Timi d a y , February 25, 1937 n i LLS R O RO A R G U S . H I LES R O R O , OREGON P a re Five Washington County’s Great Market Place - “Where the Buyer Meets Seller” A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost - - - Classified Columns Close at 9 A. M. Wednesday - - - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 4 P. M. Wednesday 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s 18. S e e d s, P la n ts, F lo w er* 25. DRAG saw for sale, also Bourbon DOKSKTT lia w b e rry plan! ries su p erio r in qiiulily. fl tu rk ey hen anil .even hive- b e e s Mary Jackson. Itoule 4. mile we t hardine* , p roductinn and c B u n g 40 tu 50 H illsboro 'ilc lent l i l p p e i m o le peí c ía te P lanta $0 per W O O » and pa teboard boxi foi- sand II M T ilcker, Itl I, .'130. Ftorlng, O re sale W eil's D epartm ent Sto lllllsb o n HORSES bought, sold and traded Higiiest price paid for trade-in d e liv e r y Hay Delsm an, G a n ba Id i St. Phone 2107. 53tf H orses 29. D ogs, Pet* right to use a rig h t of w ay for a laws of O regon and the c h th ere- If you change y o u r address kind* road conveyed by A lexander Chal- J to am ount to $1150.00. Iy notify the A rgus d irect and at ROLLER fema mers, to g ran to r by deed recorded All w ritten objections o r re- once. tf while they 1 at page 205 records of deeds for ___________ ______________________ lli'w rtlon, per word 2c W ashington C ounty, Oregon; may be marie at the C ity H all in odilltlonut Insertion, arid tiie aid ra le m ade subject to Hillsboro. Oregon, at an y tim e DR. R. J. NICOL PUREBRED ■ord redem ption as per statu te of th e prior to 7:30 p. m. on T uesday, the HORSES if in tin* m ark et for w atch dog. S tate of Oregon. service per Issue less 9th d ay of March. 1937. DR. E. W . ALM Q UIST horse» or mules, try L ents S table File-: Rt. J. D ated this 23rd day of January. Ihan 25 c J E. M. BOWMAN. H ecorder of We carry a good v ariety most o f road 1937 ! th e C ity of Hillsboro. the tim e P riced lig h t w ith money V eterinarian* Heuders, per line 10c 19. J W. CONNELL. S h eriff of Wash­ H a y an d F e e d • Feb. 25. M arch 4. 19371 back g u aran tee or free tria l L o­ Far For ‘ent ington C ounty. Oregon. HAVE 13,000 fei t galvanized hop Telephone 643 and 642 B lack face heading perm itted cated 115111 St F ster road; one E. J. Mc.AI.EAK. A ttorney f o r or berry wire for sale C. J BALED spring oat straw , $G w in­ mile east of Lent»; H enry B aurner ( a l l liould uecoiiipany unter. ( ALL FOR WARRANTS TH IRTY acri fr 15 miles P laintiff, resident A ttorney, S tate S a c ,n e e n . 3 miles south I li 11 ter oat and w heat. $5 per ton prop; Rt. 3. Box 1388 P o rtlan d All C ounty G eneral F und W ar­ t lan d . bare rent of O regon. F irst N ational B a n k neue G rabet school. M p Oregon. (•ut of fairness to all no in fo r­ 51 F F Hanley, Rt 3. Hillsboro. 53tf T elephone Building, HilLiboro, Oregon. 50-54 ran ts of W ashington C ounty. O re ­ m allon on the chi.-' ifled Page gon. endorsed "not paid for w ant :32 B I E rank S w ill he given out u n til th e FOR SALE 2 cow s, m ilk in g ; I BALED vetch for .sale Theo Van- HEALTHY olii hor ses w anted for of funds" on or before N ovem ber F ed eral l and Bank ra> W . I d cr/u n d en . 2 mile» south.-a t of 1435 Í M ontgom ery. lleifei w ith calf, coal b ro o d e r. p ap er Is issued. fox feed P hone 2091 7. 48-8tp VanLoo et al 30. 1936. a re now payable at th e 54 NOTH E OF MHEKIEE’S SALE office 10 W hite Jersey G iant h en ,, ere.on Bank 1 m ile northw e. t Roy 54-3p of th e C ounty T rexsurer. in Notice . IL D Girl horse; fox fee-1 sep arato r H arry W right. S h e r­ Ori the 22nd day of March. 