Page F o u r TT T T. T. ? B O R O State President Gives Awards of Citizenship Needs of Nursery School Cited AT! G V 8 , ÎT T T . L S R O R O , O R F 0 O N Executives Make Proclamations N l i r s o r v school, of w hich Miss Mary 1'nslin is teacher, wishes to publicly thank the follow ing ci g.mi. atii.n- for donations to the school: The Coffee elub. W om ­ Air* B lanche Jo n es of Sherw ood tion. Mrs. C. E Wells, w ho is an - R elief corps. P arent-T each- a i.itii -t -Sor\ ice club and state president of th e A m erican l.e tat,- ch airm an ol app ro v ed schools friends th e relief office, and the «ion A uxiliary, officiated at th e took Mi-.. Matthic.- on a trip along presentation of citizenship aw ard ' the coast from Toft to the Sea l.ion nd an 1 th ird grades of th e D avid Hill school O th er item s to 17 Cam p Eire girls at the meet caves Tuesday. still needed by the- _____ ing of the A uxiliary Tuesday night •chool _____ include _ D avid Hill chapter. D A R will at the V eterans’ hail. Mr-- Jones m eet M onday w ith M r- M cC onnell i an alum inum pitcher, a bolt of was accom panied by Mrs M a e of P o rtla n d M e m b e rs a r e to m eet I y ard-w ido unbleached m uslin, a W aters of Salem , state v ice-presi­ at the W ashington hotel. rolling pin. four y ard s of bright dent. Both ladies gave interesting oeele red oilcloth, cots or ch ild ren 's talks on the w ork of th e A u x ilia n bods, and various m iscellaneous throughout the state, and urged item.- w hich n-.av be learned at the school. that efforts be m ade to add to the m em bership if possible b e f o r e N u i'erv -odeie-l council will M arch 13 in o rd er to present the T he C olonial fen sponsored by m eet Thursday afternoon to plan state m em bership chairm an w ith th e Coffee elub Friday afternoon for added co-e-pcration of the the desired quota for the state 5000 at too hom e of Mr- Thom as C o n ­ ci ¡--.munity w ith the school. A at that time. nell was atten d ed by a large crow d, m eeting of paren ts of n u rsery ch ild ren is planned for th e fol­ Mrs. A rth u r K roeger. chairm an and a good program w as enjoyed Mrs V. W G ard n er had ch arg e of lowing T hursday .iftcriiexui Uevth of the A m ericanism com m ittee, had charge of the program , w hich was the p rogram and presented ' t h e m eeting- arc in be helel at th e Dav id Hill building, at 2:30. N u r­ presented by th e th ree Cam p F ire follow ing num bers: Along w ith tin- C hief E xecutive , U n d er auspices of the O regon M inuet be school ch ild ren u n d er se ry , chi el is open to p aren ts F ed eratio n of B usiness and l ’re-fes 1 of out -late 1 w ould urge you to set direction of Miss M aurine Moore, and in terested visitors at all -ional W om en's club plans a re b e ­ aside th e w eek o f M utch 14th to accordion solos by Dale Busch. time-- Miss Fnslin announces. N ational Business W omen's ing m ade for this state to join the 20th , vocal d u et by C aroline K arkevarf nation-w ide e>bse-rv am-e of "B usiness W eek" to learn more- of th e B usi­ and V’iolet L und in. w ith Mrs K ark- ness .met Professional W om en's club W omen's Week. M atch 14 to 20 w arf as accom panist; piano solos activities. 1 he- purposes of this group are: by Miss B lanche Finegan. Irene To elev ate the stan d ard s for w om ­ Il is NOT ju st an o th er club but Engeldinger. an d L ynn Hall: vocal en in business and professions: a group of w om en associated to­ l du ets by Mrs V W. G a rd n e r and To prom ote the interests of b u si­ g ether for a very speciul purpe-se. Mrs L. C K ranuen. Mrs. Fred ness and professional women: I Caldw ell, w ho eeas detained, a r ­ O nly a few decades ago w om en To b rin g about a sp irit of co ­ had very little o pportunity to muke riv ed later and sang sev eral song.