Page Four H IL L S B O R O Hillsboro Couple Wedded 57 Years Observe Event R. P. State Officers Visit Oregon Citv Colonial Silver Tea Set Friday by Coffee (dub A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , \V. K. C. Presents Patriotic Program /). U. F. Presents Rebekahs Plan State Leader Patriotic Program for Plans w ere fot Ululali i| at the m et'ting of H illsboro Rebekah lodge at Last Meeting Tuesday evening lor eiiterlam ing M is Estolla N Weed. president el 1 atriotic program at W oman's Relief C orps m eeting Friday a fte r­ noon included an article on the Mr. and Mrs W illiam Masterson Alma B ennett O lden Tent. D augh­ A Colonial silver tea will b e h e ld life of G eorge W xshm gtou by observed th eir fifty-seventh w ed­ Friday afternoon at the hom e of Mrs. A M C arhle. talk on life oi ters of Union V eterans, gave a pa A braham Lincoln by Mrs S heim - ding anniversary February 1? w ith till'tic program at th e last meet M is Thom as Connell from 2 to 5 , an llyre. and on the life of W il­ u quiet day at home, rem iniscing o'clock T he tea is m ann u al event liam McKinley by Miss May Cook mg February 15. w ith m em bers of about early days On account of the W oman's R elief Corps P S W spcnsorthl he Coffee d u b for D epartm ent C om m ander S V and A uxiliary as guests illness, it was im possible for th eir th e benefit its sch o larsh ip loan Riigers of th e V. S W. V. II. spoke children to be w ith them for a fund Mrs V W G ard n er w ill lx» The program consisted of sing­ Mrs. H H S ta n n a rd s d ram atic fam ily reunion. in ch ar. • of the program . ing of "A m erica." p ray er led by ’ class id four girls presented a |xi- Mr and Mrs M asterson w ere ri-.c program will be us follows; skit and Mrs D w ight S el­ the chaplain. Miss Anna Sias. read m arried at Lostine. Wallow a county \ cal inict. C aroline K .ilkw urf and tno'.ic lers and Mis S H y r c s a n g M is mg .sketches of the lives of Wash F ebruary 17. 1830. and are both Violet L undin. w ith Mrs Kalk- and Lincoln, by M r s Wil w ho attended iiigton natives of Oregon. Mrs. Masterson, w arf as accom panist; piano solo, M argaret Webb, lard H ughes J r . vocal solos by M cK inley's funeral, gave interest w hose maiden nam e was A nnie Irene E ngeldinger accordion so la M ss M inen a Fuller, accom panied Jacobs, was born in W ashington Dale Busch m inuet by school ch il­ ing taels about Ins life M em bers by Miss M ildred Jam es, patriotic of the U S W V au x iliary and county, th e dau g h ter of Mr. and dren. d irected bv M as . .a II m e p 4 u .o,t,.. < , r Union V eterans w ere address by Rev Henry Haller, Mrs. John C Jacobs, pioneers of flag salute led by the patriotic ui M oon piano sole. Lynn Hall; gu itar guests. 1847 Her fath er was a n ativ e of 'd i e t n s bv Mrs Fn-d C aldw ell; structor. Mrs. E dith S tew art, ami England, and joined the covered piano solo bv Miss B lanche F ini­ the unfurling of (lugs to th e sing­ wagon train in Iowa, the b irth ­ s'.m vocal duet by Mrs y W ing cf t h e "S tar Spangled B an­ place of h er m other Mr. M aster­ G ard n er and Mrs I. (' K ram ien. n e r" son's parents w ere also pioneers, A short business m eeting p re ­ w ith Miss M. c re as accom panist. coming west in 1851 from Missouri. Mrs Thomas Connell is chairm an ceded the program , a n d re fre sh ­ He was born at Eugene Mrs F M D ille was given a s u r­ cf th e hcs'ess com m ittee and will m ents w ere served at the close, us M r and Mrs M asterson w ere the be a< iste.i by Mesdames Anna prise party Tuesday on h er 75th mg the W ashington birthday motif p arents of four children, tw o of W illiam sen, V W G ardner. Emma birthday anniversary, a num ber ot whom arc living. Mi Maud Sw ear- £ P p J . , , . A l l 'l l A t .,,- , McKinney P J K arkw arf. C C. friends com ing in for the afternoon ingeit of