T h e O ld Q uaker Co.. Lawrenceburg, ’ nd.
at the O regon state planning board
X X c U t N I-
office show.
ia Sye
Oregon, for purposes of th e n at­
ional w ater resources study, has
Phone 3451X
been divided roughly into seven
regions, som e of w hich also in­
clude p a rt, o f W ashington. C alif­
ornia Idaho and Nevada. These are
designated as W illam ette-C olum bia
west of th e C ascade,. M iddle Co­
lum bia. O regon Pacific. N orth Pa-
clfic-K lam ath. N orth M inor G reat
basin. S n ak e river, and S acram en­
to river. H illsboro is located in the
W illam ette-C olum bia basin.
2 mile» south of F orest G rove at Dilley
Ask Channel
In th e W illam ette-C olum bia west
of the C ascades basin th e report
1 o’clock
recom m ends first of all th a t a 27-
foot channel be dredged from V an­
couver to Bonneville, at a cost of
T h irteen head of cow« and heifer«, 6 head in full flow
$2 389 090. T he survey for this has
milk, balance to fre sh e n a t tim e of sale. All double-
already been com pleted Second in
priority is th e extension of the tested. One G uernsey bull. 2 y ears old. One brood sow.
low er tu rn in g basin in th e V an­ M elotte cream se p ara to r, 740-lb. capacity. 4 sets of hay
couver region, estim ated to cost slings.
A nother sm aller project gets
TER M S: Those desiring cred it should see th e clerk
third place, a 10-foot channel in the before tim e of sale.
Ekomin slough, to cost $16 000
F ourth place is allotted a 30-foot
channel a t St Helens, to cost $50-
J. W. H ughes, A u ction eer
M. R. Johnson, Clerk
Includes Tualatin
T he huge and highly im portant
project in the W illam ette riv e r ba­
sin. providing for bank protection
and channels in the W illam ette and
its trib u taries, w hich includes the '
• ■ ' c i ime fifth on th e list,
estim ated to cost $2.430.000 S ixth
place is allotted to th e P ortland
sew age project, for w hich a cost
of $9,575,000 is estim ated.
T he rep o rt includes 24 other pro­
The new, largest, h a rd ie st and heaviest producer
jects. som e of which a re levee im ­
of all good berries. U nexcelled flav o r w ith a ta n g
provem ents n ear P ortland, estim at­
ed to cost $1 059 900: construction of
of red rasp b e rry and wild b lack b erry , e ith e r fresh,
levees and d rainage w orks in the
frozen or canned. E arly tipped, fine large plants.
S auvies island area.
precipitation m easurem ent, stream
20c each
15 for $2
100 for $10
gauging and o th er projects for the
low er C olum bia basin to tallin g
500 at $ 6 .5 0 per hundred
m ore than $560,000. and a num ber
1000 or over at w h o lesa le prices
of others.
A Higher Wage Scale
for Your Dollar
L ittle E thel—"M other, are y o u
the nearest re lativ e I've got?”
H er M other—"Yes. dear, a n d
your fath er is th e closest.”—Ex.
Hillsboro Motor Co.
318-332 E. Main St.
Hillsboro, Oregon
Dr. Abram s
Use Car I.ot at 136 S. Second Ave.