The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 04, 1937, Page 11, Image 11

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    T him day. March 4. 10.17
n I r. i. s p, n r o
a r g u s
h h
p, n r o ;
n r e c o n
Page Three
■ -
Meet The
7 • -
Hillsboro ARGUS Family
As Your Paper Begins Its 44th Year
Publisher - Associate E d ito r
F lin t p u ic h .i -;«•<! an In te re st in
th e H ills b o ro A rg u s in A p r il,
n a tiv e d a u g h te r o f
W a sh in g ton c o u n ty In th e same
bu n,«- . . c o n tin u o u s ly l o n g e r
th a n a n yo n e in H ills b o ro and
lo n g e r in O regon n e w sp a pe r
w in k th a n any o th e r w om an.
So, today we want you to meet the members of
your Argus family—the loyal group of 10 workers
who “make your Hillsboro Argus,’’ who are dedi­
cated to the enjoyable task of serving you and turn-
Ì&C i
Today, your Hillsboro Argus changes its mast­
head to read “Volume 44, Number 1.” By this act
we mark the start of our 44th year—a year in which
we will continue to play an active part in the com­
mercial, social and community life of Hillsboro and
Washington county.
¡ng out a newspaper worthy of this progressive com­
munity. Add to this staff the 34 community corres­
pondents who gather news of your friends and
neighbors in outlying districts and you find your­
self served by a sizeable family. Then consider the
fact that 90 per cent of the payroll for this group is
returned directly into Hillsboro trade channels. We
ask in return only your co-operation, goodwill and
loyalty in a measure equal to our co-operation,
goodwill and loyalty toward you.
M c K inney
E ditor - M anager
W ith th e H illsboro A rgus 14
years. B ecam e associated w ith
his m other in th e publishing
firm of M cK inney & M cKinney
in 1923.
. «
• z i l L
El) (O M A N
Advertising Manager
W ith the Hillsboro A rg u s 5
New s E ditor
W ith th e H ills b o ro A rg u s l ' i
N um erous honors have come
to your H illsboro A rgus in our
endeavor to provide a new spaper
w ith a sta n d ard of excellence
consistent w ith th e stan d in g and
needs of th is com m unity. O ur
most recen t honor is sym bolized
in the Sigm a D elta C hi trophy-
show n at th e left an d aw arded
to th e H illsboro A rgus as the
best w eekly n ew spaper in O re­
gon for 1936. T his tro p h y was
won by y o u r n ew spaper once
before in 1930, th e first y ear of
the contest.
The H illsboro A rgus be­
gan se isin g the H illsboro
com m unity in 1891, w ith
R. IL M itchell as e d ito r
am i W. ('. Clow as busi­
ness m an ag er. This first
edition w as a four-page,
fo u r colum n a ff a ir and is
now on display in the A r­
gus office. T he p a p e r
hands several
tim es d u rin g th e period
from 1891 and A pril,
1901, when Mrs. E. C.
M cKinney, p resent pub­
lisher, bought out the in­
terest of C laude Robinson
a n d becam e associated
with L. A. Long. In 1907
H enry G. G uild purchased
Mr. Long's in terest and
served as e d ito r until
1909, w hen Mrs. M cKin­
ney becam e sole ow ner.
Mr. Long rem ained w ith
the p a p e r as e d ito r until
N ovem ber, 1923, w hen W.
V erne M cKinney, present
ed ito r and business m an a ­
ger. becam e a s s o c ia te d
w ith his m other in the
publishing firm of Mc­
Kinney and M cKinney.
The H illsboro A rgus is
n o w a n eig h t - colum n
n ew spaper. Last w eek the
issue ran 14 pages of
news, fe a tu re s and a d v e r­
tising. T he classified page
set a new reco rd , 121 d if­
fe re n t item s being listed
u n d e r 30 headings.
Your A rgus every w eek contains
county com m unity news, city and
county official news, tim ely edi­
torial com m ent, sta te and national
news letters, helpful household and
h in ts , c h u r c h announce­
m ents, com ing events, sp o rts events,
org an izatio n , d u b and society news,
cartoons, larg est classified page in
th e county, money saving store a d ­
vertisem ents. K eep i n f o r m e d
th ro u g h th e m edium of your local
new spaper.