1937, Hillsboro. Oregon. In terest on such Because of the additio n al se rv ­ Phone 2107 42tf 34. Room s, A p artm en ts wood; in q u ire at T rian g le G arag e at BALED oat and vetch hay for w arran ts not h ereto fo re called will at th e hour of 10 00 o'clock A M. ale M A S chappert, n e a r ice req u ired in handling Blind Six Corner*. goud w ork horse at th e east front door of the C ourt cease F eb ru ary 27. 1937 Reed vl lie. 54-lp FOR SALE Ads w ith unsw ers to he re. HAVE YOU A ROOM MAUD W. BOSCOW, C ounty cheap L. W oodw ard, north- O r a house for re n t’’ In q u iries are House i n Hillsboro. W ashington cclved oy tile A igns a m in i­ FOR SALE i Laval sep arato 54 OATS and vetch hay for sale west corner County. Oregon. I w ill sell at pub­ T reasurer. eb n e and O renco m um charge of 50 cents will m ilk cow. straw . m ilk cimi being received at th e A rgus of­ Mi E .J N o rth ru p , Shady Brook. read. P hone H ills b o r o 792 tie m ade for this service. 51 fice daily for rooms, ap artm en ts and lic auction to the highest bidder e r Alex Eis Ht. 2. ( 'n rn eh u Howland vs. Howell et al Rt. 3, H illsboro 54p T ills paper w ill not give out hou i T h o s e w ho in q u ire a re r e ­ for cash th e follow ing described One dose o f A D t.E K lK A qu ick ly re­ NOTICE O F SH ER IEF'S SALE WILL have a new lu horses ferred to the A rgus classified col­ real property, located in W ashing­ Inform ation relativ e to such lieve* k m « bloating, cleans out B one for as low as $5 p er m onth. — G ail real p roperty situated in W ashing­ th ereu n to belonging or in anyw ise The schedule filed discloses 1132.26 a s­ and high double pedigreed males. S E C olum bia countv. Plea ant. sets. $552.75 liabilities. $132.26 exemp­ K arns, O renco. P hone H illsboro ton County, S tate of Oregon, to-w it: ap pertaining. p ro fitab le and p erm an en t. S u p p ly USED M aytag washer. Gas-en- L arg e hens, larg e eggs an d all 2621X. Said sale is m ade u n d e r ex ecu ­ tions claimed. B eginning at a stone set a t a n ­ 16tf gined. sq u are tu b type. $30 — produced on o u r own tra p nest THUS. H. TONGUE Jr.. R eferee in established dem and $25 to $50 g u lar corner on th e no rth boun d ary tion issued out of th e C ircu it C ourt Bankruptcy. Hillsboro. Oregon. 54 , w eekly See G. L. M arcott, R 2. M eltebeke Elect!' c Store. H illsboro b reed in g farm . D ay-old cockerels of the S tate of O regon fo r th e ! line of a tra c t of 44 85 acres h e re ­ Dated February 23. 1937. L ivestock C ornelius. 54-3p TO RENEW th e finish on floors, at low prices for broilers. F older 27. C ounty of W ashington, to m e di- I to fo re conveyed to B. H. M arsh, w ith price. fu rn itu re and w oodw ork u s e SPA N 4-year-old geldings. 3000 said stone being 14.95 chs. no rth rected in th e case of THE FED- i PA UL DUDLEY WANTED M in. som e experience. K w ik-O n Magic Finish, w ater and lbs.; span 6-year-old m ules. 2650 an d 2.79 chains w est of th e so u th ­ ERz\L LAND BANK of Spokane, ! sp lit cordwoud W illiam Wenzel, acid resisting, no o th er v arn ish or •i-m ile south Aloha. P hone B eav er­ Lulu B. D illinger to A rtisans L ife as- j young, fresh cow. — H enry east corner of said section 17. a corporation, vs. W. F. V A N LO O to n 0618. Mail: Rt. 1, B eaverton, lbs.; C ooper M ountain; n e a r Ha/.eldule. p Tract 6. Evelyn. w ax necessary. M eltebeke E lec­ O regon. 54-7 W hite, n ear West Union S tore. 54-lp ru n n in g th en ce n o rth 0 deg. 20' and PA U LIN E VANLOO, husband sociation. Mattie Thomas »Executrix) to Mattie West 1465 chains to th e c e n te r of and w ife; MAUDE E. BUXTON- E tric store. 