Page Six Laurel Honor Roll Given; Social Saturday II I L L S B O R O ! th e Adolph Schm idt hom e S u n ­ day The MeNays visited at th e W. ' H. McNay hom e M onday. Mr and Mrs. R aleigh W hitm ore and dau g h ters Iren e a n d Elaine w ere S unday d in n e r p arty guests at the hom e of Mrs W hitm ore's m other. Mrs. E. H avem an of Che- halem M ountain, w hen she e n te r­ tained in celeb ratio n of h er b irth - day an n iv ersary . M r and Mrs. Amos W atkins vis- ited S atu rd ay w ith her sister. Mrs E r n e s t G u e n th e r o f C hehalem M ountain, w ho is ill w ith a heart ailm ent. ------------------------- A R G US. Banks Couple Celebrate 25th Anniversarv; Help Flood Fund (By Miss M ary Sandy) BANKS— Mr and Mrs H enry M cDonald celebrated th eir silver (By Mrs. F. L. Broun) w edding a n n i v e r s a r y S u n d a y LA U R EI— L aurel school pupils Among those present w ere Mr. and on th e atten d an ce honor roll for Mrs. Lewis Ju n c k e r and sons, Mr. th e m onth ending F eb ru ary 1!) and Mrs Ted llancy and tw o sons w ere Raymond. Wesley and Ed- W alter and E verett. F A. B ennett. w ard Losli. B ernice and Jim m ie Mrs A llan Hayden. Mrs Gilpin. Stnller. Leland Twigg, M arjorie Mr. and Mrs M artin Lull. Mr and Will. Betty J e a n D m » and V ir- Mrs F. A. Dodge. Mr and Mrs ginia V arenhorst. A m ajo rity of the Will H aney and tw o children. Mrs. p aren ts cf the pupils atten d ed the Griep. M r and Mrs H om er P u r- Lincoln, W ashigton and Lindbergh din and son. Mr and Mrs Elm er b irth d ay s' program given by the Purdin. Mr. and Mrs W alter Willis pupils Friday. and son K enneth. Mrs Z im m erm an Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Deason vis­ and son Pete. Mr and Mrs Ed ited firends at Independence S a t­ i "Sm allpox and d ip h th eria are tw o King. Mr and Mrs R alph King urday and Sunday. I common diseases th a t a re ab so lu te­ and children, all of T hatcher, and Records Good ly preventable." D r C. D M c­ Mr. and Mrs R edetzke of Forest L aurelview school pupils on the Donald. county h ealth officer, d e ­ G rove The guests cam e early and scholarship honor roll for th e past clared this w eek. staved all day. Mr and Mrs Mc­ m onth are W hisnand. B ernice and "O nly a few y ears ago typhoid D onald received m any b eautiful M ary Ellen Adams. On th e perfect fever and sm allpox w ere am ong and useful gifts attendance honor roll w ere Kenji. the m ajor causes of d e a th —today Aid Flood Victims Yoshio and Takashi Inahara. John. they a re a ra rity D ip htheria now- Mrs. F red W olford. Red Cross Je a n and T eddy W atkins. Donald causes about h alf o f the d eath s it chairm an of the Banks com m unity. and P a u l Schw antes an d D i r k did 10 y ears ago and o u r health rep o rts th at $43.05 has been do- Overweg. d ep artm en ts stand betw een us and nated from this com m unity for th e Miss M ildred Merz of Portland, conditions th at w e hope w ill n ev er relief of flood sufferers. Of th is w ho teaches school at N orth Bend, retu rn ," he pointed out. sum the A m erican Legion donated "A program of im m unization w as a guest at the W. L. S tevens against d ip h th eria and sm allpox is $5: th e R N. A Lodge. $13: B anks hom e S aturday and Sunday. now u n d er w ay in y o u r local g rade school, $15 55. The rem ain d er Union Plans Social was donated by busineses houses F arm ers' Union social evening h ealth unit. A toxoid and sm allpox an d individuals The call for do- S aturday night w ill consist of a vaccination clinic w ill be held nations is still open and any o n e w ho short literary program , cards and