Irrigon and H erbert Mas- O I v t l l c l l 3 1 1 1 1 . M i l l ! P e F rc e s .1 Nicodetnus. an d O tto and evening A supper was served terson of Richland. One son. Ray- CEDAR MILL Miss Isabel Wil- H by the guests, and Mrs. D ille was artram pf. mond. lost his life in the W orld ma O pperm an. d au g h ter of Mr. and All ladies ,.k Hillsboro and v ic­ presented w ith m any lovely gifts war. and a daugnter. Mrs M abel Mrs P H O pperm an. becam e the inity Those present included Messrs Mrs Zola M organ, stale presi a rc invited to attend. W arfield of K lam ath Falls, died bride of Elm er C larence W alters, and M esdames E M Dille. John dent of Business and Professional last y ear They have five grand- son of Mr. and Mrs John W alters, G rogan. J. A H ockersinith. M M W om ens clubs, w ent to V ernonia children and eight g reat-grandchil- in Englewood C hurch of C hrist in Wick. M E. C arm an. T A. Me Tuesday night to confer w ith busi- dren. P o rtlan d F eb ru ary 12. Rev. F J. C ourt. E A Thom pson. Jo h n H url- ness amt profosstonul women of Mr Masterson is 84 years of W inder officiating burt. M esdames C l a r a S tew art that city about organizing a club age. but still d riv es his c a r and The bride, w ho w as given in Mr. and Mrs P erry S tream and B ertha S tew art. M iriam W alker. She was accom panied by Misses chores around his acreage in East m arriage by h er father w ore a Miss C lara en tertain ed in honor o f , and K ath erin e T hrapp Elaine C aldw ell and Patty Lomax Hillsboro. Mrs. Masterson w ill be w hite satin gown and carried a Mr and j o|ln Simpson Sunday and M esdames Isabel W arrens and fill krtl nil i.vf zx# u-hil.v AilJ . . . . March, and although h er beautiful bouquet of w hite and ■ >«' ng at ' cii Emma M cKinney of the club o n e n o rth f Honor Past President— health is not of th e best, she is pink sweetpeas. Miss B arbara Op- H illsboro F 1. G irls met T uesday night Miss M arjorie G ray presided at quite active about h er household perm an. a cousin of th e bride Mr jn d Mrs. Simpson. who have at the hom e of Mrs R C Munson the dinner m eeting, w hich was held duties They have been residents of acted as maid , f honer. Ruby East- been living on the Rav farm , left Miss Jo sep h in e S tu art, past presi- in tile Masonic tem ple and attended H iilsboro for 15 years man as bridesm aid and A lfred M onday to m ake th eir hom e in ■ dent of th e club, w as presented by 50 women A nother m eeting wxs Moiiner as best man C alifornia Thcv w ere popular mem- i w ith a club pin. Next m eeting will planned for M arch 9 The m aid of honor and brides- bers of the S h u te P.-T. A. and I be held M arch 2 at th e hom e of maids wore dresses of peach e , t h e neighborhood regrets th eir de- the president. Miss M inerva Fuller, l ' o i i e r V e r y I I I — ored satin end carried bouquets oi o a rtu re Mrs. Sim pson was m e m - on East Oak street. A lbert Tozivr is very ill at his County Hospital lavendar sw eetpeas. b ersh ip chairm an last y ear when Guild to M eet— home in P ortland, according to 1. Rev B am ford of H illside M eth­ le m e n - M issionary G uild w ill m eet w ith odist church and about 20 m em bers Kull. and tw o songs w ere su n g by tion in num ber of m em bers ac- Mrs. A. W. H avens at 2 p m. Tucs- E W ilkes and Mrs. Elsie Schul- nierich. w ho visited Mr Tozier and of his congregation conducted s e r­ Mrs. E lbert Eastm an. O 'ld m g to school enrollm ent, for day. F riends and m em bers a re in ­ his sister. Mrs. E dvthe W eatherred. A reception follow ed at the church j W ashington county, vices S unday at th e hospital. vited. 