54 W ANT man to cut wood. C. Thomas. Tract 10 Franklin Addition. D airy C reek; th en ce dow n th e cen ­ McCOY: W ASHINGTON COUNTY OAK ES electric in cu b ato r for sale TWO sows to farrow soon, fresh Beaverton. Sncaiisen. south o f Hlllsbo NEW an d used fu rn itu re for e n ­ The Reed Institute to U . S. National at bargain. 1200-egg capacity, ru n m ilk cows. H. N. K um m er. T ele­ te r of said creek, w ith th e m ean- N ATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSO ­ n ear G rabet school bank of Portland, 47.5112 Acres Section tire hom e Cook stoves, b e d . 2 hatches Ross P o rter, 3394 S. E. p hone 1906. 54p i d erin g s thereof, to th e northeast CIATION. a corporation. co rn er of said tra c t of land hereto- I D ated this 11th dav of F e b ru ary I 11 and 12 IS 1W. 53-2 W ANTED M iddle-aged w om an for sprin g s and m attresses. T w o gixxi W oodw ard, P o rtlan d . Len B. Fullback et ux to Ella Turner. : , fore conveyed t o B. H. Marsh. 1937. part Lot 8 Block 18. Hillsboro. housew ork P aul C raw ford, 151 used electric w ashers. Com e in and 28. Real E state 1 th en ce south. 89 deg. 40 W est 14 J . W. CONNELL. S h eriff of W ash­ FOR SALE T w o good used in c u - ' James E. Andrus et ux to Martin H. ' S. 7th . M shop befo re you buy.—E. H ornback. ! chains to th e place of beginning. ( ington C ounty. Oregon. bators. 450-egg capacity.—H o rn- ! Lull et ux. 100 Acres Section 24 T IN : at 155 S. 8nd Ave. 52-54 MODERN 5-room house for sale R4W. YVM. L. BÉATTY'. A ttorney for and containing 36.50 acres, m ore or b ack 's New and Used F u rn itu re 8. W ork W anted In q u ire S h u ck B arb er Shop. 54p less, as described in Book 77 page P lain tiff. 511 P o rte r Bldg.. P o rtlan d j L. W. Mullendore et ux to J. M. Per­ PIA NO fo r sale, m odern, s m a l l Store. 52-54 son, 1 Acre. 508. Deed R ecords of W ashington O regon. bungalow size, stan d ard m ake, Julia Boy to E. J. McAlear et ux. part WOOD saw ing, saw filing, and A DANDY 2-acre tract ju st two C ounty. O regon, in th a t certain SPEC K LED S ussex eggs, for sale. F irst publication F e b ru ary 18. Block 10 Simmons Addition to Hillsboro, saw gum m ing C h arles B ucher, g u aranteed. S m all b alance due. You block out of city lim its of H ills­ I deed from Jo sh u a W. M arsh et ux 1937. L ast publication M arch 18. Í boro. B. W. D. te s te d —Mrs. Em m a tak e o v er b alance for cash or sm all 810 S. E ighth Ave. 29tf to Pay an A u to boro, sm all house and garage, city Russell G. Kent to Grace Light.* Lot 6 53-31 Morrill’s m o n th ly p ay m en ts -A d d re ss J. F. H arvey, Rt. 2. H illsboro; >j-m ile w ater, electricity, on good read, to M aggie M arsh et al. said deed ¡ 1937- Subdivision T1S RlW . so u th east W itch Hazel school. 52-1 b eing filed for record Ja n . 16. 1 Sm ith, ad ju ster. C line P ian o C o. A ccid en t C laim ? Grace Light et vir to Alvin Ellefson. 1 Barber Shops some fru it, little creek through 1908. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ L ot 6 Morrill’s Subdivision. 1011 S. W. W ashington St., P o rt­ Hughes Leghorn. Barred Rork and place P riced for quick sale at $850; MENT Lela Miller et vir to W. A. Snrague D on’t ta k e ch an ces! In su re 51-3 B eing p a rt o f t h e n o rth w est RICHA RD'S B arb er shop, haircuts. land. 6 and 7 Block 1. Cornelius. Rhode Island Red Chirks $400 c a s h —F. O. Eagon. on high­ q u a rte r of th e southw est q u a rte r N otice is h ereb y given th a t the et F. ux. A. Lots Handy 25c. Alohn. et al to H erry C. Falk i to d ay . Q uick a u to accid en t 5tf C H ICK S from 2nd y ear h e n s , I w ay, H illsboro. 54tf of Section 16. the n o rth east q u a r­ C ity C ouncil did on th e tw en ty - et ux. Tract 65 Bendemeer. 