Y our H ills b o ro A rgus
w as:
Plant Foreman - Printer
Linotype Operator
W ith th e H illsboro A rgus 7
A ccorded H onorable M en­
tion in 1935 N ational
E ditorial A s s o c i a t i o n
N ew sp a p er Production
and G eneral E x cellen ce
C ontests.
H onorable M e n t io n i n
1935 N ational E ditorial
A ssociation N ew sp ap er
Production C ontest.
S elected on C a sey ’s A ll-
A m erican W eek ly N ew s­
paper E leven in 1931.
N am ed O r e g o n ’s B e s t
W eek ly N ew sp a p er in
1930 and 1936.
A ccord ed d is t in g u is h e d
rating in 1928 and 1929
N ation al C o m m u n ity
N ew sp a p er C ontests.
H as been t h e o f f i c i a l
W a s h in g to n c o u n t y
n ew sp a p er fo r m an y
A dvertisers, large and sm all, dis­
play or classified, w ho w a n t re ­
sults place th e ir m essages in th e
H illsboro A rgus because y o u r new s­
p a p e r o ffers th e g re a te st n um ber
of W ash in g to n county re a d e r pros­
pects a v ailab le th ro u g h any m edia,
because your n ew sp ap er g u a ra n te e s
circu latio n figures, because y our
n e w sp a p e r has high r e a d e r in te r­
est and because y o u r n ew sp ap er
o ffers a d v ertisin g cut and c o p y
service free.
C om m ercial p rin tin g th a t is m od­
ern, t h a t h as life, th a t will sell is
tu rn e d out by our skilled p rin te rs
using eq u ip m en t designed to give
y o u r le tte rh e a d s, office f o r m s ,
card s, etc., a real punch. No job
is too larg e or too sm all. Give our
com m ercial d e p a rtm e n t an o p p o rtu ­
nity to do y o u r w ork. You will
find th e fin ish ed jo b will com pete
in q u a lity and price w ith any ob­
ta in a b le anyw here.
P rin te r - M ake-up M an
W ith the H illsboro A rgus 10
Chief Clerk - Assistant Society
Linotype Operator - Pressman
With the Hillsboro Argus 0
Apprentice - Stereotyper
Your Argus Correspondents
Miss M ary S andy
B loom ing
s. E. W . H inrichs
..............Mrs. . ().
O. H. P eterson
rs. J Jesse M eyers
B eaverton
Miss L. J. C a rte r
B ethany-C edar M ill»................ Miss D orothy Boy
Cherry G rove
............... Mrs. P. P a tto n
C h ehalem M ountain
Mrs. Bird M cCorm ick
Cedar M ill»...................
...................... Girl Scouts
Farm ington
Firdale-Iow a Hill
G aston
G reen M ountain
H a y w a r d ........................
H iteon
H a z e ld a le ........................
H elvetia .................................... Mrs. J. M. D avidson
K in to n ..................................................... Mrs. E. L. Cox
K ansas C ity.................................... Mrs. J. A. McCoy
L a u r e l............................................... Mrs. F, L. Brown
L e is y v ille ................................... Mrs. Jo h n G ates J r.
Mason H ill ................................... Mrs. B. E. W a ld o rf
M o u n ta in d a le .............. Miss M arg aret M athiesen
M ountain H om e........................ Mrs. M abie Allison
North P la in s ......................... Miss E ugenia C ypher
O renco .............................................. Mrs. G ail K arns
O r c h a r d a le ........................................ Mrs. R. H u n g er
R e e d v ille .................................... Mrs. M ary S inclair
Rock Creek ............................ Mrs, F ra n k P ezo ld t
R oy................................. Miss A gnes Y an d e rza n d e n
S c h o lls .................................. Miss L orraine Dem m in
T h a tch er............................................ Mrs. Lou W rig h t
T im b e r........................................... Miss M. T allm an
With the Hillsboro Argus 10
Printer - Pressman
With the Hillsboro Argun I
W ith the H illsboro Argua 1
Comnn, Davis and T.omnx Picture« by
Rchrnmcl Studio
L atin , Davidaon and Cochran Picturaa by
Srhramel Studio