1 T hursday. Mrs. R obert G reer underw ent a w ith Mrs. E lbert E astm an acting , T he tim e was sp en t at m onopoly m ajor operation Tuesday, and i s , as . . hostess, , ,, , . and o th er games. ■ s VI. i(.X X R I« O t M r. an d Mrs. W alters spent a Thnse presen t w ere th e honor convalescing nicely Drs. A O. Pit man and C. D. McDonald operated short honeym oon a t Cannon Beach guests. ............... Mr ...... and .. Mrs ... .. Jo h n Sim pson Miss Emm a Belle Peterson of and have retu rn ed to th e;r new ancj children M arvlyn. J a c k ie ’and Aloha was adm itted this week for home at 7504 N. E. S iskiyou in Lois. Mrs C hris Sieber of Hills- treatment. Portland. i)or„ Mr and M rs R obert M cK nlght Mrs B raithw aite of G lendale w as ....................................... and ............ children. Mr. and Mrs. Kane to th e able to bo hom e th is w eek. P v ’t h i ' T l l S i s t C l and M ary Adele. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Edw ina G raham of P ro ­ C hristm an and children. Mr. and gress. who has been at th e hospital L u d í Mrs. L ynn Rennells and Stephen. since Novem ber, w as allow ed to Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Rollins 3nd Miss re tu rn hom e Monday. P hoenicia Tem ple. P y th ian Si Naomi. Mr. and Mrs W ard H arader. Ralph S nider of Hillsboro, w ho ters. w ill have a p ' luck d in n e r Mr. and Mrs P eter Jorgenson. Miss V I has been convalescing from a m as- Friday even in g at ti:30. preceding May Reilly. Mrs R. W. G raf and toid operation since Jan u a ry 10., th e Tem ple m eeting M em bers of children. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Van was able to go hom e Tuesday. th e o rd er and th e ir fam ilies a re in- Loo and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L ittle Lois Rae Jack, d au g h ter V;ted H iatt and fam ily, th e host and of M rs E dith Ja c k of southeast of Hostesses for th e ev en in g a re hostess. M r an d Mrs. Stream , and Hillsboro, sustain ed a tw ice frac- Mesdames H. R. C hantler. J W. th e Misses C lara. Hazel and Helen tu red leg in a fall from a sw ing B arney. Max C randall. R ichard Stream . Friday. She w as tak en to D oern- Busch and H. R. Emm ott. — becher hospital, w here th e leg was Mrs. Sandford Honored— set and placed in a cast, and was , : .V. : Visit Mt. Hood Playground— taken home Sunday. M em bers of th e S un sh in e club Mr. and Mrs W. E. Brow n and su rp rised Mrs. J. R. S andford w ith Mr. an d Mrs. W. H. McNay and a pot luck luncheon on Monday Smith Hospital W e w ash e v e ry th in g as sen attended th e Mt. Hood ski Mrs S andford has been president M rs V incent G heen u n d erw en t to u rn am en t Sunday. T hey re p o rt carefu lly as you would f the club for th ree years. In a p ­ a tonsil operation Monday Dr -1 th a t they p ark ed about th ree-q o ar- preciation of h er u n tirin g services a t hom e — and one of S m ith operating. ters of a m ile from th e read to th e m em bers presented h er w ith a our 5 H a n d y S e r v ic e s the skiing grounds and th at cars beau tifu l table lamp. Mrs. Sand- Jones Hospital w ere p arked for a m ile on each ford and fam ily are m oving to will save you m oney, Mrs. H. D. Huggins, w ho has been side P o rtlan d to m ake th e ir home. Thuy . as well. seriously ill d u rin g the past w eek Mrs. Lee S p eak er— have been liv in g on th e T h o m a s' was ab le to go hom e W ednesday. w jjj a luncheon C onnell farm. A SK A B O U T G eorge Jacobson of H elvetia w ho m eeting S aturday. M arch 6. at For- was brought to the hospital a week est H ills GoW course Mrs D orothy Girl Breaks Leg— D am p W a sh ago. is slowly im proving. M d?7il7ugh “G T o f ' P o rtlan d “w ifi v F .0? d au «h te r o l M rs- T h e re ’s sm a rt hack ta lk D..