- Mrs H arriet Krause- le c tu re r and op eratio n am ong business and pres- th eir influence m anifest In a public w ith g u itar accom panim ent. Flags w ere used as decorations* radii- -tx-aki-r w ill d eliv er a lectu re fessional women in the sta te of way for the b etterm en t of m ankind about th e rooms, an d ivy grow n on child w elfare for th e w omen of O regon as w ell as in the U s . A.; T heir light w as a reflected light To ex ten d o p p o rtu n ities to b u si­ Today* business anil profeweionul from a sp rig from th e tom b of this com m unity in th e H illsboro professional w om en women have joined them selves G eorge W ashington The tea table M ethodist ch u rch M arch 12 at 2:30 ness and was decorated w ith a red. w h ite p m it w as announced this week th ro u g h education along lines of together to raise th e sta n d a rd s of | and blue floral center-piece, flan k ­ A rrangem ents are being m ade by in d u strial, scientific and vocational I women in public life and break ■ activities. ed by candles of the sam e colors the H illsboro T ow nsend club. I down old prejudices reg ard in g I I urge the citizens of this state I th eir -ex O u r cou n try is be-tter I Mrs K rause is sponsoring a Mrs G ard n er and Mrs. M cK innev to co-iiperate in observance of th is I for thi poured. daily broadcast from P o rtlan d for influence Hostesses w ere dressed in C olonial women, entitled. 'The Voice of w eek in token of th e ap preciation ' J. II GARRETT. costum es and included M esdames A m erican Women " S he is a close of th e co n trib u tio n s to our econom ­ M ayor of H illsboro Thom as C onnell. G ardner. P J stu d en t of m odern problem s co n ­ ic and c u ltu ra l life that a re being I Karkevarf. A nna W illiamson. Emm a fro nting th e A m erican hom e and m ade by these women. CHA RLES H MARTIN. McKinney. C C. D cFrees. J . Nico- h er message deals w ith com m unity Show y o u r lovely th ro a t G o v ern o r of O regon w elfare. demus. and O tto H artram pf. in a frock th a t boasts a At the m eetin g of th e club Mon­ Mrs. Blanche Jones low fla tte rin g n eck iin e! day in th e M ethodist church, the P aren t -T eacher association . , annou n cem en t was m ade th a t a B rillia n t p rin ts a n d groups sponsored by th e A uxiliary. sponsoring a tea T uesday afternoon | c. ked food sale w ill be held S a t­ solid colors. These groups and th e ir leaders for m others of ch ild ren w ho will u rd ay at F red ’s S u p erio r m ark et w ere honor guests at th e m eeting BANKS m.,,1 • , n , e n te r sch° o1 fall The tea will Mrs. A. H Busch e n tertain ed The program included special fea­ and M rs K VT. 1 % B unkS bl' hehl in tl,e <* D«Vid and included W ahkecna group, with tu re by Mrs. H R C hantler. and D nl1 '< chw l fro,n ,h re e u n lil fl'«' GOAR'S Mrs. G eorge Fischer as leader: w ith a series of th ree bridge lu n ch ­ m usic by Jo h n E ldridge, g u ita r w e íe m a rd e d W d n « H » A eon parties last w eek Mrs L. P. * P o X . - d a n d the n u rsery school. Miss M arv Lohese group, w ith Miss Blanche player. Main fe atu re of th e e v e ­ h"st Busch received high honors at the C hurch T ie o . J n PaneSe Udd' En'< li'’ in C har* e- w l" <* Britton, assistant leader, su b stitu t­ ning was an auction pie sale w hich sm all ch ild ren w hich m others ing for Mrs. L. E. Francis, who was W ednesday party, w ith Mrs J. H afforded much am usem ent and neat form ed bv M T M h X ? n< was,j* ’r - ; E. M. Barnes, Prop. M urton second. At T h u rsd a y s r e d d in g wish to bring w ith them T he th ree ill; and the Talahi group, w