17 Fuel m ated to officially w ing banded by old l i n e te r of th e southeast q u a rte r of M. Pallay et ux to Pallay Investm ent i a d ju stm e n ts th ird day of F eb ru ary , 1937, pass 9. B ids R. O. I’, cockerels. Also New H am p- EXCH AN GE equity for equity Section 17. and of the R ichard A r­ a resolution of in ten tio n to im ­ Co.. 1 Acre. board com panies. No w a it­ OLD gro w th 16-lnch fir for sa le .-- sliires. and a cheaper, u tility g rade Roy A. W atkins et ux to Chas. A. I 5 acres. 12 m iles w est of P ortland. Em il M iller, N orth Plains. 52-4p of Rocks and Reds. E ith er sexed 2 houses, etc., for tow n p ro p erty in th u r D. L. C. No. 43. all in T ow n­ prove East B aseline S treet from Stribich et ux. Lot 5 Block 18 South Park ing— No suit. T he C ounty C ourt of W ashington sh ip O ne north. Range th re e w est Forest Grove. C ounty, Oregon, will receive sealed o r linsexed chicks All sexing W ashington county.—O w ner, Box W ill. Mer. bounded by beginning th e east line of S outh T en th av en ­ Addition. C. W. Allen et ux to F. M. Allen et bids for th e h au lin g of rock and G A S C O Brlqtiets Steady heat all done by A m erican born J a p a n e s e , 7, P o rtlan d . 54p on th e no rth line of 50-acre tra c t ue to th e easterly city lim its as al. part of Section 22 T1S RlW . A sk day, holds fire all night, ch eap er follow s: * crushed gravel from th e D urham Harry N. Fluke to Ralph E. Fluke, sold to J. W. M arsh by A lex C h al­ than oak. m ore heat, less ash We ex p ert, and u nconditionally g u a r­ M ARION CY PH ER By ex cav atin g said stre e t to th e part Section 18 T2N R3W pit for the tw elve-m o n th period deliver. anteed. Visit o u r h atch ery a n d TEN GOOD ACRES m ers at an iron b a r b earin g n o rth P h o n e 01 Im p erial Feed Paul Nedvidek et al to Barbara Doug­ beginning M arch 1, 1937. N orth Plains A G rain Co, H illsboro 47tf b reed in g farm . See th e chicks in A D JO IN IN G H illsboro, all in c u l­ 11.215 chs. an d n o rth 89 deg 19' p ro p er grade, including th e full las. part Section 18 T IN R4W. Bids m ust he su b m itted by M on­ o u r brooders n o w. Inform ation Edwin N. Patton to Lawrence W’. West 17.61 chs. from the southeast w id th thereof, excavation to be a b o u t his claim day, M arch 1,1937. a t 2 o'clock P. M. FOR WOl ID - saw ing, call M ,1 free on req u est. We custom hatch i tivation, m ostly in crop, good 5- c o rn e r of th e R ichard A rth u r D. L. th irty -six (36) feet w ide, and to Hobbs et ux. Tracts 26 and 27, Beaux room house, barn, garage, sm all P a rticu lars may be had by c all­ Senske. F ir and hardw ood for hen an d tu rk e y eggs reliab ly an d | chicken house, fru it for fam ily j C. and ru n n in g N. 89 deg. 19' W. construct thereon a m acadam ized Arbre«. road eighteen il8> feet in w idth ing at th e office of th e C ounty Rale P hone 2141Z. A ddress 423 N cheaply. use, also w aln u ts and filberts, n ic e 1 13.02 chs. to a y ew post, thence w ith a m inim um thickness of six C ourt. HUGHES A SON HATCHERY Second Ave. 17tf south on a lin e m ark ed by a yew sh ad e trees, good home. W ill ae-1 1680 E. O ak H illsboro J (July bids front residents of W ash­ post on th e left b a n k of W est F ork <6> _ inches, . . providing . . pro - p er d rain- T elephone 3152. 52tf eept sm aller hom e in H illsboro in of D airy C reek 17.60 chs.. m ore or ington C ounty w ill be considered 18 andt doln« s,uch o th e r w o rk as S eed s, P lan ts, Flow er* p a rt exchange. . ■ - . - _ U’lll nnlzQ r» llFnrb'Tnnn 1, I, r» < rw n - i and all hauling m ust be done by less, to the c en te r of said C reek; will m ake a w orkm anlike im p ro v e­ Phone 953 : H illsboro residents of the C ounty using tru c k s NOW is th e tim e to set those w al­ FOR SA LE 8-440 C y p h ers H ot-air 15 ACRES, all in cultivation, plow ­ th en ce dow n said C reek to a point m ent, th e cost of the sam e to be 60 Kinds of Insurance FUNERAL DIRECTORS incubator.