ev ery S atu rd ay from 9:30 to 11:30 still desires to give may leave th e ir a. m. in th e h ealth office at th e dancing. donations w ith Mrs. W olford. Sam Schlegel of Olym pia, Mr. court house. A 25c charge w ill be P rogram P resented m ade for th e sm allpox v accine and and Mrs. D. H orine (L eah T urner) T he Tow nsend club m et Friday- of P ortland, and Mrs. Ella T u rn er th e toxoid to help defray expenses of H illsboro w ere visitors at th e of th e clinic. A ny pre-school o r evening in th e church. The m u si­ school child m ay come in to th e cians. A. Lloyd. Jam es Lloyd. W il­ F. L. Brow n home Sunday clinic bu t m ust be accom panied by liam W alker. B ert F riday. Lee B irthday C elebrated his paren ts o r b rin g a slip giving Beech and G ran t W estenhaven. Mrs. J. H. Haase en tertain ed at perm ission fo r th e im m unization fu rn ish ed sev eral num bers. Lunch h er hom e F eb ru ary 14, celeb ratin g tests. was served E veryone enjoyed both h er birth d ay anniversary. G uests “V accination is y o u r protection lunch and m usic The club sent th e w ere Mr. and Mrs A lbert Knobel against sm allpox and sm allpox w ill . . . ■ president, F G. P hillips, to the and Mrs. A nnie W hitsell of P o rt­ be erad .. icated w hen everybody is T ow nsend convention at E ugene land. Mr. and Mrs. Will H aase and successfully vaccinated. A single ingle Sunday- W illiam M eyer of Hillsboro. Mrs. successful v accination will give a Rev. J. H E bert of Forest Grove, K athcrvn K riebel. Mrs. Ja c k Lond- certain am ount of protection don. Mrs Jo h n Haase and d au g h ­ th roughout life. E very child should a form er B anks pastor, supplied at te r Lucille. Mr. and Mrs. H enry be vaccinated befo re he is one y ear th e B anks ch u rch services Sunday- H aase and son W ilbur. Mrs. Fred old and again early in school life. m orning. Mr. and Mrs. H arry W hitfield Haasee, Mrs. H enry Peters. Mrs. W hen pro p erly perform ed, v accin a­ Sam Gerig. Mrs. Elm er Boge and tion is v ery sim ple and abso lu tely w ent to Seaside T h u rsd ay for a d au g h ter Evelyn. Mrs. F ran k Wai- harm less. It is a good ru le to be few days' vacation. Eye Injured bel. Mrs. W. L. Stevens, th e Misses vaccinated ev ery five years. If a G eorge Thom pson, w ho is em ­ Ina and D orothy Stevens. Mrs. person is im m une, th e vaccination ployed in P ortland, spent th e w eek ­ F red Stevens. Mrs. Jacob Schmidt, w ill not 'tak e'." "D ip h th eria is a dangerous dis­ end w ith his paren ts here. G eorge Mrs. W alter Schm idt. Jo h n M eyer ease an d th e cause of d eath in in ju red his eye one day last w eek and L aw rence K riebel. m any children. No child need have w hen a piece of cocoanut shell flew Social Meet Held T h irty m em bers of the F riendly d ip h th eria. A harm less treatm en t in it. Mr. and Mrs. E P ark s and baby C orner Sunday school class atten d - k now n as toxoid o r to x in -an tito x ­ ed th e social m eeting held a t th e in protects ch ild ren against this of P o rtlan d spent th e w eek-end Amos W atkins hom e T h u rsd ay eve­ d read ed disease. Toxoid or toxin- w ith Mrs. P ark 's p arents, Mr. and ning. Special m usical n um bers w ere an tito x in has been given in th o u s­ Mrs. E. K aufm an. B irth d ay s C eleb ra trd violin solos bv H erm an W hitm ore, an d s of cases w ith no ill effect. Sunday d in n e r p arty guests of accom panied by Mrs. Leon Davis, It is given to w ell ch ild ren from and a song by Jean and Teddy six m onths of age on up. O ccasion­ Mr. and Mrs. G eorge M cGraw w ere W atkins, accom panied by t h e i r ally it is necessary to give