ith Mrs. sum of money for Tow nsendism . d in n e r w as L r L d J a Panese p rim ary teach ers w ill be- present to A. H. Abts as leader. Mrs. Fischer p arty Mrs. V erne M cK inney m ade The next m eeting of the club will r e s t a u r a n ? n e \ d Í re stau ran t. O ne hu n d red and tw en-1 m eet the m others. introduced th e leaders a n d a n- high score and Mrs. J a k e Weil sec­ be M onday. M arch 15. L nd['dinner * n ded ,h e » « ^ ¡ n g J C om m ittee In ch arg e includes nounced the program , w hich con­ ond. and at th e F rid ay p artv Mrs sisted of singing o f Cam p F ire W illiam Hare. Mrs J. W K elley B aniS X , 3hre 3t h ° T n e a r I M ^ a m M ’HawScH Talqy.'Ben’F ab er songs, and a play d epicting the and Mrs. C. E Wells received prizes H 1 ! ........................ ™ O ut-of-tow n guests w ere Mrs I seven crafts of C am p Fire. This play w as presented by m em bers of P Busch and M r- A. O. Johnson th e Lohese group. E velyn Busch of Forest G rove. Mrs. C harles Ellis W inifred Wiley. Alice Pirie. Erm a and Mrs. K en n eth F ren ch of P o rt­ M esdam es A dolph M ohr, Jo h n Banks Jap an ese school, w hich holds b O W lC C V l i l i ) H o l d ' s I *. A t . • Jean Williams, P atricia K roeger. land. H argrave. E lm er Peterson. O M classes all day S a tu rd a y and S un- ¿'’ , , , . , 4 v - lg U t A lC C tlU g C lare E lizabeth B ickford. Jean Ann Heaton. A. L. Brock. E. M B ow ­ day. He also has a stra w b e rry field V lU e .S t c„r,.i„„ clu 1 b u u neld u a guest . m eet- Pasley. and B etty D orland. m an and H enry Y oung atten d ed n ear Banks. . . I o6rvicc Those receivin g th e ir citizenship :he R ebekah d istrict convention at friends bothn Ta ™nPX 0l ‘T A ,y ” i in< W ednesday evening. F e b ru ary aw ards w ere P atty C rockett. Lois th e I. O. O. F. tem ple in P o rtlan d .can, c h a r iv a r i^ ? M and A m e r - ¡ 24. at the cham ber of com m erce H ewitt. P atty McCoy. B etty D or­ T sutsl ThVv w e r e J r M De.rothv K W.-inste-m school S atu rd ay . M others of Rainbow- girls m et land, G race Engeldinger. Nancy Messrs. A dolph Mohr. O. M seren ad e a f L r w hieh «h 3 n c !s-v > nurse, spoke M rs H H S tanna, d Easter. C h arlo tte W oodward, and M onday w ith Mrs. L E M acDowell H eaton. A. L. B rock E lm er P eterson wort? served , n ew l>'' P resented her d ram atic classes Evelyn P atten of the Lohese group and organized a H illsboro Rainbow and E. M. Bow m an jo in ed th eir the crow d S a tu r ? L Plays' th e j unior «ro u P ‘P B everly Weil. D orine Fnelker. G en ­ M others club. O fficers elected w ere w ives and atten d ed th e m eeting of the crow d. S atu rd ay , th e J a p a n e s e —T eeth of a G ift Horse." a n d the eva Neilsen. V eronica Grogan. M ar­ Mrs. Ja k e Weil, president; Mrs. W inona Rebe-kah lodge at th e sam e school children gave a p arty for senior group in "The G ift of Life th e ir teacher and his bride They Miss Lucille- F isher m ade high score- garet Havens. L o rrain e and Rita MacDowell. vice-president, and Mrs. place in th e evening. Schneider, B etty G ardner, a n d W ayne P atterso n se c re ta ry -tre a s­ refreshm ents. L ater the in gii.