—L. C. H oeffel A Sons. ed ready for seeding. 1 m ile from ow ned by residents of W ashington 17.61 chs. w est and 9.61 chs. south assessed against th e a b u ttin g p ro p ­ n u t trees. F o r b e tte r trees see •i-m ile n o rth W itch Hazel school Phone 1701Y 336 E. W ashingtoa and tow n, firs t class land. $75 an acre; C ounty. of th e S. E. co rn er of said A rth u r e rty in accordance w ith th e p ro v i­ R. E. M eyers, •1 i-m ile w est L aurel 52tf term s. LICENSED EMBALMERS THÉ C O U N T Y C O U R T O F store. P h o n e 2755 Scholls; Rt. 2. house. sions of the city c h a rte r an d th e D. L. C. thence n o rth 20 83 chs. to W ASHINGTON COUNTY. O R E- H illsboro. 53tf W A N T E D — P o u ltry o f all kinds. 14 ACRES, l ’j m iles from town. th e place of beginning, containing ( ,1 in . _____ ____________ all in cultivation, 500 young fil­ 23.50 acres of land, also rig h t to W rite, w ill call, o r b ring F riday, C ER T IFIE D Red H eart stra w b e rry S atu rd ay or M onday before noon.— b e rt trees, 5-room p lastere d house use a rig h t of w ay for a road con­ plants, $3 p er 1000 d u g a n d 10. S a le or T rad e— Mis. F. R. B arden. C ornelius. 34tf w ith full basem ent, chicken house veyed by A lexander C halm ers and Instruct Y our A ttorn ey sacked; $4 p ack « ! in boxes: C e r­ for 500 bens, good barn, lots of w ife to p arty of th e first part, by to Publish Y our BROOD sow, 16 pigs, Je rse y -G u e rn ­ tified M arshalls, all sold; Bovsen- 24. fru it. W ill accept H illsboro o r For- deed recorded at page 205 of Book Pig* sey bull. C h rsy ler coupe, sell o r b erry plants. 15 for $3; $l(j per est G rove resid en tial p ro p erty in 8» R ecords of deeds for W ashing- trad e for truck. W. Ingcrm anson, 100. $05 per 1000. - c I,. C hapm an. 17 8-w eeks-old pigs for sale.- F. W. exchange. ton C ounty, Oregon. Box 197, 1« 1, Ranks, 2 m iles north. 2 m iles south S tafford; Rt. 1, S h e r­ W. G. IDE. 316 E. M ain St. B eing a p art of th e N orthw est Jackson. 1 u m iles n o rth w est wood. N ortli Plains. P h o n e N orth P lains ----------------------------------------------- quarter of the southwest q u a rte r in the S ection 16. T ow nship 1 N orth. 11. T o Sw ap 54p 2.83 ACRES, fru it, w alnuts. City of FR U IT trees, all varieties, h i l l 5F11. conveniences. 15 m inutes f r o m range 3 west. Will. Mer. and of grow ing, highest q uality. C om ­ city. N ear 'j- h o u r bus service; $800 th e R ichard A rth u r D. L. C. No. W ANTED to tra d e — B aled ch eat p lete lin e of n u rsery stock. For E IG H T feeder pigs for sale.—E arl term s. $700 cash.—In q u ire Schultz. 43 in said T ow nship and Range, hay for hor.se P h o n e H illsboro G rabel, Rt. 5, H illsboro. 54p lan d scap in g y o u r hom e see Motz 20« or 2523. 54 B ro th ers’ N ursery, O renco. P hone Aloha: •■«-mile east school; Wash- bounded by beginning at a stone 54-2 on th e east lin e of said D. I,. C. 41tf W EANLING pigs for sale.—J . A. ington Ave. TRADE m ilk cow for w ork horse — 2624 H illsboro. 11.215 chains from the southeast elim inates a n y ques­ M cClure, S k y lin e road; l ' j m iles M N eum an. Vi-milo east, '« -m ile H IG H EST q u ality trees, larg est as­ w est G erm an to w n . dis- co rn er of th e claim and ru n n in g on 50-FOOT lot w ithin business 54p tion of legality of p u b ­ the n ortli line of a 50-acre tra c t i south of W itch Hazel. 