it a sec­ Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M cG raw and m other. C ontest games w ere p lay­ ond tim e to produce an im m u n i­ th ree children of V ernonia. Mr. and Toxoid is given by a h y p o d er­ Mrs Ray Woodman of C apital Hill. ed in w hich the men w ere w in ­ ty. injection and is given in tw o Mr. and Mrs. W H Lee and son ners. N ext m eeting w ill be at the o mic r th ree doses, a w eek ap a rt.” F. L. Brow n hom e in A pril, th ere being no M arch m eeting on ac­ WE DEAL IN REAL ESTATE count of revival m eetings. W r it e Mr. and Mrs. W. N. H athorn of F ir e nn I A u to m o b ile In s u ra n c e H illsboro spent from T uesday u n ­ M a k e L o a n s a n d Issue S u re ty B onds til S atu rd ay w ith h er fath er. E. C. M ulloy. Mr. M ulloy h as been K U R A T L I & W IS M E R A n o th er 1000 pheasant eggs w ill suffering w ith n eu ritis in one arm . H ills b o r o , O re g o n be placed in H ughes H atchery here t u t is im proved at this w riting. F h o n e 1391 140 N . 2 n d A v e . again this year, th e chicks to be Mr end Mrs. S. E. S to ller visited lib erated d u rin g th e sum m er w hen .Sunday w ith h e r parents, M r. and they have attain ed enough size to Mrs. Jo h n Will of B eaverton, who care for them selves, according to have not been at all well but are R alph Easter. im proving at present. T hey are L ast y ear th e h atch ery handled form er residents of this com m unity. th e eggs and th e chicks w ere given T w enty folks atten d ed th e B road­ to farm ers for feeding and lib e r­ casters' S unday school class party ation later. The eggs w ill be sent at th e Raleigh W hitm ore hom e F ri­ from th e state gam e farm s som e­ day evening. N ext m eeting will be tim e in M arch or early A pril. M arch 26 at the hom e of th e p resi­ Cost of the h a tc h in g is carried by dent. B illy McNay. a fu n d raised by the w ildlife com ­ In New Home m ittee of the H illsboro C ham ber of H enry M uschalek has moved in ­ C om m erce for th e purpose of e re c t­ B L E N D E D W H ISK E Y to his new house on th e Raleigh ing holding pens. Not enough money 86 8 p ro o f. 70*7 « r u n n eu tral spirirs. W hitm ore place. w as obtained to build th e pens so Supervised b y T h e W ilk e n F am ily. Tom B atem an of V ernonia was a th e fund has been used in hatching Jot S.Finch 8cCo., Inc .Schenley, Pa. guest at the W. L. Stevens home chicks. E aster said. from S aturday u n til Monday. Mr and Mrs. C. M. K eyser and d aughter A nn M argaret and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ju n g ers of P ortland w ere S aturday and S unday guests at the M. K avser home. with the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNay and son Billy attended th e w in ter sports ' carnival at Mt. Hood Sunday. They used skis for seats w h ile eatin g th e ir lunch on n in e feet o f snow. Meetings to Start R evival m eetings w ill begin a, th e church Sunday. M arch 7. and continue for tw o weeks. Mr. and Mrs. B. G McNay and d aughters P atricia and B arb ara of Forest G rove w ere guests of Mrs. M cNay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown, from S atu rd ay u n til M onday. Both fam ilies w ere e n ­ tertain ed w ith a d in n er p arty at Health Unit to Give Treatment R obert of P ortland Isabel a n d Jean Benefiel of P ricket, and B ar­ b ara R itcnaur of G reen M ountain. This d in n er was celebrating the birthday anniversaries of G eorge McGraw, M's Ellis McGraw and H I L L S R O R O . O R E G given tom orrow night i Friday) in the gym nasium T he Pacifie U ni­ versity orchestra w ill furnish the 1 