-SMog g a m e H o stesses for Mrs. E stella N. Weed, p resid en t served B ernadine S m ith of T alahi group. urer. Mrs. J. H. M urton is m o th er of the assem bly, was guest of teac h er gave each pupil several the evening w ere M esdames W R gifts. O thers present had received th eir advisor of th e group. M anley. H arvey B atchelar. Clem honor at th e even in g m eeting. aw ards p rior to th is time. R a.nbcw assem bly w ill m eet next E slinger. W. C. G ifford, and E. C A nother C am p F ire group is be­ M onday evening for pot luck su p ­ S chulm erich. ing organized w ith Mrs. Russell p er before the m eeting. P aren ts and T isdale as leader, and w ill be spon­ fam ilies of the g irls a re in v ite d , No w aitin g . . . no sored by th e A uxiliary. to atten d th e supper. . . . y o u r a u to ac cid e n t C offee club m em bers have been Hostesses for th e evening w ere Jacob H erm an of n ear H illsboro in v ited to atten d a m eetin g of the M esdames A rth u r K roeger. R us­ ju s tm e n t will b e settled celebrated his 75th b irth d ay M arch F orest G rove W om en's club M on­ P hone 953 : H illsboro sell Morgan. J. H. K roeger and L 1. It w as his eig h th b irth d ay in day afternoon at t h e p ro m p tly and courteously. C lark. W om ens FU N ER A L DIRECTO RS Hillsboro, and 47 y ears in Chicago. club building. Mrs. Sadie O rr- And A nnouncem ent was m ade th at The P erfection b ak ery sen t him a D u n b ar of P ortland, officer of the O ld Line Board LICENSED EM RALM ERS th e county jam bo ree would be held New officers elected at P ast O r­ b eautiful b irth d ay cake. general federation, w ill b e t h e C om panies here M arch 23. w ith th e A uxiliaries acles' club m eeting T uesday at th e P resen t w ere Mrs. F ran k lin S tan - m eeting in the V eterans' hall. W F. L orm or hom e w ere Mrs. P. ger. Mr. and Mrs. G us B ark s of speaker. T he p rogram w ill begin at 3:15. i A. Q ualls, p resid en t: Mrs. B erth a P ortland. Mrs. Sophia H erm an and 1 Ennis, v ice-president: Mrs C laud Mr. and Mrs. E W. Moore of Hills- and all m em bers a re urged to a t­ A sk tend. : Cook, secretary ; Mrs. J. R. W atkins boro. H A R R IS O N D. H U G G IN S ELM ER VARNER treasu rer, an d Mrs. O. C oslett S r M. D. I press correspondent. Mrs. J Jo h a n ­ F e d e ra l E m ploye EYE, EAR. NO SE and TIIKOAT m ade hign score a t "500" and Mesdcmes W. R M anley. C. E. sen a b o u t his claim Mrs. W. O. M orley, second. SPE C IA L IST Wells and A. W. Moore attended the state convention of D aughters P y th ia n S isters w ill sponsor a of A m erican R evolution at C orval­ Leiry Club Meets— Mrs. E stella Johnson, district b en efit card p arty T h u rsd ay night. G LA SSES FITTED lis M onday and Tuesday. Mrs. W il­ L eisyville W om en's club will d ep u ty grand chief, announced at M arch 11. at th e K. P. hall on S ec­ liam E. B ecker of N ew Jersey, m eet T hursday. M arch 11. at the th e m eeting of P hoenicia Tem ple. ond a v en u e south. C o n tract and president general of th e national home of Mrs. F ra n k P ranger. This P y th ian Sisters. F rid ay n ig h t th a t au ction bridge, and pinochle will C om m ercial B uilding organization, and Miss K ath erin e is an all-d ay m eeting, from 10 to th e convention of t h i s d istrict be played. Also "500'' if desired. Phon« M atthies of New Haven. Conn., n a ­ 4. w ith a pot luck luncheon at w ould be held in H illsboro on Houn Mrs. G. Russell M organ is general 60 K inds of Insuranro R Pidenee 2971 9 :S0 <. m . to 12 tional chairm an of approved schools, noon. T he q u ilts w ill be finished M ay 14. afternoon an d evening. ch airm an an d w ill be assisted by O ffice 2971 P h on e 1701Y U t K. W aahlngtoa 1 :30 p m . to 6 p. w ere honor guests at th e c o n v e n -. at th is m eeting. A pot luck d in n e r preceded the o th e r m em bers on the hostess com ­ re g u la r m eetin g F rid ay night. m ittee. E verybody invited. Annual Colonial Tea Draws Large Crowd Portland IVornan Lecturer Here Friday, March 12 P.