-.' ,. Life E dith Jack, fell fri rom a sw ing F ri­ T h rift-T S erv ice Births speak on "W omen in Public going on about th e new O 'C onnor—To Mr. and Mrs. P. Music will be fu rnished by c ,n - day afternoon at th e S later place E con om y S erv ice south of H illsboro and b ro k e her L. O 'C onnor of B eaverton. Febru- serv ato ry of P acific university, S pring C oats! T ucked leg. She was tak en to th e D oern- ary 22. a boy. R ou gh D ry becher hospital for treatm en t, b ut shoulders, n eat seam s Gnos—To Mr. and Mrs. L aw rence Bex Social M arch 5- D eL u x e H and Ironing Ladies of th e C hristian ch u rch w a s. bro u g h t hom e Sunday and is Gnos of Otis. F eb ru ary 20. a boy. and full sk irts m ake Gnos—To Mr. and Mrs A rnold will sponsor an old-fashioned box g ettin g along nicely. H er m o th er is Gnos cf Cornelius, F eb ru ary 24. a social a t th e church M arch 5, be- recovering from a broken arm . them dashing. girl. ginning at 7:30 p. m. Proceeds will n osts a t S u p p er— i _________________ go to the building fund. The public Mr. and ?»Irs. G ordon Sahnow GOAR'S is invited. and Mr. and Mrs. W T. P utnam Jr. Attends Anniversary— w ere hosts for a pot luck su p p er H. S. Rogers, department com- Attend Convention— m ander of U. S. W. V.. attended a Mr. and Mrs. VZ. E. Brow n at- S unday evening at th e Sahnow Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Ore. m eeting com m em orating t h e 31st ten d ed th e T ri-C ountv Mail C ar- home. O thers present w ere Rev. and E. M. Barnes, Prop. an n iv ersary of founding U. S. W riers' convention at Independence « U‘e ' a ' L C T N “ Z of Schefflin. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge xXfxXX«'K#tS«Xlk5«3( s&xX&SDUa'Xi« a V. in P ortlan d T uesday night. Monday. B iersdorf. M r and Mrs. D elb ert | ‘ B iersdorf. and th e P u tn am children. Mrs. F red G oodstein of Casper. F o u rth D ance M arch F o u rth of a series of Ma r.ic and Mrs. Davison llostesi Wyoming, who has been visiting h er sister. Mrs. M orris Weil, left E astern S ta r Social club dances Mrs. K en n eth Davison e n te r. M onday fo r Los Angeles. Cal., to i w ill be held M arch 4 at the Ma- tained T h u rsd ay evening w ith tw o tab les of contract. Mrs. D. S. G lenn visit h e r m other. S he w ill leave I sonic hall m ade high score and Mrs. Thom as th at city Sunday on t h e S. S. Mrs. B arnes Im proving— Pennsylvania for New York, via Mrs. E thel B arnes o f G oar's Sholes, low. O thers present w ere M esdam es R uben K uratli, G ene th e P anam a Canal. W om an's Shop, w ho has been con M r and M rs V T. Jack so n of fined lo h e r h’o m e w ith jUriess f,„. R « « ™ " an d H E. Staples an d R oseburg w ere w eek-end guests of th t m onth 1S c o n v a k ..,;ing. Misses D orothy Tongue and P atty Mrs. F. W. L iv erm o re of H u b er Lomax. have a rriv e d — and prove to be the g re a te st and Mrs. Ivy Syverson over the Card Party Monday— Local Poetess Featured values we have ever had. w eek-end. Royal N eighbors w ill hold a Poem s of Mrs. M y rtle B lassing C om e in an d lo o k th e m o v er! W. A T upper w ent to S eattle b enefit card p arty at t h e o l d are being featu red in th e poetry W ednesday n ig h t to a tten d a tria l G range hall at 2 p. m. M onday section o f the O n tario Argus, sev- in the court th e re today. P ublic is invited. e ra l being p rin ted in each issue. Mrs Zola Morgan, state p resident of the Business and Professional Women’s clubs; Miss El, ie C aló ­ well, state corresponding te ret ary. and Mrs Emma McKinn . ed ito r O regon Busines, Woman of wi-ri n ests at a illune m eeting V night of the Oleg. n I Tim B and P dub A nother m em be the Hills oro club. Miss lilac Fackwert w ho is diflng home d eiistra tn i work in C lakam as r ty for a few weeks, als guest at th e m eeting. Mrs Myra Weston, president of tn e O regon City club, announced th a t th e club w ould celeb rate its tenth anniversary d u n e . N ational Busineess Women's Week and ex- pected to have as an honor guest a m em ber of th e first B P W club of th e U nited States (o rg an ­ ized at St Louis M o. in 