music. Sunday d in n er p arty guests at the C liff Sandy hom e w ere Mr and M is M aurice Thom pson and d au g h ­ ter Doris of V ernonia L am ar Sm ith of C oivallis. R uth Bailey of G reen M ountain and Mr and Mi C lifford Sandy of Banks Plan Rummage Sale I -dies' Aid mot W ednesday in the parsonage T he afternoon w as spent lim iting The women decided lo hold a rum m age sale later in the spring Mrs Bella Lilly of C ornelius is visiting her dau g h ter, Mrs Fred Wolford. Play P resented "P riso n er at the B ar,'' a tem p er­ ance play was presented last Wed tiesdav in the ch u rch before a large audience. T he plea of H ayw ard Johnson, w ho acted the part of the prisoner, was very eloquent and pathetic. Isabel Benefiel Mrs l.ceen 1 Robertson lias r e ­ ceived word that her father G eorge Sm ith, is very ill at the hom e of h er sister. Mrs W arfield, in H ay­ w ard. Cal He is a form er resident of Bank Leak for House Mr and Mrs A. 1. C u trig h t of G lenw ood w ere Sunday visitors at the Ray Parm ley home T in y are looking for an em pty house in Bunks for them to move into. Mrs. Bella H artw ick received w ord that her sister. M is Frank. Acres, of Forest G love underw ent a m ajor operation last week She is m uch im proved now but at fu st w as not doing so well G eorge Moss and sons Ralph and Roy of Seaside visited the V ein P rie k e tt and Max Drees.-en fam ilies Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Robert P etit and C ontract for 13 w ells on resettle­ tw o sons of Rainier. Wash., came ment projects in Y anihill county- Sunday for a few days' visit w ith j lias been aw arded th e A M J a n n ­ Mrs P etit's parents. Mr a n d Mrs sen D rilling com pany of Reedville. A D Dreeszen. and other relatives. by the Hural R esettlem ent ad m in ­ Lyle W olford is spending this istration. according to an an- w eek in Forest G rove doing some nounccm cnt this week 1 T he farms, on w hich com plete w ork at the B ert G rindle home sets of buildings a re being co n ­ Mrs. K ennedy Hostess Mr< Je ff K ennedy was hostess to stru cted by the governm ent, in ­ th e Bridge club S aturday afternoon. clude from 40 to 60 acres each and F irst prize was won by Mrs A r­ w ill be tu rn ed over to the clients th e ad m in istratio n ready for th u r Ireland, second by Mrs W. L. I of operation. M oore and consolation bv Mrs. Cass C onsiderable land also has been W llson. Miss M oxie H opkins and purchased by the R esettlem ent of- Mrs. Leonard G am roth w ere v isit­ I fice n ear H illsboro and C ornelius ors. Next m eeting will be M arch and w ill be im proved as soon as 5 w ith Mrs A lfred Lewis. the w ork has been com pleted in H ow ard W ilbur retu rn ed to his Yam hill county, it is understood w ork at Neah-Bav. Wash . Sunday- F am ilies to be located on the a fte r a few w eeks' vacation at the property are tak en from those who E E. H opkins hom e here. have had farm ing experience and Leu Engen of V ernonia spent the in most instances a re fam ilies taken w eek-end w ith his m other. Mrs from sub-m arginal lands purchased Tom Engen. and sister. Mrs. Lois by- the governm ent a n d retu rn ed Sheelev. and children. to forest areas. L am ar Sandy, a student at O re- I ----------------------------------- gon S tate college, spent the w eek- j W om an—"Sham e on you. child, end w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; for sm oking in th is restau ran t! 1 C liff Sandy, at Banks. j would ju s t as soon get d ru n k as ! Seniors Sponsor Dance be caught sm oking " A dance, sponsored by th e senior M iss S m o k e r — " W e ll, w h o class of th e high school, will be w ouldn't?"