54p tric t on M ain St.; $600. P ay fa s te r o r slow er if you like w ithout any so rtm en t g reatest values. G rafted lication. sold by A lex C halm ers to J. W. . H. W. CURRIN alnuts, filberts, prunes, plum s, PU REBRED O. I. C. b o ar service. loss of earn in g s or of p rin cip al. A nd in a d d i­ W ALNUT bed and coil springs, w M arsh no rth 89 deg. 19' w est 17.61 —Hugh F arnham , Hillsboro. T ele­ 3264 134 E. M ain St. P hone peaches, apricots, cherries, pears, w indow s and doors, tra d e for apples, grapes, berries. H oysen b e r­ phone 1041X. chains to an iron bar; th en ce south t> 52tf tion y o u r savings are insured up to $5000 un­ chickens, baby chicks. H. W illiams, ries, roses, etc. F reig h t paid. P re ­ W ILL m ake $200 dow n paym ent on on a line m ark ed by a yew post saves tim e a n d ex­ d er th e re g u la r F e d e ra l P lan. on th e left bank of the W est F ork Box 670. Rt. 2, B eaverton. 54p m ium roses free. Send today for I 1 to 3 acres w ith livable house near Horse* . I Aloha. H u b er o r E lm onica.—W hite of D airy C reek 20.83 chains, m ore pense. o u r "46th A n n iv ersary " sales c ir­ W ILL trad e 8-tube, 4-band foreign cular. C arlto n N u rsery Co., C a rl­ BAY horse. 1300 lbs., for sale.— I 7496 A rgus 54p o r less to the c en te r of said C reek; MEMBER FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK reception w ith special an tenae. ton. th en ce down said creek to its ju n c- 36tf Mrs. E. J. N orth ru p . S hadv Brook. G eneral E lectric rad io for l a t e FOR SALE -8 0 acres, good build- j tidn w ith the East F ork of D airy :t M p m odel b attery set.—W. B. R oberts, EVERGREEN — S hrubs, trees, w ell ings; stock an d im plem ents: 18 ¡C reek; th en ce up said E ast F ork p rev en ts d elay s due to 3819 S. E. W ashington, P o rtlan d , p grow n, clean, m any v arieties of T W O -year-old colt, farm m ach in ­ acres clear: fine stra w b e rry ground; to th e East line of said D. L. C.; ty p o g ra p h ic a l erro rs. cypress, Junipers, nrb o rv ltae, yew, ery. for sale.—E. A. B arngrover. b alance lim ber. All u n d e r fence. I th en ce n o rth on said line 5.20 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s rhodos. azalea, daphne, box, laurel, on F red S eh aer place; 3 m iles n o rth : P riced rig h t for quick sale. W rite chains, m ore or less, to th e place. heather, etc. E x p e rt landscape d e ­ M oim taindale. 54-1 of beginning, co ntaining 23.50 acres 52-4pl No. 7491 A rgus. S p ecify th e FOR SA LE H and sp ray pum p, $2; signs (advice free). M ore th a n 50 Also rig h t of way tw o rods w ide i straig h t 28-foot ladder, $4; 100 y ears' ex p erien ce at y o u r service. BAY m are for sale; 1500 lbs.- W al­ ACRE, good 4-room p lastered house, beginning at the n o rth w est co rn er J. M. PERSON. Mgr. feet I-inch rope. $3. F ran k Pez- —P au l D rew N ursery," location east te r V anderzanden. Bt. 1. H illsboro; som e out-buildings. a«-m ile north of said tra c t an d ex ten d in g across Savings A - Loan Bldg. Hillsboro, Orrgen oidi. Rl. I. H illsboro; ju s t north of end of 8th St., H eaverton. P hone 3*.j m iles nortli Ju n io r h i g h from court house, $2000 — W. E. no rth end of tra c t conveyed to Hock Creek store. 54p 11805. 34tf School. 53tf Lewis, N. F irst Ave. . 54-2 B erth a W eidew itsch, together w ith ('uuni Word*—Send Money ('uuni Your Profits S to m a c h Gas A D L E R IK A Ï Paint Your Home Early This Year! H . D. Fuller Real Estate Transfers Can You Afford DIG UP Donelson 8C Sewell a LEGAL NOTICES Hillsboro Argus 9 Proven Circulation RUSHLOW $5 p er m o n th will buy you $ 1 ,0 0 0 in Cash Complete Service O Careful Checking Tualatin Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Hillsboro Argus