1919' who is now a resid en t of C lackam as T h u ru la v . F e b ru a ry 2*.. IP?.; OREGON Mrs. Dille Honored on Töth Birthday Portlander Bride B. P. President Visits Vernonia the R ebekah Assembly who will visit the lodge officially March 21 A fter lodge gam es w ere enjoyed and refreshm ents served by t h e F eb ru ary com m ittee umici d u c e timi of Mi M ildred MeUouuahay S o le ra i m em bers plan to attend the R ebekah d istrict convention of district No I in P ortland Saturday C ontinuous Show S atu rd ay IA Star O vernight in • ? ßobbtf ’’H illsboro Hot Shop oiul Shoe Shine" NEW le t s Sing Again TUT7Ï : W . G . S T A M P O I.IS in F. A F ast Main St T H IS W EEK 1 :3 0 to 11 P. M. F R I. and S A T . BREEN LOCATION I. B arber Shop H ilbbm o. O rc Il ia lit i you «leilin when he I'fiyi aç jin ui Radio Tubes DOUGLASS KAIHO Selfridge Eurn. Co. RflinBoui on S L K \K F Phone 21X THE RIVER i I Simpson Family Given Farewell MAY RO BSO N CHARLES BUTTERW ORTH I Benito Hume, Alan M owbray, Louise Beavers, Henry O 'Neill, M arilyn K n o w ld e n , , a n d The F a m o u t At the Hospitals Style Notes Send It fo r Laundry Spring Lete, • Woman's Shop Home Laundry SC Dry Cleaners Our New Spring CURTAINS I ------ -- -| Sg a B3 ffl »9 9 II 9 S3 i | W A S H E R I SU N . - M O N . - TU ES. I ™ H ere la the W a th o r that has E V E R Y T H IN G y o u 'v e w a n te d la H om e Laundry E quipm ent . . . T h e n e w A B C O n e-F ifty Six W ash* e r la "T ru ly the W o rld 'a Greateat W asher V a lu e *— Haa m ore Exclu* alve Safety and C onvenience Feet* urea than any w asher ever built. T h e n e w A B C French T y p e A g i­ tator, together w ith tho ne w larg­ est capacity Porcelain Tub. washes y o u r C lothes C lean er. Faster. W H IT E R . Ask for a Dem onstration la your o w n Homo I .5 0 a n d up PLU S— “ M ick ey M o u se” C artoon I i { M AJOR FEATURES i x* B I I J ■ S w i'e l s w in g in ’ ■ o n g s t i o t o u i lo m in c i' g ra n d a n d y lo tio u s lu n w ith C io s b y c r o o n in ' lo r c o i n s in th r h a p p ie s t a ll h is h a p p y ol h it s ' f $5 tlow n - -T erm s to Suit t $10 price advance effective M arch 1. BUY NOW FREE 3 2 -p ie c e S et D ish e s w ith every $50 of purchases. I I M ELTEBEKE ELECTRIC STORE t iÁ D G E EY A N S ¡ E D IT H FEttOWS -rtOUjS ARMSTRONG '2 P “Saves You Money on Every Purchase." •nd HIS rXM lQUS S W ltJc B A N D • F U fy by K .lh o r ln . l . l l l . M o e . f - D i*.c l» d by N .r m . n Z. M c l'A M , ■ Am Enra'nu.l, Cohsn Rroduch«« ' ■ A C O LU M B IA PiCrdMB, BLACK HAWK P L U S — F e a tu re No. 2 s o u LÏ! ANITA (O O S OAVCST ■OMANTlC e t VH1 Sntod I on the John Khhpohirk ploy. “ Ado Sant» Ihp Drum.'* Pcidured on the , »!□•• by John Golden, Inc H ig h w a y J u st E ast o f H illsb o ro C ity L im its F o rm erly E L R Y ’S C H A T E A U D e a le r FORMAL OPENING SATURDAY Night, FEB. 27 fi I V E N E T IA N (fo r a d u lts only) o n o p e n in g n ig h t. F RID RUFFLED C U R T A IN S A ttractiv e, d u rab le, in assorted fig u res a n d rainbow strip e. A l s o plain cream or ecru. Select y our needs now w hile stock is com plete. P air Full length or xaxh ... » ) • W ” - 4 * A t '7 ‘ " * * t ▲STAI HUE C1IMC1ER T h o m as S. Sholes 49c F R E E G IF T S TU ESDA Y ONLY M arch 2 m faitfd! U nder m an ag em en t of Cyril L aH aie Sandwiches : Chinese Food Chicken and Steak Dinners Parties and Banquets Blitz-Weinhard and Olympia Beer on Tap a is n M a r q u ise tte E ach ... NOW O FFERS 35c » TOP HAT Solid green or rose with w ide ruffle. E ach Wit/i gay and reckless tunes 49c SPROUSE-REITZ STORES W estern RACm P a n e ls Plain ecru w ith fringe. Organization— bf IRVING B E R L IN at SALE PRICES w.ih frlwrr» Escreti Horion, I I Helen Broderick. Erik Rtiodrs. trio Biore. í , i SANORICH ' RUO «ADIO «ICTURE PLUS S e le c te d S h o rt S u b je c ts I M