—Ex. Jannsen Wins Well Contract Tluinulay, February 25, 11)37 N Pupils at Kansas City in Debate i By Mrs. .1. A, MrCoy) KANSAS CITY E ig h th g l id e pupils of the K ansas Ctlv school hold a debate W rilensday morning on the quest ion "Young G ills Should in- Taught the Comm on Repair-, of an A utom obile '' G ladys McCoy and D oris C ropp w ere on the affirnia tive and D arrel Brady. G ertru d e VanDom etou and M arjorie Mail on the negative G ladys McCoy and Doris C ropp won the debate. B irthday ( t-lrbi ated Mrs M artin V.mdci.-andon pica ailtly surprised Mi V ander, anden Friday evening by having a imm her of friends to come in to help celebrate lus birthday' anniversary T he evening was s|ient in playing. •500." J P V nnderzandcn a n d M rs W arn e r C ropp had high Jo h n McCoy and Mrs J |> V ander.-an­ don second, amt Louis S trohm ayer, consolation .After iefn- liinent-M i and Mrs Ralph King out -i tamod w ith banjo music. G ive P rogram D oris Cropp. H elen Vandelicy Ihliol and G ladys McCoy put on a G E T U P N IG H T S D U E T O radio program Fiiduy afternoon to I entertutn the school and th eir B L A D D E R IR R IT A T IO N ? teacher. Mrs Wilson. I l'» u til n o r m a l I t ’» n a tu r» *» **l>an«»r H innat.** M a k » th ia ib«* l»«t I'» » I>u«‘hu B irthday O bserved Ira * « * . )nnt|>» r «»»I. a n d •» o t h a r «Irti«», m ade Ini«» Iitti« * n ra rn laid«*!« • all«nl M r aid Mrs M arlin Vuiidergan di n and son Wuyne and Mi and Il tika t» k ltia h o u t «•■»••aa a« hl» a n d In»« tir lll« a » I . »«•«••» avid» r a n cat»»» I r r i t a ­ M r ,1 P V andeizanden w ere d in ­ l» t i o n r r a u lt ln n In u r l l l n n u p n in lita . m a n ly n e r parly guests Sunday of Mr f lo w , fr«< |uant ila a lr« , b u r n in a . b a c k a c h r. and Mi Joe Vandei z.mdeil of Ro.v. a n d Ira pain» J n » t »ay H n k rt» !<» y o u r I n f«»ur «lay» If n«»l plaa»«»d y o u r ill celebration of the birthday of d g r ftr n g a w l M i ll t bo rrfnnde H l l>*»llu h m u Ht««i« 1 Juris V aiiderzunden. \«h ( ' II C. iiio of Salem was through this n e ig h b o rh o o d T u esd ay c o n ­ tra c tin g straw b e rrie s for th e l l a k c i - Kelly com pany. Subscribe W ashington Six m onths coni: Two D ep en d on BUSCH'S now to tlie Argus. In county $1.50 a year 85c, T h ree m onth* 50 m onths 35 cents tf S p e cialized A u to S e r v ic es lor Gas Pain, Heartburn Dyspepsia, Acid Stomach f , > I ’ l s l . V . 1- , . ... fu r |,M lll« . I i - a r t b u r n . , I,I , | , - . | . . p , n iiiw r ., » l„ H ,» ,'h u l c r r , »11,1 . . . .1 ., I., , v , ,» «,'1,1 M u r „ II I» ', i .. i ill» « II, , graunil (•«»•;• i . k r r l l - f I I I —, ■»»! I » k l l ig I '!» ' ,A is „ 'I f . l l « t | , n , i u i a t r t » l i>»e8»x- I ' t ’llA , H i l ls »1 Itlllfthum I’hftrmarr K ill Of£ Y our M ortgage w ith o u r s a fe , sensible m o n th ly O n e S lo p S u p e r S e rv ic e p a y m e n t p la n Y our th rifty friends and neighbors are vising our honic- finanem g plan because it kills off the loan, besides earing fur the reasonable interest cost, w ith sm all m onthly pay­ ments. G et tin ' d e ta ils of o u r ample, re-paym ent plan before you rem odel, buy. build or refinance your home. U asuhnc Tires - Aveessorieg Special Services (.Quality Lubrication Car Washing - Painting M em ber f ederal Home Loan Bank BUSCH’S T w o H a n d y L o cation * R E L IA B L E SAKE S E R V IC E G A R A G E Phone 501 S U P E R S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Washington Savings ÔC Loan Ass’n. . J M Savings A Loan Bldg. Corner Third *nd Baseline Phone 391 A II B u s k , Prop Ilillshoro. Oregon Hatchery Again to Hatch Pheasants • /a D e liv e rie s of n ew a re VCU't liking! P r o d u c t io n C h e v ro le t EM FA M I LY ing w ith M c C ormick -D eering Little Genius Plow HE whole scheme of crop production hinges on good plowing. 