-T. A. Sponsors I Tea Next Tuesday Japanese Folk Marry in Portland Mrs. Busch Hostess at Bridge Parties Woman's Shop SU N . - M O N . - TU ES. 2 M AJOR FEATURES Local Rebekahs at District Session A Coffee Club to Visit Forest Grove Monday CAST Convention Date Set for May 14 i Donelson &. Sewell . i - t h . -r ono *’h' ' lo.ih'«' a* pio» C ° d o««« b.n,l „then d«r-ou 1‘ ’he Card Party Planned by Pythian Sisters Wo(d ,0' ? cheta HopO‘<,B<1 Adolph Zukor prêtant» RUSHLOW E ver Ready Class M eets— The E ver R eady class of th e C h ristian church w ill m eet this __ _ aftern o o n (T hursday» at hom e of '^ r ' E- Nelson, w ith Mrs. Clem Fishback as assistin g hostess. M is-ionary M eeting T u esd ay — W omen of th e C h ristian ch u rch w ill hold a business and m issionary m et ting T uesday aftern o o n from 2 to 4 a t th e church. Spring - - - is just around the corner! W /’INTER is n early over . . . and you'll ” soon be g etting o u t into th e spring sunshine. L et us freshen yo u r b right spring skirts, dresses and sw eaters—o u r modern, safe cleaning m ethods w ill m ake them as good as new. A nd—best of all — th e cost is reasonable. Home Laundry Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Ore. C larence E. M u lfo r d ’s II I I ICE CREAM CONES Buy One Double-Sized Cone at the Regular Price of 5c Saturday and get another for.................... ROGERS AMBASSADOR BILL c 1 w ith G reta Nissen Marguerite Churchill Gustav von Seyffertitz Directed by Ssm Taylor O ffer G ood Saturday, M arch 6th , O nly Asfc how new low rates can save you 10 to 3 0 c , • Gas has always given the best automatic hot water service. Now it also gives the cheapest! The new low rates cut costs 10 to 30%. Learn more about them by calling or visiting your Gas Co. office. Automatic gas water heaters are low in price, may be bought on convenient terms. Start enjoying effort­ less hot water. Buy an autom atic gas water h eater now! P ortland G as 306 E. Main St. a C oke C o m p a n y Rose Bushes L ad ies’ P ercale Aprons Now is th e tim e to p lan t Rose Rushes. . . . and SPR O U SE-R EITZ CO. can su p p ly you w ith a fine selection. E ast colors, b e a u tifu l p a tte rn s, flood selection of styles. See th em ! H ard y , Field G row n T w o-year P la n ts Each 23c 2 45c 35c PLUS— W ill COME EARLY! 25c with W illia m Boyd • Jim m y Ellison Georg* Haye* • Stephen Morri* • Charlene Wyoll SLEEVE ETIQUETTE A N D HILARIOUS HORSE SENSEI B ailey’« delicious hom e-m ade ICE CREAM , m an u fa c tu re d in H illsboro. Y our choice of e ith e r V anilla or C hocolate. R oyal Red B eauty . Roslyn H a d ley - H oosier B eau ty G olden Em blem - T alism an A utum n, and m any o th ers BORDERLAND THE WILL ROGERS YO U LOVED . . . W ITH SHIRT- Introducing the A d d itio n o f Ice Cream to our C on fection ery D epartm en t E n tertain N eed lecraft C lub— Mrs. A rn ie D ickason an d Mrs. Thom as L iteral w ill en te rta in i the N eed lecraft club this afternoon 1 (T h u rsd ay ) a t th e D ickason home. Box Social F rid ay — T h e old-fashioned box social to have been held last F rid ay ev en in g at th e C h ristian ch u rch w ill be held this F rid ay at 7:30 in th e basem ent of th e church. P roceeds w ill go in to th e b u ild in g fund. T h e public is invited. A i " : . ' . ’" - Past Oracles Elect Officers Local Women Attend D. A. R. Convention IN THRILLING OUTDOOR ROMANCE! ---------------- Rainbow Mothers Organize Club i 5th Birthday Observed Here S T A R -S T U D D E D . j LJ V E N E T IA N — WED., March 10 ’ 70 MINUTES OF GRAND ENTERTAINMENT!1 49c A Spring A nklets W hen you see th ese you will ag re e w ith us w hen we say th e y a re th e best values we have ever show n. J S P fln K V m c F R B L A IlD ^ P H ILL IP S HOLMES • RALPH -M O R G A N • IRVING PICHEL ROSINA LAWRENCE j.’ i DOUBLE iu u o L .r , r FEATURE 10c „„,i 15c SPROUSE-REITZ CO. w tth S ROBERT VOUNO ANN SOUTHERN