11 pays to have the best plows you can get. McCormick-Deering Plows have three generations of plow-building experi­ ence behind them and are as good as money can buy. T There’s no need to de­ lay realization of that new or remodeled home you’ve planned to com­ plete “some day.” See COPELAND'S—we will make your house plans and provide ac­ curate estimates both FREE of CHARGE. COPELAND Lumber Yards Phone 301 T h e L ittle G enius T ra c to r Plow in 2, 3, and 4-furrow sizes is one of the m ost popular plows in th e M cC orm ick- D eering line. It is built to sta n d up in a n y field and to do good, clean w ork u n d e r all conditions. Its p a rts are held in tru e alignm ent even in the hard est kind of plowing. A m ple beam a n d b o tto m clearance p rev en ts clogging. It is equipped w ith a sp rin g -trip hitch w ith a lift-up handle which enables the o p erato r to recouplc the plow easily w ith o u t leaving th e tra c to r seat. Come in an d ask us a b o u t the L ittle G enius Plow an d o th er ty p es of M cC o rm ick -D eerin g Plows and E quipm ent. REMEMBER D A IR Y E 'L 'L i'iA C and P O U L T R Y and C o m p lete Line C h ick Feeds m ade in n u m b e rs , th e p la n ts each in is g re a t in creas­ passin g day. 9 lo more than 100,000 loyal buyers who have patiently awaited delivery o f the new Chevrolets they ordered weeks ago—and to scores o f thousands o f other people who are placing their orders now— our sincere thanks and our definite assurance o f quick delivery! Vie o f Chevrolet are deeply gratrful that you have preferred Chevrolet even to the point o f being willing to wait to get the car o f your choice; and we are rqually happy to inform you that no prolonged period o f waiting will he necessary. Chevrolet production is increoting uith each pasting day, and you can depend upon getting quick delivery i f you have placed your order in past weeks, or i f you place it today! Moreover, we can assure you that you will he amply repaid for insisting on get­ ting a new Chevrolet, because o f its extra quality and extra value. This new Chevrolet is the only complete ear—priced so Ion. I t has a host o f extra­ value features. I t will bring you more pleasure and satisfaction than you can possibly get anywhere else at such low prices. Thank you again for your loyal friend­ ship and good will for Chevrolet — and you will thank us when you take the wheel o f these better, more modern low-priced cars and trucks. For t,uick delivery— place your order now! Crops Get a Good Start FUTURE’ is here ! b e in g e v e r -in c r e a s in g W il k We now C h evro lets C H E V R O L E T M O T O R D IV IS IO N G eneral M otors Sales C orporation D E T R O IT , M IC H IG A N CHEVROLE THE O N L Y CO M PLETE C A R - P R IC E D SO LOW IX L HILLSBORO FEED CO. M c C o rm ic k -D e e rin g P h o n e 2 71 F a rm M a c h in e ry 160 W . M a in S t. N EW H IG H -C O M P R E S S IO N V A IV C -IN -H E A D ENG INE - NEW ALL-SILENT, ALL-STEEL BODIES - NEW D IA M O N D CROW N SPEEDLINE STYLING — PERfECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES - IM PR O VED G L ID IN G K N E E -A C TIO N RIDE -S A F E T Y PLATE GLASS ALL A R O U N D - GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT V E N T IL A T IO N -S U P E R -S A F E SHO CKPRO O F STEERING '. ’ Kn.o-A.tion .nd sho.kproot s t..,in , p, u ,« only.